WEEKLY HERALD : PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. AUGUST 21 1890 r r in Lt . in 1 I wEUiSnON -High ' Soldiers of This District J 'ill Hold Forth August 21, 22 and 23. OFFICIAL PRCG AM ME mp-Fire, chm n?il MilifM! Tri"!, Execution. -u--.VVill I n icrlxiii Ilia Multitude- Hull Progr mirm raom saiurd n Daily. taVrm ic will be a district nunioii of the fLUi i i it ... -I. .A VaIi . Autr. 22, and 23, .I OPKNINO DAY. , Salute at sunrise. J Formal opening of the camp at 0 a. m. U 10 o'clock the Woman's Relief Corps Cvill tako charge of the platform, LTeuniuon in charge. The old .soldiers fxlvill then come forward and give rimin- brw.-nreaof oldi times in INchr-ibld, lln- Kwill be old settlers morning. At 2 p. m. rtbil nut-rrilUs, mounted, will attack the camp under the heir ship ot Quantrtll. A dark "tihernian's forager" will be ,.,,nro.u hin' camp. V ''"'4. without passes they will be tried for disobeying muitry uiin-i". drummed out of camp. i. srm'n rAY. .i. i K.mrt miirsiiaiiu tinu : t Smir;H salute. I At 9 a. m. oper.ini: of camp by officer J of the day; 10 u. m., exercises from plat- i form, Mr. Scott coininauuiug. A After dinner fpies in camp discovered, tried an I convic k'i Aut mf.Ht.trv discipline. will be d un- Aftf.r dark lavineof nontoou bridge j i .m rfu Ixttterv. This anu tuttiyiUo will be- a very interesting sham battle TnmD DAY. At 10 a. m., roll call'and guard mount- in IT. EVIWinf this will be exercises from the platform by G, A. R. post. At 2 p. m. the creat sham bnttle take place. The rebel , army will cap ture the union battery Which will soon be retaken by the boys in blue.' ' After dark there will be an execution of two rebel prisoners in relation of a like offense. There will be plenty of tenta for all those who wish to camp on the grounds. The management will spare no pains to make all visitors comfortable and hap- W. A. Tinkham, Adjutant. py- BRING IN YOUR STUFF. Soma Suaaestions Concerning the Cass County hair. If there ever was one time more than another when farmers and merchants ought to take an interest in our county fair, it is now. Besides, this is the kind of a year to test the good producer. Any body can raise a crop some years. The farmer then who cares, to keep up his reputation as a producer, instead ot standing around ou the street complain ing about poor crops, should gather up what he his abd come to the fair und pick $50 or $100 in premiums. They will be easier to get this year than last and thtre is over 82,000 for somebody. For pre mium list address R. B. Windham, secre tary, Plattsmouth. t J. C. Eikenbary was in tbo city last evening. Hon. R. B. Windham was in Omaha today on business. Miss Kate Hempel and Mrs. Geo. Dodge were in Omaha today. Miss Nettie Ballance left this morning for a ten days visit in Council Bluffs. Harley Whiting and wife came this morning for a visit with friends here. Mrs. B. F. Turner, of Omaha, is in the city, the guest of Mrs. B. S. Ramsey. Her two little daughters accompany her. Thos. Bignell, a machinist in the shops until about two months ago, died in Colorado and will be brought here for burial. Fred ilurphy was sailing around the town this afternoon wearing a great big smile. He says it is a boy and will vote against "Bill" Cushing. Hon. A. W. Crites of Chadron, came in on the flyer from Omaha where he has been attending the late democratic con vention, and h the guest of Mr. and Mrs B. 8. Ramsey. D. Grimes, clerk in the county C. court, got back from Omaha this morn ing where he had been for the first time, and where he went to take items from the democratic statesmen of Nebraska, " The fJasj county fair opens just one -non hi from today, September 15, and conth4es until the 19th' The Herald sometime last spring made mention of the departure for Africa of the following party, to be missionaries of thp Soudan country: Mr. vuc I and Mrs. E. Kingman, Mr. F. M. Gates, Mr. Helmick and Miss Jennie Dick, of Topeka, Kansas; Roy G. Codding, of York, Nebraska; W. J. Harris, of