Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 28, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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, HE last notes of
favorito walta
thr auih the
splendid suloona
of Mrs. Montre
sor's mansion la
Square ; s p ark
ling eyes and
glittering jewels
Hashed In tbo
lamplight ; the
rival queens of
rank and beauty
ehone aide by side upon tho aristocratic
crowd ; the rioh perfume of exotlo blos
soms floated on the air; brave men and
lovely women were met togother to as
sist at the farewell ball given by the
wealthy American, Mrs. Montresor, on
her departure for New. Orleans with her
lovely nleee, Adelaide Ilorton, whose
charming faoe and sprightly manners
bad been the admiration of all London
during the season of 1860.
The haughty English beauties wero by
Ho means pleased to see the sensation
i made by the charms of the vivacious
Eung American, whose brilliant and
roua nature contrasted strongly with
proud and languid daughters of
fashion who Intrenched themselves be
hind a barrier of icy reserve, which often
re polled their admirers.
Adelaide Hoi ton was a gay and llght
rarted being. Born upon the planta
tion of a wealthy father, tho cries of
beaten slaves had novor disturbed her
lafant slumbers ; for the costly mansion
tn which the baby helrosg was roared was
far from the huts of the helpless crea
tures who worked sometimes sixteen
hours a day to -swell the planter's wealth.
No groans of agonized parents torn from
their unconscious babes ; no cries of out
raged husbands, severed from their
newly-wedded wives, had ever broken
Adelaide's rest. Khe knew nothing of the
Slave-trade, as at a very early age tho
planter's daugfctor had been oent to Eng
land for her education. Ilor father had
died during her absence from America,
and 6he was thus left to tho guardian
ship of an only brother, the prosetil pos
sessor of ilorton Villa, as the extensive
plantation and magnificent country-sent
were called.
Ob Adelaide attaining hor eighteenth
year, her uuut, Mrs. Montresor, on In
habitant of New York, and tho widow of
a rich merchant, had crossed tho Atlan
Uo at Augustus Horton's request, for the
purpose of plvinsr her nleco a season, in
London, and afterwurd escort lug her
back to Louisiana.
fehe found Adelaide all that tho most
anxious relatives could nave wished
elegant, accomplished, fashionable, well
bred; a little frivolous, perhaps, but
what of that, since her lot In life was to
be a smooth and easy one. Mrs. Mon
tresor was delighted, and expressed her
f ratification very warmly to the Misses
leauruont, of West Brompton, in whose
expensive but fashionable seminary Ade
laide had been educated.
In an ante-chamber leading out of the
crowded ball-room an ante-chamber
where the atmosphere was cool, and
where tho close neighborhood of a foun
tain plashing into its marble basin in un
jkdjoining conservatory refreshed the
.wearied ear, two young men lounged
Tr jily upon a satin-covered couch, watch
Vjg the dancers through tho open ball
room door.
The first of these two young men was
a South American, Mortimer Percy, tho
partner of Augustus Ilorton, and tho
trst cousin of tlie planter and his pretty
sister Adelaide.
Mortimer Percy va6 a haudpome young
man. His fair curling hair clustered round
a broad and noble forehead ; his large
clear blue eyes sparkled, with the light of
Intellect; hid delicate oquilino nose and
chiseled nostrils bespoke the. rettnement
of one who was by nature a gentleman ;
but a satirical expression spoiled an
Mtherwiae beautiful mouth, and an air of
languor and weariness pervaded his
appearance. He seemed one of those
tt ho have grown indifferent to life, care
lass alike of its Joys and sorrows.
Hie companion contracted strongly
with him both in appearance and man
ner. With a complexion bronzed by ex
posure to Southern bum, with flashing
black eyes, a firm but flexible mouth,
shaded with a silky raven mustache, and
thick black hair brushed carelessly back
from his superb forehead, Gilbert Mar
grave, artist, engineer, philanthropist,
poet, seemed the very bno of manly
The atmosphere of a crowded ball
room appeared unuav.jra! to .: ... l'hat
daring spirit was out of pbico ;.midt the
narrow conventionalities of i'nshiona'ole
life; the soaring nature wide
fcavanuao and lotty n.o;.iii.a.;i lopr, dis
tant rivers aod sounding waterfall? ; the
nrtlstand poet mind stoned foe the beau
tiful not this beauuiui sis w., see it in a
hot-house flower, imprisoned in a China
vase, but u- it lurk in the eau.!-': cup
of the Victor:.: rt-?-a vix U:.
of the mit-'tity Amnion.
But aiiicri. ?.iarg-;ive
lions of An nvenfioi
ou" o! the
in iiiu h,n-
ery which had .t, , '
tor and the -loi:-.'!.'
