I t vmmi 0 VOL XXVI. NO. j:. ! 1 1 j 'ITS MOUTH, CASS COUNTY, NKHKASKA, TH UliSDAY, JUNK 11', 1800. rjj iku y I) ' ( 9 1: ;i AMENDMENT NOTES. ltKV. I. M. I'l KM K From Tui s 1 i.t ly The two iiini'iKlimnts tliut will votcl ot lliis Novi-tnlM-r iiri- wnrlhv the o;inili(l ooiisi.ltTntiini of i-vi-rr voter, sin i.l every oit who will he nliVrU-d hy tbu results t tlm election. One vinviKlirient. in to s j t-h-in t lie Conr-titution of our state, that it will close every tmloon in the slute. The other auiemliDi tit. is to so change the i-ouhti- menl at Hf'sV mill, tf tutiou of our stuff that the M.-tloon will j yj,.. itsSiseil valuation of Nebraska continue in our suite itn'l can be plumed j rjjty ,)n.cinct, figures up a total of $1,104, any where f)!s. In those towns win-re tliev h ive not i bail a saloon tor y ars and where the majority do not wmit om ; this license amendment makes it possibly to open n saloon in every city, town, vll 'e, pre cinct, and neighborhood, evin if every inan, woman and child say they do not want it. This lict-ns.- amendment makes the law of the Mate such, tnat a man can open a saloon in the face of all opposition when he has paid the license. The vote is to be for the saloon or against it. Is the saloon a good institu tion, and do I want it to remain ? Do I want more saloons in our state? Will they make the people better and richer? ; this afternoon for the arrest of Alva It seems to me that eyery msn w ho is Kelley and Frank Sitztnan upon the com opposed to the prohibitory amendment plaint of John Flynn for breaking and is in favor of tlie s iloon . : injuring three cars, the property of the Now this may not be true, but it looks ; B. & M. railroad, so to us on this side. If the prohibitory i Thp C()lored mftn Joriloilj styled the amendment is a law that closes the saloon j TeXi9 Cyclonev delivered two lectures and I am opposed to that law, then 1 am . Triav an. t.ipSW niid.ts opposed to the saloon being closed. If I believe we are better off with the sa loon then I will favoi tt.-at law which continues it. How would it look to a saloon keeper, for a man to say he be lieved the saloon was a good Ihinc; tht he believed that it added wealth and oSn,ritv. strength and excellence, vir- tue and glory, to our city aud state, and in the face of all these declarations vote for the prohibitory amendment that abolishes the saloon? Do you believe the saloon keeper would understand the logic of such a course? Of course the man is honest and is true to his convictions, and talks and votes as he believes. v But what bothers the saloon keeper is i 1 . - .- - i to harmonize the talk and vote II never questions the man's honesty for a moment; he knew when he said all those things in favor of a saloon that he be lieved them, and he had a tiik with him Eince he voted and he said he had not rhanced his mind one iota. Aud the Cj problem is to be solved how a man who believes a saloon is such a good institu tion and does so much good for the state can vote for a law to destroy it. How would it look to a minister, for a man to say he believed the saloon was a very bad institution; that it produced poverty, want, vice, crime, drunkards, sorrow, misery and woe; that any city, town or village or state or people would be better off without it, and in the face of all these declarations vote for that amendment which provides for the per petuity and increase of the saloon? How could the minister harmonize the talk .and vote? Therefore it seem9 to me that any man who is opposed to a law to close the saloon is in favor of keeping them open. If I don't want them shut I want them ODen. If I don't want them de- stroved I want them to exist. If I believe they are bad institutions and do much harm I don't believe they are good in stitutions and do much good. I can not believe two things which are diametric ally opposed to each other. rEKSOSAL Thos. W. Shryock, of Louisville, came down this morning. The county commissioners are sitting as a board of