Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 22, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Kelly Fox went to Liiio lii tliis mor
ning to have the .M. I'. Imn U rcyistt n il .
Lumber was purclifiscl thin tnorriint;
ttlitl tllf fl r hi in put in tll.j tlbir-
W. II. Pick us yi hti rd;iy iii cli-ised
one of (Ik; inont bfxutiful pnilor st-ts to
hr founi in tli-! city, of J. I. Uniuii.
Lic iihc to we.1 whs ia iifd toihij to
Clnirlea lluthcrfrl hj.- 2;1 hikI Huftic
Cropp iio 22, lah ot Cu-a rt.unty.
Til ; H-I1..11 l.i i.l.' turir tin- U & M.
W itT tti'ik :tti!it lire :wt -v-n i 11 :bitit
r o'clock niii-in s-mie lani- br
fore it coulil bu cxtirLriiliel.
Mr. Newt-IP Su:ily .School cluss,
assisted !y tho other of the
Hundy School, will i vi- u Uwn social
at the rcsid' nco of F. M. Uichey this ev
ening. Turner Zink, of Elinwood, made the
first assessor's returns that have been
made this spring, which speaks well
'for his promptness in attending to pub
lic business.
Arrangements were made to take tes
timony today in the case of O. P. Smith
vs. E. V. Cook before J. L. Hoot re
feree, but Mr. Smith failing to appear
the matter had to be postponed.
Notice was given this morning that
rates to Denver had been advanced to
$10.50 and $13 to Cheyenne. This in
dicates the rate war has closed, either
for good or to break out in a new spot.
An old rounder, giving the name of
McCormack. and filled with very mean
whu-ky, was fired out of town this morn
ing by Marshall Dunn and John Fi'zpat
rick. He got a ticket to Onvilm in
which city he will doubtless find a more
congenial abode.
Dick Streight has purchased some of
Decoration Day. Several car loads of St. Louis fire I BREVITIES
Will be ccubieted in Plittamouth brick arrived this week, to be used in There re 175 uctive republican clubs
with the curtomary services. Hon. John : erecting the brick and tile factory shops in Kansas.
is uoing on very Two prisoners recently escaped from
C. H n nell has consented to deliver the ! at this place. Work
oration, which is ., grantee that it will ( rapidly, the carpenters mvig l.egun la.t tho Uustmz j iil by cutting a hole in the
be it "ood one. Tim civic societies of
tlie citv will tnke iiirt and exen.ises be-
fittirur th" ni"niory of tho noble def.d
will be held in due frni.
the metropolis
Polk is a metropolitan caller
KI T Keid u'-r:t to Omaha t!.N morn
Henry Mc.Miktn is in
M. I)
Mrs. Holmes mid daughter, Mrs. Hin
kle. ure in Onmli:i today.
Mrs. J. II. Y'ung was with the Oma
ha passt ngeis this morning.
E. II. Wooley, of Lincoln, is in the
city today on legal business.
Walter Willtrd, typo on the Green
wood Gazette, was in the city one day
this week.
Mr. K. Kneutson, who spent the day
in our city yesterday, returned to Lin
coin this morning.
Joe Fairfield went to Council Bluffs
this morning after his wife who has been
taking medical treatment in that city.
She will visit friends here before their
return to the west.
The Tabernacle Concert
Was one of the most pleasant enter
tainments eyer giveu in South Park.
Our reporter was somewhat late arriving
but is well satisfied with his trip. The
people of South Park are progressive aud
realizing the value of music in society
have taken hold with a determination to
excel in that pleasant art. To say a
word of praise for any one of the partic
ipants is to say it for all, though we must
particularize when it cornea to Mrs. Deak
in as instructor of vocal and instrumen-
. t . it .1 . r. 1. . - - - I
me nnesi uoavy ...ura ever eeu .u u, niusic ftnd Rg ft ,eadcr ,)erformer
tnis city, wnicu ne smppeu io messrs
Mount & Griffit'i at Omaha yesterday.
One team he had looked more like a pair
of elephants W. D. Jones also brought
in two or three teams that were hard to
Orlando Tefft is in the city today
Mr. Tefft did not state whether lie was
looking atter Alliance interests or not.
But a man who stands as high in the
farming community as Mr. T fft would
certainly not be ignored by this non
political organization.
The county clerk bought ten wolf
scalps today at the reduced rate of $:J
yit scalp. Mr. Stone, from near Green -
vood, brought in eight and Mr. IIrvev
Buckner two. The prices in this com
modity remain steady and the bears seem
to have little c fT ct on the market.
