1A PLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBEKJ4. 1890 $1.50 A YE A It YOL.XXVI. NO. 21. THE GREAT UNWASHED Vallery's Meat Market Highest of all in Leavening Tower. U. S. Govt Report, Aug. 17, 1889. EE AD ! They Assemble in Solemn Conclave and Nominate a Ticket at Wabash. 105 S Cth st., Union Block, formerly 415 Main street. J ? ill t -r ABSOLUTELY PURE BYecytjQCly Reads 7 ghttsmouth $VeeM2 Wfrald Dr. A. SllHlrx hth exclusive rUht to me Dr. Stinau'n Kocal Antheti for the Ptinleiw Extraction of Teeth in thin city. Ofllce Kockwood Block. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY AND THE COUNTY B. & M.Time Table. aoiwo west ooimo east jf 1 8 :20 a. m No 2 5 :0.-i p. m. " 3 5:45 p. m "4 10:25 a. m S. 9:15 a.m. "8 7 ;44 p. m. 7 7 :15 a. in. " 10 10 :00 a. m. 9 :15 p, m. ' 12 10 :16 a. m 11 5:25 p.m. " 1 8:25 m- " 19 11 :00 a. m. From Wednesday's Dally. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Will return to college Sept. 21, any one wishing work done will please call at once. tf The County Fair. September 15, 16, 17 and 18. dwtf- Gasoline stoves at cost at Boeck & Walker's. Call on Boeck & Walker if you are wanting a steel range. The only er elusive stove house in Casa county. Boeck & Walker. Dr. A. Shipman has moyed his family and office ir.' o the Wettenkamp block on Main street. You will find the . largest stock of stovea in the city to select from at Boeck & Walker's. - The wife of Prof. Halsey arrived last evening from Genasee, 111., and has tak en a position in our scnools. Mrs. Kate Oliver purchased a steel Range of Boeck & Walker and pro nounces it the finest baker she ever saw. Mrs. Kate Simpson, teacher of piano, organ, and primary harmony; address 209 corner of Washington Ave. & 7th. Street. tf. A large number of new stalls have been erected for the accommodation of stock at the county fair, to be held here Sept. 15, 16. 17 and 18. See Whopper Shermanicus will lead the democratic hosts at Wabash today. It will be the proudest moment of his life, if he is called upon for a speech. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. - church will mtet at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Atwood on Mam street (High school hill) Thursday, September 4th, at 2 p. m. John Robins and son have just begun the erection of a fine barn for Jim Mills out near Mr. Murray's. It will be 32 ft. x96, which will make quite a commodi ous structure. The new pile bridge for the Rock Is land road at South Bend is being rapidly completed. It is nearly a mile below the wagon bridge and but a few rods above Fountain Creek. Henry Isaacs, residing near the city, -vas married at the Catholic church this morning at 7:30 by the Rev. Father Carney, to Miss Mary Catharine Jacobs, of this city. The Herald extends its best wishes far prosperity and happi ness. Dr. C. A, Marshall received a telegram yesterday from his brother John residing at Livingston, Montana, announcing the death of his wife, Mrs. Dora Marshall, 6he being well known in this city. The funeral will probably take place at Bur lington, where the relatives of deceased reside. SoL V. Pitcher, formerly of this city but now county clerk of Sheridan county, and Frank W. Sprague of Sheridan county, candidate for secretary of state on the democratic ticket, arrived in the city last evening and have been doing the handsome thing with the democrats today. We have been requested to call the at tention of the buisness men to the fact that they should apply immediately for space for their display at the coming fair as most of the desirable booths have al readv been spoken for, and our citizens should make a good display so that the farmers can see what kind of goods our merchants carry. Powder tUc Weekly Herald PERSONALS. Mis3 Lela Thomas is in Omaha today Mrs. Abbie Buzzle is in Omaha today. Charley Murphy made a flying trip to Omaha this morning. S. L. Wickersham made a flying trip to Omaha this morning. Mr. and Drs. W. A. Boeck were Omaha passengers this morning. O. M. Streight and D. M. Jones left for the Omaha fair this Morning, Tiios. Pollock left this morning for Colfax Springs, Iowa, for a 6hort visit. Miss Edith Gering and Mrs. George Ilouseworth were Omaha passengers this morning. Conductor E. W. Carter returned this morning from his two weeks visit in northern Indiana. The train master and bridge inspector came in this morning and left on the Transit