: i i'l h the inven
;ulii'is of MtHe'ties-
ter, hM iiia--u
celebrated, umi
.Jie yi, .: it;; i,.;it.t .. r
it fl;r.'.vered
that he belong
family, ti.u; i.
compiishod, i.:
tions lloel.f d
Ho had beet;
id to a SOfn l
V:U. ii ;
a li - L an.i
n upon liirn
'.rte;n ul' tL.
: -ie! sn i re
.-J .i .i i iic
' , i:n i'.a
iti sii t lie
I'nt-I u 1.
j liiutj, hi
groups in tho hail-iooui. wi:on Morii.'ner
I'ercy tapp-'d him iigntiy ou the shoi.iJer
vrith his giovca huad.
Why, iu::u. what are you droaaaing
he said, laughing; "what entranc
ing vision i-.f.i ithwintd yor.r urtist
fclanoe? what fuiiy t.-rm hat bewitrhed
-your poet -oid.' Une .vould tl.iu.k you
were arulJ soiituda. of .rne forest on
the banks of tht Danube instead of a
ball-rioin In Gro.-vjuor Square. ConteriS,
ray Gilbert, confess to your old lrlmvl,
and reveal the r.ymph whoe spells have
transformed you Into -:t st.i'.ue."
GiH'rt si-u!id a his Jri-nd's eaily.
Tho two yowng tneji r..- ! r.-. upon the
continent," u:. ha.i tra 'i .! t. .pother
through Gei ri,,iiiy and vit.'-riand.
The mmphiri n i';!u yonuw
lovlv gil, t.
Hc-rtoii." !iid uii!w:j;
3Iort!rnT, wptch tin r-i.
Silky raven .nir, tr-
Mrhtsper to m r eouipai ji
' o's at hr,
efui head, the
br:i-U down to
ii. is sho not
loveiv? , ,
Few w iio looked i:por. tho young girl ol
whom Gilhmt Maigruve spoke, could
well hnvo ai:3Te)'d othevwiee than in
the fcJlirm'tive, hbe was i!:t;ed lovely
In the ilrt blueh of youth, with thnno.
ence of an angel braiBing iu every
1 ir:rrrZ'? r?
emlro j with the tenderness of a woman
lying shadowed in the profonnd depth
of her almond-shaped black eyes. Jrea
tures, delicately molded and exquisitely
proportioned ; a tiny rosebud mouth ; a
Grecian nose; a complexion fairer than
tbo ungathered lily biding deep in an un
trodden foreat; it waa difficult for the
imagination of the poet, or the painter,
to picture aught so beautiful.
"Is she not lovelyT" repeated Gilbert
Tho young South American put bia
head critically on one side, with the cab
culatlng glunce with which a connolsseui
in the Hue arts regards a valuable pic
ture. The ueed-up Mortimer Percy made
it a rule never to commit himself by ad
miring anything or anybody.
"Hum ha !" he muttered thoughtfully ;
yes, she's by no means bad-looking."
By no means bad-looking !" cried Gil
bert Margrave, Impatiently ; "you cold
hearted automaton, how dare you speak
of womanly perfection in such a manner.
She's an angel, a goddess a siren
a "
"You'll havo an attack of apoplexy.
Margrave, If you go on in this way, ' said
Mortimer, laughing.
"Can you tell me who she Is?"
"No. But I can do more. I caa tell
you what she Is."
"What do you mean?
"I mean that your angel, your nymph,
your goddess, your siren, la a slave.'
"A slave?" exclaimed Gilbert.
"Yes. The African blood runs In those
purple veins. The hereditary ourse of
slavery hovers over that graceful and
queen-like head."
"But her skin U fairer than the lily."
"Wfiat of that? Had you been a
planter, Gilbert, you would have been
able to discover, as I did, when just now
I stood clcse to that lovely girl the fatal
signs of her birth. At the extreme cor
ner of the eye, and at the root of the
finger nails, tho South American oan
always discover the trace of slavery,
though but one drop of the blood of the
despised raoe tainted the object upon
whom he looked."
"But this girl seems an Intimate friend
of yonr cousin, Adelaide; who can she
be?" asked Gilbert.
"Yes. that la the very thing that pu7
xlea me. Adelaide must be utterly igno
rant of her origin, or eho would never
treat as a friend on who, on the other
Bide of tho Atlantic, would be her lady's
maid. But, hush, here comes my aunt,
she will bo able to tell us all about her
beautiful guest,"
Mrs. Montresor was still a handsome
woman. She bore a family likeness to
her nephow, Mortimer, who was the only
son of her 6lster, while Adelaide and
Augustus Horton ware the children of j
her brother. Her fair ringlets had. as j
yot, escaped tho hand of lime. Up tell- j
talo etroaka of gray had 6tokn emid the
showering locks. Her blue eyes wcro as j
bright as those of a girl, and ahoue with ;
tho light of good humor and bent i-oloneo.
