Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 28, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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i 1 SIM tL- 1 ELM i
dottier Mylcs 5-A Net;, prior-, to sr. . ull
bold by all -
I . m ;-:i i "r I r r n tin ' i ieau
Ti;:.:n':'Si (.' tlii-i lull.
vcrnwr of
Thk atiti-J-ot1 ry bill .-tri m.-, sure of
--1(5 in lii '( 1 1 rt it h;.vi-i" already
c.-.-d tin; i h - L.ii:-i.iu.' lk.:.d
f !,;ghwy will lm!ri's- sigh
fi-r the good old il'-nmci ti' .lays of
Mate i;ltiicli!;ic .
'1111, ni-..y nii.i vc.-'-atil-: (Jul. .iu!.n
of tile Om i!a Uciiiociat, has, wuh '"
ellort, read the J- D-
Calhoun, -..t llu: Lincoln Herald, out of
the party. When such sh-epless stalwarts
as Calhoun hav to tro, 'nucli rustling
will l.t necessary to 1.11 li place.
ilii., tli-: alli-ince nominee for
state tivnuii i-r, is warmly indorsing the
World-Herald as the great newspaper of
the west. What dots it me: n? I the
d j .bl : docker th;.t poses as a democratic
organ going to support Mr. V.'olt and
Mr. Cushk.g i'or thi'S-uue . til'r. There
is but one miU- itv:; i.i elect this
fall. Mr. IT." I f. V
TniiKK seems t le no uood reason to
doubt that the tariff bill will be dispos
ed of by September 1, and that Con
gress will adjourn by October 1. This
will leave ample time for the Repub
lican party to prove to the people that
they can cot afford to give the control
of the House to the D. mocn.ts. Ex.
EsuLANU is now willing to arbitrate
the Behring sen difficulty. Under the
B iyard regime no .bought of arbitration
Ava tolerated hy the English. They did
not need to arbitrate, they were getting
what they wanted anyhow us fast as the
st-ue department could get around to it,
but under Maine they would be glad to
get out of the muss so easily.
Tub raise in the price of corn in the
First district has bad more to do with
Van Wyck's refusing to be a candidate
than alt other rcasors combined. Th
man who seeks to make you happy by
pointing out your miseries is a failure.
The man who tries to get your votes be
cause what von raise is bw and can point
out the ills with out a panacea, is your
worst enemy.
The festive and genial Dick Barr, of
Weeping Water, it is said will launch
forth a red hot alliance paper on an un
.uspecting public within a few days.
The peoples party in Cass county want
an organ, and if Dick is not an organist
the public is not aware of it. The inter
ested parties were in Omaha last week
looking up materknd getting prices.
It is a dastardly shame if the bill com
pelling fair elections should fail to be
fcome a law. The democratic party
grows frantic at the mention ot it ana
hare called it the force bill. If it will
force the bulk of that party to have a
.... i 0 fair rmint it Will De a
iree vote nun
a,nr1 to the country. If pety thiey
in- were a penitentiary offense, honest
e CW
men would still go unuarmea irom om
cial interference about their business
And so it is with the lorce bill, it don'i
hurt honest, patriotic citizens.
With the advent of titty cent corn and
whPut at one dollar per bushel the last
hope of the democratic party has van
ished. The pat ty that lives upon mis
fortune and whose orators have been tell
in r us we ire robbed and mortgaged to
death, ruined and did not know it, for
the last thirty years, will have to go to
t,0 dmiirli districts. There is no room
for them here.
Thk howl of the millionaire editor of
the World-Herald against the Pinkertons
and in favor of the K. of L. is such a
rank contradiction of his real opinions,
that the ctToi ' o supercede the Bee as the
laW orirau ot Nebraska is very apparent.
If the laboring men were fools Mr.'JIitch-
cock's jugglery might avail him some
thing; as it stands, his editorial page is
looked upon with contempt by thinking
people, who fail to see any merit in his
straddles and acrobatic maneuvers.
AVhen Mr. Bryan utters the statement
that there are democratic districts in Iowa
where democrats are denied fair represen
tation, he speaks as the demagogue and
every intelligent citizen knows this to be
true-'When a man will stand up in this free
northwest and attempt to justify southern
democratic outrages at the ballot box by
charging that democrais ic ..i....
tlieirri?ut9 in free Iowa he furnishes
evidence of his incapacity to even make
a good ward politician. The states in
the north when legislative gerrymander-
ing ia indulged in to a marked extent
nre Ohio and Indiana, and those states
are today (both) so outrageously dis
tracted that decent democrats do not pre
tend to justify it and Major McKinley
will be returned to congress in a district
of seyiral thousand d. mocratic majority,
pimply because the democrats are dis
gusted with the shameful action of the
( . -nomticj legislUure of that .state last
winter, in re-districting the state so as to
defeat tne return ol prominent itpubli
cans. The same is true of Indiana whose
reap of congressional districts I c.-i mbles
a Chinese puzzle. No democrat of ordi
nary intelligence would dure charge the
republican party in the noi-h with legi
luting to prev nt di taocrats from a lu:l
and fair exercise of the right ot suffrage
and no one save a pot house politician
would bank on the ignorance of a demo
cratic audience to that extent.
