Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 12, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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Tlll.SilviT (,'icck Oriole Uu new paper
j.uiiii-i, ( Ly Frank L. Lcunm. ut Silver
( i ek. N' i: iska; it is u ncwi-paptr und
i i - 'i wish if sium ss.
fit. The meiis'ire is most liberal to the
silver iltf- rest- of the countr). coneed ing
reu'dy evervtlnng but ubsnlutc and im
mediate f l e; coinage, it wou'd insure as
rapid .ill ini l e.i-- of tlir etlireliey a.-i run
m iv.tlivc Imanen i - I elh ve to In- sale,
iy mm i um . i m
i m?f i1 1 1. 1 tf j " i' '
('i)('j.l..lNi; id'- recent ibc'lon in t.
1'n.i. i.mi-l tin AU'tl.'-iian sV'li m, the
i i i.l . ( .- ay- :
!' -,-.. . ., iliwlr--- nt,. "Tie: w.i
.i i . ! i .... i i,. . h -i ! . r- t .i n li Ji . V I In-
! n.f.i r:: r nrk1 r.i ..n i iiiinoj : uni
1 it u
d not - , ,
. i 1 1 1 1 1 iii.i
l.i I. li 1 1 hi i !
It "I. !:
y ; . t I.
I.- , ;;h o i i t .
:j.'l 1:
'" y : ' ' f A'. A v' ' ' ''i1"-81 fi1'1'" .--'' i"."'i v-1-v
u v. . . i - r:'. i l r :n- I"
r i . i i ! i ' .1 ' III H! ' -:i ;' .'!!
i; jiiil. re ol . ! i I " i I
'. I
. . ji
The I'atcnt 5,'x Clipper Y)y Net
lias meshed bottoms v.hich can
not tangle and lashes at the top
which won't catch in the harness."
f'J t 'Tl rif'f. rioicly Wwn.
v- t''.tj 1 . . . . Lwii s inoi.ctuviiul -i'...-rn.
5A Ironsides Sheet I'r.M'Lo?
5A Clipper Fly Nets "il:
Equal to Leather t Half tha Colt.
100 other styles of 5a .Sheets und
Fly Nets, at prices to suit everybody. For
sale by till dealers. If you can't get them,
write us.
t" F!f'"s yryv
&a ft
20 r.tlier si J 'leu iVA Nets, juices to suit ull
Wil. Av iu:s At Sons, I'll I l.A nicU'lilA.
.Sold by all dealers.
J.N New Yo k a .rett girl enumerator
proooundci I tin; eel sus i j!,i ; ii n:. aI'm so
IllUC tact to a i.i.Mlur that t.i.ry wdi
he min i in! us mh.ii i.- i -i all
counteil. Shi- i'iei in !:-i : , I. r iir.i-ti-fttioiis
hi' li.u.k ncei'iiiir ; fouml that
lie was not iiiurt' inl to min r i'iri.
Tun Sutton .Velvet tiser lis s to n mark:
Let honesty have f ur 'h., anil l.-t the
fanneis have ta.r j! iv, i f tin
hive fnir ol.i y. 'he farmei an"t live
without t!ic r aiiro i t mi ! tin1 i i:lr.' i.l
can,? liye without the i .riw i , out I i i i
can live without the i . i ; in i ni . Kirk
him, for he is i I 1 1 n; u, Why cir;;
breth he the nun :
A VI TTIN'; nienioi ial to tin- late l'-.n-Auiericnii
"mur-s- v. '. . si . 1 ! . -
in Washington. 1: . A: i a I, a in
Alio 1 ican lihi aiy, e ii'l-!:!. of i.i-r .r
ieiii. geoi',iiii!eal an.; i';, ,.rv w : ks an-.l
do. unniits It .lin- i t'n- history :;i.,
civilization "!' tie.- i v w .i.l. i'ii i;
tiotis rerisenr'-.l in lh i ctiir s vil!
make vahii'Dli' .iinl ( xt n-ive ei.i.tii1 u
tiins. l'l'esi.i- nt liaui'on S ei !..:
151 tine strung : ;. n vti.-jr s- to jr.ovi ;
a suitnlilc Iniil'iiiiLT, an t it is pioi. ,lh
its led ieation will form an ij;roiM:ir-f-ature
of th-.- ('oluii:!'!:.!, eeh hrati ..;
tw years hencv.
