8 WEEKLY HERALD: PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MAY 29, 1890. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. -1 ABSOUUTEltf PURE Everybody Reads tUe Daily Herald f&he Qlattsmouth UJceklit IQurald Continued from page ieven iliaries, the W. R. C. and the 8. of V. Following is a list of the gravea as dec orated yesterday: Lieut: Col. W. D. McCord, 1st Neb Inft. Col. R. It. Livingston, 1st Neb. Inft. John Brown, Co A 1st Neb Inft John A. Ramsey, Co A 1st Neb Inft Wm. Tucker, Co A 1st Neb Inft Wm. Irish, Co A 1st Neb Inft Chas. Wolcott, Co A 1st Neb Inft Frederick Luning, Co E 1st Neb Inft John R. Wilson, Co D 1st Neb Cav Mrs. Kate Donovan, Matron 1st Neb In f Chaa. K. McMaken, Co II 2nd Neb Cav David Archer, Co II 2nd Neb Cay James Minshall, Co II 2nd Neb Cav Alfred Johnson, Co II 2nd Neb Cav Marshall McElwain.Co II 2nd Neb Cav Jacob Coffman, Co L 2nd Neb Cav Peter Beaver, Co II 2nd Neb Cav John Doherty, Co O 10th 111 Inft David Case, Co C 37th 111 Inft J II Ware. Co K 17th III Inft Robt 8 Carr, Co C 17th 111 Inft Capt John O'Rourk, Co C 1st 111 L't Art. Capt Thomus Chapman, Co E 1st Cal fornia Inft. Peter Vallery, California Inft. Benj Landis, Co K 2nd California Cav. Geo Oswalt, Co II 2nd Ind Cav. John P Calhoun, Co II 77th Penn Inft. Henry Elster. Co 11.20th Mo Inft. Chas Guthman, Co II 3rd Mo Inft , S J Lykes, Co C Gth Mo Inft. John Raeney. Mo Inft. James Murphy, Co A 2nd Iowa Cav. Thos S Wales, Co K 1st Colorado Cav. John L Brown, Co D 3rd Colorado Cav J S Newland. Co E 82nd Ohio Inft. J N Hays, Co I 81t Ohio Inft. I) W. McKinnon Ohio Inft. W F Beaumeister, Co C. 1st O L't Art. Frank Lonesdale, U 8 Navy Hiram Sheldon. Gth Wis Battery. Chaplain A Wright, 23th Mo Inft. MEXICAN SOLDIERS. Richard Reese, Co K 1st Penn Inft. Thos O'Connor. John Kildow. John Shannon. Sells-Barrett. These talismanic words blaze on al most every dead wall, bill board and fence in this place. These two names have become household words in every state and territory in the Union. Sells brothers have achieved an enviable fame as purveyors of amusement from one coast to the other, and are known as the proprietors and personal managers of the finest circus, menagerie and hippodrome in the world. Barrett has become scarce ly less renowned. His exhibition has been noted chiefly for tie performance as well as the character of its management. Sells Brothers traversed this country last year, and everywhere their exhibition was pronounced au fait. It was a coup de grace on their part on learning that the Barrett show contemplated yisiting this part of the country, to open negotia ations toward a consolidation, which was accomplished. These two truly great shows will now travel together, giving joint parades and joint exhibitions. The success of the undertaking is already as sured. Notwithstanding the enormous expense of the enterprise the price of ad missiou is unchanged. Both shows will be at Plattsmouth on Tuesday, June 24th. Specimen Cases. 8. H. Clifford, New Castle, Wis., was troubled with neurMg'a and rheumatism ! his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flebh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, ilnrnsliirg, 111., hud u running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Us-d three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven bottles Buck len's Arnica Salve, and his leg :a sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had rive large fever sores on his leg, doc tors said he was incurable. One bottle Electrc Bitters and one box Buckleu's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co's., drug store.. A GENTS WANTED foT the Zacatecas State Lottery. Loteria de la Beneflcencla fubllca I chartered by the Gov ernment ami operated under its supervision. Capital prize, S 150 .000,00. Drawings on the 27th of each month. Tickets, $10 ; talves, $5 ; tenths. $1. New York draft. Juan I'iedad. Mr., Box 43, ZacatecaH. Mexico. W'AXTED-AN ACTIVE MAN FOR EACH " section. Salary S7o to $100. to locally rep resent succesnful Vow York company incor porated to supply Dry (roods. Clothing, Shoes. Jewelry etc., io conminiers at cost. Also a ladv of tact, salary $40. to enroll members (So.boo now enrolled. $100,000 paid In). Kefer ence exchanged. Kmpire co-operative Asso ciation (credit well rated) lick box 610 N. V. