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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1890)
WEEKLY HERALD : PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, JULY 24 1890 Two Cass County Boys. y.Klii -"nturil i 'H I aily We ltitl the i imii- ,vt rluy of mil t inj, for tlir tiict tiiiw- l.r v ml yeain, our il'l ii i, Al x. .Si..ry, if lIilMon, New Mfi, tin? tininrly of Tiir- Orovc ntiulibwrlitMid in Hoik IlluiTs ir cine.. A'iout tt 11 nnr. ngo Mr. Story mid youn; friend, ulstow Simdi r, tuphew of James Walstow, ' 1 i k I Si u IT. In coming tirtd of tin- ). on ilium of ft rm life concluded tl y would mi k their fortunes in t)ie niin s of New Mexico. They made their way to Kingston, New Mexico, and h-t-iit fct-vt-rnl yciirs in inin i'with varied decrees of sucxtrp. Mr. 8tory is now sheriff of the county in which he lives, and iH cx-ofticio tax col lector; and is also junior vice commander of the department of New Mexico G. A. It's. Mr. Sanders, we are pleased to learn, has a very good lituntion as ex press agent at Kingston, New Mexico. They both left their homes in Cass county with no one but themselves to share their joys and sorrows, but are both now happily wedded to two New Mexico IJylles. and declare Nebraska has lost all charms for them. The writer is prompted to write this article by a knowledge of the lurge circle of friends these two young men left behind when they went to the gold fields, and with the hope that iimny who had lost trace of them may be informed of their where abouts and success in life. Look out for Your Boys. Parents you can't be too careful with your boys. It is claimed on good au thority that a case of boy larceny is on the tapis in our city, which is humiliat ing to the parents and painful to the friends of the family and lad. An in etrumcnt belonging to the B. & M. band was stolen from the band hou-e on Wed nesday of this week by a smart intelli gent lad of some thirteen summers, who will probably be arrested, today unless restitution is made of the stolen proper ty. The property was stolen and sold I t w of 4 500.OOO have been filed with ly the boy to Doc Wheeler, of this city the secretary of statet ftnri H. H. Dorsey, The all absorbing question has been today, "who will they nominate today?" Mr. Morton returnd this morning from Canton. Msouii, where t-lie had taken her son to be treated. Miss Anna Breed, who bus been visit ing Mi" Kate lb mple for tl.e pn.-t wn k left this in ruing tor I Ittt inif. Fred L.ougfiihagtn, who las been nnd. r the v entl.- r for tin; past two weks, is rejoiud much better today. Col. Sabiska, of Missouri, hikI Col. iK-voree, of Kentucky, will be in this city with their big tent on July -JO and will remain ten days. On account of the rain the circus did not leave the city until after eight o'clock this morning, part cross ing on the railroad and part on the ferry Mrs. iJal Jones died at her home thi morning in Omaha at 11 o'clock. The f uneraljwill be held at the residence of W. D. Jones, 415 Vine street, this city, to morrow, July 20th, at 10 a. nv The continued drouth in this part of the county has come to an end, for the rain that commenced last niffLt. con tinued pretty much all day and it s re ported to be pretty general, and Nebraska corn crop will be as large as it was pre dieted to be in the ppring. Tuesday as the bridge men were back ing a wagon off the river bridge it acci dentally turned the wrong way and fell in the river taking a man with it. The man merely escaped being struck on the head with the wagoD. Louisville Cou rier Joural. An ice cream sociable will be given by the ladies of South Park Circle at the tabernacle next Monday eve. July 21, the proceeds of which go to aid Mrs. E. II. Meisner, a faithful member of the society, who has been sick for the past two monts. The public cordially in vited. Articles of incorporation of a new rail road to be known as the Kansas, Nebras ka and Dakota railroad, with a capital This should be a lesson to the boys of Plattsmouth that honesty is the best policy, and that when a boy so far for gets himself as to think he can practice dishonesty h- has taken the rrrst step in the course of the criminal of the country, "Yhicb. is sure too end in disgrace and pun ishment. W hen we see a hoy a mere lud swaggering along our public streets smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco -we involuntarialy conclude there -is a boy you cannot trust. Parents -cannot le too careful of their boys. E. W. Potter, the post master at Elm Creek. Neb., says he has personal knowledge of several cases of rheuma tism, in that vicinity, that have been permanently cured by Chamberlain's Pain Balm, after other remedies' were used without benefit. He sold it at his drug