Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 17, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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Crazed by Cigarettes.
Lincoln Calif
From Tlnrs Jiiy' -II v.
Hannibal, Mo.. July t, Frank II
Holme, ayed 24 year?, a n of John 1.
Holme, one f the prominent insurance
men of this city, committed suicide yea
terday morning by shooting hinmelf
through the brain. Over a year ago he
had severe rpcl I of sickness, brought
on by the txcensive use of cigarettes.
For weeks he lingered between life and
death and finally recovered sufficiently
to be brought home, but he never fully
regained his strength and viuror, and at
times he fullered from mental aberration.
He left a Utter addressed to Miss Jiiinie
Ewalt, a young lady to whom be was en
paged to be m rried.
The supreme court adjourned yester
day to the third Tuesday in September
The date in the call for the republic m
float convention t bo held at Nebraska
f'ltv is .Inlv 2titli instead of ttie 2 tli as
first fixed. The representation will be
- - -
the same as that of the state convention
The following of this city and Hurt
ington, Iowa, compose a party who de
parted this morninr for a three weeks
outing to Denver and Georgetown Colo
rado: Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Campbell anc:
daughter Olga, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Han
kin. and Mr. Geo. F. Smith, of Platts-
mouth. and Misses Jennie Rinkin and
"NVlli Co-'swell. of llurlinirten. The
pe?pl'j are out for recreation and a good
time and will adopt the camp life after
reaehin" thr mountain. 'I lie Mkkalu
Wishes them ao enjoyable lime and
safe return.
Down at the Ujutricu chautauqua ait r
Messrs. Dickev. Small. Rosewater and
Webster had concluned their famous de
bate a call wa3 made as follows: "All
those who favor the prohibitory amend
ment will rise to their feet" between sev
en and ten thousand people arose to their
feet. The chairman then said, "All
those in favor high license rise to their
feet," two men and one boy stood up
Poor misiruided bov! It was a terrible
thing to see him standing up for sucl
bad cause. His training at home must
have been in the "personal liberty" order.
Lincoln Call.
To avoid the excessive heat of the day
Mr. White's teamsters started for the
city, with their loads, at 1 o'clock a. m
and report a stranger stepping out of the
brush a little this side of Mr. White's
nlace. and saunterinir alonr managed to
scrutinize two of the drivers, in a man
ner to indicate that he was looking for
some one, but evidently seeing no chance
of "holding up" any one. there being
three ni Ti, in that division of t'te t am
ster.-, he slunk off in the brush again
One of the drivers passed so lie worls
with him, and declares his ability to
recoxnizo him should he hear his voica
again. The stranger stated he was com
ing to Plattsmouth.
Judge Newell departed for Crete this
Court Reporter Mullen, of Lincoln, is
in the city today.
B. A. McElwain made a business trip
to Omaha today.
B. F. Pinneo, the B. & M. detective,
is in the city today.
Byron Clark went up to Omaha this
morning on legal business before the U
S. court.
Miss Clara B. Paul departed for Hope
dale, Ob;o, this morning to spend vaca
tion with her parents.
Mr James Pine, conductor on the
bridge run, is able to be out a little after
a week's illness.
Miss Delia Alexander returned to Lin
coln last evening, after a short visit with
relatives in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Clark departed
this morning for a month's absence at
Ilot Springs, South Dakota.
Mrs. Frank Dixon and Miss Maggie
Streight went up to South Bend last
evening for a few days visit among
Mrs. A. Erickson did not go last even
ing with her husband to Vermillion as
reported by this paper elsewhere but de
parted for that place this morning.
County Attorney Gering departed this
morning for Alliance, this state to repre
fr Dr. FVhiMknecht in a land contest
uj., ! 'v gone four or five days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kichey departed
this morning to be gone several weeks to
various western resorts, namely, Colorado
Srings, Manitau and Hot Springs, South
A. Ericks n and wife departed last
Evening for their new home near Vermil
lion, South Dakota, where Mr. Erickson
will endeavor to bold down a quarter
section of Uncle Sam's domain.
Mis Sarah Walker, who makes her
home with Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Clark
of tb:s city, departed this morning for
Wee ping Water, to remain till the return
of Mr. and Mrr. Clatk from South Da
Ilr.ii. F. E. White departed foil lot
Springs, South Dakota, this morning.
3Ir. White hns nsver fully recovered his
health from Li Grippe, and will try what
virtue there U in Dakota water and air.
and if they prove beneficial may remain
there several weeks.