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby tu nick, we pave her Castoria. When aiiiwu a Child, she cried for Catori, When he became Mlns, she clunu to Castoria, When she had Children, she -are tlx-m Castoria. J The Pulpit and the Stage. j Rev. F. M. Surout, pastor United Bretheren church, Blue Mound, Kas., I says: "I feel it my duty to tell what I wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has . done for me. My lungs were badly dis- ' faaffi and m v iiArislioners tlioiv'lt I could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 26 pounds in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial ana convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. Kings New Discovery tor consumption, beats 'era all, and cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try it." Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke fc Co's., drug store. Regular sizes 50 cents and $ 1. BUHKE'S IMW.EMENT HOUSE HEADQUARTERS FOR Star Listers. Millburn Wagonns and Buggies. Moline Steel Harrows Little Joker Cultivator. Piano Steel Harvester and Binders The Dandy Riding Cultivators, and A. fine line of double and single harness. PflO OLD STOG&C Our Goods are all new with the latest and best improvements WE HAN3LE NOTHING BUT FIRST CLASS GOODS FARM IV AG ON SPRINGS We have something- new in a spring- for a farm wagon, it will pay you to see it. FRED BURKE. Sixth Street, near Riley Hotel. ('I i ' , iV , . . 1 1 k I i ti i n i Lie -a - nousand - Mreams i'linling their way- to the Ocean, the l'eople conn1 to luy: Tiiey recognize our unetpialed facilities lor Obtaining and Dis posi'ig of the est: Mens, Poys and Childrens Clothing at the Lowest Prices. They recognize the extent and excellence of our assortment: The elegance, make, and superior finish of our goods: The Honorable Manner in which we conduct our Business. They Kealize when they give us One Dollar in Silver We give them One Dollar In Clothing. If you want a Business Suit we will fit you out. If you want a Dress Suit we will fit you out. If you are a matrimonial candidate, we will fit you out, fine Dress Suit for the occasion. in a The Wise never get left and they buy their Clothing and Furnishings ot Si P The Leading Clothiers, m. m mjm.-mm.rn Hal b 9 . & xr mm mm mum mm mm m. m mm . mm mm r . i m m m m m mr mm. e - w rT jmM mm mm, M- M MJ MJM-tl VI ' M-M V THE SHERIFFS SALE OF G. P. SMITH & CO., of New York City, was made because they could not pay the duty on imported goods, and the entire stock was bought for 40 ci?nts on the dollar by (H) W W n fa who will sell the entire stock, r.nd much more, regardless ol alf Competition, far A. O g;J3 E3 th.e This mammoth stoch was sold by tho sheriff because they could not pay duty on inported goods, and A. COECIEISr &c CO. Have bouglit the entire stock at 40 cents on the dollar, and will offer good cheaper than their competetore can buy them. All these goods were bought by G. P. Smith & Co., at New York and will be sold at 50 cents on the dollar. Sale lasts until everything is sold. Domestic department---? VLSa S25 Ginghams, fancy pliids, for 10c; Good percales worth 10 for 6c: Ginghams, worth 10 for 5c; good dress ginghams, fast colors, for 8c; Scotch gina: hams, the very best, for 15c; good shirting worth 10, for 5c, worth 12J, for 7c worth 15. for 10c; satines, worth 10, for 6, worth 12$, for 8c, worth 15, for 10; im ported satines, in all colors, wortn 20 and 25, for 15c, the best imported satine worth 40, for 25c. Good muslin, 30 inches wide, worth 8 for 5, worth 15, for 7c. Lonsdale, the best that is made, worth 12 i, for 8c; Ticking, worth 12i, for 7; worth 15, for 10; worth 20 for 15c; worth 30 for 20; Blue Denims worth 15 for 10c; worth 17$ for 12; worth 20 for 15; Table cloth worth 40 for 20, worth 50 for 25, worth 75 for 40, worth $1.00 for 50,. Bordered table cloth worth 70 for 35, worth $1.00 for 50, worth $1.25 for 75,; Linen towels for 8, 15, 20, 25, 30and 35c a piece; Napkins at 25, 45. 55. 65. 