She was not only a handsome woman, she j
was u lovable one. The young iaetinc-
tively clung to her, and felt that within
that ample bosom eat a kindly heart,
whioh a long summer of prosperity had .
never rendered callous to the woes of
"Come, gentlemen I" ehe said gayly,
as she approached the two friends;
'thla is really too badl Here are you
lollin on a sofa, 'wasting your sweet
ness on the desert air,' while I have, at
least, half a doeen pretty girls waiting
fur eliffible partners for the next waltz.
Ae for you, Mortimer," ehe added, shak
ing her perfumed fan, threateningly, at
her nephew; "you are really incorrigi
ble ; poor Adelaide does not even know
you are here."
"I came in late, my dear aunt, and I
sawtbot both you and my cousin wero
so surrounded by admirers, it was quite
impossible to approach yon."
"A pretty excuse, sir, which neither I
nor Adelaide will acoept," said Mrs.
Montresor, laughing.
"And then, again-, 1 wanted to have a
chat with Gilbert."
"Out upon your gallantry, sir; you
preferred talking to M. Margrave to
dancing with your cousin and affi eneed
"Iam not a very good danoer; I am
apt to tread upon the ladles' lace
flounces, and get my heels entangled in
the spurs of young dragoons. I really
thought my cousin would rather bo ex
cused." "Indeed, sir," exolalmed Mrs. Mon
tresor, evidently rather annoyed by her
nephew's indifference ; "I should not be
surprised If Adelaide should one day ask
to be excused from marrying you."
"Good gracious!" cried Mortimer,
playing with bis watch chain; "do you
think my cousin is not very violently In
love with mr
" Violently in love with you? coxcomb I
But, joking apart, really, Mortimer, you
are the coldest, most unpootlcal, soul
less creature I ever met."
"My dear aunt," said Mortimer, apolo
getically, "I will freely own that I am
not a v-ry sentimental person. But
what of Uiat? My Intended marriage
with lay cousin, Adelaide, Is by no
i, -jt-, u romantic affair. In the first
place, Augustus Horton and I are part
ner. My marriage with his sister Is
theiefore advisable, on the ground oi
cowmLiviai interests. That is reason
number one, not very romantle to begin
with. H-tnson number two ! tiiA : you
liavij t .vo nephews aad one niece ; you
wlteh your favorite nephew (meaning roe;
to rii.f: v v ' clece, in order tisat on a ol
i .ii. ... v , ii.i . iug uo chiidivu o! youi
,,..vf- vi. -,i may luave them the bulk ol
our fortune.! here s nothing particularly
roina-uti'.' iu this. You say to th? two
young pi'-opio, ilarry,' and the two young
people say. 'Very well, we're agreeable !'
I hold the business is settled.
Very :i,: .iuble, and very proper, nc
,',()';). 1 I.ui. not a subject for romance,
iu. .v ii aunt-"'
"'&!., .oi timer, you'rw incorrigible,
but I kujw that at the bottom of youi
heart vou're very much lu love wltt
your pr-jtty cousin, notwithstanding
v.Hjr prelrt:iding indifference."
Oo.ue, then, my best of aunts. For
give volij most perverse of nephews, anc
answer me. one question, for the houetii
of Gilbert Margiave hre, who has been
be.vitohed by one of the lilies of youj
iwdt-ed, and prtty who is the lady?"
That !. the very question we want
you to answer," replied Mortimer, lead
ing Li's uuut to the curtained doorway ol
the ball-room. bte, there she is, thai
dark-eyed trt talking to my cousin Ade
laid "
Tiiau is MidS Leslie."
"What Miss Leslie?"
"The dau.gMer of ?Ir. Gerald I?H
of I'ew Orlurc?.''
"Indeed !" exclaimed Mortimer.
Ys. But you seem surprised."
I ;im a little," replied the young man
tbouniitf.iily ; "I did not know Leslie had
a daughter."
"But job see he has, slnca she is ai
intimate ;riHiid of Adelaide's."
"How did they become acquainted?"
"They were educated at the eam
Indeed. She Is a very lovely girl, anfl
you ir.ut be good enough to Introduce ui
to her, by-and-by."
I "Take care, Mortimer, fald his aunt)
I "you are surely not going to fall In lov
I with Ml Leslie "
"Not the leaat danger, my dear aunt.
Though 1 would not say as much foi
poor Gilbert here."
"Pshaw I Mortimer," exclaimed the
young artist, reddening: "It Is the paint
er's privilege to admire beauty without
1 loving it."
j "No doubt of It, my dear boy," an.
ewered Mortimer; "but unfortunately,
. sometimes a certain little rosy-legged
gentleman, with a bow and arrows,
called Cupid, stps in ; the painter for
gets his privilege, and the man falls in
love with the artist's model."
i "Well, I must leave you, gentlemen,"
i said Mrs. Montresor; "I think I see
Adelaide and Miss Leslie coming this
i way, so if you want an Introduction to
the young South American you must ob
tain it through my niece. Au revolr,
' naughtr boys !"
