Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 16, 1890, Page 12, Image 12

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; I
4-Ii"hest of all in Leavening Tower.
Everybody Reads
Flattsmoufh Daily Herald.
B. & M. Time Table.
No l, 3 :'20 a. m
s 5 :45 p. m
5, 9 :15 a. in.
7 7 :15 a. I".
" ,. . 6:15 p.m.
11 5 :25 p. m.
19 11 :0t a. m.
No 2 6 :05 p. m.
"4 10 :25 a, ni
"6 7 ;44 p. in.
10 '0 :00 a. m.
12 10 :16 a. m
10 8 :25 a- in.
Dr. A. Salisbury hn tlie exclusive rtKUt to use
r.Stlu' Local for the amlet.a
Extraction of Teeth in this city.
Office Iiockwootl
I. O. O. F.
CASS LODGE. No. H'i. I. O. O. F. inert s ev
ery Tuesday nilit at. tlieir hall in 1,('ra''-;
tolock. All Odd Fellow b are cordialij mwteel
to attend when visitinir in t'.ie city.
John (Joky, Sec.
C. A R.
McConnlhie Post. No. 45. meets every Satur
day evening at 7 :30. in tlietr hall. Kockwood
Block. All visiting comrades are invited to
meet with u.
(J. F. Niles, Tost Adj.
F. A. Bates, l'oft Coin,
ary $100 monthly if suitable, with oppor
tunities for advance, to represent . locally a re
sponsible New York house. Mauufactuier.
Lock oox 1585, N. Y.
Commissioners Proceedings.
From Wednesdays lailp.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 7, 1890
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
present Louis Follz, A. B. Todd, and A.
C. Loder, Commissioners and Bird Critch
field, county clerk, when the following
business was transacted in regular form:
Final acceptance of the bridge oyer
the Platte riyer at Louisville, w as made
and amount paid was $9,521.00
Contract of U. II. Norris county physi
cian from 0th physicians district was ac
cepted. Petition for the location of a county
road near the home of J II Johnson, in
Louisville precinct, was granted as peti
tioned for and no damages allowed.
The following bills were alio wo i
the creneral fund:
Frank Stander, merchandise to poor.. .
Frank Morrison, repairs of jail
8 00
4 10
24 50
Jf, l.S
-'6 00
12 00
i" 75
J1MKK O. transportation to poor
eiirarelet & Boone, mdse to poor ...
Peter Jani-eu. rent to poor
L 1 i reenslate. mdse to poor.:
lettardon Bros, incite iu yjv
Mr oienrKinjr. rein u oom
6 00
AI I? Mill-nil V tO DOoI 12 00
C J Ford,, i K up stoves 3 00
ISird Uritchfield.computinji tax list land 360 o
J E Wexcott mcle to poor, 2 bills 28 35
A Bach, same 16 25
Mutts Fas nd elec litrlit Co. gas Alight 75
A Stultz, painting .poorhouse 12 0:
Geo Harelimau, keeping poor 16 00
A B Knott-, printing 01 00
Lenhotf Bros, stationery 3 10
ACiark, ni'iseto poor 18 25
H J Streight envelopes 45 00-
Cass Co Agrl society, aid as provided
bylaw !).'!0 15
O W Nob e.'salary 101 10
.1 P Y'oui ir. paper fastcere refused
J Fetzer. shoes to poor 3 20
Eli S inipson, keeping poorhouse ICS 5
Omaha Kepublican. stationery 37 25
xtenry iiaioiu. mure iu n'ui j.t
Mr Hilioi-f. vellum
Holiorf. vehuni 4 50
Jos. Weinzeirl, piat ing O. S. K. li in
P!at. b'ks 15 00
r.. rainier, muse, iu mvi
Win. Tigbe. bl . and guard's pns. ...
