(vffriiHiiiifc m 1 IHI0ttIiJ cm A IL TTSMOUTH, CASS OUXTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 18J0: $1.50 A YEAR. VOL XXVI. NO.- J 5. ijftite s AtG. rinS&Co.,.".2- Soda '-Vatcr. Ot. Dry wood for Ml..-. W. S. Wis-. tf. Gerin & Co 8 la Water with creau i "act has no equal. Wm. Hayes is at Lincoln today '.fund ing the Nebraska Veteran Association. Wonderful Wild Grape- S...1.I Wit.-r .t . Gering & Go's. ' Great inducement in Wall Paper at Wildman & Fuller. tf h The business houses of the city are nearly all closed this afternoon. Try Gering & Co, absolutely pure Soda Water, all flavor. dGt. Elson. the one price clothier has a fu'l line of summer clothing. Ct Try one of those health invigorating Milk Shakes at Gering & Co's. dGt Nothing succeeds like success. La Kosa the b cent cigar is without a liv d for success. Try it at Gering & Co. dot The Grand Sec'y of the Rebecca.-, M.-s. Uttdy of O'Neil will attend the regular meeting of the Rebeccas tomorrow evening. The success of the La R sa is wonder ful, sold only by Gering & Co, manu factured by Julius Pepperburg. dot J. D. Graves, attorney at Benkleinan, who has been attending commencement of the Peru Normal, came this way en route to Hillsdale and Malvern, Iowa, to visit friend9 and relatives. The success of La Rosa 5 cent, depends on its wonderful smoking qualities sold only by Gering & Co. cl,st Wanted: A girl for general house work. Inquire at 709 Oak street. 4t Mits Geo. Dovey. .For Sale. A cook stove, refrigerator and household goods for sale cheap at the residence of P. L. Wise. d3t Judge Chapman adjourned court yes ' ferday till Friday morning, and went up ,,p Lincoln this morning to pass on some motions and will return tomorrow morn ing. Considering the large number of people in the city the police so far has done well in preventing disorder, as nothing of a very serious nature uas yet occurred. Yesterday Peter Perry of Eight Mile Grove came to the city with his family to see the sights, in the way of attending the firemen's tournament and looking at the circus. He hitched his team on Vine street in front of J. M. Schnellbacher's residence and at noon when he came to get his dinner he found some one had appropriated his dinner and box which contained it, so Mr. Perry and his folks had to go hungry. The closing entertainment of St. John's school will take place in the opera house this evening.. It will be a grand treat for those who will avail themselves of the opportunity to see those well trained children going through the different numbers of a beautiful program. Re served seats are only 35 cts. unreserved 5 cts. All are most respectfully invited Entertainment commences at 8 o'clock, The Great Show. The street parade given in this city yesterday by the Sells Brothers and Bir rett show was witnessed by as many peo ple as ever gathered here before on any occasion. Everything was in the parade that would contribute to make it brilliant and attractive. They gave two exhibitions, one in the forenoon and one in the evening, both of which were largely patronized by both city and country people, and all were loud in pronouncing it the grandest success they ever saw in the way of a show. Under one large canvas were two large rings and a large elevated platform all of which were occupied constantly with the most brilliant performances over given in this city. It was, indeed, the small boys' paradise, and some of the large one's too, for it was observed that the attractions did not fail to draw from all classes. It will be many a day before the people of Cass county will have the opportunity to w itness such an aggrega tion of wonders as were produced by this show . v?str An Editor's Grandchildren. J. R. Dodd, editor of the daily and weekly Arbor State, of Wymore, Neb, says: "I have seen the magic effect of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in cases of coup and colds among My grandchil dren. We would not think of going to bed at Dight without a bottle of his rem edy in the house." For Sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Anyone buying 25 cents worth of Tan sill's Punch cigars at Wildman & Fuller's and guessing the exact number of people that will attend the World's Fair in '93, will receive the snug sum of $5,000. 