"Btay. my dear aunt, you will forgive
Mr. Margravo when I tell you that he Is
: &a determined an abolitionist as yourself,
or any of vour friends in New York, tie
) means sailing for South America In a
month, armed with some new inventions
in machinery, whloh he declares ought to
: supersede slave labor.
! "Ye, madam," said Gilbert, earnestly ;
! "your nephew well knows my opinion
: upon this subject, and though his inter
ests mav be allied to the hateful barter.
I which should call a blush to the cheek of
! every honest American. I know that his
heart Is with us. the abolltienists of
! slavery."
"Let me shake hands with you, Mr,
Margrave," exclaimed Mrs. Montresor;
"I declare to you that so hateful to me
Is the slave trade, and all connected with
it, that were It not necessary for me to
escort my niece borne and assist at her
marriage with his hare-brained Doy, i
would never again set foot upon the ac
cursed soil of Louelana, but I must not
eay more to you now, for here oome the
young ladles. Adelaide is but a child as
yet, and has never thought seriously of
the matter: while her brother. Augustus,
like bis father before him. Is a determined
advocate of slavery. Once more, adieu (
and the elecant although portly. Mrs.
Montresor irllded from the room, her
rich robes of eky-blue moire antique
rustling around her.
"Gilbert," said Mortimer, hurriedly, aa
soon ae his aunt was out of hearing,
"remember, I beg, do not breathe to a
mortal one hint of what 1 just now told
von, with regard to Miss Leslie's origin.
1 subject some painful mystery here,
and J would not, for the world, that any
Idle talk of mine should cause this poor
girl's gentle heart one throb of sorrow or
one thrill of shamo."
you may rely upon rno, Mortimer,"
exclaimea Gilbert, with enthusiasm.
"My lips are sealed forever."
lie had scarcely spoken, when the two
young glrl6 approached, arm In arm.
There was a marked contrast between
tlu two friends. Young as Adelaide
Horton was, she had already all the fin
ished elegance and easy confidence of a
woman or fashion. Frivolous, capricious,
and something of a coquette, she was
born to charm In a ball-room, and to
shine In a crowd. Cora Leslie was a
creature of an utterly different nature.
Like some wild flower from the luxuriant
forests of her native South she seemed
destined to bloom with ti sweeter per
fume in loneliness. To blossom for the
silent stars and the midnight skies ; to
expand her fairest petals to the sunshine
of one loving heart.
"I do not oare to see my cousin just
now," said Mortimer, "so I wfll leave
you, Gilbert, to make yourself agreeable
to the young ladies, while I go and smoke
a cigar in the balcony opening out of the
The young man strolled through tbe
curtained doorway, leading Into the oool
retreat, as his cousin and her friend en
tered from the ball-room.
"Here, at least, my dear Cora, we
shall be able to breathe," said Adelaide,
as the two girls approached Gilbert.
"Ah, Mr. Margrave," she added, per
ceiving the young artist, "it la here,
then, that you have been hiding yourself
while a hundred lion-hunters have been
trying to chase you. Cora, allow me to
introduce to you Mr. Gilbert Margrave,
engineer, artist, poet lion I Mr. Mar
grave, allow me to present to you Miss
Cora Leslie, my friend, and the most
elegant waltzer in my aunt's crowded
"I beg, Mr. Margrave," snid Cora
Lolie, "that you will not listen to Miss
Horton's assertions ; she only grants me
this eulogy because she knows that she
waltzes better than I.'
"Will you permit me to be tho judge
of that, Miss Leslie?" said Gilbert, "and,
in order that 1 may be so, grant me your
band lor the next waltz?"
"Oh, yes, yes," cried Adelaide laugh
ing, "we'll waltz with you. I promise
for Cora. Now, pray go bock Into the
ball-room, Mr. Margrave, and satisfy
those good people who are pining to
stare you out of countenance, which is
the only English tribute to genius. Go
now, you ahiill summon Cora as soon as
tho first notes of the waltz strike up."
"Au revoir, Miss Leslie, till I oome to
claim your hand."
Gilbert bowed and left the ante-room,
not without one euth uslastic glance at
tho iuuoeerit tace of the lair Loulslanian.
"There goes another of your admirers,
Cora," cried Adelaide, ad she flung her-t-eli'
into one of the luxurious easy-cbalrs
..-fallo Cora seated herself on a sofa, a
few pacty. iJ;.tutind laid her bo. quet of
hot-house ilowers on a tiny table at her
r-ide ; "I de'jiare, Mia Cora Leslie, that
1 OetiQ to think 1 did a very unwise,
thing in persuading my detu", good-natured
aunt to give Lhis farewell, ieuaion
to our llngliflh friends, for you had only
to make your appearance in order to
citeal evoiy admirer 1 have. It is a gen
eral cieDei lion to Urn camp of the enemy.
