,- -v -x3 'aeurft.. 3B P L H li IR VOL. XXVI. NO. 27. PL ATTSM OUT II , CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1890 $1.50 A YE All inrfife iftffcittfmlii ff If too i r i isiira i . i v 1 1 if .1 1 ! lit Highest of I1 in Ixavcaing rower. LI W ABSOUUTEiy PURE EYcryfeotty- Reacts t&o Dally Herald ffn The Leading ONE . PRICE Clothier Asks Tho Public To Call on him and Examine his Large and Complete Stock of and USFinter Clothing. ITS FURNISHING GOO G Hats Caps, Trunks, Satchels and SHO JOE will show you the county and for less money by his competitors. FA EMI mil October 1st Fe G FRICKE & CO. "Will keep constantly on hands a full and complete line of pure DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, & OILS DItUGGISTS SUNDRIES. PURE LIQUORS, prescriptions Carefully Compounded at .all Hours. j RESTORER y.y VVW n it, . AND EYE-GLASSES AT PtATT6M0Um WE3 These Lenses are for superior to any others sold in the city, Possessing a natural transparency and strength ening qualities which will preserve the failing eye&ight. U. a Govt Report, Aug. 17, t88 S largest and finest stock in the than inferior goods are sold ET1SIIS. Messrs F. G Fricke & Co., are the Only Parties Selling our Alaska Crystal Erilliant Combination mm B. & M.Time Table. OOI N WK8T Kel 2 :'M a. m " S 5 :5 p. m 001 no KAR1 No t 6 :05 p. m. "4 10:25 a: m " 6 7 M P. m. - 10 0 :00 a. in. 12 1C :16 a. m- " 10 8 :25 a- m. 6... 7... 11. 19.. ..9 :15 a. m. ..7 :15 a. in. . 6 :15 p, m. . .5 :25 p. to. . .11 :0O a, in. Dr. A. SallHburr lit (be picIosIt rlsht t one Or. StolnsV Local AniPHthe.K for the FcbUh Extraction orTee.h la this city. Office Kock wood Block. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COUNTY I. O. O. F. CASS IODOE.KO. l"6 I. O.O. F. mef.'s er ery Tueetify n'"h-f t the - lia I in Fiizfeera'd Mock. A'lOiu bellows are co'dia"y invitet to attend when v-sit'og In i e cty. Lor4 it LAri,fc.G. Johv cobt, Sec. TJTantd- AN ACTIVK HONEST MAN Sal aiv ioo monthly if suitable, with oppor tunities for advance, to represent local y are sponcible New York bouse. Manufacturer. Loclc wox 1585, N. Y . FTum ; daesda:a Da 'y. cnr.T.'igQeczZJEa O. IT. Ballou is in the Nebraska me tropolis today, likewise Jos. A. Connor. B. K. Windham, the Glenwood grain dealer, made a business trip t this city this morning. Gering & Co. have earned the reputa tion of being the prescription druggists of this city. Subscribe for the Dailt Herald, de livered to aU pares I the city for 15 cents per week Col. Tom Majors and lion. L. D. Rich ards were with t'e passengers for Lou's ville this morning. Mrs. Phil Short arrived last evening ' fmm Wvmnw arifl will tr" ft 11 n hpr r: "- I idence in this city again. W. D. Jones went to Iouis'le today to help Ellington put the finishing touches on the roast ox. Messrs. Baiter and Dawson, the new merchants at Murray have just opened up their ge ieral store with prospecM of a good business. Billy Fox is busily engaged superin tending the packing and loading of W. 8. Wise's effects preparatory to his de parture for Perris, Calafornia. The Mills county, Iowa, fair is bing held this week at Malvern. Wm . Gil more, Will Morrow and several others went over today to see the fine stock. Miss C. D. Clapp, Mike Cavey, A. U. May field a ad John McGuire composed a party from the thriving little - Mlage of Elmwood to the congr. ron-l conven tion last night. The girls of the Prrr.byterian church will give a social in the basement of their church Friday, Sept. 26. Refresh ments served for 15 cen'. Park games. dtf Mrs. C Forbes, sister of John Water man, arriyed this morning i:om Ottawa, 111, enroute to Beatrice wh re her hus band contemplate engaging "1 bus;ic?3, he having just sold out h3 exterive drug businc : at Ottaw?.. The court house bond case was not argued yesterday; the p.'ncipal refon being that the briefs o! Wooley and Webster were in the hands of the print ers. Our attorneys however did not pr pare and serve their br:efs uit'l Friday of last week, which made a ve: j short time for the appcllrc3 to get ready. The case will be argued 'n a day or lvo. Following is the vote polled yesterday in the we ds upon the deficiency bond proposition: First ward, 1C6 for and 2 against; Second ward; 130 for and 20 against; Third ward, 1-18 for and 2G against; Fourth ward. 6S for and 9 against; Fifth ward. C5 for and 12 age'nst. Total, 517 for and 67 against. Though a very light vote it fs a very