Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 24, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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There are
many white soaps,
represented to be
"just as gopd as the Ivory.
They are not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it.
"Tis sold everywhere.
jjhUsnwuth Q'cchhj jtjeratd.
Published every Thursday, aud daily every
evenini; except ' unday.
Keh'isiertd at the rMattsmoutli, Neb. post
Hicerr transmission through the U. S. mails
-ni .second cl;ids rates.
fflei crnT Vine and Kifth streets. 7
TKIIM.1 foil W KHK.LV.
One ciiv. iiic far, iii advance $150
One iy. one yiar, not in advance .... 2 00
One copy, six inoiiiiii. in advance "5
One -py, three months, in advance 40
One copy one year in advance $6 00
One copy per week, by carrier i5
One copy, per month 60
TIIURDA.Y, JULY 24, 1890.
Th republican electors of the state of Ne
braska are requested to send delegates from
.their several counties to meet In convention in
the city of Lincoln Wednesday, July 23, 1890,
at 8 o'clock, p. m.t for the purpose of placing
in domination candidates for the following
state ofllcers:
Lieutenant Governor.
.Secretary ot state.
Auditor of Public Accounts,
fetate Treasurer.
Attorney General.
Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings,
ti.inarinrondpn. f Public Instruction.
And the transaction of such other business
as may come before the convention.
Th spiral counties are entitled to repre
scntatlon as follows, being based-upon the vote
for non. Gi orne"!!. Hastings, presidential
elector in is, giving one delegte-at-large to
each county, and one lor eacii loo votes ana
Aie inaji-r traction thereof.-
A ains
At tclope...
11 x Butte..
Huttal . ..
. eil:ir
i'lieyenne. .
4 lifter
I lawec
I iwson
Frontier ...
Furnas.- .
Greely .
Hamilton. . .
Harlan ..
'Hitchcock -
Howard .
'Hoikcr . . . .
eJTcrsou . .
- JnllUO'l .
.14 Kearney
l Keya Pah
lo Keith
3 Kimball
'. ... 2 Knox
y Lancaster
f Li coin
r Logan
. ..It; Loup
... 11 .Madison
.li McP-erson
21 Merrick
5 ancs
o N'niiaha
. . o Nuckolls
G 1 toe
. 1" Pawnee ,.
. .. 7 Perkins
8 t ierce
2o Phelns
.. u Platte
!) Polk
....8 Ked Willow
3! Vichavilson
.... 7 1 Kock
13 Snline
tw; Sarpy
... 5 launders
14 Scott's Bluff
8! 'IieiMan
... L'Ssicux
... 3' Stanton
. .. r. Thayer
2! Thomas
4 I hutton
. ..i4Valle y
, . . 13; Washington - - .
... si Wayne
4! el'!-ter
.141 York
7. Unorganized 1 cr
. 8
. 3
. 2
. 9
. 1
.. 9
. . 5
.. 9
.. 5
.. 4
.. 9
.. 9
.1:! Total.
. 9
. 4
. 5
. 3
. 8
, 6
. 3
. 4
. 2
. 2
- 7
. ft
. 3
. lfi
. 1
.M'ied that no toxics le
: tliat each coun'y
:vlt-i nates. 11ml that the elele
a;ilhoii.iV. to east .the full
'4 iTjini .
L, 1). IticHAuns. Chairman. M. Sk i. .Secretary.
It is ivc-i 1
i:ii;te l to tli
co'.i vei.t ( : 1 it
gates ', ivst-;ir
vote of 'he
TilKHK will not le any war over the
Retiring Sea matter, nor will therein any
surrender of American rights. We have
an alminUtrati"n Oie present time
which kiiows how to convince foreign
nations that it is best for them to settle
disputes with us according to our views
of justice and propriety.
The Dt8 Moines base ball club 1ih
gone out of business. The refusal of the
authorities there to permit the club to
play ou .Sunday is given as an exense for
its retirement. Thi re must be some other
reason. The club withstood several years
of the same law without financial failure,
ncd if people had not lost interest in the
gam;, it would have pulled through this
season. Omaha Republican.
An increase in the production of gold
would do more to advance the relative
value of silyer than could be done by auy
expansion which the government is ever
likely to make in the purchases of the
white metal. This is one of the reasons
why financiers and statesmen are deeply
interested iu the reports which come from
time to time of great gold discoveries in
Africa, Asia and other parts of the world
Unfortunately, these stories are nearly all
absurdly exaggerative accounts of the
actual fHC's or are altogether false.
