Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 18, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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TTtnn -t'
rm '.nr nil rrtT-waa titittcmti
THE POOL OF EETHESDA Conwisl mI Jerusalem,
says Ha txcliiinc, Mr Oil; i. i'n, writes
that tin? xi-iiv 'ition- in ftl :mtinl that
city have 1 roilit ti lij'ht llie rnnnins of
two titid it live n -lied p irc.iu: in the
rear of tin- CnifdtT Church of Sfe. Anne
which settles the location of the Pool of
tIothc.iM, nt in John v., 2., as
the scene of one? of the moot interei-'.iii'.:
of our HtviorN iuthoIu' of hea'ii" r.
Another loftility hna Lihned the j 'i,
anl pr -scnte'l soims facts in support of
it, but the recent discoveries overthrow
the claim and leave no doubt that the
rock-hewn pjol containing water, un
covered by the excavations m the rear
of the ruin of Ste. Aune. ia the one
spoken of in thu Gospel. In the pool
of IJethesda, which wa "by the sh'-ep
market," Mure werw rive porches and
oyer the newly disi-vered basin, hewn
out of the Bwlid rock, there are five arch
es. A btairway cut on the rock leads
down to the water, and it was down
this stairway that the "impou-nt folk,
of blind, halt, withered," who waited in
'the porches for the moving of the water,
were carried by their friend to be
-bathed in the hbahng wave. Tlie Po1
was found to be buried under several
successive layers of debris. First above
ll was a crypt, probably of Crusader
times, which, also, had five porches with
fres oes representing an anijel descend
ing into and troubling the water; next
is Hie small church with its apse; and
next is a bryer of ruins of modem houses
mixed with rubbish and sil TLe fres
coes belong to the church of Crusader
times, and not'ihu to do with the
pool, except tint tli;j picture of the
angel descending to disturb the pool in
dicates the opinion of the Crusader
times as to the locality. These frescoes
are much faded, but still traceable.
Consul Gillman closes his letter with the
ftateuieut: "This pool, I have not the
sLightest doubt, is the veritable pool of
Stamp Collectors..
This year is a great year with the ar
my of stamp collectors, it being the 50th
anniversary of the invention of that
modern necessity the postage stamp. The
first stamp was issued by Great Britain
on the 6th day cf May 1840 ami was
printed in black. There was about 3,000
designs submitted to the British govern
meut from which to select the design for
the first adhesive postage stamp. The
oae accepted was by CorlSout, a French
man, an.l contained a portrait of the
Queen and was of the one penny denom
ination the two nennv stamp did not
appear until the latter part of the same
month and was nrintpd in blue. The
following inscription was printed on each
sJieet: "In wetting the back be careful
not to remove t';r. cement." The growth
of the use s i .ips has been wonderful
very civilized country on the face of the
globe and many that are considered soni
ibarbarous, have some form of a postage
stamp. The diverse designs many of
them very beautiful, as well as the love
for the antique has created an army of
collectors all over the world who have
albums specially created for the saving
and showiug in good form wonderful
designs from all nations. We have sev
eral collectors here in Plattsmouth among
the boys. Charles Rhode has the largest
collection represented by over 1,200
stamps, he has one of the original first
stamps issued in 1S40, h also has some
2 centavo s'amps valued at 5.00 apiece
4n account of their scarcity. The high
et priced stamps are some of the local
atamps issued by St. Louis, NdW York
and Brattleboro Vermont, they are quot
ed at from $300 to :)50 each. There
are several newspapers published in the
interest of the stamp collector which are
taken by the boys in this city. Tom
Mapes, Robert Ballon, Charley Rosier,
Myron Elson, Wendell Foster and Carl
Fricke all haye small collections which
they are adding to. A look at one of
their albums is full of interest not only
to a Philatelist but to any one interested
in the birth and growth of a popular
business adjunct.
Campaign Meetings.
"V. II. Cushing, candidate for state
treasurer. C. J. Smythe, F. R. Morrissty
and Jno. H. Shea will address the eight
ward democrats at their club room.
