Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 23, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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    Republican Speaking.
From Monday's Dally.
L. W. Colby and Rcr. II. PrcMon will
speak at llattsnioutu, Nov. 1st.
Itev. J. Q. Tate and Geo. A Adams
fill ffppftk at Greenwood Wednesday
evening of this week.
J. li. Strode and TV C. Muu;er will
apeak nt South Bend tomorrow eyt-nin.
Oct. 21 and at Kiile. Oct. 22.
I Ion. Ci . II. Hastings, the re puMioan
liOiuinee for Attorney General k:k1 V. S.
Summers will speak at Loui.-ville, T -idny
cveuin'', Oct. 21.
From an interview printed in tin: St.
Louis GlohcdJemocrat we clip the fol
lowing, which would to fehow ih:tt
Nebraska is getting t-o:no extensive und
very satisfactory adveiti.-niy out of our
new industry:
"O. D. La Dow, pjiviit'j si cfcta.-y to
.Secretary Husk I have just returned
from a trip through the .Northwest with
the Secretary of Agriculture. To us the
most interesting point we visited wna
Grand Island, Nek It was especially
interesting because a great heet sugar
plant has just been established there. It
is probably the largest in the country,
and, while it is new, it is complete in
every detail. It is a model sugjir mill,
and promises to accomplish wonderful
results. The department is taking a
great interest in the beet sugar industry,
which is still in its infancy in this
country, although it is beyond the
stage of experiment. The Grand Inland
mill will make considerable sugar this
year, aud the beets are of splendid ifual
ity. Tiie company h'1' rown a large
quantity, mid the f.-jrni'-rs : the sur
rounding cour.tiy iiv.v.' i
sideruble supply. '-VU '). -.
shipments of bi-e'sw 'm-'i
from poii:, uithirt ;i ir'i:
miles, two i:iiIronl c "ii
the Ftigir e. .mpany hi . - -1 "
to this new market. T.e-r.' i-
rcei ed
f f! ft v
: - ;tl,
.. . .. . .
whatever that tlio nrtnut'ai 'mm ni 1 :
sugar in X In ask;i wi;i prre a s'icc. s
and notwithstanding i'-'" r lii( t ,..-i ot
duty it is thought there money
in it with the bounty provided by the
McKinlev bill. Whenever the Grand
Island mill fully demonstrates the suc
cess of the new industry in that state
other mills will no doubt be established
and beet-growing and sugar making
will become a permanent and profitable
employment in that part of the great
The Coming G. A. R. Fair.
Col. Lew Ginger the G. A. II. enter
prise manager who has been engaged by
the McConihie Post of this city to man
age a series ot entertainments and a
Grand Aimy fair, arrived and a large
and enthusiastic meeting of the post
took place in the evening, when Comrade
Ginger laid out the work to be done.
The proceeds of the enterprise is to be
used in building a Grand Array Memor
ial Hall in Plattsmouth. The date is
fixed for the fair to come off on Tuesday
4 Wednesday and Thursday, November
18, 19 and 20 at the opera house. Col.
Ginger was engaged by our post last
winter, while conducting a fair for lar
ragut Post of Lincoln, when the reciepts
amounted to nearly $3 000. In the past
fiye years he has placed in the funds of
the order, $78,000, and the post here
feels confidant that under his successful
management a large sum will be realized
with which to build a hall that will be
an ornament to the city. Hundreds of
G. A. R. men from other cities will be
here to help in the enterprise, and our
people, always ready to help the veter
ans, will come to the front and help to
make this the grandest affair eyer held
in Plattsmouth.
The Presbyterian pipe organ is at the
depot and will be placed in the church
as soon as the church is made ready to
recieve it.
Messrs. John Clements and son, repre
sentative business men of the thriying
village of Elmwood, are attending dis
trict court today.
John Ilclmes received a hundred and
five head of cattle yesterday, which he
will fatten for the market on his farm
south of this city.
Elder Graham of Omaha, representing
the Midland Presbyterian, the best ed
ited religious paper in the West, spent
Sunday with friends at Murray.