to;inspect the bridges. Mrs. Conway and two daughters and Mrs. Chase and daughter and son all left for the fair at Omaha today- Mrs. S. E. Phelps and daughter Laura left for Omaha this morning, Miss Laura will attend the Sacred Heart echool this winter. Mr. D. A Campbell came down last evening and mad arran gements to move his family to Lincoln, and returned to his duties as clerk of the supreme court this morning SDeclal Sale of Dry Goods. Good carpets. Matresses, millinery, Cloaks, flannels, blankets, canton flannel wool, in fact everything you need tor fall and winter ; embroidery and a fine stock of staple goods, boots and shoes at the lowest price in the city. J. V. Wcckbach & Son. Mr. J. D. Graves, of Benkleman, has been in the city for several days, and the Herald learns that he and Major F. Reed, of Peru, have completed arrange ments to open a new lumber yard in this city under the firm of J. D. Graves & Co , with Mr. Reed and A. S. Graye3 as managers. They haye leased lots suit able for the business of Mrs. J. H. But tery, up convenient to the Omaha & Southern tracks when that road is com pleted, till which time they will unload from the B. & M. tracks. The Herald welcomes the new firm, as it always does any enterprise coming into our midst. Begining Sept. 1, we commenced cut ting prices on our entire stock of dry goods, carpets, etc. and will continue to sell at low prices until all is gone. We must be all closed out by January 1, 1890. tf. J. V. Weckbacd a So:;. Republican Central Committee meet Iner. There will be a meeting of the C?.9 County Republican Central Committee at the City Hall in Weeping Water on Saturday Sept 13th, 1S90 at 2 p. m. A full attendance is desired, also the can didates are requested to be present, G, W. Norton. Secretary. The Daylight store will close out their 6tock of diy goods and continue till the last is sold. Great bargains in novelt:"3 in misses and ladies jackets, the nicest and tastiest patterns at very low prices. Call in and see prices and goods. tf. J. V. Weckbach Son. "The Firemans Ward." This play is to be produced Sept 8lh at Waterman opera house, by Little Ol lie Redpath and her excellent company. It is quite a novelty in the dramatic world, inasmuch as it is neither drama or farce comedy, yet contains the element of both, being described by the manage ment as a pure wholesome story of strong dramatic interest, in which every character is portrayed by a comedy artist It is a play with a plot played by comed ians, all of whom . appsar in pleasing specialties, songs, dances, medleys, etc, giving a performance which pleases the theatre-goers of any city. T, W. C. T. U. There will be a meeting of the Y. W. C. T. U. at the Y. M. C. A. rooms Thursday, Sept 4. All members are desired to be present Hpecial to the Mkkalu. rlf-nt iii coinnauv w ith - - - I - Guy Livirjgston and Col. Joseph A Connor went to Giernwood last tyenin and after a night in I he nicest village in Cuss county Col. Connor furnished us the nicest rig in the village and away we went to Wabash to mingle with the dem ocratic hosts. The ride of sixteen miles to Wabash was without incident, yet the corn crop muet be mentioned as being very good indeed. If fifty bushels of corn per acre at fifty cents per bushe dosn't defeat democracy and all its kin dred spiri: j that live on the misfortunes and discontent of the people then we may look out for a hard fight if good times has its customary effect however, The republican ticket will be elected from top to bottem. We arrived at the seat of war about eleven o'clock and found many anxious statesmen had preceded us. The battle began by the calling of the convention together by the chairman of the county central committee. The organization was completed by electing Dr. Wallace chairman: B. McClintock, for senator; F. E. White and W. B. f hryock, for representatives; Jacob Trie.sch, will be nominated for commissioner and II. D, Travis for county attorney. Public Debt Statement. , Washington, Sept. 2. The following is the public debt statement for August Aggregate of interest bearing debt ex elusive of United States bonds issued to Pacific railroads, $080,978,020. Debt on which interest has ceased since maturity, $1,777,275. Aggregate debt bearing no interest, including national bank fund deposited in treasury under act of July 14, 1890; $408,707,854. Aggregate of certificates offset by cash in