Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 23, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
Hich School Notes.
Mr. Graves the recently elected princi
ple of 4th ward has resigned hispo-.-ition.the
duties, being too severe fur his
health. A lady from Iowa has been 8?
lected to fill the yacancy and Miss
4 T.,iw.r ; Mihfctitutin" in the
AU'Uim - '
meantime until the arrives.
tlie Daily Herald
vLvvThody Reacts
- " 1
Plattsmouth Daily Herald
B. & M. Time Table.
" 7...
" 9..
- 11.
....3:20 a. m
....5 :45 p. m
....9 :15 a. 111.
7 -.15 a. in.
.. 6:45 p.m.
5 :25 p. m.
.. .11 :00 a. m.
Ho 2 5:05 p.m.
4 10:25 a. m
6 7 M P.
10 10 :00 a. m.
12 lc :16 a. m-
"10 8 :25 a- m.
1. 1 iuinrr has the exclntilf right to use
I. O. O. F.
r.5 mnr.E No 140. 1.O. O. K. meets ey-
ttiliVuil M WtoJ5i,fi!K-,.. .N. ti.
JOilN Coky, Sec.
C. A- R-
McConnlnle rust. No. 45. meets every Satur-
- in thetrliall. Kockwood
day evening at 7 :J0. in leir nan,
Biek. AH vlsitlns comraJea are inv.tcd to
meet with u.
(i. F. Kites, Tost Adj.
F. A. Pates, Pont Com,
Lock rtox 1585, N. if.
Amendment Notes.
Kev. J. I)- M. Buckkkr.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Mr. Editor, in your Hekald a few
days ago a gentleman who signed his
name , said I was unfair in my com
parison about personal liberty. I would
ask Mr to read my article again and
h will see the paragraph I put in for
him. I said in my article that my per
gonal liberty stopped where ray neigh
bors' commenced and law determined
that point.
I then showed that all law is an in
fringement on my personal liberty, If I
mean by personal liberty, the right to do
as I please regardless of all others. But
if I mean by personal 'iberty the rights
that belong to me as a member of society
the laws I mention are not infringements
on my personal liberties,
I then showed th.i: the prohibition law
is like many other laws which I have
mentioned in characters and designs;
and asked the question why there was
not a protest entered against prohibition
of the liquor traffic
I then thought soms .ti-probinition
ist would jump up and say the laws you
referred to are not paralell to the pro
hibitory amendment So I put in this
paragraph for him; You say they are
not parallel cases for a man need not go
int a saloon unless he wishes. A man
opens a saloon and all who want can
comeand all who want to can stay away
it is a voluntary matter. But if you pro
hibit him from opening said saloon ?ou
strip him af his personal liberry and $in-
flnlt American institutions. vv oum nei
the same be true of a gambling house, or
a butcher shop that sold dressed ..bee
if ho put up a proper sign, of a man who
wanted two or more wiyes, ami so tu.
These are all voluntary matters.
Now in the laws mentioned in the
above paragraph, the-e is no difference
between them and the proposed promw
tory amendment as far as personal liberty
is concerned. A man wants to drinK
somcth'ng that will injure him, his fain
his country, and the law should say
And if eating chickens should prove
to be iniurious to health.society and nn
rality, should brome a source of sorrow,
crime and sin, it should be prohibited by
law. That is the reason we have a law
against these other thiags. I presume
mv frend thought the people would be
lieve his logic and not discover its ab
surdity. But one single puncture with
the needle of truth 'll show the falla-
of the whole th'ng. How absurd to
say the bible does not forbid drunken-
:ss, when it says "no drunkara snau en
t?r heaven." Let our cxpuple, our pre
rpnt and our law ct mrie ' top this
awful curse and save our nei abhor from
its blighting influence.
For Rent.
My residence property, No. 1411 Lo
cust. St. Suitable for one large or iwo
small families. '.
Dr. Shii'mav
Advantage or Imperfect Vision.
Vt-ar norl Trobablv realize how rare.
optically speaking, is a really perfect or
a! imnntr human beintrs. Out
of 200,000 persons examined by Gennitn
oculists only one was found who had
normal vhaon, ana he, Btraiigo to Bay,
saw nothing, as the generality of man
kind see things. A star, for instance, to
him was a perfectly circular figure, with
no radiating points, ana ne seemeu to
T-.rM of recoemizinflr lines and
projections essential to many geometri
cal conceptions.