Tiik biircr the bourn. .u majorities af
in tile south tids year li.e i-jr.r wi!l Ie
the umjoi itv tor the rt , u'oiic it candi
date for pr ! letit in the country at 1 irue
in IS'.iJ. Win--; tic --. (!..; if' bu'.i
dozinef 'l.d f i..-" o-.ii !:n :.iv.s i:o
r t:i'l:e ois a L.ii, hoi'e.-r 'vhou' .; l;u
polls the b-;v of-taev -.-ii; have .-oun
chanee of electinsr a p.e-ntetit. ami noi
till then. T:u south i it ited ami nmin
tains the section in,,- m politic-. That
linf cannot .i..' o Umi. the south re
in iv.r- the i-o.: . ii- wnich led lo its
creation, and :; :ii it :!. - disajpear the
W.iife lioti'.i w 'l lie j.,'t;il t;) the derno
party. Ini.- i i;ospei. Oiohe
L :n era".
' Ib'S w" p ii.l in ih.u-:' ns :?'ii,'S,-
7?.- I:i l-Siw paid s ", (ii'-l.TTH.ll.
' co-t Ol !
in t : 1 1 ; re
1 .1 a? !?;!
it. rina!; arn.V. it may
f .-. i' 1 1; tlii' rear .-;.2e:'-.
N- w Yoi'K n
eil. we ayit.u for servics ren
eba'ed wh'l - !i- ::uany is only keeping a
ii. oi '-'hi - :s o:i hall i for -aene evillt
tli it ;n iv bring about a suuabnle.
Vh aid the editor of the II -raid prefer to
pay i score of teporter.- for loatfnir about
lii.' -;Hce wtithsj for new to pHyim-; the
boys r ho huitls.'.! last week and made-
g':" a:;d newsy? The Am- r-
tile ...
" Air voik done alio
. tiiei:- h: ms and leu:-.
their healih a: t iheir stfei'Sith on tin.
I i':i' :..'
p ,.- j
'ie til l!! gr.".t!t!i !i, and tin- peo
. 1 . . i- i ; 1 ' ; - ... .-,. ...-.. ..1 1
th-;;i. to sh r.v the 11. n that
v:i. 11 tin nation calls til vol Lin tt el's to
ti: ft- '! tie- .1 eg '.: st-imi- ieady to protect
tl; -.. troio '. !!
in - :c'i . ''..-
1 1 let I .). al'
Inter- ' ".in.
ii-ibl. d
e-'-l'-Cee '.II
,i . - -. lit-. i'i e in I'resid-ni ;
1 f !.; iron's -.''! tth- i rti .1 1 ui"nu- ; in
:.ti 1 i '.vli-r. i.e sM t: iiie ,
: 1 f 1 : . iei ili -e
exerci-es, ,
ns 'i ri'" ? to t ' e nn-'i!o!y
1 1 01
,;::S,. vv;:o dir.-'l tii'if tie i" niight be one .
f: i- 1 f honor i.n.l uatli i:y in this re- '
: j ... -t titting The one fhtg en-
' ' ' '' ' " . . !
Ci:c!'-s us
wiciiits folds toibiv, til un- 1 im i t .li'ject of our loyal love."
ll - ' JiiK.lI ll
r i
,.--' ' .', i A , i ' i I I. .11
v, ' ! ! in1 "ll' i'
i i ' rn. !, .-.;i ! iT
' i v . . 1 i i . - ' ; 1 .
l.ia. i ' ill Ml.nl1 Dili-
, t in .i 1 1 ; !(
'ii. hi i ; i , .
,- ::-l-r.
