Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 02, 1890, Page 12, Image 12

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    i I
Amendment Notes. Personal Lib-t-
t ' '
1 In the name of liberty ami it It i le
, ugliCB jjrocesions of devotion to the
'. "Aase of freedom," the battle wus fotilt
; J the South in the interest of, nd for
.he purpose of making permanent i lie
nstitution ol human 6lavery.
j "fio in the name of personal libeity an
j Jiiori is cow making 10 inipone upon jne
j people of this state a crime more tu iible,
blight more damning, a bondage im re
!: ruinous than was ever human fcljivtiy in
'.this or any other country..
Let me ask you, kind reader, whj tin:
, whiskey associations, the saloon cluWc,
. are not called by their riht nanus?
i .They are organized only to protect the
; saloon and perpetuate the sale of liqnois.
' Wby call them "Personal Liberty" clubs,
and the '-Bankers and Business Men's
v Associations?" 'Why not call them by a
v name relevant to the cause they oppoust ?
jWhy call Uiem by names foreign to t lie
purposes of the organization? Firtt, to
ijgive respectability to the organizations
11 by concealing the "black infamy" around
j which they rally.
Second, to misguide the attentions of
f the people and thus enlist their cfToits in
I a bad canse.
1 Thirdly, to arouse patriotism find to
I X; alarm people about future prosperity.
These last two interests mentioned lie
very near the heart of every American
citizen; and the whiskey men nro trying
to make people believe that they are
woiking to protect and to perpetuate
these two interests which are so near to
all our hearts.
They would make it appear that the
"Prohibition Club" the "Good Temp
lar" Mid the W. C. T. U. are trying to
rob men of their liberty and strip the m
of their wealth. So they organize a
"Personal Liberty" club to thwart us in
our design; to keep us from sinking this
state into the valley of poverty and the
abyss of bondage.
I want to enter a solemn prot st
Against those insinuations. I love my
country, my flag, my liberty as dearly
and prize them as highly as any saloon
keeper in Plattsmouth.
Our forefathers, of Revolutionary
fame, fought, and bled and died that
they might bequeath to tneir posterity
the heritage of ciyil liberty and personal
Palsied be the hand and forever silent
the tongue that would attempt to de
stroy, or eyen impair the boon of human
freedom, purchased at such a cost of
treasure and of blood.
In the name of human rights and un
der the emblazoned motto of human
freedom, we defiantly unfurl our prohi
bition banner and declare it in harmony
-with American institutions. ,
The whiskey men do not think we are
traitors to our country or blind to our
best interests, and therefore we must be
opposed and thwarted in our purposes.
They know better than that.
But they must have a rallying stand
ard; and the saloon, the mother of op
pression, the father of tyranny, the ab
sorber of wealth, the source of crime, the
fountain of iniquity, the stream of sorrow
and woe, yea, the embodiment of sin,
will not do.
You can't awaken the sympathy and
Btir the hearts of the people to protect
and foster such an institution.
Trade Judgments of Lltera ta re.
The truth is, our ideas of literature
are 6teeped in the colors of our trades,
Our interpretations of Shakespeare re
flect our daily lives and callings. The
merchant measures him as his cotton.
The inrle'o tries him in hia ennrta nf
"The oration of Mark Antony, fr exam
' X pie, is to the clergyman only a funeral
discourse over a departed member of hia
flock; the politician views it merely as a
fine example of political artifice; the
rhetorician delights in the richness of its
figures; the logician scans its conclusion
in the light of its premises; the historian
. notes it as marking an epoch in -the an
nals of Rome, and the actor, not to say
it profanely, beholds it as a rack on
which to hang his effects of attitude and
gesture. We thus read Shakespeare in
the light of our vocations. We cannot
. get away from the mental habits of our
trade or our profession. Much harder
still is it to break away from the spirit
of the age in which we live. Involunta
.xily we invest other ages with the cus
toms of our own. Jamea E. Murdoch in
In our time the third finger is usually
the one on .which the engagement ring
is placed, also the wedding ring, some
belief possibly existing in the old super
stition that a vein ran directly from this
part of the left hand to the heart.
For SO days
store in IBiley IBlck at 5 per cent
thing that no shoe
All Uie year round, you may
rely upon Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery to purify
the blood and invigorate the
system. It's not like the.
sarsa'parillas, that are said to
be good for the blood in
March, April and May. The
" Golden Medical Discovery "
works . equally well at all
times, and in all cases of
blood - taints, or humors, no
matter what their name or
It's the cheapest blood -purifier,
sold through druggists,
because you only pay for the
good you get. ,
Your money is returned if
it doesn't benefit or cure you.
