WEEKLY HERALD: PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MAY 29, 1890. . SOMETHING NEW. The Patent 5A Clipper Fly Net lias meshed bottoms v. hich can not tannic and lashes at the top which won't catch in the harness. THE GOVERNOR CALLS AN EXTRA SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE. Statk ok Neijuakka, Exkcl'thtk I)h-i-aistment, Lincoln, Nek, May 24. Section , nitidis 5, of the constitution of the t ito of Nebraska, reads us follows: T!i: governor may, on extraordinary n'T.i-.;;js, convene the legislature by jrj lamution, setting forth the purpose (i r v. hi h lin y uru couvencd, and the 1. nii-l; tuic i lull enter upon no business i . - pr that for which they were culled .fy woven, O 100 fc.'f.aunrui iLi.cni; flirt and from Horses in litatlo. 5A Lap Cv.zlzr oA Ironsides Sheet M in liti SA Clipper Fly Nets riLsssvM4 Equal to Leather at Half the Coit. 100 other styles of 5a Horse .Sheets nnd Fly Net3, at priecg to suit everybody. For rale by all dealers. If you can't get M(ni write us. ff M H VKT Tit FLY N CHEAP AND STRONG. 20 other style 6-A Nets, prices to milt all WM. AYHE iV ISONS, I'lIILADEU'lllA. bold by till deulers. It appeurs that Attorney General Hogg is to be the next Democratic candidate for Governor of Texas. His name id very Qf silver, , Matters of vita' intercut to ;f the state, greatly agitating the public mind, Coiistit ute, in the judge ; nt. of th.j eccutivc, an extraordinary - i 'ii which jiistifii s the assembling f the h.gi. l itiire; now, therefore, I, John M . Tlnyer. goyernor of the .state of .Nebraska, !y v irtue of the authority m me vstcd l.y t lie provisions 'jf the con- slit ution above quoted, ilo hereby issue my proclamation, requiring the members of tiie two houses of the Twentv tiist joint assembly of tlio state of No- bru-kn, to oonveue iu their respective halls, in the capitol building, on Thurs day, the 5th day of June, 1SH0, at 10 o'clock, and for the purpose of consider ing and taking action upon the following noted subjects and these only: First For enacting a law establishing maximum railway freight rates 'nnd to repeal that section of the statute creating a state board of transportation. Second For the purpose of consider ing aud amending our election laws by the adoption of what is known as the Australian ballot system. Third--To consider ard give expres sion in favor of an increase in the vol ume of currency and of the free coinage or uo favor throughout the state," nnd the IIkkai.d would not be surprisel to see the proelamotion revoked before the date fixed for the meeting of the legis lature arrives. riallroad Clippings. MO.VI.AY. The annual nn-ffi.-ig of the stockhold ers of the Cliic R. Llnnd A Pacific: BUggestive of the course of his party in that state with regard to the siz- of its majorities. Ex. You mav call F'hittsmouth the Star city, the Gate city or the Queen of the Platte, in any evnt it is the liveliest "third city" in the state, and gives prom isi of far outstripping Hastings or Grand Island before tin; close of the veai. The governor gleefully remarks that he h con.su. ted own,, oi his friends about the special s sci.ii matter, which must relieve the "advisory council'' of a load of responsibility iu the premise i ue governor s auvisors are to in: con- tTl'ntulateel No other subjects will be proposed for the consideration of the legislature at this special session. In testimony whereof, I haye hereunto set my hand an 1 caused to be affixed the "rear seal of the state. Done at Lincoln this 24th day' of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety, of the state of Nebraska the twenty-fourth, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fourteenth. By the governor, John M. Tiiater. P.ENJAMIX B. COWDEHY, Secretary of State. will be h-1 1 it, Chicago June 1. Some important business of inN-c-t to Nibr.n ka will donbtl -s b- t'-aiis.ieii-d tle-n. President N. (J. V ui I .in.; of tie: Canadian P.ieiii ? riiiroad w:n a tele graph operat r at. -J . J I . t, III., when he was a boy only lift ecu years obi. He now draws tin; modest salarv o i 1 00.000 i year Tin; Baldwin loco;r...ti vo v. oi ks re- an ru r receiu iy tor tin-ee Joeo tuotiyes ty be Um.i1 on the :i v i ail r' ;t . i between J.a'fa and .lerusil-iri. The.