n O VOL. XXVI. NO. 23. PLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY, NEB U ASK A, TIIUUSDAY. AUGUST 28, 1890- l..r( A YEAR ' plftf teni0iifft til di Iff 111 .. II . 111 Ml III III III Highest of all in Leanrening Power. U. S. Govt Report, Aug. 17, 1SS9. Powder ABSOLUTE ttf PURE Everybody Reads the Daily Hera 14 ght Qhttemouth $gcek1tt Zjcrald Dr. A. Salisbury ha the exeluMTt right to u Dr. Stainau'ii Loral Anmtheti for the Painlrf k Extraction of Teeth In thlncKr. (i.T.ce Hot ti t. - 1 Block. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY AND THE CflUNTY Iowa buy were From Wednesdays DaIy. Several loads of brought in today. Ben Elsonis opening up acer load of fine clothing todij which he has just re ceived from Chicago. The sidewalk on Vine 6treet between Third and Fourth streets ought to be fixed up at once. It is in bad shape. The canning factory :s overwhe'med with orders for canned goods at good prices, but they havn't got the goods. A pair of boots were found yesterday near where the box of Bhoc were found, but no clue to the thieves has been un earthed. The illustrious John Brown, the man with the surplus of medals, is removing over into the southern part of the city today. Chairman Jones aad h;s muscular as sistant col. Pat O'Lei are f -""g up ome bad places on the Ma:n street pave ment today. The old corner at 6th and Vine has new been cleaned up and we learn that C. W. Holmes talks of erect-'ng thereon a first class livery stable. j The prohibition state convention meets in Lincoln today. P. P. Gass, Noah demons, H. M. Gault and Edwin Davie, of this city.'ar5 in attendance as delegatee. Mrs. DeBpain, whos Feriov.3 illness we mentioned yesterday, wr.s no bet ter this morning. Her daughter, M . Lev. Myers of Cedar Creek, came in today to be at her bedside. By all odds the handsomest premium list that has reached tb;s office s the one for the Seward Agricultural Society and reflects great credit on the office of the Seward Reporter, where it was printed. After a four hours soaking rain and a sun bath of a few hour the othe- d.y Fred Stadieman got 1 ; fu.n'ture into the dry. It did not look a3 though the rain had improved it very much. Miss Verna Leonard fell from a saddle horse last eyening wh'rh she was ridirg, owing to the breaking f the girth and was shook up pretty badly but did net appear to be much the worse for the fall. Down at Auburn they ere rying 'o disbar their County Attorney Cornell, for extorting money from a prosecuting witness while Berying the cc-vnty in tn official capac ty, and for t2 conduct unbecoming an attorney. Our neighbor will probably blow him self in today on the iron ore busiuess at Mt. Pleasant. We will wait to see if it Droves to be of any value before itc A - give it too much space, as its existence has been known since 1850. The incor porators of the town of Mt. Pleasant made much capital out of their ore beds but they faiied to make any irou. For the benefit of the ladies the Her ald will herewith give a receipt for jelly that ia new and is splendid. Cral ap ples are cheap and make a beautiful jelly but the flavor is poor, this is the way to improve it as we are informed by one of the nicest ladies in the city: Take aix cups of crab apple juice, four cuts of granulated sugar and six cups ef juice made ifrom stewing nice fresh cherry leaves and boiled until done. You will bedelighted with the result. The Electric Lamp Companyjhaye been hipping to the Southern Electric Supply Company St Louis quite a quantity lamps ever since they began operation. Yester day they received a telegram from this house saying: "Express us 50t sixteen candle power lamps and 100 ten volt lamps. Must have them at once. Rush them." That's the kind of a report that comes from using the new lamp. They are now making 300 per day, but will have to increase their force very soon j again. PERSONALS. Father Kearney is in Lincoln todayjjj Hilton Wccott Esq. is seeing Omaha today, Elias Sage and wife are in the met-op olis today . A. j. uass and wife were in the city ye-fterday. The Festive Roberts Andrew Fase and wife, residing near Papillion, are in the city today looking for J. O. Roberts. The old lady said Roberts had been coming to see their Tillie for some time and that they were to be married after a while, that she kept putting Roberts off on account of Tillie's being too young. That Roberts