I , ii.; I I liC-
I It:- no ti, -
w ul l.i
o , ail
'i'l. ' -i ;r. -ai i- i 1 ion k ,!!
lit o ! I lie 1 I j! : Ml .n! ' I" o I ice
!) '.ii i; ! 1 '- m.oUi.teieii Hi, lie
li : te iu,.-iiii Lilies I' tv. i in Alii' I'H
in : Kill.;.1, If i f II. I l.eiljy hlni-!:.-!
iMihs luitiiir .-.otiih ti;..ii Us'ial. ami
i:i ijii lU.iiii s in vi r noli'a i' since the in-
oil ation ol .'train ll iVlC t;uii
!'!. - ".! it in ti-u-" t.i.o 'lie pa't
u iit.i in.- mc. n iiM!-U illy '.varm in the
inu'.l.eii; lit i in le.-. It i-. known thai the
.vintir In foiv w i- hImi mini. Client
cllanin Is are tin refnle lievvn throuli tin'
iee for the navigators, am! the hoicnf'
reaeloi. a liiotiec latitu ie than any irc
deeissoi' will cai::-e the explorers to
make the most of their opportunities.
The prevalence of her.- in the Atlantic
is ii..t it all pi a'an :'inl nmy cause a
h-rriliie disaster he fore the season is over,
hut science does not look upon the open
ino; of the Arctic seas as an anliction.
Lincoln Journal.
K in-as City .1 hi ru -i i .
The Ian-A niercun congress accom
plished much, bu. no onoress of nitioiib
can do what u n lie performi'd ly iniii
vi lual ellort. If the plans formulated
by the coneie.-s mv carried out the way
will In j.:e(ia:el for A .m. i 'ic;i:: in liiiifae
tureis ami merchant to iractimiiy ino-nopoi;..-
t lie Siuilii American tlauc. but
they must reach out tor it.
England and On many have been t
tin;.r tin ie st oi this ountry in its own
natural territory. Tn recent cone re.-.
a.i' al-.! im ii :h inaml tln v will now ie
double their efforts to n hi 'heir trade.
Am rieans iim.-i be on the alert.
SALs Or iiuhR.
'I he lirewers" ilan l inii for May u
.1 table showing the amount of la- r soil
in all theslaieS ami t ri'itol ies ot Hie
I'.dled S cites ier ti e year lt-ss b:' which
is 1 1 liined by the oil! ibsners to be ub
iul.iy itiiible. '1 here was A decrease
in tue two i)akot;.s of T.:'i7T Iviriel.'. :.nd
11 I oa tln rc was decrease of 24.2'4
In ivi. in K'Hisas 11 ib.-crease f ?,l"'0i
i ti Is. and in Muss ichust its a decrease
of "to. 724 letrrels. in Nebraska a decr.- i.-i
tj.Tti.) barrels, while in Arkansas, Florida.
Maine, Mississippi. North C.iroMmi Hini
Vermont, they report no beer sold; this
is a e.,od showing for the tempernnce
ca se in tins" states, bu. tln re was an in
crease in 'he whole of the United States
. f 1.72.1 !S barrels, tin; st ite of New
Y'-rk siM'tino off with an increase of 2!)o,-S-li
barrels followed los -ly by Pennsyl
vania, Wisconsin, Missouri and a number
of others The total cotuniption of
beer in the United States during the year
lSsJi reached the euormous amount of
2i.S;.'u.M!J ban 1. Is.
Ttie silyer bill was passed in the
house of 11 prescntatives Saturday, by a
vote of loo to 1 11), only eiyht republi
cans voting against it. Tt is not a free
coinage bill, yet it answers all the pur
poses of h free coinage bill as it allows
anyone who has silver bullion to deposit
it at any coinage mint of the Unitcei
States, to be coined into standard silver
dollars for his own benefit. The follow
ing is the substance of the bill as passed:
The bill passed provides for the pur
chase, by the secretary of the treasury, of
silver bullion to the aggregate amount
of four and one-half million dollars'
worth of fine silver in each month at the
market price ther-ot. not xceeding one
dollar for three hundred and s-venty-
j one an.l 'a 'puarter grains f pure silver,
to be paid for in treasury notes.