Wis cousin and James Tice, (colored) of South Carolina. The party all arrived safely in Siera Leon, West Africa, and began the study of the Mandinga language, which tribe of Africans it Uvr objective licit! in which to work. Rut news was received this week from Freetown, Africa, (where the party now are) of the death on July Otli of Mews. Gates and Harris, by Afri can fever, followed o:i the 15th by the death of Mrs.. Kingman. Messrs. King man and Helmick were also sick, but the Mi st word reports their recoyery. The rest of the party were not alllicted. Mr. Codding has a number of friends in this city, having visited riattsmouiu iasi winter and upoke m the churches re garding the dark continent of Africa. Also a bum of some $ 80 was contributed by Plattsmouth people interested in send ing the gospel to Africa, and they will all Sonbtless be interested to learn at any time the latest report of the party. whether of success or apparently unfor tunate results. A SHORT STRIKE. Bricklayers on theNew Hotel Called off by the Steward Yesterday. Lincoln New. A little difference between the foreman and the steward on the job of bricklay ing at the new hotel, Ninth and P streets, yesterday afternoon, caused a short cessa tion of work. Andrew Klewits, of Oma ha, is the brick contractor, and had eight men at work, but four of them were not laboring yesterday. Klewits went up tf Omaha in the morning, and left his brother Peter to boss the job. The ste ward on the job, Frank Gardner, who is, by the union rules, in charge of the interests of the men, discovered that Peter ws or is said to have been an em ployer of "scab" labor in Omaha, and he therefore called out the men at work It is said that Gardner had been drinking some, and the men protested against b ing called off when their rules prohibited a contractor from being a member of the union, but Gardner was obdurate, and they had to qutit. This morning, however, they were sent back to work by the union, the whole matter beiur satisfactorily setuea wuii Contractor Kiewits, and the work of building Lincoln's grand hotel will not b ) interrupted in the least. Gardner was let out of bis job this morning when the contractor returned., Mr. Kiewits said that he had gone away for but a few days, and that he desired his brother to act as foreman while he was away. Gardner went around and asked several of the men for money to buy beer, bat he didn't get any. The other men did not approve of his action nff hut according to their ruls had to quit when he ordered them to. Mews From Bennett The follow Ing is from Bennett, Neb., fnm one of the IIeraijj's old correspon dents: "The crops are very poor, but the late rains will help the core beyond the farm ers' expectation- Ihe corn all through this vicinity will be about one half a crop, some fields more, some less. I have sc -n corn sell here on the street at 43 cents per bushel. Oats is a ready sale at 30 to 32 cents, very light crop of cere als. A great deal of old corn on hand. Potatoes are selling at $1.5 per bushel Liye stock is cheap. Very few apples. The body of Thomns Bignell arrived on the flyer this afternoon. Miss Mate Newell was a western pas senger on the flyer this morning. Dr. Shipman was called in consultation at Council Bluffs last evening. He re turned this morning. Robt. Dabb, of Le Mars, left for his home this morning, after spending a week visiting in this city. Mrs. Coon Vallery, who has been dan gerously sick for a week, was report- d somewhat better last night. Mrs. Geo. R. Chatburn left this morn ing for her home in Humboldt, after a prolonged visit with relatives here. Deputy Sheriff John Tighe left this morning for Kearney with Willie Kerri hard, a candidate for the reform school. Prof. McClellan is unloading his house hold effects today and getting in readi ness for the fall term which open3 two weeks from Monday. ' This mornings paper announces I hat C. S. Graves, editing the Union Ledger, has been appointed post master at Union, Cass