Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 10, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
Evecybotlj" Reads the Daily Herald.
From Wednesday Daily.
Nebraska City is happy once more
this time ehe raises cain in a Methodist
1 emp meeting.
Shilo's vitalizer is what you need for
constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness,
nd all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price
10 and 75 cents per bottle. 4
The household of Mr. and Mrs. Dal
Jones, of Omaha, was gladdened yester
dayby the arrival of a ten pound daugh
ter at their home, in consequence of
which grandma Jones departed for that
city on the early train this morning.
Grandpa W. D. Jones was unable to go.
Col. S. P. Vanatta requenta ua to an
nounce his name as a candidate for coun
ty attorney before the republican con
vention. He claims that he has been a
life long republican, has never asked for
office and is fully qualified for the posi
tion, and will fill the office with credit to
himself and to the best interest of the
The democratic solons met in solemn
conclave at Louisyille yesterday, and to
be progressive, adopted the chautauquan
plan of convention to be held out at the
Wabash Lake some time in September
for the purpose of nominating a ticket,
for the fall election. They will hold
a convention in this city August 28th for
the purpose of selecting delegates to the
state convention. .
I. S. Doten, Jotice of the Peace and
merchant of Bristol, 111., says he can rec
commend St. Patrick's Pills. "I have
used them," he says, "and know whereof
I speak." Any one troubled with con
stipation or biliousness w ill find them a
friend. They are prompt and certain in
their action and produce a pleasant ca
thartic effect. For sale by F. G. Fricke
& Co tf I
Last evening a party of five of Platts
mouth young gentlemen boarded No. 3
for a western tour to Salt Lake City and
for a month of chautauquan life, and
general out door recreation. The party
consisted of Ed Streight, Guy Livings
tan, Geo Palmer, Stewart Livingston and
Chas. Murphy. We know these yojng
gentlemen will enjoy thia outing to the
fullest extent, and the Herald wishes
they may, then have a safe return to
their many friends in this city.
The following is an appealed case
from Cass county handed down July 8th:
An opinion was handed down by
Judge Maxwell in the case of the Hart
ford Fire Insurance company vs. Myer &
Raapke,first in an action to enjoin a
judgment upon the grounds that the
plaintiff has a valid defense to the same
and that it was rendered through a breach
of duty of his attorney. The facts con
stituting the alleged defense must be
pleaded so that it may appear that on a
re-examination of the case the result
would probably be different Second,
objections to proof of loss on a policy of
insurance must be specific and not gen
eral as the proof or any part thereof may
be waived. Third, upon the pleadings
and proof, held that the judgment was
Bucklen's Arnica salve-
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box
For sale by F. G. Fricke Sr. Co.
Fine residence lot for sale. The
most convenient to business, High
Schaol, churches, and R. R. depots,
of any lots now in market.
i 27 ml Hays' Add
Saloons, Gambling- Hel's and Houses
of Prostitution Only Tolerated.
Neijhaska Citt, Ni b , Ji'v 7. Harry
Woodring, Allen Parker and John Liogle
were arrested this morning for disturb
ing a religious meeting and assiultiug
Rev. Mr. Taylor last night at a free
Methodist tint me tinij ir t lie southern
part of the city. They will have a trial
" We want no gospel or temperance
speaking here. We believe in personal
liberty and are going to have it if we
egg and stone all th preachers and
temperance cranks who come here. We
are a free people and will right for our
freedom. We set upon and beat the
nigger, Jordan, for talking temperance.
We egged Smith and Huckins for the
same cause. And now we go for the
preacher for talking what we don't
P. S. Our town is on the boom.
Joh nnie Donelan has entered upon the
study of the law with Judg- Ramsey.
The Herald wishes the young man suc
cess in his chosen study, and has no
doubt of Lis ability to fathom its
Another Sucker Heard From.
Omaha, Neb., July 8. Another man
has been heard from who was bitten by
Chas. L Blazer, the Don Carlos Lumber
Co. swindler. It is J. B. Thomas of
Willow Springs, who writes Chief Seavey
asking him to recover fro.u Blazer three
notes for $5,000 each payable to Thomas
and signed by Francis F. Teeter.
Thomas claims that he turned the Botes
over to Blazer to sell, and the latter de
clines to give them up. It is probable
that Thomas is in some way connected
with the swindling operations, as the
local swindles were perpetrated under
the name of the Thomas Lumber Co."
This is the same Blazer who fraudu
lently obtained a deed, in 1887, from
Carter Rakes, an old farmer down south
of Rock Bluffs, to 160 acres of land,
which deed was set aside by Judge
Chapman at the second to the last term
of court.
An Editor's Grandchildren.
J. R. Dodd, editor of the daily and
weekly Arbor State, of Wymore, Neb,
says: "I have seen the magic effect of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in cases of
coup and colds among My grandchil
dren. We would not think of going to
bed at night without a bottle of his rem
edy in the house." For Sale by F. G.
Fricke fc Co.
Cared for by Strangers.