Col. Sherman, of the Journal, was in
Omaha Saturday morning, and the ener
getic manner he exhibited in hunting up
democratic headquarters led us to believe
that the bourbon cow is not giving down
her milk as she was expected to do.
Uncle Lewis Young and family, old
time settlers of this county," but now of
Keya Paha county, this state, returned
Saturday last to Three Grove neighbor
hood and will spend several weeks visit
ing relatives and their numerous friends
in that neighborhood and in the county.
Licenses to wed issued Saturday: Mr.
Charles E. Cook, aged 22, and Miss L51
lie E. Doud, aged 22, both of Platts
mouth precinct. Mr. Frederick E. War
ner, aged 22, and Miss Emeline July an,
aged 20. Issued Monday:. Mr. Henry
Rieke, aged 23, and Miss Amelia Kleme.
aged 27, both of Louisville, Nebraska.
The Colored Prohibition Orator
Th Texas Cyclone has sued Mike
Bauer of Nebraska City for $10,000
damages, in the United States Court at
Omaha, on account of a difficulty with
Bauer daring & meeting at Nebraska
County Court.
Sarah J. Fairfield va Andrew Kerni et
al; on trial. Polk Bros for pltff, Mathew
Gering for deft.
Ernest L Si-jgins vs Eriak Norland
judgment for plaintiff for $27.40. Math
ew Geri g for pit IT, D. O. Dwycr and
By Jon CTaik for deft.
In the matter of the e.stat of James II
Tucker deceased, hearing on final settle
ment. Albeit 0. Tucker surviving ad
ministrator. Home Fire Insurance Gorrp.iny vs G.
K. Saylcs, continued until Oct 1, 2 p m.
J!yron (Tark for plaiu'Jfr.
(harks .Miller vs. thy City of Pl.-itls-mouth.
Suit for damages. Hearing,
Oct. !", 1 0 a. in. Math.c.v Ger'ug for
John Fas-bender y. Wm. Osborn
al. Gar.iishceme .t. Hearing Oct.
10 a. in. By; on Clark fi-r plaintiff.
The Lincoln correspondent of the
Omaha Bee say that oa Saturday Mr. A
Beeson, A. B. Todd, A. II. Taylor, J. E
Gilmorc and E. II. Wooley went to Gov
Thayer und asked for the pardon of Jno
Polin. The correspondent gets badly
mixed on l'olin and mentions him as
Sheriff of Cass countv and at one time
warden of the penitentiary, which will
be news to Ins friends here, it is said
the srovernor will probably irraut the
W. II. Connor, hailintr from Plum
Hollow, Iowa, was in town yesterday
with s livery team aud a womun that he
claimed was Ids wife, lie not iu with a
crowd, got full and laid in juil last
ni-iht with !iis wife, this morning she
was discnarge;!, but ne was lined s. and
costs lor diViUiteuucss wuicu was pam
and he ut once sought the green and
more inviting lL-lds of Iowa.
A Runaway.
From Tii".-uay's Daily,
Geo. Baxell came down the street near
the Fairfield place with a horse hitched
to a spring wagon this morning, and tin-
horse took fright, rushed madly around
the curve as the car track, which turned
the wagon as well as the horse wrong
side up and threw Mr. B several feet.
The horse was a vicious one but lost some
of its conceit of it lay there wi-h feet
sticdnir straight, up. On taking an in
ventory it was lounu tliat Air. li was
not seriously hurt; the horse was able to
walk and the wagon only had a smashed
up box. 'Vll in all it was a very fortu
nate windup of what might have been a
fatal runaway, as the hill is very steep
Thegreat Dr. Boerhaave left three direet
iou:i for preserving the health keep the
feet warm, the head cool, and the bowels
open. Had he practised in our day, he
might have added: and purify the qlood
with Ayer's Sarsaprilla; for he certainly
wouldconsider it the best. J
Huckius and Smith arrived in the city
yesterday evening on the flyer and were
greeted at their first service by a good
audience in the Methodist church. Mr.
Huckin3 is a splendid singer and led the
choir in some stirring songs. He sang
two songs which were very much appre
ciated by the audience. Mr. Smith only
spoke fifteen minutes, outlining the
work for the week. He will discuss the
prirciple of prohibition as contrasted
with the principle of license, tonight.
