Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 24, 1890, Image 1

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Y KA !'
VOL. XXVI. no. ia
It Passes the House by a Small
The KanRmptry Bill Next Considered In
the Houne, While the Senate Give At
tention to Indian Appropriation
Other Capital New.
"Washington, July 23. The house be
gan voting on the "original package"
bill as soon as the reading of the journal
was concluded. The first vote was on
Adams' substitute defining original
packages. Rejected Yeas, 33; nays,
115. The next vote was on the house
substitute for the senate bill, which pro
vides that whenever any article
of commerce is imported into any
state from any other state
territory or foreign nation, and there
held or offered for sale, it shall be sub
ject to the laws of that state, provided
that no discrimination shall be made by
any state in favor of citizens of that
state against citizens of any other state,
nor shall the transportation of com
merce through any other state be ob
structed, except in necessary enforce
ment of the health laws of that state.
As the vote proceeded it appeared the
result was in doubt, and there was great
excitement. At the end of the first call
there was an affirmative majority of one.
At the second call the majority was the
same, but a number of members changed
their votes, and the vote, as announced,
was: yeas, 109; nays, 94.
Mr. Grosvenor of Ohio, who had
changed his vote for the purpose, moved
a reconsideration.
Mr. Frank of Missouri moved to table
the motion and this was done. A vote
was then taken on the passage of the
bill as amended, and resulted in yeas
113, nays 97.
The vote was as follows:
Adams Foreman
Osborne -Outhv.-aite
Owen (Ind)
Owens (G
Reed (la)
Sui vely
Stock bridce
Stone (Ky
Turner (X. Y.)
Van Schaack
Williams (Ills)
Wilson (W. Va)
Yoder 113
Anderson(Miss) Forney-
Boatner '
v lirosvenor
,Ky) Hayes
Brown. J. B. Hermann
Buchanan (Va)Holuian
Lafoliette i
Laid law i
Lester (ia)
Lester (Va)
Lewi -4
Martin (Ind)
Moore (X.H.)
O'Neil (Ind)
("aid well
Candler iRa)
Cooikt (Ind)
Cot h ran
1 avidson
I locker y
Allen (Mich)
Atkinson (Fa)
(Iai Rockwell
Smith (Ilia)
Stewart (Tex)
Stewart (Vt
Bertie r
Buchanan (N.JKelley
Candler (MastOKenneUy
Kerr (la)
Cooper (O)
Martin (Tex
Tavlor (Ills.)
Taylor (Tenn)
Taylor E. B.
Taylor J. D.
Townsend (Col)
Townsend (Pa)
Turner (Kas
Wilson (Ky)
Wilson (Wash)
Wright D7
c raig
Culberton (l'a)Morse
Cutr-hfon O'Donnell
Dal.eil O'Neil
Darlington O'Neil (Pa)
Dolliver Payson
Elliott Perkins
Evans Peters
Featherstone IMckler
Finley Pusley
Fithian yuackenbush
The bankruptcy bill was then taken
up. Mr. Kelly of Kans;us inquired
whether, under the provisions of the
bill, lawyers only could be appointed
referees. Mr. Buchanan made anamrin
ative response. Mr. Kelly suggested
that it was not right to discriminate
against farmers.and he was one himself,
and business men who were not mem
bers of the bar. Mr. Buchanan (speak
ing, he said, from personal experience)
gave it as his opinion that the worst
thing that could befall a farmer was to
quit farming and practice law. But
the fact was that the referees had judi
cial functions to perform. Mr. Kelly
suggested that all who were qualified
to make the law (and who might be
president of the United States) are
competent to execute the law without
being a lawyer.
Mr. Oates of Alabama opposed the
bill, at the same time frankly admitting
that it was one of the most carefully
considered bankruptcy measures ever
brought before congress. But the act
of 18)7 had been so completely debauched
and mal-administered in the south, and
so much fraud and perjury had been
committed under it that the very word
bankruptcy had become a stench in the
nostrils of honest men in that section.
Mr. Boatner, of Louisiana, and Mr.