May not the myopo and astigmatic
comfort himself, therefore, with tha re
flection that his vision, if m the strict
sense defective, has compensations not
to h licrhtlv disregarded? Is it not bet
ter to Bee things in a picturenque nv.y.
with brush outlines soiteneu anii r.iui
Trnri.-itioTis in curves and ansrles in har
mony with ones sense of beauty, than to
be held rigidly to the letter of nature
and so find the external world an affair
of blank monotony? Boston Beacon.
KucccbS In Lift-.
rir .Tn'm FT .mter. tho eminent surgeon.
adopted a rulu which may be recom-
mended to all. Wnea a menu asKeu
Mm hf-.v he Lad been able to acomplish
so much in tho way .f study and discov
ery in his bus-.y lire he answered: "ly
rule is deliberately to consider before I
commence whether the work is pr:icti-
:able. If it be net practicable l ao uoi
nitPinnt it. If it be umcticable 1 can
accomplish it if I give sufficient pains to
it, and having begun l never siop unxn
the thing is done. To this rule I owe
nil my success in life." New York
'Tn iimouk the Catskill mountains re
sides Bri Gray, who is 105 years old. He
iias been a resident of that locality over
fifty' years, and now occupies a cabin by
the roadside. He knows no living rela
tives. For over twenty years kind neigh
bors have supplied liis mei, ciotning anu
Subscribe for Thb Daily Herald anr"
The immaculate Bryan will gilnd out
lis grist of chestnuts at the opera house,
Friday Light. Ho has got scared about
the speech he made to the farmers at
Weeping Water, which was the only new
thing that he said and hurries down here
to explain the situation to the shop boys.
The sudden change in his program will
lo him no good.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well known
und so popular as to need no special men-
ion. All who have used Electric Bit
ters sing the siime song of praise. A
jurer medicine does not exist and it is
guaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of
the Liver and Kidneys, will remove pirn-
pies, Uoiis, salt nneuin ana oiner airec
tinnn rails ed bv impure blood. "Will
drive Malaria from the system and pre
vent as well as cure an iuaianai levers.
Ttir nir Of Headache. Constipation
and Indigestion try Electric Bitters En-
ire satisfaction guaranteed, or money
refunded. Price 50 cents and $1 per
bottle at F. G. Fricke & (Vs., drugstore.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath
secured, by Shiloh's catarrh remedy.
Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free.
For sale by F. G. Fricke and O. II. Sny
der. 2
Bucklen's Arnica Salve-
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required It
. . . - . -
is guaranteed to give satisiaciion, or
monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Electric Lamp Muddle.
The Electric Lamp Company seems
doomed to nothing but trouble and dis
apointment. They had been very suc
cessful in making good lamps, which had
a splendid reputation wherever they
had Ween tried. This morning however
the sheriff served notice on J. F. Schae
fur tho minprinN'nrlet and the two I?l:iS.-i
We are going to have a new mode of blowers, Marten Schwab and Henry Gut-
transportation up stairs. rur mime, man, restraining inem iiom cuiermg uie
particulars inquire of Miss Sampson. premises of the Electric Lamp Co., and
inner latv ween, hum .
, ,., ..,V1, the wav From the reading of the petition wbu-u
proud oi tneir vi.j, - PUttsmouth Elec-
Miss May Berry has tfic mp MTc Co. a3 plaintiff, and
ond primary una a, a ,v yerified by Charle8 Uarri8, it would geem
She is a teacher who performs her duties ' , ,1(w1 . n Auoh,A
i....: ronn.' und WltU tTOOd I ...
in a uusiucoo uc "
T1.P j-heet in the 'basement known as
thf. .Taunial had a representative in tne
building last Friday and wrote up our in m-and shape. hetner ne goi
any points on the political issues of the
day is as yet unknown.
Teachers this term are all pleasant but
f nil the schools in the state, we certain
ly haye the crankiebt janitor of the lot
. . onr! then, but the
the night before. We will endeavor to
make no comments until a final hearing
i of the case which seems a very Hudden
and unexpected procedure.
One of the mot delightful social
c&therincs of the week was the five
o'clock tea given on Tuesday evening by
Mrs. M. B. Murphy, in honor of her
sister. Mrs. Thos. Carter of Salt Lake
Pitv A montr those who sat around the
j j-
table, laden down with a bountiful sup-
xt ,i f tnnftianmp l i Kl f-H tvr "MpRfl amiVi
A. truant now , jj. j v. w . -
fcuccessful method our superintendent has r. Livingston, Palmer, lier, F. E
f iirr nnt "iustice to,.xne cuji'ii, i w iiite, iiyron uiaric, j . i.ann s morose
is fast making truency a thing of tne I Patterson. Mrs. Carter leaves on t ruiay
net I for her home in bait Lake City.