Twenty fourth and Cuming streets, next
.Sitorday night.
The fifth wird democratic club hasex
t ended aa itr antion to the eighth w ard
-democrats to meet with them at Erfling's
hall Thursday night, when a grand rally
music and speeches will be the order"
The above from the World-Herald in
forms us that our Cushing is going to
bloom out as a campaign orator; we
never expected that, or we should have
been more chary of our good words, for
there is no telling now where the young
man will finally bring up. The IIebald
Lj sorry that it can not give a full . re
port of Brother Cushing's effort at cam
paign oratory, we may however be able
to report him later on.
Mr. J. B. Thomas, of Willow Spr'ngs,
Mo , is in the city today looking it over
with the prospect, if it suits him. of lo
cating here.
Subscribe for the Dailv Herald, de
livered t all parts of the city for 15
ctuts per week.
Mrs. Frank T. Davis returned this
morning from her visit at Beaver City.
License to wed to Mr. Fred W, Eth
eredge aged 30 and Miss Rosa Harvis
aged 21.
Mr. S. V. Ilogen of El ui wood will be
at the fair next week with his Cleveland
Bay staiion.
Mrs. Frank Ransom, of Omaha came
down this morning and is the guest of
Mrs. Ltssie Hunt,
Mrs. Joseph A. Connor and daughter
returned this morning from their visit
to Madison, Wisconsin.
' Miss Grace and Frank Wiles left this
morning for Lincoln to attend college
this winter at Cotner University.
The little frost last niht has caused a
snv.le on the coal dealers face today and
teams have been busy all day delivering
There has been no fuss made about it
ytt in all of Plaftsmoutu.s experience
no two years will equal the present year
for the number of residences erected all
over the city.
Frank Scott of Lincoln, the only man
we ever heard of that had the experience
of allowing a box ear to run over him
without losing his limbs is much improv
ed and will be out as soon as the broken
limb will allow of it.
Mr. Lambert, of Rock Bluffs, who we
mentioned yesterday as being quite sick,
died last night, he was 75" years old, and
an old resident of Ca?s County. The
funeral will be tomorrow at 2 o'clock,
at Rock Bluffs cemetery.
"Jack," whose hoary head was dis
cernible in this vicinity late last night
and early this morning, warned us of
his unwelcome company which will visit
us in the near future. During his stay
all tender twigs and house plants left in
gardens unprotected fell a victim to his
sting. Buckwheat, corn and other late
grain crops suffered greatly.
County Court
Home Fire Insurance Co. vs
Cannon. Default of defendant,
ment for plaintiff for $50.50.
Clark ntty. for plaintiff.
M. S,
Jlome Fire Ins. Co. vs. Isaac Nelson.
Default of defendant. Judgment; for
plaintiff for $13.43. Byron Clark atty.
for plaintiff.
Home Fire Ins. Co. vs. Miner, Melton
Judgment on confession for 76. 70.
Byron Clark atty. for plaintiff.
Michhael A- Hartigan vt Plattsmouth
Canring Co. et al; continued by agree
ment until Sept 20 at 10 o'clock a. m.
D. O. Dwyer for plaintiff, .Tndge Sulli
yan for defendant.
Michael A. Hartigan vs Guthman es
tate continued by agreement until
Sept. 29 at 10 o'clock a. m. D. O- Dwy
er for plainriff and Byron Clark for de
C. II. Parmele vs S. R. Carrigan con
tinued by consent until Sept. 22, at 10
a. m. David Miller for plaintiff and E.
S. Vanatta for defendant.
Winter in Earnest.
The telegraph reports two inches of
snow in Minnesota and four inches in
Dakota. The temperature at Helena is
62 , Fort Carter 2S , and Chey
enne 28 . The temperature along the
western edge of the corn belt is: Moore
head, 30 ; Huron, S. D., 30 ; Valen
tine, Neb., 30 ; and North Platte, Neb.,
24 . Cloudiness prevented frost there
this morning.
The Derrick Concert.