store there for five years and says he never knew it to fail, that "any cus tome who once us8 Chauibeilin's Pain Balm will have nothing else instead." For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. tf B. & M. Shop Notes. Some of th? boys in the coach shop have been talking lately. about a Sunday school picnic to bt held 5n South Park soon, There seems to be plenty of work in the shops, but no extra men are being taken on. Mr. Bajik's dance platform burned the other night. Cause of fire unknown. There is one gang of seven men in the yards, only five of whom are eligible voters, but they are all going to vote for the prohibitory amendment they say. Anyone :n the yards having an item of ' interest, it would be gladly received, if made a note of and addressed to A 3:3, storehouse, Plattsmouth. Jesse Dovey, who worked ; i the paint shop here about a year ago, came over from Cl-cago the other day to spend a week or ten days here visiting. Eupepsy. This is what you ought to have, in fact you must have it to fully enjoy life. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guar antee that Electric Bitters if used ac cording to directions and the use persist ed in, will bring you good digestion and oust the demon dpspepsia and in stall instead eupepsy. We reccomend Electric Bitters for dyspepsia and a'! di seases of the liver, stomach and kidneys. Sold at Mc p -d '.00 a bottle by F. G Fricke & C. 4 Notice to Creditors. STATK OF NKBKA8KA. Ua Cass County 1 T THK MATTER OF THK FSTATE OF Frederick JOekcff. Deceased. Notice is hereby given ttat the claims ml demands of all persons against Frederick EickoIT. deceased, late of said county and tte will be received, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house in Plattsmouth. on the 17th day of January. A.D, 1B)1 at 100'clock in the forenoon. And that eix months from and after the 17th day of July a d 1890 is the time limited for creditor of said deceased to present their claim for exam ination and allowance. ... Olven under my hand, this 17th day of July A D 1890. B. S. Bamse v . County Judge Wst insertion July 17,183. of Wahoo, named as one of its directors Mr. Dorsey being interviewed says the report is all wool and a yard wide. Wahoo Wasp. Pacific Junction, Iowa, experienced a severe wind storm last night. Mr. Mur phy's store was blown down, also con ductor Loverfu's way car was blown over on its side. Conductor Loverin was sleeping in the car and was injured so that he didn't make his run to Omaha this morning, but it is repotted that he will make his run as usual this evening. The delegates to the republican county convention, left this morning in carriages for Weeping Water although it had rained the greater part of the night and was still raining hard when they started. They were all in good spirits and count ed on having such a good time in the moral city that they would be repaid for their long and disagreeable drive. The stranger who visits Plattsmouth, traverses our streets and climbs our hills, is impressed with the amount of build ing in progress. An old resident re marked in our hearing yesterday that it was surprising the number of fice resi dences that are springing up as if by magic in all directions. The building record of 1800 w 'll exceed that of any preced'ng year. An Editor's Grandchildren. J. K. Dodd, editor of the daily and weekly Arbor State, of Wymore, Neb, says: 1 nave seen uie magic eneci 01 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in cases of coup and colds among My grandchil dren. We would not think of going to bed at night without a bottle of his rem edy in the house." For Sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. The wist is booming just now or else the liars are very rank. One day it re ported that a mountain of gold has been discovered in Colorado which will yield at the least calculation $168,000,000. And next day the startling information comes that a valcano spotting a stream one hundred feet in eircmfer nee and one hundred and twenty five feet high lias broken loose in Wyoming. It is more difficult to tell what to believe than what not to believe, in these de generate davs. Freemont Tribune. I. S. Doten, Jutiee of the Peace and merchant of Bristol, 111., says he can rec commend St. Patrick's Pills. "I have used them," he says, "and know whereof I speak." Anv one troubled with con stipation or biliousness will find them a friend. They are prompt and certain in their action and produce a pleasant ca thartic effect. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co tf Rain :: The granger rejoiceth and 1 ft th up his eye glasses and sees corn in the field and grass in the near future and the town sprnkler and the hose fiend retireth to the woodshed to take a rest. This rain is mighty and its breath is life to the land. Advice of a Prominent Land Broker Rhtumatiu Symp Co., Jackson, Mich: Gents: In February, 1861), I com menced using Ilibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Strengthening Plasters for inflam matory rheumatism, having been troubled three years with this terrible disease. My joints were swoleu so that I could hardly walk and I attended to my business with difficulty. ' I used three bottles and ap plied the plasters to my limbs and back, and I can say that I am now cured. I have not been troubled with rheumatism since discontinuing its use. My father-in-law, Mr. J. D. Skinner, of Manson, has al so been benefitted by this medicine. We earnestly recommend it to our friends. Take my advice, give it a trial. C. R. Nicholson, Manson, Iowa. Ask your druggist for it Bucklen's Arnica Salve- The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rrm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Her is, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. To Nervous Debilitated Men. If you will send us your address, we will mail you our illustrated phamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and Applianrw and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and man hood. Parr.phlet free. If you are thus afflicted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on a trial. Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. Float Convention. The republican electors of Cass and Otoe counties are hereby requested to elect delegates at the county conventions to meet in conventions at Nebraska City July 26 1890, at 1:30 p. rrr, for the pur pose of nominating a float representative for said counties, and transact such other business as may come up before the con vention. Representation the same as the etate convention. Wm. Deles Denier, chairman. THE COMING AMENDMENT The manufacture, sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a bever age are forever prohibited in this state, and the legislature shall provide by law for the enforcement of this provision. Notice. Plattsmouth, Neb.. Juue 20, 1890. All persons are hereby warned that we shall in no case be responsible for any bills contracted by any sub contractors, foremen, or other employees, unless the same be upon our written order, tf E. P. Reynolds & Co. Contractors Omaha & Southern Ry. Banks. Baakof Cass County Cor Main and Fifth street. Tald up capital v 000 Burplun 5 wo C. 11. Pame'e I'reslden Fred Oorier Vice rreslti.01 J. M. I'atterson t'asliH Jan i'atterson. Jr. Ast CaMile DIRECTORS C II. I'arinele. .!. M. I'atterson. Fred Oorder A. it hmith, K. It. Windham. It. S. ltuiuey and J as 1 tl terson Jr. A GENERAL HANK1NC BUSINESS TRANSATED Accounts .solicited. Interest allowed on time deposit and prompt iittentioiigiven to all uus mess entrusted to its care. First National BANK OK PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Fine residence lots for sale. The most convenient to business, High School, churches, and R. R. depots, of any lots now in market. i 27 ml Hays' Add Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver complaint? Sbiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by F. G. Fricke and O. II. Snyder. 1 Farm for Sale. 240 acres of fine land, with all modern improvements, within one mile of Mar ray. Will sell all or par of the same. Prices reasonable nnd terms easy; for further particulars address or call on E. Berueh, Murray, Cass Co., Nebraska. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TTORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law, Will gm- prompt attention to all business entrusted to him. Ollice 111 Union block, East iSide. I'lattsmoutli, Neb. tTTOKNEY AT LAW. WINDHAM & DAVIES. K. B. WINDHAM, Notary Public Office over Dank of Cms County. Plattsmouth - Nebrasha JOHN A. DAVIES. Notary Public JAW OfFICE Wm. L. BROWN. Personal attention to all business entrusted to my care kOTAKY li OF"irR Titles examined. Abstracts compiled. Insur ance written, real estate sold. Betterfacilities for making Farm Loans than ANY OTHER AGENCY PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA JJHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. ALFRED SHIPMAN Office and Dispensary in Poet Office building. Corner Main and 4tli ftreet. Office Jhours 10 to 11a. in. ; 2 until 3 and 7 until 8 p. in. Surveyors Q1VIL ENGINEER II. C. SCHMIDT IU1TEY0R AKD DRAFTSMAN PWns, sptoificatlons and estimates. Municipal work. Maps etc. Plattamoath - - Nebraska. QIVIL EKGIKEEK and SURVEYOR E. E. HILTON. Estimates ad plans of all work furnished and .Records kekt. Office in Martin Block. Plattsmouth - Nebraska Offers the very tiet facilities for the prompt transaction 01 Humiliate Banking Business