Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 24, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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Tlic Patent K Clipper Fly Net
has meshed bottoms which can
not tangle and lashes at the top
which won't catch in the harness.
5A Lap Dusters io.,I?
5A Ironsides Sheet
la Stable.
CA Pirn not Fit Nate Torr
Farmers aae
Zqual to Leather at Ball the Cost.
100 other Btyles of 5l Horse Sheets and
Fly Nets, at prices to suit everybody. For
sale by all dealers. If you can't get them,
write us.
20 other styles 5-A Nets, prices to suit all
bold by all dealers.
Thk ticket nominated Saturday can
not be beat.
Editor Rosewatkk has threatened to
emigrate to Africa if the prohibition
amendment, carries. Now look out for a
big majority tor the amendment. Hast
ings Gazette Journal.
Thkuk are men scattered through Ne
braska, who onine here Irom Iowa, who
are forever and eternally darning pro
hibition. Some wny or the other the
town they ielt because of prohibition,
according to their v Sl.
is killed dead
er than a "door-nail" and yet they claim
that more intoxictiug liquors are sold
there now than there were before the law
passed, "queer haint it?" There are
other gentlemen that come from Iowa
that say that prohibition in Iowa does
prohibit, criminal and prison statistics
prove in that sttte that it lessens crime
and lowers tX- - lii: I'd t.
nil mil mil liMiliii 'HI I JkNB
It is not gr-nc-raliy known that His
niarck has an ad -pt.-d son. now 2o years
of :ge, and a Ft eitchmar.. It was one
evening during the war
that Hismarck entered his sleeping apart
ments, twenty-rive miles from Paris, and
was . urorb'od to find a tipy baby boy
curled up asleep on his pillow. The
mother had left a note saying that her
husband had been killed at Sedan, and
despair anil want had f creed Iht to give
tip her child . i.istnarek scratched his
head oyi-r his donlitfnl )'!: o war, Imt
finally accepted it and sent it ly spi-cial
nursH to 15t rlin. wh re he had it well
cared for. !! h irivi-n the hoy a good
ibication Mil lie is now i model young
mm ai d deyotedly Mt'aehed to the old
Prince .
Thk colored p rople of the United
States numbiT iqward of 7,o00.000.
Twenty-six years ago more thou nine
tenths of them wereslaves persons in
capable of acquiring or balding proper
ty of any kind. Statistics show th:it the
people of that race now own taxable
property of the assessed value of $270,
000.000 or $20,000,000 more than twice
the assessed value of the property of the
three states of Mississippi, Arkansas and
Floritla. And yet the great democratic
organs of the south, and many in the
north, hold that these people, simply
because they are not white, shall have
no representation in the national legis
lature or in any other legislative body
shall neither be eligible to office nor vote
for white men who are eligible. The
proposition is simply to make 7,000,000
people perpetual hereditary aliens in the
land of their birth. Lincoln News.
j;. ,..rV.--n - our local columns it
will be -nac the Cas3 County dele
gation to the state conyention has been
instructed for Hon. R. B. Windham for
Lieutenant Governor.
Mr. Windham is one of Flattsmouth's
most prominent and successful business
men, having been in the practice of law
here' for the past seventeen years. He
has alwavs had the confidence of the
public and particularly the f arming class.
Saturday's convention, composed prin
cipally of Alliance men, instructed the
delegation for him without a dissenting
voteT Mr. Windham served from this
county in the 15th. lGth and 17th (extra)
sessions of the Nebraska Legislature.
Iu the 10th and 17th sessions he served
as chairman of the judiciary committee
and speaker pro tern of the House dur
ing which period, when the speaker was
absent, he presided over the deliberations
that body, to its entire fMt,o..
5 k
.Mi. Windhuin ha also lum a member
if the state central committee aud filled
other positions of tiust nnd responsibility.