Mr. Ivan White, farmer ud stock rais
er, south of Uock Bluffs, delivered to
Wiley Black this morning seven loads of
fat hogs, weighing in the aggregate 11,-
200 pounds, for which he received the
snu? sum of 0. He hns six more
load of the porker to bring up tomorro
James Patterson, jr., will depart with
bis little boy, Jamie, this evening for his
California home, where he and Mrs
Patterson went t-everal months ago for
the beuefit of her health and finding the
climate favorable concluded to locate
there permanently. Mr. and Mrs. P.
Wise will accompany him to Sacramento
and then continue their journey to San
Diego, Cal.
From Friday's Daily.
President Ilarri.-on, late yesterday
afternoon approved the act for the ad
mission of Wyoming into the union.
The local scribe of this paper was th
recipient of a box of fine honey today
from the apiary of J. M. Young out near
the fair grounds. Thanks!
Union is beginning to reyivif y by reason
of prospective increased railroad facilities.
A bank was organized there Tuesday
with J II. Catron, president and LEngart
vice-president. It begins business the
first of September.
The wagon bridge bond of Nebraska
City are to be voted over. A release
from the last election was riled with the
county commissioners yesterday, and that
body requested to call another election
forthwith. The bonds were voted under
the assessment of ISS!) instead of 1890
and the 10 per cent allowed by the law
was exceeded.
The dirty attack of the Journal upon
Messrs. Windham and Davies in Inst
evening's issue, illustrates the disposition
and character of the editor of that paper
to slur respectable citizens whenever
opportunityoffers. The facts in the case
referred to are plain and were all elicited
in open court where any respectable and
honest newspaper man would go for in
formation; instead of doing so, howeyer,
the editor of th'it sheet indulges in sec
ond-hand falsehoods because he prefer:
that kind of material. Mr. Sherman can
not injure these gentlemen and the fel
ows who are behind him cannot either
run into cilice on that platform or injun
John A. Davies. Th animus of tin-
Journal attack is well understood and in
good time the Hkkai.p proposes to lay
bare a few facts touching the fellows
who are trying to make capital out of the
Askins episode.
run. succeeding him. Mr. Walter will
Conduct the business and we bespeak for
the new firm a liberal patronage.
Fatal Accident.
Milkokd, Neb., July 11. At the ele
vator owned by J. A. Connor and oper
ated by L. M. Andrews, there occurred a
serious accident tnis morninr. ine
tumbling rod connected with a corn
shelter broke loose from the jack, swing
ing around, struck Johu Nice in the
mouth, breaking the iawbone in three
places and fracturing his skull. Medical
a;d was called and rendered every as
sistance possible, but the doctor pro
nounces his recovery very doubtful. His
home is at Beuver Crossing
Mr. 8. Waugh went out to the Crete
Chautaqua this morning.
Mr. O. H. Ballou returned this morn
ing from a business trip to Columbs.
Mrs. Q. Parmele returned last evening
from a six week's visit with her parents
at Elmwood.
J. F. Wellington, Esq., representing the
Omaha Bee, was a pleasant caller at the
Herald scanctum today.
Mr. and Mrs. John Waterman and
daughter Alma returned this morning
from the Crete Chautauqua.
W. S. Wise accompanied his parents
Mr. and P. L. Wise, to Ooiaha last even
ing, they being enroute to California.
P. P. Gass will conclude the work of
enumerating the 4th and 5th wards to
morrow and forward his returns to Sup
ervisor T. M. Cook, at Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patterson returned
from Omaha this morning whither they
accompanied their son, James Patterson
Jr., who was enroute fjr his California
Miss Anna Wilson, who has been visit
ing at the home of Miss Anna Colemanj
departed Tuesday evening for Carthage,
111., for a short visit before returning to
her home at Sparta, 111.
Engineer F. S. Moore, of the Schuyltr
run, will take a vacation of several weeks
to Manitau. Colo., and other western
points, leaving Lincoln Tuesday with his
ayalild sister, Miss Lydia Moore.
E. K. Parmele, the liveryman, went up
to Omaha today to make some additions
to the carriage department of his stables.
Eleme is defermined to b" to t!.c fore in
his line of business, and bis rigs are sec
ond to none in the city.
J. R. Ihns"ti, has retired from the
restaurant business, Messrs. W. J. Mur
ray, conductor on the bridge
Fred Walter former 'rakemai
Assaulted on the Street.
