Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 11, 1890, Image 1

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61.50 A YEAR
ftVi if (If
ft T .
i if
Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, iS8
Everybody Reads the Weekly Herald,
Ths Plattsmoutli Eerali
Dr. A. Klllurjr hu the xcloTe rlht to ue
I)r. Sfcinau'M Locnl Amrstlifti for the Palnle-m
Extraction ofleeth In thin cltj. Offlce Kockwood
I. O. O. F.
PASS 1,()IH!K. No. 14.I.':. O. F. meets ev
ery Tueftl.-iy nighr at their hall in Y itztreialil
block. All Odd Fellows are cordially invitea
to attend wlni v Lsit int? in the city.
Lokij Davis, N, ft.
John Cokv, See.
SlifO monthly if suitable, with oppoi-
nnit for ;iiivnTieo. to represent locally a re-
si.oiiMble New York house. Manufacturer,
Lock .(,:: lf8.-, N. Y.
B. & M. Time Table.
No 1...
" 3....
" 9,. .
" 11.
" 19...
...3 :20 a. ni
...5 :45 p. m
. . .9 :15 a. in.
...7 :15 a. 111.
.. 6 :15 p, 111.
.. .5 :i5 p. m.
.11 :00 ft. m.
No 2 5 :05 p. in.
"4 10 :2o a. m
" i... 7 ;44 P. m.
" 10 10 :00 a. ni.
" 12 1C :1C a. m
10 8 :25 a- in.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Miss r,lia Steimker ;s "siting friends
in Omaha today
There were 03 state fair tickets 6old
by agent Latham this morning
Corn-. Sept. 10th 1S90. To Mr. and
MVa Pliilin Wertembereer on Cth and
Gold 6treet a daughter.
Mrs. A. P. Campbell departed this
morning for a month's visit with friends
and relatives in Burlington.
Mr. J. H. Burnett a former resident of
this county, but now of Frontier county
this state was with the rush this morning
for the 6tate fair. Let every one talk "Garland Stove" to
wpafc of the I his neierhbor. thev are the best. cold
this momina- for Clarks. vulJ u! "UCCB- vv
1 1. J vvJ w -w ZD '
W. A. Derrick's Concert.
We are informed that W. A. Derrick
who was a resident of this city for some
time and a member of the old Platts
niouth glee club; but who for the past
year or more has taken up his abode in
Omaha, during which time he has been
a student under the well known vocal
instructor, B. B. Young, intends giving
hisokl friends of this city a rich musical
treat on the evening of Friday. Sept. 19
at the Waterman opera house. He has
secured the best talent of Omaha to assist
him, among which is the Sutorius Man
dolin and Guitar club, which alone will
afford a new and novel musical feast.
The Orphans quartette, consisting of
Messrs. Wherry, Treat, Bu'ler and Dor
rick will take a prominent part. Aside
from this, the names of Mrs. Moeller, the
contralto soloist of Trinity cathedral
quartette; and Mr. Lew Dale, a popular
humorist, will appear n the programme.
As this is Mr. Derrick's farewell con
cert, previous to his departure for the
east where he will continue his musical
studies, his lat grand efforts to furnish
his old friends a musical treat should
be greeted by a crowded house.
Y. W. C. T. U.
There will be a meeting of the Y's at
the Y. M.C. A. rooms Thursday, Sept.
11. at 4 d. ni. Arrangements will be
a -
made for the 6ocial and all members are
desired to be present.
He Steps in Front of an Approaching
Train at the Eleventh Street
. Crossing and Is Instantly
A Distressing: Acctdent
A distresssing and fatal accident oc
curred at the B.& M. crossing on
Eleventh street a few minutes before 5
o'clock last evening. The victim of the
accident was Frank Swindell, a young
farmer who resides near Phelps, Ks.
Swindell was attending the fair and wis 1
on his way to the city when the accident
occurred. He was walking aloDg the
south tiack when an approaching train
warned hiin off. He stepped off the
track onto the main track and was struck
by a train returning from the fair
grounds. The unfortunate man's head
was crushed in and his legs were man
gled terribly. A telephone message was
j J. A. Connor Esq. is in Omaha today,
j The city council will be in session to
i night.
j Sirs. D. W. Curtis, of Hampton.Neb. is
( visiting friends near Hock Bluffs.
1 Mis. L. A. NcVcomer departed tlii
j morning for a visit with relatives at
j Tipton Mo. .
! Miss Jant Livingston went up to Oma
ha this morning to visit friends for two
or three days.