1 notes are t be redeemed in coin and may
be reis.-ued, t ut the amount of such note s
' ...,l..f ,..)..,.. . I, ..11 ..f ..t- .,-.- li m. I...
w'-l's. 111. 111." -11.111 U.fc al il 1.111 'v.
tin ater or less than the cost of the bul
lion in the treasury, purchased by the
not s. They shall be a legal tender 111
I i y 1 1 -1 : t of .!; debts, public or private,
and. when received L.r customs, taxes
; .i'id public dtn s may L"- tt issiieel. Tin y
; may ne eounte,! as a part ot tiie lawtuf j
j reset ve of any bunking assoe-iation hold- j
ing 'lu.-ni The secretary of the treasury
- iy, in his discretion, exchange silyer;
ntiiin - n tor tn-se notes on iJieaetnauit 01 :
tin - holder. Whenever the market price j
siiyer is one eloiiar tor tnree uuncirei,
and seventy-one and a quarter graius of
pure sliver the owner of anv silver bul- ;
b; - n m iv deposit the same at any Coinage i
... - ...... . , - 1 '
t ot tne L lilted Mates Io lie coiniil
hit a staiidr.rd silver dolh)-s f r his be ne-
mil hi .
us i i ih ''.
puM.i n
inll.a I.
i i . ". I .
! hat 1 in I
i. .. n
w i ! : ;
i ... .
I 1
.. a'. :l ,
... 1.
.li in;. ; n .C
1 1
:!n! it ).- til
t ii n n
h.we.-l !
I el,u ii.
Will !..
.i-..n.i.;:y t ;
letri- s (. i
a '. 1
Tuk otle-r' a Ci .'in in ' t f e
if I'nila
del j.hian- ( alli.i! I'.p.n Mr-, lioii-on am
pres. nt-d h' t with a !.-. ,'. to p-i-tm 1st-.
(Jenetal Wan ini-'.k''.'s cotta;; a: (' 1
May. It was a ileasant surprise to hei.
ami in a very short time she will ic-en
under her own ro ;f a' tin famous w.,i.-r
inn; place. Itian o: i-la-hioned ho.isi
with twent' rooms ami it i- sa'n;
that it U the fut n-;d esta'e that M;-s.
Harrison cyir owned.
?!..S. Kl.l.Vf.KTII W. ClIAMl'XI.Y, who
is now in L ud .11. j.nd nei ntiy Inn the
pleasure of attenduiLr a ivcption at the
court ot St. .lame.-, will contribute to the
next .lumber of Man el's I! Zll1 s ske'eh
entitled '"auht in the W 1 i : 1 ; n 1 : At.
Evpi-riem-e durinij th" London Season."
An article by Helen .lay, entitled 'The
Middle aged Woman," v'H ipp -'f in tin
same number.
" 'Funny: Well, I should say sol L..ok
. the one in siiort lace skirt to the knees,
rubber boots, bare arms, an immeii.'
muff, straw hat, and a lanird ! "What
isitf Why, that is 'A Modern Coiumbii-'
in the burlesoiie of tie t name oiven bv v.
dramatic r.lub of tlte cel. b:,i"e ! S.-vunh
llegiment of New Yurie, and tlnse illus
trations anil the account of it are, as yon
see, in Deinore.'t's i'amiiy M ii azine fo;
Juiy, v.incii has just anivd." 'I he
liciurt.s 01 the six footers oi theS.vtnth
ana ed in feminine tnym ry are about
the funniest that imvc appa '.! in m
n!!ii.nt.;ne for n lotiij time. This num'' r
also contains a bealitifiiiiv i 1 ijsii't.i "--i
artic le on the i:iteri r of Yn-e I'r. si iein
Mejrtou's house, which is of
t:- 'lis f.-r mo ;ern liouse I'm ui.-niiio. Tin
artic le, "Staidi y'. le-s'Mi of E niu." pro
fusel3' illustrated, is a:s.iir ere-'t interest
at tins time; and "Th" House Boat in
American Waters," wiii giv- a i'in to
many who are wondering how to .-pend
the summer. In fact the whole magazine',
from the handsome wnte: color in tie
front, to the "Spice Box" in the hack, is
artistically and handsomely executed. It
is wonderful how Demorest.s- Family
Migaziiie has come to the front in the
past few years, and no w stands in tne
forward rank of the great magazines.
