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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1890)
! i WEEKLY HERALD: PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, JULY 10, 1890. From Saturdays Dally It Is reported that Christ Kocnkat is lying near death's door at his home on Vine street. The little steamer 'Aggie" went down the river this morning with two loaded 'barges lanhetl to her bow. Catarrh cured, health and sweel breath secured, by Shiloli'a Catarrh Iteniedy. Price 50 cents. Nausol Injector free. The fight between ex-Mayor Broatch and Dr. Mercer has been decided by the delegates of Omaha being instructed to vote for Dr. Mercer for governer. Mrs. Martha Wiley formerly of Rock , . Bluffs precinct but now of York return ed this morning to her home after a visit to her husband. James Wiley, who is taking care of their farm. Col. S. P. Vanatta requests us to an nounce his name as a candidate for coun ty attorney before the republican con vention. He claims that he has been a life long republican, has never asked for office and is fully qualified for the posi I Aon, and will fill the office with credit to himself and to the befit interest of the county. I. S. Doten, Jutice of the Peace and merchant of Bristol, 111., says he can rec commend St. Patrick's Pills. "I have used them," he says, "and know whereof I speak." Any one troubled with con stipation or biliousness will find thn a friend. They are prompt and certain in their action and produce a pleasant ca thartic effect. For sale bv F. G. Fricke & Co tf The Ancient Order of Hibernians held their annual election of officers Thursday eTenincr. Following are the officers elect for the ensuing year who will be installed July 24th. Wm. Whelan, county delegate; J. A. Connor, Presideut; Jas. Grace, vice-president; P. Hanrahan, Jr., recording secretary; A.Clark, finan cial secretary; Jos. Hardy, seargant-at-arms; Dan Driscoll, door keeper. This society is in a flourishing condition, some of the most worthy citizens of our town being members, and we run no risk in saying that all good square Irishmen ahould hold a membership in this soci ety. Meetings in G. A. It. hall. The outgoing officers are Ed Fitzgerald, Wm. Neville, Lee McClannnhan. A Fine Car of Hogs. Mr. I. S. White completed the delivery to Wiley Black yesterday, of the sixty five head of hogs referred to in Thurs day's Herald. The sixty five head Jeigbed 21,630 pounds, and netted Mr. .Ahite $714.45. Mr. Bli- : says they are -- "fee finest average car lot e has handled lately, and will feed them awhile as the market is a little off just now. l'KKSOXAU T. L. Murphy was up to Omaha today. Mrs. E. II. Misner is quite sick at her home in South Park. Sheriff Tighe went out to Greenwood today on legal business. Dr. R.R. Livingston and wife departed this morning for Siding No. 7, So. Dak Miss P. E. Ruffner and Lee Allison, of Three Grove, were passengers this morn ins for Lincoln. Misses Maude and Alice Ray arrived this morning from Bethany, Missouri, to visit friends in the country. O. T. Wood met with a painful acci dent yesterday in the B. & M. yards by having the end of a finger crushed be tween two push cars. Rev. Ouist. pastor of the Swedish church of this city, departed this morn ing to fill appointments at Oakland Wakefield and Pender, and will not re turn till Friday next. Miss Libbie Ilasscr and her young friend Miss Georgia Day, of Union, were Omaha passengers this morning. Miss Hesser has just closed a successful . term of school at Mt. Pleasant district, A Willett Pottenger Drowned. This afternoon word was received in the city that Judge Pottinger wus found dead out near the water vorks power bouse and after inquiring it was learned that he went fish ing this morning and it is supposed he fell in the slough and was drowned as he was quite feeble and could not help himself much. 