6t YORK WINS FIRST. . The G. F. Corcorans of York Win First and the Nevilles : Second Money. HOOK AND LADDER RACE. i A Very Small Crowd in Attendance i on the First Day Good Races I The Parade Today. The first day of the Nebraska State Firemen's tournament was a su cess a? far as the races were concerned, but the attendance was miserably poor, owing largely to the fact that the ciirus held a lare crowd from attending, but today the management expects better patro n ig'-. The track was in the pink of condition, as also were the different teams. In the Green Hook an l Ladder race there were two entries, the Nebraska City team and Plattsmouth team. The Ne braska City team whs the first to start It stitrted and the harness broke, causing a little delay, but the break was soon mended and they came down the track in 51 i. The Plattsmouth team then made the run in 50 seconds. When Geo. Scott, the man that climbs the ladder, reached the top and had started down, the men lost control of the ladder and let it fall with Scott, he lighting on his side, but fortunately he escaped unhurt. In the chiefs' race there were five en tries A. Rothman, of York, winning the 25 bidge in 11 seconds, and George Melvin, of W.ihoo, the leath'-r meda), for the slowest time. In the forty two class, hose race, purse 200, the Nevilles were the first to run in-lli. The B. & M. hose team came next and made a good run hut failed on the coupling and no time was allowed them. The York team came third and covered the space in 40 seconds and winning the first prize of $150. The Grand Island team was the next to run and made it in 43J and the Aurora in 45, ;vnd was hotly contested by the different teams. At 10:30 occured the firemen's parade with Hon. Wm. Neville as commander- in-chief, and the first, division under W. H. Pickens, formed on Third Street, the second diyision, under Hon, F. E, White, formed on Fourth Street, and the third division,' under Hon. R. W. Hyers, on Fifth. The line of march was from Third to Seventh, from Seventh to Vine, from Vine to Third, and from Third to Main, from Main to Sixth and broke ranks. The following is the order of march: Ancient Order of Iliberneans, band of Omaha, of sixteen pieces, four abreast. The Omaha Veteran Fire Department of OmaTia. four abreast. .Union Pacific band of Omaha. The Durants of Omaha. Crete hose team. Ashland Hose team. Boys' Hook and Ladder company of this city. Bohemian band. The Neville running team. The York running team. The F. E. White hose team. The F. M. Richey hose team. The B. & M. band. The B. & M. running team. The Grand Island running team. The Plattsmouth Hook and Ladder. The Wide Awake hose team. The Nebraska City running team. City council in carriages. Board cf control in carriages. This morning the veteran firemen's as sociation came in on a special train that left Omaha at 8:30. The fare was re duced to 90 cents the round trip. The" Durant company with theU. P. band and the veterans of Omaha with the A. O. II. band. The veterans were fifty strong. After the parade the veterans of Omaha were drawn up in line, and in a neat speech by Mr. Sherman presented to the company the elegant banner, bearing the inscription, "The Srate Firemen's Tourn ament, Plattsmouth, June 25, 1890." for the best appearing company. Mr. But tery, on behalf of Omaha, responded, thanking the young lady judges for the judgment they used. The following is the program for today and tomorrow: 2:00 p. m. Green hose race. Purse, 150. First prize, f 100; second prize, $30, 3:00 p. m. State hook and ladder race. Purse, $350. First prize and championship belt, $200; second prize, $100; third prize, 50. 4:00 p. m. State hose race. Purse, $350. First prize $200 and champion ship cart; second prize, $100; third prize $50. ! 4.30 p. in. Ladder climbing. Con test to rules. Prize. 25 bidge. TIIIKD HAY THL'KSDAY, JUNE 2'i 10;00 a. ru. Pompeir Corps Contest. Purse, $75. Fiit prize 50: second prize $25. 11:00 a. m. Grand free-for-all water test. HandM me $25 badge. 1:30 a, in. Hose nee, free for-all. Purse $400. First prize, $3o0; second piize $100. 2:30 p. m. Hook and Ladder race, free for all. Purse $400. First prize, $300; Second prize, $100 3:50 p. in. Couplers contest to rules, prizes, two $25 badge?. TOURNAMENT NOTES. The Omaha veteran firemen made a fine uppHHrnnce in th"ir new uniforms. They walked four abreast aud eah one carried an umbrella. A protest I) ts liven entered against the Nebraska hook and ladder team, because time was not called when the top of the ladder was reached, but a s yet ' the judges have not decided. The Geo. F. Corcoran hose company rubbed the 4iO!d Vets" awful close for the prize for the best appearing company The Nevilles are in for blood this afternoon and Plattsmouth will have the state cart this year. A big crowd w ill be in attendance todav Kearney, York and Plattsmouth are fOin to run close ror nrst aou rue state cart. The Nebraska firemen made a fine ap pearance in the parade this morning. Tomorrow at 11 a. m the free-for all wet race on Main street. The York counb rs made a fine coup ling yesterday. Thestreet car will run from IIciseFs mill to the tournament ground. The veteran firemen of Omaha added j much to the splendid appearance of the j parade this forenoon. Oregon Letter. Portland. Oregou, June 17, 1890. Editor Herald: In my last letter 1 promised to tell you some things about Portland, the largest and most important city in the state of