Cass County us yet h is never had rec
ognition on the tUte ticket. With the
fourth strongest, delegation to the con
vent:on, she lias a right to insist on rec
ognition of her claims at this time and
the IIkuM.d hopes that the Cass County
delegation will cling tenac'iou-ly to our
rights to recognition.
It will cheer up the bachelor.- of Wy
oming, Idaho and the Dikotis to learn
tliut the census shows that the women t
Massachusetts still hold out in great
numbers. They outnumber the iuere
men by 75.00(1. The Massachusetts wo
school teacher, and if
there is anything the males of the north
west want more than another it is plenty
of sChool mistresses. They prefer begin
ners to experienced teschers every time.
An ingenious New Yorker has an
nounced an invention that will percep
tibly reduce the business of the divorce
courts and add a very emphatic negative
to the question concerning the failure of
matrimony. It is an electric clock, con
nected by wires with the kitchen stove.
At the proper hour in thj; morning the
hands of the clock send an electric spark
to light the tire that has been prepared
beforehand. As soon as the temperature
of the kitchen reaches an agreeable point
the rising mercury sounds an alarm that
brings the sleepers to consciousness. It
is one of the great inventions of the
At the big fire in New York the other
day when the Western Union building
burned, a "life gun" carrying a line was
used to rescue some of the people in the
.ni, utnrr This cuii carries a 44-cal-
iber blank cartridge, in which is rolled a
slender line, 500 feet long. It can be
tired !J0O feet into the air, and the slen
der line is used to carry a heavier rope
up to the top of high buildings, when
all other means of escape are cut off.
It is similar to the torpedo guns used in
the life saving service to throw a line to
a disabled vessel, and offers to be a very
useful adjunct to the apparatus to the
rire department where there are high
buildings beyond the reach of ladders.
This was the first opportunity the New
York tire department had to test their
torpedo gun, and it was successful.'
One of the most famous printing bouses
that ever existed was that founded at
Antwerp by Christopher Tlantin in 1555,
and which continued under the contr 1
of his descendants until 1SG7, a period of
three hundred aud twelve years. The
buildings in which the business of this
remarkable establishment was conducted,
together with all the artistic collections
of the house, its ancient presses, and its
old furniture, are now the property of the
city of Antwerp, and have been convert
ed into a public museum, which, with its
wondrous treasures of art and literature,
may well be regarded as one of the most
interesting and unique in Europe. In an
article entitled "Plantm-Moretus, io ap
pear in Harper's Magazine for August,
Octavia Ilensel w ill describe a recent vis
it to this remarkable museum. This ar
tide will be fully illustrated from photo
graphs by J. Mease, of Antwerp.
Ladies Home Journal.
If vou write a letter to a man friend.
don t put in black and white that you
are "his forever," or that you send a
great deal of love, even only in jest,
but remain either his "very cordially" or
"very sincerely". Sincerity and cordial
ity are possible even with acquaintances
that do not demand either loye or an af
fection that does not last forever. I
wish girls knew how very ill .bred it is
to give, or permit familiarities in word
or pen from either men or women.
Learn to keep your personal affairs to
yourself. Learn to believe that your
first name can only be used by those con
nected with you by ties of blood, or hav
ing the right given by a deep love. Be
lieve me, you will never regret your self
respect as shown in this way, and you
will never cease lamenting permitting a
too familiar intercourse, that in the fu
ture will rise up before you like a skele
ton at a feast. A perfect friendship is
like a rose, after the time of its glory is
passed the leaves may be thrown into a
jar, covered with spices and salt to bring
out the fragrance forever, and be a .de
light to you wherever it is. A freind
ship that is too familiar may also be lik
ened to a rose, but one that early loses
its leaves; they fall upon the ground and
no one treasures them enough to gather
them up and keep them as a momento
of days that have gone by. For a while
there is a sickly sweet smell and then
they are blackened and discolored, and
no odor comes from them. Conclude
then, in forming your friendships, to
make those only that can, when time sep
arates you two, make a pleasant memory
for the future; and one that will not
cause a blush to come upon your face.