'Mr. Pottenger was an old settler here. He came to Nebraska in away back in the '50's while this state was yet a ter 4 ritory, and was at one time one of the leading lawyers of the state. Full par ticulars will be given Monday. Plattsmouth, Neb., June 20, 1890. All persons are hereby warned that we eh all in no case be responsible for any bills contracted by any sub contractors, foremen, or other employees, unless the same be upon our written order, tf E. P. Reynolds & Co. Contractors Omaha & Southern Ry. To Nervous Debilitated Men. If you will send us your address, we wilt mail you our illustrated phamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and Appliances and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and man hood. Parr.phlet free. If you are thus afflicted, we will send yon a Belt and Appliances on a triaL Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. I PASSED AWAY. H. C. Ritchie after Six Weekb Illness Died at 2:30 O'clock Yesterday Died, at 2:30 o'clock, Friday, July 11th 181)0, t brain fever, Harry C, Ritchie. Deceased whs born in Madison, In diana nr.d whs 42 yeirs of age. He was a man of rare business qualification, having held various positions and filled them with ability nud uioi-t tnergttiCHlly. He leaves it wife mikI two little daughters of tender years to mourn his loss. The funeral will take place tomorrow morn- j ing at 9 o'clock, from his late resid.nce. The fire department assisted by the Royal Arcanum, both of which he was a member, will have charge of the funeral. The Hkkald extends sympathy to the bereaved fannlv. Resolutions of Respect. Resolutions adopted bv the Platts mouth fire department at their meeting last evening. WnEREAS, It has pleased the All-wise Provi'lent to remove from our number our brother in the department, Harry C. Ritchie, be it, Resolved, That by his death the fire department of Plattsmouth lost a worthy and active member, his loved ones a loving husband and father, and in this their hour of grief and sorrow, the sym pathy of the tire department is most heartily tendered them. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be forwarded to the family of the deceased brother and also be spread upon the journal of the department. D. M. Jones ) Frank J. Morgan Committee. Sam Patterson. ) Trial of Davles Assailants. The outcome of the shameful attack made upon Mr. John A. Darjas yester day afternoon by the man Askins and young Sage, is a long and tedious trial of the assailants today in the comity court to a jury upon the charge of as sault and battery, Attorneys A N. Sullivan and D O. Dwyer, prosecuting County Attorney Gerlng being u. ent from the city, and Attorneys O. H. JUl lou and S. P. Vanatta, defending. A multitude of witnesses has been intro duced and at this writing the case is be ing ar.u d to the jury. As to the facts in the case, there seemed to be but little contention except some witnesses diet not see bage as an attacking party, but that Askins contin ued his attack and Davies only trying to avoid his assailant, seemed to be the im pression of most all the witnesses. No matter what the verdict of the jury may be in this case, the Herald has no disposition to write up inflammatory ar ticles that may keep men arrayed against enrh other, but nrefer to see peace and harmocv among our citizens. As we go to press the case has not yet been snbmitted to the jury, and shall nut be able to rive the verdict till Mondav. Who Broke O'Neill's Ciass. Some weeks ago, it will be remembered one of the lartre flint mate ulass was c broken at night time in the O'Neill building in which Gering & Co keep their drug business. It was a mystery,, till within a week or two ago, who the perpetrater of the deed was, when it came to light that a company of young men were loitering about the front of , the store, and it is alleged that one, Jack H anrahan, of the company struck the glass with a shrub, shattering it to pieces, then the parties present agreed among themselves not to divulge the name of the guilty party, and that one of the police knew the whole party, but re maiped quiet about the matter because his brother was connected with it, and thereby shifted the blame on to Jim Grace ' for not being more