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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1890)
fl.4ri r 4r Lftiteimtiiili i VOL. XXVI. NO. 22. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. jTTORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. "Will glva prompt attention to all PuninefS entriK-twt to Mm. :Vce ln Union block:, taut Side. Piattemouth. eb. JTTORNKY AT LAW. WINDHAM & DAV1ES. B B. WINDHAM, JOHN A. D A VIES. Notary Public Notary Public Office over Bank of Cas County. riattsmouth - - Setaaiha QIVIL ENGINEER anl SURVEYOR E , E. HILTON. Estimates and plans of all work furnished and Records kekt. Office in Martin Block. Plxttsmoctii - Nebraska JAW OFFICE Wm. L. BROWN. Personal attention to all bueinesa entrusted t0my0aOTAKYI OFHOW T Titles examined. Abstracts ooniuiled, Ineur ance written, real estate sold, s Better facilities for making Farm Loan than ANY OTHER AGENCY PLATT8MOUTH NEBRASKA pHXSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. ALFRED SIIIPMAN v Offlce and Dispensary in Pot Office building. Corner Main and 4th street. Offlce flours 10 to 11 a. m. ; 2 until 3 and 7 until 8 p. rn. Surveyors 11 VIL ENGINEER II. C. SCHMIDT STJKVEYOE ANI DRAFTSMAN : , Plans, specifications and estimates. Municipal worn, maps eiu Plattsmouth C. WATTS 3, County Surveyor AND civil znemzzn. All orders left County Clerk will receive prompt attention. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. Banks. Bafll of Gass Qaxmtj Cor Main and Fifth street. Paid up capital Surplus OFFICE , $50000 , 25 V0 C. H. Parnele Fred Gorder J. M. Patterson Jas Patterson, Jr. a 1 1 nliicil. Vice President Caslieir Asst Cashier DIRECTORS V. zi. .rarmeie, j. ai. ruiatison, riru um"i a . H. Smith. K. 11. Windham. B. S. Ramsey acd Jas Patterson Jr. A GENEEAL BAUZ1NC BUSINESS mr . ATrt i Accounts solicited. Inte-?st allowed on tlm deposits and prompt atteutiongiven to all bus iness entrusted to us care. liie Citizens BANK PLATTSMOUTn - NEBRASKA Cavital stock paid in f 51 0 0 Authorized Capital. glCO.OOO. OFFICFB8 FRANK CABRUTH. JOS. A. CONNOR, President. Vie-Presi'ett W. H. CUSHINa. Cashier. DIRECTORS Frank Carruth J. A. Connor, F. R. Guthruani. J. W. Johnson, Henry Boeck, John O'Keefe W. D. Mernani, Wia. Wete-acusp, W. H. Cusbtng. fcrxansacts aTgeneral banking business. All who have any bsnklng business to transact are invited to cail. No matter how large or email tiie transaction. It will receive our careful attention aud we promise always cour teous treatment. Issues ceatificates of depopits bearing interest Buys and sell exchange, county and city sureties. First National BANK k OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Offers the very beet facilities for the promp transaction of legitimate Banking Business Stocks, bonds, gold, government and local se curities bought and sold. Deposits received and interest allowed on the certificates Drafts drawn, available in any part of the United States and all the principal towns of Europe. COIXECTIOICS MADK AND PKOMPTLY REMIT TED. Highest market price pi for County War rants, State ann County bonds, a DIRECTORS John Fitzgerald p. Hawksworth John B. Clark F. K. White George E. Dovey John Fitzgerald, S. Waugh. President Caehfcr- We haven't half as much fault to find with the census returns of Nebraska aa we hare with our King Corn returns. Mil. Blaine is evidently not standing on the feather alone of the British Lion's casual appendage. At least we judge not by the way the British press com mences to bluster and bowl. The world's fair will be held on time and no quibbles on the part of the east ern representatives will prevent it. If the commissioners cannot get ground at Chicago that meets the dignity of the oc casion let them come to Nebraska. The Prohibitionist of Nebraska gots clear back on the nonpartisan movement and is putting up prohibition tickets wherever they can get enough of their par ty to perform that perfunetory operation. TLis precedure will simply injure the chances of the amendment, of which our ultra temerance friends seem to be in different. McKeighan, the everybody's calamity candidate for congress in the second dis trict, has been runninj for office in that country since the last grasshopper raid and it ia con filer ti ally reported that he and his committee predicted the reap pearance of that pestifferous pest with his election this fall. However, both McKeigba.n and h: all, the grasshopper, will both fail to connect this season. If anyone wanted positive proof . of the calibre of the man, that proof is fur nished by young Mr. Bryan when he sends his photograph to the democratic newspapers of the district to be kept at the head of the column as an' election- eerin-' dodge. The catarrh fiend is quite enough for the public" without having to gaze on the exalted cheek of