75, $1.00, $t.25 and $1.50 a dozen; Challis, all colors and shades, worth 10 for 5c, worth 12$ for 7: worth 15 for 10c worth 20 for 15. Wh ie rcss Goods Pepar meiit 20 for 15c, worth 25 for 20, worth 30 and worth 40 for 30, worth 50 for 25; Dotted 50 for 20. India Lawn worth "10 for 5c: worth 35 for 25: Linen Lawn worth 20 for 10, Swiss, cream colored and white, worth Fine summer dress goods worth 10 und 15c for 7; single ress Goods Department- tridth cashmere worth 20 for 10: double width henrietta, half wool worth 25 for 12$c; Fine cashmere worth 35 for 25c; Fine Cashmeie, all colors, worth 50 for 35c; All wool serg s worth 65 for 35; All wool cash meres, silk warp, worth 85 for 50c; All wool otfumen-, .tk w.ip, worth 1.23 ior 75c; Silk finish henrietta worth $1.00 for 05; Silk w u p neuriottt w ;tti $1.25 f.r 65; eilk warp henrietta worth $1.50 for SI. 00;' silk i iifh-tta worth $2.50 for $1.50; Ottoman cbth, silk warp, worth $2.00 for $1.00; Briiliantin-, th. : tuer- K worth $1.25 for75. Imported Dress Goods in all the' latesr t vies and hln-l's. woih from 65 to 75 a yard for 50; Silk Velvet worth 75 and $1.00 for 40. worth $i.0 for $1.00; Silk Plush worth 75 for 35; Silk Velvet, in black, worth $3.00 for $1.25; Surah silk worth 65 for 33, worth 75 for 50 I'cr if v4- Spring Jackets, all colors, worth Spring Wrap hi?partnieiit-$4,5,06,7,8,and iof0r $2, 3, 4 and 5- Jerseys in all colors md L.t st styles; Beaded wraps worth $4 for $2, worth $5 for $2.50, worth $6 for $3, worth $7 for $3 50 worth $8 for 4, worth $12 tor 5, worth $16 for 7. Finest line of summer shawls good shawls worth $2 for 1, worth 2.50 for 1.25. worth $3.00 for 1.50, worth $4.00 for 2.00, worth $5.00 for 2.50 worth $6.00 for 3 00, worth 7.00 for 3.50, worth $8 for 4, worth $10 for 5. worth $12 for 6, worth $14 for 7. We also have a fine line of table and floor oil-cloth and window shades. Our etock of Silk Sun Umbrellas and parasols is large and complete. BedSpreads worth $1.00 for 65c, worth $1.25 for 1.00, worth $2 for 1.25, worth $2.25 for 2.00, worth $4 for 2.50. Lace and Not on Department- "and swiss flouncing in all the latest styles. Good linen lace for 1c a yard; Oriental lace worth 10 for lc: worth 15 for 5c, worth 25 for 10c. Pillow case lace worth 10 for 3c, worth 15 for 5; Em broideries wortli 5 for lc, worth 10 for 5c, worth 15 for Sc, worth 20 for 10c, worth 30 for 15c, worth 40 for 20c, worth 50 for 25c, worth 75 for 40c, woith 1,00 for 50, 1.25 for 75, worth $1.30 for $1.00, worth 2.00 for $1.50; Lace flouncing worth $1.50 to $2.00 for 23, 50 and 75c a yard. Dllttnno 500 gross of buttons worth 25, 30 and 40c will all go at 10c a DUllUNb "dozen; 100 gross of buttons worth 40 and 50c all go at 10, 15 and 20c a dozen. Uoir Dine worth 5 for lc, 5c pins for lc, 5c needles for lc, dress braid ilair iImS worth 10 for 3c, Coat's and Clarks spool cotton, three spools for 10c. OiipUi nrr "worth 10 for 2c, worth 15 for 8c, worth 50 for 10c, worth 25 for IIUUIIIIIQ 50 for 35. Corsets corsets worth $2.50 for $1.25. 15c; Silk Iiuching worth 25 for 15c, worth 35 for 25, ,worth All makes and styles. Good corset?, wtrrtritel C .rif n hit w orth $1.00 for 50c. The Boss Bee Corset worth $1.50 for 75c; imported Handkerchiefs- Ribbons No' 9 and 13 worth 30 tor 50 Hosiery Department Id worth 5, 5c worth 10, worth 15 for 10, worth for 15, worth 25 for 20. Good hose worth 10 tor 5, imported "hose, fast black worth 25 for 12J Lisle thread hose worth 50 for 25. worth 00 for 35, Silk lisle worth 81.00 for 50 Balbngands worth 15 for 8, worth 25 for 12$, worth 50 for 25, worth 65 for 40. Lodies ribbed vests worth 25 for 8$ wartli oO tor 2 j, worth $1.23 for 75. Ladies Underwear The latest styles worth $2.00 a pair for f.00 worth 2.50 for 1.50, worth 5.00 for 2.50, worth Lace Curtains 6.00 for 3.00, worth 7.00 for 3.50, worth S.00 for 4.00. Above us stands no competing stock, below us lead no competing price. We will commence the season, we will coutinue the season with BARGAINS, we will end the season with BARGAINS. We have goods and plenty of them. Every department full of new novelties rich in quality and style. Tou are sure to find what you want, We aim to keep the best and deal fair with all.Our ambition is to please our trade and ONE PRICE, the lowest to all. Ladies and Gentleman, we call your attention to the fact that all the goods we bought of G. P. Smith & Co. will be sold for 50 cents on the dollar. QPiw 8innmet st&cM is complete im eveot$ depeet Everybody Cordially Invited to Attend our Opening1 which will Commence April Sale Continues dally uattl facttier notice Conic Early ami Secure JBargaiiis; TTIiey will not ILast all aiiimer. isr Terms viehb jstltilt Wliite Front IBuilding, 4tlffi Main Street, A. COHEN & Co., Boston Store- IPlattsmouth, Kcbrasha 1