Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 23, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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The North-west.
Krom Tliui'.sJ.-iy Dal'y.
J. W. iJiirnry, ono of Plattsmouth's
gonial, wIioIcsouImI. I d time rMilcnt,
htoj)(.-l uvi r iiilit here ivitli 1 ri-iuIh itml
made tl' Ih.n.u.i) u 1 r.'int cull tli'
morning. Mr. Ilmics i-; still 1 irnly in
t;rHti(l i:i D-iUotii, especially in the
town uf liot .'-';! in;;' , (,'uti-r, Kipid
i'ity iin I tin- iiioiuii-iii tin in j ii i ii town
of Hill City, wliii li will Lethe it xt sta
tion on tli- i,ru- i;. !l M. lii)-tlriL l'-iiv-H
tilt' Ni'W ;iti- Inn; it L hiilin' No. 7.
Tlicio.i.l will in- coiiiil.;ttl to Iliil ('ity
nrxt v ck, it ili.-t nice of i.ty mil. froiii
the main line itt Si. linn Mr. iiiriiu i-
Tf;ry ;nti.i -i.itii; si' mc tli ; ni'
wt'iiltli of th it :oimtry, l think-
the ti;i mm-s '-v'M rv I'.mio.i'z luMried
in the Hurt ii -ivi.-ht. Tlu: IL.mey l'enk
Ar.nin('o. Ii. .m-u.1 of $:t, 000,000
and a pay roil us lg as tin; 15. it M.
Shops. The McKinley f i 1 1 lms quick
ened the t'n Imimih to mch u point that
much cpitl is flowing in there from all
points, which Minkes money plenty and
;very kind of diiMir.css good. Mr.
Barnes is interested in forty three mining
claims in the tin district that he thinks
are rionnnzxK The outlook for that
country as a great home market for our
fertile fields is indeed very flattering
Hut IJryan iind the free traders generally
would rtther help England by shipping
our stuff there th;tn to huild up a
gigantic market fit our doors that T,-ould
use Nebraska's surplus. Hufc there are
not enough lirynns in this country to
bring about their era ot free trade, con
sequently the will continue i- de
velope and pn-s.i'r.
Death of Harry Steele.
From the Lincoln Journal we clip the
following account of the death ot Harry
Steele, which is given more fully than
was priutc-d in the IIehald yesterday:
'"Shortly after midnight yesterday
Harry Steele, employed us u freight
brakeman on the li. & M., received in
juries at Chalco, a short distance this
Bide of Omaha, from which lie died in
about five hours. lie was working on a
westbound freight train. The train had
been cut in two. Steele was on the for
ward portion, to which the engine was
attached, and while it was backing
walked off the end opposite the engine.
1 lis body fell outside the track, but the
advancing wheels passed over both
thighs. It is said that Steele endeavored
even then to pull his legs from the cars,
but the wheels of the next truck passed
over both ankles. He was put into the
way car at once and brougct to Lincoln
with all possibje 6peed. At 2 o'clock
Dr. Everett reached him, but was power
less j aid him and he died at G o'clock
in tlfceway car, from which it was im
jsible to remove him. The deceased
was formerly employed at the Depot
hotel and made his headquarters in this
city since beginning work for the com
pany. He was about 22 years old, and
has a brother employed as a Burlington
conductor in this city. His remains were
taken east yesterday afternoon for inter
ment at Lafayette, Ind., where his par
ents reside, the brother accompanying
A Surprise Party.
Tuesday evening about twenty friends
ofGuy Vandevoort got together at the
home of Miss Mattie Smith, and at right
o'clock they proceeded in a body to the
Vandevort mansion, where Master Guy
was indeed completely surprised. A de
lightful evening was had by the young
folks and when Mrs.V. crowned the event
with a delicious repast, all agreed it was
pleasant to be there. The particular
occasion for the party was a sort of a
general good bye and happy send off for
the young man who will soon be a resi
dent of Somerset, Ky. Those present
were Masters Harry Miller, Glen Carruth,
Henry Snyder, Hal Johnson, James
Newell, Frank Ballance, Tom Chapman,
Joe Knotts, Luke Wiles and Charles Sul
livan. The young ladies were Alice
Peterson, Anna Sullivan, Clair Green,
Minnie Doane, Sue Mathews, Lottie
Cooper, SMattie Smith and Alice Miller,
Miss Mary Egenberger at Denver on
' Monday evening of this week of moun
tain fever after an illness of only four
days. The deceased was a sister of J. V.