No. 3, last evening, carried a Chicago,
Burligton & Nortriern dining car the
first that this road has ever passed
over its route. This is the result of the
control which the C. B.&Q lias assumed
of theC. B. & N. Much of the rolling
stock of this road may hereafter be ex
pected on the line of the C. B. & Q.
The fire meeting Tuesday night whs
largely attended and much done toward
perfecting arrangements for the coming
tournament in June.
We must also give due credit to "Uncle
Joe," "We'll never mortgage the farm
and "The Bill of Fare," the latter being
sung by a male quartet from Murray,
part of Mrs. Deakin s class from that
Just before closing Mrs. D's South
Park class presented her with an elegant
rattan rocker, which she kindly thanked
them for and took possession of amid
loud applause.
The total receipts were, above $ 26, a
nice sum considering the unpropitious
looking weather. It will al3o go quite
a ways toward flooring the tabernacle.
An Iowa ciowd pased through the
city today in wagons, bound for Nor
The Railroad bovs still complain of
lots of work especially on west bound
Deputy Sheriff Tighe went to Ashland
this morning to appraise some property
near that point.
A thief w!k sought to conceal a dia
mond in his "potato trap," was convict
ed out of his own mouth.
John Robbins was called to Ohio last
night on business connected with the
The boys have settling up of his father's estate.
their hands full, but they seem to under- I Sometimes a man takes such high
stand the situation, and knowing what moral ground that he can't stoop down
is required to make the tournament a to help the needy and distressed,
success, they propose to leave nothing The riht of way committee is ap-
undone that will tend toward the proper praisiug property in the city, today, that
management of the affair. Wli ,e m.eded by the 2uissouri Pacific.
Mr. C. S. Dawson, of Plattsmouth, for The hric.k wrk on the Oliver resi
years with the Burlington both repn sent- dence in South Park is completed, and
ing the land department in E igland and Uncle Jimmy Hodgert is hurrying along
in the purchasing department of the wjtn the carpentering.
road's headquarters at Plattsmouth, was
in Lincoln shaking hands with friends
today. "Mr. Dawson, for the past four
years, has been with the Pullman com
pany at Pullman Illinois. Lincoln Call
In an interview with Mr. S. Mayer
w' recently removed to Lincoln, the
Herald reporter learn-d that Mr. M. is
well pleased with business prospects in
the capital city, but feels mine at home
among Plattsmouth friends and enjoys
bis visits here greatly. His family are
nicely situated near the capitol ami next
door neighbors to J. B. Strode. He says
that Lincoln is the windi. st city in the
west, the vtry opposite of Plattsmouth.
The lecture on tli3 holy land, at the
6hristian Church last night brought out a
large crowd that were delighted with the
stereopticon pictures beyond measure.
There was no old chestuuts, that eyery
body has seen at magic lantern shows,
but everything in the way of pictures
was bright aud new and had been select
ed with more than ordinary taste. Elder
Vanclevc has a pleasant voice, and with
his explanVio'i of the pictures as he pro
ceeded with the exhibition, every one was
delighted. The Church received a neat
sum for the Sunday School; as standing
room was in demand, though large num
bers of camp chairs had leen conve
niently placed about the hall.
A Defaulter.
Manv of Pete Btrtlett's friends, in this
How absurd for newspapers to puh'ish
"Rules for Husbands." Any sort of wife
can prescribe better rules for a husband
than he can find in a newspaper.
Rev. Buckner came in last night from
Lincoln where he had been attending a
session of the Ministerial convention
which by the way was quite an affair.
Miss Gertie Kearney, the affable teacher
of the primary grade at the high school,
will take h-;r little folk3 to Fitzgerald's
Forty for an outing tomorrow afternoon.
We glean from the Auburn Post that
the recent tire in that city was even more
disastrous than reported by telegraph.
Ten buildings were burned and others
damaged; but with true western energy
new buildings are being erect' d.
N". S. Reavis come very near being
twisted into eternity last Friday while
shelling corn for J Gustin. His clothes
were caught by a knuckle and were torn
from his body Ncls is able to be
around but is pretty sor. Wabash
News .
Ad Beach has sold his farm of 209
acres to D. D. Andrus. of Manley, and
has given immediate possession to his
successor. Consul ration $7.000 spot
cash. Mr. Beach will move, to town,
just as soon as he can dispose of hisstock,
which will be done at puMic sale, May
20th. Weeping Water Egale.