TION. The republican electors of til Erst congres
sional .lis-iict ef the state of Ne
l,ra.-ka are requested to eeii.l delegates from
their several counties to meet in convention in
the city of Plattsmouth n Tuesday, the 23 day
-of September, IS JO. at 8 o'clock p. in., lor the
of placing in nomination a caudidate
r.v - ,, . 1 (Ji-trict. -and for the trans
its as may come before the
Co,. . . -
The sevt ta. ... aties are entill d to repiesen
ta ion a f l!ows. being lm-ed upon the vote
. nu-t fr Hon. W. .1. Conuell for congress in 18$.
- -ivM o-:e .lel.-gat at large to each county and
,v fv' c..-li I"''' voU' :u"1 ",1,jr faction
"1lciecl :
:loii-: a--
J, :n,ea-ier
Vli Knwiiee. -
71 , Kich'(!on.
. . ai i-y
: .aumlers ...
T'tal .
it i- r-c
cr iv g:
ti n
TO t ll
,,;,,-,,! t::at no proxies pe admitted
..(ti .1) nod that tiie delegates pre
ilt'.'y e'.rct"1' alternates present,
,1 o . i, th-J iuil voe v-i me urn -
i'ltANK II
,) ))s I!. 1'inAv, hftrman.
ilrC vktn f.v. Secretary.
That i. H kit-- (ouoh can be so quickly
cured by SuiK V cure. We guarantee
it. For al by T. G. Fiic ke nod O. II.
A strange phenomena occurtd last Fri
day evening, on the place of Mr.- Bi.ker,
one mile southeast of Looniis, that will
be a problem for our scientists to solve.
Mr. Baker has a well about 220 fet in
depth, with about four feet stand of
water. A heavy cloud hung threatening
in the horizon towards evening, and all
of a sudden his well began to overflow
with about the same volume as when the
windmill is running, and it continued to
run for over an hour. The phenomena
was so strange that he called in two of
his neighbors to witness it. Holdrege
Progress .
Since the war just how long since the
papers don't say nineteen counties in
Illinois haye suffered to the extent of
$372,819 from defalcation by county
treasurers. Of the nineteen thus cata
logued, lour of them have "suffered"
more than once, Clark county five tinier
Lawerence county twice. Mason county
twice nd Peoria county three times
These sufferings are charged up to the two
old political parties as follows: Nineteen
democratic and sven republican; repub
lican shortage 06,023, democratic short
age $306,798. A good round majority
in favor of democracy. Omaha .Republican.
Where the negro, in his present state
of semi-barbarism, is in the majority, the
safety of the whites, responsible govern
ment, and law and order, depend upon
his subjection. Courier Journal.
And who is to be the judge of the
negro's semi barbaric state? The drunk
en night riders who shoot dowo men
simply because they refuse to vote the
democratic ticket, and whipwmen only
because their color is black? It would
be just as well to have some authorized
representatives of the government in such
a country to uphold the responsibility
t' r government and law and order and
hold in subjection some of those in semi
barbarism who are not negroes. Inter
China, the cradle of the human race,
has proclaimed that Americans in the
Celestial empire will be treated just as the
Chinese are in this country. We can't
go to war with the four hundred millions
of China for doing in retaliation what
we do to them, and what can we do about
it? We haye a large American popula
tion in China; they haye large American
property enterests there; they are leading
n enlightened progress in that dark re
gion, and what would be the result of
strict reciprocity between the two coun
tries? Truly, the peculiar "Heathen Chi
nte" has tumbled to the American game.
an 1 our new Chinese minister bring? us
word that the future policy of Chism will
be to deal with the Americans in China
just as Americans denl with Chinese.
That may make the American people put
on their studying caps to revise our Chi
nese immigration policy. Lincoln News.
Inter Ocean
Mr. Blaine's tariff, letter has been made
the latest nine days' wonder of politics.
Iteally there i9 nothing wonderful about
it, except as to the tim of production.
The matter is neither new nor stranj'e.