Oregon. It is beauti fully situated on a plateau which grad ually increases in height till a range of hills are formed in the western part of the city, and is also on the west bank of the Willamette riyer, fifteen miles from its mouth, fifty miles northeast of Salem and 120 miles from the mouth of the Columbia river. The city is well built, the houses being mostly made of wood. It is a large commercial town, both wholesale and retail, and the prices dif fer but little from the prices in Omaha. From the range of hills west of the city a magnificent view is obtained of the snow-cappeil mountains in the dist ance, Hood, Jefferson and St. Helen and the range of the Cascade mountains. The windings of the Columbia and Wil lamette rivers is, indeed, a beautiful sight. Portland has a population ef about 25,000; is at the head of ship navigation on the Willamette and is the center of a large growing trade with the north and west of it . A line of steamships connects the city with San Francisco, also to the Sounds, up North Arab road from Seattle and Taconia, thence Portland to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Sandiego bay. With all these advantages in its favor it will soon become one of the largest cities on the western coast and in point of wealth I suppose few cities com pare with it. If I was to select a place on the western coast as a home it would be here but I think when I get home old Cass will be good enough for me as I have failed to find a place as yet that sec-m3 like home. The first rain since last March is faliing now. The very dry weather has occasion hard times to some extent as this is the third year of drouth and crops have been short. The valleys, this year will yield only about two-thirds of a crop. I will now stop for the present and as ray next stop will be at Seattle and Ta- coma on the Sounds, you may hear from mo again in the near future. Robert Metteer. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nausol Injector free. 2 Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by F. G. Fricke and O. II. Snyder. 1 La Rosa 5 cent cigars at Gering & Co is without a rival. dGt Cotton ra"0 ted at this office. Gt CifCo. Soda Fountain is famous for its elegant Nectar Soda. d6t AMENDMENT NOTES. ItEV. J. P. M. BUCKNEU. I have stated in my notes before that I believe the officers of a state the best judges of its laws aud their influence on the state. So I cive a letter from m Larrabe written when he was the high est officer in the state. Please read what the governor says: Des Moines, la., Feb. 10, 189. Rev. Fuller. Aberdeen: Your com munication of recent date at hand ant; noted. In reply I desire to say that the prohibitory law in Iowa has much moie than answered the best expectations o its former most hopeful advocates. As regards the assertion that prohibition has driven people.ont of the state, I think not a person has left the state on account of prohibition whom it is desirable to have return. Many of those engaged in the saloon and liquor business and such persons as are usually attracted by these in-erests have left, and the state is large ly the gainer thereby. The cheap lands of the states and territories west of us have induced a greac many enterprising j aud yaluable citizens to emigrate, inde- dependent of any influence of prohibition. : There has been a steady growth in our population, and the census of 1890 will probably show in Iowa at lbast 2,000.000 I inhabitants. The yote at the last elect- ion shows an increase of 65,320 over the caiucuuw ui xo-x acw.c u- j crease than the election of 1884 showed j over that of 1880 j As to the depreciation of real estate ( occasioned by prohibition, it is the sheer est nonsense. Values have, I believe, been sustained in Iowa as well as in the adjoining states where prohibition is not the rule. The same causes that have effected values elsewhere have undoubt- eai-v i,aa t,le,r eUeot nere- Crol)S 2row ,,trds multiply, and the markets of the world continue open to us me same as before, and why should business suffer? Money is now spent for the necessaries of life and legitimate uses instead of being spent at the saloon. The banking business of a state is per haps as fair a barometer of business as can be found. The number of banks in the state has been increased from 180 in 1883 to 244 in 18S8; deposits have in creased from $27,231,719.74 to $39,985 362.08 in 1888. I think more than half of the jails in the state are entirely empty at the pres ent time. There are 98 less convicts in our penitentiaries than there were three years ago, notwithstanding- the growth of population. Expenses in criminal courts have decreased very largly during the last few years. I send you with this a copy of a collection of letters from the district judges of our state, which will show you that the testimony is over whelmingly in favor