Stocks, bonds, irold. government and local se curirie x boinrht fciid sold. Deposits received and interest allowed on the certificates Drafts drawn, available in any part 01 me United States and all the principal towim of Europe. COLLKCriONS MAOK AND I'KO.MITLY HKMIT TKI). Highest market p'ice pid for County War rants, taie ' 1 ouuiy uonus. DIRECTORS John Fitzgerald I). Hawksworth John li. Clark F. E. While lieorge E. Dovey John Fitzgerald. S. Waugh, President Cashier, The Citizens BANK PLATTSMOUTH - NEBRASKA Cayital stock paid In 850 000 Authorized Capital, $IOO,OOQ. OFFICKBS FRANK CAKRUTH. JOS. A. CON NO. President. VUe-Prnnl im t W. 11. CUSHING. Cafhier. DIRHCTOBS Frank Carruth J. A. Connor, F. R. Guthnnni J. W. Johnson. Henry Boeck, John O'Keofe W. D. Miriam, Wm. YVetencamp, W. H. Cushing. Transacts a general banking business. AH wno nave any omikiiik uusiucra i" are Invited to call. No matter how large or email the transaction. It will receipt oarcareful attention aud we promise always cour teous treatment. Issues ce-itiflcates of deposits bearing interest Buys and sell exchange, county and city sureties. W. A. Humphrey, 31. 1)., HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, PLA'ETSMOCTHE, NEBRASKA. Calls in City orCiuntrv Pi-a n;My VnsTed KERRY BOECK 5 ' IS THE 1'LACE TO BUY YOUR PUEfUITURE, Parlor and Bed Room Sets. JV'at tresses, Sofas, Lourges and Office Furniture. Call and examine his stock befoic :o ing elsewhere. Cor Main & Sixth Sts, Plattsmouth, Neb. Gorder's Iinp Lenient Depot WHOI.KSAI II and I.KT M. The Oldest Implement house in Cass County. All the Standard O001I.4 arc Kiii P T IN STOCK Sucli its John I ei-rc? A: C's. David i'nullt'y A: CoV Peru CityV. St. Joe's ami (Jrorgo J). Prowns, ot (Jiilehliur The Is'ew Departure cultivator, the lept that' made. -THF. BEST WAGONS Lumber fare! THE OLD RELIABLE. II. L I TlV.-fZ i IT r. ! Li M M P. N Yi V J r ! liliilll fit KW Wholesale nd Ke'.all Dealer In D UMBE li Shingles, Lath, Sash, oars, inds. Can supply every demand of the Call and get terms. Fourth stref t In Rear of Opera House. MACHINE SHOP L. C. S1IAUF & CO. Building, Repairing and Setting up Ma chinery and Ironwork Special attention given to Repairing and Overhauling Saw Mill. Flour Mill. Elevator, and Farm Ma chinery. Portable Knginee. Butchers. Leather workers and Store Machinery. Frtutfntf Fre-s Bicycle. Lawn Mowers. Sewing Machines, Type Writer, Gas and Caroline attachments also Electrical. Experimental and Modl Work GrindiDg. Lock flitting, Stencil cuttiDg. En graving, etc. A pocket pincushion free to Smokers of Hi Always in stuck. Keceived in ear load lotBuili a Sclnittler, Molmu and ICetcliuin. Puekeye Hinders and .Mowers. THE 2TIXTIDST XiIXTE Of Buggies, Carriages and Road Carts Headquarters for the Ust larb wire, "THE (JLIDDKN" and ir lact everything in any ot' the above lines of oods. Will consult their own interests by goin to Fred C order, at Platts mouth, or Fred II. (border, at Weeping Water, when in want of any thing in the Implement line. Filteen years experience has taught me how to buy goods right, and my trade shows for itself that I sell right. Brancla Soviso at Wooping Water THE BONNER STABLES. W. D. JONES. Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST RIGS IN TZrHZIE CITY Carriages for Pleasure and Short Drive Always Kept Keauy. Cor. 4th and Vine. Plattsmouth, Nebraska F, Q. FRICKE & CO- (Successor to J. M. Iioln-rts.) "Will keep constantly on hands a full and complete line of pure t DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS. & OILS- ISliUUOISTS SUN1MMKS. PURE LIQUORS, Everything to Furnish irour Kouso. i. pear'lman's GKKAT MOOKUN- HOUSE FURHISVIKG EMPORIUM, Under Wa termors Opera Douse You can buy of him cheap for )--t ovsh e:ii. hat v.-.: m-.-.l . fiiri.Mi coUhv or a liian-ion oa rlit-INStAU.MKM I'l.AN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FU Fv MISHINC -. Agent for the Celebrated White Sewing Machine-. ? The largest and most omplct- S'-K-k t s from i:i Ca-v e'ouMy . Call and se me Opera House Block IK.2.r MFG. oo., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. f y No. 75. " rX -021C Price. $18.00 at Factory, Cash with Order Strictly First-CIass. AVarr.-mted. All Second Growth Hickory. t;txol AtIcs and Tini. Low Bent Seat Arms.'iy Iiuianceo Lons, Eay Kidini?. Oil Tempered Spring. Best iieeis ana sesi au jvct. IF YOU CAN'T FIND THEM FOE SALE EY YOUE SCEECHAXTS. WRITE C PISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. Easiest to use. Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure is certain. For Cold in the HeaU it has 110 equal. n It is an Ointment, of which a email particle is applied to the nostrils. Price, 50c. Sold by Drugfrists or sent by mail. Address, . T. Uazeltlne. Warren, Pa. u 1