vigilant andpreventing the unlawful act. But not long agoit came out who the guilty ones were and they very gladly compromised the matter with O.Neill by paying him f o0, for a glass that to re place cost him $60. These are the facts as we have been able to gather them, that HanrahanJ intentionally struck the glass and broke it, the other boys knew of it, one officer knew it and because hat officer's younger brother was con nected with it they all concealed it, till pushed to give it away, then came for ward and paid the sum above named. Tne Pulpit and the Stage. Rev. F. M. Shrout, pastor United Bretheren church, Blue Mound, Kas., says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done for me. My lungs were badly dis eased and my parishoners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining Id pounds in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial ana convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. Kings New Discovery for consumption, beats 'em all, and cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try it.' Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke & Co's., drug store. Regular sizes 50 cents and f 1. i A REST ON SILVER The Final Debate and Vote in the Senate. CONFERENCE REPORT AGREED Tlie Kepublirana Cinrui aa to 1 . - elliod if I'rncedin(j in the Fa-e aihut cring- Agninat the Klert ln Hill Wyoming a Slat'. Washington, July 11. Mr. Morg. n spokf for three hours and closed w'.'ii an jij.iertl to senators not to allow tav sMi:;tir from Ohio (Mr. Sherman) t. :iirust his stilletto again into silver. lie wm-s followed by Mr. Call, who ar ,ued against the conference bill. su.j gesting that it was only a variation of tiu Farmers' Alliance warehouse bill, and that the only difference was that in the case of silver it was to be bought outright. Mr. Plumb haid that in the particu lars which he regarded as essential the bill wan comparatively unobjectionable Mipposing always that a compromise had to be made. The conference bill would give to the country as much am ,ey uuring the next year as the free o i ige of silver would give. The ;t:uo;:nr of treasury notes now issued at uie present pric of silver was about $:$; under the conference bill it couid not be less than $to,OOJ,000, and would probably be f70,000,)UO. That was a very important gain. Mr. Vance How long will that last? Mr. Plumb Just as long as silver is , roiuced and t ie act remains on the -tainte books. Failing to get the con currence of the otlur house, sitting under .he shadow of a presidential veto that has been freely threatened (no doubt without authority) we shall get out of this whole controversy more than we have ever gaine 1 since the days of the greenback, issue, V the financial well being of the countf y. Wre 6hall get that which will prevent serious financial dis turbance in the coming season. It is o0 per cent, better than anything I ex pected to get when I learned the result in the of representatives. Mr. Vance It is admitttnl that the bill is not what it ought to be. Com mon sense would dictate, then, that we try to make it what it ought to be. Mr. Vance went on to argue that the bill would not result in an increase of the currency, inasmuch as the four or five millions of treasury notes issued each month for silver would be presented at The treasury and exchanged for gold coin arwl would then be used for the next month's purchase: and so on. Tb s sngaesion. of Ji Vance's was eoutfovtYftrJI by au Auison. Mr. Dolph said that he would vote for the conference bill, because he though.: it as different from free coinage as night is from day; and because he feared that its rejection might result in the passage of a free coinage bill. In tiie course of Ins remarks -Mr. D ijm re ferred satirically to the change of vievs of senators who had voted for free ob lige and who now favored the confer Mce bill. Ivir. Teller resented this allu-ion to himself and others, wrm said that he had noticed that the people v.i o were the most fearful of the unancial situation were those who were