& i
We have, a literarv society in room 11 The Treibundjtiuished its business ses-
I. , i 1 !ii
.-, v. at,c I7:isfv's room sion lat evening ana wouna up wun a
WniCIl la JOIlien ut ii... j I
t. nrm- thn nrotrram cn- ball that was well attended by many or
eacu r riua y ounuuvu, - , . ....
,if phvs. declamations ana music cue ui ue.ui-u . i., v.,
KI"-V "r ... . , I h,.t .- tn rn !k 1 1 1 f. if n 1 1 1 ti r -j rt-rf inn-
, :....oC,;r,,r n.1 isouite creditable """
to our schools
An iiicrease of 15 pupils last week and
about the same this is tilling some of our
rooms too full for comfort
The art of clay moulding is progress
ing finely, the pupils and teach rs are do
ing work that would make the artists of
turn frrppn with envy. Th's with
mnnv other new studi- s introduced by
Prof McClelland places our school in the
front rank with the metropolitan schools
of the east. Plattsmouth has always naa
,l muu school nnd it is evident that un
der the present management no backward
steps will be taken
A visit to to the different buildings in
nirnt for their truests. the cieitgntes liom
abroad. Evervbodv scemeii to l.e liavin
i food time p.nd th" ciov.d did not di
perse until near 4 o'clock 1 1 1 i niorcins-
"Is this the befctT' Is a question often
kt.d. when medicine is wanted. The
f .il i in- inr r.rf a. fow of tilt i:ie(h(in(S ill
!.-!-.. vvn rfli:!lulirr sili"i !v Krifki; (U..
dr:igists oi this place. 1 l.ey nave many
lit excellent medicines, these
unvH.v i.f esi wcinl nifiititii :
. ... -1 - - . , ,
ChamlHTlain s Ccnuii ni( ay, lamous
for its rnrcs of severe roll!; . and as a
preventative for croup. Price 50e per
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, a genera
family liniment und especially valuabl
f.r rhMimiit.ism. Price 50c ner bottle.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di-
arrluna Remedv. the most reliable known
JX. Ilijiw .v i .
i j iimmnct opnnnm mpfliciiic for liowd comnlamts. It IS
tue city wouiu couym.c ,u.. v : . , : 1 ,. . .
;.i ; ;t1,t.more school room is al- especially prized by persons subject to
lni ,
most an imperative necessity Jand that it
should be met in a different manner than
bv erecting one and two room buildings.
The rooms cannot be kept clean and it
costs a creat deal more for fuel.
Clara Wilson.
We want au A No. 1 agent in this
county at once, to take charge of our
business, and conduct the sale of one of
the very best, most meritorious, and fast
est selling inventions ever ottered to tne
American people. To the right person
we will pay a liberal salary or allow a
large commission. For full particulars
address Voltaic Belt Co., No. 218, Mar
shall, Mich. tf
If you want to bny a good house call
on Merges over Schiappagasse & Co..
Acre lots within and outside of city J;m
ita ITnnsps from $500 to S3.500.
Fairr1 in Cass county and the west for
sale or trade. itsteu .merges.
d&w- tf .
Jim Antillis serving oysters in all
styles at his old headquarters opposite
the opera house. dtf
For Seile
The nicest residence lots in the city
located on Chicago are., for sale cheap.
For particulars enquire of Daniel Burris
or call at this office.
Thfi Prooer Arrangement.
xii... f ,,i l nwlnit nrrmrement of the
different offices to be filled at the Nt
, i.- oifftinn hns been made in the
Poll Books for C- -s county, ' id those
havin" ?n ch-'ge the printing of the
tickets lor tho several different parties
will aid the clerks of election, in making
no the returns of the said election, by
hav .'ug the tickets printed in accordance
with this arrangement:
1. Governor.
2. Lieutenant Governor.
Secretary of State.
Auditor of Public Accounts.
State Trersurer.
Attorney General.
Superintendent of Public Instruc
8. Congressman from First Congres
sional District
9. Senator from Fourth Senatorial
. -i . r
colic. it nis cureci manv cases oi
chronic diarrhoea. Price 25 nnd 50c per
St. Pitnick'sPilR for disorders of tne
!K-rr unA howpK A vigorous but gen
tie physic that cleanea and renovates the
whole system. Price Z-jc per uox.