J. Oldham, of Muny, left this morn-
North ' iug for ifarysville Mo., where he will
attend school this winter.
Jos. Rankin Esq., of Murry the hall
way station between this city and Union,
was in the city on business today.
Tapley W. Faiight and Jim Boot have
got their Murry lumber yard well stocked
up and are already doing a good business.
That hacking cough can be so quickly
cured by Shil oil's cure. We guarantee
it. For sale by F. G. Fricke and O. II.
Snyder 1
Judge Sullivan wont up to Papillion
this morning on rail road business.
The Judge will neither ford nor ferry
Thfl following cases were riled iu the
district court today:
The Weeping Water Electric Co. vs
B. D. McXuilin and WestinghouM Elec
tric Co., injunction to restrain the sale ot
property of the Weeping Water Electric
The State of Nebraska vs Jas Fitii:s;
an appealed cu-o from Justin in . f
Union. The complaint was made
against Frans by 11. F. Tavloj f'.- tres
pass upon real propjty.
sent to the police station and the patrol th? Platte this trip.
wagon sent down. The body was taken ! Wm. Neville's tent on section live
to Ileaton's undertaking establishment j on the Omaha Southern went up in
to be prepared for butiel. ' liames yesterday taking fire from a care-
Swindell formerly lived at South : les.clv constructed sfovo nine hnlp
- 1
Bi?nd. Nell., but lias r4,!il. d on i f'li-m i t i...n...i - j- t
' ' - - i jukl' lieeu, 01 l'eru. ma vounrr man
near I helps, kas., fur the .past .seven : iuterested in the new lumber vard arrived
years. He is married and is the tatbor ast evening, and will lend the boys
or nvectmciren. a message was sent to helpil haR(1 to ?et things readj for
his wife last night apprising her of hrr ; business.
husband's terrible death. The body will . .
nioiiui ii 3lt HM t,c 1H!!IHIM
The W. C. T. U. meets as usual at the
residence of -Mis. Stephen Duvis on
Pearl St. between Slth and 8th, Thursday
afternoon at 3 o.clock. Let nil niemb rs
and all others thai are interested in ihis
good work, be in attenuence.
By Order ot Pres
County Cou t.
Lrnest L. biggins vs. Daniel Burris.
Suit on account. Judgment by confes
sion ior,
Ernest L. Sigtrinn vs. John Davis, suit
on account.
10 ft. m.
And Tli en Buy A Home m
South Park.
Do not b caught in the delusion ot
many thousands in postponing a home
until th-.-y can have nn expensive one
This idea is the devil1 irm. tl.ut
... - - j ' -, lii v, v 1 j ( iy
mr-ii and wonun iiinumeialde. who will
neyer have any at all. The laborer may
Hearing September 17 at have, at the rle of the day, to walk or
Mrs. Kate Simpson, teacher of piano.
organ, and primary harmony; ucMrcss
Washington Ave. Ai nil
20.) corner of
Street. tf.
The only exclusive stove and tin store
in Cass county.
Boeck Walker,
Merrick county, this state for a visit with
friends, and to look over the country.
Miss Emma Warner, of Ipavia, 111.,
arrived thi9 morning and will remain in
tke city for several months the guest of
her sister Mrs. Walter Holmes.
B. Windham Esq., father of R. B.
Windham of this city, came over yester
day from Glenwood to attend the county
fair not having missed a Cass county fair
for over ten years.
The beat of the ''big drum" at the
central building seems to quicken the
footsteps of our youths to reach their
places in the march, and for the day's
labors in the school rooms.
The Herald is represented at the state
fair today by Col. M. D. Polk and "Cap'
Rhode. There will be but few
thing9 transpire there that we are not
informed of on the morrow.
Mesdames Dawson & Pearce have ar
ranted with Miss Una Freer to take
charge of the Misses ana cnildrens ae
nartment of their business. All orders
in these lines will have prompt attention.
Ladies plain dresses and wrappers made
to order. lw
j! "V Holy Writ says men love darkness
r&llier lUHO llgub uclhudo men ulcus a. 3
eyil; bat the south part of the city were
kept in darkness till a late hour last
night because of a failure of the elec
rical current to reach the lamps.