was very familiar and called them pa and ma; one day he was out at the burn with the old gentleman when he said, "pa, if I had about $300 more than what I have I could buy the lot next to mine at Lincoln and it would make us a fine building site." The old man reckoned he could get it down at Omaha. And to make a long story short Roberta got the money of him, giving him a mortgage on his household goods and horse and buggy. He claimed a copy of the mort gage was filed at Plattsmouth so that the security was good. On examination to day the old gentleman finds that there lies been no copy filed but on the contrary another mortgage reposes quietly on the property B. & M. Time Table. OOINU WKST Noi :20 a. m " 3 5:4. p. m " i 9 :15 a. in. " 7 7:15 a. in. " 8 6 :15 p.m. " 11 5 :25 p. in. " 19 11 :O0 h. in. GOIMU KAST No 2, S :05 p. in. "4 io ;x a. m "6 7 ;44 p. io " 10 10 :00 a. m " 12 10 :16 a. in "10 8 :25 a- in D. H. Hawksworth went to Denyir for all that it is worth, and what is still last night. wnrsn t.h( nM larlv finds that he ia en- Win. Waybright went to South Omaha guged to ether ladies and that her poor" Tillie would have stood a poor show any how. The old gentleman grew quite this morning. Miss Bowen left for her home in Lin coln last night, Mrs. Errett was among the Lincoln contingent today. Wm. Neville and Frank Carruth went to Omana this morning. Willie and Helen Greusel visit inLin oln today with Grandpa Fa,:iton. Mrs. C II. Parmele,.Mr. I. Baker and D. II. Baker were Omaha passengers this morning. W. N. McClaren, of Louisville, and confidential with the county clerk and said that his wife had always watched Roberts a little too close, but that now he was awful glad of it. What the out come will be can only be surmised. Married. Today t the Baptist church in Union, by the Rev. Dillon of Weeping Water, 3Ir. H. M. Frans to Miss Nelly Jones, both of Union. The groom is the son of Wm. Frans, "Union's pioneer merchant, and is highly 6poken of as a steady, hon- Jacob Schneider, camci'i on the Schuyler est, industrious young man. The bride is the handsome and amiable niece of W. D. Jones of this city. ner father and mother are not living though they were old residents of the county. The happy couple will take a trip to Lincoln this evening and on their return will begin housekeeping. The Herald extends its heartiest and best wishes. School- books at Wildman & d&wtf. Fuller's. this morning. Mrs. J. Langston and son, Master x imip, ien .? 1j ncom ti"s moicni; ru visit friends. Miss Ruth Daj is ud Miss Bessie Gyger are yisiting their arut, Mrs. Dr. Emmons. at Omaha today J. C. 3ikenbary was in the city last night and will return home to South Omaha this evening. M'ss Jennie Ritchie went to Lincoln I The great barbecue and celebration on this merning t join her mother, who is the completion of the Louisville wagon visiting m that city. bridge at that city, has been fixed for Miss Myrtle Purdy went to Hastings September the 24th. and not the 23rd. as o put i:;iiie balance of thti snare time stated in the Journal last night. The . 4 before school begins. good people of that village are making Fred Gorder went to Weepin Water preprrations for the biggest time on today to discipline Fred Jr. and see how "com. ineuam nana oi mis cuy 1 l's ee':' Taloa?- as &lrea7 been engaged for the occas- Mrs. Surlock went to L'ncoln this morning where 6he is a delegate to the I Fathers and mothers, you should call on Prohibition Srtate Convention. Trie Pulpit and the Stage. Rev. F. M. Shrout, pastor United Breiheren church, Blue Mound, Kae., says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done lor me. My lungs were badly dis eased and my parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 2G pounds in weight." Arthur Love, 31anager Love's Funny roiKs vomuinaiion, writes: "Alter a thorough trial and convincing evidence. I am confident Dr. Kings New Discovery tor consumption, beats 'cm all, and cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge tlieni to try it.'' Free BUSINESS LOCALS. Subscribe for the Daily Hekald, de livered to all parts of the city for 15 cents per week That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Nhilolfs cure. We guarantee it. For sale by F. G. Fric ke an. I (). II. Snyder i R E A D ! I have left ah my property with Messrs. Windham & Daies for sule call on them for prices aDd terms. dtf W. S. Wise. Mrs. Kate Simpson, teacher of piano, organ, and primary harmony; address 20!) corner of Washington Ave. fc 7th. Street. tf. And Then Euy A Home in South Park. Joe, the lead'ng one price clolhier, left for the et t where he ex pec to buy the larg -tt and most complete line ever brought to the city. Wavh the date for Joe's grand opening which wl'l surpass all others. dJtwtf. Bucklen's Arnica Salve The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and powi- trial bottles at F. G. Fricke &Co's.,drug tively cun Piles, or no pay required It store. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1. Mrs . Baley, after two weeks' visit with her daughter Mrs. E. S. Greusel, returned to her home at Has'-ins this morning. Mrs. George Nile.- and daughter Jessie sianea ior dioux Uity tnis morning where they may remain for some time. Miss Anna Ru:neli returned to her home at Weeping Water this morning titer an exctedicg.y pleasant visit here Frank Guthman and wife left Wildman & Fuller before you buy school t books. d&wtf. The W. R. C. picnic at Will Morrows grove yesterday is said to hevebeen a very pleasant social affair. The occasion wes the celebration of the anniversary of the organization of the relief corps, sev entyfive or eighty good natured people with baskets replete with the best the land affords helped to, and succeeded in royally entertaining each other. The yester- I martial band furnished the music. aay over ana ior Stevens Creek, near Liucolu, to visit with relatiyes for a few days. Mrs. Morris started for her home at Fan Antonio, Texas, today. Her sister, r.-. Esom, acconoeried her as far as Omaha. v Udeman iruller are the leaders in school supplies. d&wtf. Ausrust Relnhacklo. Mention ot whose deatn was made id yesterday's Hekald was born in Saxony and came to this country in 1850, first settling in Albany, New York where George Edson and J. C. Smith of Rock hej was married in 1854. He and Aiiults procmct went to Omaha th's morn- his wife came to Plattsmouth in 185T mg. Mr. Edson has a vast body of iron I making them among the very first settlers ore on his place which he is going to of this city that was only laid out the hae investigated to learn as to its value. I year before. The deceased was 65 years Luther Be::son delivered an elegant a2e and wa3 a steady, industrious cit- lecture at Rockwood Hall to an appreci- lzen laTing worked at his trade, that of ative audience Monday night. He went harness malting, all tnese years until a to Lincoln yesterday where he will join ew months ago. The deceased leaves a his wife and little ones, end rest up a week. for I tvue ana eignt children, the yougest be ing about fourteen years of age. The child ren are Mrs . Ed Stamm, Mrs. S. F. Eaton and Katie of this city and Mrs. W. P. Keeler, of Spokane Falls. The sons are The county fair promises to be much better this year than ever before. One thing is certain, nothing will be spared Louis, Awgust, Jr, William and Albert, by the management to make it a grand residents of this city. The funeral will success. The premiums are liberal and take place at 2 o'clock tomorrow after- ought to excite some rivalry that would I noon- bring out a fine show. I John Brewn was fined ?5 and costs for The Women's Christion Temperance being drunk and disorderly yesterday, Union meets at the home of Mrs. 8. A. Davis, en Pearl street, Thursday, Aug 2Sth at 3 o'clock. All members are ear nestly requested to be present. By order of the President. Notice. Members ef the Presbyterian church Taken up. I have taken up two heifer calves, one a roan and one a jersey. The owner can have the same by calling at my place one and one half miles south of Platts mouth and paying damages. Geo. Lxrrz. Grandma Weckbach, mother of J. V and congregation will please remember nd Henry Weckbach.of this city, is ly- the adjourned business metting to be held Mng Tery low at the home of her son, at the church this evening at 8 o'clock. Gust Weckbach, in Oaiaha. Those present on Monday evening will Jim Banning, one f Nehawka's most understand that a full attendance is ne- prominent citizens is in the county seat cessary. toda. The B. & M. has 17 miles of railroad in this county, the M. P. jhas 52 miles which, with the Union line added will make 08 miles for hat company; the Rock Island will have 20 miles before snow flies, which would make a total mileage of over 125 