The following programme to be ren
dered at the Waterman - Opera House
Friday evening, S.-pt. 11), will eclipse
any musical entertainmant ever heard in
the city. The items which have so fre
quently appeared in the Omaha papers
commending the ability of the Sutirius
Mandolin and Guitar club, should be
a sufficient guarantee of their excellent
talent. The singers are all first class.
Mandolin Club
Bass Solo "Thy S.ntinel and I"
W. A. Derrick.
Quartette. ."When the Swallows Home
ward Fly" Orpheus Quartette
a, ' Slumber Shore". . . .Gilbert.
b, "Ah, 'TisaDream". .Hawlty
Vlrs. Moeller.
Mandolin Club.
Comic song. . "Listen to my Tale of Woe"
Lew Dale.
Quartette "Old King Cole"
W A. Derrick and Orpheus Quartette
FAnT It.
Mandolin solo (Guitar accompaniment) . .
Prof. H. P. Sutorius.
Tenor solo "Called Back" Denza
R. J. Wherrv.
Quartette .... -'Forsaken"
Orpheus Quartette.
Solo "Thursday" Molloy
W. A. Derrick.
Solo "The Three Singers" Yours
Mrs. Moeller.
Serenade. . "Oh, Why art Thou Not Near
Orpheus Quartette.
Comic Song .... -'Near It"
Lew Dale,
Mandolin Club.
The bells of the city sound aloud
Over the hearts of the hurrying crowd,
Sturklng surely the night of. time.
Kinging out a melodious chime.
Calling loudly through the busy hum,
Comtjl cornel come! come!
The minstrel group from Trinity call
To the belfry band In the city hall.
And the echoes fly at a lively pace
To meet with the charming cherubs of Grace.
And aU Join In the tuneful song.
Ding, dongl ding, dongt
Now a melody now a prayer
Woven in through the harpsf of air,
FludH its way to the prisoner's cell.
To the homes of tle rich and por who dwell
So far it souudd like a drivsy hum.
Come! come! come! come!
I know the bells are endowed with sjt;ech.
And have a message they bring to each.
And none can give the sinul clear
That is meant tor another jerson's ear.
Or guess wl.r.t menioriis throb and throng
Ding, doiig! (tin;, (long!
But bells of Trinity! bells of Grnci!
Hint; out liko tjfrris from a lolly place
A sti; Of Joy, and not of woe,
O'er the pretty scene in the church below.
And call aloud through the buzz and hum.
Come' come! comu! cornel
They come to the altar, bride and -room.
She with her cheeks like a rose in bloom.
While the organ tells with its tuneful swells
That the beaux of the city ring the bells;
And echoes awaken through Christendom;
Ding, doug! Come! come!
New York Ledger.
The Absorption of New f'nglaiut Farms.
Some fifteen years ago, in the early
daj-s of the Mount Desert summer travel.
I met on the beach at Newport. R. I., a
shipwrecked sea captain from Bar Har
bor, who talked in eloquent astonish
ment of the rapid eh.::ig:'3 coming over
the ownership of real estate in that re
gion. "It does jest beat all," he de
clared. "Folks will coma along from
Now York or Philadelphy Jind they'll
kinder take a fancy to a man's farm.
They'll end in givin' him more for it
th::n he ever thought o' aslrin' for it; and
th?n they'll pay him more for livin' on
it in winter to t:ika c:ira of it than he
ever made off of it.'-
This d;ip;vx good bargain, this gain in
both principal arid interest at the same
time, seemed quite too much for my
v.-eather beaten friend's comprehension.
Vet the same process h;is been going on
for years, in a manner less co?ispic-..:ons.
along the whole New England coast, and
through all the mountain region of the
Appalachian range. Side by side with
that crowding into cities in winter,
a steady crowding out of cities for sum
mer residence; and this is in many cuse.-i
displacing the original resident of the
soil and substituting new ownership.
In the region where I now find myself
one may look from the hills over many
thousand acres, not one of which now
belongs to a permanent resident of th.
town. Farms h.ivo boen bought and
united, one man owning COO acres, an
other 700, and so on. in a region where
200 acres was once regarded as a large
farm. Harper's Bazar.