Egenberger, jr., of this city and was
born in Germany 22 years ago. She
came to this country about four years
ago and spent the first two years in this
ciJ7, the last two she lived in Omaha.
About four weexs ao she made up her
mind to go to Denver for her health
which seemed to be on the decline and
how unfortunate her trip was hi a already
been told. The remains were brought in
on the flyer last evening and the funeral
which was largely attended took place at
ten o'clock this morning from the Catho
lic church. Rev. Father Carney officiating.
A father and t-everal sisters in Germany
together with one brother here, are left
to mourn the loss of a dutiful daughter
nnd affectionate sister.
Slapnicka-Dobry. At the court house
at Plattsmouth, October 14, 1890, at 0:30
o'clock p. m. Mr. Benedikt Slapnicka,
aged 33, and Miss Annie Dabry, aged 25,
both of Plattsmouth, Judge Ramsey officiating.
Br Yeoman is in the city on bu6ines
today. By is at the head of one of the
tronge"t detective associations in the
M. T. Grunniii is in tin; city m-iking
preparations for th'- fniovid of 1m f;iii- '
ily mid Ikmihi-i1.1 goods to Si-huyl- r 1
where lie has been Mlgnyed in the l.onk i
j :iu.l htatioiiery iiu-:ius f it Norm tini';.
j Prof. Loiacttc's m-tnory sst' !
: p. a! in" "renter int rtt tlimi i-v r in
nil p uts i f tli; country, u ri I p-r- n.s j
Nivliii.ti to improve tin ir memory li. tiM j
M ini for his prspe('M:s free us inlV.TtiM (I
in nnotlK l eolumn.
C. L. Vandt rvoort reniovs with his
family to Somcrfce!. Kentucky, toiinnruw
wh"re In; litis i position on the Cinrinrrtti
Southern I'ail waj-. Mr. Vandei yoort and
his family will be mi s "d by u large
circle of trienda in this city.
Fred Lehnhoff Jr. uriived In. me today
with his bride, and will immediately
ener into the trials nnd tribulations of
housekeeping in a pleasant home at
50.1 Granite street; which Fred has fur
nished completely and in a manner
well worthy of the fair lady who will
reign over his domestic affairs.
Louisville experienced a jail delivery
last night. Two men were arrested
during the eyening by Marshal Spence.
charged with stealing some clothing and
a revolver. They were placed in the
village bastile, a heavy limestone struc
ture with walls two and a half feet
thick; yet during the night a hole wni
made through the wall and the prisoners
escaped. From the nature of the aper
ture it is eyident that they had assistance
from the outside.
Four cars of extra piling were received
for the M. P. last night.
Tue lumber merchants received 7 car
load of lumber last week.
overruled by motion and Mr Y. trmlo
his speech, which was a liiimm r of the
Luther Benson order; whin h - sat down
the npplau-e .vs tut den f J:;i: g. ; n y
Nine car. of st wk
to South Omah'i fr
the last three day-.
Last wv. I '.I i- ir I"
a:.'l S ; i: , - . is n t s.i
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ha Vi;
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:i;l'l slilj
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Wee, I
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Estray Notice.
Taken up at my residenci one half
mile south of the fair grounds, one black
hog about one year old. The owner can
have property by proving ownership and
paying expenses. w4t Chas. Show
Disf ict Court.
James r. Williams revived in the
name of Mary E. Williams, executrix vs.
J. C. Eikenbary, sheriff, was tried to a
jury this morning. The court instructed
the jury to bring in a yerdict for defend
ant which was done. The value of the
property in controversy was found to be
$ 1,706.35 and damages for detention
was placed at $50:1.58. Haldeman for
plaintiff and Trayis for defendant.
The case of Patterson, Murphy & Co.,
affecting the title to a sand bank at
Cedar Creek wherein Jacob Schnieder is
defendant is on trial this afternoon to a
jury. A. N. Sullivan for plaintiff and
W. L. Browne and E. II. Wooley for the
defendant. This case will probably oc
cupy the attention of the court the entire
The case of Iluribut vs Railes is set
for tomorrow and the case of Clark vs
Grillin is sit for Monday next.