a brassy nnlitionn pwrv time one opens a rural Tiie English newspapers are raving at Mr. Blaine over the Behring Sea matter. Great Britian is always right in interna tional disputes wheie the question of trade conies np, and every body else is The insatiable maw of " J " r- British commerce cannot be satisfied short of the entire earth. It is very for - rnnntft that this nation has a man at the head of State affairs who has back bone and brains for the occasion. Mr. Blaine need not fear, the American people, without bluster or hesitation will 6tand by the administration on the fish eries dispute and see that our rights are preserved. The stupidity of partisan politics seems to be thorougly exemplified by the World Herald these days. With an option -.1. uic r at the head of the democratic ticket, whose principal recommendation with his party was his supposed boodle, and a banker running on the same ticket for the very important office of state treasurer, that paper launches forth 'n its campaign against Mr. Richfl-ds, the republican candidate for governor, with the charge that he ia a capitalist and banker, therefore, unfit to be trusted by the people. The low estimate the Worid Herald places ujror the L.tcllig'Trc -f the people seems to Liid its own tjrs to its own shallow inciicerity. The more fact is si "- that twenty five yeas ago the public debt w i,76, 000.000. eutf'" " e: - $151,000,COO, atd it is no .v o"', 000,000, and the interest charge $27,500,000. Tn the ? . large proportion of the debt h" extingu'hed. At '.: : t" "-of cersus the public debt v.- ': 000, and the interest charge t (nn an that in a decade tiie debt ' is but a been 3 80 500,- reduced 998.0CO,000, a -000. The present c ' v 000,000 people in the United States ir ' 11 probability, and this v, - - at the present time ! only Zli ?iv habitant, which is sm-1'. t''- ' ; '-it. rest charge of $9,417,60J enta' .i tax of less than 50 cents per year per inhabitant It may not be generally k"oT ' "at much of the sculpture of r-rient Athens was originally painted in bright coiois. Until recently archaeologists ma:nta: -cd the theory that the refined art of the Greeks had foend its expression the pure form of the marble, disregarding color; and any evidence to the contrary were destroyed, as only givng rie to troublesome theories, subyersiye of the trne worship of Greek art. With'n the past few years, however, several interes ting pieces of painted sculpture have been discoyered which have given rise to some interesting speculations among sta dents and artists. Harper's Magazine for September will contain an article by PLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. Ruel Sturgis describing several of the most imporUnt of these discoyeries, which he declares to be "the most curi ous, the most seperate, the most unexpec ted" body of fine art that could possibly have been found. The article will be finely illustrated from photographs and from drawings made in Athens. An Old Citizen. From Wednesdays Daily. The Bee of yesterday records the death of a prominent capitalist of Omaha, in the person of S. W. Spratlen. Old cit zens here will remember Mr . Spratlen as a successful merchant at Rock, Bluffs, where he was associated with 8. R. John son until ' 1867, when thej moved away soon after locating in Omaha, where both acquired a competency. Mr. Spratlen's fhst wife was a sister of Frank Kauble and Mrs. C. M. Holmes, of this city. Mr. Spratlen was for many years ' a member of the wholesale grocery firm of D. M. Steele & Co., but latterly his time was wholly oc cupied looking after his financial affairs, he having at all times large sums of money on interest, being peculiar in that regard He went through all of Omaha's booms but never bought any real estate. Just Retribution." Frank Laiabert, of Rock Bluffs, it will be remembered secured a back pen-" on to the amount of $1,600 two years ago and was 5 laced on the pension rolls at $30 per month. Last November he, at the instigation of a married daughter, in Kentucky, deserted his wife and two children, who are both imbeciles fid joined hia daughter in Cattlesburg,, she figuring to get the use of his money; the county ever since has been compelled to provide for thepoor woman' who was left entirely destitute. - Yesterday word was received that Mr. Lambert had been run over by a locomotive and killed so that hereafter the widow -will draw the : : f cS$jri n'd.i he . 'Ar- it 22 h t er 1 her husband will have to rustle... js A Serious Charfrs. The Omaha World-Herald has the fal lowing to say about in old ti.vni Piattf mouth yardmaster that had many friends here, ' who wll hope thit he may thoroughly disprove the cbs'ges: "A complaint was filtrt tit pcrco head quarters yesterday morning churgiiig Frtd Hayes, for seventeen yt&rs ynrdmn-stcr ox the Burlington & ili.soun railn.