Pale Sii rsap:irill:i Sirup.
There is a handsome new drug store
up in Fourteenth street where they sell
soda water aad disjx-l illusions all for
five cents a glass. If yon ask the soda
water clerk for sarsaparilla sodi water
he will give you a glass cf foamy water !
that is almost colorless of a pearly
transparent, like that of -a glass of
vanilla soda water. It looks no more
like the rich, brown colored drink that
people expect to get when the ask for
sarsnparilla soda water than chalk does.
If 3'ou remark on the nnacenstomed ap
pearance of the drink tie will say to you,
as he says to hnrdreds of people who
ask for that particular kind of soda wa
Uv every day, that pure sarsaparilla
siii'.p is colorless. "People think," he
says, "that sarsaparilla. being "made of
routs, iiitust be brown. Perhaps years
;;.;). when the sirup was made by throw
ing a lot of unwashed roots in a dirty
kettle and boiling them over a smoky
fire in th" wood.", there wp.s dirt enough
in the compound to make it brown.
Nowadays the process is cleaner and the
sirup is colorless. But people think
sarsapariila ought to be brown, and so
people color it with burnt sugar or lico
rice. We don't." Washington Post,
LooKine fur Jiiff Prices.
There were some curious incident?)
noted near the (xriinl Central station
while (.he stri'.:e was in progress. One of
the icri;,- delayed trains ha l just come in
one evening and the passengers were
streaming ont of the station when one of
them stepped up to a bystander and ad
dressed him: "Look here.'" said the trav
eler, "can you tell me where is the most
expensive restaurant in this town?"
"The most expensive!" quoth the one
addressed in surprise.
"Yes, sir; that's just what 1 want.
While our train was blocked cut on the
road we could get very little to eat and
I got used to paying top rates. Some
body brought along a basket of sand
wiches railroad sandwiches, sir and
sold them out at $1 apiece. We bought
em we had to buy 'em or go hungry.
Now, 1 want to get back to my regular.
prices by degrees. So you don't know
which is the most expensive restaurant?
Well, I'll go down to Delmonico's and
chr.nca it, anyway." The ,peal"t:t f being
a prosperous looking person, probably
carried out his threat. New York
Injurious KfTects of Odors.
irou can kill .a man quicker by an evil
smell than any other way in the world
if you know how to go about it, and all
evil smells are in greater or less degree
poisonous and reduce vitality where the
do not destroy outright.
The LinJou Lanctt gave the case of a
gentleman in a railway car detained
alongside cars of hogs in an offensive
condition about fifteen minutes. He
was taken ill with symptoms of prostra
tion, though previously in health, and
died shortly after, poisoned by tlu intol
erable ilor. ijhirley Dare.
Maude Who is that coarse cieature
that murders the king's English and hu3
the manners of a charwoman?
Minnie Sk-h! That's the author of
the latest success in "society" noyels.
Iittsl)Tirjr Bulletin,
i - neuralgia causes muck Insanity
i The highest medical authorities of Europe and
! America have recently decided that a large percent
age of cases of insanity is caused by the excrutiating
' pains of Neuralgia of the head and tace. 1! any mm
! Ler of your family suffers this tormentor, induce them
m trv Rallard'a Snow Ijmment. One indication
' ,M mtfnwA n. m i Mii.f wt. ,vi ! I tnnn Kj wilt
of a dangerons and toirarnting disease. Ballard's
Know Liniment is tSe most penetrating Liniment
knowm. It positively cures Kheo itatism. Lame Back
Contracted Muscles. Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, etc.
It penetrates and opens cp the pores, drawing all
poisonous matter to the surface, restoring and pro.
noting a natural circulation of the blood through the
diseased parts.
For Silo by F. (1.. Fricke, Druggist.
j 1 HE FIGURE - O."