Hayes, of Iowa, gave a modified support
to the bill, advocating ine general wuur
of the measure
but suggesting certain
Pending further
4:50 adjourned.
debate the house at
The Indian appropriation bill was
taken up. Amendments were adopted
inserting an item of $400,000 for the
Creek Indians under the third article of
the treaty of 18S6 (out of their own
fond in the treasury); Inserting an item
of $280.(00 for the Miamis of Kansas.
wing an me raonev now nem ror tneni
by the United States.
A paragraph having been reached in
regard to" the removal of the Northern
band of Cheyennes to a permanent set
tlement together ujiun outs of the exist
ing reservations in South Dakota, Wy
oming or Montana, a motion was made
by Mr. Pettigrew to strike out South
Dakota, lie ttaid that there were al
ready 3-1,000 Indians in that state, and
that no more Indians were wanted
there. After discussion the names of
the three states were struck out, and
the jstragraph was changed so as to
make the clause read "for the removal
-1 KJ . k . . ,J tf Pkvnnv Tr
aians to a permanent settlement upOn
any of the existing reservations."
Anio2 tLi uuaer amendments re
ported and agreed to, were the following:
Increasing the appropriation for eub
sistance of the Sioux and for purposes
of their civilization from S50.000 to
$950,00; inserting an item of f 150,000
for one year's interest in advance on the
three million dollars provided for a
permanent fund in the act of March 2,
1889, being an act to divide a portion of
the Sioux reservation m Dakota and for
the relinquishment of the Indian title to
the remainder.
Having disposed of thirty-two pages
of the bill (exactly one half) the senate
laid the bill aside.
House bill for the disposal of the
Fort Ellis mililtary reservation under
the homestead law, was taken from the
calendar and pansed (with an amend
ment), also house bill granting certain
lands to Miles City, Mont., for a public
Tlie Work of Gathering Them Will Be
Completed by Aug. 7.
Washington, July 23. George K.
Holmes, special agent in charge of the
Eleventh division of the census office,
whk:h has the compilation of statistics
relating to the recorded indebtedness of
farms and homes, reports that the field
work is now nearly finished. The ex
perts at works in this division have been
collecting statistical information since
last autumn. They have visited capi
tals, county seats and other cities and
towns where records of indebtedness
are kept, and much has been trans
cribed. The field work in nearly all the
states is now done. The examination of
the records in Kansas and Nebraska is
complete. The figures showing the re
corded indebtedness of Missouri farms
and homes have all been taken, except
in one county. This wijl be finished in
a few days. Illinois ft also finished.
California has a few counties in which
the work is not quite done, and there is
one, county remaining in Maryland. It
is expected to complete the collection of
statistics by Aug. 1, and the entire force
of this division will be put upon the
office works. It will be some weeks be
fore any results can be announced, and
as fast as the figures relating to a state
are compiled they will be published in
bulletin form by the superintendent.
Paddock Makes a Statement.
Washington, July 23. The an
nouncement made in several papers that
Senator Paddock will under no circum
stances vote for any federal election bill
proves to be unauthorized and unfound
ed. Senator raddock has been confined
to his bed for five days past, and last
night emphatically denied that he had
given out any such statement to the
press. "I believe," he said, "that con
sideration of the tariff bill is of para
mount importance, and I am not in
favor of any election bill modeled on
the lines of the Lodge bill. I can not
even say that I deem the passage of
any bill interfering in elections in the
states an act of wisdom or of party ex
pediency at the present time. But I do
not say, and have not said, that I would
vote against any federal election bill in
the senate. You can deny that state
ment emphatically."
Census Reports.
Washivgton, July 23. Superintend
ent Porter has presented to Secretary
Noble the request of the citizens of
Kansas City that the first count of the
population of that city be regarded as
the official count, and he recommends
that this request be granted. As a re
sult of the recount of a number of dis
tricts in that city the returns showed a
population of 1,200 less than was ascer
tained by the first count. A recount of
some of the districts in Milwaukee has
been completed. The total population
is shown to be 206,308, an increase since
the census of 1880 of 90.721.
Georgia Saloon in Danger.