-," will be tiie irt loc.iniot.Ives ever used iu tiie Holv Land. I he Minn t ;;h;n put .n the war punt and threatens to carry the war into the extreme southwest unless the Missouri Pacific restores rates. In this case the Missouri I'acific will it'.K r have to hsli or cut bait. It is rumored, and there seems to be some probability that the report will b( verified, that thu central brauch division of the Missouri Pacific will be extended to Denver this summer. The present line as built stops at Lenora, Kas. The Omaha & South Dakota railway projectors living in Mitchell, S. D., have announced a meeting of the officers at Omaha in June to make arrangements with Omaha people for the early begin ning of the Omaha end of the work. It is said that grading between Forest City and Blunt will begin next mouth. J r'.r:Z"7 ' "I ' J'W. I 1.1 .1 I. I. II ! I U !! ...I ... . 1 I , .1, ,,., Ci'inni- ii( i.ig Sunday, May t th. COMMISSIONERS PROCE: 1 fip-ct.-.t tian; will leave Plattsmouth at i l'he folliwiug proceediu . u-.-r. in ') a. in. ami arrive at Omaha at S;15 vertently omitted and are .ilui-.ue.i u. This train also runs between Dun- ! day for the first time: CAiU.isr.E's election n the s -naie pre en, itates the ttrue-eb- I,, tween Mills and Ciisp f? r leadership ot tin L ..19 isi the house. A- i.ii wi.ndd hurt tu. (ieiiH.-.r.:1.; au.i help th icoubiuans in re ti.a.; Crisp w.ulJ or could, the republic-a;-,- arj fill Mills men in this light. Again is the IIeuald compelled to say all hail to the M. P. right of way com mittee. Their recent action in practical ly guaranteeing us the new road can not - . .... fr ... . . .1 1 r....,, m , I . ' .'... . ............ 1 (lt.Il.Oei allC I ...ii.jf .j.jliii-iiiich. .lit; uuaia. in this ro;e guarantors clul well their part but to the committee has fallen the burden of the work which has so far been done in a manner to entitle the honorable gentle men to more than the hearty thanks of this community. Where i,- Thocbc? Once lie ran Car lisle Kentu ky so rinse in the rtco for c njrress that the latter never kuew whe her lie wis elected or not until the democratic majority iu congress took Congressman Dolliver is right in en tering a protest against the abunelant anel exaggerating talk about the alleged poverty of western farmers. They are charge of the canvass. Thoebe ought to not enib .rrassed with wealth, but neither be on hanel to try conclusions again with the bourbons of his district. State Journal. We are told the government Las final ly concluded to expend the $50,000 long ago appropriated for "caging" the Mis souri liver at this poiut, anel that work on the river here will begin at an early date. Let our gooel people watch anel see what can be done with $50,000 anel how much the river and town will be benefitted thereby. are they, as a class, on the bank of pau perism. 1 he gross misrepresentations that are being made with regard to their conelition can only serve to disparage their credit and prevent them from se curing the inelulgence which is desired in the matter of debts that are hard to pay because ot the low prices of farm products. St. Louis Globe Democrat. At the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle yesterday was the re cipitant of large crowds. In the morn ing C. C. Wescott made an admirable tdk, which has called forth much favor able comment. The evening seryiccs were held under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Prof. Palmer presented the social benefits to be elerived from a cousistant membership. C. S. Po'k Eso gave the intelectual ide of the Y. M. C. A., while Henry Waterman recommended the Y. M. C A. as a proper means through which to ob tain a more perfect physical develop ment. Geo. Bignall, of Rawlins, Wyoming, brother of Supt. Uignall, of the B. & M., spoke of the advantages ofthewoik to railroad men. Mr. Chaffee presented Y. ?L- C. A. advantages to traveling men. S. C. Giceii presentee! the spiritual advan tages. The meeting was interspersed with well selected songs by the boys of the Y. M. C. A., making in all a meet ing of unusual interest. A justice of the peace in Arkansas The mayor of Cedar Keys, Fla., who is the terror of