Detroit Ti inane.
In 1814 Senator Hoar's father, Samuel
Hoar, was the commissioner sent by the
legislature of Massachusetts to South
Carolina to test the constitunality of the
laws of the state authorising the impris
onment of free colored people who should
enter it. For this constitutional proceed
ing Samuel Hoar was grossly ill-treated
at Charleston, and, by an act of the South
Carolina legislature, was expelled from
the state. The son, then 10 years old, is
not likely to have forgotten the indigni
ties anil insults offered to his father and
through him to his state. Then, toa, Mr
Hoar was named by Senator Sumner as
the man best fitted to carry on a work
for the colored man that had been short
ened by the wanton attack of the bully
Brooks. Thus both by inheritance and
by appointment Senator Hoar has been
called upon to carry on the struggle for
the supremacy of constitutional law an
order at the south.
The Kansas board of agriculture esti
mates that under the most favorable con
ditions the crop of corn will not yield
more than one third of an average, or a
total of seventy five million bushels,
against two hundred and forty million
bushels last year. But the difference in
acreage will nearly make up the shortage.
Had State Treasurer Hill, Auditor Tom
Benton, Lou Richards, Tom Majors, or
Congressman Connell, dropped down on
the old settlers at Union the other day
and dared to advise the democratic far
mers to yote for republicans and to ex -ercise
great independence in political
matters, what a howl would have went
up from the democratic press; yet, it is
all right for a brassy politican of the
democratic family to break in on such
a gathering and get in his work.
The four or rive months of the
greatest trade activity of the year
is about to open up. There are
many indications that this year will be no
exception, but there is one great cloud on
the business horizon the contest between
the Knights of Labor and the New York
Central railroad it has sent its blighting
effects already to all parts of the country
and has affected almost eyery kind of in
dustry and if it is not. speedily s ttled.
this year will likely fall below the aver
age for prosperity.
If the annual 2 per cent increase of the
population by births over deaths which
prevailed between 1870 and 1880 has
been maintained ever since, the country
has nearly 67,000,000 inhabitants now,
counting in the imigrants which have
come here in the past ten years. The
census bureau's figures of a 64,000,000
aggregate, however, if correct, indicates
that there has been a serious falling off
in this rate of increase. A good many
persons, though, will be inclined to attri
bute this apparent falling off to an act
ual failure to count all the people.
Globe Democrat.
Ik the democracy of the first district
for one moment believed that Mr. Bryan
would refuse to enter the democratic
caucus and be bound by it, if elected to
congress, they would invite him to step
down and off their ticket without further
wear and tear to the party machinery.
When he tija he would not be bound by
the caucus of his party upon any question
which the democratic party leaders, in
congress, deem of vital interest to the
party, he makes a statement which all
people who know a democrat when they
see him (smell the blood of an English
man) know i insincere. The democratic
candidate had better be honest in his ut
GAL. New York Tribue.
Although Lord Salisbury has been sin
gularly unfortunate in his home policy
during the Paliamentary session that has
just been brought to a close, yet he has
been far more successful in his dealings
with foreign nations. Not only has he
succeeded in negotiating treaties of a
more satisfactory nature to England with
Germany and France in connection with
the partition of Africa, but he has also
within the last week effected a friendly
settlement of the dispute with Portugal
about the territory on the Zambesi and
Shire rivers, which was on the eve of
precipitating a war between the two
countries in the early part of last spring.
Under the terms of the treaty just con
cluded, England retains the Shire High
lands and Mashouland; and, moreover,
she receives the promise of a first option
of any portion of Portuguese Africa
which the Lisbon government may
anxious to dispose of in the future. Thi
Litter clause is. of particular importance,
in view of the fact that Portugal is al
ready in the debt of the British govern
ment to the amount of several millions
of pounds sterling, and that not only is
her treasury empty, but that she has,
moreover, failed in all her recent at
tempts to borrow money abroad. It is
quite possible, therefore, that in time the
whole of the vast Portuguese possessions
on the east coast of Africa may pass into
British hands in return for British gold
tendered at a moment of presssng need
at Lisbon. The fact that the treaty
should have given as much satisfaction
to the Portuguese as to the English them
selves is in itself an eloquent tribute to
Lord Salisbury's diplomacy and to the
cleverness which he displayed in averting
a conflict from which hi country
could have reaped no glory.