1 should not wouder If Mortimer himself
joiued tho renegades, and left me to sing
wiilow for my inconstant swain."'
Jul I thought from what you told
iao, Adelaide, replied Cora, laughing,
"that Mr. Percy was by no means a very
enthusiastic or romantic person."
"Oh. no, indeed," said Adelaide, with
an impatient sigh ; "you are right there,
my dear Cora, never was there such a
cold-hearted, matter-of-fact being as that
cousin and future husband of mine. If
he pays me a compliment. It is only an
artful way of drawing attention to one ol
my defects, which, I will own, are rather
numerous. If he ever utters an afeo
tionate word, I always feel convinced
that he is laughing at me. Imagine
now, my dear Cora, was it not flattering
to my womanly vanity to hear blir say,
when he arrived in Loudon a rnOi.'.h oi
two ago. after a aeparatlonof four years,
"My dear Adelaide, my aunt has taen It
into her head that you and I ought tc
marry ; I don't want to oppose her, and
1 suppose you don't either."
"And you replied ?"
" 'Oh, no, my dear cousin; I've no ol
jection to marry you. But pray doft't
ask anything else.'"
"But why did you give your consent?"
asked Cora.
"I scarcely know. J am impetuous,
rash, past-ionate, capable of doing evea
m wicked action when under the lnllu
enee of some sudden Impulse. I am dan
Ing enough. Heaven knows, but there is
one species of courage that I lack the
courage whloh gives the power of resist
ance. I could not oppose my aunt.
Has she not been the tenderet of
mothers to me? Besides, I did not love
any one else, or at least Why abandon
mvself to dreams that can never be re
alized? Again, as tho wife of my cousin
Mortimer, I shall never be an exile from
my dear native bouth. If you see me
gay and happy, Cora, in spite of my ap
proaching marriage. It Is that I shall
soon behold the blue skies of my belovod
"Forgive me, dearest Adelaide," said
Cora Leslie, "but from a few words that
escaped you just now, I fancy that 1
have a secret of your heart. Has Mr.
Margrave by any chance made an Im
pression lu that quarter?"
"lou are very inquisitive, miss, re
plied Adelaide, blushing. "Mr Margrave
Is an accomplished young man, but his
manner to me has never gone ncyona tne
bounds of the most ceremonious polite
ness. Perhaps, Indeed, had ho betrayed
any warmer sentiment toward me.
might But do not. I implore you.
force me to reflect, mv dear Cora. Is It
not decided that I am to marry Mor
timer? I will present him to you this
evening if he makes his appearance, and
vou shall tell me what you think of
"I am most impatient to see him.
said Cora. "Tell me, dear Adelaide, did
you ask blm for tidings of my father?"
"Do not think me forppetful. dear Cora,
but I had so much to say to blm about
my brother and my native country, that
I forgot to make the Inquiries you
oharged me with. There now, you are
aoffir with me. I know ; I can eee It in
your eyes."
"No. Adelaide, no!" answered Cora,
"that -which you see In my eyes Is not
anger, but anxiety. It Is nearly three
months since I have received any letter
from my dear father, and thla long
sllenoe is so unlike his affectionate con
sideration that it has filled me with
"Kay, my dear Cora, the oaree of
business no doubt have preveutod hia
writing ; or perhaps he Is coming over to
England, and wishes to give you a de
lightful surprise. Did you not tell me
that Mr. Leslie meant to sell his planta
tion, and take up his abode in England?
But here comes Mortimer, and you can
yourself make all the inquiries you
fWTy. strolled with a
eisurely step
through tho door
way of the con
servatory, bow
ing to the two
girls as he en
tered the room.
"At last!" ex
claimed Ade
laide; "so you
have actually
condescended to honor my aunt's assem
bly with your gracious presence, mi
dear cousin. Perhaps you were In hopes
you would not see me.'
"Perhape you were in hopes I should
not come," retorted the young man.
On the contrary," said Adelaide, "I
was awaiting you with Impatience. But
prey don't be alarmed, it was not on iny
own account, but on that of Miss Leslie
that I wished to see you. - My friend is
anxious to ask you about her father."
"1 was juet about to beg you to in
troduce roe to Miss Leslie," replied
"Mr. Mortimer Teroy, cotton merchant
aod slave proprietor, my cousin and my
future husband, as my aunt says "
"Stop, Adelaide, this is no time for
jesting," 6aid Mortimer, gravely.
"Is your news bad then?" exclaimed
his cousin.
"It is not altogether as favorable as I
should wish."
"Oh. in Heaven's name, speak, Mr.
Percy, cried Cora, pale with agitation,
what has happened to my father?"