The republican convention held at
Weeping Water Saturday, was a harmo
nious one and it nominated a strong
A long time ago people used to think
that blue was essentially a color for
blondes and angel?. Nobody can dis
pute its being the color lor angels, but it
certainly i not the one to be chosen by a
blonde. The fair skin looks cold enough,
and where blue, specially pale blue, is
put near it. the effect is very undesirable,
because what was clear white before be
comes a palor now. Blondes had much
better wear any of the rose shades, bright
scarlet, warm brown, or dark green, leavj
iug the very trying pale blue to the browu
haired lassie with a bright color, or the
warm brunette w hose skin does not know
the unsightly touch of sallowness. Every
body likes a rose-colored lining, and, to
be in vogue this season, everybody ought
to have a rose-colored frock iu cotton,
or wool, in silk or tulle, it is always most
charitable in bringing out one's best fea
tures and toning down one's worst. Com
bined with white the pink shades are as
dainty as a bit of old china, aud will
suggest the pretty pink and white ladies,
whom Watteau painted on fans, who
played at litt'e Trianon with Marie An
toinette, laughed and jested, and yet did
not fear when they had to face death on
the guillotine for the sake of the king
and the queen. Ladies Home Journal.
The United States is bigger than was
supposed. Surveyors haye just discover
ed that the eastern boundary of Alaska
should be twenty-eight miles further east
than has been claimed heretofore. The
new strip takes in some valuable gold
mines, which will add to the wealth of
the United States. Sidney Telegraph.
Iowa's democratic governor has com
mitted an unjustifiable offense against
law and decency by pardoning Fred
Munchrath, sentenced to the penitentiary
for four years for his connection with
the conspiracy for the murder of Had
dock. Governor Boies has oy this act
won the merited scorn of every honest
man and woman. Kearney Hub.
From Monday's Daily.
There were eight of the Western Union
Telegraph operators down to attend the
funeral of the late Mrs. Dalrymple Jones
As we go to press the case of Frank
Brosius vs. T. L. Campbell is on trial
before Judge Archer, Beeson & Hoot for
plaintiff and Byron Clark for defendant.
County Clerk Critchtield went out to
Lincoln this morning to meet with the
state board of equalization vice com
missioner A. B. Todd who was taken
quite ill at his home Sunday eyening.
Good seryices were held at the Christ
ian church yesterday, there being three
candidates for baptism. The pulpit was
occupied in the evening by Prof. James
A.. Beattie, of the Cotner University at
This morniDg a large elderly gentle
man stepped off No, 4 and made in
quiries for Mr. aud Mrs. P. L. Wise; but
upon being informed that they had left
the city lie again boarded the train, as he
was intending to call on them for a few
days. A reporter learned his name was
Ezekiel Brown, and an old friend of the
Wises, and lived at Crooked Creek, Ind.
We are in receipt of the annual cata
logue of Cotner University lfSS'.t AO Lin
coln. Among the college students of
that institution we note the following
from Cass county: Nettie Foster, Union;
Chas. Hart, Elmwood; Jos. Morrow,
Alex Walker, Murray; Grace Wiles.
Loiin Wiles, Alba Young, Howard C.
Young, Plattsmouth.
Everybody knows little Ed Prieiderer
the 13 year old lad that sells the Omaha
Bee for Messrs. Lehnhoff Bros. Ed
sleeps in the store and Saturday night he
says he heard some one at the back door
and also saw a man at the window; and
just to frighten him away he fired his
littla 32, the ball taking effect in the
door. The boy thinks it was some one
intending to make an entrance into the
store and that his firing the shot put the
would be burglar to flight. The burg
lar that does enter that store while Ed is
in there would better be bullet proof for
that boy has the nerve to shoot.
pekso: AI
D. A. Campbell returned to Lincoln
this morning.