county, vice, R. H. France, remov ed. II. D. Travi3, of Weeping Water, has come out and aunounced himself as a candidate for the office of county attor ney, subject to the decision of the dem ocratic convention. This morning's Bee repor's that the grain dealers of this city haye on hand 160,000 bushels of corn. 25,000 bushels are to be shipped, while 35 percent of it is last year's crop. John Davies, of Plattsmouth, the most Donular vounff reDublican attorney in r i t9 - x Cass county, and the next county at tor- j ney was in town Thursday night. John said this visit was purely of a business nature and had nothing to do with poli tics. Weeping Water Republican. Newspaper for Sale. A first class newspaper and job office for sale at a bargain. For farther par ticulars address B. Herald office Platts mouth Neb. tf Remarkable Rescue. Mr. Michael Curt. il:i, I'UlfMf '! 1".. tiik" ttiefctatewut ttiUshe can,'. it ".ia. whim -t t Ifil ott btr lMuirs : Hlie wan treateU for a in. nl'i by her family pujslclaii. butjerew wnrw. He old her fche whs a hopWMti victim oicmiHiimi' tlon and that ro uiedleiue ouuld cuih her Her DruKKist BiitfU'e'-ted Dr. KUm i f discov ery for consumption ; lnht a bottle und m hf r ttfllirht found herself benefited from the first dose. She continued lt ue aud after tak lug ten bottle. found lierxelf souni and w 'I .1. her own bounework and Is as til ; she ever a-. Free trial bottles of ;thls great dlHCOvery at V. (i. Krlcke a (. o s urns store laigebottlei! 50c, and SI. 2 Notice. Plattsmouib, Neb.. June 20, 1S90. All persons are hereby warned that we shall in no case bo responsible for any bills contracted by any sub contractors, foremen, or other employees, unless the same be upon our written order, tf E. P. Reynolds & Co, Contractors Omaha & Southern Ry. Happy Hoosiers. Wm. Tlininonu. 1'tMtiuaater of Iilaville, ind.. Mriten: "Electric Hitters has done more for me than all other medicinei combined, for th;t bad feei ng ariciuK from Kidney aad Liver trouble." John Lerlie, fanner and btockuiau, of name place. t.y : "Find Electric Hitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. tiardnei hardware merchant, same town, fays : "Elec tric Hitters Is just the thing for a man who fx all run d-wn and don't care whether he lives r dies ; lie found new strength, good appetnv and felt just like bo h.id a new lease on life. Only MJC, a bottle at F. i. l'licke & Co's Drug Store. 2 Farm for Sale. 240 ucres of fine land, with all modem improvements, within one mile of Mur ray. Will sell all or part of the same. Prices reasonable and terms easy; for further particulars address or call on E. Bkiigkk, Murray, Cu&s Co., Nebraska. Wanted. We want au A No. 1 agent in this county at once, to take charge of our business, ami conduct the sale of on of the very best, uio.st meritorious, and fast est selling inventions ever offered to the American people. To the right person we will pay a liberal salary or allow h large commission. For full particulars address Voltaic Belt Co., No. 1S, Mar shall, Mich. tf Pneumonia and Bronchitis carry oB One-Third of the Human Race. It ia not generally known that Pneumonia and Broachitii carry oS ont-ihird of the human race, but lucn are tne tacts, ana wnai is mora iuxiiimuj, of the abore diseases resuit from neglecting a com- t A 1- J kas Tmtv moo ordinary Cold A Cough thould mever be neg mrtmA. If it U. tverv timtt vou catch cold you cough naravr, kdu ik sucks ut jwu wugi. - bound Syrup is th best remedy in the world for hrHr and it ftticks bv vou loiiffcr. Ballard' Hore- bles. If you have any Throat trouble, call for Bal lard's Horahonnd Syrup aad take do other. For sale by F. Jr. tfVick !, D ruggist Bucklen's Arnica salve- Thk Best Saivb in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rlieum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale bv F. G. Fricke & Co. Ballard' Snow Xlnimnt. This tnraluable remedy is one that ought to be in rrery household. It will cure yoor Rheumatism. Niu