the Dead Man's Gulch of those parts, having armed himself to kill he revenue collector on sight, the treas - became so anxious for a case s on after ury department sent down a revenue he had been elected that he stole a hog himself, in order to get up a criminal case. He fineel himself 10 and costs, and then found out tiiat he had made a mistake, anel had stolen oue of his own hos. lie is now going to suj himself for damage Omaha Republican. For sublime cheek and sublimated impudence commend us to the confe'ter- cutter to expostulate with him, as the collector was unable to leave his office in safety on account of the walking mag azine that was on his trail. The mayor took to the swamps and the sailors nnd nutrines have not been able to find him and accept his apology. Anel now Sen ator Call gets up in his place in the sen ate chamber and demands an explana tion from the president of this outrage Jail Delivery. Charley E lis gets into the public prints once more, this time t.s a jail breaker. The city j ;il is partitioned off on the north side of the jail and has a wooelen floor with a trap door which had been useel to fix up the plumbing; Ellis seems to haye found a pick uneler the floor which he used ineiustriously by dig ging out under the wall, last Saturelay night. A woodpile out side was in his way but he pulled the sticks insiele under the floor which i3 about 3 feet high, anel thus secured his liberty. A glance at the jail and surroundings clear the sheriff from any blame whatever. It is only a wander that some one has not got out of the city jail before this. I V I eu . ..- ..':.:: J: v'. I. i : . .. . . i :- ' ( mm ii i ;. ... . .. ; I .I-' I', N Kit. .'i iy -5, b -'.(). Pi.ATr.sMoi.-Tii, Ni-.a., April I 'J.) j (joi n- M. in..; i ,i day is drawing The ouuarterlv examination of the fee i ,,,.,1 i!,.. ,-, ,,..,,,!. , voi.r i.ot I... .. . r : i. ... . ... - - - 1 u:" P- , arriving in j records of the s.-yend county officers was Omaha in. (. These trains run daily, j taken up and continued irom today un making all stops between Plattsinoutli j til completed, and all books were md Lincoln, except South Omaha anel j found correct and we're therefor.. crly audited as follows: ha and Lincoln, leaving Omaha at ?:'') a. m., and arrivin." at Lincoln at 10:15; we.ub meiiii H.iveloek. Train leaving Lincoln will have sleepers, and will go cast on C. B. As Q., No. (!, via Council Bluffs. prop- Appropriate memorial services were ' held in 'he Methodist church yes terday at eleven o'clock, Rev. Buckner officiating. The military headed by color bearer Turtsch, followed by 14 members of thn womens relief corps, then 50 veterans of McConihie post, ami several members of the organization of sons" of veterans closed up the pro cession, which marched from the lodge room in Rockwood block to the church. The sermon was well spoken of and the appearance of the old boys that wore the blue, was well calculateel to awaken memories of the elreary past when Uncle Sam was not the wealthy prosperous in dividual he is represented to be neiw. County Clerk Receipts for quarter J ending March 31st 1!)0, $525.35. Expenditures, Clerks salary $:J75, Deputy clerks salary $175, Balance due County clerk first quarter $24.17. Register of deeds Receipts for quarter ending March 31st, 18!0, $7(52.05. Ex penelitures register of deeds, salary $375. Deputy register of deeds $200, excess of fees due county $187.65. County Juelge Receipts for quarter ending March 31st 1890, $22.95. ci.riur.t iy requei, not only each r o. the l.osr, but i.ll soldiers who Served in ib " ii-. e of the l.'ni'.ii, to as semble at Mel !oni hie Po-.t headquarters, on Friday May 3 )Lli, at 1 o'clock sharp and m arch to the cemetery to engage! in Memorial Service; and strew with fiVwcrs the grayes of our departed Comrades. F. . Bates, Comina.uder. Geo. F. Nii.es, Adjutant. Advice of a Promlnont Land Broker Jifuumutiu Syruj) Co., Jackson,. Mich: Gentb: In February, IHS',1, I com menced uiiig I libbard's Rheumatic Syrup aud Strengthening Plasters for iiillam matory rheumatism, having been troubled three years with this terrible disease. My ioiuts were swolen so that I could hardlv lx walk and I attended to my business with