"8 WEEKLY HERALD: PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, JULY 17, 1890. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. mm Powdleir ABSOLUTELY PURE Our Contemporary Imposed Upon. In yesterday's iwsue of the Journal tip pen re. I the billowing: "Miuut 1 oYlock last Thursday morn ing, Iv White with half a dozen teams was bringing a lot of hogs to I'latts tnouth. A man named IJrown was driv ing the leading team through the timber ulong the ride south of Hock Bluffs when suddenly a man pprang out of the woods, halted the team and demandel the driver's money at the mouth of a cocked revolver. Brown told the robber hat he had struck the wrong man he hadn't any money. The robber then told him t go on he had no use for Lim. He thea waited for the next team. -As it drove up lie sprang up to the side o the driver and made a similar demand. He had .clearly struck the wrong man that time, for he had hardly got the words out of his luouth, when smack! The driver struck him in the face knocked him off the wagon and yelled f or lielp to the other on-coin;ng drivers. With tftat the would-be robber picked himself up and ran into the woods, the driyerfter him. He got away, but hap made -no further demonstrations. Friday night the same drivers brought in a lot more hogs, but saw no robber." Evidently some one imposed upon the credulity of our contemporary, and now is having a laugh in his slevee at the joke. Here are the facts in relation to the matter as they occurred and as they ap eared in the Herald as far back as last Thursday. "Mr. Ivan White, farmer and stork raiser, south of Rock Bluffs, delivered to Wiley 'Black this morning seven loads of fat hos, weighing in the aggregate 11,- j 200 pounds, for which he received the snug'um of $&;).0. He has six more load f fat porkers to bring up tomor row morning. To avoid the excessive heat of the day .Mr. White's teamsters started for the city with their loads, at 1 o'clock a. m. and report a stranger stepping out of the brusli a little thN side of Mr. White's place, and sauntering along managed to scrutinize two of the drivers, in a man ner to indicate that lie was looking for 8'inie one, but evidently seeing no chance or "holding up any one, there heing three men, in that division of the team sters, he slunk off in the brush again. One of the drivers passed some words with him, and declares his ability to identify him should he hear his voice aain. 1 he stranger stated he was coming to Plattsmouth." Watch the columns of the Herald and you'll get the news as it occurs. Farm for Sale. 240 acres of fine land, with all modern improvements, within one mile of Mur ray. Will sell all or part of the same, Prices reasonable and terms easy: for further particulars address or call on E. Beuger, Murray, Cass Co., Nebraska. Johnny Moore went to Lincoln yester day to take the place of a Mr. Mitchell for a few days, in Mr. Waterman's office, Mr. Mitchell being sick. The shot) bors think it foolish for Plattsmouth peop'e to complain of dry weather so long as tliey have ten saloons. We hear some of the boys say they don't think it will make much difference if Nebraska does get prohibition, 'for they will then have "original packages" to substitute for the saloon. m The grading on the Omaha and South ern is being done right up. There are 176 teams now on the grade between Plattsmouth and Union. is Our tine Cabinet Photos reduced to f 1 a dor.en. Proofs shown and satisfaction guaranteed. Klein & Moltz, 1312 Far nam, Omaha. wlm B. & M. Shop Notes. From Wednesdays Dally. Mr. Chas. Krecek's men returned to the lumber yard this morning, and he goes to Lincoln to run a gang there for Mr, J. II. Waterman. The boys at the store house made up a purse of $20.2.") for Mr. E. II. Misncr of South Park, whose wife lias been sick and kept him from work. Mr. John Adams, who is learning the machinist's trade, but has been up to Omaha Medical Infirmary taking a treat ment for a cataract in his eye, was seen in the ysrds this morning, O. T. Wood, who got a nail torn off his finger last Friday, returned to work this morning. Rock Bluff. Chas. Carroll lias sold his village pro perty to Wm. Hendricks. The mercury got up 110 in the shade here last Sunday and remained so for about four hours. Harvey Archer, who has been 6ick with remittant fever for some time, much better and able to be around. Harvesting is in lull blast now, Wheat is a fair crop but oats are not so good as a rule, being very short an rather light in weight. The census enumerator, W. B. Allan, reports eleven hundred and ten persons in this precinct. The amount of rainfall in the month of June at this place was inches, while this month so far, the 14th, we have only had one-sixteenth of an inch. It looks now as if we would be com pelled to eat small potatoes for the next year. The early potato yines are dying, wrth the potatoes not more than half grown; and the extreme dry weather makes it look very doubtful abomt the late potatoes making up the deficiency of the early crop. Harrison Smith went out to the stable last Sunday and found one of his marea dead. He does not know what was the cause of her death, unless she was over come with the heat by reason of her having the heaves. f vr . t tt..l,.u; 1 t - t javu jiuituiuBvu uau a umruw escape from suffocation by damps or foul air in a well last Friday. The well was the one in the cattle yard, a very shallow well only about ten feet deep, and they had no thought of there being damps in it. He had gone down to clean it out, but had to be taken out after be had sent up one bucket of dirt. Tim Shaver. Now You See It and Now You Don't. We publish below, by request, the call for a peoples convention, signed by P. Hens-haw, Jos. Chapman and L. O Todd. The call is rather vague and indefinate in as much as it refers