Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 28, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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From Tuurday's Dally
. Frank White and W. D. Jones went
fnU Iowa yesterday to rracerato the
young duck that infest the lakes near
Jim Joons is putting in gas and elec.
'trie light fixtures and Mr. Higgms is
putt'ng in tlie -team heating apparatus
for George Dovey this week.
A new tailor from Weening Wir
was trying to rent a room he.o yesterday
He wanted to hhako the Weeing Water
dust from his feet and become a pprt of
a live tow a.
A canal boat lcoking craft dropped
do i the liver last night and n tied up
on the cast side of the bar opposite Main
sl eet. As to its occupation or destina
tion we were unable to learn.
Wm. Osborn, the South Park carpenter
is building a nice cottage for Pat Camp
bell on Gold street between 7th and 8th,
a'so a neat cottage for Mr. Schlater out
near Barrier Smith's residence.
Mayer Brothers of Lincoln will hold a
grand opening in their new store which
i said to bo the finest and most commo
dious west of Chicago o.i August
t-e 27tb. The IIkhald- acknowledge
receipt of a very neat invitation to be
Dora Bowman of Omaha win shot
three times with a 32-ca'ibre revolver
' 1 esda-', the manipulator of tiioshooi'r.ig
i n standing close by, but the steels in
1. corset saved her life. She ha a
r caped unhurt in the face of what up
pen -ed sure death.
Vwenty-eight years ago today L. E.
. es took charge of his first telegraph
-ice, he be:ag but 14 years1 of age at
i ni. time, llesaysuamauiwii.
order by sound instead of paper, r-s was
1 ' custom then, it meant a discharge at
The Mutual iFire and Lighting I'i
z i.ance company, of Cass couDty sus
ta; ed a loss by the lightning l:'HDg a
colt belonging to Mr. Kaufman in the
Platte bottom last Saturday smd on
Monday paid $75 for the same, the full
amount of the insurance. Can any for
eign company show a better record.
T. H. Pollock? has let a contract to
Me- -s. Boyd & Hinshaw for the election
of a yeiy handsome six room cottage
near 11. J. Streights on Elm strjet. II.
J. has exacted a pledge of Pollock to
build a tight board fence eight feet high
between their premises. We hare not
learned yet who the cottage will bo rented
( ?) to.
A large lot of material was sent to La
Platte yesterday and today the work of
laying the steel rails on the B. M.
short line to South Omaha will bo active
ly pushed.
N. Livingstone sold his old homestead
near Louisyille, last week to Chailey
Noyes for $2,600. By the way,Cha-ey
h been entertaining as a guest a very i ich
oid ric!e from the east, and it :'i whis
pe--ed that he succeeded in "palling
uncle's leg" for a goodly amount, th"
1-e purchase. This place is one of the
( t land marks in Cass county and ac
companied with its settlement goes a
v-:? '"ntciesting little roinan -Kin
wood Echo.
Ike water company have begv..-. wo-k
plac ug their power house Y:m six feet
do AU in the g ound it hav'ng ) on laid
v -tir the surface. It is a long ' "3 end
vill teke several days to complete it.
The float convention for Cass and Otoe
covties will meet Saturday at Nebraska
City. John Watson will probably i
theromiuee, though Mike Cavey fli
A if Coolej of Cass are talked of.
John Leach and Scbiappagase' men
Leo had a little misund erstanol ir-g this
morning and John was seen to roU out
of the apple shop on his ear wh.: -h struck
the side walk with great force. 1 he ar-
?t was poon on his feet again and went
,. ,h ' way as though nothing had happened .
George Cutler, one of the B. & M s bes
engineers, is in town breaking i bis new
engine, the 174 which was built at the
Plattsmouth shops expressly for the fust
stock run between Lincoln and Om?
. . r,o nmVco hi- i
Geo;ge resides m Omaha and makes ia-.
frJn to Lincoln evrv day. He
luuuu v - -
ays the new engine is a blue bird and
v HI make a big stock train hum.
Greenback Weaver received the nomi
nation fcr congress at the bands oi
a democratic convention yesterday.