The outlook for the 6trike becomes
more gloomy every day. A committee
of twelve men are now in session at
Terre Haute, Iud., that have it in their
power to lose millions for every business
interest in the country. Were it a
strike for more pay when they were
working too low, or in other words, if it
were a bread and butter strike, there
might be some sympathy for the strikers
but when it is purely a question of
whether they shall manage the New
York Central railroad or the people who
own it shall do it, then the solid middle
class will refuse to be sacrificed without
a struggle, or the expression of an
opinion in opposition to so foolish anil
almost auarchial theorv. If the labor
organizations want to commit absolute
suicide, then let them strike on the slim
pretext which they haye now and that
result will follow as sure as twice two
makes four. Since writing the aboye
todays telegrams announce the fact that
the great council of twelve would not
interfere and order a general strike. The
simple fact that the New York Central
discharged some men because they were
malcontents, and breeders of disatisfac
tion and trouble was thought not to be a
sufficient reason for a strike.
The Institute.
The Herald clips from the Republic
an the list of teachers in attendance at
the teachers' institute at Weeping Water
which will doubtless be of interest to
some of our readers:
Jessie KauUs
Delia Johnson
Ella Woodfo. d
Nettie Shearer
Kate M. Wright
flattie Woodartl
Anie K. Williams
Kobe. A Case
IdaM Gilmore
Carrie Todd
Mary Woodford
Laura Case
Mirtle Barnes
Bella Crose
W. A, Woodruff
Lillian Thompson
Helen Armstrong
Laura H. Thomas
W. C, Frampton
Grace 'Woodi
Mae Street
Jeesie Armstroug
J. E. Leyd
Edith Gilmore
J . L. Carper
Nellie Beach
Annie Mae Treat
Henry P. Smith
O, H. Allen
Etta Pipes
Dora Holden
J. C, Bennett
Grace Allen
H, Tuttle Smith
Dora Voght
Owen P. S'ewart
Grace Countryman Crrrie ""ountrymau
Clifton Countryman Annie Carper
Lottie M. -ollard J, C. Current
Bhoda Banning.
Addie Bailey
Clara Neihart
Cora Duncle
Lewis Lam it zc n
Zoe Moon
Eflie Bryan
Mattie Hylton
Bertha Kyan
Hattie Moon
Nettie Cooper
Ella Dalton
IdaB. Wortman
lioee Harrigan Clara Cleghorn
Lizza Shryock Joseph P. Wood
Alvin K. Phillip?
Jno. K, Miller Annie M. Kobinson
CassieM. Coleman Hattie Cherrovont.
Mary J. Marshall
l'l ATTS.W0tTH.
Mrs. M, Sawyer ' Carrie Greusel
Aiberta K. Hyers Matilda Gapen
Mrs. S. L. Thomas - Libbie Hecser
Olan I. Woods Nannie Moore
Maggie Spangle Isabel Wiles
Ge . A. Spangler J. M, Ellison
OUie E. Boyd Estella Traver
Blanche Traver
Minuie Axtell
O, A. Davis Lenora Perry
W. H. Ireland
MyraM. Hunter Sinai Lowe
Ester Cromwell
Florence Cross
C. C. Eaeknall Kees
Aliie M. Towley
Edith L. Pierce
Hulda Olson
Lucy Morley Avoca
Mary E. Comer
E. A. Morehouse OUie Andrews
Mary Bigley
Maud Ray.
Laura M. Webber
rARTRirxiE, KAS.
Lewis Iloaum
$ g h' J? I BV0MBS W BWCOOB IwMxnS ' 6
; I ' 1 WV it. v I iBiin J I ' I .......qi.pj .. .nil J " '
At the "Daylight Store'' from now until Sept. 1st, We shall clear out all our treasonable goods such as
At Trices That Will Probably S?11 Them All in Two Weeks.
Good heavy muslins, full standard and one yard wide, rc per yard worth ,-c. P.est Calicos, 5c worth 7c per yard.
Indigo blue calicos, OJc worth 10c. ' (Jood lawns, fast colors, :;c worth Co-
Heavy sheeting, !c worth 12'.- Ammericau sateens 10c worth 1 "c
Hi-st French sateens, yard wide, 25c worth :;."c,
All other goods in proportions, including Carpets. Millinery, and hy the way we .shall give the
o-enuine surprise in the wny ot hoots and shoos. We keep a large line of the '-Celebrated
& M. .Wells & Co.,"' jiou. It you want to buy cheap, keep your eyes open
j. v. wicsbace gs soar,
Old Settlers at Union.
From Monday's Daily.