Mis Carrie Rodney, the daughter of
a Sn FrancUco manufacturer alighted
from Nr. 1, yesterday m rning and made
inquiries of Agent Latham if he hail re
ceived orders to pay her $20 that she
had telegraphed her father to send to
her at this place. Mr. Latham had re
ceived no order to that effect conse
quently the young lady had no alterna
tive but to wait till the next train. L
E. Karnes, the gentlemanly operator saw
the young lady was alone, so he kindly
invited her to go and remain with his
family during the day, or till the next
train time in the evening. She
accepted the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs.
Karnes, and told them of how she came
6hort of funds and had to telegraph home
for money to enable her to continue her
She had been to New York, and two
young ladies were accompanying her
home to take positions in her father's
factory, and all had purchased through
tickets to SanFrancisco. Miss Rodney
had two pocket books, one containing
their tickets and $7 in cash, and the
other contained $70. She had occasion
to settle their hotel bills at Fort Wayne,
laying her book containing the $70 upon
the counter and turning around,
some sneaktmei picked it up
leaving her but $7 to pay the incidental
expenses of the entire party to their des
tination. She consequently telegraphed
her father from Chicago to send her $20
payable at this city, at the same time
giving her two lady friends the remain
ing $7 to pay their expenses, and in case
the order had failed to reach the agent
here the would wait, and they might
continue their journey. At 11 o'clock
Mr. Latham received the order to pay
her the $20, and in the evening Bhe
boarded No. 3 and resumed her journey,
and doubtless she will ever hold in
grateful remembrance the kindness
shown her by her newly made friends,
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Karnes.
Henry Cooper has sold the residue
of his property not condemned by the
Mo. Pacific railway company and is now
placing the material on the ground for
a new dwelling on Locust, between Sth
and 9th streets.
The flyer was several hours late this
morning on account of a bridge being
burned out near Ottumwa. The papers
brought down by the paper train were
therefore delayed here.
rr . .
8Td B7 Child's Llf.
tVhen mj child w bore.
doctor ordered nee of the
r FcxxIb. Khe ate that ua-
-h- :;e-r!y difl Ihsdthivo
Jorn, -ho fld the trouble
iw Iijil;reKtioa, acd ordered
" f tod ehaxif.-ttd to Liii tatd
.' v-d. Itntivtxl my child' lifn,
.ni I owe you tuny tfciii.
.or It I rurard ymr KihhJ mm
invaluable, and nufierior to u
..t'..r artlfifia foM for,i ..
MBS. A. J. blCN l"!K.
15 Indiana P'ace.
Ywtnf manr Iiutmrtent AdTanttff! '
nr all other r-ired oxi. 1
Perfectly Not-rlhe. Baby with
C '."cut m udciltio.i Of m.m,
Tr.reii Ve.. ?c. SOn. RI.OO.
A v:....: ' : . ;
11."! ir Nul"ituti
ll.-iiU:'.-.'- tf.
It Baa No Jqo
"We are ualnir In nor nor.
wrjr (oojitaluliiK forty Inf.Uitat
your Lactated Food, and flbd
It far etlts rlor to all othrr fuod
which haa Imwq iimtd diiiiur
the It t'U years that I ttav
ln vlalUim I'tiyHlcltu. 1t"
KmtiTH df t'liarlty bo hiive
chaw of tint lurtitutlon. any
it h no wiuaL"
AV. K. Ir Cot it.T. M.
ft. Juw h'l ruumlliiiir yy:uio,
: n '.iniUi, !!
' -' . v
Gorder-s Imp le 01 eat; Depct
The Oldest Implement House in Cass County.
All the Standard Goods are
Such as John Deere & Co's. David J'radley & Go's.
Peru City's. St. Joe's and George D. Browns, ol Galesburg
' The New Departure cultivator, the best that's made.
Always in stock, Received in car load lots snch as fck-huttler, Mohne
and Ketchum. Buckeye Binders and Mowers.
Of Buggies, Carriages and Road Carts
Headquarters for the best barb wire, "THE GLIDDEN" and ir
lact everything in any of the above lines of goods.
Will consult their own interests by going to J1 red Gorder, at Platts
mouth, or Fred II. Gorder, at Weeping Water, when in want of any
thing in the Implement line. Fifteen years experience has taught me
how to buy goods right, and my trade shows for itself that I sell right.
Branch. House at "Wooping Wator
wu ISM
As 1 ji Mbo
The Most Beautiful Residence Locality in Plattsmouth.
Situated 011 the East side of Chicago Avenue. The most popular drive ahoutthe City. And a limit
ed amount of this properly will be sold at 150 to 200 per lot.
Purchase before the price in realty is materially advanced, by reason of the construction of the
Great M. P. Railway into the city. This road is under contract to be completed on or before Decem
ber 31st. 1890.
Payments may be made all cash in hand, or monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or anually as may suit
. purchaser.
. m m .mm "t 1 mm
Jt&emember it costs yon nothing to view tins property. uaii at our oinee and
have a free ride,
mA Wmmm
Wil JNJ ilJiUAJvli SS UDA V ii IMS, st,