Homer W. Harrington ys. Thos. Skoda
revived in the name of Fannie Skoda et
al. Jury was waived and cause tried to
the court. Court decided in favor of
the plaintiff, giving him right of possess
ion to lot 2, block 22, in Duke's addition.
m & R ot for plaintiff, B. Clark
for defendant.
The jury in the Murphy-Schneider
case was still undecided at three o'clock.
James Jhnson vs. Simon Obernalte.
Reply struck from the files. Plaintiff
giyeu leave to file new reply instanter
Cause continued and jury in case dis
charged. Wooley & Gibson for plaintiff
and J, II. Haldeman for defendant.
Edward Hurlburt, jr., vs. Jacob
Rayles on trial to jury. A. N. Sullivan
for plaintiff. G. W. Clark, 1). K. Barr
and Jesse B. Strode for the defendant.
Jury has been excused until Mondav
morning and Judge Field will return
home tonight if the case n trial is finished.
i'.i I i.' iV- II
nioiis titie g; vin th E gie
in l! Water ' pu I i iean .
Caleb Col v i'n of Wore
e inie in this evening and
g'n st of 11. J. .Streijrht and fnnily.
Application of Harvy flecker admin
istrator, for final settlement, estate Jane
Adams, deceased. Hearing Noveinbt r
8, at 2 p. m.
Wilber S. L-yda brother of John
Ley da of this city was married Wednes
day evening to Mr. Ada Amerman at
Nebraska Citv. The Hkrald extends
S. L. Thomas, our gentlemanly candi
date for senator, spent last Friday in our
city, and formed many new acquaintances.
Mr. Thomas is the right man to represent
Cass in that important office. Weeping
Water Republican.
The Missouri Pacific his located the
new elevators on the bank just west of
the depot sites. The freight depo; will
be immediately north of Mr. Neville's
residence, and the passenger depot west
of Mr. Neville's lesidence.
the elr,!,
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Tl'e will ot t'
W..S tiled ill tl,
day for prolia:
C Bethel of Gp
.e h.te .1. V. V. k I mc I.
coui.ty j u dee's tiiee to
. The will of the late S.
en wood v.n u!o tiled
The Louisville Advertiser eays busi
ness, has full y doubled in volume since
the completion of their Platte riyer
bridge. What would be the logical re
sult of a bridge across the Missouri here?
It would do us more good than a new-railroad.
Connell and Bryan at Wahoo.
Wahoo, Neb. Oct. 10, Special Tele
grain to the Bee. The greatest political
eyent of this season in Saunders coanty
occurred here today. It was the joint
discussion between Hon. W. J. Connell
and W. J. Bryan. The discussion oc
curred in the opera house and the build
ing was taxed to its utmost capacity, even
stauding room being at a premium, and
many went away unable to gain admis
sion. Bryan had tke opening, and occu
pied forty. five minutes in denouncing
the McKinley bill, and was applauded
but sparingly. Mr. Connell on' taking
the platform was cheered to the echo.and
for one and a half hours he discussed
the tariff bill, thesilyer bill and reviewed
the work of the last session of congress
in a masterly way. and was continually
applauded and greeted with round after
round of etieers. He had the sympathy
f the audience and it was said by many
who heard the speeches at Lincoln and
Omaha that Connell discounted his
former efforts, and Mr. Bryan frankly
admitted that his opponent made tha
best argument he had yet in the
joint discussion, and that he had the best
of it. It is freely conceded by all that
Mr. Connell carried away the lion's
share of the honors and will receive
again a handsome majority at the hands
of Saunders county people, whom he
formerly represented as district attorney.
TilK windy Bryan in his Omaha speech
had much to say about the democratic
party w hich he would so honestly and
fairly represent, if he were eleclel to
congress. He was singing a different
tune from what he sung in Plattsmouth
when he sawed the nir and proclaimed
his independent e of lhe democratic cau
cus whose rule -hould NEVER bind him
It was a different kind of an audience
and the ''independent" rot which he
sometime dispenses was not suited for the
the Omaha faithful.
There will be a basket supper at Lib
erty Chapel two miles south of town on
the old telegraph road, Friday night,
Oct. 23rd for the benefit of the Sunday
School. The general public is cordialy
invited te attend.
A Base Falsehood.
From Fridays Daily.