Indeed, there is no other me.gazine pub
lished that 30 acceptably caters to every
member of the family. Published by
W. Jennings TV-morest, 15 East 1 Ith
St., New Ye.rk.
H..isth:g.s KepiiMieaii
Farmers have rights and it must be
confessed they have wrongs. Let a
farmer subject himself to a rigid cross
examination. What have I done to as
sert the recognition due to the agricul
tur d interests I What hive I done to
suggest the needs of the farmers? What
have I done to offer a practical remedy
for admitted abuses?
Such questions are pertinent. No otln r
class content themselves with whooping
it up for their patty and voting without
taking a hand in the squabble that out
lines the policj" and work of their party.
Farmers have been content to plow
and vote. They have asked nothing bv
demand or protest in its true sense. What
farmei s must grasp is the fai t that the
hustler gets th re in polities as well as j
business. After the battle, no man who
escapes, can win by skulking in his tent.
A mob, holding a pow wow. as a p;ae
ice for a great scalp dance, inspires 1:0
terror and is powerless to win a victory.
Le-t the farmers go into the council
chambers of their j .art ies an i stand in a
sjlid phalanx for recognition. L t tii in
unloose on the tracks of each poiitiei in
tin5 bloodhonn of a watchful vigilance.
Cover each candidate with the batteries
of demand. L' t each choice for ofiieo
face i t mp.-st of protests against exi.-tin
cwiiliun. Tin- farmers n: .-d not fea:
fi r(.,,jif
Keoubiie ;'.n.- in ' fight t(i a finish for
1,1: .. ..
Ol. i i iC il's. l!:v s i ; ei i "ei men las:
..C)U.t ,vll.(.j-. .,,.it t!j!. ;;lH ll!ll(i. in tvi
s nf ty, 1(,,,r,!,i pi..rty, promises
thl, ,,. .....,.;, victoiy for theneonle
' t ' -
an Nebraska.
Tiik captain of t!ie little government
. r.. .1. ...1. ; ,1. I 1 ..1- .- r ...(,,.11
SiC.imer, nusii, iwuui h,. jii5im.,1umi i.
the sealing district in I.e!:r;ng Sea, says
1... (V . . f ,.
ti .29
l-i - V V---- - -
-' ild ff Ji-
i 1 a lCT..
XV c carry i large line in
Gallon us and
fcy - - - - r, -
Ve have reduced Prices to Make
tm wirm ff, mm JTTVVnFX
he expects very few sei.ur. s of (.l.i
flaliinir V ess-Is tins veui.- T I- as. 1.1 io,
this opiuinn s' e:us to be based on a n ct; ..
correct knowledge of the situation
Sev- r.-d weeks ago the Dominion :;uthor
aliis told tln ir sealers that if they ven
turr ; into tie Bi.liring Sea waters ti::--year
tln-y would do it at their own risk
as inithi-r t'airtda or E.igi nnl!
Offer tllelli anv protection. The whoh
question is now in ni-goti-tion betv-ee
the United States and England, and
sei tleuient will probably b- arriv-d
before the catching season of 1M0 i
ended. No one knows absolutely eitln
the time which the settlement will b
reached or the precise form which it will
take, but everybody is convinced that
Anvrican rights and interests will !
abundantly protected in it. Globe Dmi
LAND. For forty years the tariff for revenue
only policy has been tried m England,
and during the whole period the condi
tion of the laboring classes been
growing comparatively worse. If tln
syst' m has benefited any class ii ha- b ei:
the rich. It has promoted th ; accumu
lation of wealth in the hands of tin.- few
and lU'evnted its distribution among the
many. The wealth of the favored class
has been wruiiT by th - emp'oytrs of la
bor from the Jabot of the poor, and has,
in turn, b -rn wrung from them by tin
bankers, broKeis and financiers It has
promoted the interests of four millions
of capitalists at the expense of thirty
mill ions of workers. Senator Dolph.