"Beaaaure yourself, Miss Leslie," re
plied Mortimer, "when I left New
Orleans your father was rapidly recover
ing." .
He had been ni, tnenr
He was wounded in a revolt of the
slaves on his plantation."
Wounded !" exclaimed Cora; "oh, for
pity's sake, do not deceive me, Mr,
Percy 1 tnie wound was it dangerous r
"It was no longer so when I left Louisiana-
I give you my honor."
Cora sank Into a chair, and buried her
face tn her hands.
You eee, Adelaide," she murmured,
after a few moments sllenoe, "my pre
sentiments were not unfounded. Dear
est father, and I was not near tc- watch
ar?4 comfortyou?"
Adelaide Horton 6eated herseii ty tne
side of her friend, twining her arm affec
tionately about Cora's slender waist.
Strange, thought Jiorumer r'ercy,
as be watched the two girls, "one word
from me and my cousin would shrink
from this lovely and Innocent creature
with loathing and disdain."
The prelude ot a waltz n sounded at
this moment from the orchestra and
Gilbert Margrave appeared to claim his
"Ah!" exclaimed Adelaide, "it Is you,
Mr. Margrave ! My poor friend has just
heard some sad new s. '
"Sad news, Miss Hoi-ton I"
"Ye6, thore has been a revolt of the
slaves, in which her father well nigh fell
a victim. Thank Heaven, the result was
les terrible than it iuiht have been."
While Adelaide wae epeaktng to Mr.
Margrave, Mortimer Percy approached
the chair ou which Coru was seated, and
bending over her for a moment eaid, in a
low voice, "let me speak to you alone,
Miss Leslie."
"Alone?" exclaimed Cora, with new
alarm, then turning to Gilbert, she eaid
calmly, "I trust that you will be so kind
as to c-acuoo me, Mr. Margrave, and ask
Adelaide to favor you with her haad Tor
the ne.-st waltg. I wish to speak to Mr.
Percy about this sad affair.''
"Cora in-3its upon it, Mr. Margravo,',
eaid Adelaide, "and you must therefore,
resign yourself. But remember," tho
added, turning to Cora, "that we only
consent on condition that we find you
smiling and altogether restored to good
spirito on your return. Now, Mr. Mor
timer Percy, after this I suppose you
will leave off praising the virtue of your
pet negroes."
"What would you have, my dear
cousin?" replied Mortimer; "when doga
are too violently beaten, they are apt to
"Thoy should be tied up then," retorted
Adelaide ae eho took Gilbert's arm and
hurried to tho ball-room where the danc
ers were already whirling round in valee
a deux-teraps.
Cora rose as she found herself alone
with the young planter, and no longer
attempting to conceal her agitation, ex
claimed anxiously :
"And am I indeed to believe what you
ay, lit. Percy ; do you really mean wi
15 fe)ll-uftage which has urged my fattar
alaree to tills revolt?"
MAlas, Miss Leslie," replied the young
8outh American, "the 'planter finds him
self between the borne of a terrible di
lemma; be rnustetther beat his Blare or
suffer from their lazlneM. I will own to
you that Mr. Leslie la not considered too
indulgent a matter; but he only follows
the example of the greater number of our
colonists. However It Is not he, but his
overseer who was the chief cause of thU
revolt. Your father would have Inter
fered; In attempting to do so ho waa
seriously wounded : but let me once more
assure you that he was entirely out of
danger when I left New Orleans."
"And did he give you no message for
me uo letter?" askd Cora.
"No, Mlris Leslie."
"What, not a word?-'
"Your ftiier did not know that I
phould see you," replied Mortimer, "and
it is on this very subject that I wih to
ask you a few questions ; not prompted
by any vain curiosity, believe ine, but
bocause tou Inspire me with tho warmest
"Speak, Mr. Percy," eaid Cora, seating
Mortimer drew a chair to the side of
that on which Cora was seated, and
placing himself near to hor, said gravely.
"Tell me. Miss Leslie, In what manner
do you usually receive your father's let
ters?" "Through one ot his correspondents
wbo lives at Southampton."
"Then they are not directly addressed
to you."
They are not."
"Were you very young when you left
"I was only five years old," replied Cora.
"So young! Your memory can recall
nothing that occurred at that time. I
"Oh, yes," answered Cora; "but mem
ories so oonfused that they seem rather
to resemble dreams. But there, in one
recollection which no time can efface.
It is of a womun, young, beautiful, who
clasped me in her arms, sobbing as she
strained mo to her breast. I can still
bear her sobs when I recall that scene."
"Has Mr. Leslie ever spoken to you of
your mother?" asked Mortimer.
"Was it she?" cried Cora, eagerly.
"I do not know, Miss Lebllo, for at
that time I waa still In England, whore,
like you, I received my education."
"Alas, exclaimed (Jora, ner Deautirm
eyes filling with tears, "who could it be
if it was not here Jo, air. Percy, X liavo
never known even the poor consolation
of hearing people speak of my mother.