The services commence at 7:30, and
the first thirty minutes will be spent in a
song seryice. Meetings at the Methodist
Excursion to the Black Hill Oct. 28.
Oct. 28th, the B. & M. R. R Burling
ton Route, will sell round trip tickets to
Custer, S. D.. good for return within 15
days, ai half rate. The line has just been
completed to Custer, and is being rapid
ly constructed beyond there to Hill City
and Deadwood. A first class line of
stages run from Hill City, Lead City,
Deadwood. etc. The completion of the
Burlington line will result in the rapid
developement of the Black Hills country.
Now is your time for an investment.
For further informatian apply to the
nearest agont of the Burlington & Mis
souri River Railroad.
Tin Wedding.
Quite a number of the friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Leek, who reside on the Louis
ville road south of the Fitzgerald forty,
conceived and carried out a very sue
cessful surprise on theji last night; the
occasion being their tenth wedding anni
versary. The crowd with tinware
enough to start a store, found their in
tended host in bed, but he was routed
out and enjoyed the festivities as heart
ily as though he had been forewarned.
Bounteous refreshments, singing and
some nice music on the violin and accor
deon, with social converse passed off a
delightful evening which all agreed was
a success in every particular. At a late
hour, with hearty good wishes for Mr.
and Mrs. Leek, the company retired to
their hemes. Those present were:
Robert Walker and wife, Peter Bates and
wife, Edward Bate3 and wife. C. S.
Twiss and wife, SaniT Kline and wif;,
Charles Kline and wife. Geo. Hawkins
and wife and A. H. Ley ton and wife.
For lame back, side or chest, use Shi
loh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents.
For sale by F..O. Fricke and O. II. Sny
der. 3
A Farewell Party.
Was tendered Miss. Maud Critchfield
at the home of Mr. S. Oborn in the 2nd
ward last evening by the young people
who are members of the Christian church
in this city. Those in attendance were
the Misses Anna Critchfield, Kate and
Phcne Robbing Grace and Nellie Mcr-
j rison. Laura Kircaid, Belle Vtrniilia
Minnie Bates, Lizzie Leach, Eikenbary,
Travcr, Smith, Haage, lioyd and McKl
wain; and Messrs. John Robins, Buzzell,
Todd, Tracy, Smith, Wir.gate, Bert und
Myion MrElwaiu, together with Mr. and
.Mrs. Bird Critehlield mid Mr. and .Mrs.
Frank Boyd. A wry pleasant evening
was pp nt in game.- of uu.usi ment and in
singing aud eoii.nial cxiiveisUlcm. The
oci ;;s:on was in'i.-ndid as a suit of a
pi -asatit goodbye und cordial t',t:i.i..i
ial to th'j regard in which Critch
field was held by those present . And it
was a fluttering success in every particu
lar. Caleb Colvm, one of the prominent
manufacturers of Worcester, Mass., ac
companied by his wife, paid II. J.
Streight and family a pleasant visit S at
urday, and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Streight went with them to the Bend,
where they yisited v,-ith Jason Streight
and family over Sunday. Mr. Colvin,
was an old neighbor of the Streight
family when they were residents down
east, and seemed greatly pleased with
what he saw of the west.
A Toug;li Character.
Sileott, the inaa who broke jail last
night, is quite a noted character in crim
inal circles, lie killed a man in Tarkio,
Mo., with a neckyokc, but the man he
killed did not have a much better rep
utatiou than himself and he was released
on the self-defense theory. Less than a
year ago he was hired to aud burned a
barn at Mound City, Mo. The detectives
overhauled him in Denver, after he had
broke jail and skipped. After he was
brought back he turned state's evidence
and gave the man away who had hired
him to commit the foul crime, in order
to save his own neck, which he succeeded
in doing. lie had been loafing about
this city for some time when he
was run in for drunk and disorderly and
being without means, he had to board
out his fine. Instead of censure, the
sheriff deseryes a vote of thanks if he
has so easily ridded the town of Silcott's
Crescent Council
Of the order of Chosen Friends was
instituted at the G. A. R. Hall last night
by Deputy Supreme Councilor Nelson
and his assistant, Mr. Tealgarden of
Omaha, with 25 charter members. The
lodge starts out very auspiciously, and is
highly spoken of as one of the best be
nevolent orders extant. The death ben
efits are from $500 to $3000, and the
sick benefits arj from $5 to $15 per
week. The order was founded in 1879
and now has 40,000 members. The of
ficers elected last night were, Henry
Gering, Past Councilor; E. L. Siggins,
Chief Councilor; Waldemar Bceck, Vice
Councilor; A. W. Lewis, Prelate; Win.