treasury, $478,650,240. Aggregate ef debt includ ing certificates and notes August 31, 1RQO 1 .570.MS.491. Total cash in treasury, $094,557,449. Debt less cash vvy. - - - - J ' in treasury August 31, 1890, $875,556, 040. Debt less cash in treasury July 31, 1890, $S76,8S9,113. Net decrease in debt during month, $333,070. Farm for Sale. 240 acres of fine land, with all modern improvements, within one mile of Mur ray. Will sell all or part of the same. Prices reasonable and terms easy; for further particulars address or call on tu. UERGER, Murray, Cass Co., Nebraska. A new five room cottage near the shops to sell oi rent. Apply at the coal office on South Third street or at my resi dence on South Sixth street. Timothy Clark, All the tra'ns for Omaha this morning were crowded rntil there was hardly standing room. Bucklen's Arnica Salve- The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or monev refunded. Trice 25 cents per dox For sale bv F- G. Fricke & Co. Plattsmouth sent her usual large dele gation to the Omaha fail this morning, nothwithstanding the democratic show at Wabash today. Subscribe for the Daily Herald, de ivered to all parts of the city for 15 cents per week. List of Letters Remaining unclaimed, in the postoffice at Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept 3, 1890 for the week ending Aug. 27, 1890: Burton. Alfred Burk W J Baily Charles Dn Bois Lizzie Dake Edward Fisher Rpsetta Gray Rueben Kratoehvil Jacob Linbarger Lawrence Mulch Otto McLaughin Stella Nicholson Walter Ozbun Lydia Price Michael Roberts Hugh Schmaar W Jh arrow C D Williams C J Young Geo Barger Samuel Hennet uniy Dunivan. Louii Finney Mrs Charlotte Gai:Son Mary A Jacobs M'.es Alary Hoenjonn Leins John B McCracken John NeiKhsmitli Henry Owens George Piretti John Rogers M K Sage Wm Bandstrum J A Thomas Pernival L Woodson Thomas Persons calling for the above letters will please say "advertised." IlEXRY J. SlEEIGHT, P. M. "For summer complaint,'' says Ben L. Bear, a prominent druggist of Los Ange- es, UaJ., "l know of no remedy so sure and safe to use as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." Mr, Bear is not alone in entertaining that opinion, as, wherever known, the remedy is praised by p'1 who use it For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. City Bread Delivery. Office corner Sixth and Pearl street. Wagon will make daily delivery of the celebrated snow-fake, graham, home made and rye bread. Leave orders at office or M..B. Mwpby & Co. J. D. Simpson. m Do not be caught in the delusion oi many thousands in postponing a home until they can have an expensive one This idea is the devil's trap that catches men and women innumerable, who will neyer have any at all. The laborer may have, at the clc6e of the day, to walk or ride farther than is desirable to reach it but when he gets to his destination in the eventide he will find something worthy of being called by that glorious and impassioned, and heaven descended wrn ''TTnmo ' ' Young married man, as soon as you can buy 6uch a place, even if you have to put on it a mortgage reaching from base to capstone. The much abused mortgage which is luinto the reckless man. to one prudent and provident is the beginning of a competency and a fortune, for the reason he will not be sat sfied until hel'i paid it off, and all the household are put on strictest economy until then. Deny yourself all euperflui ties and all luxuries until you can say: "Everything in this house is mine than- God! every timber, eyery brick everr foot of plumbing, every doorsill." Di not have children born in a boarding house, tnd do not yoivself be buried from one. Have a place where your children can shout and sing and romp and not be overhauldei for the racket. Haye a kitchen where you can do some thing toward the reformation of evil cookery and ibo leseting of this nation of despeptics. As Napoleoa lost one o2 his great battles by nn afticked of indi gestion, so many men have such a daily wrestle with the food swallowed that thty haye no strength left for the battle of life; and though your wife may know how to play all musical instruments and rival a prima dona, she is not well edu cated unless she can boil an Irish potatoe and broil a mutton chop, since the die sometimes decides the fate of families and nations. Have a setting room with at least one easy chair, even though you have to take turns at sitting in