mit ignorant on the subject. He admitted That there was no free coinage ia tuf conference bill, but he insisted that, objectional a.v it was to him because it was not free coinage, it was a step in tiie direction uf free coinage. He (.ir. Teller had never been afraid of an executive veto. But when senators had exhausted their eJforts to secure that wiiich they bo iieved the best interests of the country required, they were justified in accept ing it. Mr. Mitchell said that he had voted for Mr. Plumb's free coinage amend ment because he favored it, and because the people of Oregon favored it. As he could not get the bill he desired he would give to the conference bill his earnest and unqualified support. Mr. Blair said that after listening to one senator from Oregon (Mr. Dolph) .vho found in the bill a gold standard, .ind to the other senator from Oregon (Mr. Mitchell) who found in it free coiu a.g. and to the senator from Kansas (Mr. Plumb) who was satisfied that it was a free coinage bill, and to Th" ?pti ator from Colorado (Mr. Teller; who was not .-a;i: i"d with it precisely, Le .'Mr. Blair) thought he would vote for it. The vote was then taken, and the con ference report was agreed to yeas, :;: naj's, 5.-G as follows: y:as. AMrich Allen Hiair ( '!-;' C'ulioin Ha vis lixn r)ol,)h ?. inlands !iVi;-tS fjirwell Frye Ha .'lcy Hi-'L.'in-' Hi-cock Hoar Intralls Jones iNev) Piaffe l'lumh "owe" Q uiiy Sr-u utters Sawyer Shermar. isjiooner Squire Stewart Stock brittle Washburn WaIcoti39 Jones (e McMillan Maiiflerson MiU-Ueil Moody IVttijjrew Pierce NAYS. Harbour Faulkner Hats Gibson be?kburn (iornian Call Hampton Carlisle Harris Cotkrell Jones (Ark) Coke Kenna Colquitt McPherson Pui;h Ransom . Tiirpie Vance Vest Voorhee ' Walthall 3B Daniel Pasco The house spent the greater part of the day filibustering over the approval o? the journal. Mr. Outhwaite, as soon as the prayer was delivered, raised the point of "no quorum." There were several calls of the yeas and nays on propositions for a call of the house, etc., and a quorum having appeared, the journal was read. Mr. Enloe of Tennessee moved to have corrected in it th-3 statement that he was present and not voting during a certain vote. rir. Rogers of Arkansas took Mr. Enloe's motion as the text of a speech in severe criticism of the rules of the house. The journal was then amended as sug gested by Mr. Enloe. Mr. Fithian of niinois and Mr. Will iams of niinois attempted to make cor rections similar to that of 2Ir. Enloe, but the speaker pro tem. (Burrows) recognized Mr. Cannon of niinois to move the previous question. The journal was approved 108 to 81. The conference report on the con sular and diplomatic appropriation bill was adopted 114 to 66. Xfcs conference report on the africul- tural appropriation bill was submitted and agreed to. The house then went into committee of the wLoie i.-ir. Fevers of Kansas in the chair) n the land grant forfeiture of the land granted to aid in the con t.rncin of the Gulf and Ship Island : a lifiad. Mr. McAdoo of New Jersey said the jie.nJing measure might well be entitled a bid "to comiound a felony with rail- 1 1 A il . 1 1 . M T A. i ! y.n-i vincn nave stolen tne lanus. it vas a delusion, a snare and a false pre- Pending further discussion the commute- rose and the house at 5:4" ad-j'.-u: ned. I NCI.K JKKKVS WORK, Proving to the Hrltlsh That Our I.1t stork .r" I-"re from IHM-ain. Washington, July 11 In February last Secretary Ti'Wit represented to the state depart. ne it that contagious ani mal diseases had leen so effectually stamped out in this country as to war rant that department in urging upon the Briti.-h authorities the perfect safety if removing their irksome and unjust lestrictions imposed on the shipment of American live cattle and sheep to lireat Britain. Secretary Rusk declared that the time had come when our diplomatic office in London should make an effort to secure this concession in behalf of our greatest industries. Negotiations were at once inaugurated by the state depart ment resulting in the removal of the re strictions relative to sheep, contingent iwii action by this government which ov.ld prevent the introdiiction of dis- ?s of sheep into this country. The b. 