-.;d in fhi.-' city, with obtaiainft taaa-.-y tm-ier l.iiicc pretenses. The complaint alleges that Hayes car ried a dummy on the pay rolls in the name of 'T. Dinan.' The name was fic titious, and when the car came in Thomas Delaney, an employe of the Missouri Pacific raiload, drew the check, Hayes appearing to identify him as the 'T. Din an' whose name was on the pay roll. Delaney would then get the check cashed and recieve $10 of the proceeds as lii part of the scheme. The scheme is -alleged to haye been in operation for about five months, an the entire amount of which the company has been defrauded is placed at not far from $200. Delaney recently gave the whole snap away. The legal action was at once taken against Hayes, but Delaney will net be prosecuted. Hayes received an intimation that some thing was wring from a friend who is employed by the company. lie said that the company had been holding back his pay and he suspected that something was in the wind. He said, however, that whatever it was, there vas notni-ig in it and threatened he would give the com pany all they wanted of it before he got through." High Five. A vc-y rccfcer'ie h-u i-::-.y wes ! : i t it.. , i l . r A- - V , 4 .1 I . mcju in me f'."L'::ui r-i'.o , i i!.-e iio- - Riley last evening in honor of Miss Eila TTeeks and Miss Kittie nartigan, of ' n.istiags. Vanarnam, the prince of landlords, furnished the supper which, with the artistic arrangement of frrgrant flowtrsjwas a rare treat f om an artistic as well as gastronomic standpoint, A delightful time was had, several of Plattsmouth's best young people being in attendance. The following is a ' ? tv' -.e pres ent. Frank Cummins, Kittie JHar.igan, Will nyers, Lila Weeks, Frank Richey, Anna HoiseLChas. Richey, Rena Murray, Ed Dutton, Maggie Vallery, John Schul off, Edna Adams, Frank Johnson, Ell. Wright, Chas Vallery, Manota Eikenbary Fred Morgan, Maggie Oliver, Elmer Cole Anna Ami3on, Robt Hayes, Hattie Chap man. That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's cure. We guarantee it. For sale by F. G. Fricke and O. II. Snyder 1 Fred Gorder Has just ricciy.-d a car loud of the cele brated (Hidden barb wire which will be sold for the next thirty days at 4 J cents per pound for the painted and .1 cents for the gal vani' d wire- A car loud of Kitchum wagons with steel kein aud all the litest aid best improvements jusf re ctived. Mr. Gorder buys in large quan tities for cash and give his customers the advantage of low prices. It A very pleasant party of young people were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. George Dovey last evening at their hand some home on Third street, in honor of their guest. Miss Hicks, of Chicago. PERSONALS. Mr. W. W. Hull went out to . L'ncoln today for a short vacation. Mike Shirk, the corner groccryrnan, made a business trip to Omaha this morning. Sam Barker, the prince of the cattle men, returnod this morning from a week's trip in the west. J. C. Eikenbary is shaking hands wita old friends and looking after business matters in the courts. Mr. W. W. Scott went vp to Lincoln thi3 morning to look after' his son who was injured in the B. & M. yards there some time ago. Fred Murphy came down from the Cedar Creek Bank last night to see the baby which he yows is the finest in the county. Miss Kittie Hartigan, who has been visiting here a few days, returned to her home at Hastings this morning. She was accompanied by Miss Flora Donovan and Miss Etta Shepherd, who will visit a few days with friends in Hastings. Tt? superior excellence proved In millions of homes for more than quarter of a century. It is used by the L'n'ied States government, Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universi ties as the strongest, purest and most healthful Dr. Price's cram baking powder does not con t.iin Ammonia, . Line or Allum. dold only ln cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., Ney York, Chicago. St. Louis. T. P. LIVINGSTON. E. D. CUMMINS DRS. LIVINGSTON & CUMMINS Physicians Bid Surgeon IS Oftjce No. t;l2. Main St. Telephone 50 Residence Telephone Dr. Livingston, 40. Residence Telephone Dr, Cummins, 35. As 1 wi'.l reti i i i college n Sept. 21s any e -.u contiupiaiina having work done v"!i o'ease'c.'ill at ence. GOLD AND FORCELAINJCROWX" Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. DR. STEINACS LOCAL as well as other an esiheticsyiven for the painless extraction of -tectu. C. A. MARFnALL, - Fitzgerald 7T set PERKINS - HOUSE, 217, 219, 221 and 223 Main St., Plattsmouth, - Nebraska. :H. 21, E0HS, Proprietor, EAES: $100 FFR DAT AND DP. The Perkins has been thoroughly "renovated from top to bottom and is now one of the best hotels in the 6tate. Boarders will be taken by the week at 4.50 and up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED. AUGUST 21. 