Weaver used to be a republican but got
ni-d because he couldn't t;et office
joined the 'greenbacktrs, he has finuuy
reached the common leyelnow where r"
hma from Tweedism to Chicago social
Ism, can meet and vote together, the
democratic party be'ng composed of c"
the conglomerate elements under the
A great many people have been kicking
about the arch on lower Main street. We
d'O now able to say why it has not been
removed. The city marshall who is
authority on such matters says the world's
fair people have been negotiating for the
arch but that some people in town insist
on saving it for tho completion of the
court house celebration and that he ;
inclined to think that it will be allowed
to remain where it is for the celebration
as that appears to be the wish of most of
the c'tizeDS whom he has met.
M. L. Lennant, an old Cass county
farmer, residing five miles south of Ced
ar C. cek unl "l about three years ago when
he removed to Hayes county, Nebraska,
settling near Haves Center, was in the
city yesterday. Mr. L Let cant gives a
very doleful outlook for westc.j farm
ers this year, he 6ays that in his county
they cut and bound all their corn with a
twine biucer and made feed of it in that
way as it was too short to be utilized in
any other manner. Corn is selling there
now at 75 cents per bushel and gives
promise-;' -ing to a dollar before it
goes any lower. All small gram was
short and the potato crop a perfect fail
ure, map v of ihe farmers are not dis
heartened bat will stick to the farm un
til ano'hv-r crop cnu be cultivated.
D- ..'ict Court
The following cse6 have been filed in
the district court in the Inst two week?
Minnie May Jcnes vs Jarues Jones, for
divorce: B. Clark atty for piaiutirf.
Isnac Wiles vsOmaha Southern Ry Ci..
Allen Benson vs Omaha Southern By Co.,
appeals from appraisement for right of
wavof M. P. By.; Becson & Root atiy's
for plaintiffs.
Mary E. Williams vs J. C. Eikenbary,
sheriff replevin suit; J. A. ITaldeman for
L. C. rlicLoff, administrator of the Ci
tato of John Inhelder, deceased vs Jac
ob InbrMer et al; Beeson & Root fcr
Harry G. Todd vs Lola Todd, rMvo.-cr.
?'qo Mary J, Hansen vs Andrew J. Han
sen, Beron & Root for plaint! T.
r went up to Omaha
Wiii Leach has gone to Au;ora t
work at his trade.
George Biguell return'.- It"" morrl j
to his home at Cheyenne.
Frof, Palmar is ca!l;ng on .1;' many
Plattsmouth friends today.
J. f ". Vhldeman of Weeing Water "c
in the c:ty today on legal bus'
Cauib Euzell returned to Omaha th;3
morc: ga 'tera few days' visit t, 1 h
frier. :
Sa:r. Shumaker, J. W. Sage and Dan
O'RourLe were Omaha passengeis th '
Jol - Osaenkop of Louisville came in
th mor ig fioni a brief trip through
F. C. Clark of Calhoun. I., w .1 be
here the f st September and will put on
e or two first class dray wagons.
Rev Buckner went to Bennett this
moru;ng, where he will be attendance
at the s-ato camp meeting for a week.
A !iur Robinson sporting a bran nev,"
suit stai ted for Omaha r-d. Schuyler
this morr : a "ter a car loaa of potatoes.
P '- Ha iison and wife went to Omaha
today. Th;s is supposed to be Phil'6
first day o r for fifteen or twenty years.
Uncle Tom Holmes of Rock Bluffs
w; :io'. 'trd yesterdty that he he hud
been placed upon the pension roll 3 at
$S p-: month.
Geo. Staata is not deliver ng bread any
more be savs that he trr-Td out 30
worth and had to quit because he rouM
not get his money.
rarv . i ior
the Merman Pre-'vt?r:an I
ph.- .r. and pon of Rev. Witte i th
eiv lelat'vf-s and
n. "v" - k the . "d m- .1 v
uuder f -ruth's i.- el '1 sn " -g w;. .
bovp, t-r the advent of i. eight j.
gi' i a i a eiay ago at his re ' ien'-".
John R--bb:-- and Cliff Wescott
turned L t evening from work w".:.
Y. M. C A. oible training c' at
atrice. They report a pleab..ut
efici 'ie.
Val. ErkeL w Ife and sister retuiued
t:- mor ' r from a visit of sv: rl
week? a' . tsmouth, Ohio, where t' v
had uee-.i called, on account of the c
gerou- ess of Mr. Burkel'a mo r
wboir .. . are glad to note eQt5roly le
covered DIED.
of this week al his heme in
! . . T t t Al-
i - UCct, ::owa, Jts. Anaerson, me loriutr
,t,, Via Porlrmo 1, ,inl Mr.