of the law. More recent statements from them would no doubt show still more favorable results. Tramps are very scarce in Iowa. There are evidently very few attractions for them here. Probably more than 3,000 of their recruting stations have been closed during the last five years. The wives and mothers of the state, es pecially those of small means, are almost unanimously in favor of the law. The families of laboring men now receive the benefits of the earnings that formerly went to the saloons. There is no quest ion in my mind but what the law is doing good for the people. My views heretofore advanced in favor of the law are strengthened end confirmed by added experience. Our people are more determined than eyer to make no compromise with the saloons. The lawr has more friends in the .state than it eyer had before, and I am satis fied that no state can show results more gratifying. William larkabee. about taxes Union Worker. If you carry the prohibitory amend ment, say the whiskey men, you will in crease the burden of taxation, which is now almost heavier than the people can bear. A comparison of the rate of tax ation for state purposes in Kansas and Nebraska for the years 1880 to 1889, in clusive, will show how utterly groundless this argument is . It will be remembered that Nebraska adopted high license jnst about the same time that Kansas adopted prohibition. After a nine years' trial of the two systems, how do they compare as to thtir effect on taxation? In 1880 the rate of taxation in Ne braska was 39 cent3 and 5 mills on one hundred dollars. Ia Kansas it was 55 cents, or 15 cents and 5 mills more than in Nebraska. The followsn? table will show the steady increase in the rate under high license in Nebraska and de crease under prohibition in Kansas, We hope our readers will study this table very carefully: Thus, while Kansas began the period with a rate of 15 cents aud 5 mills on the hundred dollars higher tlmn Ne braska, it has steadily decreased, and our 6tate has steadily increased, until now our state taxes are not only 23 cents and 3 mills higher than in Kansas, but are 23 cents and 8 mills higher than when YEAH. NFltHASKA. KAKAS. If 0 39-5 V lHl 61 5 'M lfcS2 C7 45 1HC3 78-1 S lt81 7C-9 1S-5 77-2 3: 1R80 76-2 40 187 83 2 7.5 -SI nm 63 3 4o the state adopted prohibition. In other words, while prohibition has reduced taxation in Kansas S8 cents and 8 mills, high license has increased it in Nebraska 23 cents and 8 mills. So much for the argument that prohibition increases taxation. In the next issue we shall compare the two systems as to their effect on crime. MOTOR CARS DURING STORMS. They Will Hereafter Remain Motion less In Omaha While Thunder Rolls. The trolley wire for the Harney street motor line has arrived, and the work of stringing it will be begun at once. The loss sustained by the company during the Sunday night storm is not so great as was nt first supposed, and it is thought that $ GOO will repair all dam ages. Hereafter, the company proposes to see that no damage will result on such occa sions. uue tuj srorm is raging, me machinery will be stopped, all connect ions thrown off, and the cars allowed to stand till the storm shall have stopped. This they think will be more satisfactory to all parties. During dry weather, the olficials state, the motor wires are absolutely harmless, and are continually handled by the line men without inconvenience; but, during a storm, there is no knowing what volt age they are carrying, nor what damage may result. Bought the Box. Yesterday as farmer Rusterholtz, who lives about eight miles southwest of the city, was on his way to see the show and tournament he was met some distance out on the road by two youns: men, who topped and engaged Mr. Rusterholtz in conversation, exhibiting to him a small paper box containing $G0 in glittering gold, in plain view of course, and of fered to sell it to him for 30. The fa mcr saw a golden opportunity to make his three gold eagles and could not withstand the temptation to buy that little box; so reaching for his replete- wallet he closed the deal by handing over to the smooth young man the $30 and took his box, full of gold as he sup posed, and the interview was at an end, for the slippery pair had business else where. It is hardly necessary to say that this box, like most other little paper boxes lying around loose, was empty when its owner came to open it. It seems unnecessary to warn people against such swindlers, for the papers all over the country are full of such tricks, and have been since the mind of man runneth not to the contrary. Yet men of reason able intelligence and judgment pfirsist in takinf hold of such schemes and as often gtt fleeced with no one to blame but themselves. Police Court. Complaint was filed yesterday against James Smith for being elrunk and die- orderly for which luxury Judge Archer taxed him $G.S0. Edgar Carrell wus charged with dis turbing the peace, plead guiity and paid 5 and costs of G.C5. Today complaint was filed against lobert Piersoll for carrying concealed weapons, plead guilty and paid a fine of f 5 with costs of $4.80. Ducklen's Arnica Satve The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteeel to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by F. G. Fricke & Do. Keep cool and buy your clothing of Elson, the one price clothier. Ct For bargains in Wall Paper, Paint and Oil, call on Gering & Co. dGt For good Alpaca coats and vests go to Elson the one price clothier. 