At a little after two o'cleck this after
noon, as Lawyer John A. Davies was
passing up Main street he was assaulted
by John Askin, who was secreted at the
foot of Vanatta's stairway awaiting the
arrival of his yictim, and by Will Sage,
his associate, who was hidden behind
B-Miie adjacent bill boards. It seems that
Mr. Davie and Mr. Askins had a little
altercation a few days ago. which grew
out of a misunderstanding as to a con
tract under which Atkins was to repair
the dvnamos of the street railway. - As-
kins tiled a complaint against Mr. Davies,
charging him with assault and battery.
in Judge Ramsey's court, and upon hear
ing the evidence Judge Ramsey decided
the charge was not sustained and Mr.
Davb-s was acquitted," Twhich fact seems to
have mortified Askins, and being further
encouraged by an article in last night's
Journal, soutrht to take the law in his
own hucds, or rather seek vengeance for
an imagined wrong, as above stated.
Deoutv Sheriff Tiiihe followed the-
fellows, who fled through Webber's tsa
loon and arrested them and they now
languish in jail awaiting the flleing of a
charge probably for a more serious of
fense than assault.
County Treasurer's Seml-Annual Statsm-nt Frcm Jan. 9, 1890 to June CO, 1890.
3 -
h Z
; i I
Crete Chautauqua Closes.
The Crete chaotauqua closes tonight.
As per announcement the Rev. T. DeWitt
Talmage made his uppearence Wednes
day and lectured to a vast audience on
the subject of 'Big Blunders."
He said among other, things that the
big blunders men make were found to be
first, the mistake of engaging in too many
occupations. "Jack of all trades" mas
ter of none. Second, the mistake of in
dulging in ill humor; third, the mistaki
of being discouraged under b id tr at
ment. Another blunder is excessive
amusement, not the innocent laughter of
youth and manhood, but those amuse
ments that distract man from the com
mon duties of life. The next blunder is
the forming of the wrong kind of do
mestic relations.
The meanest men in the world often
have the lovliest of wives. It a man i
cross and snappish and ugly in his hoiir-e
hold, he is a greater nuisance than if h
were dead drunk. Many a man is dis
couraged by a peevish, fretful wife.
Winn a man marries it is for heaven or
hell; when a woman marries it is more
so. Niluu.on says mat a good wire is
from the Lord, " but assumes that wi
can guess where a husband comes from.
Slate lieiicral Fund.
sit- hi nl ii tr uml
Mate ei"l In il
f-iale I'uiversi y fund
S'Hte Peuitehti.iry Fund
t:te Hmicl Fund
Sial" Itiilie Kuu.t .
Htiilf Op'tol Kh-i I
Siit'e It f.r lio 1 Fund
SMte Mistitiit- K-el!e Mnded Fund,
Mate Live re nek lilem, Itv Fund
St:le SehiMil l.atnl i'.iiiu-Ipil
Stale Sflnml'rt Interest
S?a e School l.aiul l.eiie
CiMiniy Ceiitrtl FuimI
County inkiii Fuint
(.'unity l:riil''e Fun
. i : 1 1 1 Kailioa II'jmI Fund
Counti Fo r lid
I unity hatun .Ju g- ent Fuud
C'Min strive' liMug F'lud
County l il v Find
County Koad Fund
Oistrlet Koad Fund
11 triet School Fund
IMstrict cliool Kond Fund
IMr-trict School House Fuud
Teachers Fund
Saiiuih ies t uml
Kerieiiiptlon Fund
Fee Wund
rtattimoiitli City Fund
Weeplufc Witter City Fund...
Luuhville Village ruiid
(ireenwood Village Kuud
.south Hend Village Fund
Avoca Villas Fluid
Flinwood Village Kund ,
Flattimouth Precinct Komi Fund
South IJfiid Precinct Bond Fund
Louisville Precinct Hond Fund
Penalty Find
:i.i.'-t 3,
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W. H. CUSHING, County Treasurer.
Passed Away
General Clinton 15. Fiske, candidate
two years ago for president on the pro
hibit! .n ticket, died Wednesday morn
ing last at his home in New York City
The funeral will be held at 3 o'clock to
day. The body will be laid to rest t -morrow,
at Cold water, Michigan.
Commissioners Restrained.
A special from Nebraska City to the
Lincoln Journal says County Judge Eat
on today issued an injunction restraining
the county commissioners from issuing
the seventy nine thousand precinct bonds
for a highway wagon bridge voted yes
terday, on the ground that the 10 per
cent limit allowed by law had been ex
ceeded. The case will be argued nixt
week before Judge Chapman.
Equalization Board Adjourned.