Mr. Blaine in common with the majority
of republicans who have given sjecial
i attention to tariff studies, is apprehen
sive lest foreign countries should derive
more benefit from the reduction of sugar
duties than will accrue to the people f
the United States. The farmers and me
chanics and most people of moderate in
come 8 had, however become so impressed
and mainly by the orations and writings
of democrats and mugwumps, with a
desire for free sugar as to compel the
majority in congress to make the reduc
tions against which Mr. Blaine now pro
tests. Mr. Blaine labored hard with the
house committee of ways and means to
induce it to insist upon reductions upon
certain articles of United States' produc
tion in exchange for the United States'
reduction upon the ugar products of
Central and Southern America and of
the West Indian Islands. His arguments
were thoroughly considered by that body
of very able and deeply experienced
financiers, and it came to the conclusion
that Mr. Blaine's project would be so
slow in culminating, involving as it nec
essarily would, a treaty with each of the
sugar producing states, as to excite gen
eral dissatisfaction. Certainly every
democratic and Cobdenite journal, now
praising the "sagacity" of Mr. Blaine,
would haye been lotad in condemnation
of the republican party if it had delayed
sugar reducti' n until treaties were made
between the United States and all other
sugar producing countries. The ways
and means committee was confront d by
two eyils, and it chose what it consider
ed to be the lesser of the two. It is pos
sible that the committee's judgment wis
as sound as that of Mr. Blaine. ,
The one thing wonderful about Mr.
Blaine's letter is the time of production.
The house has agreed upon a bill, it was
before the senate for consideration. At
this stage an American secretary of state
endeavors to influence the senate, both
ty letters directly addressed to certain
of its members and by direct appeals to
popular feeling, to amend the bill, in a
manner which the house has disapproved
after respectful and thorough consider
ation of Mr. Blaine's arguments. No
other secretaiy of state has ventured up
on such a course.
The Inter Ocean files are proofs of its
predictions for a retention of sugar du
ties until it should become plain that free
sugar would mean cheap sugar. Free
goods are not always cheap goods. The
sugar clauses of the McKinley bill are
those of whose wisdom the Inter Ocean
is least certain; but when the farmers of
the northwest, the artisans of the middle
states, and the people of the east had
united in a demand for free sugar the
Inter Ocean censed to argue; it ever has
had a great respect for the yoice of the
people. Taken as a whole, the McKinley
bill is an excellent measure. So much
Mr. Blaine admits. But, like Mr. Cole
man in the house of representatives, he is
dissatisfied with the sugar clauses. This
is a free country and Mr. Blaine has a
right to criticise this bill or any other bill
in any stage of its inception; but, as w
bef re have said, no other secretary of
state has been bold enough to use the
power of his official position in an attempt
to urge one co ordinate branch of the
national legislature to undo what the
other co-ordinate branch has done, after
mature consideration of the nature and
quality of the secretary's opposition to
its being done.
Much has been said about the duty of
the republican party to "live up to its
pledges" to the old soldiers in the last
national convention. This was tie
pledge: "The legislation of congress
should conform to the pledge made by a
loval people, and be so enlarged and ex
tended as to provide against the possibil
ity that any man who honorably wore the
federal uniform shall become an inmate
of an almshouse, or dependent ou priyate
charity. In the presence of an overflow
ing treasury it would be a public scan
dal to do less for those whose valorous
services preserved the government." The
disability pension bill as passed by con
cress and signed by the president elected
on that platform, has most religiously
kept the promise of the platform. A
soldier physically or mentally incapable
of supporting himself gets the benefit .f
the law. The soldiers injured in the ser
vice and the widews and orphans have
already been provided for by the bills
passed by the republicans of congrtis.
Lincoln Journal.
Imer Ocean,
The eagerness of liquor dealers to get
their goods on the market regardless of
the desire of the people for them,
or the laws regulating such matters,
is one of the features of the busi
ness to which little attention has been
tilled . The decision of the supreme
court in regard to "original packages"
s tven liquor men an idea that they
can force their goods on the people, and
according to reports they are doing their
best to do so. Apparently they go on
le principle that other people care just
s little for violating the laws as they do.
This is suggested by a letter just re
ceived from Ellendale, N. D-, where the
prohibition law has lately gone into ef
fect. The writer says:
Nearly every business man in North
Dakota has this week received circulars
from outside liquor elealcrs r-howidg how
the law may be evaded and intoxicants
shippcel in. One Illinois liou-e sends
the following in circular form:
"Agents wanted in every town to take
orders for liquor on cennmir-j-Ion. 'At
would be ieased to rorresooiut and
make satisfactory terms wit.i you."