Lvery time 1 have ventured to addres
my fatler on tho subject, he has repllod
in harsh and cold tones that have chilled
my heart. All that I could ever learn
waa that sho died young, at New Or
leans. . I dared not tpoak upon a subject
whioh caused my poor father sucb pain
ful emotions."
"But he has always evinced the great
est affection for you. Miss Leslie, has ho
notr asked Aiortlnitfr.
"Oh. Mr. Percy," replied Cora, her ej es
kindling with enthusiasm, "what father
ever better loved his child. Every whim,
every childish wish has been gratltiod.
but one ; akn, that one prayer he would
never grant."
"And that prayer was ?"
"That I might join him in New Orleane.
On his last vbJt to England, a year ago.
implored him to take me back with
blm ; but he was deaf to all my entreaties.
It is because 1 love you, he said, 'that 1
refuse to take you with me ;' perhaps it
was the climate of Louisiana that he
feared ; that climate may have been the
cause of my mother s death.
"I was sure or it, thought mortlmer,
she is entirely ignorant of her origin,"
'All that I could obtain from him in
answer to my prayers," continued Cora,
was a promise that this separation
should be the last; and that he would
sell hi plantation at the earliest oppor
tunity, and come and establish himself
in England."
"And since then, ' baid Mortimer, "has
ho renewed that promise?"
"With reservations have made
me tremble," replied Cora; "I fear that
his ailairs are embarrassed, and will de
tain him from me Iodk after the prom
ised time of our reunion."
"Alas, Miss Lesllej you are not de
ceived." said Mortimer, earnestly ; "Mr.
Leslie has experienced great losses. The
death of Mr. Treverton, his partner, who
was killed In a duel a year ago, at tho
very time of your fathers return from.
England, revealed deficiencies that he
had never dreamed of. He was obliged to
have recourse to heavy loans ; and since
that, tho revolt of his slaves, in damaging
the harvest, has given the finishing blow
to hhi diflioultiea.
'Theu my father is ruined, Mr. Percy, '
cried Cora, clasping her hands; "oh, do
not imagine that the aspect of poverty
alarms me; It is not or myseir that i
think, but of blm. What a life of anx
iety and effort he has endured, in order
to establish a poeitlon, which he only
seemed to value on my aceount f Never
has he allowed me to hsar one expres
sion of uueaelne&s drop from his lips ;
never has he denied the most extrava
gant of my capricee. Ah, if ho but
Knew how gladiy I would exchange ail
this worthless splendor for the happi
ness of sheltering rny head upon hi
noble bica.t. If ho could but tell how
dear the humblest home would be to me
after tho locg isolation of rcy youth.
Who can tell bow bow long our separa
tion may endure !"
"Nay, Miss Leelie," said Mortimer
soothingly; "your father's position is
far from desperate, though he may re
quire a long time aid considerable cour
age In order to extricate himself from hi-s
"A long time ! some years, pe
asked Cora.
"I fear so."
haps '.
"And during this heart-rending
3t rui.'-
gle," exclaimed the young girl,
'he wn.
not have a creature near him to comfort
or sustain blm. And if new dangers
should menace him for this revolt ha
been avenged by tho blood of the slave
leaders, h.AS it not? nd fresh cruelties
may caue new rebellion. Oh, heaven
the thought makes me tremble! No,
my father shall not be alone to struggle '
If he suffers I will eoneole him ; if he it
in danger I will ebare it with him."
"What do you xn-an. Miss Leslie V
cried Mortimer.
"You leave England in a few d&ye
with Mrs. Montresor aad your cousin
Adelaide. I will accompany you."
"But, Miss Leslie, remember," re
monstrated tho young man.
"I remember nothing but that mj
father Is tn daager, and that a daughter's
lace Is by his side, Fee, hero comet
rt. Montresor; I know she wi;l not re
fuse to grant ray request."
The good-natured lioW:)s Lad coma t
the ante-chamber to look after her wall
flowers, as she called them.
"You running away from us, Corar"
she said ; '-we shall certainly not alio
thl matter-of-fact nephew of mind t
deprive us of the belle of the room."
'"Oh, rhy dear Mrs. Montresor," e
claimed Cora ; "a great misfortune ha I
happened to my father.''
"I know it, my ci-ir child," replied Montresor, "but, thank Heaven,
tbAt misfortune L not an irreparabli
"No, madam, nothing In Irreparable be -the
time which we pass far away
from thoe we love In the hour of troutW
I Implore you to take me bark to hud.
"But, Cora." ana wered Mrs. MonVtaor.
"do you forget that ypur father formally
expressed hie wish that you should r
rualn in England?"