A lot of vounnesters were having a
great deal of merriment out on Lincoln
avenue last night with a bonfire and
policeman Jack Denson's "trick mule'
T. E. Williams returned Monday from
Nemaha county where he ht.d been at
tending the funeral of the late James
Evans who died on the 4th inst. The re
mains were interred, on the 6th in Prairie
Union cemeterv. Mrs. Williams did not
return home with her husband but will
remain with the family for a few days,
We were able to obtain but a partial
list of the manv visitors to the state fair
from this city today.among whom were:
Mr. and Mrs. Vanaraman of the Hotel
Riley. A. B. Todd, R. W. nyers, E.
S. GreuseLMayor Richey, Judge Sullivan,
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Sage and Miss Mary
Sage. Thos Fry and wife, Mr. Spencer
and daughter Ella. Timothy Clark,
Sam Parker and wife, Mre. W.L.Browne,
Mrs Grant Luper, Joseph Fairfield, Fred
Hermann, M. B. Murphy and wife; C. II.
Davis, W. D. Jones, John Rutherford,
Wm. Hull, James Polin, Bird Critchfield
and wife, Jos. Martin, Mrs. Sam Chandler,
J. G. Royal and wife, Mrs. Al Kennedy,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Royal of Rock Bluffs
Mr. W. H. Royal, D. A. Young and
wife and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Holmes of
Rock Bluffs.
Miss Hattie Holmes of Rock Bluffs
and her young friend Miss Sales of Ce
dar Creek, Mrs. Lizzie Cockran and her
brother Jimmie Holmes, and F. M.
Y'oung of Rock Bluffs precinct were
among the state fair visitors this mor
be kept at Ileaton's until word is re
ceived from the unfortunate man's
family. State Journal.
Mr. Swindell was an old resident of
Cass county, having resided here for
seyeral years near South Bend where he
was married previous to taiting up his
residence in Kansas. And we are in
formed that he was a distant relative of
the Polk Bros, of this city. It is a sad
message to be borne to the bereaved
wife and children at home
Everyone that knows the comtnedian
John Dillon knows that he is capable of
amusing and keeping his audience in a
war of laughter especially in his famous
play "States Attorney" he has a strong
supporting company and will appear at
the opera house tomorrow night. Prof.
Waldemar Beck will furnish the music
assisted by Mies Mary Grant at the piano
and other competent musicians. Don't
fail to go tomorrow night and enjoy a
pleasant evening. Secure your tickets
now as present indications point to a
big house.
of revising the registers on September
12 and 13, then again Saturdav Sentem
ber 20. Let every body register then
v- te for the bjnds.
Th'j social given last night at the resi
dence os Mr?. Laura Peterson, west of the
high school building, by the ladies aid
society of the 2d. E. church was very
S successful and well attended.
The . great harvest excursion train
passed through this city this forenoon in
three divisions of ten coaches to each
division, and every coach was filled and
many passengers were standing on the
John Leach, the painter received an
orde r which put him to his studies today.
It was an inscription for the rostrum yi
the new German church out in the Lohnes
The County Fair. September 15, 16,
17 and IS. dwtf.
neighborhood. John isn't much of
german, ana ne was a little troubled to
decipher some of the letters.
Pat Teevan, the excelsior mojtar mixer
got "funny" last evening and proceeded
to read polieeman Johnnie Fitzpatrick a
lecture in rather severe terms, when
Johnnie ordered the said Pat to desist
and accompany him to the city boardin
non. Wm. Neville is conceded to be j house, and this morning Judge Arcbei
an excellent judge of bridge contructions j asstssed Pat $2.50 and costs for the fun
but from the wild guess he made at the I and lodging.
weight ot a SU pound watermelon at Policeman Fitzpatrick had his class oi
Henry Weckbach's store, putting it at 15 incorrigibles on the street for recreation
pounds one would think he was a novice this afternoon. Johnnie says their or-
at noecinrr linnn frVi winr4if rf en rh r K I 1 . i: : 1 i i ... . .....
"6-" v cuiiiuuu win ue oener ior a little exer-
jects. Then he was prevailed upon to cise. Two of them refused to work and
L - 1- J 1 I . ...
pass upou me age ui a muie anu uis Marshall Archer chained them together
Cky Bread Delivery.
uince corner Sixth avel Pearl street.
wagon will ninke daily delivery of tl e
celebrated snow-flake, graham, home
made and rye bread. Leave orders at
orcce or M. B. Murphy &Co.
J. D. SmrsoN.
"For summer complaint," s ys Bn L.