The county commissioners adjourned
ast evening as a board of equalization.
but will be in session the greater part of
the month making the annual settlement
with the other county officials.
The total valuation of the county as
corrected by the board of equalization
for the year 1800 is $3,214,500.
Following are the leyies for 1880:
lenerai fund VA mills $;,int.75
Bridge fund 2 nulls
Koulfund2i mills I3.90o.33
& M. Donrt-t mills
Total 15?i
The total valuation for
7ft.884, upon which the
mills raising $76,286,14.
1889 was $4,
levy was 16
An Editor's Grandchildren.
J. Ii. Dodd, editor of the daily and
weekly Arbor State, of Wymore, Neb,
says: l nave seen me magic enecc 01
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in cases of
.oup and colds among My grandchil -
dren. We would not think of going to
ed at night without a bottle of his rem
edy in the house." For Sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptioos, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required It
is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
monev refunded, rrice L'o cents per nox
For sale by F. O. Fricke Y Co.
Neuralgia causes mack Insanity.
The highest medical authorities of Europe and
America hare recently'decided that a large percent
age of cases of insanity is caused bv the excrutiatiog
pains ol Neuralgia of the head and face. If any mem
ber of your family suffers this tormentor, induce them
to try Bailard's Snow Liniment. One application
will afford immediate relief and you will soon be rid
of a dangerous and tormenting disease. Ballard's
Snow Liniment is the most penetrating Liniment
known. It positively enres Rheumatism, Lame Back
Contracted Muscles, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, etc.
It penetrates and opens up the pores, drawing all
poisonous matter to the surface, restoring and pro.
moting a natural circulation of the blood through the
diseased parts.
F. (J. Fricke, Agent, Tlattsmouth. Ne!.
Nebraska State Fair and Exposition.
Lincoln, Seotember 5 to I 2. 1890
The time is drawing near, when tin
Nebraska state board of agriculture will
hold its twenty-fourth annual exposition,
under the new contract term for five
years, commencing this year 18J0. As
our leaders are aware, the fair will be
held on the same large and conimodiou
grounds adjoining the city of Lincoln, as
occupied the past five years. While
there already exists extensive and supe
rior accommodations, second to no other
in the country, more and better are being
provided for the coming fair. A visit to
the grounds finds a force of workmen
engaged in erecting a large entire new
and systematically arranged art hall; ad
ditions to agricultural hail, increasing its
space near double what it has been here
tofore; a new and enlarged poultiy
house; the state lish exhibit house en
larged rearranged, the water mains en
larged to furnish an increased supply of
pure water from the city water works;
the capacity of the ampitheatre will be,
enlarged, together with many other pre
parations to accomodate, among which
will be seals about the grounds win re
the wear3T may rest, shaded seats about
the show rings, and the like, for the
convenience of guests.
Every effort on the part of the manage
ment to bring out the products and show
the resouices of the s'ate is being made.
Especially in behalf of agricultural pro
ducts. This year, for county collective
exhibits, the premiums are:
For first best colle tioi ?-'50 00
For second best collection 200 00
For third best collection 130 00
For fourth best collect on 125 CO
For fifth best collection loo 00
For sixth be U collection "5 00
Forsventh best collection fo 00
The management intent on both instruc
tion and amusement has contracted for,
as an attraction, the Coup equesenrricu
lum of six'een wonderful horses, the best
educated in the world their equals do
not exist. Also Professor Freyer's edu -
cated dogs. These wonderful animals
perform military drill with equal precis-
sion as old soldiers, and actually perform
theatrical plays, presenting marvellous
and highly educational exhibitions. They
will astonish, pleaae, amaze and amuse,
not only the young, but the old as well.
A practically illustration of the power of
education, showing to what extent even
the dumb animals of creation can be ed
From an interview with the secretary
we learn that negotiations are pending,
with promise, of putting a "fast stepper"
on the race track, that will chase two
minutes closer than ever before known I
on the Nebraska state fair, or any other
track in the world.
No pains will be spared this year to
make the coining fair and exposition su
perior in all respects to any of its prede
cessors. A general public interest is be
ing manifested of most encouraging
character. Live stock stables, stalls and
pens are being called for more than usual.
Speed purses are filling up nicely. The
two large purses one thousand dollars
each gurrantee, are already filled to over
flow. Space, too, in all the halls is large
ly engaged even at this date. The secre
tary says: "All looks big! If the clerk
of the weather smiles on us as usual the
fair of 1890 will eclipse all others in the
history of the state."
For information write the secretary,
Robt. W. Furnas, Brownville. "His
business" is to "difuse light and infor
mation' in fair matters.