'sh government, however, jtersinted in ii-' refusal to grant any concession re-gardin,- live cattle, alleging the con tinued e: itence of contagious pleuro pneumonia in the United States, and that cattle aifectedwith this disease had been discovered in recent shipments to Great Britain from this country. Secretary Rntk iut-t this allegation with a prompt denial and the proposi tion that his department should be rep sented in Great Britain by veterinary iiifcjieciors, charged with the duty of in specting all American cattle landed in that country. The department of stat adopted the secretary's suggestion a lias finally effected an arrangemeu. 'irough Minister Lincoln, for the ap pointment of three inspectors for tfsa purpose indicated. The secretary hi already taken steps to carry out this ar rangement, and the inspectors have b-en appointed. One will be stationed at Liverpool, one at London and one at Glasgow. The" will sail for Europe at once accompanied by Dr. Salmon, chief of the bureau of animal industry, and also by a special agent. The secretary said that the restrictions of the BiitisL government upon the importation of beet cattle from this conntrv, upon tii groundless nlea of continue 1 existenca of contagious disease m the United States, were uniustifiable and had lasted long enough. He now proposes to prove to the satisfaction or the British authorities that no iliseas-' exists in this country to 'war rant tnese restrictions. It maintained in spite of this evidence, some other cause must oe assignee ror tnem. ne said further that as soon as legislation now pending was enacted he would in- st it rite a i uorougu system or inspection of cattle for export in this country, and all cattle exported would be so tagged that should diseise of any kind be dis covered among taem by our inspectors at British ports, there will be no diffi culty in tracing it to its source and de termining its true character. liErUJJLICAN SKN'ATOUS CAUCUS. Lortg Debate Over the Programme on the K lection Kill. "Washington, Juljr 11. The Repul lican members of the senate held a cau cus to consider the order of business for the rest of the present session of con gress with reference to the federal elec tion law and the tariif "bill. It has been understood generally that the Demo cratic members of the senate intend to prevent the passage of the Federal elec tion law if possible, and to achieve tlm purpose they are prepared to filibuster against the tariff bill and any other measure which may be brought up for consideration with a view to prolonging the session and tiring the Republican senators into agreement to a comprom ise by which the Federal election law will be allowed to go over until the next session. Members of the finance committee who are interested in the enacting of a tariff law have urged upon their breth ren the advisability of coming to an un derstanding with the Democrats, under which the tariif bill will be pulsed within a reasonable time and the Fed eral election bill allowed to gover. But friends of the election bill have brought a great deal of pressure to !ear in favor enforcing that measure to a passage be fore the adjournment, and with a view of testing the possibilities of action they have examined the rules of the senate and the record t f past contests under similar rules. The result justified them in the belief that in spite of .the filibus tering of the Democ: ..ts the bill could be passed. In support of this claim it was recalled in the caucus that when the bill to provide for supervisors of election was under consideration in 1871, Mr. Thurman offered, one after another, thirty amendments, intended to delay the consideration of the bill, and by concerted and agreed action by the republicans, under which one .Re punncan senator was recognizer regu larly to move to lay each amendment on the table, all of these