J J I . r 1.1 .1 U V. A ...U.J UV HWV.
Anders.. a was an honest man of kinelly
disposition and bad many friends ju th;
city who will b sorry i lea'n of 1
.. . -r-r 1 11 . r - .- 1 t
n' -'.ise. rte naci ueen quite xceoic iui
Bomo Viae so that his death was not un
expected. W" S. Wise w " i start for Peiris, Cal
if i, Sunday morning, where he will
hen ter reside; Mrs. Wise v ' remain
a short t:ne to look after some unsettled
business when she will join him. Mr.
Wise has been a most Scccessf al busir. s
man and will be greatly nvsed by
bis many friends here.
Bishop A. B. Smith, of Denier, i3 in
the city today. He says in getting off
the street car in Denver, the other day,
that he fell flat in the mnd and the
driver, who was to blame for his fall,
cime up ' i a sympathetic tone and said,
"did you fall?" No, said Smith gruffly,
as he surveyed his muddy clothes, that's
the way I always get out of a car. The
driver looked mystified and moved on
Bryan bloviates at Plattsmouth Satur
day night.
Judge Ramsey issued a marriage
license today for A -thur Jackson and
Margaret J. Streight.
One hundred teachers are reported .n
attendance bt the county institute row
ii sess'on at Weeping Water.
Srre-1 Cominitsioner Heinple ha been
quite busy with his force fil'ing uj
the washouts about the city.
The case of Merges vs. Baumeister was
compromised in the county court and
decree taken for $20 in fayor of Merges.
The -e never was a time ;n the history
of Plattsmouth that 60 many carpenteis
were busy. A ny man that can drive a
nail can get a job.
W. D. Jo les will carry quite a number
of Plattsmouth people down to the old
S2ttlers pi nic at Union tomorrow with
his hack and four horse team.
The ciiy schools wi'l begin one week
from neit Monday, Sept. 1st. An Illi
nois man is expected here soon. If he
fills the bill be will be hired s principal.
A man by the name of Wright working
at the B. & M. pluriing mill got hurt, it
being reported that he was paralyzed.
We are to obtain the particulars.
Joe Miller, the republican jaUer at the
county jail in Omaha for the past eleven
years, was let oat by Sheriff Boyd, the
democrats official that was elected a
year ago.
A penitentiary crime is chare cd sga:n.-t
a p;o.iiinent pH'-ty wb;ch if t?i - matter i
not fixed up ve.y soon will l3 given to
the public by t' - Herald wh'.ch pr" t,;
a" the ne vs.
L:oowln Las grown so quiet that a
couple of men threw a man out of hi
waon on one of the main t'j'.-oughfarf s
of that city last eyening and stole his
team. This beats Missouri.
The peoples party central .committ-f
met in Weeping Water Tuesday and con
cluded to Lave a newspaper of the:rown
and hire a man to run it. Who their
man is has not yet been discovered.
Contractor T. L. Mu.phy is making &
three foot cut oa the Fairfield bill, in
order to get dirt for his big fill in the
hollow north of the school house. T e
work will help the hill materially and it
also helps Mr. Murphy.
Ed. Rofeubtum is making life a bur
den for Ftd Gorder ob account of Fred
keeping too many old wagons and other
fai in machinery in the alley back of his
barii. T'ae marshal gave Fred notice
that he must do so no more.
Thomas U. M offer., secetary of the
State Business Men's and Bankers' Afso-
ciation, died very suddenly yesterday at
his home in Omaha. Mr. Moffet was a
fine business man and a genial gen.leman
that w:ll be g.eatly missed by a large
cvrcle of friends.
In pol;ce court today Leo. Kopf was
arrested on the complaint of John Leach
on the clr -ge of disturbing the peace.
It was the result of the matinee spoken
of elsewhere that occurred in the morn
" Trial was had to the court whic!
resulted ;, Leo l-Jng discharged.