V ei Uiggins. plumbing jail
Plattsni! uth J. urual, printiiiir
W bhryoek overeiug 1 odisvill bridge
A llSnith witness insane Kiehev
16 0(1
139 25
l:t ;:
21 13
125 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
Phil Seidenstriker. same
Mrs P Seidenstriker, same
J F Johnson, ti'.b a 152
J CCuinmins. lumber J8 oo
Keardsley Clark it Co, tiling ' . .. lt;2 ih)
C D Dumlas ,fc Son, driving piling .v i o
C D Dundas & Sou. Jjuildiug bridges SL'l 40
Joh.i D Jiningo. viewing road
ia ic lloileubeck, same
Geo (iilmore, same
J II Becker, m ve
W Bnskirk, hauling plnk
A C Maves. viewing road
Benj Albion, damage on road
2 0'J
3 35
3 (Ml
3 00
r; r.o
50 oo
Board arijuurncrl to meet tomorrow.
Octoeek 8th and 9th. 1SD0.
Bj .ril met, full board prseat, when
the following was done:
Petition by B, S, Ramsey and others
for the appointment of XV. O Dvvyer to
net as ccunty judge in absence of pres
ent incumbent was refused.
Petition for extending South Sixth
street to county road in Plattsmouth,
Neb., was refused. This was a pttition
for the striking from tax list certain tax
es on the property where such road or
street is to be located.
Petition for reduction of back taxes
of the estate of Billings, refused,
A V Loder, salary and expense
Louis foltz, same
U H Norris, s ilary county physician
A B Todd, ealarv and ex
B S Bamey. judges fees 3 cases
Win '1 ighe. s':ei!ll 2 cases
Sundry personswimiesses 4 cases I e
state vs Kerrihard, Jacobs et al, Sitz
man and T'iglie two case
H l liarr. justice state vs facobs
K 1 McNui lin. constable state v4 Jacob
Fred Kroehjer " Silznian..
HCritchfleid;sapary and ex
Week bach Bros, mdse to poofi
Knotts Broc printing delinijuest tax lis:
K K Parmele. livery b-e
;uv Li vinirston, stamps usd in colltlng
30 K
32 00
45 00
35 00
24 30
4 20
11 30
4 SO
3 75
fi CO
G30 on
3 00
10 09
.1 'm Johns. i)lumbin'eVaiV' ".II!"."! . 18 00
3 40
Plattsmouth iras co. tras and lliht 7 K5
Ballon Electric light, licht 2 00
Telephone Co, rental I'J 65
Mathew Cerlcg. i-alary county attorney 250 0 J
Oote These warrants will not be
drawn until Oct. 17th, as provided by
U. S, Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
the Dally Herald,
Board then adjourned to meit Nov.
5th, 1890. BlKD ClUTCHFIELJJ,
County Clerk.
High School Motes.
Miss Greusel is now occupying Boom
15, and Miss Maggie Berry can be found
in Room 1.
Average attendance in the school com
bined for .last week was 95.3 per cent.
Pupils enrolled l00:i.
I). B. Smith, president of the Board
of Education, wss a welcome visitor nt
the High School today.
Miss Fulmcr's school earned Hie ban
ner lust wek by an attendance of 9!).4
per cent. Punctuality 100.
Miss Kcmy is at her old post. Room
3, and the patrons of that room may
well be pleased. She is the best primary
teacher in the city..;
No cases of tardiness at the central
building for the last week, and only 4
the 8i x weeks that 6chool has been in ses
sion. How is that for a record.
Miss Etta Shepherd has been promoted
and can be found in Room 2, and she
has made a record for herself the . last
two years of v. hich she might well bt
proud; always pleasant and smiling, and
a thorough teacher.
Ninety pupils in Room 13, which is
presided over by Miss Edith Hanna; and
by the way, when we have a visitor who
wants t see a ftVst class school, and one
which has perfect discipline, we take
them to Room 13. They are never die
We have a new method under the head
of general instruction. Each room de
Votes a 6hort time each morning to some
topic not included in the text book les
sons of the day, and to say that it is a
success is drawing it mild. School pa
trons must get out of the old way of
thinking that anything outside of that
found in text books is useless. Pupils
detire variety, knd the more ways and
means and methods you adopt to accom
plish a certain end the more sure you are
of success.
Years ago children were required to
learn the alphabet before they got any
thing elsp, the a b ab's came afterwards.
But the alphabet always had to be com
mitted to memory first. Now in this
day and nge of the world teachers know
better, and letters are grouped in words
and some object given to represent the
word ,id pupils now learn to read in
less, .ne than it formerly took to learn
th otters. And s is with otlur
studies; new methods are adopted and
they are accomplishing much in educat
ing the youth, and anything that tends
to educate children in a way that will
make their life a success, is a proper and
important matter in our schools. Hold
ing pupils to text books, and nothing
else until they arrive at the age of ma
turity, and turning them loose in the
world without some idea of the world
and its ways, would certainly be unjust.