peuditures, amount p iid county judge I difficulty. I used three bottles and ap- on salary, $221.95. plied the planters to my limbs and back, I uri.1 T eiiii Hiiv lhul T inn now ."iri'il T Examination of county sheriff post- Lave nut b,.fc troubled with rhe-imutism The Committee Messrs. Richcy, Patterson, Wise and Todd, returned from their successful trip to Kansas City this morning, having succeeded in selling the rilit of wav bonds at par. Neither Plattsmouth or the board of trade maele any mistake in the s. lec tion of the committee. Lincoln's Fire. A disastrous fire eiccurred in Lincoln last night which no', only elestroyeel the Br.hannan Livery Stables, on 10th stre-et, but caused the eleath of two brave fire men w hile on duty, by the name of Jos-c-i!i ThorLburg and Clarence Protsman. poned to July session. A Ranch of 1,280 acres ef gooel land, w ith line I earnestly recommend it to our friends, since discontinuing its use. My father-in-law, Mr. J. D. Skinner, of Manso:i, has al so been bunefitteel by this medicine. Wo A Flood of "Furriners," "Have you got auy fricasecd kittens or a mice pot pie?" asked a dark-skinneel guest at the St. James hostelry this noon The pretty waiter girl went out anel told the proprietor that there was a lun atic at one of the tables. The proprietor went up to him and the guest repeated his (question. "What."' yelled the veteran caterer. ated conspirators in the city council who on the sovereign city of Cedar Keys, and want ten thousand dollars apiece for why she is besieged by the naval powers being pliotogrophed by the Bee in their true colors, is what the Omaha Bee says in relation to the tore--toned libel suit about to be brought against it by what Rosey calls the "Tammany Corabin'." of the United S'ates. Mr. Call is a hum orist but doesn't know it. Ex. You needn't make such ' said the guest. That's Governor Tiiayer's action in calling a special session of the legislature can be considered in no other light than puerile anel foolish. The people, as the govern or must know, are not demanding the "I raised her hand, kissed it and con tiuued to holel it," says Mr. Calhoun in his last Herald and then he stops and abolition of the board of transportation; says in italic?, "To be continued next tneJ" are simply demanding that the board 1.1- 1 J . . . At . A week." To continue a situation of that taKe immeaiate action on me rare qaes kind'for a whole week would have been tion- sensible man favors an iron- all right twenty years ago, Cal, but now clad maximum rate bill, the history of .iiffOTnnt on.l von V i ,1 Iw.ftor- lof rrn the past being a sufficient reason I r - T. - T'l- or the girl will be paralyzed. State Iur W"S sutu mabure. me max Journal. ' imum rate bill sanctioned by the late conference at Lincoln wa3 to be a meas- The unanimity with which the action ure that would stiffen up the spinal of the governor, in calling a special ses- column of the board and give them less sion of the legislature, lias been con- latituele than they now have; if we are - du.uned by the republican press of the not to have a board of transportation stae is certainly not very as.-urmg 10 ins turn, most assureiuy we eton t want a excellency. A conference with his maximum freight law. The Australian friends before the fatid step was taken ballot law would be far preferable to the . i ... . ....... ,, - w ,,r v tli.- .-..-vcrnc-r a great aer.i ci couiu wea aurora to await a regular ses- t . ..irtr o r-T.-. f I ciiiTi rif fl.n 1 c . rri t: i -t f n rn Tlii ci 1 1 XT nrf Inn rCIiilirO iiU;l til- II jIUL'll.uli JaifcJ t pivut. I i-BwAiwuiv. . . t , 1 Ml . 