'Ihe Misouii Tacific are grading a nice j
wagon road along the Platte bottom road
where their ) 'ie interferes with the old
road. It crosses the M. P. track tw Icc-
once al'ove rrvado and once under t!c
trn k. this w still leave the old Oreapo j
;i- road a tce boulevard for a pleasure j
xVi"ona & Southwester-
ion oftrn asked since
ved to Omaha and '
1 -iat the road is we!.1
I i e-e
,ier e on ; ruction is told bvi formation 1
'rt.eit'. . l-i? citv from the office
Th: Lru.t;e at v- onaisDunc:. aurt
inn j
1 ic-r contr-.- - to finish by M . a nc
Th road . under contract as f
tow- 1 Omaha es Osage, Mitchell county, j
Town, et-oi't mues norln-east ot
nah". 9C(i reach there by Januar
I, Tue f ..vv-e & Lackawanna is
back '. V - roan. The Wiiona & Green
Buy - .-it? route to Green Bay,
wi i the shortest of the lake
re- to the eat. It is predicted that
wi-. I:.1 W 't!ia & Southwestern reach
es Om.; - city - grow into the
r. ..!: limi-er market in the west.
Tlie o au' no -.y states that it is tet
My fhat ihe W;-iona & Southwestern
...y the IS'-, -n City & Fort Dodge
i...J a that ; ... t suited to its purpose
end would.. to be reconstructed.
Omaha Bee.
Tnere p-e t -vo men in this city by the
name of IIan3 Frahm one of whom is of
the fir n of Nickol & Frahm saloon
keepers one r treasurer of the Royal
A ano.m of th"- city, on yesterday a
o!f. for $.),00-. was received at the post
office by the Hans who had no interest in
it, he very fool;hly took the draft and
tried to get it ca-hed at the bank, the
treasurer nans Frahm then got after him
and he refused to give up the paper.
Telegrams have been sent the authorities
of the lodge so that the old one can be
cancelled and a duplicate can be sent
The draft is said to have been made
payable to the rder of Mrs. H. C.
- 1 rrom Fr'Jay. Dr.
ii u peneci we-awnr, nine remkrit
moit heard lately.
Old soldiers ought to attend the ret -ion
in Greenwood tori-;ht.
Two wagon loads of fine vegetables
wore on ourtrects this morning from
Population of Weeping Water 1."',0,
we call for a new count. Weep! v'.
er Republican.
Fred Stadelman and family will move
into the-ir new Vpjarters in the second story
of his new block next Tuesday.
Herry Week bach fc Co is the only
firm in the c:ty that is coupe Vd to keep
two delivery wagons running idl the
Tony Fiink, a Butler county fiTior,
is v'siting friends in the city. He gives
a poor send off for Butler county crops
this year.
The United Brethren .-.uuday Scho 1
from Liberty Chaonel, picnicked at
Doyes grove near the new fair iounds
Mis Mamnriie S'llr-s i'HV'i h r T--'i five
party last n: ht in bono' e: Jerjn'e
Fenner, of Ohio, woo is he -f on a it.
A plea.-Ri. ti;i"-( was had bv a:', o recent.
Tnt Jourr.;-.! .jr.t.i :,c JO -io- Ittuie-4 to
take hold and help decorate trie? hill
for the smooth ta'king B'n". Bnt the
young ladies are not s-n ;o:lr h ; e-ir
Jolm Iloliv-a and Le-.- AH'-n came in
from Furnas eoun'y lat night with thrc
car loads of feeding c-.'.'tie. Tl.'-j 'f.o
brought ''n a car lead cf stoek h'.-; f-..r
San Brtsker.
Lr, Hu Tiphrev hi -i r . ; I Win Ile-niV
Waterman residence corner of S'-vcutli
rid. M'i".n :t'-c-..'5, and will miiuvc h
Oilice to tnai p'n.ce w.hirh will ni't. V;:n
close to t le Doctors' row.
Sixteen car load of fat hogt, nnd oce
car of fat catile came ia from Town this
morning, bound for the Soah Omr.lin
market. A car of fino g-ad; ealvs frit;
io was also on the tr."n.
h HfRAl.t) JS r;- ir-d to h-'l'-i"! tllHt
Mrs. Lou Vn"ery, forruely iou 1 ieman,
who has been thrfitud with puerperal
nsanity for sonic time, is much better to
dayvlnch gives her friends etrcitr hepps
for her ultimate rrov.-r,.
Five thousand stock cam ie "t'uitg
fitted out with the new Janny coupler
ind quick -acting i'l-provod Westing
house air brak;. Thii coupler v l-Mo
prevent, ni&tiy iiLCcidcn, a cars c be
coupled with it from outside the trick .