Claka "Wilson.
Rock Bluff.
The rain fall at this place in the month
of September was three inches, and that
amount was four different days in fall
ing. Mrs. Wm. R. Ellington has been sick
for about three weeks with remittant
fever, but is much better ot the present
Mr. F. M. Young, jr., who was so low
with the flux, has improved so that he is
feeling much better and is thought to 1 e
out 01 aaugcr.
D ivid Allen moved his barber shop
fixtures out to Murray last Saturday and
opened up a barber shop at that place.
The corn crop begins to shrink wonder
fully; nearly all that we have asked
about their corn crop say that it is not
near us good as they expected before
they began picking it.
A. M. Holmes' hogs are dying with
the cholera. We have a list of those
who have lost their hogs by cholera in
this precinct lately and over twelve
hundred head have died in about three
The county chmmissioners did a wise
thing for the county, from a financial
point of view, when they purchased the
right of way of Joseph Sanz, around a
bend in Rock Creek, thereby saving the
expense of building two bridges in about
thirty rods.
D all 13 Young, son of Dayid Young,
who hurt his wrists fo badly by falling
out of a tree, while attending school at
Rock Creek, is all right again. But he
thinks he will etop trying to make a
squirrel of himself by trying to go fr m
the top of one tree to thn top of another
w ithout going -down to the ground.
Mrs. Dr. Reynolds is recovering very
wlowly from Hie injury that she received
two weekd ago in account of the run
away of the Doctor's ttam. Iuflimnm
tion set it and she has been very poorly
and is still confined to her bed, unable to
tit up at all, but is thought to be im
proving. M t Unanokc, 111., and a
mice of Robert Fitch of this place, came
IiriLC UI J iOLfrrt r U"-11
,i t ltmt Saturday. They
o make h.m a y sitlast 8.
nau not seen eacn "i"" -
c.hinl child
years, not since tney we.
; 1-1 Vircrinia. liut strange
as it may seem each claims to have rec
He recognized her
opmizpd thf other
because she looks the very picture o
his sister; aud she recogn, . -
count of the large and prominent nose
. . . 1
his sister; aud she recognited him on ac
peculiar to the Fitch family
Tim Siiaver
Cotner University Notes.
Bethany Hioiits, Lincoln, Neb., We
are truly thankful to the Herald for
having published the items sent from
here two weeks ago, so we will send you
another excuse of a letter.
The students of Cotner have settled
down to business in dead earnest f oj the
coming year. Our numbers are steadily
increasing and before the end of the
year we expect to haye enrolled at least
one hundred and twentyfive students.
A number of Cotner's students paid a
visit to one of the literary societies of
the Weslyan Uuiversity last evening,
and report having listened te an interest
ing program.
The Delphian and the Athenian liter
ary societies of our own University now
hold their meetings in their own respec
tive hall, which are in the fourth story
of the building. The Delphian society
has incorporated under the state laws
and is therefore the first society of the
We are about to organize a military
company here of about forty cadets, with
Lieutenant Griffith of the State University
as drill master.
Bethany Hights has grown to be quite
a village, as there are as many as fift
dwellings within less than half a mile of
the University.
There is a lumber yard owned by Mr.
Stevens, at the switch of the M. P. R. R.
track three quarters of a mile south
of here, and is doing a good business.
The store of general merchandise
owned by M. A. Rath bun, two blocks
south of the University campus is doing
a splendid business.
The Christian Educational Board has
caused to be erected on the campus a
greenhouse in which to sUre the Uni
versity flowers. This is a large and
commodious structure; is heated by
steam and is already filled with many
beautiful plants and flowers of different
Varieties. It compares well with the
green house owned by W. J. Hesser near
Plattsmouth, with the exception that it
has no mammoth century plant nor large
climbing rose bush. It is cared for by
a Mr. Mosier.
The congregation at Bethany Hights
numbers about one hundred members.
They have no church but hold service in
the University. Prof. A. P. Aylsworth
who is vice president of the college does
most of the preaching.