to a circular and announces that all persons who accept the declarations of principles published therein, may consider them selves peoples party men or words to that effect. The signature of tJov Todd from the east end of the county, is a dead giyc-away on the programme. A man, who has been running a peoples party of his own from time immemorial that is, when he could get a nomination on 6OIU6 ticket or an opportunity to make a green h;ickspeech; also Jthe ap portionment will at once show the labor ing men or members of the industrial organizations of Plattsmouth city, the names in which Gov. Todd and the peo ples so-called state committee, go about political matters. Look at it! Gov. Todd's precinct, Liberty, is given ten delegates, the third ward of Plattsmouth four, and the fourth ward three, while cither one of these wards contain five actual laboring men belonging to indus trial organizations, to one in Gov. Todd's precinct, and either one of these wards pay almost double the tax into our county treasury than does Gov. Todd's precinct. Can the Gov. and his peoples committee tell us why this is? Can they explain why Louisville precinct has only five delegates under this call and Center and Eight Mile Groye have ten each? If the call is what it pretends to be "based on the industrial organizations in the wards and precincts" then the dis honesty of the performance is so appar ent that it "suicides abornin." If it i?, in reality a movement by which the gentle men in charge of it have dished up an apportionment by which they can nomin ate themselves for office. Why donit they say so at once. Inviting precincts to send in delegates to a movement like this, when they go into it with their eyes open and their hands tied, must be the work of men of Goy. Todd's calibre in political affairs. CALL FOIt PEOPLES INDEPENDENT CJUNTT CONVENTION . In pursuance of the duty devolved upon us by appointment of Peoples State Committee, we hereby announce that a people's independent county convention will be held at Weeping Water, Satur day, July 26, 1800, at 1 o'clock ,p. m., for the purpose of choosing 12 delegates to the people s independent state con vention to be held at Lincoln, Tuesday July 2 , 1M0. Alto to choose li dtle g;;tt to the Firt Congressional District Convention to bo held immediately on adjournment of state convention. Alo for placing in nomination candidates fir the following county offices., y'z.t 1 state senator, 2 representatives, 1 county attor ney, 1 commissioner and the transaction of sueb other business as may properly come before the convention. The sev eral precincts and wards will be entitled to representation as follows, based upon the industrial organization in said pre cincts and wards: Plattsmouth city, 1st ward, 4; '2nd ward, 4; IJrd ward, 4; 4th ward, .'5; 5th ward, 3; precinct, 7. Eight Mile Grove, 10; Weeping Water, 10; Center, 10; Louisville, 5; South Bend, 5; Elmwood. 10; Stove Creek, 12; Tipton, 10; Greenwood, 10; Salt Creek, 10; Rock Bluffs, 10; Liberty, 10; Avoca, 10; Mt. Pleasant, 10. All persons who accept the declara tions of principles published and circu lated by the people's committee are here by invited to participate in the selection of delegates to this people's convention, regardless of past political affiliations. The people in the different precincts and wards will meet at their regular polling places, to choose delegates to this con vention on Saturday at 1 o'clock p. m. Jos. Chapman. L. G. Todd. A. P. Henshaw. JHIVSH'IAN AM) M'lliiWiN I)i:. ALPKKI) SIIIPMAN OilW aii't lH- nsiry In furl hMl'.l't.K, Corn 1 'Main iin.l 41 ii -licet. f 1 i t -- ,Iiiiii id lo 11 a. 111. ; 2 ui'ti! I n il 7 niiiil h p. in. Surveyorn c ivii. KNiiiM 1:1: H. C. SCHMIDT SURVEYOR AND DRAFTSMAN Plant, i'clficiilliiit ami futliiiatt't. Municipal wink, 1aif vU Plattsmouth - - Nebraska. I (J'VIL K.VtJINKKU 1.111I si KVKYoi: I E. E. HILTON, Kstlmatos ami plans (if all win k furnished .ml Ofh! Plattsmouth in Martin Block. Nkhkaska Attorney O. B. Polk and Geo. W. Clark, of Greenwood, are transacting legal business in county court today. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TTORNEV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. Will giva prompt attention to all DtiPineHR entructcu to nun. omce in Union block. East Side, rlatUmouth, Neb. TTOKNEY AT LAW. WINDHAM & DA VIES. It. B. WINDHAM, JOHN A. DAVIKS. Notary l'ublic Notary Public Office over Bank of Caes County. Plattsmouth ... - Nebraska JAW OFFICE Wm. L. BROWN. Personal attention to all buines9 entrusted to my care XOTAKY IN OK KICK Titles examined. Abstract compiled. Insur ance written, real estate sold. Betterfaeilities for making Farm Loant than ANY OTIIEH AGENCY PI.ATTSM O UTI I N K (111 I SKA HENRY BOECK'S n Vm. -it J.JL IS T1IK W.ACU TO liUY YOCR FUE1TITUHE, Parlorand Bed Room Sets, Mat tresses, Sofas, Lour, gets and Office Furniture. Call and examine his stook before go ing elsewhere. Cor Main Sc. flu Hi Sr.. Plattsmonth. Neb. SWANSGK & AAGAARD, Successor to W. F. CRAWL SON WAGON AND BLACKSMITH Work Quickly and Satis faetorly Done. Call M Win Tliem a Trial. WlBSt South D The Most Beautiful Residence Locality in Plattsmouth. '.Situated on (he East side of Chicago Avenue. The most popular drive ahoutthe City. And a limit ed amount of this property will he sold at 150 to 200 per lot. 9 Purchase before the price in realty is materially advanced, hy reason of the construction of the v iireat 31. P. Railway into the city. This road is under contract to be completed on or before Decem ber Slst. 1S90. Payments may be made all cash in hand, or monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or anually as may suit purchaser. Eemember it costs you nothing to view this property. Call at our office and have a free ride, p MAIN St, over Cass County Banki