dv cisive one for the bonds and v ' '! thus relieve the guarantee committee of the payment of any part of the right of way for the new road to pay for out of tt en own pocket" Ocr city never does things that way. Of the many of our leading citizecs who went up to the Lor"-1 "lie bridge celebration today we were able to obtain the follow'ng partial Fst: M Archer, John Waterman, J L Fsrthg and wife, Louis Deggindorfer, Byron Clark, C W Sherman, Ben Elson, John Da "es, J M Woodson and wife, Len Skimp , Frank Dixoi, Edwin Dayis, John Leach with his marshal band, B A McE'wam, D O Dwyer, P E Ruffper, A B Todd. H C McMaken and wife who go from Louis yille to Auburn, L C Stiles, F. ?d ner mann, Chas. Sherman, R W Hyars, S L Thomas, W B Brown, A C Wright, G B Lehnhoff, Miss Tillie Lehnhoff, Mrs C Fleck, Mrs. Albert, Mayor Richer, M Dodge, J M Patterson, W H Newell, Jas Fairfield, Guy Livingston, J Leesley, E S Greusel. Grand Oppra. With much effort the lie Gmd Opera Company of 65 people has been Becured to appear here on next Monday night, Sept. 2'J, in II Trovatore, one of the finest grand operas ever w.itten. It was a hard matter to get them to come here, as the guaranteu subscription list was not sufficient to secure them, so Mr. Waterman consented to make up the de ficiency in order to secure the finest and largest opera company for his patroDi, that a Plattsmouth audience will ever hare the pleasure of seeing again, and the citizens should appreciate this fact, and not let Mr. Waterman be tho loner by securing this company at a great ex pense. Secure your tickets in time. Bucklen's Arnica valve- Tnn Best Salve in the wo Id 'or Cut Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Soies, Tetter, Chapped Handd, (JhilLlaina, Corns, and ell Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay reouired It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale bv F. G. Fricke & Co. A Mam mouth Show. There will be here on next Saturday afternoon and night, Sept. 27. The Suttons mammoutb doublo Uncle Tom's Cabin Co.; the best and largvt company on the road producing this grand old play, which never fails to draw nor grows old. Thi company was here two years ago, giving entire satisfaction, and playing to the largest matinee ever in the house. They give a parade over three blocks long, and headed by a fine brass band. Don't forget the dale but secure your tickets now, at popular prices, 25, 35 and 50c. Matinee prices, 15 and 25c. Take the little folks and let tuem enjoy themselves at the mati nee. A crowded house greeted Sutton's "Uncle Tom'b Cabin" company last night in spite of the snow. An exce'nt per formance was giva without a drag or wait throughout, the interval between acts being filled up with teveral very meritorious Bf . : .ltles among which Little Maud's dancing ? ; ecially com mendable. The drama itself is rendered iu'eresting by the careful and studied acting of Robert Tasker as "Uncle Tom," who is the bast we have seen at the People's. The Marks are good, and be tween them and the two Topsiea the humor of the piece sails pleasantly along. Lincoln Call, Dec. 26 At Waterman Opera Ilouse next Saturday. A Ripe Old Acre. J. H. Holcomb and wife, of Belcher ville, Texas, have celebrated their fifty- fifth wedding anniversary, and are still hale and hearty. The secret ot. their long life and good health is they correct any 6light ailment promptly, and in that way avoid serious sickness. Like most eve oae else, tliey are more frequently trou'tcd with constipation than any other physical order. To correct this th3ytakeSt. Pat ".-u's P" "s in prefer ence to any other, C3 Mr. IIol o -b says, ' They a;e a rr.'M p""' and. b " 1 . keep the whole system in good order. We prize them very highly." For sale by F. G. Fricke. Mike Cavey was chairman of the Cass county delpgation last evening and Charley Clapp was elected as member of the congressional central committee for this county. Both selections were good ones. Si. Patrick's Pills "!ve entire e tisfac t" " I bae used tuem " my family. Tbay are the bes; I ever used for the pv ose J. j.nk Corn"oor Pvxell, In ' Ter, For se'e by F. G. Fricke & Co. M'ss Jennie Copeland thoughtfully prepared beautiful button hole boquets for tbc Cass county delegation last eve ning which they all wore with kindlj rega-ds for the fair doaor. Tho reserved sot sale for the Oiem next Monday night, for those or'y who have signed the guarantee subscrip tion