Chfirr hrrlAin s Eve and Skin OintmTt
for tetter, salt rheum, scald-head, eczema
nnd chronic sore eyes. Prico 25c per
uox .
Mortar Spotted Skin.
Covered with Scales. Awful Spec
tacle. Cured in five weeks
Ijy tho Cuticura Remedies.
I am RoinK to tell you of tlie extraordinary
VOIlf t CTTCl'KA IX r -l ! imp..-. t-i i.ii
- t I...,. Hia it if a i iii 1 In. t. i 1 1 4 1 1 ieed stiine
llie. Aim i in-, i.'i ' t ,
red pimple 1-ke eoniiii!! out a'l over my 1).kI
out tlioi'i'iii lioiniu i it u:n'i -'""ire
Oil wll ?! 1' ie-iii ii MHMv iiie
spots of mortar spotted on, and
wliieli came -:tT in iayers a
compauled with itehing. I
would scratch every nwlit un
til I was law. then the next
:ii"htthe scales being formed
meanwhile, were vcrathed off
auain lu vain did I consult n.a Hitnr in TllP COIUlfV.
hut without aid. Aftrnvlug
up all hopes of recovery, I hap
!nened to see an advertisement
: .lu punier about vour
.. ....... .,,,.1 ..nivhiipll tlieill f
nivdrucLMt and obtained almost immediate re-
net I necan to ni'ur j
eradual v uroppeu " uu .i.-.,.k.- : :
SeTuntfl I haTbeen tully ciiied . I lad the
one. until i nau CU'U"J,V"' ,t ' r,:i,i ..,
I disease thirteen niontns ueure v..i."b
Float Representative from Otoe the Kkmkuiks and in four orhve -een
and Cass counties. psoriasis. I know of a great many wh- have
11. Representatives from Cass county I ku0ewniedKe of tWem, especially mother who
I i o. 1i.iI.hq witli aelv prillitlOllSOIl ineir uchus
aiid bodies. I cannot "k S
von Mv body was covered with scales, anu
I wm ii awful spectacle to behold. Now my
.kln is a" clear baby ...
12. County Com.nissioner from Sec
ond District.
13. County Attorney.
14. "To amend sections two, (2) four.
(4 ) and five (5) of article six (G) of the
rnnstitution relat'ig to the number of
Supreme Judges."
Cuticura Resolvent.
and shall continue to close them .ut l
usual LOW PRICES, be sure and consu
your interest and call and get prices belore yoit
buy elsewhere.
"Conibuiitl it thcol.l man bought one of thopc cook stove with the
oven door full oi holes l;ke:i heivt, if he had KOiife
he would crct a
OVUM UUH1 lllll Ml llKHKn iv i .1 w ?
Garlan.l: It heats the air belore it passes into the oven and it docsn t
i . ,..i. i r. I'fU'nK' A' AVALK-
takc near as mucii wood or com u i;ua-. i ni -
Ell cook with a Garland stove at the fair and it was the nicest baker
1 ever saw. You bet Til have a Garland stove."
Anyone who will cut this picture out and bring with them
when they buy a ftove wc will give a 5 per cent discount
for cash,
Watch for the old man's reply next week.
The new blood and skin Purifier and (rreatet of
Humor remeuie-i, ilihuh j
. .nn 1im remove tlie
hinod oi ail iumi'i -
cau i. and'Cviici'RA the great skin , cure and
c l , r.w ., m. U a i on vn mine jskiii iiuui
"To amend section thirteen fl3) externally (toclear the jskin and 9calp and re
I a ti( iiMirl. cure even sp.'cies hi
of article six (0) of the constitution re- iultehint;, burning, seal-, and pimply diseas-
bating to the salary ot the Miprcnie and c;,.. i , thi-ra. hoc Soaf-
" . . I niKUieililiriti iini... .
r,e. RKSOLVKNT. 1. frrparea ny me i
r- - ..... unn iTinv i.iiHi liti
j ..ii..- tnCurt Sk-in Diseases. :
64 tTages. fU) illustratior.s. and 100 testimonials
District Judg'
1G. "For and against the amendment
relating to the sale of intoxicating
18. Assessor.
Clerks of election.
Judges of election.
Road overseers.
Bird Critchfikld,
County Clerk.