Th Pr. sbyterian social last evenin
at the Sunday School rooms of the new
Monday. jjouixviiiu Advertiser.
Lecture nt Wabash, by Rev. J. D. M.
Buckner, of PlattHiuouth, Tuesday eve
ning. May 20th, at the M. E. church.
Subject "The liquor trallic." He will
lecture at Manley in the M. E. church on
the following evenicg, Wednesday. May
21at. Same subject. Weepintf Water
The robin is a big humbug, notwith
standing his rich plush waistcoat ami his
aristocratic airs. Why, no man with an
3ar for music can for the life of him
distinguish the rooms morning song
from the ululations cf a wheelburrow
badly in need of greasing. Boston
Major Anderson, of Sidney, Iowa, and
Hon. S. P. Pound arc to orate at Nebras
ka City the 4th of July. What's the
matter with Plattsmouth that we can't
have a grand celebration? If we do not
begin preparations our neighbors will be
in the lead and the crowd will arrange
to be in other places.
It looks like business now at the ma
chine factory, about eighty, hands are
employed, forty in day time and forty
on the night shift, for it must be remem
bered that steam is kept up all night the
same as in day time , Messrs. Thompson
& Everett are shipping drags eyery day
now, to points in Missouri, Iowa. Kan
sas and Nebraska. Weeping Watre Rep.
Geo Shreves came near having a seri
ous accident on lower Main street last
night while driving his bay mare, she
seemed to catch her bridle bits in the
harness, and turned a complete somer
sault. George thought she had broken
her neck but by cutting the harness a
little she got up and was found to be
all right except a slight abrasion over
the left eye.
John Schiappagasse had a close call
from a conflagration this morning. Some
one had put out a fire to burn rubbish
which the wind had carried into the
boxes lying near, and had not Mr. A. B
Knotts happened along just when he did
and given the alarm the whole building
would soon have been enveloped in
flames. The hose was turned on and the
fire soon put out
C. S. Johnson aud wife are in Omaha
J. S. Rouse, of Greenwood, father of
Mrs James S. Mathews, returned home
this morning.
Col. C. W. Sherman and wife and Mrs.
A - F. Groom, are seeing matters of in
terest in Omaha, today.
Rev. G. W. Murray, D.A.Campbell,
Walt Holmes and W. P. Cook are of the
Omaha contingent today.
Mrs. Asher Clark entertained a party
of friends at her handsome home on
Vine street very pleasantly last eyening.
Miss Claire Druminond is enjoying
memento's from friends today, the oc
casion being her tenth birthday anniver
Miss Matilda Watson, corresponding
secretary of the Topeka branch of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary society, is
in the city guest of Mrs. J. D. M.Buckner.
Mrs. E. S. Greusel's mother Mrs.
floor with a pocketknife.
The clerks of Kearney carried their
early closing movement and thu stores of
that city now close at 8 p. m.
At Fairbury only on" mm voted
against issuing $'i.00U in school b nds,
and only twoagaiiu.t ;0,000 court liuuse
J he i"-Uiocratic convention or th sec
ond Congrersion il distikt will be held at
Salisbury, Mo, June 17. So far as heard
from congressman C. H. Mansur will
have no opposition.
Council Grove Kansas, Republican:
If the United States supreme court is
bound to force original packages upon
us we want congress to take off the big
tax on sugar immediately.
A female preacher living a few miles
east of Joplin, Mo., reports that the Lord
appeared to her while in the woods near
her home. People will now be won
dering what it was she really did see.
The Soldier's Tear.
Upon the bill he turned,
To take alact fond look
Ot the valley and the village cuirch,
And the cottage by the brook.
He listened to the sounds
So familiar to his ear.
And the soldier leaned upon his sword.
And wiped away a tear.
Beside that cottage porch
A k'irl was on her knees ;
She held aloft a snowy scarf
Which fluttered in the breeze.
She brea'hed a prayer for him
A prayer lie oould not hear ;
But he paused to bless her as she knelt.
And he wiped away a tear.
He turned and left the spot.
Oh, do not deem him weak !
For dauntless was the soldier's heart.
Thong!) tears were on his cheek.
Go watch the foremost ranks
Id danger's dark career ;
Be sure the hand most daring there
Has wiped away a tear.
He Had A Future.
The announcement of the death of Mr.