list, will have the piivr'ege to SfcCrre their tickets at J. P. Young's tomorrow, Thursday morning, beginning at 9 o'clock, and for the general public Friday morning, price $1. Tae two front rows in the gallery w!" also be reserved at 75c. J. A. Mac Murphy, the veteran editor of Nebraska, and who, in years agoce, was ed;tor and proprietor of the Kerald was a pleasant caller at this sanctum to day. Mr. Mac has recently purchased the Stonecypher job print'ig plrnt in Omaha and is conducting the same. He was one of the delegates who nomi nated the next congressman from the first district. Elder D. C. Haneelman of Shreve Ohio arrived ttrs morning and w'll be,'r a series of meetings at the Christian church toworrow evening. THE CAMPAIGN OPENED The Republicans of tho First District Anxious to do Him Honor. Hon. W. j. Conned Renominated Without Opposlllon. A Hearvy Approval of His Congress ional Record. The special train bearing the Omaha delegation to the congressional conven tion reached this city a ; little after 8 o'clock and wn met by a large concourse of p;ople, among whom were the leading republicans of the city and county. A l'ne was formed at the foot of Main street, headed by a band of music from Oman?, followed by tho Douglas county delegates wearing the Connell badge. Then followed a host of republicans from the various wards of Omaha, des ignated by a distinguishing badge. This vast number of visitors was es corted to the Waterman Opera House by tae li. & M. Band of this city and a sec ond band of Omaha. When the visitors entered the building, ch :c; j went up that were deafening. Within the opera house but little time was lost in calling the convention to orde-, whieh wr.s done by Major J. B. Furay of Omaha in the pr nence of a house wb'ch wm packed to its utmost. The major said: "We meet here in this beautiful city for a God-given purpose to nominate the next member of congrefT from this district. Applause. You pre called to order and the secretary will read the call." The reading of the call, however, was dispenr sd with and the secretary of the congressional committee, F. McCartney of NebrasLa City, reed the representation to wuich each county was entitled in the convention. The chairman then asked the further p'easrre of the convention, whereupon Captain Woodard nominated Mr. Phil E. Wcnter of Gage for temporary chairman. The motion prevailed and Mr. Wcnter wps rscorted to the stage by Messrs. Van dervoort of Douglas and Woodard of Gage. Hon. Tom Majors, candidate for 1'eu tenant governor, was noticed in the au dience and was called to the stage, when li9 wes giyen a seat among a large num ber of distinguished republicpr:-. As he was about to take his snt he was nom nated secretary of the convention by R. D. Duncan of Omaha. The nominee, however, declined, and the nomination was withdrawn. Mr. Otto Stern and Mr. A. Sa'isbury of Ceps were nominated and elected as secretary and assistant sec retary respectively. On motion of Lee Eate'I. of Douglas the list of delegates to the convention as prepared by the chairman of the con gress;onal committee was adopted with out reading, e". there was no contest. Mr Gere of Lancaster mo?ed, and the motion preva'led, that the temporary or ganization be made permanent. Mr Eechel of Douglas moved that a committee on r: olutions, to consist of n;ne members to be selected by the chair, be appointed. The motion prevailed. Mr. P. Vandervoort moved that the convenHon proceed to nonrnate a candi date for congress Lom the Fi-st district. The motion was seconded and bo'etered up by a suggestion from Mr. I. S. Has call of Douglcv that the nomination be made by acclamation. The suggestion was received with cheers. Mr. Vandervoort then f jse and sa:d: "I nominate Hon. W. J. Connell of Douglas for congress of the F ct con gressional district." Mr. Murphy of Casq moyed that the nomination be made unanimous, and that the roll of connti:1: be called. The call wf.s proceed "d w!Lh eud re suited in the follow "jg votes: C; i 21, Douglas 71, Gage 21, Johnson 9, Lan caster 37, Nemaha 10, Otoe 13, Pawnee 10, Richr-dson 15, Sarpy 5, Sarnde-s 17, Total 202. On motion of a delegate T.om Lan caster the nonr-ntion of Mr. Connell, which was made evident by the absence of a dissent:ng vote, was made unaiv mous. The motion evoked hearty cheers and was carried amidst a whT,,!wd of applin:. Mr. Cornell was theu loudly called for, and when he made his