The following clipped from the Weep
ing Water Eagle shows to what extent
the reformers (?) will go to make a point
in their favor. The B. & M. foremen do
not try to vote their men and could not
do it if they did. The easiest way to
defeat a measure in the shops would be
for the foremen to attempt to dragoon
their men into the support of a particu
lar man or measure. The foremen have
too much sense and respect for the opin
ions of those about them to even think
of such a proceeding:
Plattsmouth, October 8. is;o.
Editor Eayle. ' It is understood around here
that ail the men in the B. & M. chops are goini:
to vote the old ticket, but it ii because they
cannot he!p themselves. The company have
Kottliemby the neck and they tell them to
vote their way or net out. so the laborer will
have it to do. a La korkb,
Irom Cot'onwood Alliance.
The tendency of the above writer is
toward democratic campaign oratory, his
methods and style are peculiarly demo
cratic; the distance from the truth, and
the careless manner that he shows in
drawing on his imagination, marks him
as a coming man for stump oratory. He
should stop writing squibs under a nom
de plume and join Bryan at once.
Democratic Club Meeting:.
The democratic club met in the court
house Wednesday eyening. Judge Den
nis Dwyer weighted with the dignity of
the position presided. T. T. Wilkenson
whose familiar name is Tom, stepped to
the front and delivered an eloquent
democratic speech that was calculated to
set the boys on fire. The boys shook the
house with their generous applause.
Charley Butler and Guy Livingston were
fairly beside themselyes with delight
at the discovery of the new democratic
orator; Henry Gering raised the ehingles
with applause and wanted to challenge
Tom Reed or McKinley either one. While
the excitement was at white heat Judge
Dwyer announced that the especial feat
ure of the evening would now be listened
to in the form of a speech by the able
and talented leader of the young democ
racy, Guy Livingston Esq. The ap
plause wasdeafen eing as Guy with studi
ous mien stepped forward and launched
into the republican party like an old
. He had not trayelled far until he
struck out on prohibition rending the
air with facts and figures. He closed
his eloquent effort by telling about Iowa
He said that not long since a man went
down to an Iowa drug store about 2
o'clock in the moming and while he was
fooling aronnd there his wife died, there
says Guy is Iowa prohibition for you as
he clinched the argument by striking the
table with his fist. And the crpwd de
lighted with the point, fairly roared
all except Tom Wilkinson who sighed
wearily and rose up slowly and inquired
if there was a prohibitionist Jpresent?
Each waited for the other and there was
no response. Mr. W said he wonld pol
ish Livingston off in short order and a
heavy pall began to settle down over the
once joyous crowd but czar Dwyer was
equal to the occasion and stated Wilken
son who had so enthused the crowd a
few minutes before could not be heard;
trouble was brewing and the chair wa
Stale Journal.
The Omaha W orld Herald is becoming
more amusing every day. Yesterday it
discussed the wire nail at length, saying
that the indusMy of making these nails
was started a f w years ago, and reached
large proportions t ithout a tariff.
Further it says: "enormous amount of
nails are used on farms and the farmer
hud this one thing that did not have a
direct tariff on it, and it flourished with
out it. But Mr. McKinley huad of it,
and he saw thai it would never do to
have an industry flourish without a tar
iff to help it. That wou'd ruin the
whole theory of high protection. To
preyent this thing going any further,
Mr. McKinley claps a tariff on wire nails
of 2 cents a pound."
The facts are that previous to 1883
wire nails weiv free of duty, were nearly-
all imported and cost from 0 to 8 cents
per pound. In 1883 a tariff of four
cents per pound was levied, and th W.
H. yesterday quoted these nails at $2.75
per 1UU pounds. .Mr. -McKinley does
'clap a tariff if 2J cents a pound" on
wire nails, but it is to supercede a duty
of 4 cents a pound .
riir; industry did "reach large propor
tions without a tantr, hut it was in
England, and the fellows who made the
nails exacted n burdi nsome profit from
us until we built up ur own rail mills
on this side of the water.
A Great Event
In one's life is the discovery of a remedy for
some long-standing malady. The poison of
Scrofula is ill your blood. You inherited it
from your ancestors. Will you transmit it
to your offspring? In the great majority
of cases, botli Consumption and Catarrh orig
inate in Scrofula. It is supposed to be the
primary source of many other derangements
of the body. Begin at once to cleanse your
blood with the standard alterative,
' For several months I was troubled with
scrofulous eruptions over the whole body.