dilatory amend ments were disposed of within twenty four hours. It was proposed that the senate should sit out the consideration of the elections bill if it took three months. This proposition was debated at great length. An agreement was finally reached by which the postal subsidy bills, which have been under debate for several days, will be taken up to-day with a view to taking a vote o i them before adjourn ment, anil thar oa Saturday the sundry civil appropriation bill will be called up. The caucus adjourned at 11:10, with the understanding that another caucus will be held Saturday night to come to a final determination on the subject. A;Iiatioa Under the w Law. Washington, July 11. Application for pensions under the pension law are being received daily at the pension office. The volume is increasing from day to day. It is estimated that about 30,000 applications have already been received. Wyoming a State. Washington, July 11. The president approved the act for the admission of Wyoming aj a state or tne union. kxigiits of rrrniAs. Tlte Drill of the Crark Divisions Contin ues The Contestants. Milwaukee. Wis.. July 11. The dril of the crack divisions of the ivnights of Pythias, Uniformed rank, was continued m Cold Spring pxk in the presence o in immense croml. The Mancy divis- , .no. IS. of Indiana, was the first t !iter the li?ts, and made a very credit alle showing. Austin division. No. 14. of Amsterdam. N. Y., came on the fitdd next, and tfcfir evolutions were well worthy of Trais(;. Then came the Erie division of Erie, Kas., and every com mand wad obeved with mathematica .orrectness. and as they left the field it was rx-heved bv many that they ha.i made the best showing up to date. Thi completed the morning s drill. In the afternoon the following divis ions gave exhibitions: Hastings di ! .on. No. I U, Hastings, Mich.; Saginaw division of East Saginaw, Mich.; Abimtt division. Fall River, Mass.; Fort D"ar ';rn division, No. 1, Chicago, and the Vell.iw Cross division of Alliance. O. The members of the Snpreme lodge . ore given a carnage ride around the dy in the afternoon, and a great pyro !' i-nical display at night closed tb .:ay s programme. A MOMMKNT TO CIIUIS. To lie Kreeted in New York .City by Ital ian Itrsldentft. Nf.w York. July 11. Down in the .wit Dart of the citv. probably in Litiwling Oreen, there will stand in the o.irse of two years a magnificent mon ;?nent to Christopher Columbus. Not nlv will it be a tribute to the memory f t:e great discoverer, but it will be a libnte from the Italians who have found homes in this conntry, to their lopted land. The plans and, desrgns a. - i ; a. wore cnosen at a meeung oi prominent Italians of the city held at the Oerma i.ia a.-Kcmbl- rooms Monday evening. The scheme of erecting and presenting Miis monument originated with he Italian merchants of New York, and its details have been carried out in a man ner that insures an artistic success. THE VVQ PllOGUAMME. Kttrke Wants Word from Dempney Mc AuIiflTe and SlaTin Ratify. New York, July 11. Special cable grams from London contain ths follow ing notes regarding pugilists: George Dixon, the colored bantam champion, refuses to fight Cal McCarthy for the purse the Pelic an clnb offered. Alf. Mitchell agreed to fight Jack Deiniisey in the Pelican club rooms for a pur.-e. Jack Burke is awaiting a re ply to his challenge to fight Jack Demp sey. Joe McAuliffe and Frank Slavin met at the Sporting Life office and rati fied a match for the Police Gazette belt, to take place in the Ormond club in the first week of October. The stakes are oOO. Lord Lonsdale holds '5H), which ;. to be forfeited to the American if he $ces not receive fair play. ThurHdayN Rase KhII tJ:im". NATIONAL I.EAOI-E. At Boston Boston, "; Clticatro. 3. At PHladelphia -IMtila'piii Cleveland. S. At New York New York. U; Til tsbnrK. 3. At Urooklyii Urooklyh, Cincinnati, 3. I'UVFiiS1 I.KAOl'K. At Boston Hston. 1:?: I'itMmrtr. 6. At Philur'.'-lntiia t'liil t'niii.-t. IT: Cleveland, 11 At New York -New York. !: Cnieatro, 5. At Brooklyn - Brooklyn, S; Bullaio, 5. AMBRIf'AN ASSOCIATION. At Toledo - Toledo. 