raria, Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Frosted Feet and Ears, Sora Throat and Soro Chest. If you hare Lame Back it will cure it. It penetrates to the seat of the disease. It will cure Stiff Joints and contracted muscles after all other remedies hare failed. Those who have been cripples for years hare used Ballard' Smtnu Liniment and thrown away their crutches and been able to walk M well ever. Il wiU curecw. i'rii, JO t4nU. For Sale by F. G. Fricke, Druggist. Lost. Policies No. 24,100, 24,101, 24,102, of the Standard Fir Insurance Co. of Kansas City, have been lost, stolen or fradulent ly issued at Plattsmouth. Tney are ab solutely void and of no use to whoever may hold them, but to avoid liugation I will pay the return premium on them if address at Olathe, Kansas. W. E. Makinek, Sp cial Agent. Summer Complaint. A druggist at Britt, Hancock county, la., relates bis ex perience with this disease as follows: During the summer of 18S2, my little girl, two years of age, was taken serious ly ill with summer complaint, so common to children of that age, and after being treated by a physiciau and getting no better, I took from my shelves a bottle oi Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy. She felt relieved - after the first dose, and in three days was en tirely well. Alex Moik. Public Notice. Notice is hereby given that bids for building a sidewalk as hereinafter de scribed will b received at the office of the city clerk on the 20th day of Au gust 1890. Bids will b received for building a sidewalk of 170 feet long, 4 feet wide, upon three (3) continuous sleepers not less than two (2; by four (4) inches in size out of lumber not less than one (1) inch in thickness, in front of lo's six (G), seven (7) and eisht (8), in block 33. Young & Hayes addition to the city of Plattsmouth. Engineers estimate for building 6aid walk,D$34.00 The committee reserves the right to ! reiect'any and all bids. j D, M. Jones, i Chairman of com, streets, alleys and ' bridges. d265-l0t. Notice. Meeting of the Liy'ngston Loan & Building Associatian, Thursday the 2 1st, 8 o'clock, at the recorder's office. Those wishing to borrow money or purchase stock should be on hand. Will H. Miller, Sec'y. Mrs. Kate Simpsoa, teacher of piano, organ, and primary harmony;., address 20 J corner of Washington Ave. & 7th Street. tf. C THE MEWDISCOVERY, You have heard your friends and neighbors talking about itr You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have eycr tried it, you are one of its staunch friend, be cause the wonderful tiling about it is. that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be alllicted with a cough, cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble, secure a buttle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial bottle free at F. O. Fricke & Co's drug store. 6 I. O. O. F. CASS LOIXJE. No. lti. I.O. O. F. meets ey erv Tuesday night at their hall In Fiteralrt bloc k. All Odd Fellow are cordially invited to attend wbeu visitiui: in the . Lokih 1)avh,.N.G. S. V. SfKAKMAN. Sec. For Rent. One half of my housefour pleasant rooms, good water. Terms. $S p-r mouth. Mns. J. A. Blell, North Gth St. Hair Jewelry work. Leave ord-rs at Dovey's store or Mrs Wiss-'s millinery store oil Main street. Don't Raise Hogs to have them die from tlisei.sii to which tli :rr 'iable tf irojer !iie!sui en are not t.K-in l'HOTKf T YolJK II KKDS by the timely an reliable use of the reliable DR- HASS. HOG and POULTRY REMEDY It Prevents Disease, Arrests Disease Stops Cough, Destroys Worms. Increases the Flesh and Hastens Maturity. The sooner the system of the hour is fortified auaiiisl. disease, the more certain is the result. Do not wait until your hogs are past treatment. What Wise Men Write. Hog have died all around m at (MfTeren times, but yur remdey.keep nine h-alth and repays the cost in exii a tie.sh alon-." . . Wm. Eksst, Tecumseb, Neb. I and Haas'Keiuedy is ail a represented " i-OHN Mackay, riattimiouth. eb.. FKICES: $2.50, $1.25 and 50c per Package. 