My appetite was bad, and my system so
prostrated that I was unable to work. After
trying several remedies In vain, I resolved
to take Ayer's Sarsapariila, and did so wittt
such good effect that less than one bottle
Restored IVIy Health
and strength. The rapidity of the cure as
tonished me, as I expected the process to be
long and tedious." Frederico Mariz Fer
nandes, Villa Nova de Gaya, Portugal.
"For many years I was a sufferer from
scrofula, until about three years ago, when I
began the use of Ayer's Sarsapariila, since
which the disease has entirely disappeared .
A little child of mine, who was troubled witn
the same complaint, has also been cured by
this medicine." n. Brandt, Avoca, Nebr.
Ayer's Sarsapariila
DR. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lov 11, Mass.
8old by Druggists. $l,six$5. Worti ",5 a bottle.
Oar customers omTt for
E. Seth Arnold's
and we don't find it profita
ble to keep any other.
J. X. Richardson A Son.
Richfield, Mius.
n h i' 3
.1 M JUTi
1 Jhl
I Ills preparation, Tnth-
'tcwuA Frocklos. Liver-Moles.
Pimples, Black-Heads, Sunburn
and Tan. A few applications will ren
'lir the most stubborn I V red skin Bolt,
smooth and white. Viola Cream is
not a pawit or powder to cover defects,
I ut a remedy to cure. It is superior to
all other preparations, and is guaranteed
to give satisfaction. At druggists or mail
ed for oO cents. Prepared by
Toledo. Ohio. . C. BITTXF.R Jk CO.
ForSale by O. II. Snyder, Druggist
LjJ Mind wandering cured. Baokt lrnwt
rrrll . f2J Prts of tb globe. Proapeetoa pot
F J t 1 rBJCK. Brat n rfliotion to Prof.
Ed V KSJA. Luiaew. S37 VitUi An. KwTai
This lile is a n-conl, ulure all uUfjieiir-e items can lie rei onlctl atici
each item, as c.nisecutiv 1 1 y d;itii, will taice its"lace at the Iroiit" uiui
stare iu in the lace, until Mich stem shall have attention.
Especially ad ijited to rcconlinn loi future attention uch mat
ters as appointments, Payment of Life liiMirance I'remiums, Kencwsil
of Fire Insurance. Special collection-, 1'romucs to pnv, Dr. or Cr.L
Payment of taxes. Dates -et lor suits. Expiration ol' time to npiicuL
business men who see the.e, as a rule, buy them.
Price, with ink wells anil full supply of memoiai lum cards
H. EARL, General Agent.
Burr Block, Lincoln, Kil.. Agents Waute
Plattsmouth Nursery
ESuy your irees of the QUome
Miaisery wSire you can select
your owes trees tlssat wall S&e ii
great privilege uiifl benefit to
you. II have al! the leading: va
rieties and know better what
varieties will do here than
agents and you can buy as
cheap again.
Apple trees. 3 years old -
Apple trees, 2 years old - -
Cherry, early liichmond, late Kiehmond, wragg.
rlum, l'ottawattamie, ild Ooose
Haspberrics, Gregg Syler
Strawberries, Sharpless Ci esent
Concord vines, 2 years old -
Moors Early grapes, 2 years old -
Currants, Cherry Currants -
Snyder blackberries - -
Industry Gooseberry - s
Downing Gooseberries, 2 years old
ii oughton Gooseberries, 2 years old -
Asparagus - - -
Rosses, red moss and white moss
Shrubs, Hydrangias -
Honey Suckle - - - -
Snow Balls -
Lilacs - - -
Evei greens, Norway spruce H, Fir
00 1800
20 1 75 1500
10.3 00
1 00
'V I
Nursery one-half mile north of
town, end of Sth Street.
Address all Orders to
P ri Tl 'SMO U TH, - - NEB.
Will keep constantly on hands a full and complete line of pure
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Honrs.
Messrs F. G Fricke & CoM
are the Only Parties Selling
our Alaska Crystal Brilliant
Combination -
if i
These Lenses are for superior to any others sold in.
the city, Possessing a natural transparency and strength
ening qualities which will preserve the failing eyesight.