Atlanta, Ga., July 23. There is
going to be a big fight in the next legis
lature for the suppression of bar rooms
in Georgia. A general law making it
illegal to sell whisky in quantities less
than one quart will be asked for. Five
thousand petitions are now being cir
culated over the state, and 1,500 minis
ters are at work for the law. Judge
John D. Cunningham of Atlanta is one
of the leaders in the movement, and he
and his co-laborers are very much in
earnest. The gentlemen who are at the
head of this movement think now is the
time to press their bill. The original
package decision has made the liquor
question a new issse. They also base
hopes on the fact that the Farmers'
Alliance is against barkeepers.
A New Iowa Railroad.
Sioux City, la., July 23. The Sioux
City and Northwestern is a new railroad
company whose articles o .incorporation
were filed Tuesday. Preparations for
building the road have been in progress
since the completion of the Sioux City
and Northern, which was built by the
same parties. The road will run from
Sioux City west across Nebraska and
the Sioux reservation to the Black Hills,
for the special purpose of carrying cat
tle. The fact that John F. Duncombe,
who is attorney for the Illinois Central,
will be president of the new road, is re
garded as significant.
All Serene in Central America.
New Obleans, July 23. " '
fe-neval Martinez or Uuatemiila, has re
ceived a cablegram from the Guate
malan minister to Mexico, stating that
there has been no battle between Guate
malans and San Salvadorians. The
cablegram also says that representatives
of the five Central American states on
the 21st instant signed an agreement
asking Gen. Ezeta to vacate the control
of San Salvador.
Catholic Archbiahop.
Boston, July 23. The annual confer
ence of the Catholic archbishops of the
United States takes place in this city to
day. The officers of the Catholic Uni
versity of Wa-shington will hold a meet
ing at the seminary at Brighton. Car
dinal Gibbons will preside.
Ex-PreBideut Cleveland.
Sandwich, Mass., July 23. Ex-President
Cleveland, R. W. Gilder and wife,
and Joe Jefferson and wife have ar
rived at Maehpee, where they will re
main through the present week.
The President Returns.
Washington, July 23. President
Harrison, accompanied by his son, Rus
sell Harrison, returned to Washington
lent v-nin!r from Care May.
Gaudaur's Crew Win the Foar-Oared
Race, With Hanlan's Second.
Dcluth, Minn., July 23. At the
Duluth regatta the attendance was
nearly double that of the day previous.
The open amateur junior fours was
rowed over again by order of the
referee, with the Lurlines barred. It
resulted in a narrow but 6plendid vic
tory for the Minnesota, with the
Duluths a close second, the St. Pauls
third and the Winnipegs played out
near the finish and stopped rowing.
The time was 10:20, 10:83 and 10:40,
the Winnipegs distanced. On account
of a 6light foul by the St. Paul crew,
the race will be again rowed in the
morning and the St. Pauls barred. In
the senior amateur singles Corbett of
the Catlin club of Chicago was an easy
winner over Pearson of the Duluths.
Time, 12:30 and 12:35. The senior dou
bles were won easily by the Minnesotas
of St. Paul, 10:55i, the Lurlines sec
ond in 11:07, and the Winnipegs third
in 11:26. The Catlins got away off
their course by mistake and lost the
race. The Cedar Rapids crew was not
The great professional four oared race
came next, vrith five entries.
First crew Albert Hamm, J. Gaud
aur. John McKay and J. Teneyck.
Second crew Geo. Hoemer, Hugh
Wise, John Teemer, Edward Hanlan.
Third crew Eries of Buffalo, C. W.
Roth, J. P. Koth, George Ware, William
I remmings. Fourth crew West Ends
vf Buffalo. Fifth crew Wallace Ross
and picked crew. The race was three
miles with turn and was the most mag
nificent exhibition of four-oar work
?ver seen in any country.