equalization. lion. John Fitzgerald, of Lincoln, arrived on No. 2 last eyening. Oswald Guthman, of Louisville, came in this morning on the Schuyler. Mr. Silas Long left this morning for Des Moines, Iowa, on a short visit. A. Hoskins, of Weeping Water, is an attendant upon district court this week. Mrs. Dr. Emmons of Omaha, sister to Mrs. B. Spurlock, is visiting in the city. S. C. Patterson, the South Bend mer chant came down this morning on the Schuyler. Mrs. M. J. Knotts, of Murray, Iowa, who has been visiting relatives in this ! state left for her home this morning. Mrs. Maxwell, who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Geo O' NeiL returned to her home in Omaha this morning. Miss Almina Winterstein, a sister of Dr. Winterstem of this city, departed for her home at Lexington, Ohio, yesterday evening. Mr. J. .M. I'ifrcr-i m nci-in-l tli sail in'i llitj.-in'i' tli's (('uin-iii' ft' tli wiioiw ill'K-vs of licr r i1 'f.-r ut l.i- horn- nt ''nt- tcrson's Mi!!-, W;i-hintoii county, I'tun ami ch-piirti d oi. No. 4 for that place. M- r.i. -oryK 1'oinill anil I). M. Jones Went, as tournament tl-ly;at"s t: Mar sha; Ito wii,' 1 1 . , this iiiorniii to atlverti.-e the tinji n uiMMit an I t iul-iivor to inert-., he t tie sit t lii'ilH-e. I'lenty of tt-i-ii.. Hour, tiraluun ami i That hacking counh can be so quickly cur :d by Shiloh's cure. We uuarantee it. For'stde by F Snyder. G. Fricke and O. II. 1 Will you sutler with Dyepepsia and Liver complaint? Sliiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by F. G. Trick and O. II. Snyder. 1 Go to Philip'Kraus for your groceries, quet-nsware, and glassware, also for fresh vegetables and fruits. All orders promptly tilled and delivered to any part of the city. tf Polics Judsre Archer issued a warrant j to the great satisfaction of the ameud j ment people, and will address the peo ple of Hock Bluffs and vicinity tonight. The ninth annual commencement exer cises of the high school will be given at the opera house next Friday evening. t . . . . .hi An interesting program win oe ren- dered. Tickets for the entertainment are on sale at J. P. Young's store. An Omaha paper is frank enough to say that Monday night was the regular meeting night of the board of trade of that city, but that "Judge" Julius Cooley captured the town in his latest efforts upon the boards, and that in con sequence a quorum could not be secured. Following is a partial list of Bellevue visitors toilay to attend Commencement exercises of the Belleyue College: Mrs. W. D. Jones, Mrs. D. A. Campbell, Mrs. Chas. Parmele, Mrs. A Patterson, Miss Mav Patterson. Mrs. J. D. Simpson, Miss Lou Simpson, Messrs. Sam Patterson and Thos. Parmele. The Murphy meetings at Rockwood hall opened last night a little after 8 o'clock with a large audience. The speaker made some good hits for total abstinence and righteous living, paying a high tribute of respect to the mothers who are charged with the early training of the children. The audience was fre quently convulsed with laughter, yet the speaker turned all he said to good ac count. At the close an earnest invitation was given to all to sign the pledge and don the blue ribbon, to which quite a number responded. No admission was charged at the door but a collection was taken to meet the expenses of the meet ings, rne kockwooci iiau proying in sufficient, the management haye con cluded to secure the opera house for the remainder of the week. What Everybody Says Must be True. Every man, woman and child knows that the Sells Brothers' circus upon its last visit to this place was by far the best circus organization that ever came this way. This year these enterprising managers have formed a corner on the show business by consolidating Barrett's World's Fair with their enormous exhi bition, and after this season it will be hard for the average show to satisfy the public with a moderate exhibition. The people when once educated to expect big things, are not satisfied with com monplace or little ones. After this