I he flgin e 0 in our dates w!ll maltn a sng stajt
I Jo man or woman now li. inr; will ever date v
Jocumcnt without uain tlir. iiituro 9. It stands
I In the third place in 1SSj, wii-r- it will remain U
j years and then inovs up to r,vo:id place in 190(1
where it will re;-.t for on hunJrrJ years,
j There is unother '"J" which h:ifkhocomet0 8tay.
j It is unlike tl.-j iiirtro S in oi.r Jnt -; in the respect
J that It lias alrt'Ady moved u; f.o Oi.-i. p'.ace, where
j it will permanently remain. 11 ii j-,l!ed tho "He
3" lli-h Arm Wrj'e..-r . Wilinr. S in-j Machine.
The "No. 9" v:is eador -d Jor lirt place by lb';
rytKTU of Eutoie nt tf8 li.i ICxpoiRion of ltir'J,
vh-ire, afu-r a sevcic?cviit.-''. with the l.Nuiing ma
chines of the world, it w.-vs sLWurd-.'i the Oi:iy
GranJ Prize given to ." .mil;' sewinjr machines, rdl
others on exhibit lcn in.' yc-ivO lmvjf award
of cold inod-Js, '.o. "'!:.; !''-;:ic'i Government
I ilso recognized itssnpf rioriiy by llui decoration of
Mr. Nathaniel V'ai-. l- r. rei ier.t of the oompuny,
! with the CroiS of tSe of Honor.
Tho "No. 9" is not sa old machine improve4
upon, but is an f:r;r!y ni-.--' inuehino, and itm
Grand Prize ut I'iitm w:i c.v.-irded it as tho grand
i et advance in r.ew niacliiue mechunism oi' thn
Vje. Those v.i.o i: y it .n r?t tvseured, them
I re, of having the v-ry :,ud best.
185 and IS? Wabash 1 ve.. Chicago.
I; viV Vl 1 H'-CjIA ibVLl:e
133 &!Si Y. Ninth St., KANSAS CiTY, f.'3.
ihe only Specialist ia tho City cho is a Regular
Graduate in Medicine. Over S3 years' Practice,
12 years in Unicago.
t:;e eldest in ace, and lqnccst located
XTJN Anthorized by tho Ktnt to tirit
f Ohronio, Nervous nn -'Sprtciiil !is-
fiT A' ensos," SoniiniU Vv'euk ieys (vriui
QLOhses), feiual Debility (j.ohb op
Y'i;.f) JrfcEXUAl. TOWKit), Nervous I.(iiltty,
J- : .i,' Jf.-t'foisoneil Blood.t'lreraund SVcllint,!
' i" - i of every kind, und llrionry J')i5a.M.
"r'r. ,' j Cures punrautecd or monoy r-wamifid
(lhartzes low. 3.h.ouan.i: of cisms
cured. Experience i important. All medicines are
paarinted to be r"re and eiuioaciou, beini c'n
Iioundwl in my perfectly appointed labonttnry. eivi
nro furnished ready for ue. No running to curi
stores to hnve uncortiiin prewriptions. tilled. J-'o
mercury or injurious cheuiicula used. Jo detention
from business. Putients at a distance trmite-1 by
letter end express, medicines sent everywhere free
from pHze or brealce. riiat your chso nnd Fend
for terms. Consultation free und oomidenuai, p jr
eonally or by letter.
A 64 pnt-o c fs fk f For Both Sexes. Bsr.t
illustrated M J W seuled ia pluin uuvelo:'j
for f. in stamps. Kvory miile irom tlie ago of
lo to 4o Buould read tms dook.
ati uu
tor HHEUaiATISM. S50 for any f,,
pn9A t.iiis t rt'itment f Alls to cure Or
help. Greatest discovery in annals f 1
of modicine. One dose iv,s relief;
a few doses removes fever and pain
in iniiita. Curo completed in S to 1 1
dnys. bend statement of case with eUunp for CJir
cuiurs. Call, or address A
Da. HENDERSON, 1 09 W.9ni St., Kansas City, FS3-
AS ARIA 2,94 H
km fri a - wy r' s.,i
3One rackacre of Steketjce's Dby
B1TTEH8 will make oac gallon of the best
Hitters known, which wiil t:l KK ImliireMion, ;
I'Hins m the Monmcn, iever amtli-.e, and nt
acts upon the aiiuneys ai:a lHadKr; the best
Tonic known. Can be uai-d with or without pnirits.
tions on each packajje. Sold by Druptrists or sent by H
it'B iar tne cneaiet n-menv Known, t uu airec- c
mail, rostace
prepaid. Price KO ct.s. for sintrle. or 5 1
two jieckcts for Oil Cts.