Mat a Shocking Death.
SeFi-'.uioii, Neb.. June s. -V most
frightful accident occurred last night aix
miles east of this city. As the 0 o'clock
15. & M. passenger train was going wist
t'nis morning the trainmen discovered
two men !j ing near th" track in a t-rri-
ble maneled Condition, one with his
head ci'i. hed
and clotliiiiu liicndiv ground tog.
Tin I,, iv of the of! ei man had one leg j
off anl tie le. ! of his b ulv Was round !
to shie ls. though liis face whs not nim-'h
laei-rafeii. Tin coiom-r was siiinnione.
ami the d-ad men proved to be the
Eaton bi'"t(n rs, -. !io live n--ar ii , ion,
aged about t .vct:ty eight atnl ti-.irfy
it is Mil
-ed they were run o.n
f ; :; t1
1 lr
i... i - ---.! I , , 4 1 L . 1 i 1 1 i ii I i I l.i"" ..
.oJfH. H Hi r -1 -S r f 7 1 H
r, . -?r-c
Wm .1
J aC&
fL S-: !c nnrr.nn-TC.
1 i r 1
Hi ,1
- .o,,y e--
: i
Dry (ioorts, Notions, 31illlnery, also IJoots and Shoes.
eet prices as we guarantee Satislactiuii in every
mOim kHli' mAm lm l
f I'WW frl WPI- SM . A - - - -
j ;
I .
' 'i
ni - " ii ii
J'e i eli
1 -t.i- ii.''.
i- 'I'll--
m 1 '. nougi.
i .e.. is at -
o; ; I- s n-. if,
. m 1 a , ' m ' I
ol nii.ii '
bo ...
I "li I :, i -1
' 1 . 1 . V '
" I
rn I .': !s. .s - I
it to the r .ilr
ia.i e;iial:y .
s- . v. iei , 1 ; ... , ' ; ;
FelIow:,lg ait- f fie !;..!:es !
Wuo.-e n'liji.-i ! v ieeu con ...
the M.n.-. in i P.-.. ,t'. ,0 -,
demn-itioi) i-ou.rni tie, with il..
aiiowiil in eacl; ease:
Peter Merges
' 1 ; .- : o -
.'I il
C !l
s :;;(
School house
Lots 7. S, tt, 1 ... 11 and i in ink
li. Duke's -add
J. I). Tutt
W.n v.-viih-
B S it mi y
John V-I. g.i
I .k ii . ..e.,
M-s F il -... x
: ieo :.-: -y
i i--nry Cm 1:, -i
lin. tli ck
Paui. 1 n:.ti
Itio-ki t.
John Mi; i;
Wi in'n-n
Ml'.- B.;ae.:.iei-ie;
All u .i- , son
s,: i -
:,u ' 'l
. on
1 7'i
; . 1 no
'.mo .
'. ii an -.
Van i eV"liiCI .
ev's place .
A Sr.i'ak Ti-:;a.
From Tee-clay's i ally.
The way of t!u t! aiisgre--.r is hard,
e-sj ecially when John Fitz4;:.trick ge ts cj
j his track. Ju't nt 1 i..h: :.oi last ev . g
j y oung mm nt .-r o ti e -.n- ery loii-
o! M . enne hs. n an . 1 me cd tie.-Clel k
put up soiue nutter for him
. clef'. -:- - O .;'.-!. ' I1 f
! 'W.
-ben, F: !
' : ' '.
a k,-g n ; r.;..;
thief -' Ci ee.'i eil 1 1 s! '
. -Hi o.
poii.g 0.1;
-:T th, I. e 1. d.'-'.r an 1 .', 1
le 1 -e.s V nr. n
. !, ... -,
:.i. of
1 tii'.-:: r. g.
i le sav
v i.e net-
t n;e:i lii'-r.-n'
t .
.5 ;i
1 '. .v
. i i----i -A A,' T'i.'ui 1
' 1 C3
X'- . ...