"Yes, madam ; but the motive of ray
disobedience will render It excusable,
and my first duty la to go and cmsole my
"Pardon me If I ftill Interfere, Mlaa
Lenlte," haid Mot timer Percy, earnestly;.,
"but think once more lx-forn yon tak
this riihh xtep. Your father may hav
Borne very serious motive for for Lidding;
your return to New Urleann."
"What motive could a father have fop
separating himself from his only child?
But stay," added Coru, htiuek by the
earnestnei-n f Mr. Percy iimuuer, "per
haps there is nome M-i-ret, pome mystery
which vou are aware of. Tell me lr, 1
it so? Your iiiaimer ju!-l now tho strang
queatlons which you Uklced me, all might
lead me to suppose "
"Those qurtntionr. were only prompted,
by my interest iu you, Mlaa Leslie," re
plied Mortimer; "but it is the same io
terest which bids mo urge you to abundoiv
the thouKht of this vovago. Your father'
welcome may not be so warm aa jou.
would wish."
"I know his hoart too well to fear
that," exclaimed the excited girl; "be it
as it may, my resolution Is lrrevotable ;
and if you refuse to tuke me under your
charge, Mrs. Montresor," she added, "I
will go alone."
"What?" cried Adelaide, who had en
tered the ante-chamber, followed by GUV
bort, In time to hear those laut word.
"You would go alone, Cora; and who.
then, opposes your departure? We wilt
go together; will we not, dear aunt?" ex
claimed the Impetuous girl.
"Yee, Adelaide, since your friend la.
determined on leaving. It will be far bet
ter for her to accompany us," reoliert
Mrs. Montresor; "but I must own that Ml
do not willingly give luy consent to Mla
Leslie's disobedience to her father's,
But niy father's thankH shall repsyv
you for all, dear madam," eaid Cora; "I?.
bhall never forget his goodnrps."
"Come, come then, naughty child, left
us return to the ball-room. You mustc
bid adieu to all your acquaintances to
night, for our vessel, the Virginia, eaUsi
In three days. Come, children, come."
Mra. Montresor led the two Klrle away.
while Mortimer Percy flung himself ott
a sofa, Gilbert Margravo watching blm'
"Why "did you not toll Mrs. MontreBor
the truth?" askod Gilbert.
"Whut would have been the ue, sine
I cannot tell it to Miss Leslie? That i
what euli my lips. Her father has con
cealed from hor her real origin. Hho thtnka
she Is of the European race- 1 discov
ered that iu my Interview with her and
I dare not icveal a seerct which Is not
mine to telL"
"And you four that her return to Neiv
Orleans will cause sorrow to herself Y"
said Gilbert.
"1 do," replied the young Bouth Amer
ican; "every door at which she dares to
knock will bo cloned against her. Evenv
my coiiftin, her friend, will turn fronx
her with pity, perhajw, but with Con
tempt. You, who dwell In a land wherer
the lowest beggar, c rawling In his loath
some tags, is as free as your mlghtiestu
nobloman, can never guess the turrora.
of slavery. Genius, beauty, wealth,
therte cannot wash out the stain ; tho
fatal taint of African blood still remains;,
and though a man wtre the greate-st and.
noblest upon earth, the curse clings to .
him to the last. He i a slave !"
I To he eiit iimii'l.
l-'i urn .tl ui tla V I ailv.
The brick and terra cott i compan7 are
deliyerinjr .-,0,000 brick to the 15. A; M. to
lie u-ccl in improvi-ii'.fnts at the shops
h'-p- With other hrprnv. ni'-rits which
th.' lil-.KAI.I) li:ts i:v i.ti'.lH-il tin- pa-t week,
it locks as though the M'tyelork boom
had coilupNcd.
Geo. Spnrior k rnoii- in from llcnvcr
last niht to i.-it with Ins parents.
Gi-rje. is in thv employ ot the threat dry
yui.'d.s house of Daniels A: Fisher. An
idea of their uuniense business can be
iinnined when it is known that they pay
thi-ir head salesman the princely salary.,
oi 10.000 p r year.
George returned from ('olc
t iilo la-t week. He says that there is no-,
tioji wi.-st of H:t-tnr." ami that there are
numbers of fi'.nilb-s that can't ct away
filt.rihe lu-...; v.- '.eft them or; the'.h-
;).. ;rans H'.'nl re s,.(l,; , ; .-i,i!; in
Lou is -.'i: !c Coii! ..' on ; ;iu!.
A i i'1 (' rcii ou 1 1m- Oliver
kV U'- h i'-.i '.!ic, ;i iiMiuntain ru;ii owned
ami o(. I'ited iv !hc I'. A; M., west from
Denver v st'Tii v. An enyme ru-ining
'Id iiiiir- tn -i-i:-! v.-e:: i-rl' Vf!.-
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Frel Walter's r -int. r.tar the court
house. l'icd fixes them up to suit tree' .
taste of a kin;;, ('nil on him.