6: Brooklyn. J. At St. bonis St. bonis. 13: Svfaouse. 15. At Coln.-iiii'is- Colunihtis, '.: Rochester, 1L At Louisville Louisville, 1:.: Athletic, 3. TV BUTE ItX ASSOCIATION". At Miiiiieajmlis Min'l'liu. 11: Orn.t.. 5. t Milwaukee -Milw'kef. 7: K; n .s City. 3. rtt St. I 'a u St. 1'aul. 2: Deliver, 3. At IH-sMoiaes Ies Moines. J; Sioux City. t. I.nke Flmo Hotel Stiir:ietl. St. Paul, July 11. -At ') o'clock a. in. the large family hotel at Lake Elnm was totally destroyed by ?"rc. Elmo is twelve miles from St. Paul, and is the most fashionable and exclu-ive summer resort in Minnesota. Tiie hotel was crowded with nvople, but as most of the male ernes ts do busine-s in the city everybody was. astir, and there was no of life. All of the outhouses, two !:i --.ri' barns and a new boat l:o:i--e wera ro-u-u:ned. 'ihe loss is about l..'(0. exclusive of tii!1 valuable personal ef f. ci of the guests. A General Strike Imminent. Brooklyn, July 11. There are indication.-; that a general strike of the building trades in this city is on the tapis, owing to the attitude of the bosses against th-3 tin and sheet iron roofers, who nave been on strike for nearly twe mouths for an advance in wages. leatl Stepped In. Baton RoutJE, La., July 11. State enator J. Fisher Smith, whose absence from the Capitol Tuesday prevented the passive of the lot-ery bill over the gov ernors veto, is .lea 1. He had been ilJ . .r a bou t a month. rue Strike !ireatt;ny. Louisville, Ky., July 11. The freight brakemen on the main line of the Louisville and Nashville road have joined their striking brethren of the Short Line. All the day switchmen have struck. The men on the Jeffer sonville, Madisonville and Indianapolis and other roads are expressing discon tent, and may go out any hour. Pas senger trainmen are not taking part in the trouble Ronton Saloon. "Hoston, July 8. Under the present .atute the number of liquor licenses in Boston is limited to one for every r00 of che population. By the gain in the cen sus, according to Supervisor Wadlin's report, the police board will be enabled o issue ninetv-five more licenses. I'uddlers' Helpers Strike. Lancaster, Pa.. July 8. The pud dlers' helpers in the Susquehanna Rol ling mill at Columbia wenton a etrike. The puddling mill is ehut down in con sequence and sixty-five are thrown out of work. Beverly Tntker Dead. Richmond, Va., July 5. Col. Bev erly Tucker, aged TO years, a prominent man in the history cf Virginia, died here. During the war he visited Eng land twice and Canada in the interests of the confederacy. Death of Robert B. Canahan. PrrTSBii!o, Pa., July . Robert B. Canahan, aged H4 years, who ir United States district attorney Tinder General Grant, died at his residence in this city after a long illness. THE FIGURE "0." Th flffure 0 In our date will rank a tong U$J o man or woman now living will ever dat v looument without umnir the Urum 9. It ttandt in the third place In ltf, whuru it will remain utit ear and then move up to second place in 1DU0, hcre It will rest It.r ono hundred year. There I unotln-r If" which luinuliioootm- tontuy. it U unlike the figure (I in our thiti In the reeet hat It h.. ulrciiil v .iicve l up ! Ilrtt pl.-nvi, her t wiL pt i...v :iwu .ia. M. 1 1 c.'ilI.-J thn "' " High Arm W - 1-t .". '.'' 1 1 .i.n .S.r.t lujf M.-icltla.. Tho "No. U" u. i enJor -ed for ilrst pluoc by th .Tremor IJ-r-.j"- r-t tlic- !' ri KxooMi t -n c f IfS-'.l. Ahere, afu-r u ckerecon'ct v ilL tlm 1 -:id!ns n::i ;hine of the world, it w.-4 tiwnrJcd tho oi:ly j rand Prize given to fumily sewing muchlne, nil jlherion exhibit huviut; received lower award Df gold mcduU, etc '1 Im French Government lino reooifuized Ituniiltcriority by the decoration uf Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler. I'lt-Milcnl of the company, with the Crohn of the Let-ion of Honor. The "No. " is not un old muchlnn improved upon, but is an entirely tinv m.icljiiiu, and lh Grand Prize at Pari wits awnnle.l it at the grand eit advance in sewiim nmchiue iiieclinilnm of th age. Those who b iy it can rci-t axsurcd, there, fore, Of having the very luteid and best. WHEELER & WILSON MT'O CO., 185 and 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago, A Daily Paper FOR 1 Cent a Day. A daily newspaper now costs but little more than the oid-tune ve kty. The CHICAGO DAILY NEWS is an imn irtial. in dependent nrwspaper. It is a member o i.t.