Can you ask more?
" Golden Medical Discov
ery" contains no alcohol to
inebriate, and no syrup or
sugar to. derange digestion.
' It's a. concentrated vegeta
ble extract; put up in large
bottles; pleasant to the taste,
and equally good for adults or
The " Discovery " cures all
Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous
affections, as Eczema, Tetter,
Salt-rheum, Fever-sores, White
Swellings, Hip - joint disease
and kindred ailments.
fc-U.51 .ESi LOCA.S.
Slccj lis iiit hr, ik.I misi'i'iiblo lv
thnt terrible . iili.ii. SliiiohV 1'ttri! i
the reou-dy tuf v on. Y'nt s.iic by F. '
Fikkc ii. .ii O. 11. SinvdiT. '1
For Rent.
My resid--nre propi i ty, No. 1411 Lo
cust. St. Suitable lor one large or two
small families.
Dh. Shipman.
St. Patrick's Pills give entire satisfac
tion. I hav used them in my family.
They are the best I ever used for the
purpose Flunk Cornelinus. Purcell. Ii
din Tirr. For sale by F. O. Fricke A.
We find St. Patrick's Pills to be very
extra and 'ogive splendid satisfaction.
They ir- now about the only kind called
for. W. A. 'alince, Otsia, Iowa. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co,
Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath
secured, by Shiloh's catarrh remedy.
Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free.
For sale by F. G. Fricke and O. II. Sny
der. 2
For Rent.
The very desirable residence owned
and recently occupied by Henry Water
man. Corner of 7th and Main stieets.
For terms apply at Wescott's Clothing
Store. ' dtf
St. Batrick's Pills uavis given me bet
ter satisfaction thnu n y other. M. II.
Proudfoot. Dr'jgirit, Gianada, Colorado
For sale by F. G. Fricke.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Mrt:Mn. Plainti-:ld . 111., m ks
the svi'em nt tht sh .m'lt ! I. "ii.r i s !.
tied on her 1 ns ; she was treated for a ni'iitli
by her family phj sician, but grew worse. lie
old her she was a hopeless victim of consump
tion and that no medicin could cure her
Her Druggist suggested Or. King's I ew discov
ery for consumption ; she bought a bottle and
to her del'ght found herself benefited from the
first dose. She continued its use and after tak
ing ten bottles, found herself sound and well
now does her own housework and is as well a
"she erer wa-. Free tria bottles of . thU great
discovery at F. G. Fricke & i'o'j .Drug Store
argebottlee 50c. and 2
Gering & Co. hive the nicest largest
and most complete line of spectacles ever
shown in Cass county. Call ' on them
and save your eyes. d6tw2t
Our customers all speak highly in
praise of St. Patrick's Piils. They are
the best Berry Bros,, Carro Neb, Fo
sale by F, G. Fricks & Co.
We have engaged J. V. Egenberger,
Sr., to close out our stock of dry goods,
millinery, cloaks, carpets, shoes, trunks,
etc., which must be sold by Jan., 1st.
J. V. Wkckbach & Son. tf
Bucklen's Arnica salve-
Thk Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptioi e, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required It
is guaranteed to- give satisfaction, or
monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box
For sale by F. G. Fricke $: Co.
Plenty of A No. 1 flour on hand to
exchange for wheat at the Factoryville
Roller Mills. Wheat taken on deposit.
wtf. T. M. Warne.
(commencing Oct. I Boot
dealer of this city has ever offered. This is no fake, come and investigate for your-
Hair Jewelry work. Lave orders at
Dovey's store or Mrs Wise'a millinery
store on Main street.
For Stile
The nicest residence lots in the city
located on Chicago ave., for sale cheap.
For particulars enquire of Daniel Iiurris
or call at this office.
We want an A No. 1 agent in this
county at once, to take charge of our
business, ana conduct the sale of one of
the very best, most meritorious, and fast
est selling inventions ever offered to the
American people. To the right person
we will pay a liberal salary or allow a
large commission. For full particulars
address Voltaic licit Co., No. 218, Mar
shall, Mich. tf
Happy Hoosiers.
Win. Tiinmonw, l'ost master of Iilaville, mi..
write: " Klectric Hitters lias done more for
int than all otlier medicines combined, for that
bad feei ng arifinit from Kidney and Liver
trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman,"
of rame place, says : "Find Electric Bitter to
be the best Kidney and L'ver medicine, made
me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner
hardware merchant, same town, says: "Elec
tric Hitters is just the tiling for a man who U
a.11 run d w and don't care whether be lives or
dies ; he found new xtrerigth, jrood appetite
and felt just like lie h id a new lease on life
Only tc. a bottle at F. G. Frieke & Co's Drug
Store, 2
A Ripe Old Age.