U . b. Etamps taien in
payment. Address,
GEO. G. STEKETEE, Grand Rcpids, Rich.
8Always tiK'ntiun thia paper.
.r -;h" Uruor Habit. Positively Uuref
It can be given in a cup cf ccr'fee cr tea. or in ar
tides ni dod. without the knowledge of the pet
win takinjr it; It is absolutely harmless en-t win
effect a perinaneut aii'i sptecly cure, whethui
tliepatientia a moderato clHnkpror an alcoiif-lif
a complete -uie in evsi v instance. 4i page oooti
FREF. Aitlre-s in confi U-nce, .
VcU5F.itf peC'F'C CO 1 95 Rae St.. Cincinnati. 0.
w pounce, Lota
hood, Seminal
trrtf Emissions.
1 Emissions, Ojermuiiirrnra,
I ij..,fvml'ii. Self Distrust
in tif Ummoru. &c, Wiil
make uou a STROHG, Vigor
ous Man. Prict $1.00, 0
Bona. $5 CO.
Srxtelcl Dlrrrilnnt Vall'ti
with each box. Aatires
6iU:i Smv Uaiffie&t Ce
89W LuoaaAvc
ST.LOuta. laa
. a v. ' r is
U 1
H w zm y f r4 fe
3 g H 4 43 U a 3 fi u W
. . ....... :.:-u rw.-:.-.v-52Trprj1a
"We are pleaded to
Of iStaplt- jitm! Fancy Iry (ioo!.-
In newest fall "hades.
We are showing a nice
Black Dress silks in gro
Armurcs Faille and fancy
and a choice selection of
in latest ishades.
m-r- TP
shown in the city
est prices.
Star Litters, Milhurn Wagons and Iiurf-ies. Moline Steel Harrows
Little Joker Cultivator. 1'lano Steel Harvester and Einde-a
The Dandy Riding Cultivators, and
I line line of double swd single iiarness.
Our Goods arc all new
we HfifOLE amm but firs clas goods
We have something new in
will pay
& m a a u k. a
Sixth Street, near Riley Hotel.
Ve cskll attention to the novelty of Its
of paper with an interposed layer of water-proof bitumen or aaphalt, the whole onitea
uder p e-ssure, making a sanitary mildew-proof sheathing for the aides and floors of
houses, rhat will last as long as the building upon which it is applied.
Experience has shown that the cheap papers commonly used for sheathing booses do
not protect a building for any length of time, but soon mildew and fall to pieces, making
the house drafty and damp; these defects can then only be remedied at great expense.
A Gcod Sheathing like the O. K. Euilding Paper, can be obtained at a trifling cost, and
it s a waste of money to use an inferior article.
Put up in roll 36 inches wide, containing l.OOO square feet.
Sa.PLi, circular o p-ices TTTfi A "RonTT'WfJ f-n 73 Maiden Lane,
Best. Easiest to use. Cheapest. Kcliof 13 immediate.
A cure is certain. Jfor Cold in the Head it has no equaL
r i it
is an Ointment, of which,
-1 Ti-: rv
1 Vr. -
E. T.
j j tnaij.
uiiiiuiuicre that oar
is euniph'te in" every particular
fcliown as line a liueol
We mentiun in part:
line of
somes t line
carpet ever
at the very low
with the latest and
best improve-
a spring for a farm wajron, it
O "
you to see it.
LY Water-Proof
construction, it being compoeed of two aheeta
1 1 I
ri LnJ
a small n.-ii-tiVlo fa oni:
ild hY Druggista or Bent by
UAZEircnt, Warren, Pa.
1 j t 1 ' . " tivj.
i 1