1 1li1 ar.ount of unjust ciiticism. or tue governor we opine wiu una nine "Oh!" well. a fuss about it, what we cat iu Japan. If you haven't any made up you may bring me a single prong fork for a chop stick and a bowl of rice." There were a couple of tables full of distinguisheel orientals there to dinner. Here's the names as appears oa the regis ter: T. Sugimotc, T. Kawnkami, blaster San, Tsuuskichi Sugimoti, Mrs. Yosokis chi, Miss Hanna Sugimoto, Master Kitcii itara, Anelo Mitsikiehi, Harra Yosokisciii Hayo Kokijoro, Little Tun. The distinguisheil "furriners" are lit erally tumbling around the country, tak ing it all in. They make up the list of Japanese athletes who are with Cleve land's Magnificent Minttrels. Three or four are tiny little kiels. and -a couu-L1 are women. They perform wonderfully and are a vrliole sho w in themselves, well "worth the price of aelmission. A Close Cali. flie little four year old daughter of Tom Hicks at the Pacific house drank a quantity of bedbug poison this afternoon. encugh to have killeel a half dozen grown j people, but fortunately Harley Whit ing was near by anel suggested that salt water be poured down the child at once which was done, so that the little one vomiteel freely. When the Dr. got there she was out of danger. If immediate steps had not been taken the dose would have proveel fatal before medical as sistance coulel haye been obtained. were no et really tht. b City- L ,'eiii, Yo'.i 0; .ii next Sit;;:. I Begi'.Tc we wi.i ro price oi' 1 j ,r ;, Uriel K'-..;- if there PERSONAL Bird Critchfielel and wife are in Omaha toelay. Mrs. P. G. Reynard went to Omaha today. Miss Burgess was an Omahs passenger this morning. A. R. Talbot, the M. P. attorney of Lincoln, is in the city today. Hon. John F. Polk and wife, of Green wood, wrere in the city over Sunelay. Judge Chapman returnee! to his petit ion on the bench at Lincoln this morning. Col. Pierce, the Fairfielel, la., horse buyer, stopped in the city over Sunelay. Professor Berry, of Iowa, is in the city today thp guest ot his sisters, the Misses Mav and Maggie Berrv. j Mayor Celi, of Pacific Junction, loan ed his genial presence to the boys for a few hours this morning. Mrs. Rath Amick returneel to Platts mouth this morning after a two weeks visit in the country near Union. Mrs. L. D. ! -ounctt started for Atchi son this morning, where she will yisit her daughter, Mrs. Frank Wilson, for a few .lays. J lenry J. Streight and wife returned this morning from a very pleasant visit with old friends and neighbors at South Bend. Sam Bryan, of Ashland, the assistant sergeant at arms of the senate, came in this morning wearing his old time legis lative smile. running water, situated wuhin four miles of the county seat of Duel count', Neb., for sale or trade at a bargain Euquire at Hehald office. Capt. Palmer went to Lincoln this morning. Dr. Siggins is attending to business in Grand Islauel today. Col. S. F. Rockwell, the Louisville lawyer, is iu the city toelay. Col. Conuor, Jerry Farthing and Geo. H. Ilolton, of the Herald went to Omaha today. Mrs. S. A. Davis started this morning for Missouri, where she will visit re la -tives for u. few days. Col. Sherman, of the Journal, elressefl in his best Sunday clothes, started for Omaha last night but got left. W. II. Davis, brother of Frank Davis, boarded the llyer this morning for Colo rado points where he will rusticate for a while. Died. May 25, 1800 at the residence of her granel parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Woods in Fairfielel, Iowa. Clara Hazel, infant daughter of G. S. and Mary Furgeson, aged two months and eight days. The Herald with hosts of friends is indeed sorry to hear of Mr. and Mrs. Furgeson, s sad bereavement. Mrs. Furgeson left her home in the city some weeks ago to visit her parents at Fairfield. Mr. Fur guson had just gone to Fairfield to bring her home when they were overtaken by the death of the little innocent babe they had learned to love so dearly. The fun eral took place at Fairfield on yesterelay. Coming Into Omaha. All arrangements are made for the Milwaukee to commence running its trains across the river next Sunday. For a time the road will use the Union Pacific's old depot. Whether the Rock Island proposes to come in right away is not known. The supposition is, howev er, that it will not remain out very long The Wrabash has also commenced to make overtures for admission, and it is expected that within six weeks every eastern line reaching Council Bluffs will be running its trains into this city. The Take my advice, give it a trial. C. R. Nicholson, Mansoii, Iowa. Ask your elruggist for it. i S WANTED. HEROES OF THE DARK COHTINEHT i:y .1. W. Ian I. The Most Successful Auieri. Author. !'