Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 21, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Highest of all in Leavening Power.
11 ry
a Vs.
TSvcrrtJOtJ" Reacts
Dr. A. Ksllitbnrjr hu 1h irlulTe rlsht to e
ftr.Sttlnu'a Local Atitlntl for the Painlen
Extraction of Teoth In jtblt eltr. Offlce Itockwood
From Wednesday' Daily ;
A great many wagon loads of 40 cent
-corn Lave been coming in today.
Subscribe for the Daily IIeAald, de--"livered
to all parts f the city for 15
-cents per week.
The Bohemians are arranging for a big
-picnic out at Nick Holmes', about four
miles south west of town.
If you want any job work done in a
hurry and executed in first class style
bring it to the Herald office.
The great beat sugar factory at Grand
Usland, of which we have heard so much
will open for busines September 1st.
The Mother Superior, of the sisters'
Bchool here, returned this morning from
brief visit at Sinsinawa Mound, Wis.
The German Methodist parsonage on
south Sixth street is being rapidly com
pleted, and will be a very comfortable
There are 704,743 men employed by
the railways in the United States, and
1,750 railway corporations control all
"the mileage.
As I will return to college on Sept.
21st. any one wishing work done will
please call at once, C. A. Marshall Den
tist, tf. '
The ladies aid society of the 31. E.
Church; will meet at the residence of
Mrs. Archie Adams, cor. 6th, and Marble
std. Thursday, Aug. 21st, at 2 P. M.
Pacific Junction is having a revival by
a sect known as holiness people; if they
can find any holiness at the Junction
tliey should be promoted as missionaries
and sent to India.
Mike Cavey and Charley Hart killed
eight rattlesnakes one day last week says
the Elmwood Echo. The air must have
been full of them and yet thore is no sa
loon in Elmwood.
Four car loads of fine stock were un
loaded at the state fair grounds this
morning. If they are to begin running
in attractions two weeks before the fair
and keep it up the great exhibition will
be a hummer.
The Burlington short line is being
graded and bridged from La Platte to
South Omaha. The ties are being un
loaded at La Platte, which would indi
cate that the line would be completed
-very soon.
The rain of last Saturday was very
ieavy and washed badly here in town,
" "but only one bridge has been reported as
Tiaying suffered from the effect of the
flood, the one near the residence of Peter
Dr. Salisbury and deputy district clerk
Ford THurkin are building up a reputa
tion as expert manipulators of the shot
gun. The plover harvest for next year
-will be short if the boys are not induced
to rest up.
James "Woodson has his Natatonum
-wellalong and expects to have it com
pleted this week. The roof and sides
will be covered with iron. The boiler
came in today and is being placed in
The Herald acknowleges receipt of a
complimentary to the Grand Island Su
gar Palace which opens Sep . 1st and
closes Sept. 19th. The outlook is good
for an exposition that will give a great
impetus to beet culture in Nebraska and
that will be of great interest to every
body. The Rock Island is making the dirt
jfly in Cass county at a lively 'rate. Ye
"local of the Herald was an eye witness
to the fact that a good start has been
made in puting ii the pile bridge at
South Bend, the work having been begun
from this 6ide. Four new B. & M.
switches have been built purposely for
the Rock Island to run down to the
"bridge where great quantities of piling,
teel rails and oak ties, make things look
like the road was to be pushed through
without any delay,
District Re-union.
The district reunion of the old soldiers
that begins at Greenwood tomorrow
promises U be a very enjoyable affair;
the good people of. that city have made
.great preparations to entertain a crowd
-which tthe reduced rates on the B. & M.
?lit to bring in.
J ' bicycles for bus. , nn.mnnn iXjISHSlHL-aij O--SjHL.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug.
tUc Weekly Heralrt.
The Rich Man and Lzaru.
Their lived a lu rich array
In purple robes he dressed eah day
With texture flue a woven nlr,
In style profuse, a millionaire.