Bear, a prominent druggist of ijos Aive
les, CaL, "I know of no remedy so ure
and sate to use as Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." Mr,
Bear is not alone in entertaining that
opinion, as, wherever known, the remedy
is praised b-v all who use it. For sale bv
F. G. Fricke Co.
f.iend Francis is authority that he called
the animal 15 years old when he was ex
actly 29 years old. As Billy never
drove any mules, or foraged any melons
in his boyhood days he should not be
expected to guess upon etther with too
reat precision.
and let them stand and look on with all
the independence thej could get out of
the situation
The Herald finds through an interview
with the County Fair management that
every tlrng is encouraging for a good
fair but we are requested to urge upon
C. Am Marshall, Dentist.
Will return to college Sept. 21,
which we are informed Denson is groom- I any one wishing work done will please
in" for the races at the fair. call at once. tf
Among the many visitors to the state I Plenty of A No. 1 flour on hand to
fair this morning might have been been exchange for wheat at the Factoryville
one of our prominent liverymen whose Roller Mills. Wheat taken on deposit.
came we withhold by request witb a
roll of documents under his arm for
distribution. Upon inquiring we were
informed by Commissioner Todd and
Host Vanaranam that the said documents
were temperance tracts.
Do Not Miss It.
miss hearing the
T. M. Warne.
Summer Complaint. A druggist at
Britt, Hancock county, la., relates his ex
perience with this disease as follows:
During the summer of 1882, my little
girl, two years of age, was taken serious
ly ill with summer complaint, so common
to children of that age, and after being
treated by a physician and getting no
better, I took from my shelves a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy. 8he felt relieved after
Do not miss hearing the Mandolin
and Guitar club at the Derrick concert
on Friday evening. Sept 19. II. P.
Suturius, the instructor of the club, for
a number of years traveled with the the first doBe, and in three days was en-
Spanish Students and is known as the r0lJ
Mandolin king. Seats go n sale Mon- I Ilair Jewelry work. Leave orders at
dsv at Youngs. Prices 50, 35 and 85 Dovey'a store or Mrs Wise's millinery
star on Main street.
Having been appointed tax collector j the farmers to fill the agricultural hall
for this city. Mr. Guy Livingston for I and tne business men of Plattsmouth to
the convenience and accomadation of j make an elaborate di play in the art hall.
shop men will be found at the treasurers If this is done Cass county will have the
office every day at the noon hour and of greatest fair ever held on the grounds
eyenings from six to eight. and something to be proud of. The fair
opens on next Monday Sept. 15th. Let
all the entries be made on or by that day
The book of entries will be
A Wonder Worker,
Mr. Frank Huffman, a young laan o
Burlington, Ohio, states that he had been if possible
under the care of two prominent physi- closed Tuesday at 12 o'clock
cians, ana usea tneir treatment until he I A Good Sized Runaway
was not able to get around. They pro- I At the noon hour a team belonging to
nounced his case to be Consumption and j John Wiles, a farmer west of town, took
incurable, ne was persuaded to try Dr. j a scare neaif.he PostofSce and flew up
King's New Discovery for Consumption, j Main street at a lively rate, with L. Math
Coughs and Colds anp at that time was j ews the driver in the wagon part of the
not able to walk across the street without time and on the wagon tongue the rest
resting. He foundefore he had used of the time, endeavoring most heroically
half a bottle, that he was much better; j to check the team, which he succeeded in
he continued to use it and is today en- I doing at the corner of 6th street. Many
joying good health. If you have any I wonders were expressed by those who
throat, lung or chest trouble, try it. We witnessed the run that the driver was not
guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free J dashed among the wheels and severely
at F. G. Fricke & Co's., drugstore. injured, but fortunately little injury
resulted to either driver or team.
We want an A No. 1 agent in this
county at ence, to take charge of our
Hotel Arrivals Perkins House.
F W Kramer, James Fitzgerald,
business, and cenduct the sale of ne of Robert Smith, G H Graham, John A
the very best, most meritorious, and fast- I Walters, Lincoln; D McKinsey. J H
est selling uiventions ever offered to the Mansfield, M Sachs and son, Omaha
American people. To the right person FN Hall, Wm Berdine, Hastings; R
we will pay a liberal salary or aUow a Pace, Kanesville Mo.; Wm Tunate
large commission. For full particulars Des Moines; Chriis Metgzer, R R Hill
address Voltaic Belt Co., No. 218, Mar- F VI Young, country; R Cunningham
shall, Mich. tf Eight Mile Grove: F M Rvle Wah on '
Specimen Cases.