25 lb Cans $12.50. The Lar fare the Cheapest. FOR SALE BY Jpm CFEZCES Ss CO., Plattsmouth, Neb. Ask for circular containing Testimonials and Insurance Proposition. Send 2-ceut stamp lor "HoKOloiry," a Treatise on Swine. JOS. HAAS. V. S.. Indianapoiis. Ind. QIVIL ENGINEER and SSUKVEYOF. E. E. HILTON. Estimates and plans of all work turnlshed and Records kekt. Office in Martin Block. Plattsmouth - Nebraska " AW OFFICE J Wu T. BROWN. Personal attention to all business entrusted to my care Titles Avamined. Abstracts oonmiled. Insur ance written, real estate sold. Better facilities for making Farm Loans than PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. ALFRED SHIPMAN Office and Dispensary in Post Office bui ding. Corner Main and 4th f reet. tfllce Ihours 10 to 11 a. m. ; 2 until 3 and 7 until 8 p. in. Surveyors QIVIL ENGINEER II. C. SCHMIDT SURVEYOR AND DBAFTSMAN Plans, specifications and estimates. Municipal worK, iuapo eio. Plattsmouth - - Nebraska. ROOFING. GUM-ELASTIC ROOFING FELT sts onlv $2.00 per 100 square feet. Makes a good roof for years and anyone can put it on. Send stamp for sample and full particulars. Gum Elastic Roofing Co., 39 & 41 West Broadway, New York. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED- MACHIlTe SHOP L. C. SHARP & CO. Building, Repairing and Setting up Ma chinery and Ironwork Speetal attention given to Repairing and Overhauling Saw Mill. Flour Mill. E evator. and Farm M chinery. Portable Eogiue s. Butchers. . Leathe workers and Store Machinery. Printing Prea Bicycles; Lawn Mowers. Sewing Machines Type Writer. Gas and Gasoline achments also Electrical, txperimental and Wod'J Wo Grinding. Lock fiittinK. Stencil cuttiuc En graving, etc F. G. FRICKE & CO. (Successor to J. Will keep constantly on hands n full hi1 complete line of pure D3UGS,iiMEDICIHES, PAINTS. & OILS. IH'UGtSISTS SUNUKIKS. PURE LIQUORS. Full upper or lower set of teeth for $8. Guaranteed to be the siime as those for which other dentists charge $15. Satisfaction Guaranteed The only perfect ami reliable way of extracting teeth without pain or danger. Gold, Silver, and Hone Fillings at Kcduccd Kate OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL EIGHT O'CLOCK. DR. WITHERS Union Rloflk Dentis Garden's Implement Depot WHOLESALE The Oldest Implement All the Standard Goods arc kept i jnt took: Such as John Deere & Co's. David Uradley & Co's. Peru City's. St. Joe's and George D. Browns, ot Galesburg The .New Departure cultivator, the best that's made. THE BEST WAGONS Always in stock, Received in car load lots such as Schuttler, Molino and Ketchum. Buckeye Binders and Mowers. THE FINEST IiIHE Of Buggies, Carriages and Road Carts Headquarters for the best barb wire, "Till: GLIDDEN" and ic fact everything in any of the above lines of goods. raw ZS A Ci'iE?! Q Will consult their own interests by going to Fred Gorder, at Platts- f ' mouth, or Fred II. Gorder, at Weeping Water, when in want of any- 'r thing in the Implement line. Fifteen years experience has taught me how to buy goods right, and my trade shows for itself that Isell right. Branch Sons at Wo THE BONNER STABLES. W. D. JONES, Proprietor. HAS THK FINEST RIGS IN TIEUE CITT Carriages for Pleasure and Short Drives Always Kept Ready. Cor. 4th and Vine Everything to Furnish Your House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN A HOUSE FURNISVING EMPORIUM. Under Waterman's Opera liouse You can ouy of him 'cheap far snot cash or can 'f uat you need to furnish cottage or a ' mansion on the IalAL,L.iMisr 1 rLAiv . STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHING. Agenttor the Celebrated "White Sewing Machine. The largest and most complete stock to select from in Cass County. Call and see me Opera House Block Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians. Cores where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists. M. Roberts. ) FES SET or Money Refunded and KETAIL House in Cass County. oping Wator . I'lattsmouth, Nebraska I. PEARLMAN. J mmwmm