Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 23, 1890, Image 1
emit. if VOL XXVI. NO. 3L IS NOW OPEN 3EB Si. 3B2, CS- In Dry (Jowls, Furnishing Goods, Glassware, Woortcinvare, Willow-ware. Tinware, Hardware, Cutlery and Notions SEE OUR S. 1 0- AND 2Sc COUNTER You Will fce Greatly stonisbecl at What You Can for a Ouarter of a Dollar at "THE X 33," 415 Main Street ESP The Leadia an Asks The Public To Call on him and Examine his Large and Complete Stock of Hats Caps, Trunks, Satchels and JOB will show you the county and for less money by his competitors. 3ar - 22 J. D. GRAVES & CO. DEALERS IN PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, SASII. DOORS, BLINDS.and all building material Call and see us at the corner of .lth and Elm street, one block north of HeisePs mill. Plattsmouth., Nebraska Money to loan on farms in amounts of 8300 to 85000 at 6 1-2 to 7 l-'J per cent. Interest payable once a year. No commission charged. Abstracts of title furnished, examined and perfected at reasonable rates, on lands or lots. Call on orgaddress J- M. LEYDA, Platts roouth. Of f icegUnion Block, with A. N. Sulli vant attorney. IF A Win FOR BUSINESS Sk. 31 Pattsmouth, largest and finest stockin thee than inferior goods are sold J)' lLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. OCTOUEU 23. 1890 Unfortunate Accident. Fr in Wii esitay's Kaily. The little 4 yenr old girl of Sam Hehwab, who resides lour miles south of Rock Blufff, near old Kenosha, was playing with fomu white souu berins Sunday, and in co'.ghing the seemed to have sucked one down the windpipe into her lungs, from the effect! of which, after much pu tiering, ehe died yesterday morning. It mus-t have been pad to see the little one. in perfect health, strug gling and actually smother to death he fore the eyes of its parents, who were ! powerless to relieve its distress. Parents can not be too careful of what the little folks get to play with. JMarrled. Mr. Frederick F. Warner to Miss Erne line Julyan at the residence ofjthe brides parents in this city, O tober 10, ls'JO, Rev. .1. T. Beard, officiating. The bride and groom are both well to do people of this city where we are izlad to know they will continue to leside. Farm for Sale. 24 ) acres of fine bind, with h!1 modern improvements, within one mile or Mur ray. A V ill sell all ir part of the same. Prices reasonable ami terms vnav for i further particular addre-s or cp.1! I E. IJKKf. J Murray, Cuss Co., Ne!ia-!;. I Republican Cl'.'b. ( Th")-G will le an important m"'-ting of i tin? Young M' itV- 7.1':pi;bicrni o!i;l jit tho I ' , council chamber tonight. ,-s. . uiiiiu ... J ,,11 oH,-,l mice is desired. Eiht o'clock sharp is 1 ! IS the time of meeting. 'Hirsch. The popular tonsorial Bank of Cuss Count v. artist iTider ti2t Huna by a Mob. Word hu just renehrd this ollioe from a reliable source that George Keller, the man who was arrested in this city a few days ago charged with the murder of a man at Cattlesburgh, a mountain town in eastern Kentucky, was met at the train in Cattlesburgh by n mob, as the officer was taking him back for trial; and that the officer whs compelled to give him up and he was hung to a tree, the blood thirsty mob making but short work of him. The above report was sent back by the vifj of Keller to friends at Pacific Junction. Although six years had elapsed since the murder, the Ker tucky blood hud nor yet cooled, and the law was taken into the hands, forcibly of a rough class of men who would uot brook the laws' delav. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to J. V. Weckbae.h, deceased, or to tle firm of J. V. Weckbach fc Son, will j)leasi.; call aud settle on or before Xov. 15, as all accounts not paid by that time will be placed in the hands of an attorney. Oct. 0, 18l0. tf J. V. Wkckbach & Son. Henry Week bach & Co. are rtceiiug a car load of salt today, and notwith standing the McK'nley bill he is selling it at f 1.30 )2T barrel, yet the freight on it amounts to nearly one half of the price. On the mend , the consumptive -who's not be- reft of judgment and good sense. He's taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. If taken in j time and given a fair trial, it will effect a cure. Consumption is T.rr.,rnf,,U. Pnr Smf,,V in it ! myriad forms, and for all Liver, Blood and Lung diseases, the "Dis covery" is an unequalled remedy. It's the only Guaranteed one. If ; it doesn t benefit or cure, you get your money back. You only pay for the good you get. " Discovery " strengthens "Weak Lungs, and cures Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, and kindred affec tions. Don't be fooled into taking something else, said to be "just as I tmnd tW. th Wlpr V a ! larger profit. There's nothing at j all like the " Discovery." It con- tains no alcohol to inebriate ; no Byrup or sugar to derange di gestion. As peculiar in its cura tive effects as in its composition. EquUy good for adults Or children, HIM J 4 Wasted: A boy to do light work at this office. One who is willing to learn a trade. The old Omaha switch engine, 142 C'imesout of the back shop this morning looking neat and bright as a new pin. R, Gienger came down from Omaha last CTening