miles for Cass coun ty. This is a splendid showing with the Milwaukee & St. Paul yet to henr freirj. Cottonwood Clipping's. We had a good soaking rain Saturday. Hie farmers are kept very busy these timc3 fall plowing ind making hay. Emory Murray has returned from Pender, Nebraska. Albert Wettenkamp is sporting a new top buggy, Mr. Draper has been very sick wiih ty phoid fever but is some better now. Mr. Miller's child died Saturday and was buried Sunday. John V ns has been building Tan ad dition to his house. Mr. Barker has lately purchased 250 head of hogs to feed. It is reported that John Fight, Jr., wp its to rent a farm. We hope he sue ceeds. Frank Hackenberg had a thrilling ex perience with a bucking branchocne day recently. Joshua Murray lia9 been very sick late ly but is much improved at present. The school house at this place has been overhauled and put m good condition for the winter term of school. C. H. Vallery has purchased another corn sheller. By the way the judge is kept very busy thrashing these times. Corn looks v.tv well in this vicinity consiriei 'ig thi xtreme dry weather. Whea and oats ue -i fair crop. Joe Cotton. Superior, Neb., had a f5,000 fire last night in the coal sheds and lumber yard near the railroad track The !ead that Wildman & Fuller ad vertised 'o :c-tuin.-d, "P as returned all right and n. q lest'oi s asked. McVioker's tbeaer was burned yester day in Chic .;., tb : loss reaching nearly a quart-r of a million The democrats swallowed the alliance combination in the 2nd. dibttict and en dorsed "VTcKei'ihan yesterday for con gresg. The marriage of Nellie Jones today Do not be caught in the delusion of many thousands in postponing a home until they can lmve an expensive one This idea is the devil' trap that catches men and women inuuiiieialde, who will neyer have any at all. The laborer may have, at the clone of tin.- da, to walk or ride farther than i.s desirable to ronrh it, but when he gets to hi destiimt;ci. ;n the eventide he will find aomething worthy of being called by that glorionn Farm for Sale. j and impassioned, and heaven di-scwidcd 240 acres of fine land, with all modern 1 inmrnvprnpnta TnKm nn m!U xc... wuru "Ome. " w 'JJ II ivlll i VUVy Ulll Vt A. XT A LA I is guiwuu:uu iu give sausiaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box ror sale bv jr. u. i ricke X Co. ray. Will sell all or part of the same. Prices reasonable and terms easy: for further particulars address or call on E. Bkiigek, Murray, Cass Co., Nebraska. City Bread Delivery. umce cos jer bixth and Pearl street, wagon w; ! make daily dehyeiv of the celebra?d snow-flake, graham, horn made a ad rye bread. Leave orders at o.Ilce or M. B. Murphy &Co. J. D. Simpsoh. Wanted. We want an A No. 1 agent in thi ci'imiy at, once, io taKe charge oi our business, and conduct the sale of one o the very best, most meritorious, and fast est selling inventions ever offered to the American people. To the right person we wiu pay a liberal salary or allow largo commission. For full particulars address Voltaic Belt Co., No. 218. Mar shall, Mich. tf Dress making, cutting, fitting at 521 South Twelfth street, Mrs. C. S. Twiss and daughter. d4t "For summer complaint," says Ben L Bear, a prominent druggist of Los Ange les, Ca'., I know of no remedy so sure and sate to use as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." Mr, Bear is not alone in entertaining that opinion, p?, wherever known, the remedy is praised by all who use it. For sale by r . li. rnckeJCUo. Summer Complaint. A druggist at Britt, Hancock county, Ia., relates his ex perience with tb's disease as follows Dunu-; t f i summer of 1882, my little girl, two ears of age, was taken serious ly ill with summer complaint, 60 common to children of that age, and after being treated by a physician and getting no better, I took from my shelves a bottle of Chamberla'n's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy. She felt relieved after th'-. first dose, and in three days was en- t rvly well. AlexMoik. The Buccess of Mrs . Annie M. Beam, of .McKeesport, Pa., in the treatment of diPThoea in her children will undoubt edly be of interest to many mothers. She says: "I spent several weeks in Johnstown, Pa., a. ter the great flood, on account of my husband being employed there. We had several children with us, two of whom took the diarrhoee very vacates her position as administratrix of badly. I got some of Chamberlain's her mother's estate although she is the Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy only heir. The county judge under the from 1ev iIr- GhapmaL. It cured both law is compelled to appoint another. I of their. 