Osborn, Sec'y.; Chas. Peterson, Treas.;
R. Hansen, Marshall; L. C. Curtis, Guard;
Wm. Cook, Warden; A. M. Hansen,
Sentry. Trustees are Mrs. Chas. Peterson,
Mrs. A. W. Lewis and G. W. Walker.
Jail Delivery.
Tom Sileott and E. Younker made
their escape from the county jail last
night by picking a hole through the
brick wall under the south
window on the west side. They
got out after twelve o'clock as the dep
uty sheriff was in the jail at that hour
and every thing was all right. Sileott
was in for drunkenness and his time
would have been out today. Younker had
been out on bail and in fact part of
the time he did not even have bail but
he made no effort to get away and for
that reason the sheriff did not put them
in the cage, but allowed them the free
dom of the corridor, but it seems his
confidence was misplaced. I will not
cost the county as much by considerable
to repair the wall, as it would to haye
tried, and boarded the prisoners. It
must have grieved Bauer to have set
till in the cage and see the others gain
their liberty.
Col. James N. Drake, the rotund edi
tor of the Louisville Advertiser, is in the
city today.
Rev. R. G. Carter of the U. B, church.
outh of this city, went to Friend today
to rest up.
Mrs. Vanderyoort follows her husband
today for their new home in Somerset,
Frank Dickson went to Elmwood this
morning, while Mis. Dickson and her
sister, Miss May Richc-y. will visit in
John II. Becker and his brother-in-law.
Philip Fuller of Pekin, III., went to
Omaha today to look over the great
western metropolis.
Some fiend incarnate last night as
saulted a valuable blooded colt, belong
ing to Peter Merges, giving the animal a
blow over the head that came near being
fataL Asjyet no motive can be discov
ered for the dastardly and worse than
brutal deed.
Johaunscn-Ptterion. At the City
Hotel iu Plattsmouth, Oct. 21, lSHO at
3 o'clock p.m. Mr. ChrUtian T.Jo
hauuaon and Miss Dora Minnie Peterson,
were united in the holy bonds of matri
mony; Judge Ramsey officiating.
The presence of dandruff indecatcs a di
seased sdalp, and if not cured, blanching
of the hair and baldness will result.
Hall's Hair Rencwer will cure it.
Jacob Coffnian, the B. M. engineer,
exj etts to quit the B. M. in the spring
and start a poultry f arm n ar this city
on a lare scale,
very proiit.;i.:-.'
could be'it .'.
It certainly would be
it' t;ie prices of last year
;in. d
r went to Liii 'i ln this
II. A. Jloil
UioniiiH! b
v!.it wftii !ii
af ter a pleasant
and nieces. Mrs.
Phil Harris,, 11 mid Mr. W. S. I'urdy.
Tln-y w'il vl-:t 5. II. HoIlLter :u Lin
coln ui.d then !::!;.:!: ft r thtir future
home at Loiigiuoni, Colo.
Miss Est-lla 'Irr.ver, te - her of the
school in district 12, was so ill that she
was forced to dismiss her school y ester
day morning, and departed on 2u. 4
for her home at Plattsmouth. It is
hoped that she will lie able to nsunx
her work next week. Union Ledger.
'.Ballard's Snow Xiinisnetit.
This inraluahle remedy is one that ought to be ta
every household. It will cure your Rheumatism, Ntu.
rxleia, Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Frosted Feel
end Ears, Sore Thromt and Sore Chest. If you have
Lame Hack it will cure it. It penetrates to the seat
ot the disease. It will cure Stiff Joints and contracted
muscles after all other remedies have failed Those
who have been cripples for years hae used Balitxrd'x
Snow Ijinifnent and thrown away their crutches and
been able to walk a weil ti ever. It Will cuxej'fu.