seas on a circus to attract the attention of our citizens will have to be of a high order, because it must come into comparison with the show that preceded it, and as Sells Brothers and Barrett's United Shows are so much larger than any other in this country, there will be no room for the small fry. These two shows will spread their huge tents in Plattsmouth on Tuesday, June 24th. AGENTS WANTED the Zacatecas State Lottery.. I.oteria de la Beneticencia Tublica is chartered by the Gov ernment and operated under Its supervision. Capital prize, $150,000.00. Draw ings on the 27th ot each-month. Tickets, $10; halves, $5; tenths, $1. New York draft. Juan Fiedad, Mgr., Box 43. Zacatecas. Mexico. Great inducement in Wall Paper at Wildman & Fuller. tf TOUCHING FAREWELL. Shepherd, the Condemned Fre mont Murderer, Holds a Touching Interview With Relatives. PROUD DAY FOR WINS1DE Bishoo O'Connor's Will Filed for ProbatePolitics at Harrison--A $50,000 Building for Colo rado Springs. From Wednesdays' la,!ly. Fremont, Nel., Juue 10. The mother anil sister of Chas. Shepherd, the young man condemned to hang on Friday of this week, came down from Scribner this morning and were this eyening granted a sad interview with their son and brother Shepherd's case was & few days since ap pea'ed to the supreme court. No stay o execution has been received by Sheriff Mallon from the supreme cou t, but one is confidently expected tomorrow. With the understanding that this would be forthcoming in proper time the sheriff has made no arrangements for the hang ing. Shepherd and his partner, Furst, who is also uuder sentence, are at' pres ent under the spiritual guidance of Rev. Fife, pastor of the Presbyterian church but they haye not yet evinced much in terest in their soul's salvacion. Waterworks forWinslde. Wixside, Neb., June 10. The water works have just been tested and proved satisfactory in every particular, throwing a good, strong stream oyer the highest building in town. Everybody is jubilant over Winside and proud of her havin the best system of waterworks in Wayne county. The Dead Bishop's Will. Omaiia, Neb., June 10. The last wil and testament of the late Bishop O'Con nor was filed for probate today. After the usual provisions for the payment of the indebtedness of the deceased, he leaves $50 to each of his servants, 'iOO to A. M. Colaneri, his private secretary, and $-j,000 to Woodstock College in Baltimore county. Maryland. lue re mainder he bequeaths in trust to Bishop Cosgrove of Davenport, la., to be held for his successor. The will is witnessed by M. A. Kennedy of Lincoln, and J, Glander, of Omaha, and is dated Febru ary S. 18S7. Politics at Harrisou. Harrison, Neb., June 10.- -The action of the state central committee in placing the representation on the basis of the vote polled in 1S8S is not approved in northwest Nebraska, w here the popula tion has materially increased the past two years, and a less number of delegates to the state convention is thereby allowed this part of the state than if based on the vote for regents a year ago. . It is quite probable that the rival fac tions in the republican ranks in Sioux countv will this vear be united. The "half and half" representation at the state convention last year is not wanted again. There is some talk to the effect that the next legislature should contain a rep resentative froni among the Sioux. Re publicans in this county want some of the honors as well as the work attached to alecting legislators. Printers at Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga., June 10. At today's session of the International Typographi cal union the special committee appointed to constder the proposed home at Colo rado Springs reported favoring the use of the Childs-Drexel fund. The conven tion was unanimous concerning the gen e-raljplan. A 30,000 home will un doubtedly be built at Colorado Springs. Blair, Neb., June 10. A woman has been the bone of contention between some of the men working on the new court house and