6t Burglarized O.vel!in.o. The dwelling li r Mi-urn. ilc Lenau, McC'r. a ind i.'u k i, i.li udjicent to end i th.-r .n.t in 1'nrk, were broken inf.i vi r-!Tii.iy i''innf tin: hIiow hour. At M i".'. li.t .i r h burntcd open an 1 iioiiH. IioM fj. i - ; n tty badly torn ar 1 1 1 I. ,! n . t ii i r - of va'iio it missing. At McL-iiun's the thieves got in their work more etf 'Ctually. They unlocked tin- doors of t ie dwi iliiii; Hnd secured $20 in iimney. mid two gold rings.. At Rinkrfu they hU' nmde their cntraiue by ; ; , i c inn t - t'ooi , but were not nucc -t 'ii in i4-t i i it vj i. If wiiti much booty, bjt ..j, .Jf ,ut turned things upside down. s-Hi-rliitii.r f,)r valu ables tint M..v mi-; lit o,rry off. Lock Breeders. We l.'aye it lrom h n-li'il ! source that a number of iioy., or ir-j nu n have re peat! dly l.rok- r; locki-.a' tin- Hiyh School builoing. during the las'. i-w months Hnd entered the lnil !intf tin I In-ld hiuh times there. This is a matter that diserves the attention of the Board of Education, and if a stop ran i t c put to ueh busincsH in any otli r wiy, an ex u i ; I . should be made by ;irrest and fine ol any person re peating the ofl'vni". THi FIMS STEP. Perhaps you arc run down, can't eat, can't sl"ep, can't think, can't do anything to your s,iti-f n ion, arid you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, you are t iking the first step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic and m Eha tric Bitters you will tin! the fX'ict r.-medy for restoring your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Surprising results follow the use of this grunt nerve tonic and ulter-it i ve. Your appetite returns, good di' Mion i- restore I, and the liver und kidui-is r-siime healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50c. at F. G. Fricke & Co's dru store. G Sh eplos iiioli!( made miserable by that terrible (nutfli. Sliiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. 2 THE NEW DISCOVERY, You have heard your friends and neighbors talking about itr You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal xperience jut how good a thing it ic If you h.iVi; ever tried it, you are fme of its staunch friend", be cause the wonderful thinj? afout it is, that when ooee given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If von have never used it and should be rdllicfed vith a cough, cold or any throat, hi rig or chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is gu uant.jed every time, or money refunded. Tiial bottle free at F. G. Fricke A: (Jo's uriiL' store. 0 Go to Philip Kraus for your groceries, queensware, and glassware, also for fresh vegetables and fruits. All orders promptly rilled aud delivered to any paat of the city. tf . E. W. P itt- i, tit-.; , m-istcr at Elm Creek. Neb., says he has personal knowledge of s-veral cases of rheuma tism, in that vicinity, that have been permanently cured by Chamberlain's Pain Balm, aft?r otV-r remedies were used without benefit. Ho sold it at his drug store there for five years and says he never knew it to fail, that "any cus t ome who once uses Chamberlio's Pain Balm will have nothing else instead.'" For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. tf Don't Raise Hogs to have them die from disease to whieii they are liable, if irop;r'im-o,iires are not taken to PKOTHTVOUK Ilt,l:l.S by the tiu.ely aad reliable use of the reliable Dr. JOSEPH HAAS' ' ,v Si, . HOG and POULTRY REMEDY- It Prevents Disease, Arrears Disease Stops Cough. Destroys Worms, Increases the Fiesh and Hastens Maturity. Tha sooner the system ol the hoi; U fortilied a'uinst. diseai-e. the more certain is the rtsult. Jjo not wait until your hots are past treatment. What Wise Men Write. "Hojr have died all around ma Ht differeu times, but y-nr remdey keps mine health and repays the cost in extra flesh alone." W.M, Eksst, Teciiin.seh, Neb. I rind Ilaan' Remedy is all a represent"!." John Mackav, I'lattsmouth, 'er). PKIOES: SJ.-0, 81.25 and .Oc per Package. 25 lb CansS12.oO. The Lar est are the Cheapest. FOR SALE BY 2 CFRICEE & CO., Plattsmouth, Neb. Ask for circular containing Testimonials and Insurance Proposition. Send 2-cent stamp for Ilogoly," a Treatise on Swine. JO.-. HA.W.V.S., Indianapoiis. Ind.