appearance, was received with exultant cheere and the wav'ng of hands and nat3 nntil he wr s at length introduced by the chair. Mr. Connell then gave an account of his stewrrd ship during the term he hps been "i congrrrs, and it proved fo Le the most acceptable as was evidenced by the hearty applause that frequently went up f.orn the vast audience. The following congressional commit tee was elected:, ' . C I) CU.p; Doug-la-, Frod W Gray; S.rpy, Henry W Rogers,; Saunders, U KJIiuh hi; Otoe Frank McCarthey:; LuirHter, . H. Downley; Nemnha. Church Howe; Rich ardson, E. J. IIoKll.ro..!.; Johnson, J. S. Dew; Gage, J C. Etmrr; Pawnee, Chas. E. GWy, Tho convention theu adjourned amid g.eat enthusirx.m, which was a. o used by the masterly speeches delivered by Con. grn -man Connell, Hon. L. D. Richards, Col. T. J. Majors and Hon. John L. Webal r, who delivered some sledge hammer blows to the party of obstruction. . Charley Murphy entertained a large number of his young friends very pleas antly Saturday evening. E. R. Todd returned this morning from a two weeks viit to hu brother at Jamestown New York. Mifs Maud Critchfield, of Shreve Ohio anived V. ' morning on a visit to her cousin, Bird Critchfield. Street commissioner Heinple is doin some needed improvements in the way o" grad ng on Granite street between 3rd and 4 th urcef". M's. Annie White extends her heart felt thanks to friends and neighbors who so k -dly assisted in the late P'n a and death of bar husband. Mr and Mrs. A. W. Porter and Mrs. A. Evans of Pekin I'l., arrived in the city this morning for an extended visit with M-s-E's brotherinlaw, Geo K. Stsats. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at Mrs. 8. A. Davis, Thurs day, Sept. 25Ji at 3 o'clock. All mem bers are most urgently requated to attend th-s meeting. By ordef of the Pres. Col Majors remarked thjs morning as he boarded the train pulling out for the LouisH'e celebration, that he did not want to get left. Many bystanders remarked, "there's no danger of Majors getting left in November. A genuine case of scarlet fever is rej ported jutt outside the city limits we are Bony vo note, and as Nebraska city is suffering from an epidemic of that sort our people should iie extraordinary pre caution to prevent its spread here. Col Majors and Alex Bear candidates on th republican and democratic tickets for lieutenant governor wer both sol dieii in vhe war of the rebellion, but happened l i be on different sides. Ma jors in the federal pnd Bear in the con federate. County Court. Petition of Mrs. Nellie Agnew for appointment of S. A. Davis administra tor of estate of Wm. J. Agnew deceased Petition for final settlement of estate cf James II. Parker, deceased. St. Bat rick's Pills have given me bet ter satisfaction than any other. M. IL Proudfoot, Druggist, Granada, Colorado For sale by F. G. Fricke. Great ltcduclian In Prices. Alter ma 'ure deliberation, we have finally decided to close out our stock ot dry goods. Having made our decision we desire to consummate it as quickly aspossij ble. In order to do this we have made an . Unprecedented Reduction in prices. Our fall and winter stock is full and complete. New goods have arrived up to this date. We call special attention to our assortment of ladies' cloaks and j jackets of which we have the larg- est ana best selection in the riatts mouth and all of the latest styles. J. V. Wkckbach & Son, Plattsmouth Neb. Legal Notice. Iaae Eiam Mnler, non-resident defendant w.P take rotice that Kmrrp. Midf r on tin tn day d?y o" Seotember lo filed uer petition la tiie diw.c. court, of ('ass couDty, Aebra-ka aecinst yon. The object and pra erofiiaid tition bft.nto obtplu a divoice from ou on theground oi deser.ion, failure to support, ex ..enie fnuletv anl scullery. Yod are reouired to fmwer eaio i.eti Ion by Monday the 2oth dav or O.-.ober 1890. ' . Emma Millkb, t,4? o . b ,ier &t,ornej-8 Ueesou & hoot Dalci September I , 18S0. Legal Notice. AnLe Sehromo. defendant, will tak not'eo that on tbe 2nu dy of September, l8io..Ori tian Sch.uran. plaintiff, herein filed his pett t.on tn ; he dis ret court of Ccs.t county JN e b.tskx. a?ai:istsaid derendant. the objectand prayer o- wh en are to obtain a decree of di vorce cever.c-j the bends of matrimony here tofore unities pbilii'iff and dlendant. i ou are required lo rrtwer aid petition on or before tho 13th day of October lo. , Chrstiax Schhcmp. By Wooley & Gibson b s Attorneys. j-4t