Anoilur circular II: s announce
ment: " '0.i:;;n.i jxiV-ago' fjoods hi ;;;:U.:r
lots 1 t.d n.iw-'rtl put up ia LV.f piat-S
plats end cy.'.-.; t flv-.-n. 'C-re!j w'.-.'l, ;
ea r specialty.
"Wf t re it . eyerv customs-;- ia a i
mar.ntr tuat once our customer j.iays j
our c-uaio.ue;-." :
Of cource sucii )e;si-lence will m.xt i
with come reward, a in aluiet every
community there are some people who
will drink liquor, when they can get ir,
no matter what rhe law is. It is neit
nurprising, therefore, that mur correspon
dent nhouli close It is letter H9 follows:
'The original p ickage business ia assum
ing large proportions since July 1, when
the prohibition law went into effect."
It is difficult to believe, howeyer, that
this temporary triumph over a law enact
ed and approved by the majority of an
earnest and intel ient people can resul
in any permanent ben- fit to those en
gaged in the traffic. This being a country
in which a mojority of the people rule
and mak the laws, eventually thone
who n-.-pect tha laws fare better than
those who break them. If the people
were in doubt about prohibition thi9
course of the liquor dealers would ex
asperate them, and make them more de
termined than ever to destreiy the liquor
traffic. The 'original package" business
will not destroy prohibition, but will
give it new ground to build em. The
American people do not like to be beaten
by a sharp gam '. When .ttempt-el it
only makes them the more eae. to win.
The Stanley-Tcnnent wedding had a
novel witness. A phonograph recorded
the entire ceremony. It was a beautiful
instrument, maele especially for the oc
casion. Its salutation, engraved on a
silver plate, is as follows:
I seize the palpitating air, I hoard
Music and speech; all lips that breathe are
I speak and the inviolable word
Authenticates iu origin and sign .
I am a tomb, a paradise. a throne.
An anirei. prophet, slave, immortal friend.
My living records, in their native tone.
Convict t' e knave and dis utat ions end.
In me are sonls embalmed. I am an ear.
Flawless as truth, and truth's own toiRiies arn I
I am a resurreeti n. Men may hear
The quick and dead conveise as I reply.
Hail, broauenii.g ival ins of knowledge ai.d of
peace ,
Thy tropl it s, Star.ley. by Hteailfa- t faith were
May Light, and Truth af.d Urotheihood in
crease !
I am the latest boon of idisou.
The republicans are in convention to
day at Weeping Water and we preelict
a good acceptable ticket to the people.
There has been considerable foolish talk
against Mr. Dayies eltiring the past week
by certain parties in the city who clim(
that gentleman did not support the whole
republican ticket at the general election
one year ago. Mr. Davies did support
the whole ticket, we are reliably inform
ed. There is nothing to be gained by
this k'nd of electioneering and if the
republicans of Plattsmouth are going to
run men out of the party who were more
than ordinarily independent last year
we would like to know where the party
will be ?heu we get through.
As important county officer as was voted
for last year was a county commissioner,
anil a good republican aud old soldier
was running on the republican ticket, ytt
he was almost unanimously scratched in
this city aud oy the very men among the
rest who charge Mr. Davies with being
lukewarm towards a part of the county
ticket. We simply refer tc this kind of
electioneering to peiiut out the foolish
ness of it.
The Baltimore and Ohio railroad com
pany have issued to every minor official
a circular note, of which the following
is the leading part:
This company will not, under any
circumstances, employ men who are in
the habit of becoming intoxicateel. All
employes known to frequent drinking
places must be warned to discontinue the
practice or quit the company's service.
Employes will be discharged if intoxi
cated either on or olf duty. No per
sons dischargee! for intoxication will be
re-employed. .
The officials in each department are
given to understand that they are ex
pected to enforce the above order. Any
official who wilfully retains the service
of a man who is known to elrink habitu
ally will be discharger!. This movement
looks like reform. Mr. Iioggc-n ought
to get his bankers and business men's
association after the Baltimore and Ohio
railroad company. Ex.