His table apread with fruit and wine,
Imported freHh from every cliff e,
A nuinptuouH feast for noble self
This wifcht enjoyed mid worldly pelf.
Rich lands and flocks, palacious home
PoHeeBed he much the tyie of Rome
Ad servant trained with tunic t?arb
Did serve tl eir lord his body guard.
And at his door a pauper lay,'
That teuton crumbs his life a spray.
1 if i coHtume's rule in eastern lands
To place the poor to beg for alms.
Stray dogs to share with hint In want
Did round him sit a picture gaunt
Tn&t licked ills sores, instinctive cure
Along the line of nature pure.
It came to pass the poor man died.
By angels born, beyond the tide
From want and pa n to Jo.'u the blest,
We see him now a heavenly guest,
The rich man died as dies the rich
Consigned to lie entoraed a niche,
In grand parade did cortage show
As moves the world through life to woe ;
Bat sad indeed his noted doom
From purple robes, beyond the tomb
In torment3 dire his memory serve
Els wants begin, to heaveu he calls
For water to cool, no mercy laws.
C. W.Orkex.
In County Court.
George H. Holton vs. W. S. Elliot,
Report of appraisers filed and case con
tinued generally. Polk Bros, for plain
tiff. Application of Elizabeth Bates, admin
istratrix of estate of C. L. Bates
deceased, petition for final settlement.
Hearing, September 2, 1890, at 2 o'clock
p. ni.
Tboma3 "Wiles, Jr., final report as
guard ian of Will O. Carr, minor. Re
port approved and desire of discharge
Peter Merges vs. Estate of F. "W. Bau
meister continued until August 21st,
1800, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Amendment Notes.
Let us decide according to evidence,
and the testimony. "Without claiming
for the prohibition law of Kansas perfec
tion in detail and letter, we maintain that
its puipose and intent are fully in har
mony with the spirit of our free institu
tions. In its practical operation the law
promotes the welfare and prosperity
of our citizens of all classes and condi
tions, especially of laboring men who are
struggling by honest work to maintain
their families and educate their children."
Topeka, Kansas, April 16th, 1890.
"We have examined the above state
ment prepared by the president and sec
retary and the ex-president and ex-secretary,
of the Kansas State Temperance
Urion, upon the subject of prohibition
and its results in our state. "We find it a
fair honest and true statement of our con
dition, and we heartily indorse it as such.
Governor Lyman U. Humphrey, "William
Higgine, Seecretary of State; Timothy
McCarthy, Auditor of State; J. W. Ham
ilton, Treasurer of State; G. W. "Winans,
Supt. Public Instruction; L. B. Kellogg,
Attorney General; Albert H. Horton,
Chief Justce; D. M. Valentine and "W. A.
Johnston, Associate Justices.
I have cited the testimony of nine of
the state offices of Kansas; will you ac
cept their testimony? Have not they a
better opportunity to know? Are their
testimonies not more reliable than a re
porter paid by the saloon men? The
temperance people offered to pay a re
porter for the Bee to travel throngh
Kansas and Iowa and report his investi
gations; but the Bee does not want in
formation on that side of the question.
My brother, you who say: - "j would
vote for the amendment if I thought it
woud do any good," read the testimony
of the officers of Kansas and write to
them for furtherfparticulars. Don't list
en to a newspaper which offered to sell
its editorial for money; or some one
prejudiced against prohibition.
Is there a man in Plattsmouth or in
Nebraska, who claims that it would ruin
the city and the state financially, who
desires to prosper the city and the state
at the sacrifice of purity snd sobriety. Is
there one who wants to contrive a busi
ness for the sake of wealth, when he
knows it will make some man a drunkard
and home a wretched hovel. Let us val
ue more highly manhood, sobriety, purity
and the good of others; let us not sell
those for gold or silver.
I have written the above for the con
sideration of that man who thinks the
saloon ia a source of prosperity.