it, and books out of the public library, or of your oyrn pur chase for the making of your family in telligent, and checker boards and guess ing matches, with an occassional blind man's bluff, which is of all games my fayorite. Rouse up your home3 with all styles of innocent amusement, and gath er up in your children's lives a reservoir of exuberance that will pour down re freshing streaas when life gets parched and the dark days come and the lights go out and the laughter is smothered in to a sob. T. De Witt Talmege. For South Park Lots CALL ON WINDHAM DA7IES Over Basic oi Cass County PLATTSMOUTH, NEB And Then Buy A Home South Park. A Splendid Market, where Ever thing kept is First Clat-s. We aim to please, find solicit the Patron age of the Public. THE CHOICEST STEAKS, EXCELLENT ROASTS, THE SWEETEST CUTS, FINEST CURED MEATS, GAME. FISU AND dTIIKK DELICACIES IN .SEASON. By fair and henest dealing I expect to merit a share of the trade. 131-lm. J. R. VALLERY. Prop IDZEZLSTTISTIRr As I will return to college on Kept, !W, any one coniempiaimg Having worn none will please call at once, GOLD AND POKCELAIMCROWNS Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. DR. STEINAC8 LOCAL as well as other an- estheticflgiven for the painless extraction of tect n. C. A. MARSHALL, Fitzgerald BJr Petersen & Larson (Successor to Whiting & Whicher) DEADERS IN Groceries and Provisions Middle Room, Opera Houee Block. Choice, Fresh Goods in their line, both as to PRICE AND QUALITY Canned Fruits, Driefl Friiis And French Fruits in Their Season. FLOUR AND FEED Always in Stock. Call and be Satisfied PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA HENRY BOECK'S IS THE FLACB TO BCT TOCK FUEinTUHE, Parlor and Bed Room Sets. Mat tresses, Sofas, Lour. ees and Office Furniture. Call and examine bis stock before go ing elsewhere. Crrain & Sixth Sts, Pittemoah, Neb. Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. U. A. WATERMAN k SON Wholesale nd Retail Dealer tn EL ER I Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors,BIinds. Can supply every demand of the Call and get terms. Fourth 6treet In Rear of Opera House. A pocket cigvr case free to smokers o- PROF. SSIOft AL CARDS. JMIYSICIAN AND SL'UCEON Du. ALFRED SI II I'M AX tl1lc and D:sM'iiNMiy ,j Pn.i i,:;,-,. luiildluir. Cornet -Multi ai'il iii -u. rt ' i:,.f Jioiii lo to 11 a. tn. ; 2 until .'i.tiiil 7 mini p. i,,. A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney itt-l.:tv. Will kH'v irnit atf-titIo& to all I u!ii-hh entriK-te 1 ( iilm. UMre lu L iiluli tilcx-k, Kant. Si.J". Platte nou'lr. Nrh. TlOKNEV AT LAW. WINDHAM & DAVIES. K. U. WIMMIAM, JOHN A. HAVIKS, Notary Public ISotary I'ubllo oilli-e over Bauk of ( jwa County. riattHinoutli .... NebrRflha JTAW OfFICE Wm. L. BROWN. IVpoiiaI attention to all ituilue! entrusted to my earn .OTAIuV la OKI4'K Titles examined, Almti uct compiled. Insur ance writ ten, real estate mdd. ttetter facilities for making Kami Loan than ANY OTHER ACENCY PLATTSMOUTlf NKHKISKA, THE IN TER N AXiO NAI TYPEWRITER A strictly first clans machine, fully warrant ed. Made irom the very best material by killed workmen, and with the best tools that have ever been devised for the purpose. War ranted to do all that can bo reasonably ex pected of the very best typewriter extant. Capable of writln lwt words rer minute or more according to the ability of the operator. PRICE $100. If there is no agent In your town addren the manufactures. THE PAKUII M'F'O CO. Agents wanted Parish if, Y. F. B. SEELEMIRE, Agenf. Lincoln, Neb, PURE MAPLE SUGAR and Syrup. Low prices quoted on large or small lots Strictly Pure. Adirondack Maple Sngar Co 1230 Monroe St., Chicago, 111. FULL EH & DEMF0X Western Agents. JULIUS PEPPERRERG, MAKUFACTBKEK OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THX Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo and i'Bud FTJI-I. LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE arways in stock. Nov. 26, 1885. K. DRESSLER, The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Koeps a Fall Ltn of foreign Domestic Goods. CoasBtt Tew loteroa by Glytne Hfra a Oill SHERWOOD BLOCK ROOFING. GUM-ELASTIC ROOFING FELT costs only $2.00 per 100 square feet. Makes a good roof for years and anyone caapotiton. Send stamp for sample and fall particulars. Gw Elastic Roofixo Co., 13 A 41 West Broadwat, New Yosr. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED- - -