- i ,i' i, l.I, 1 1 ,i 17. I ,') ' I'l i "J J
-l:"::r Jp 5r ! Tn.'
mm 1
-ii. .5 fimitf bib; Fj-
7 ' I ir- C0 '
them Move.
v. jm. n-
h i:: li e!!::.: ' ia. slid io , n-e s-ion of 11
not;." -le it-iiji wiociilie lii I concealed
Upo . 'O- ;.-i on. F, av. r "as lod.,ed m
j ' t ' ' ':-:':: and ' o:: ; j ,j eei !'i n g t h is
lire u.: ' :.. e 1 . in; l;,ii,t aiin-t hlni
for flie i :'. 10 .t I M- g.Mils1, Marshal
li'ioi ti.- cmpl .int chargitig him
v 'i o .iu.i -.ini di.-orih-ily when
.ir.i.: i"nrr in.po-eil a tine ol s.")
: am. e.i'I
I - " 11 ' - '. L. Wiii ineef 111 ioe V.
.'1. f '. A. Lai: : . . on ion- ;it. :; p.
i In .".; . 1. ort today Joiah Fav.-r was
L".l! t e.l'i; ( lie'Kg . I nil!-; 1 is
iinle: I,' .-: 1 1 I tiii'ii S.":oe.l cost' amount
ing ' '.-ii.'". lam P.itink was uj on
1 s::ili.;.l eii i;-ge o:. v. as ti.eif .si ;t.,,f
i cosis .to. ..unling to 7. '',.
.V lie ii..e..iii w i.-i i .'..s issoeij S iturday
j '"' 7 ' I t ) Mi. -i, ..:' 'I'ci.-e, age :.i,l
I . ' 1 : 1 1 ' ' S . T X : ; 1 . , 1 . :i u . o lt ot 1 ' ' 1 1 I s : 1 1 o ; t;i .
Ti: t :' ''-' live lunn beiuj ineiei the i' ' e. 1 .: :.. ,;;., -e! e ic-
uir -it t ;e.r. io ew.iii I.;.,; -ive their
C'C: -, :.- rn-
l.i '.i.e o! .in-, n Seuirji v . . I!,,. ("itv
I o! . ei-'i.ii. l.ter on ii'l.-.i Vi-.. rdav t!iC
; jury r-tin-.i a. t ..'c K last n:gln. ;t d
Ii iv not let arrived at a vi edict.
I In tin- eas : oi' the Nebraska c Iowa
Insurance riMi.i anv agaliist Le
w.i' if owe.
-fectiye ;.h a ling tii ease
goes over till next term.
Tne c
V Even
C : v.
i Tl'tb ol am! Fuile
i vs. F.
' i triii tins i i ft i n j-
to a
f5r-..-i; llopeiess yci fv2d.
l-'ioin a n-tt r w.i-teii oy Irs .V !i E.
1 liu.'o. 't .':nt'n. S. 1) we quote: "was
,' tak'-n wit-. ' ie1': e. oi which siffie.t on
I nil l'.i."', cioj'i set in and titmliv tnmi- n ' ' n-nmoM. n foer et"iS
1' give ne- no -aying I couhi liv- !;jt n
, ?"'"' I - 'V- m;. - I f to my Sav-
i-i. 10 ! tn :: a :i th :t ii 1 1 1 11 ,' ..t ftay
j ' : : ; . 1 .1 ie '' :; . n th I w . n! i ::.i et
. in-, -d: ur i.i v". '.:;.-!., .nd wa.. 1 1-
; viscii to get Dr. iviiigs New Discovery
! 1 oi e. .li'i' in -t : on. 1
a.-::.- :::J-1 (, I
i i.e-t!-: it
k" hei J now !t
; n." Ti ial bottles
" ''. Druggi-t. reg-
' 4
1 1
I ''
.t y i ;
i : ( t- no
in ('.nil! a .. v
: - ii- for G.-orgie Ibmi
r.i'tie Vie" at the opera
I iv 1 i !:'.
ll ? t S
i'.'.V-' it' ;,(-; I
t, i
(f t
i-e-. -, .--.; .