I belive with the officers of Kansas,
that a state will prosper more without
saloons. That sobiiety is a potent factor
in wealth . .
o p i . i i s it 1
Club of Newark Men Who Us
AVlieel Not for Pleusare Alone.
There U probably no city of its size in
tho United States whefu tlie bicycle is
twod as much around town for practical
business purposes as in Newark. The
city is not so big and crowded as Brook
lyn or New York, and it is qui to con
venient for merchant drummers, law
clerks, brokers and other folks who have
to cover a deal of pavements in the
course of a day's business to stride their
steel and rubler hors and roll swiftly
from office to office or from end to end
of town at no exp'nHo of cab or car fare,
and with much saving of time and effort.
On any of tho business streets there doz
ens of business men can bo seen any day
ppeeding by on low safety wheels. The
highways leading to Roseville and the
Oranges are much frequented by bi
cyclers, many of whom do not wear the
flr-nnel sliirts and knickerlxxikers of the
riuer for pleasure, and carry small sam
ple easels strapped to their machines or
fslunic from their shoulders.
Newark's city ordinances governing
tho use of bicycles in the streets were
until lately quite us liberal as those of
other larjre New Jersey towns. The met
ropolitan c-liara-ctcr of Newark naturally
made the use of the bicycle proportion
ately greater than elsewhere under the
same laws, and the same reasons inoue
the bicycle more of a nuisance in the
streets. That is why the police of New
ark liave been very active recently in
keeping bicycles strictly within the let
ter of the law, and from this has arisen
a novel as-Tociation of bicyclers in that
town, the first of the kind in the coun
try. It isn't a club, it has no club house
aud its members wear no badge or uni
form. It ia purely a business organiza
tion, cluefly of business men, and its
chief objtjct is to look out for the interest
of all bicyclers in Newark, to keep the
city authorities 6tirred up in tho matter
cf maintaining tho streets and roads in
good repair and to influence city legisla
tion in the interest of bicyclers.
The' association calls itself the Busi
ness ilea's Cycle club and accepts any
reputable bicycler or trieycler as a mem
ber, but is particularly anxious to enroll
business men. Tho idea is to collect a
great lot of mimes of men of business,
prominence and influence, so that when
the club asks the city lawmakers to
grant some new privilege to wheelers, or
abolish some ordinance restricting bicy
clers, or to mend some bad piece of
pavement, or to open a new street, or to
grade a road, the request will have the
backing of a lot of men whose names
will carry weight with the city govern
ment. Business men who use bicjrcles
there are joining the movement in con
siderable numbers, and the members
have already begun a campaign upon
all the business me; of their acquaint
ance, dilating . . on the health and
pleasure to be had in bicycling, and urg
ing them to buy wheels and learn to
ride, and then to join the association.
The club proposes to wage a heavy war
upon had roads for a radius of ten miles
around Newark. New York Sun,
The Itabbit'H Koaiarkable Nerve.
Perhaps you never heard how Col. Yv
W. Foote overcame a contumacious rab
bit on the slopes of Mount Shasta, where
winter snows grow quite tall. Hi3 boy
ran in one day, full of excitement, call
ing out:
"Papa, there's a big rabbit sitting out
side the fence! Get your gun, quick!"'
The colonel fetched out his trusty
weapon, and they started out to stalk
their unsuspecting prey. Once within
gunshot he poured r a hot shot, but the
thing never i. . v: ".-"'!.
but the thing di... ... v u:i
"JehoeaphatF said the sportsman.
"I'm not going to be insulted by a mis
erable rabbit," and he started to club
the living daj-liguta out of the beast with
his gun.
It had been frozen solid. Oakland
(CaL) News.
What Li to "Titfclly Win!,.?