Special to the Hkkald
There are over twelve hundred people
present. E, W. Barnum was unanimous
ly chosen chairman. He delivered a brief
address and said among other things that
the people were prosperous, and were not
being ground down by the government
much to the disgust of "Calamity" Sher
man, who appeared to be itching to con
sole with the dear people, he may get in
a line or two this afternoon. The next
thing on the programme was music by
the Union band.
E. C, Wiley delivered the address of
welcome in a very appropriate manner.
Tnen rose up the bland, smiling Bryan
who had come all the way down to hear
himself talk, and try to make an im
pression on the farmers. It was intended
that he should eschew politics, but he
slopped over a time or two and on one
occasion advised the voters, regardless of
party, to scratch their ticket this fall and
vote only for men, He claimed that he
would have been a Nebraskan sooner if
he had seen the state sooner, and he then
went off into rhapsodies over the beauties
of Nebraska, displaying her salient points
in glowing style. He did not say any
thins about it taking lots of gall for a
candidate to advertise himself in this way
at a public gathering, though the idea
suggested itself to many of hia hearers.
More music and then W. II Deck, the
candidate for lieutenant governor on the
peoples' ticket, got up and made quite a
talk. Among other things he said that
he came to Nebraska 24 years ago and
landed from a boat at Plattsmouth,
though he had neyer been in the county
from that day until this. Mr. Deck is a
sort of an L. O. Todd sort of a talker
and after cracking a few old chestnuts,
the noon hour was discovered to have
arrived and an old fashioned basket
dinner was enjoyed by the crowd.
There will be some other speaking this
afternoon, though at this hour I can not
Uarn just who will speak. Watson and
Morton failed to materialize.
Luther Benson,
There is but one Luther Benson, and
he will lecture on temperance at Rock
wood Hall tonight. Since the death of
that great orator, Jno. B. Gougb, 4 Mr.
Benson has been at the head of the list
of temperance orators. His manner is
pleasant and his control of the audience
is wonderful. At the church last night
he had his audience crying one moment
only to be laughing the next. Mr. Ben
son said nothing about tho amendment
last night He appears to be for tem
perance in fact rather than in theory.
Every man and woman in the city oaght
to bear him. His lectures yesterday
afternoon and evening were free. To
night he will charge ten cents admission
in order to defray expenses. Mr. Benson
is an old time neighbor of the city editor
of this paper, and we speak by the card
when we say you will miss a rare treat
if you fail to hear the noted orator.
SL W. Avery, the Greenwood cigsr
maker, is in the city deliyering his direc
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and. Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroj s Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and AViud Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Caj
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
" Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children."
Da. G. C. Osgood,
Lowell, Mass.
' Castoria Is the best remedy tor children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day isiot
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and use Castoria in
stead of the variousquack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Da. J. F. Kixchkiak,
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company, TI
Colored Picnic.
The members of the Zion Baptistchurch
of Omaha got up an excursion tothis city
yesterday which was not as well attend
ed as they expected on account of the
rain. Three coaches were well filled on
their special train which arrived about
ten o'clock. The whole crowd went up
to Fitzgerald's Hall where they enjoyed
their basket dinner and entertained the
crowd with some speaking and lots Jof
music, the singing being especially line
It was a genteel well behaved crowd in
strong contrast to the South Omaha
crowd that was here two weeks ago. A.
W. Parker, Rev. Richards, of Atchinson.
Rev. Coleman, II . H. Dorsey,
and several other prominent colored
people from Omaha were present. The
party seemed to have a good time and
said they would come again.
Levi Churchill, a delegate from the
Rock Creek Christian church, and Mrs.
Isaac Wiles, Mrs. McElwain and Miss
Amanda Hague delegates from the
Christian church in this city are in atten
dance today at a meeting of their state
missionary society at Lincoln.
" Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me."
H. A. Archer, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Hospital and Dispensary,
Boston, Mass.
Aixkn C. Smith, Pre.,
Murray Street, New York City.
The Missouri Pacific.
Since our enterprising evening contem
porary made the discovery that the B. &
M. had leased their road to the M. P. to
South Omaha we have investigated the
matter and learn there is no truth what -evar
in the report The contract for
grading the M. P. on the north side of
the Platte was let some days ago
and actiye work was begun this morning,
many teams and grading tools having
been brought in within the last few days
The bridge across the Platte will be
used jointly by the two roads for the
coming year and possibly longer. The
grading from Plattsmouth to Union is
well under way. Many contractors will
finish by the close of next week, so that
it looks as though the road would be
completely graded from Plattsmouth to
Unton by the last of September.
Ben Ward, an old Cass county citizen,
has been trying the wet for five or six
years. He came back the other day and
says old Cass 13 the boss of the whole
lot and can't be beaten anywhere. Ben
will put in a stock of hard ware at Louisville.