1 know of several other cases , . , . j I wnere it was eqnaiiy successiui. i think Jacob Tiietsch today rcenved from it ct be excelled and cheerfully rec- commena. it." ana cent bottles for Bale b F. G. Fricke & Co. tf Public Notice. Notice is hereby given that bids for building a sidewalk as hereinafter de scribed will be received at the office of the city clerk on the 1st day of Sept. 1890. Bids will be received for building a Bidewalk of 170 feet long, 4 feet wide, upon three (3) continuous Breckenfeldt & Veidman a 600 pound bell made at the celebrated Buckeye foundry in Ohio, at a cost of $145. It will be erected in the spire of the Ger man Luthern church n George Ham' farm near the Shafer-Goodwm cornel eight miles west of thie city. Vanity Fair is the name of a new pa per to begin publication at Lincoln. Sep tember 6th. It will be delivered all over the state for Sunday reading, and wants I sleepers not less than two (2) by four (4) a correspondaut and Sales Agent in ev- inches in size out of lumber not less than ery town. Persons desiring to act in that capacity should write at once to Vanity Fair, Lincoln, JNeb. For Rent. The very desirable residence owned and recently occupied by Henry Water man, Corner of 7th and Main stieets. For terms apply at Wescott's Clothing Store. dtf Notice. Plattsmouth, Neb., June 20, 1890. All persons are hereby warned that we shall in no case be responsible for any bills contracted by any sub contractors foremen, or other employees, unless the same be upon our written order. tf E. P. Reynolds & Co, Contractors Omaha & Southern Ry. one (1) inch in thickness, in front of lots six (6), seven (7) and eight (8), in block 23, loung & Hayes addition to the city of Plattsmouth. Engineers estimate for building said walk, f34.00 The committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. D 31. JoES, Chairman of com, streets, alleys and bridges. d2"3-10t. Young married mim, as boon as you can buy 6uch a place, even if you have to put on it a mortgage reaching from base to capstone. The mucli abused mortgage which is ruin to the recklecs man. to one prudent and provident is the beginning of a competency va1 a fortune, for the reason he will not be 6at sfied until he has paid it off, and all the household are pat on strictest economy until then. Deny yourself all eupcrflui ties and all luxuries until you can say: "Everything in this house is mine thank God! every timber, cyery brick every foot of plumbing, every doorsill." Do not have children born in a boardii-g house, and do not y?7!.-r!f be buried fromjone. Have a place where your children can shout and eing and romp and not be overh" ul d ( r tt racket. Ilaye a kitchen where ycu can do feomt thing toward the reformation of eil cookery and the i. sserini; of this nation of despeplics. As Napoleon lost one of his great battles by an attacked of indi gestion, so many men have such a duily wrestle with the food swallowed that they have no strength 1- ft for the batt'. of life; and though your vif .- may kno-,. how to play all music I instruments and rival a prin.a dona, sh'- is not well edu cated unleghe can boil ai. Ir s potatoe and broil a mutton chr n, inr the die sometimes decides the fate cf familid and nations. nave a setting room with at ieaet on; easy chair, even though you have to take turns at sitti. r in it. and books o it of the public library, or of your own pur chase for the m'kiag of your faaidy in telligent, aad checker boards and gue's injf matches, with as occa.T.i( nal blind man's bluff, which is of all gaLits ijy favorite. Rouse up your homes with all tyles of innocent amusement, rd gath er up in your children's lives a reservoir of exuberance thct will pour down re freshing etreaas when lif e gets parched and the dark day 3 come and the lights go out and the laughter is f inoth. rt 1 in to a sob. T. De Witt Talmase. T. P. LIVINGSTON. E. D, CUMMINS DRS. LIVINGSTON & CUMMINS Physicians and Sirpois Office NO. 612, Main 8t. Telephone 50 Residence Telephone Dr. Livingston, 49, For South Park Lots CALL OX WINDHAM DAYIfiS, Oyer Bank ot Cmi County PLATTSMOUTH, .NEB