Tue air door to eni;: 21 ? 1 240;
invented bvMr. Hawknworth, is a fine
piece of mechup' n and hi3 proven a
gre-at convenience. Thefirpm" stepson
a raiced point i"; front of the Coif eui he
w !i'- io throw a shovel of coal, ;d in
ai instant the doer sli if open and clones
'" .4 Jeannette, the littlp seven yea-
old iujug-iter of V aud r . r
Patmer et tertal.i . i M.oout tweuiy-tiyo of
her lit: f'iinda 1 -. niht in celebei"
;..r ivl . .. -- 'ir.rirpi.") A,- -iv 1
SOme f I VL' f i.i pi - .i.;
and a - .'1 p-r,nc:--d copper
tnor -
(j'jgoiy enjoyed lc . .
A h " u-c'p-l n
it! iri u..r: y hour
H- th'7
of the
.. V ' .."3.
- v.-
t ,A
tio ro
d. t
lir-an ii a ,"
l.-'rd tfiat cai
z.'ia to eaii.v
' "I'l.
0 s
Geo' I
T. t Mr'r'iT n-.i-i A. VApt
i- the ivu-.i'Oi today.
LeTT'1-, i Mc nc .. 1 Roe C":
O. V. S u:th ro !
Lincc'r 1 -tomorrow.
Ifagr: cl-.i
Dora H-jioid are-L'.-oo'
Bird t.-n'. ,:d a d t.
Rt.:. - ;y i .1 ; : at
-e and Judge
. old itler's
pi .v : tot ay.
Capt. P " e and wife of Lincoln, r.
Geo. S. So. : i and wife of Oruha, came
ir ) - night.
A. B. Knotta a-)i wife, of the Herald,
will picnic today with the old
settler , at Union.
Gertie Antill and 3Irs. Rath Ar,iick
are both quite poorly, be;g threatened
with maltrln! fever.
C. W. Jrjgalls and Jamc, Knotts, of
Di - Moines, caae in last even;rg f.-am
the bible school at Beatrice, and left
today for Weeping Water tc vl ;it Jndge
Russell and family.
E-jgioeer Roberts is not so well today
His f i ieuds are not so hopeful of his re
cover as they were.
Sid Wheeler, one of ' ho B, A M.'
stalwarts, is now pulling tho ilyer he
tween tV Junction and Lincoln.
l !)..UIuIll huU llllt III. m r flui 1' ,"1
handsome porch forCou. CoZcy, on Vine
between Silth and Seven:h st:e-e(s.
Ed Streight, of the B. & M. supi
department at Lincoln, wus in th-s city
over night in attendance at the we ' liug.
SamT Thomas, the ncr.t senhtn.-
Cass county came in today and ele'ivirec
:3 head of fat cattle to Mr. BilMein, the
Heniy McMackeu went op to Green
wood this momio" to alien t ie dist.'ct
lei n'ou. The camp ri e ta'i place to
Co'. Joseph A. Coeror bttter k.iown
as old Hutch is still raking "a the du
cats on corn; he weut bo Om''i toJuy to
vatch he mtxt': .
Mrs. Waybiight and Mis Ni-tti' came
in last evening from a seven weeks' visit
to Denver, Manitou and oth mountain
resorts, looking as though they had en
joyed themselves peiiectly.
Mrs, Eli Sampson, out att'npor farm
has been quite low for severtl dnys but
is reported somewhat improved today
Her daughter, Mrs. Tony Frank from
Butler county, came down y ..erdfy in
response to a telegram and ill remain
until 6he has entirely reco , "?.d.
2s. M. Satchell f.'id O . Duk:.- prome
naded through town yestrtiay witli
flif staff for Mr. Hope echoo! lionsu. It
will be raisd with appropr . t'-remo-n;es
before the open:,!g of lie school
and surmounted by . .uot flag.
W'-epintr Water Kaglo.
The i.-. j a ho wrote a I 1 entitled
'Fifteen Years in Hell," onu whiich was
:o realistic that nervous peo; ' could not
read it. will lecture at the Y. '1. church
Sunday, Aug. 24th, and Roc! jod Jllall
on Sunday afternoon at '- o'clock. As
au oratcr and word painter. Benson
lias few equals in this
Col. Shermanicus of the Journalis
getting a free lunch at U.jion today,
while McCleland and the boys r-in the
paper. It is expected that tV- Ool. will
encore the antimonopoly speaker, Mr,
Deck today, and tomorrow h will "sup
port a railroad ringster for the senate,
and will vote to nominate one ncrtweek.