and returned this morning to his duties in the B. fc M. frieght office in that city. Jones & Fitzgerald brought in their herd of fine horses yesterday consisting of six thoroughbred stallions and two trotters I for winter quarter. James Johnson, a prominent farmer and staunch republican of Weeping Water precinct, made the Herald a pleasant call this morning. Thomns Capek, a democratic Bohemi an orator from Omaha will address his fellow citizens in the Bohemiau language at Fitzgerald's Hall tonight. The Rock Island people expect to lave their new road betwten Omaha and Beatrice, Neb., so far completed us to commence running trains over it Dec. 1. Geo. Trook was called to Nebraska City yesterday morning on account of the death of his cousin Richey Erviu whoso funeral took place yesterday after noon. Street Commissioner Humple has been dfiinc some frond wnrk hIomiht tlie V" " . ' ' . . ; streets near the proposed M. P. depot in . : n""1 tumuuun uuii "laumg u:) 10 lucir i . n i::.. i i- ... .i - ' , T. R. Churchill, a particular friend of O. A. Hirsch, is moying his photograph gallery from Weeping Water to this city and will hold forth on the lot east of Nick Cunningham'd house. LeMasters was in Plattsmouth yester day in close consultation tith some prominent democrats. Whether Mc Clintic is to be pulled off the track or "scratched to death,'" was not learned. J. G. Taite, the able and distinguished champion of s. protective tariff, will ad dress the people of Plattsmouth tomor row (Thursday) evening at the opera house. The ladies are especially in yited. Mr Clark is altogether too late with hi3 cholera remedy. A man that would sit idly by and let his neighbors' hogs die by hundreds, and then spring a sure euro receipt on them after ull are dead, is too slow to win anything. EJ Fitzgerald has been out in the county for a week buying mules for the St. Joe and St. Louis market. If you have mules to sell, good prices can be obtained of J. n sSz Fitzgerald fit ti e Bonner stables. Ralph Van N-?s one of the B.& M. switchmen had the misfortune last nisrht while making a coupling to get the knuckle joint of the third finger of the right hand badly crushed. Thomas Harrington another one of the boys, met with a similar ursfortune while Ed. Dodd also carries one band in a sling. At the present rate a regular invalid corps will soon have to be organized. A Plattsmouth man was oyer at Weep ing Water tha other day and invited Dick Barr of the Eagle to take lunch with him at a model lunch counter in that village. The Plattsmouthian or dered the supper, which was brought out, and just as the delicious fried chicken and tender broiled steak were gett:ng interesting, the Plattsmouth man had to j fly for the train, without paying the ! l.:n. 1, : : :r -rv:i. n Mill, (hllli UT7 JO WUL1C1 lllg IL XICK Dull has finished the supper, or it it is a sort of continued story and that Dick is still ! eating at Irs expense. j I The M. P. grading is moving along though the -vork is not being completed as fast as it was thought it would be. Francis and Leach have had the h avieit cut on the line, their work which goes through Cap Wi'es farm will be finished thi, week. T. L. M h iJ finishi . . . , . . . : Rlle? 8 contract which is known as sec- tion 10' north of the 'ards and wiU com- plete it this week. Two weeks will be required to complete the grade through the county with favorable weather. Sec tion 2 near Union is probably the farthest behind: Thoma3 Dennison the former section foreman on the B & M at Greenwood ia having a bushel of trouble. His daughter was killed by the flyer while Dennison was working for the company at Green- weod? he r1 h.s position and sued tbe comPaDJ finally compronaising fr $3',.P- . A fewdJ ago he was arreted at Weeping water for obtaining money under false pretenses and taken to Lin coln where he paid the bill, $205 and costs and was allowed to go. lie is now suing the Missouri Pacific for 1.000 for permanant injuries received at the hands or mat company. PERSONAL. John M. Thurston will speak iu Lin- 1 coin tomorrow night. (). IJ. Polk, the Greenwood attorney, is attending court today. Attorney Tom Allen of Liucoln, bou of 13. F. Allen is in the city today. John Mumtn and Wm. Weber went up to the metropolis this morning. Geo. Stout of Friend, Nebraska is in the city the guest of R. W. Hycrs. J. R. Nath and L. Hascal. prominent attorneys of Lincoln, are in the city to day. Dr. Thomas, a veteran republican war horse, made the Hkrai.d a a agreeable call this morning. Lou Myers and wife were down from Cedar Creek last ninht and went up to Omaha this morning. Mrs. T. A. Hatch the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Sage returned to her home m Lincoln this morning. A. W. White went to Omaha this morning where he will buv a few barrels of the Grand Island sugar. Judge Rcavis a prominent lawyer of Falls City, and an important officer of the M. P. was in the city last night. Mrs. N. Salisbury of Hiawatha and Mrs. S. O. Salisbury of Papillion returned home last evening after a pleasant iit with Dr. Salisbury of this city. District Court. Renj. Lang ys Owen J. Webster; ap pealed replevin case; verdict for