1890: Vallery's Meat Market' 10. S Gth st., Union Block, formerly 415 Main street. A Splendid Market, where Evcrytl 'ih' kept is First Class. We aim to please, and solicit the Patron age of the Public. THE CHOICEST STEAKS, EXCELLENT ROASTS, TIIE SWEETEST CUTS, . FINEST CURED MEATS, game, van and othkr delicacies in SEASON. By fair and honest dealing I expect to merit a share of Jhe trade. . IfU-lni. J. R. VALLERY. Prop MIKE SIJNELLlUCKEIi. Wagon and Blacksmith shop.. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and plow Repairing done HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY V He uses thp NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the best horseshoe for the farmer, or for fast driving, or for city purposes ever invented. It is so made that anyone can put on sharp or fiat corks, as needed for wet and .slippery ilia uujj auu c&auimc ujc xir.Tt.ivai aDd you will tise no other. . . ' '-" jt" J. M. SHNELLB1CKER. 112 North Fifth St. ' . Plattsmouth W. A. Humnlircyi, T HOrCEOPATHli Physician and Surcun, PLATTesiOOTHK, NEBRASKA. r Cuts !n C;ty orCountry Promptly Ans '.rod SViANSGN & fiAGAARO, Successor to W. F. CKABIL & SON WAGON AND BLACKSMITH Work Quickly and Satisfactory Done. Call aifl Give THeni a Trlai MACHIlTe SHOP L. C. SHARP & CO. Bv.ildi'-r. Repairing and Setting np Ma chinery and Ironwork Special attention given to Repairing and Overhaulin Saw Mill. Flour Mill, Elevator, and Farm M chinery. Portable Enginen. Butchers, Leathe workers and Store Machinery. Printiu. fres Bicj'cle?, Lawn Mowers. Sewing Machines Type Wnter, Gas and Gasoline attachments also Electrical. Experimental and R!od"l Work Grinding. Lock flitting, Stencil cutting. En graving, etc. TIIE TYPEWRITER . A strictly first class machine, fully warrant ed. Made from the very best material by skilled workmen, and with the best tools that have ever been devised for the pnrpose. War ranted to do all that can be reasonably ex pected of the very best typewriter extant. Capable of writing 150 words per minute or more according to the ability of the operator. PRICE 6100. If there is no agent in your town address the manufactures. THE PARISH M'F'G CO. Agents wanted Parish S, Y. F. B. SEELEMIRE, Agent. Plattsmouth, N $1.50 A YEA EEAD! And Tiien Huy A Homo 3cuth Park. .'pt'ui' v"Hp"i in wiv vi luriyg Vi Ciaii thousand in pobtponing a home until they chu have an expensive one, This idea is the devil's trap that catches men and women innumerable, who will neyer have any at all. The laborer my have, at the close of the day, to walk or ride farther than is desirable to reach if, but hen he gets to his destination in the evenMde he will find something worthy of being c 'lied by that glorioua anil impas.-ioned, and heaven descended word, "Ilonip' Young' married man, as soon ns you '" i can f,uy such a place, even if you havo to jut. on it a mortgage reaching from b'a.e to cupsto-. The much abused mortgage which ia ruin to the reckless man. to one prudent and provident is the beginning of competency and"" foi :ur)i. for the '4son he will not be sat isfied unfhe hns pnid it off, and all tho household are put ou strictest economy .untilthei.psjry youifclf all: n( r'fla'i- ties and all.nurrs until you can s:iy: "Every tiling it. this house is mine thank tod! every timber, every brick every foot of plumbing, every doorsill." Do not Liv c!.i!r:n bcrn in a boarding house, and do not yourself be buried from one. Have a place where ycur ch'Mron can ihut and sing and romp, i. 'id ri' t l.'c overhaulded for tlic racket. Ilnye a kitchen where you can do some thing toward the reformation of eyil cookery pnd the lessening cf this nation of despeptics. As Napoleon lost one of his crreat buttle" ' - -.: jerked of indi . . . U a daily gestion, so u:. ) . wrestle with the food swallowed thnt tbf y have no .strength left for the battle of life; and though your wife may know how to play all musical instruments and rival a prima dona, she is not well edu cated luil .ssf lie can boil an Iriah potatoe and broil a mutton chop, since the diet ectilijiUs (i.Cidtb the fato of families and nations. TTive a setting room with at least one easy chair, even though you have to take turns at sitting in it, and books out of the put lie lilrary, or of your own pur chase f r the making of your family in telligent, and checker boards and guess ing ni'itebes, vith an occassional bl:r.'l man's biuiT, which is of all games my fayorite. T?.ouse up your homes with all styles rf innocent amusement, and gath er up in your children's lives a reservoir of exuberance that will pour down re freshing trenrs when life gets parched and the dark days come and the lights go out and the laughter is smothered in to a sob. T. De Witt Talmage. For South Park Lots CALL ON WINDHAM 9 DA7IES, Over Bank of Cms County ,M0U TH, NEB