Mr. Purdue who works for Walter
Holmes was anxiously looking for a lost
girl last evening. It seems that Mr. P.
had but recently moyed from the south
part of the city into one of tho Bllstcin
cottages near the home of Henry Week
bach. On last evening he took his little
five year old girl down town with
l.ini and made some slight purchases
w:.ich she was to take . home. He
'v tched her until he thought she had
turned off to come home, 1 instead
she went north to Tucker's v, an she dis-
j covered she was lost and began to cry.
T7illie Tucker took her in etnrge and
looked over the north part r f town but
could find no trace of a lo girl. He
finally brought her down town ns she
said her father worked at a Vr'j stable
and the father who thought bt had been
all over the city was overjoyd to seethe
return of the little wanderer that had
cried until her voice had gro-?j husky
and hastened home with it its mother
who wts nearly frantic with grief.
Lightning's WorK.
Weeping Water Eagle
lightening got in its deadly vork last
weok, on the farm of D. Shei Jon, south
erst of this city, -whereby two yong
rccple vere sent into eternity. The bolt
struck '9 chimney, turred into a b"d
icom a. stairs where a young man named
Wilkinson was preparing fcr bed, kill
ing him instantly; on the oppose side
:t :umped to a wire leading f the gable
end of the house which it f o" ;wed down
stoirs striking the peison of Tss Jotie
IT' back who was a guest of the family,
Li'ing her also. Two families are
plunged ;,to giief over this ead affair.
The youg man had just come from
Mi?souri and was going to teach school
iutaat locality this winter. Lie remains
1 of the latter were taken to the home of
:.l3 family in Missouri.
i A mischievous young lady visiting in
! this city yesterday gave Henry Boeck
I more gric " '.' n he has had for mon'.hs.
Sue had ben previously well"quainted
with 11-jnry and called in to see him, and
as he did not seem to recogaiv3 her she
pretended to want some furniture and
looked at the best parlor suit nenry had,
and finally told him to send it up to her
pa. ' Pa," eays Henry grufTiy, 'hw I
know your p, who is he?"' "Well, if
you don't know him, all right," and the
girl, apparently ulted, left th 'store.
Henry then flew around to see who pa
was as he thought he had made a good
sale, and the more enquiries he made the
worse excited he got and tue les he
Vrew, until it dawned on him in the
evening somebody had fooled him.
As I will return to college on Sept.
21st. any one wishing work done will
please call at once, C. A. Marshall Den
tist, tf.
Lint even'ng ut tho plevsatit home c'.
the b ides pir.".t on ll'u nndJJEight
aliec-Li, in this city. Mr. A.iLur Javkbo!
was married to Miss Maggie Strcighik
Rev. Balrd of tin Prfsbyttrian rhurcl"
ptrformcl the Ci re:n ny in an nnpre-siiv-maimer.
Mrs. Jackson j !:; rnly d i.i,!ifcr cl,
Mr. and M-n. H. J. Sir. ijhi. She has'
grown to wouj.i jhouii iu th;s county and
is ce t iinly oim of !,-ntt-.niout ' nicest
you.-g Jadhs, her kindly geniil mrfincr
having mad'i In r bi'.-t of w,' I -: frauds
that wnli her no worse than that her cup
of happiness may always iu full to over
UowMig. Tlie hi. du was mdiant in a
crea n col. red dicss of tlio princess t -tern
wild a lovely corsage boquet of that
sweetest of flowers, the hte-ph'ncfi?,
wtiicli had been chiwn with rare v od
The groom is a young man in th i-r i
loy of tho B. it M. and is very J! ihly
spoken of in church circles; ho is truly
deserving of congratulations
Will Streight as groomsman and Miss
Laura McFarbuni, of Broken Bow, as
bridesmaids sisted in the ceremony.