The start was even, the boats leaping
forward with the following stroke:
Hanlan, 36; Ross, 42; Eries, 37; Gandaur,
42; West Ends, 34. It soon became
evident that the race was between the
Gandaur and Hanlan crews for first and
second place, and the Eries and Rots
for third money. Toward the first
quarter the leaders 6pun, reaching" to
gether in 4:37, Hanlan's crew slightly
ahead at the turn in 8:55. The 3-4
stake in 13:14 was made by Gaudaur's
four, and Hanlan's was slightly in the
rear. The finish was: Gaudaur's crew,
18:W: Hanlan's, 18:08; Eries, 18:31; Ross
about 18:39; the West Ends being
distanced. If the water had been
smoother after the turn, all world's
record would have been beaten. Promi
nent oarsmen say the race was the most
exciting ever rowed, the differences
between the leaders at the finish being
abont three-fourths of a length.
Bnflalo'it Billy Baker Badly Beaten by
Bruiser McCarthy.
Buffalo, July 23. The Arlington
club's amphitheatre was crowded to see
the twenty-four-round glove contest be
tween Billy Baker of Buffalo and Thos.
McCarthy of Olean, for. a $1,500 purse.
McCarthy won in six rounds, after a
savage fight, in which the Buffalo man
was clearly outclassed. The betting
was $25 to $15 on McCarthy. The lat
ter weighed 163 pounds.and was second
ed by P. J. Griffin of Philadelphia and
Paddy Gorham of Australia. Baker
weighed 165 pounds, and had Tom
Manning of California and Jim Wilson
of Buffalo behind him. Dave Camp
bell, of the Dempsey combination, was
referee. ' Baker was badly punished.
His face was swollen beyond recogni
tion, and five of his teeth were missing.
Jack Dempsey and Buck Ewing were
among the spectators.
Tuesday's Bade Ball Games.
At Buffalo Buffalo, 6; New York, 7.
At Cleveland Cleveland, 11: Brooklyn, W.
At Pittsburg Pittebura, 1: Philadel'a, 6.
At Chicago Caicago, L; Boston, 2..
At Philadelphia Phila'rhia, 10:4Pittsburg, 8
At Cleveland Cleveland, 2; Boston, 3.
At Cincinnati Cincinnati, 5; Brooklyn, 16
At Chicago Chicago. 14: New York, 7.
At Philadelphia Athletic. 3: St, Louis, 9.
At Syracuse Syracuse, 10: Columbus 4.
At Minneapolis Mtn'p'lis, 4: Kansas CityO.
Second Minneapolis, 9; Kansas City, 5.
At Milwaukee Milw'kee. 19: Omaha, 7.
At St. Paul St. Paul, 4: Sioux City, 2.
. Ball by Electric Light.
Hartford, Conn., July 23 Baltimore
has signed McGuiken, lately of Jersey
City. This evening Baltimore and
Hartford will play a game of ball by
electric light.
Frauds Murphy's Marriage.
Council Bluffs, la., July 23. The
marriage of Francis Murphy, the tem
perance orator, and Mrs. Rebecca
Fisher, of this city, which was to have
taken place in the present month, will
probably not be solemnized for some
time, owing to a disagreement over the
disposition of property belonging to
Hn. Fisher. waa divorced from
J ner;'.iit on reo. II, i.f). ant prop
erty c-o::J.-it;:i. ol a iniiieieai uiui
br.Mnt.vs block 'was given her instead of
alimony. Her relatives in Rock Island.
Ills., le-ire ai agreement drawn up ln
fore the w-1 ! n protect her rights.
It is said 1' should she insist on
marrying a ::iint their wishes in this
rep'ct, bm antieal will Tie made to the
courts to liae the matter settled.
Gen. Kiiutr. I'mler Arrest.
ValeniINc:, Nel., July 23. Gen. A.
V. Kautz of the Eighth infantry, com
manding Fort Niobrara, was relieved of
his command, the post placed in com
mand of Col. Siir rh and Gen. Kautz put
under arre.-t by order of the department
It is thought that Gen. Brooke ha-
preferred charges against Ge.i. Kautz,
and it i? known that the latter has
against the f inner for conduct unbe
coming an officer and gentleman.
Th- Rattle of Atheim.
Keokuk. Io., July 23. The twenty
ninth anniversary of the battle of
Athens, Mo., about twenty-five niile
froni here, will be celebrated at Athens,
August 5. Among those to whom invi
tations have been sent is Col. David
Moore, the hero of the battle.
Remuneration for Enumeration.