Now let our neighbor tell us something
about the democratic party of Cass coun
ty ? Who are candidates and who are
not? Who will not be nominated a; d
who will be nominated? Perhaps tie
democratic politicians of Cass county do
not confide in the Journal man as do cer
tain would be or haye been, republican
politicians. We are afraid the Journal
has been readiug back numbers when thtt
paper sets out. to give facts about repub
lican politics in this county.
Wn.i. the Douglas county republicans
bulldoze the republican party of the state
with Dr. Mercer for governor as that
county did the first congressional district
two years ago. by threatening to elect a
democrat unless tbsit county gets tho
plum ? And wil. the state be as t-isy to
bulldoze, we wonder ?
Thk clitc.Iii.4 iiunounctmtu'. is made
th::t freight rus between the weft and
Chit .t will be ndvanetd ia
to the b.;s;s in fee before YhCOMW
eluctioii. Auotiier crop is cent
Ml Innli File
This file is a record, where all susj.ei.he items can l e rfceuth el ami
each item, as consecutively dated, will take its "place a he iroiit" and
stare you in the face, until such stem shall have attentieui.
Especially adapt, d te. reconlini: t"i Intine uTtention such mat
ters as Hpjtoinnnents. l'ayment of Lite h.Hiranee l'lemiums, Kentwal
of Fire Insurance. Special collections, Pr to pay, Dr. or Cr.j,
Payment of taxes, Dates set tor suits, Kxpiration of time loi apeul,
Business men who see these tiles, tis a rule, buy them.
Price, with ink wells and full supply of menu.rai elum ranis
complete. $2.50
H. EARL., General Agent.
135 Burr Block, Lincoln, Neb., Agenta Wanted
Insure your property against lire, lightning and
Tornado in the
Of Cincinnatti, Ohio.
Commenced Business October 1871,
$3oo, 000.00
Stockholders individually liahle . under the constitution of tho State
of Ohio which together with the present net surplus is a net
ouarantee ot about 7oo.o(J0,00 to policy holders.
Losses paid in nineteen years, (sincj organization) nearly lour million
Secretary. President.
Win. L. BROWNE, .Resident gent, Plattsmouth Nebraska
qe Steel .Binder
t-f '-VJiJ.-;: ft :
'Y..i. IlJIIM ; W-iJ- ifl' ttVCVrE H Fi .' J
-UV't"4t.i"wlt i
T -.,,,va.I:1 jlW.-M if Si 1 . 1 . -:rJ:,.A7rZV.u.':A.'vl.h .lf
It works perfectly on rough, uneven ground; in tail, heavy grain;
in light, short grain; in badly lodged grain. Some others do not.
Strongest Frame, Simplest Construction, Liprbteist Draft, Greatest Durability, Most Easily
Managed. GREAT lAIVKOVEiUSNTS for 1890 place It farther than ever tn the lead ot
pretended rivals.
Tho DEEKIX'O 1JIXDEK TWINE madebv ourselves Is the best In the world.
Apply to our nearest agent for Illustrated Catalogue and Full Information or write direct
to us. WM. DEERINC A. CO., Chicago, III.
:Each the Leader in its Glass. .
AB-UTELY Water-Proof
I We call attention to the novelty of its construction, it being composed of two sheets
of peper with sui interposed layer of water-proof bitumen or asphalt, the whole unitea
under -r.cure, making a sanitary mildew-proof sheathing for the sides and floors of
houses, : hat will last as long as the buiiding upon which it is applied.
E::?-rience has shown that the cheap papers commonly used for sheathing houses do
not protect a building for any length of time, but soon mildew and fall to pieces, making
the house drafty and damp; these defects can thtn only be remedied at great expense.
A Good Sheathing like the O. K. Building Paper, can be obtained at a trifling cost, and
it is a waste of money to use an inferior article.
Tut up in rolls SG inchea wide, containing 1,000 square feet.
s";:;,: Mica Roofing Co., 7EW2$r
Full uglier or lower et ol'UvthforS. (Jus'ranteed
lo be the saii?e :?s tlio;e i'or vvliii li other
dentist eharif !".
' Satisfaction Guaranteed :r lUztr: r:nirdcd
el , r.
I. - i a J - I :
v: ? ' (r nee (i IJate
jiVvX, silver
11. WITHEiiS tiiioii ii.ock Dentist