J. II. Ilolcornb and wife, of Belcher
ville, Texas, have celtbiattd their fifty
fifth wedding anniversary, and are still
hale and hearty. The secret of thei
long life an.i good health is they correct
any slight ailment promptly, and in that
way avoid serious sickness. Like most
every one else, they are more frequently
troubled with constipation than any
other nhvsical order. To correct this
they take St. Patrick's Pills in prefer
euce to any other, because, as Mr. IIol
romb savs. -They are a mild pill and
besidts, keep the whole system in good
order. We prize them very Highly.
For sale by F. G. Fricke.
sheriff salev
r v.rf no of an order of sale issued by W. C
Showalter, clerk of the district court within and
ft r Cas eouniv, ivenrasKa. ami ro mr uiiwiru
I ...ill Hie 1'tn dav of ncteher A. 1). 1600 at
10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door
of the court house m me city oi naur-inuuui
in said county, sell at public auction to the
lih'iK-st bidder for cash the following real
toto towit l ots two (2) three (3) and forty
i ight in section thirteen 13 township
twelve U- norm oi rani; uuurru iiojinsiui
tii'-fitn lincniai merman i wiwrouiuj,
braxka. toirrther with the privileges and ap
pur ai ces thereunto belonging or in anywr-e
the same being levied upon and taken as the
property of Caroline M, Uodge. Moses Dodge
:.di G. H. Farmele. defendants : to sitisfy a
judgment of "aid coutt recovered by Anselmo
is, hin nil piainiin, agaiusi iu uncuumur,
Pliittsinouth, Neb., beptember 10, A. 1). 1890.
Beeson & Root. Sheriff Cass Co., Neb
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Chattel Mortgage Sale
Tfoticeis herebv given that by virtue cf a
chattle mortgage dated on the 5lh d y of De
cember 189, and duly tiled and recorded In the
office of the comity cieiK oi ass couiuy. Ne
braska on the 5th day of December, 1889 and
executed by Skin"er & Ritchie to the Citizen
Bank, mid by said bank assigned to W, H.
Shafer to secure the pavment of 125. and up
on which there is now due the sum of $131.42.
Default, having been made in the payment of
said sum. therefore 1 will sell the propety
therein described, towit ; All the furniture
books, papers and each and everything now
owned by saia stunner c micnm mm uciu iu
ttleir possession in uifir nunc, u uuuni
ti n l.i front, of the noet olliee in Plattsmouth
in Cass counTy. on the 4th day of October 1890
at one o clock p. m. oi saia aay.
Dated September 10th 1890.
"V. H. assignee of mortgagee.
Eeesoc d-Itoot attorneys lor Shafer,
Legal Notice.
"Anne Schrump. defendant, will take notice
that on the End day of September, 1830, Chris
tian rscnruinp, piaiiiLiu. ueieiu mru ma yen
tin in tii district court of Cass county. Ne
braska, against said defendant, the object and
prayer oi which are to oorain a umee oi ui-
vorce severing ine oonus oi inaniniuiij ucn
tnfnre nritinir nlaintiff and defendant.
You are required to answer said petition on
or be i ore the lain aay oi nciooer iyu.
Christian Schrtjmp.
Rv Wr.olev & Gibson his Attorneys. 24-4t
, Legal Notice.
Isaac Brum Miller, non-resident defendant
will take notice thai. Emma Mi ler on the 4th
.law riuv of Sf otember 1890 filed her petition in
the district, court of Cass couDty, Nebraska
aga'nst you. l ne onjeci ana pra er vi aiu
petition being to obtain a divorce from you on
theground of desertion, failure to support, fi
tieme crulety and adultery. You are required
to answer eaid p' Ution by Monday the 20th day
of October 1890.
Emma Millfb,
4t by her attorneys Beeson & fcoot
Dated September 11, 1890.
Legal Notice.
J. .Nebraska. ,
vs y
Mattie McKenzie will take notice that on the
11th dayf September 1890 Daniel N. McKen
zie plaintiff herein filed his petition in the dis
trict court of Cass county, Nebraska against
said defendant the object and prayer of whieh
are that said plaintiff be granted a decree of
divorce and that the bonds of matrimony exis
ing between said plaintiff and defendant be
dissolved nd for such other and further relief
as may seem just and requisite.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before October 20th, 1890.
By Mathew Gering Attorney.