Price, jo cents.
For sale by F. G. Fiicke, druggist.
That funnv sheet known as the
World-Herald is tilling the people that
"Kerosene oil will up 10 or 'JO pirr
cent" on account of the iucreus' d 'trice
of tin. The 'V.-II. is getting to be a
tiresome prevaricator. Oil is handeled in
iron tank cars, iron tank wagons and
wooden barrels almost exclusively, until
it reaches the customer, who usually has
a tin can in which to store the fluid.
According to the logic of this free trade
oracle, the reduction in the tariff on iron
and wood ought to reduce the price of
the oil from 2 to per c r.t. Oil
ought therefore to be from lo to :'() per
cent cheaper thon under the old tariff.
What nonsense. State Journal.
Mk Watsox will carry his county
with a large plurality. Republicans,
vote for the man who will do your
county some good. The redisricting is
to be made this winter and the
democrats will work hrd to arrange it
to suit them and give tbem victory and
the republicans must send eyery member
there they can this fall. Elmwood
Choicest Brands of Cigars.,
including our
F!or do Pepper berco r.rfl 'Ouci
a; ways in stock. Nov. 26, 1885.
L. J. SflAlil' & CO.
uiMng. Repairing and Setting up Ma-
-ua! 1
eni"n mven to
Rt pairinir ;;jk! Ovriianllns'
Saw M;i. vrv.r ?' ;
"1. Fii-vator. srd Farm T
E"ir:!!(". I'r.tohfrs. Leathc
Maeiib:er . i'ri: lin.. i'ros
quel's. Si-v.-::-- Machhie
ami fiasolme Bt'.'! !iM!ent
, i-iii.etirai a;, a i 1 Work
chine! v. j'r.vtiiii'e
rkcT-i am! store
Bicvclvs. l.av.a .i
Type Vr-rer. r;a:
alo F.lw.-tnivii. 1- !
103 MntilSt.,KAKSAS CUY.MO.
Tfte oIy Bpeciarut in th City wba is a Regular
Graduate in Meiioioa. Over 23 yatf fryi i Uce.
12 yar in Chicg.
Authorized by th J?tat to treat
Chronic, r.onroos n "special UBr
eases," Seminal Weakness WIGHT
losses). Sexual Db lity Closs or
BEXCiL fowi). Nervous Leil&,
Poisoned Blood. Ulcersand SwAlHrLga
of every kind, and Urinary Di"eaL
Cnree guaranteed or money refciitolea
Chareea low. Thounands of cams
cared. Experience is important. All medicines an
guaranteed to be pure and effiicaciona, beini?otm
poinded in my perfectly appointed laboratory, an4
are furnished ready for tle. No running to do
stores to have uncertain precriptionsfllled. No
mercury or injurious chemicals nsed. No detention
from bvines. Patients at a distance treated by
letter and express, medicines sent everywhere free
from gaze or breakaes. State your case and send
for term. Consultation tree asd oou&dmtiol, per-
eonaUy or by letter.
A 64 piwre
OnfW Fr Bpth Sexes, sect
f kV sealed i n plai n enveloi e
for 6c. in stamps, tvery male from tlw age ax
15 to 45 should read this book.
lor SHEUxL&TISJS. S50Krany
cas thi4 treatment falls to our or
help. Greatest discovery in uuli
of medicine. One dose elree relief;
a Im-m linens remavM fever and smill
In jaints. Chire oomDleted In e l
slays, stand statement ot MM WsWkMs
11 Blur Csll. nr sildisas Jj
Hardware. Stove sand Tinware.