ThA PulDit And The Stage
V. II. Shrout. Pastor United
XV a
Brethren churh, Blue Mound Kas , says
"I feel it my duty to tell what wonders
rv- irsrirr'c Kpw Discovcrv has done for
i r i ii i u - " . -
1 11- A1,,,.A
me. oly lungs were iiii-iij iiiocttscu, ou.i
niMPLKS. black-heads, rea. rouK". cuappeu
L oily skin cured by Cuticcka boat
I Can't Breathe.
Chest Pains, Soreness, Weakness
Uaekimr CourIi, Afthma. Pleurisy,
and Intlaniation relieved ia one nun
.TTJ'ill iT. r?iitipur. Anti-Tatn Plaster.
ing liKe it for Weak Lungs.
A flfNITQ for Dr. TALM ACF'S New
A'iJbiN ib Book. covenuE his I'fe'S
ITT A MTirn work and great trip To,
VV x i is Through, and
rmm Mnnerio I nrone,
t.- :.wr o i irr op CHRIST.
1.111 tn n i ' K lion - ' "
mc. v ""o- - T , ' . J ""ArXUAnri wonder
mv nnnshioners tnougui i coma v'i ""i: .TJd. cnie
only a few weeks. I took five hottlesof J."1 if Masters and famous" pictures from
Dr. King's New Discovery and amsornd the Land and Times "he saviour.
lJl' . . ,. -1. ? . i n I u irimi.i nwiiire of .leruealem on the uj
onH wpII aimn? zu pounds in we'ini. i ?'". i'r",i i n .ia-i mi tpn feet in
i.v.v ,. c. . io uir cruuMi muu, m i . Ac-c lifp
aimiui V.u":."",:r :r..:" I.:,." "indh are now
Plenty of A No. 1 flour on hand to
exchange for wheat at the Factoryville
Reller Mills. Wheat taken on deposit.
wtf. T. M. Wame.
uy Folks Combination, writes: "A ter 'of tlvi:!-:f-dorld
a inorOUgll inn '"""'? ' I TOU Will never nrTooiiu"'".' Vi, Brat
- n i . .i. . r i.-: I rnr nrr .nnlni) will be sold the nil
fence, i am counuem. .mt ivm . iwww.www r----,, oll !ind cul.e
New Discovery for consumption, beats &eVl. chance, only come once in a
'em all, and cures when everything else Hotline. Exclusiae territory Riven-fu4pro-.
. . i,: t j twtinn. Tb most remarkable and wonderful
rails, i ne greaicBt -lmo &bQut the timPft and peoP,e
my many thousand friends is to urge I 0 thebib'.e. Co to work NOW you will
- i... Ar fin Li-d ; on imii
i lPin ii i I w il. r i cu viini i iA u
F. O. Fricke & Co's drug store.
lar sizes 50c and f 1.00.
Subscribe for the Dailt Herald.
gives all the news.
make iiunureus ui uvum.-. j'," ,",.
IIIU Willi aimu i ai.i ii" " . . . ... nQ
Kamo teiritorv vou want, and wntt at once
lor anicii'irii iw
W. D. C0NDIT & UU..
The Oldest Implement House in Cass County.
All the Standard Goods are
Such as John .iJeere & Go's. David J'radley & Go's.
St. .i'os's and George 1). lirowns, ot (jalesburo;
Peru City's.
V 1 L kJ v - ' S
Tlie JS'ew Departure cultivator, the best that's made.
Always in stock, Received in car load lots such as Schuttler, Moline
i t - i t,.i. i a. ...r. i,i Tr...,,.. . .. .
aitU JVeiCnUMl. lUClveju imuuuio mm .u'.n.i-is.
Of Buaaies, Carriages and Road Carts
Headquarters for the best barb wire, "THE GL1DDEN" and ir
ri .-.i.iilt. tbfir iwn interests bv iroino- to Fred Gorder. at Il;ittt.
I 111 v-''1'' fc--"- v ' J O O " j u jvi.w
mouth, or Fred II. Gorder, at Weeping Water, when in want of any
thing in the Implement line. Fifteen years experience has taught me
how to buy goods rignt, ana my trace snows lor rseit mat 1 sell right.
Branch. Ssuse at Weeping "Wat or.
Insure your property against lire, ligkthing and
Tnrnndn ill flift
Of Cincinnatti, Oliio.
ComnieacecL Business October eSiv
$3oo, 000.00
Stockholders individually liable , under the constitution of tlie State
of Ohio which together with the present net surplus is a net
ouarantee of about $700,000,00 to policy holders.
Losses paid in nineteen years, (since organization) uearly four million
Secretary. President
Wm. L. BROWNE, Resident Agent, Plattsmouth Nebraska
rccd til the news.