Legal Notice.
vs y
BEJfJ. G, DECKER. Deft )
Benjamin G. Decker will take notice that on
the 29th day of August 1890, Electa Decker,
plaintiff herein filed her r etitlontin the district
court of Cass county Nebraska, against said
defendant, the object and prayer of which are
that said plaintiff be granted a decree of di
vorce upon the grounds of desertion and that
the bonds of matrimony existing between said
plaintiff and defendant I e dissolved and for
such other and fuither relief as may seem just
and eqitable-
You are required to answer said petition on
or before October 20 1890.
Electa Dkckbr.
By Matthew Gering, Attorney.
above cost.
And Teen Euy A Home'm
South Park.
Do not be caught in the delusion oi
many thousands in postponing a home
until they can have an expensive one
This idea is the devil's trap that catches
men and women innumerable, who will
neyer have any at all. The laborer may
have, at the close of the day, to walk or
ride farther than is dtsirable to reach it
but when he gets to his destination in
the eventide he will find something
worthy of being called by that glorinus
and impassioned, and heaven descended
word, "Home."
Young married man, as soon as you
can buy such a place, even if you have
to put on it a mortgage reaching from
base to capstone. The much abused
mortgage which is ruin to the reckless
man. to one prudent and provident is
the beginning of a competency and a
fortune, for the reason he will not be sat
tfied until he lias paid it fT, end all the
household are put on strictest economy
until then. Deny yourself all superflui
ties and all luxuries until you can say:
"Everything in this honse is mine thanl
God! every timber, eyery brick everv
foot of plumbing, every doorsill." D
not have children born in a bearding
house, and do not yourself be buried
from one. Have a place whf re your
children can .shout and sing aid romp
and not be overhaulded for the racket
Haye a kitchen where you can do some
thing toward the reformation of evil
cookery and the lessening of this nation
of despeptics. As Napoleon lost one of
his great battles by an attacked of indi
gestion, so many men have such a daily
wrestle with the food swallowed that
they haye no strength left for the battle
of life; and though your wife may know
how to play all musical instruments and
rival a prima dona, she is not well edu
cated unless she can boil an Irish potatoe
and broil a mutton chop, since the die
sometimes decides the fate of families
and nations.
Have a setting room with at least one
easy chair, even though you have to take
turns at sitting in it, and books out of
the public library, or of your own pur
chase for the making of your family in
telligent, and checker boards and guess
ing matches, with an occassional blind
man's bluff, which is of all games my
fayorite. Rouse up your homes with all
styles of innocent amusement, and gath
er up in your children's lives a reservoi'
of exuberance that will pour down re
freshing streams when life gets parched
and the dark days come and the lights
go out and the laughter is smothered in
to a sob. T. De Witt Talma ge.
For South Park Lots
Over Bank of Caes CouDty
Shoe leather will be sold at the Schildknccht shoe
folks yon who wear leather have a chance at some
Iii I,. dies Fine Allocs for
TWO 'WttKB OlilY
In order to leriiue our iniint;nco stock of Indies hand turned
and fine shoe.. AVe will make a speeial sacrifice
lor two weeks onl .
3 173
pieces iszacS iv iiE fee BcS ssti s& Hiv
ing price.
We Carry 45a Ettrgjett &fcBl
srad ifiEa give yma f?.2e pfat
ie.s23 to neleci frapsEa 82 sues tasay
fere im Ct&& emsES&y. fl aisscl
g;st prices lilre EySE.
WBLBMlMftg & RJ LEii
Gorder's Implement Depot
The Oldest Implement House in Cass County.
All the StaDdard Goods are
Such as John Deere &z Co'ti. David Bradley Sz Ca's.
Peru City's. St. Joe's and George I). lirowxis, of Galeeburg
The JS'ew Departure cultivator, the best that's made.
Always in stock. Received in car load lots such as Bchuttler, Mohne
and Ivetchum. Buckeye Binders and Mowers.
Of Buggies, Carriages and Road Carts
Headquarters for the best barb wire, "THE GLIDDEN" and ir
tact everything in any of the above lines of goods.
Will consult their own interests by
mouth, or Fred II. Gorder, at Weeping Water, when in want of any-
ii 1.1.. T i j. ! r.Vi. "" . . "
uiing m uie xinpiemeni line. r uteen years experience lias taught me
how to buy goods right, and my trade shows for itself that I sell right.
branch Houcc at "Wsoping Water.
Leave your
the HERALD for
1 Mil mm
and liETAIL
going to Kred Gorder, at Platts-
orders with.
sef9 JF . jr. mjvl v ms, imanager.