Webster for right of property and damages as sessed ut 2-1. Helen Lewis vs. I). H. Wheeler and wife and J. X. Wise; foreclosure of mort gage; Judgement taken for $144 in favor of the plaintiff. Elizabeth J. Cooper vs. Edward Cooper; divorce granted as prayed for; plaintiff to pay coits. Lillie Turner vs. A 'fred Tinner; di yorce granted. Alexanderet al vs John Eat m; strick en from the docket. M. E. Smith & Co. vs. Oliyer Jacobs & Co., of Wabash; judgment for pla'n tiff in the sum of $ 13G4. Specimen Cas c . S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism his stomach was disordersd. his liver wns h fleeted to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Ilarri.sburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven bottles Buck len's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large fever sores on his leg, doc tors said he was incurable. One bottle Electrc Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by F. G. Fricke &Co's., drug store. The D- & B. G. folks purchased 25 engines, which go through in small de tachments over the B. & M. every day. Jack Gilreath. a grader, assaulted one of John Cooks Jboys yesterday and was brought in this morning and fined $1 and costs by judge Archer which was paid. Business is rushing, down about the town track near the depot. Several teams are loading M. P. p'ling while others are unloading lumber, hard coal, merchandise and other commodities. Smith and Huc'-'-s are giving a series of temperance meetings at the M. E. church, They will remain until Satur day. Saturday night the Hor A. G. Wolfenbarger will address the people on the'subject of the amendment, at the II. E church. A.C. Mayes returned Jast night from his work of laying out a new Rock Is land town northeast of Eagle six miles. It is laid out on the farm of A. L. Muu ger whose politics might be guessed from the fact that he has a Russell and Har rison street. The town will be "called Munger, a residence, livery barn and a lumberyard are already Junder way. PhPip TrieMch took the sweep 6takes premium with his fine colt at the last county fair. The colt was 5 months old last Saturday, weighed 040 pounds and is a beauty. W. D. Jones, who knows a ood thing when he sees it in the horse line, counted out five $?D gold pieces yesterday and exchanged them with Mr. Trietsch for the colt, which by the way was sired by Duke, one of Jones & Fitz gerald's imported horses, and today Jones was offered $150 for his bargain and he refused to take it. It certainly pays to raise good stock; it costs n more to keep it. arid there is always a good market for anything that is first class. .$1.50 AYE AJt EE AD And Tiien Buy A Heme in South Park. Do not be caught iu the delusion ut many thousands in postponing a Lome until they can haye an expensive one. This idea is the devil's trap that catches men and women innumerable, who will neyer have any at all. The laborer may have, at the ele of the day, to walk rr ride farther than is dt suable to reach it but when he gets to his destination in ho eventide he will find something worthy of being culled by that glori'aia and impassioned, and heaven descende I word, 'Home." Young married man, as soon as you can buy such a place, tv n if you have to put on it u mortgage reaching tfrom base to capstone. The much abased mortgage which is ruin to the rtcklta man. to one prudent and provident in the beginning of a competency aud a fortune, for the reason he will nol be sat- sfied until lie Lus paid it off, and all the household are put on strictest economy until then. Deny yourself all superflui ties and all luxuries until you can uy: "Everything in this house is mine thanir God! every timber, eyery brick evcrr foot of plumbing, every doorsill." Dt not have children born in a bearding house, and do net yourself bt buried from one. Have a place whireyour ch' can shout and sing ki d romp and not be overhauldcd for the racket ilaye a kitchen where you can do some thing toward the reformation of evil cookery and the lessening of this nation of despeptics. As Napoleon one of his great buttles )y an attacked of indi gestion, so many men have such a daily wrestle with the food swallowed that they have no strength left for the battle of life; and though your wife may know how to play all musical instruments and rival a prima dona, she is not well edu cated unless she can boil an Irish potatoe and broil a mutton chop, since the die sometimes decides the fate of families and nations. Have a setting room with at hast one easy chair, even though you have to take turns at sitting in it, and books out O the public library, or of your ovn pur -chase for the making of your family in telligent, and checker boards and guess ing matches, with an occassional blind man's bluff, which is of all games my fayorite.' Rouse up your homes with al styles of innocent amusement, and gath er up in your children's lives a reeervor of exuberance that will poor down re freshing streams when life gets parched ' and the dark days come and the lights go out and the laughter is smothered in to a sob. TDe Witt Talmage. For Soutk Park Lots CALL ON WINDHAM & DA VIES, Orr Back of Cai 9oaoty PLATTSMOUTH .NEIi