S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wi? , whs
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism
his stomach was disordcrsd. his liver was
affected to an alarming degree, appetito
fell away, and he was terribly reduced
iu flesh and strength. Three bottles of
Electric Bitters ci-red him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111.,
bai a sore on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three battles of
Electric Bitters and seven bottles Buck
len's Arnica Salve, and hia leg is sound
and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O.,
had five large fever sores on his leg, doc
tors 6aid he was incurable. Or.e bottlr
Electrc Bitters and one box Bucklen's
Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold
by F. G. Fricke &Co's., drug store.
Soecial Sale of Dry Goods.
Good carpets. Notions, millicerv,
Cloaks, flannels, blankets, canton flannel
wool, in fact everything you need for
fall and winter ; embroidery and a fine
stock of staple goods, boots and shoes
at the lowest prices in the city.
J. V. Weckhach & Son.
Buoklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever
bores, 1 etter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains.
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, nd posi
tively cures i'Uea, or no pay required It
is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box
For sale Dv x . G. Fricke tte Co.
The Daylight store will closs out their
stock of dry goods and continue till the
last is sold, Great bargains in novelties
in misses and ladies jackets, the nicest
and tastiest pattern."? at very low prices,
Call in and see prices and goods. tf.
J. V. Weckbach & Sox.
Begining Sept. 1, we commenced cut
ting prices on our entire stock of dry
goods, carpets, etc. and will continue to
sell at low prices until all is gone. We
must be all closed out by January 1,
J . Y. Wbckbach a Sow.
For tin, copper and sheet iron
call on Boeck & Walker.
The succo's of Mrs. Annie M. B'am
of McKeesport, Pa., in the treatment of
diarrhoea in her children will undoubt
edly be of interest to many mothers.
bne says: "l spent several weeks in
Johnstown, Pa., after the great flood, on
account of my husband being employed
there. We had several children with
us, two of whom took the diarrhoee vert
badly. I got some of Chamlrlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
from Rev, Mr. Chapman. It cured both
of there. I know of several other cases
where it was equally successful. T thinlr
it cannot be excelled and cheerfully rec
commend it" 25 and CO cent bottles
for sal by F. G. Fricke &C'. tf
Subscribe for the Daily Herald, de
ivered to all parts of the city for 15
cents per week.
For Sale. 1
The nicest residence lots in the rit
located on Chicago ave., for sale cheap.
For particulars enquire of Daniel Burris
or call at this office.
For Rent.
The vory desirable residence ownori
and recently occupied by Henry Water
man. Corner of 7th and Main
For terms apply at Wescott'. n,;-
Store. Ar
ride farther than is desirable to reach it
but when he gels to his destination in
th eventide Iip will find something
worthy of being culled by thut glorious
and impassioned, find heaven descended
word. "Home."
Young married man, us soon as you
can buy such a place, even if you have
to put on it a mortgage reaching from
base to capstone. Tin mn,-l. 0l.u,i
mortgage which is ruin to the; reek 1
man. to one prudent and provident is
t'.e beginning of a competency and a
fortune, for fie reason lie will not be sat-
fcfied until he 1ms phid it rfT, und all the
household arc put on strictest economy
until then. Deny yourself all puperflui-
tirs and all luxuries until you can say:
Everything in this lionse is mine thaur
God'. every timber, eyery brick ever
foot of plumbing, every doorsill." D
not Lave children born in a boarding
house, and do not Yourself bn lmHo.4
from one. Have a place where vour
children can shout and simr and romn
and not be overhaulded for the racket.
Hnye a kitchen where you can do some
thing toward the reformation of evil
cookery and the lessening of this nation
of despeptics. As Napoleon lost one of
his great battles by an attacked of indi
gestion, so many men have such a daily
wrestle with the food swallowed that
they have no strength left for the battle
of life; and though your wife may know
how to play all musical instruments and
rival a prima dona, she is not well edu
cated unless she can boil an Irish potato
and broil a mutton chop, since the die
sometimes, decides the fkte of families
and nations.
Have a setting room with, at least one
easy chair, even though you have to take
turns at sitting in it, and books out of."
the public library, or of. your own pur
chase for the making of your family in
telligent, and checker boards and guess
ing mitches, with an occassional blind
man's bluff, which is of all games my
fayorite. Rouse up your homes with all
styles of innocent amusement, and gath
er up in your children's lives a reservoir -of
exuberance that will pour down r-
freshing etreaMS when lift gets parched'
and the dark days come and the lights
go out and the laughter is smothered in
to a sob. T.'De Witt Talmnge.
For Soutfc Park Lots
Orer Bank of Cwi Coaoty