Tim well arranged ridence wm dec
orated with ni'iny handsome flowers,
among whieh ti. :v :c:.l some .south
ern water lilies, the ,5ft cf M; . Lovriiu,
that were ext-'-i'diiig'y be-autl 1. The
presents, consist ag of eye. ;, i.!il;;- tlint
could be thougi of for ihe : :-..V-(illit.h-incnt
of tho dicing roy . anil k!t sen,
in silver and c'nau, also e.!' iuhif'. to
other parts of ti ; hou--. , and i -1 1. ' -iis,
pictures and fanry w ork, ;i. , , -;,!" .ouy
of the high repr 1 i.i wh'ch tho 'rippy
bride was held.
The guests, crnqisti" cf ' inl
ine I'ate friends "d rc!r tives of l. ' 1
and rootn, werv .-:s T-AIowa:
Mr. and .Mrs. Ceo. F. 'onlh, Omaha;
Mr. and Mrs. Caj,t. Phclp Paine, Lin
coln; Mr. and Mrs. oeorgc Broiheihood,
Omaha; Judge Sain'l M. Cnapman, wiie
ami daughter Hatiie, Hon. F. E. White
ami wife, John 11. Young and wife, A.
D. Eigentjroadt and Miss Leila Tl-mrup,
O. M, Streight and wife, Mrs. i '..v.jin
and her mother Mro. S. D. Wi.iiams.
Fran!: Dickson and wife, Fmnk Canuth
and wife, Miss Si rah Baker and 1.1. s. C.
H. Parmele, Miss Majgie O'l .r.rke,
May Richey, Bir ne Ju'rh '.r; l t; two
sisters of the bride's fauna, Mrs. i toton
and Mrs. Sam' 1 Long, and Mr. Dean of
south Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Jarson wll for . time
reside under the p&rental roof.
A special train c onsisting of .n ti. ie
baggage car and three coaches pasaed
through the city this morning from South
Omaha at G:.0 bound for the Crest :cn
blue grass palace that is n-"W in full
blast. The passengers were all stockmen
from South Omaha and appeared to be
having a royal time. The baggage car
was full of beer cases, ice and cham
pagne with which the boys seemc to be
dealing very generously. We noticed
J. O. Eitenbary aboaru taking in thft i
Don't forget tht he Mt. Zion BiptLi.
church, consist-rr o " e lar;:'t and
best colored cbvrrh or;'an?::!.vn in
Omaha will picn;" t P't 1.
day nest. Evcrythi"r wi'l - o..To:!y
and nice, and fo. r.hcw ! Jt -t go
and see for you 'selves.
The Plattsmor'.'i
.1 i ; ; i. niui oi
. ; :.r.t (ie-
the presumption h
nell is afrsid to n . -I )' -j .
bate on the issL f '. L -j;
Cocnell has son:'. '.hi
ei.-.c iO l. ... i.o a
an ..'.j.k. ii.ur.i'ier
serving the people i
nd is not needed it horn
to ioc. . ;r
his re-election. ri i.e v r
that. Send Bry: a cut .Is v. . .,
Andrews can take care of hi.. . . ytn
as not rorgot the corkers pretexted by
Andrews at a puk'le 'm,r. so :.
time ago, ws to.u. .-. Weeping Water
Tne prohibitionists at hr:r conve. tlca
here Saturday, ncn inetcd . IT . -h:'-r i
Avoca precinct, for cr rrm' -i one " -?
gives Ayoca three CBndido'es f.i -missiouer,
with the bourbons ye- .i
from. The candidates r-c n' I p-oo'' "en
and all farmers. Mr. T'beldoa, the re
publican nom'nee, is a" ell q 1
for the position c: ary .. ther'. ,ity.
and will be our neit ccr :.o v: So
savthey all. Weeping Water Republic
One of those inercusable, cold blooded
snake hearted, hell boiu l.::ll -Ijals, s
the form of a man, cvei " '.he anrd
ward, was beating his dutiful bsrdivork
ing wife the other evr! urM the
neighbors had to come n' crfere.
If this occurs again tue i; Dwill
give the name of the ladl , .dual and adyc
cate a coat of tarr- -I feathers.
Mr. Geo. nolton of Plattsmouth was a
caller yesterday. Sine i.'-; 'resignation
as manager of the II tr d he has been
looking aroond for a new field and has
found it at home. A weekly paper wl"
soon be added to Plat' .nouth's boom of
1S90. The rapid icressc o population
demands more Vterahvo. Wccp!"g
Water Republican.
Lost Small ladies' silver watch with
fob chain. Finder will confer a favor
bv leavms same at Bennett &Tutt'a.
. Mrs. H. C. Miller.