Washington, July 23. The census
enumerators in New York City having
made some complaints of delay in pay
ing off, the census office announced that
the accounts for that city were being
made up at the rate of about 200 a day.
No R lijrion in the Census.
London, July 23. The house of com
mone, by a vote of 286 to 69, rejecWJ
Baroa Dimsdale's proposal that ques
tions a to religion be included in the
next sensus i"trrft"''''"
Harmonious and a Strong Ticket
The republican county convention
which convened at Weeping Water Sat
urday, July 19th, was called to order by
Walter Cutforth, chairman of the county
central committee, at 11 o'clock a. m.,
and the temporary organization effected
by u. K. Barr, of Plattsmoutb, nominat
ing M. Cavey. of Stove Creek Precinct,
for temporary chairman, and A. L. Timl .
lin, of Weeping Water, was chosen tem
porary secretary.
Upon motion, the chair appointed the
following committees:
Committee on credentials, James Hall,
Siiin'l Rector and Anderson Koot.
Committee on permanent organization,
N. M. Satchell, C. D. Clapp and S. W.
Committee on order of business. S. W.
Fisher, J, W. Bullia and I. N. Woodford.
Upon motion adjourned till 1 o'clock
p. m.
The convention was called to order a
little after 1 o'clock by temporary Chair
man Cayey and proceeded to business as
The committee on credentials reported
recommending to seats in the convention
all delegations whose credentials had
beeD submitted to said committee, except
Louisville precinct, against which Walter
Cutforth and others had filed a protest,
alleging that the primary election in said
precinct was illegally held, and asked
that the central committee man of said
precinct be allowed to cast the vote of
the delegation.
After the adoption of the committee
report, and admitting to seats in the con
vention the 5th ward delegation without
credentials, the Louisville protest came
up upon motion of W. II. Pool, of Elm
wood precinct, to refer the same to a com
mittee of three. Amended by J. M.
Beardsley, of Weeping Water, that it be
referred to the whole convention. Moved
by W. L. Wells, of South Bend, that it
be tabled. Motion to table carried.
The committe on permanent organiza
tion reported recommending thit the
temporary organization be made perma
nent Report adopted.
The committee on order of business re
ported recommending the following ord
er of business:
l6t. The nomination of state senator.
2nd. The nomination of representa
tives. 3rd. The nomination of county com
missioner. 4tb. The nomination of county at
torney. 5th. Selection of delegates to state
6th. Selection of delegates to con
gressional convention.
7th. Selection of delegates to float
8th. Chairman county central com
mittee and precinct committeemtr.
Upon motion the report was adopted .
A. N. Sullivan, of Plattsmoutb, moyed
to proceed to nominate a state senator.
Motion prevailed and the chair announced
nominations for state senator in order.
Capt. Wiles, of Plattsmouth precinct, in
a short but appropriate speech, placed in
nomination for senator 8. L. Thomas, of
Plattsmouth precinct.
Upon motion of Cacdo Tefft, of Avo-
C'i, Mr. Thomas was nominated by nctli
mutiou. Mr. Thomas, in u few well
chosi-n remnrks, thunkcd the nmvi'iitioii
for the nomination, saying among other
things that if elected lie would Ukc hia
best efforts to properly represent the
county in th state senate. The next in
order were nominations for representa
tives. Motion to take an inf rmal bullot
for representatives was and a formal
ballot ordered. Moved by Beardtley, of
Weeping Water, that each delegation
vote for two candidates at each ballot.
Motion carried. Moved that the ballot
be taken by wards and precincts. Mo
tion prevailed.
Rozzell Morrow, of Rock Bluffs pre
cinct, was placed in nomination by Geo.
Lloyd, P. S. Barnes, of Weeping Water,
was placed in nomination by G. W. Nor
ton, E. A. Stopher, of Stove Creek pre
cinct, was nominated by A. B. Dixon and
Geo. N. Beach was named by J. P. Bur
dick. The chair appointed W. L. Wells
and Weldon Worrell a3 tellers, and bal
lot ordered, resulting Stopher 115,
Barnes 94, Beach 47J and Morrow 39.