-it i vely tin; only eoiiijilete Suiiisf EuCK of Ficluresfiue Africa. From Hie V tilings of Heery .M. .Stanley Tun Imielre.i t Ii on s;in -1 copies solil in seven week, aim tin; lieinan.l laj.itily imaeaiii. 't!iin;r iiie it las eer le-n known in tin; li ii ti.ry f U i-.:i!i;l?!:in;'. This i the only hook rental I; . ;t enl:i ele life ,f Il:c World's iiee.e. .enrj .1 .'i;inley, with aleli history -t all hi- J.-IVH' ex eln: t ex.. ami ;...-. it i vrly the only coitijilt-lt; ;e e. nn! of !;;h r. ;:i ami last exeini.i 1 i :i,e relief f j) , in r:.',a from liiMHViit'.in'Iinn I'-Iinris. Ah ..I '.: V Jjivteorted Mti'.T.ley !i 'I s ;:ie iin;.eri' rt ,-.nil ji eolillilete M'liu i. r pre-..; .ti U sail fy ui-e f. lesnreat vi.i k ;.ls.p e..iitai'.i- ti e li-.niy .if Afr.ea ami it iei,i,i. f',i- hi.ie. Men. one ilmn.-anil years illnsraie.l with over ::0 enraMlij-'S, colored plate- ;:n! einiier.'iis in, ;;.!-, jeiiderim; it the only eoiat'lei t.n-l in eMiie n,. story of Africa ever taihiislieii. I (, is wonder5;.i. l iirillintr. mutftiifl- eut. l.n.l ..t I--,eiv:t by fai.-e ie resenta vi.ins. hn: se- ! f r irefs a"'.:i fa'-f ". en.es of tlied -irk Ov.t-nf nt" ir, is tnr.li.slif ri in one splend id (jiiarto vuluine ol .Tt pages, eiiial to l.L'iii) oetdvo pnye- with 50O. Price only i.'5.0(j Agents wanted. TerrMnry i:nrestri-d. Hales eniirinnii. srinl for pictorial circular, or to save time, .-scnil SI for -oiiipl.-in ran vassiii outtitwith (guarantee of fiMH) tli lirt iiionlh, or your money for outfit icfum'.ed. If you have heeii deceived into ranvasinn for any oftliH hous S;anly luniks we will t-x hati outfirs free. We mean business. Se" . nr sianding in Dim's arid 1 avi'i.stieei coiiimercial rei...rts. msTii:i ' t i. lTp.usini sc. . .st Iuis.Mo. or I'liil -delphia, J'a. THE IN TER? ATIO N AI TYPWRITER A strictly first el i. machine, fully warrant ed. .Vaile ;rom th v-ry hest material hy -killed w rkinen, and with tiie l;et tools ihat have everlieen devised for the p'.rpost;. War rante.l t' do ail that can be reasonably ex pected ef tin- vtry best typewriter extant. TCol.ocb ? fbo r,nl fbof l.ac lt" lI.lm .."'! 0 ..v. "...j .u .. I capanieol wnunu' l.vi words err minute or tered into an agreement, but it siirnified more-aeceroinK to tee ability of the operator. its willingness to do so long before some of the others did. Bee t; The City Hotel. City Hotel will change hands at ?lr. G.uts again taking charge. .t"j. will remove the salooa into . ( .:-.;,'. ;ng room, Mr. Goos will i ..; the corner room as an of 1 ' -i". s-"t have a bar in the build I - '-s a sweet aau cool t..ok.u. i.y Goring iS; Co. elu tf. PliiCE $100. If there is no airent in your town oddress the msiiiufaeture. THE PAKUU M F'l CO. Atients wanted I'arish , Y. F. B. SEELEMIRE, Agent. Plattsmouth, Ntb. A Lady's Perfect Companion. Our new book by Dr. John H.Dye, one, of New York's moat skillful physicians, shows that oain is not npcf-sniirv in r-hild- ing with flowers, the graves of the men, birth, but results from causes easily nn who helped to save our nation. Come, derstoed and overcome. It clearly pro bring your choice flowers and garlands ves that auy woia..u may become amoth- a.ifl strew them over their graves. Brins? wituout sa.ieimg any pain wnaieyer, .. . j n Memorial Day. IJeadquabters, JIcCoxihik Post May 25, 1S90. To the citizens of Plattsmouth and vicinity: It is the wish of the members of the Grand Army of the Republic tiiat each and all turn out with us on Memo rial Day, May 30th, and assist in the beautiful custom inaugurated by strew- your children and by example teach them to have a care, not only for our de parted comrades, but for their oyn friends. So long as we shall observe Memorial day, our cemeteries will be well cared for. Eventually v.e will all be laid to rest, so let tli-- coining generation for all time perpetuate M.-iuonal Day. MEiioKiAi. Committee, it also tells how to overcome and prevent nit. ruing sickness and the m'uiy other evils attending pregnane;. It is highly en dorsed by physici.-.is everywhere as the wife's true private companion. Cut thi.- out: it will save you great pain, anel pos sibly your life. Send two -cent stamp for elescriptive circular., testime.niaLs, nnd confidential letter sent in sealed envelope. Address Frank Themis ifc C'., Publishers, Baltimore, Md. 52-13t