- A o ciaied Press. It , rt;i s ali the new - an I s lis it o i cent a day. M ti.i:d. post paid, for 53.0. jH-r y 1 :r 25 CCiK.- pl l.iOllill i il.-S . ; .11 . er j: ice u. c: 1 1 Ch 1 MIO.-'I " ' : '''I. l'iv: Cl IIC (.(J 1 1 1 . A' N ' l;. V.- is not a ! et- 1 sheet. It is a co i paer. You can ; and still have time '' an !:on;ist u i . s v '!S d it lor it is a c aily paper tor busy people. i o - ne who has the rdvanta-je oi a dany maii S'-rviep reed i ii-r 1 . . r-. .-. t r. . . t 1,- 1 "' nt'-nt wt'i a week y ne-. p p r. ! h" ci' cu a tioii O l!ie CiliC ('0 DAILY N ! . W S is, w th a single exi f?p:on, tiie i rqf est in the Unite ! ra cs Ir exceeds that of a r i i r Chicago ia' ;es ')in' aed. You O ' jh: ;o re tl i dily p -)-t V'iv no trv tiie CHlCA'i O D AILY TARIFF UTEFSATURE FOR ALL ThP AMERICAN PHOTKfTIVI5 TAliJl'V T.K AGTj is (uiiihin;r h rao-t vuluu'ole periet of 'J ai 1 15 tlo-iJment. These are prepared -.vttb 4 v it-'v to stat? tho fucts una arpumcnf for JTot'-e tion, whether in the tnte;-e-t of liii-miT-i, htlxjiers, merchants or professionai ni-u ten I-3KIK- or tne su ricf: hi iHin 10 r.-r.w r:-. irti'-ed in separate industries, nnd i--f scc.!.: :r:- dipiitaljle facts Hmpni-ioiiS t;f w.isnv c ' of livin-r, and other sti'ifuinciits shov.-iii,- rc tx iietits t protection. .Any sm'rle one will I sent nn sei""jit ' c.'iit in stamps extpt " M aes, t-it i'i uil'i TiTitf," which will be sent f'.r 1 cents. 1 be whole list will lie sent for -tl rr-t- s -v- any twelve for 20 cent, or any livct Toi- cents, postage paid. Order by numlx'r. No. Vtarz. l--wagM, Living and Tariff." E. A. Haht- HOK.N jj 2 "Tiie Advantages of a Prote;tlv Tariff to the La'-xtr and Indu-strks of tlt L"ultei States." First Prize Essay, Ibtii. Cltaw FORD D. HENNUiU '-2 " Home Production Indfxpenhahle u a Sup ply, at Low Prices, of the Manufactured Commodities requlreil f jr the People of the Cnlttl Slates, Biul A'lwjuate Home Production of these Commodities Impos elhle without a Protective TarUf." Hint Prize Essay, 18. C. D. Todd 32 4 "What are Raw Materials? Would Free Raw- Materials be Advantageous to the Labor and Industries of the United .States." First Prize Kssay, 181). Homer B. Diiiki.l 11 5 "Fallacies of Free-Trade." E. P. JTnj.f:ii... .a 6 "Some Views on the Tariff by an Old Utu.1- ness Man." Geo. Draper. ii 7 "The Protective TaruT : its Advantages for the South." C. L. kdwards jrj 8 "The Wool Interest." Judge Wm. LAwittscK zi U ' Protection r. Free-Trale." A Historical Review. D. O. HahrimaS 20 10 Tue Farmer and the TaruT " Col. Thomas II. IriLEY in 11 Ixotection as a Public Policy." Ueorhb M. ItOlTWELL l 12 "Reply to the President's Free-Trade Met- sage." R. P. Portih 8 is " Worklnirnien and the Tariff. C II "The Vital tuectlon : Shall American Indus tries be Abandoned and American Mar kets Surrendered ? 8 13 Sarr.t In German, with Addition.... .. 8 10 "The Projfresa of One Hundred Years." Robert P. Port.r IT" Protection for American Shipping." V, i "Tne Tariff Not a Tax." Humkk u LdHKU... III " Why Irishmen Should 1 e Protectkntlfts.' If CO ' Irotection." F.. II. Ammiimjwn 1 21 What Is a Tariff ? " Answers to a WorlcniK- tnan's yuestii.D 4 23 "The American Wool Industry." E.H.AM- midoww . S 23 " Waxes and Cost of I.fvliw." J. It. WREita. 4 J4 "Southern Farmliit? Intliisirles.".. ... ..... 26 "A Short Talk to Worklntrmeri." 8 HO " Protection and the Farmer." Setjaur K. M. Ct'LLoa. 13 The America Economist, a weekly journal 0v roted to the discus it toa of all phases of the Tariff question. (2.uo per annum, bampte ooptea I. e Addrma Hexrt M. Hott, Gen. fecy. Anwrlca ProtecUve Tariff League, W.1SM, Sew V m-