The chair announced that E. A. Sto
pher and P. S. Barnes having received
a majority of the votes cast, were duly
nominated for representatives. Upon
motion the nomination of Stopher and
Barnes was made unanimous. Mr. Barnes
being called for, addressed the conven
tion briefly, but in a manner to indicate
his loyalty to the republican partj and
his ability to make a good legislator.
Mr. Stopher made appropriate remarks
thanking the convention for the honor
conferred and pledging himself for hon
est legislation if elected.
Upon motion the convention proceeded
to the nomination of a county commis
sioner for the second commissioner's
Orlando Tefft proceeded in a suitable
address to present the name of' Amsdell
Sheldon, of Avoca precinct.
C. L. Graves, with appropriate remarks,
nominated Chas. Swan, of Liberty pre
cinct, and Geo. Lloyd nominated Ander
son Root,Jof Rock Bluffs.
Ballots ordered resulting: Sheldon,
92; Swan, 54; Root, 15.
The nomination of Sheldon was made
unanimous. Mr. Sheldon was called for
and addressed the convention in a brief
speech, thanking them for the nomination
The next in order was the nomination
of a candidate for county attorney. Frank
Dixon placed the name of John A. Da
vies, of Plattsmoutb, before the conven
tion, and Geo. S. Copeland nominated C.
S. Polk, of Plattsmouth. Vote resulted,
Dayie9 99 and Polk 54.
The nomination of Davies was made
unanimous. Davies was called for and
thanked the convention for the confi
dence reposed in him.
A resolution was introduced and read
by A. G. Cline, expressing the demand of
the old soldiers that Congressman Cou
ncil shall urge the passage in congress of
the Per Diem Pension Bill. Resolution
adopted. Upon motion of Beardsley,
the different wards and precincts were
allowed to name their delegates to the
state, congressional and float conventions.
A S Cooley, Tipton precinct.
Isaac Toland, Greenwood precinct.
J C Hayes, Stove Creek precinct.
A G Cline, Louisville precinct.
Orlando Tefft, Avoca precinct.
James Hall, Mt Pleasant precinct.
T Samson, Salt Creek precinct.
J II Becker, Eight Mile Grove precinct.
I Pollard, Liberty precinct.
Gee Edson, Rock Bluff3 precinct.
Wm Wettencamp, Plattsmouth pre
cinct. Byron Clark, 1st ward Plattsmouth.
Wm Weber, 2nd ward Plattsmoutb.
F Carruth, 3rd ward Plattsmouth.
E S Greusel, 4th ward Plattsmouth.
Plattsmouth 5th ward not represented
T K Clark, Weeping Water precinct.
J M Bearsley, 1st ward Weeping Water.
Weeping Water 2nd ward not rep
resented. A L TimbleD, 3rd ward Weeping
G D Mattison, South Bend precinct.
M T McGee, Elmwood precinct.
C S Newland, Center precinct.
Upon motion of Orlando Tefft the del
egates to the state conyention were in
structed to use all honorable means tose
scure the nomination of Hon. R. B
Windham, of Plattsmouth, for Lieuten
ant Governor.
H Eikenbary, Plattsmouth precinct.
A Salisbary, Is. ward Plattsmouth.
D K Barr, 2nd ward Plattsmouth.
A B Todd, 3rd ward Plattsmouth.
G S Copeland, 4th ward Plattsmouth.
Plattsmouth 5th ward not represented.
Weeping Water let ward not repre-
S W Fi.-ii r, 2n i w ! A i cpii. Wuttl.
V O Shaffer, 3rd v.rd U', -i-ping U'at- r.
N M Satchell. V'i'jing W t- r .re( inf t
To be supplied, Tipton precinct.
Win Weill", So Itli Kend prcrmrt.
J O McLean, Ei;lit Mile (i ovc prccinc t
C L Graves, LiU-rty prt'citirt.
J M Robertson, Avocu precinct.
Win Coon, Center precinct.
A G Cline, Lonisville precinct.
( A Hay, Klniwoo.l precinct.
A ChristiaiiBon, Greenwood precinct.
Geo E Finley, Salt Creek precinct.
A U Maytield, Stove ('in k Precinct.