Joseph Sans jr., went up to Omaha
this morning.
Will Hyers was a passenger te Lincoln
this morning.
C. C. Parmele, recorder of deeds, went
up to Omaha today.
Saml Barker was a passenger this
morning to Lincoln.
Attorney H. D. Travis of Weeping
Water is in the city today.
H. H. Vanarnam, mine host of the
Hotel Riley, is in Omaha today.
Rev. James G.Day, of Union, came up
to the city this morning overland.
Attorney E. H. Wocley, of Lincoln, is
doing legal business in this city today.
J. C. Eikenbary and little daughter
Anna came down from South Omaha
this morning.
Rev. D. Marquette exchanged pulpits
with Rev. Buckner Sunday, Returning
home this morning.
Eft" T TT '."T."."-"- ''vrryXvVr'yr"''"-?,', -'. TOTr?rrT?;ti fT: "T
-iTinwtMiiinn ti inini i'i i I r r- " ' -" "-- ' - - - - -r-"
At the "Daylight Store" from now
At Trices That Will Probably Sell TIipiu All in Two Weeks.
Good heavy muslins, full standard and one yard wide, 5c per yard worth c. Best Calicos, r,c worth 7c per yard.
Indigo blue calicos, Gjc worth 10c. Oood lawns, fast colors, :ijc worth Cc
Heavy sheeting, (Jc worth 12c Ammerican sateens 10c worth lc
Best French sateens, yard wide, 25c worth :35c,
All other goods in proportions, including Carpets. Millinery, and by thu way we thall give the people a
genuine surprise in the way ol boots, and shoes. We keep a large h'ie of the "Celebrated
M. D. Wells !fc Co.,"
H. W. Corey, formerly editor of the
Storm Lake Yidette, was a pleasant caller
at this ofilce today.
Miss A. J. Rader, of Lincoln, accom
panied by her cousin, J. L. Farthing,
went up to Omaha this morning.
Mrs. T. S. Hickey, of Elkhorn, return
to her home this morning after a short
visit with the family of Mr. Geo. Poisal
Miss Kate Stadelmanu returned last
evening from Nebraska City where she
had been visiting friends for several
Wm. McCarthy, the Irish orator, is an
nounced to lecture at Rock Bluffs next
Saturday night Subject, "Slippery Path
to Hell."
John H. Becker, one of the substantial
farmers of Eight Mile Grove precinct,
and by the way one of the most staunch
republicans of the county gave us a
pleasant call today.
Mrs. W. A. White received a message
this morning announcing the serious ill
ness of her sister, Mrs. Cornell, at her
home at Lenox, la., and took No. 4 for
that place this morning.
The typo made us say in Saturday's
issue that Mr. Alex Story and his friend
Walstow Sanders were happily wedded
to two Mexican girls. Should have been
two New Mexico belles.
Mr. W. 8. Wise has received word
from his father and mother since they
reached their destination in California,
to the effect that they endured the trip
nicely aad are feeling very welL
F. B. Seelemire, former manager of the
telegraph office here came in on No. 6
Saturday evening and returned with Mrs.
Seelemire to Lincoln Sunday evening on
No. 3. Will remove hS household ef
fects to Lincoln this week.
That hacking cough can be so quickly
cured by Shiloh'a cure. We guarantee
it. For sale by F. G. Fricke and O. H.
Snyder 1
f jfej ,
I Ills I 4? IPlj J L ptm fsf
until Sejd. 1st, We shall clear out
good. It you want to buy cheap,
Eli Perkins.
Fiom Tut'tilay' Daily.
For a sweepstakes prcvuricator com
mend us to the Eli Perkins of the
Journal. For further particulars see re
port of the county convention at Weep
ing Water, Saturday, in last night's issue
of that paper. The only confusion in
the convention, if confusion it might be
called, was occasioned by a number of
the delegations arriving late, owing to a
heavy rain the night previous and the
forenoon of the day, which cut the time
short for the transaction of the business
of the convention, and in consequence
the chairman was compelled to hurry
the work along, and in order to do so
he was compelled at times to wield the
gavel quite heavily, and also to be a
little abrupt in shutting off debate.