What is to "tiddly wink?' We do not
know; but whatever it is, at any rate
the supremo court of Victoria has de
cided that it is not libel i ros. A colonial
newspaper charged a shire councillor
with having "tidily winked the shire
funds." Litigation ensued, and the mat
ter was carried on appeal to the highest
tribunal in the colony, with the afore
said results. Some fifty English dic
tionaries were brought into court to en
able the judges to ascertain what was
the real meaning of the word, but "tid
dly winking" was not discoverable in
any of them. So they accepted the defi
nition of the witness that the phrase
conveyed to his mind the idea of "using
little lo3ges to obtain one's own ends."
An imputation of that sort the court de
cided was not necessarily libelous.
Pall Mall Gazette.
Poitet Barometers.
Pedestrians with an inquisitive turn
of mind have carried pedometers for
some time past. The individual who
owns on umbrella comes forward with a
pocket barometer. The tourist ran
acrosB the first man in his rounds who
carried a pocket barometer. Th9 gentle
man was a "commercial tourist." He
took the barometer which, by the way,
was attached to a Dickens chain from
his pocket, consulted it and said: "Well,
I guess Til take my umbrella today."
Pocket barometers are carried in Ire
land. Albany Journal.
Tbe Reward of Politeness.
Office Boy (to busy merchant) A
friend of yoor father wishes to see you,
Busy Merchant Tell him my father
lives at Kalamazoo, and I'm sorry.
Friend of His Father (after message ia
delivered) Very well; I'll place my ten
thousand dollar order for goods else
where. Puck.
In Greece Solon was the firrt who pro
nounced a funeral oration, according to
Herodotus, 80 B. C. The Romans pro
nounced harangues over their illustrious
dead. Theopompus obtained a prize for
the best funeral oration in praise of
Mausolus, 853 B, C.
1U UUll lUJllUlJllU. cpJ.-'
Great Literary
M. E.
E have just
secured for
as a serial in
these col
umns" one of
the greatest
stories ever written.
"The Octoroon" recalls a
time now happily, past, when
the curse of slavery hung like
a pall over a large part of our
country, disregarding family
ties and wresting apart with
relentless hand the holiest
claims of flesh and blood and
that was ever
written por
trays moro
vividly the
horrors of
one can read
without being de
voutly thankful that such things
cannot now exist, even though
to put an end to the reign of
this dread institution cost the
HE heart-
tac!e of a lov
i n r;; father
forced by un
scr upulous
- ""n daugh-
bidder, is
rrffi if nrs fr cp
ter to the
enough to
The devt
soften a heart of
of the plot
" presents
of " The Octc
a view of f!av--ry seldom
touched vv-ill hold
the reader' sbsorbrM attention
from beginning to end.
Thi3 story is unquestionably
Miss Braddon's masterpiece,
and one of the r.-.o?? thrilling-,
romances ever published.
Don't fall to road
tho Opening Chap
ters of
y '
that time. No
this story
f 1615 'AGES
if 1 - isooiui ttraVionsI . J
With Every Purchase to the Amount of $35.00
Call and get a card and you will find our Prices low and
that we keep the very best makes of Hoots and SIiooh
Ladies Fine Shoes a Specialty.
W. A. E0ECK & CO
While the opportunity
is ptlered you and
ot the fact that
they are doing irreparable injury to the
leiilino; Orogirs of Sio-lil.
m'rTy: !,v the eir
Prices within the re.-irh
From 0 to 12 a. i:
1 till 5 p.
Star Listers, Miiburn Wapcns and Buggies. Moliuo Steel Harrows
Little Joker Cultivator. Piano Steel Harvester and Binders
Tliu Dandy Riding C lltivators, and
A line line of double
Our Gootis are all new with
"We have something new in a spring for a farm
will pay you to see it.
Sixth Street, near Riley Hotel.
Too Late To
I will convince everyone
practice making tlte n pes and abuse
of Spectacle and Eye Glasses
Scientific study. 1 am fully
convinced that much
when you aie
tue highest
Endorsed Optician.
in., aud 7 to 8 in
the evening.
and single harness.
the latest and best
i J
1'. r
1 1