Geo W Young, Mr. I'li-uKant Precinct.
R Morrow, Roc k Bluffs precinct.
E. R. Todd, I'luttMii luth precinct.
Geo lIoiiKcwortli, PlattMiiouth Ht ward
Not represented Plattsmouth 2nd ward
A N Sullivun, PlattMijouth 3rd ward
E S Greusel. I'lattsmoutli 4th ward
IlPCoolydge, Plattfcuionth 5th ward.
II G Race, Weeping Water 1ft ward
D Woodanl, Weeping Water 2nd w ard
Not represented. Wteping Water 3rd
Jas Johnson, Weeping Water precinct.
To be supplied, Tipton precinct.
J W Berge. South Bend precinct.
John HenniDg, Eight Mile Grove pre
cinct. G N LaRue, Liberty precinct.
C K Critchfield. Avoca precinct.
G W Norton, Center precinct
A G Cline, Louisville precinct.
W II Pool, Elmwood pieciuct.
I Stone, Greenwood precinct.
G W Clark, Salt Creek precinct..
Wm Deles, Stove Creek precinctnet.
John Philpott, Mt Pleasant preci
A Root, Rock Bluffs precinct.
R S Wilkinson, Chairman.
A S Cooley, Tipton precinct.
A Haller. Greenwood precinct.
Wm Colemnn, Salt Creek precinct.
C D Clapp, Stove Creek precinct.
W L Wells. South Bend precinct.
J W Bullia, Weeping Water precinct.
D D Andriis, Center precinct.
B F Milgrim, Louisville precinct
J S Davis, Avoca precinct.
G W Young, Mt Pleasant precinct.
Thos Williams, Eight Mile Grove pre
cinct. G F McNamee, Liberty precinct,
R Morrow, Rock BlulFs precinct.
Wm Vettencamp, Plattsmouth pre
J I Unruh, PiattstiMuth 1st ward.
J M. Craig, Plattsmouth 2nd ward.
To be supplied; 3rd ward,
G S Copeland, Piaitsinouth 4th ward
H PCoolidge Plattsmouth 5th ward.
S Rector, Weeping Water 1st ward.
S W Cogli.T, Weeping Wa'er 2nd
P O Shaffer, Weeping Water 3rd ward.
To be supplied, Elmwood precinct.
The convention ' was harmonious
throughout, and nominated a county
ticket composed of gentlemen who will
command the respect and support of the
entire republican party of the county,
and consequently their election is a lore
gone conlusion.
Died: Saturday, July 19th, 1S90, at
11 o'clock a. ni. Emma I. Jones wife
of Dalryiiiple Jones, aged 2-1 Je.ti.-, 9
months and 11 days, of puerperal fever
at No. 2713, Blondo street, (rnaha.
The remains were conveyed to this cit y
Saturday evening and taken to the resi
dence of W. D. Jones at No. 715 Vine
street, Plattsmouth where appropriate
funeral services were held by Rev. J. T.
Baird at 10:30 Sun liy morning, when
the remains were laid to rest in Oak Hill
cemetery, a large concourse of friends of
the family attending. The deceased
left behind an infant but 11 days of age
which will receive motherly care by Mrs.
W. D. Jones mother of the little one's
father. The bereaved baye our heartfelt
sympathy in this hour of greatefct sorrow.
Died: Mary H daughter of Rev. Geo.
R. Murray, age 1 year and 5 months,
of cholera infantum, at the residence
of A.nderson Root at Murray, Nebraska
at 9:30 p. m., Sunday, July 20th, 1800.
Funeral from the residence of Mr.
Root at 10 o'clock tomorrow. Remains
will be laid by the side of its mother
who was interred in Oak Hill'cemetery a
year and a half ago, since which time
this tender babe has been cared for by
Mr?. Root.
Yesterday was a great day for Weep
ing Water, the colored people of Omaha
and Lincoln joining in a picnic there.
As there was no reporters out from this
city, we are not informed whether ex
Mayor Gibson or Wooley cut the pigeon
wing with '"Hiawatha Liz.' But at any
event the freedom of the city was tender
ed the picnicera and a grand time is reported.