E. W. Potteis the post master at Elm
Creek, Neb., says he has personal
knowledge of several cases of rheuma
tism, in that vicinity, that have been
permanently cured by Chamberlain's
Pain lialm, after other remedies were
used without benefit. He sold it at his
drug store there for five years and says
he never knew it to fail, that "any cus
t ome who once us s Chamhci lin's Pain
15alm will have nothing else instead."
For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. tf
We have sould out our business to
Messrs. Hogaard it Swanson. and any
one owing us will please call and pay the
W. F. CitAciM- & Son.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no special men
tion. All who have used El ctric Hit
ters sing the sun? song of prtiis.- A
purer medicine dm s mt ixist. n : i i
guaranteed to iU all iliat L- claimed.
Electric Hitleir will cine 1 11 eu.-i s of
tin; Liver and Kidi:i-v. will r move pim
ples, u- 11s, ut Jiii urn and other ai'rc
tions caused by impure blood. Will
drive Malaria from th-- sxstcin and pre
vent as well as cure all .Malarial levers.
For cure of Headache, Constipation
and Indigestion trj- Electric Hitters En
tire satisfaction guaranteed, or money
refunded. I'nc 00 cents and fl per
bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co s , drugstore.
IlaUnii returned from college I am now pre
pared to do it 11 kinds of denial wink by
tlielatect improved melii. dx.
Bridge workjand fine gold work a
I)K. STKINAUS LOCAL as well as other n
estlieticsniveu lortlie pai 11 less extraction of
0. A. MARSHALL, - Fit.gerald Block
The Boss Tailor
Ma Over Merges' Shoe Store.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Bby wai aick, we gave her Castoria.
When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Kiss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave tbera Castoria.
Advice of a Prominent Land Broker
Rheumatic Syrup Co., Jackson, MicTi:
Gents: In February, 1889, I com
menced using Uibbard's Rheumatic Syrup
and Strengthening Plasters for inflam
matory rheumatism, having been troubled
three years with this terrible disease. My
joints were swolen so that I could hardly
walk and I attended to my business with
difficulty. I used three bottles and ap
plied the plasters to my limbs and back,
and I can say that I am now cured. I
have not been troubled with rheumatism
since discontinuing its use. My father-in-law,
Mr. J. D. Skinner, of Manson, has al
so been benefitted by this medicine. We
earnestly recommend it to our friends.
Take my advice, give it a trial.
C. R. NrcnoLsoN,
Manson, Iowa.
Ask your druggiet for it.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver complaint? Shilch's Vitalizcr is
guaranteed to cure you. For sale by F.
Q. Fricki; and O. II. Snyder. 1
Vallery's Meat Market
10-") r Cth st., Union Block, formerly
415 Main street.
A Splendid Market, where Everything
kept is First Class. We aim to
please, and solicit the Patron
age of the Public.
Has the pest and most complete stock
01 somples, poth foreign and .domestic
'""'tu' hi" byci ciime west 01 iuisfioun
river. Note these prices: Business suits
from Ki to f :ir, dress suits, f 2? to $45,
pants $4, $5, 0, .(5..r,0 and upwards.
tSTYVill guarantee- h fit.
Prices Defy Comoetition.
County Surveyor
All orders left with County Clerk will
receive prompt attention.
217, 219, 221 and 2 Z Main St.,
Plattsmouth, - Nebraska.
H. M, B0NS, Proprietor,
The Perkins has been thoroughly
renoyated from top to bottom and is
now one of the best hotels in the state.
Boarders will be taken by the week at
$4.50 and up.
L. C. S1IAKP & CO.
Building, Repairing and Setting up Ma
chinery and Ironwork
gave, fish and othkr delicacies
in season.
By fair and In nest dealing I i-.vpert tu
merit a share of the trrnK.
l:;i lm. .1. Ii. VALLEIiV. Prop
A pocket pincushion free to Smokers of
1 1 " 1 1 ii
Special attention giver, to
Repairing and Overhauling-
Saw Mill. Hour Mill. Elevator, and Farm
clur ery. Portable Kp'-mc". Uutehfrs. leather
workers and Store Maokinery. iTiiitfn I'recs
Bievcl". Mowers. Sewlnc Machine?.
Tyre Wr ter. Gas aiid Oaeoline attac'imentft
aIo Electrical. hxpc-ritm-iitHi anri Mod-l Work
Grindiiji:. Lock fiitfiiiit. .Stencil cutting. En
travitig. etc.
1 JK