The only way we can account for the
Journal man's peculiar report of the con
vention is either that it wa3 his first ex
perience in a political gathering, or he
must have sampled a little too often the
beer and whisky which he declares was
plenteous and on tap. So far as the
strength or weakness of a republican
ticket is concerned we think the prevari
cator not the best authority. We are in
possessiol of the fact that one of the de
feated candidates at the convention has
already been approached by the "ancient
enemy" to try to array that gentleman
against the ticket but the old trick failed
and you'll find the party will support the
ticket, and it will be elected by the old
time majority.
Wheat is worth, in this market, from
60 to 65 cents, corn 27 cent?, and oats 25
The disnn.sial of the appeal of Byron
Reed ct al in the case of Pankonin vs
Byron Reed et al was certified down to
county court today.
License to wert was issued by Judge
Ramsey today to Mr. Lon Miller, aged 21,
and Miss Lizz.'e Rice, aged 17, all of
Plattsmouth. The parents of Miss Rice
were required to ive their consent before
the county judge
all our seasonable oU such as
keep y ur eyes open
Tiil L' lth annual session of the national
eueMipiiiei:t . A. R. will be held at
Boston. Mass., on the l2th('ay of August
next. The li. & M. will sell, for this oc
casion, round trip tickets to Boston at
the one way limit first class rute.
The second ward school is to be furn
ished with "'' new double def-ks, which
were ordtred yesterday of the Burlington
Company. Thi.s is a needed improve
ment, as the old furniture was not at all
suitable for small pupils, the desks being
so high that the little ones could not
reach the floor with their feet.
Pneumonia and Bronchitis carry ofi
One-Third of the Human Race.
It i not generally known that Pneumonia and
Broqccuus carry on onw-tmra ui mc auiuia
inch are the facta, and what if mora surpriiinj, both
of the above diseases remit from neglecting a com-
man ordinary Cold. A Cough should sever be ocg-
lceted. If it ever
sry l
time vou eaten eoia vou couia
harder, and it sticks bj
tod it sticks by you longer. Ballard's Hore-
bound Syrup is the best remedy m the world for
Pnenmetnia. Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung trou
bles. If you have any Throat trouble, call for BjV
Urd'S Horehound Syrup and lVa n other.
For Sale by F. G.' Fricke, Druggist.
Notice to Creditors.
Cas County f OB
spencer i. Billion, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the claims and
demand of all persons against Spencer S.
Billings, deceased, late of said County and
state, will be received, examined and adjusted
by the county court at the court home in
Plattsmouth on the 24th day of January, A. D.
1891. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And that
six months from and after the 24th day of July
A. I). 1890 If the time limited for creditors of
said deceased te present their claims for exam
ination and allowance.
Girea under my band this 2UU day of July
A. O. 1890. B. S. Kamsiv. Co., Judge
First publication July 24
Ballard's Snow I.!nlmant
This invaluable remedy is one that ought M be ifl
very household. 1 1 will ore your B timwtarlssa. If mm
raJria, Sprains-Cuts, Braises, Boras, Free led red
and Ears, Sore Throat mod SoraCfceee. Ifyeukave
Uat Back it will cure it- It penetrates to the seal
of the disease. It wfll cure Su&Joints and contracted
modes after all other remedies have failed. Thoee
who have been cripples for yean have used Saflmrt
Sturm Jmhnt and throwa away tbeir crutches aad
been able to walk - well M eve. ll WjU CW
Priot, jo ctnli.
For sale by F. O. Fricke, Druggist.
Money to Loan.
We can make you a farm loan aj low
as the lowest and quicker than the quick
est. Wtf "VW9B & IITKR9.