We have a good aftendance at Sunday
School here; also have a Young People's
Christian Endeaveor which meets every
Sunday evening and -whose meetings are
growing more and more interesting.
The president of the college, D. It.
JJungan A. M., went to Iowa last k nday
to hold a debate with aCathohc priest on
the subject, "The Catholic Church, the
onlv true church." But when he arrived
there, lo, the bird had flown. Tomorrow
evening there will lie held a meeting of
the citizens of Bethany Hights to de
vise means for carrying on the campaign
this fall, in favor of the prohibitory
amendment. We can say for the people
of of B.:thany Hights that they are in for
prohibition with fist? and heels and all
'heir might.
Last Tuesday evening was celebrated
the first anniversary of Cotner Univoisi-
ty. During the evening we were favor
ed with a short address by Mr. Cotner of
Oinaha.the man forwhom our Universi'y
is named, and an essay by D: Warren, a
-i . r . i . i : i i . . , r
student of the medical depnrtnicnt of
the college, But the p.v- eminent feature
of the program was tho lecture delivered,
bv Prof . J. A. Beattie .V. M. who is oru-
our best workers.
We will endeavor to i u.c a copy of
Prof. Bealtie s lecture and semi it to the
IIeiim.d for nublication in the ner
ture. 1'nough for this time.
J. I. C. K.
The Strauss Opera.
The Strauss Opera Company will give
afternoon and evening, and aloon Sun-
day evening. The B. & M. will sell
rounel trip tickets to parties of 25 or
more, for a fare and one-third, good re
turning the next day after date of sale.
Many of our Plattsmouth people will
probably take advantage of hearing this
world renowneel musical organization
and attend one of their performances.
Conthu.ed from Third Page, J
of Paul Jjlsimon. .
By and by h aw tho planter loave the
box to order the carriage at tho close of
the performance.
Determined to watch to tho last, he
quitted the pit at the moment, and
reach 1 the b afore tho theater in
tlcue to 6ee Augustus and Oatnillta entor
the carriage that was waiting for them.
lie aUo hoard the brief dialogue that
passe 4 between them at tho door of the
But tho indignation of tho honest sailor
was unbounded when ho saw Augustus
take his neat In tho carriago by the side
of Camliba.
He thought that his Captain's new
11ICUU n - I' vs w nj hum ft u v-m w j
resolved to know the truth,
A. d c h flu g
frloti t ra n a ViAi i-a roH a nil irnmulatilv
nimseii into tne rotinray, uinou uoaer
Ztn lhat which rQnuiRAd
in order to follow that which contained
Camillla and the planter.
turned out of the principal thorough-
1B1 V.
Then, favored bv the obscurity of the
street ad the darkness of the night, he
--- " --ft, J
monkaTt contrived to seat himself on
Va Vsiai-jI f kHjk Kuk nt th vah lnl&
V Wit.r1 m tho h&ftk nf tKM vahlale.
He was sufficiently well acquainted
vrita New Orleaas to recognise tne quart
ter through whioh thsy drove ; and wkea
the carriage stopped, he slipped seJee
lastly from his position, and, lurking la
the shadow, waUhed CawUlia and 1
gustus as they entered the gambling
Es saw enough to oonvlace him that
some description of treachery was on
toot, and that la any ease, Paul IMU
mon's happiness was la dWagor,
The carriage drove on without the
blaok poaohman having notioed Joe I and
the eaAor had ample Urn to oxamlafc ib
exterior of the house, and the street Ifl
waiehltwas situated.
He recognized the locality as Columbia
Theh, without a moment ft hesitation,
he ran to tlie quay, and got u ' oat to oon
vey hi:u n board t ho Amazon.
fTo Be Continued
"The Fair" is continually making ad
ditions to all it.s departments. 5t
For Sfcile
The nicest residence lots in the city
located on Chicago ave., for sale cheap.
For particulars enquire of Daniel Burris
or call at this e ffice.
Pleuty of A No. 1 flour ou hand to
exchange for wheat at the Fnctoryville
Roller Mill's. Wheat taken on deposit.
wtf. T. M. Wsrne. '
Silas Long is plastering and building
over the residence on his Eight Mile
Greve farm-
Jim Antill is serving oysters in all
styles at his old headquarters opposite
the opera houfce. eltf
That hacking cough can be so quickly
cured by Shiloh's cure. We guarantee
it. Fe.r sale by F. G. Fricl a and O. H.