the collar factory. The collar factory cause was backed by one Morgan and the court house gang by Compton. After a war of words both parties decided to settle the controversy by a pugilistic encounter. Both parties retired beyond the city limits, followed by a large crowd. Upon arriving at the grounds Morgan had but two or three backers, while Compton had a large crowd drawn up in battle array. Mor gan, seeing that his chances were slim and the odds were greatly against him, suddenly pulled a 44-calibre reyolver and told his opponents to disperse. This they did in fine style, and in the haste to get out of range one official's buggy was nearly upset in the scramble and retreat. Took the Whole Vinyard. Under the above heading the World Herald special from Hastings June lUth, says, 11. J. Faulkiu-r and Miss Zula Vin- ! yard were married this morning. Mr. i Faulkner is cshir at the Burlington and Missouri depot, and Miss Vinyard has for several years held the same position at Wolbach it Uracil's dry goods establish ment. Mr. Faulkner will be remembered by many of the citizens of Plattsmouth H3 the cashier for the B. & M. at this place some years ago and is the nephew of agent F. Latham of this city. District Court. In the case of Tidball fc Fuller tried to a jury yesterday, a verdict was re turned for the plaintiff in the sum of $235.a5. In the case of John Smith vs. the city of Weeping Water, the jury after being out twenty-four hours and failing to agree upon a verdict was discharged at 4 o'clock last evening and the case will stand for trial at the next term of court. The case of Daniel S. Draper vs. Joseph A. Conner, is ou trial to a jury today. W. W. Moore, of the Grand Opera House, Des Moines, is an early settler in that part of Iowa, and has had a great deal of experience in his time. He says: '"At various times I have had acute attacks of bilious colic and violent pains in the stomach, and found nothing that gave me relief like Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Every person," he says, "should have a ottle." For sale by F. G. Fricke PERSONAL Prof. Beck went to Council Bluffs yesterday. Wm. Fraus, the Union merchant, is in the city on business today, Attorney Jesse Root made a business trip to the metropolis today. Mr. L. G. Knotts, of Council Bluffs, was yisiting the Herald folks today. II. M. Bons and little daughter, Neva, were Omaha passengers this morning. Mr. Chas. Eads and wife were passen gers yesterday for Burlington for a visit with relatives in that city. John Donelau, one of the messenger boys, was a passenger to the Bellevue commencement, this morning. Owen McGlynn, who has been a faith ful clerk in the grocery store of A. Clark for several yeais, now takes a position in the B. & M. shops. W. S. Wise had the misfortune to lose his fine nag, '"Kittie," last night. This was a valuable animal and had shown some good points for speed. C. II. Petersen, the ferryman, called on the Herald this morning, and reports travel still impeded by reason of the high water on the Missouri bottoms. J. D. Patterson, county surveyor of Sarpy county, came down last evening, and returned to La Platte this morning where he is doing surveyor's work. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson arrived on No. 5 this morning, from Keokuk, la., bearing with them the remains of tHeir little girl babe that died there the 23th. List of Letters Remaining unclaimed, in the postoffice at Plattsmouth, Neb., June 11, 1890, for the week ending June 4, 1890: Blnegan, G Clark, Fiuma Edson, G B Bafkstrom, Emma Chilson, Mrs Alice Gough S. Hoffman, Frank Smith, Mrs Mary Thomas, Mrs Francis "Wedworth, Ester Wiley, Josie Gilliam, William Jay, Miss J L SDyder, Joseph AValliege, Miss Edna "Wiilison, Elizabeth Persons calling for the above letters will please say "advertised." IIesry J. Streight, P. M. Eupepsy. This is what you ought to have, in fact you must have ft to fully enjoy life. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. "We guar antee that Electric Eitters if used ac cording to directions and the use persist ed in, will bring you good digestion and oust the demon dpspepsia and in- tall instead eupepsy. We reccomend Electric Bitters for dyspepsia and all di seases of the liver, stomach and kidneys. Sold at 50 n.id 1.00 a bottle by F. G. Fricke & Cu. 4 L S. Doten, Jutice of the Peace and merchant of Bristol, III., says he can rec conimend Sf. Patrick's Pills. "I have used them," he says, "and know whereof I speak." Any one troubled with con stipation or biliousness will find them a friend. They are prompt and certain in their action and produce a pleasant ca thartic effect. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co tf PEE Full upper or lower set ofteelli lor . fiUiirnnleCMl lo he t lie same us those lor v liirh ,;,, dentists charge K 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed or 2Icner refunded. The only perfect and reliable w.ty Gold, Silver, and Ho;?e Filling a. i i i. .l IU f OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL Kl'.JUI' O 'IC. DR. WITHERS f nion H o'k Dentist 't Saved my Child'. Life. When my child was born, il'.x-tor onli-red one of the r Fo'U. Hhe ate that un ,. -h- ne:.r!y died. Ihadthn :-tors, rho caiil the trouble s Iri'lij.'wtion, mil ordered !bi- focd cli.'iiitrud to Lai-tstod i". cut. It saved n:y child's life, il l I owe yoM vmuy ti;;i::l: 'it it. I regard your Fo-i! as iii -siuabie, ana tmjx rior : !') .r ariiGcinl foil fVrL;.'; -. Me -. A. -T. I;i:ti.i.ii. FOR INFANTS and INVALIDS THE PHYSICIAN'S FAVORITE. Tost- manv Important Advaiitir-B vur all other pn-pared 1-'oh1m. DAB US CRY FOR IT. INVALIDS RELISH IT. r?':V.rt;y HourieheE a 2nby with j cv v. '. r.OL : t15 a Jair-on or m:lk. WELLS. Kv Isl Menoiii File This file is a record, where all suspense items can he recorded and each item, as consecutively dated, will take its "place a he tront" and stare you in the face, until such stem shall have attention. Especially adapted to recording for future attention t-uch mat ters as appointments, Payment of Life Insurance I'reiniini!-, Renewal of Fire Insurance, Tpecial collections, Promise to pay, Dr. or (Jr., Payment of taxes, Dates set lor suits, Expiration of time ioi appeal, Business men who see these tiles, as a rule, buy them. f Price, with ink wells and full supply of memorar lum cards complete. $2.50 H EARL, General Agent. 4 135 Burr Block, Lincoln, Neb., Agents Wanted Insure your property against fire, lightning and -. Tornado in tlie AMAZON INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Cmcinnatti, Ohio. Commcacect Business October 1S71 CASH CAPITAL Stockholders individually liahle , of Ohio waich together with the present net surplus is a net ouarantee of about $700,000,00 to policy holder. Losses paid in nineteen years, (since dollars J. II. BEATTIE, Secretary. Wm. L. BROWNE, Resident K. DRESSLER, The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Fall Line of Foreign & Domestic Good 5, Consult Your Interee' by Giving Hla a . -il SHERWOOD BLOCK Plattsm.01 xtli - TO-. A pocket match safe free to smokers of 2I1!I11IDI - It r; i etiaeti:i te- illioiit jiain "We are uin in oir D'ir. iw-ry (coiitaiiiijr forty InfantoJ your Laetated Fo-id, tnd find it far nuiH-rior to r II rtlier food which ua Lx-rn i.h 1 during the jt t.m ; tin-. t!mt I have beu viMitm pl.YMriaii. The t-ittim of th.-irit), who liavo cl-tr.f if .!.- ii t.ti.tion. ay it hu ii" p',.!." "'. V.. 1 ! ".. V. D.. 'ufvh -1 .i;itir..y!i:jii, : . I : i ( UF. VT. S3oo, 000.00 under the constitution of the Stnte organization) nearly tour million GAZZAM GAXO. President. Agent, Plattsmouth Nebraska Y. A. Humphrey, 31. 1)., HOMCEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, PLATTSMOCTHE, NEBRASKA. Cai!s In City orC juatrv Pr omptly Answere i IYIL EXGISEEP. and fcUi:VYOP. E. E. HILTON. Estimates and rl.in of all work furnished and ii-cords kekt. Office in Martin Block. Plattsmocth - Nebraska 4 fJSf jfytl 1 W, It Has No EQul. f if J H ofl V