Agents for t!i- RADI YN'l
We :tf( Irive tile ''Xehisive
vdo of tie.-
ud the OLD Ki:LIAi;i.i; ( lIARTKIi.OAIC cooki
he finest steel rim-e in tlie ni.trk.-t Ht our
ft !tt
l-ju f-i
H T ii
va1 is s ;
A - iy Sirs? ;.- -- it:i-iu,o'. f ullv :irra.if
e'. ':e!e 'nun til" i "iy I e! :eatei:;il 1,
ck lio'il .irk lii'D, ai:it u it Ii tlieliest l(.s I'.'at
have -. i,;-. ii i eii i: f I lir plil p se. al -ra
i' ! t :!'::! c m: l - I. ;.. iilily c-
D.M'ti" f tl-c very li-"-t t yievrltT extant.
( : -i i ;i t .c ni wtitn-.' I"i wie-'N ner in in li te or
iiiwic aee.n Minn I tae ability o Ihn operauir.
II t . T':f &
i,J .lfere-f1
rniCE $ioo.
If tbere is no aent in your town address tlie
T1IK 1'AIMSH M"l"'; t'O.
Agents wanted l'aiish S, Y.
F. I. SEELEMIIiE, Agent.
Lincoln, Neb,
rn i
Sliingles, Lath, Sasb,
Can supply ererw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
in rear of cpera house.
and Syrup.
Low prices quoted on large or small lots
Strictly Pure.
Adirondack Maple. Sngar Co
1230 Monroe St., Chicago, 111.
Western Agents.
Ths 5thSt.HcrchantTail:r
Keeps a Full Line ot
foreign & Donjsstic Goods,
Joasiilt Your lnteres by Giving Hira a Call
Parlorand Bed Room Sets, Mat
tresses, Sofas, Leur.ees and
Office Furniture.
, . . , , ,
hintock before go-
Call and xaau?9
ing elsewhere.
fl t t
a " 1
und RADIANT NOVKLTY lue limners
genuine l'.UL'.ND OAK ll-itii;- Stovm und
.toy-K. Vol- tvillnl-o find
. Kit
Vailery's ti eat. ivlarkei
HT, s r,!h -t.
, L' Ii! .el;,
,M;iin strr i t.
fornu :y
Splenilil Market, ;Ti
k( it is l-'i.'-t C'ln.-s.
K VT) thiu4
HI' 1. I il i. :. .1 i . ! I 1 .. 1 . .
ne of li'e I u il i .
i : x c e i. l i ; n i i o a sr.x,
:.J-K. K r;! . v., , t j.j.I.ICACIKS
Ey fair and henest d-aliny 1 e.j)eet to
inelit u.siiitre of t'le trade.
J. E. YA LEERY, Prop
... G')M;am rOitCKI.AINTCr.OWN.S
Bridge w-rk and line gold work ;i
IK. ST F.tNAt'S LOCAL as u I'll as otlier an
esthetiesxiven for tin painless extraeilou of
C. A. MARSHALL, - Fit.gcndd !iloc!c
Petersen & Larson
(siuecessor to Vliiting& Whieher)
Groceries and Provisions
Mi idle Koom, OperaJIfouxe lllock.
Choice, Fresh Goods
in their line, both a3 to
GBied Fruits, Dried Fruits
And French Fruits in Their
Always in Stock.
Call ami be Satisfied
Wagon and Iilacksniith shop.
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and
plow Repairing dona
He u-;es the
Which is the best horseshoe for the
farmer, or for fast driving, or for city
purposes ever inyented. It ?s so mada
that anyone cua put on sharp or flat
cork?, as needed for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
his shop and examine the neverslip
and you will use no other. -israS
112 North Fifth S:. Plattsmouth
1316 Douglas Street, Omaha NebJ
A regular graduate In medicine from (2) col
leges, an diplomas show, is still treating with
the xreatest f ucces ail Xervous, Chronic and
Private diseases ot both sexes.
A permanent cure Kiiaranreed tor Catarrb.
Spermatorrhoea. Lort Manhood, Seminal
Weakness. Night wse, iHipoteccy, and ail
dieeases of the Blood, Mkin and Urinary Or
gans. All Female Trouble of the womb. etc..
treated by the most improved methods ol the
London and Paris Hdpital.
K.B. 1 guarantee $5or for every cat I
uadertake ai4 fail t 0 Consultation fr
gad lor queitioa list, """"j"-?'--
Book.llTst9ntiai Jla" sot free. 9mm7'
Office bom ;
m. to u aa.