Snvder 1
J. P. Young lias just received two
thoiiKund new pieces of music which will
make in stock five thousand pieces. This
is by nil odds the largest and best se
lection of sheet music eyer brought into
Cass countv.
Hair chains a specialty. Leave orders
at Dovey's store or Mrs Wise & Root's
millinery stort on Main street.
Will you suffer with dyspepsia and
liver complaint? Shiloh's vitalizer is
guaranteed to cure you. For sale by F.
G. Fricke and O. 11. Snyder. 1
If you want to buy a good house call
on Merges over Schiappagasse & Co.
Acre lots within and outside of city lim
its. Houses from $i 500 to $3,500.
Farms in Cass county and the west for
le or trade. Petek Memoes.
dArw- tf .
New Barber Shop.
O. A. Hirsch now has a first class
workman and will take pleasure in caring
for those who want work done in the
best style the city affords. Rooms un
der Cpps County Bank. dtf
Visit "The Fair" for bargains in every
thing needful. r,t
All on one side,
tho offer that's mndo by the pro
Dr. Sane's Catarrh
Kcmcdy. It's 500 reward for an
incurable case of Catarrh, no mat-
, . , l. . I ...1 -oTi,l.
ter cow Dau, or oi uuw g
ino-. They mean what they say;
rBn'rn re-FDonsibie, ana
tho offer
i has been made for years.
It's all
, f idoyou losc your catarrh,
j , .j 5o0 for keeping it.
"J ., r for thorn, too they
i know you'll be cured.
i Dr. Sage's Remedy produces per-
! tnn onrl Tionrnnnnt, ClireS of Chronic
; CatarTh in the Head, as thousands
can tegtif cGla in tho Head "
Catarrhal Headache is relieved and
,,mA oa if V,v Tnncrie. It Temoves
Dffensivo breath, Io-t or impairment
f the eense of ta-. -rU cr hear
Dg, -watering oi v f ? aa
impaired miw"'';r,
lh Tioleno' "f -frequently
a- .
druggists, 50 cents.
CopyrigM, 1S50.
S WE bnuaht our !..c;Uher and Rubber
-V qoods bcibi..- ;he advmv.o of IO per cent.
and shail conti.-.ue to
usual LOW P R 1 C
your interest and cull
buy elsewhere.
TV-. -
"Confound it the old 111:111 bought out; of those cook stove with the
oven door full ot holes' like a fceive, if he had sciipc lie would get a
Garland: It heats the air before it passes into the oven and it doesn't
take near as much wood or coal to bake. I saw I'OKCK & WALK
ER cook.v.'ith a Garland stove at the fair and it was the nicest baker
1 ever saw. Von bet I'll have a Garland stove."
Anvone who will cut this picture out and bring with them
when they buy a stove we will give a 5 per cent discount
for cash,
"Watch for the old man's reply next week.
Qorder's Iniplemeat Depot
The Oldest Implement House in Cass County.
All the Standard Goenls are
Such as John iJeere & (Jo's. David. JJradley & Go's.
Peru City's. St. Joe's and Grorge D. Prowns, ot Galesburg
The .New Departure cultivator, the best that's made.
Always in stock, Received in ear load lots such as Schuttler
and Ketch 11 in. I'nckeve Jiinders and Mowers.
Of Buggies, Carriages and Road Carts
Headquarters for the best barb wire, "Tllp: GLIDDEN" anl ir
tact everything in any of the above lines of goods.
tua v-XT via k vsrF &x aUi cSa i-ff' ct J & i Jtfler
Will consult their own interests by going to Fred Gorder, at Platts
mouth, or Fred H. Gorder. at Weeping Water, when in Mmt of any
thing in the Implement line. Fiitecn years experience 1ms taught me
how to buy goods right, and my trade sdiows for itself that I sell right.
Brarc-li Haso at 7opiag Wat or.
Sent Free to any Address
close them out ai xne
be sure and consult
r-ndget prices before you
and KETAIL--
, Molme
m r
htL OS
3 I 8
Him w y