O. II. Rothacker, formeily editor of the
Omaha Republican, is both a shock and
a sad surprise. What journalism arjd
literature has lost we may not know
At thirty-tour a man has a future what
Rothacker's future would have been had
he liyed is a mere conjecture. His gen
ius. his abilities, his stisnge personality
his touches of tenderness aud bursts o
ferocity these are well known . Has he
passed from a turbulent life into
peaceful rst. Is he not the gainer?
Kearney Hub.
Dispensers of Justice.
l ne following names were drawn as
jurors for the June term of district court
Charles Swan, Charles Shaw, Phil Engel
J. II. Adams, J. D. Tutt, Simon Fogel
song, John Henmngs, Phil Barnes
Edward Stopher, Jason Streijjhf, J. B,
Meisinger. John Domingo, Isaac Wiles,
J. C. Peterson, William Marshall, Peter
Eveland, Peter D. Bates, II. G. Race,
Henry Goebel, Jacob Shaffer, T. D.Buck,
Conrad Schlnter, James W. Banning,
Edward Smith.
Can a Vs Climb?
sks some gifted writer in the Omaha
Republican, in view of th" fc t that the
att' tii'.y general of Ohio has set out to
forfeit the charter of the Stau lard oil
company. In this case it can'rj 't, but
our fri.-nd McCourt has a real live red
pig that tights and can whip eats, dogs
and other wild yanie.
Very Extenuating Circumstances.
'Jiow came the jury to acquit the
pris; iicrf" asked the astonished stranger.
"The evidence ail went to show, did it
not, that h killed the iiihii ?"
-Yis," replied the juryman, "but it
also iippeare-J iu evidence before you
came in that the man he killed alwaja
persisted in sijiug 'Is so?' when
anybody told him a b.t of news." Bos
ton Journal.
The Fire.
Til" fire bell sounded the alarm this
afternoon about three o'clock, notifying
the lire boys of a conflagration in the
.th wrd. On arriving at the scene we
found a stable and hen house belonging
to Joe Bruhl, about four blocks south of
the south line of the shops. The hose
was put on and the fire put out but not
until the stable was well nigh destroyed.
For Horses, Cattlo, Sheet), Logs, Hogs,
SOOrage nook on Treatment ofABlinala
mud Chart Hot t ree.
crttK j Fr-vrra.f 'onirrat tona.Inllamnattoa
A. A. ) Spinal iWrnluiula, fll Ilk Kever., liinrdnai, It faeuraatlam.
t'.t". Iiimrmprr, Nasal IHm-aa.rgta
I. II. Hoi or Oruba, W'orma.
K.K. ouub, lleavej, fneamoaln.
F.K. 'olln or rlpeaf llellyarbo.
;.;. ,11 iararrlnsft, llrmarrhagri,
Jl.Il. l'rlnarjr and Kldnry Oiaraara.
J. I. Kruilr llaraata, ftlanue.
J.K.--Jla-Maea of JXuraiton, l'aralyala.
HIukIo Bottle (over 80 iloa), r - .60
fSloble f'aae, with Rpeelflm, Manual,
Veterinary Cure Oil and Mtxllcator, ST.OO
Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - - l.OO
Sold by Drafrsiata; or Sent Prepaid anywhara
and in any quantity on Reoeipt ol I'licm.
Humphrey!' Mediclna Co., 109 Fulton St., It. T.
r anooaaafnt ramod far
fitoi waoLnAe
rt iiiui iicaniicdot
nun m iiwi r,i itui, ciuia iinnvwufk ur uui wr vauawa.
fl per vial, vlala and laraa vial powder, (or fa,
hcU.DHY OHUOuiM-ra, orantpntraii1 un ratxilpKat
lrioo.aaihrra,aU41aUat.t 1U VaMaa b.t Jb U .
Mind irandrinc nrtvi. Bonk a InarnjMf
iti d rH(tniir. TivBtimomala frmi all
nrt of thearlobfl-. JroaiMrtua loa-x-
ruxK, rnt on nnpl-ratiiiD to ImL
i I . .iaw.t fll IT. tel. A . fc7- V iT
Given to subscribers of the Wkkki.y? IYattsmoutii
the Omaha "World-Herald
IIkkald and
The Plattsmouth IIkrald oilers $50 to the farmer who raises the
most corn on an acre of ground. '1 his is in addition to the World-
Herald's prize ot $500, thus giving the successful Cass county farmer
a prize of $550 for an acre of corn. Let every farmer try. Kead the
following regulations and
Governing the Plattsmouth Herald and the World-Herald's corn con
test for 1?)0.
li. u. McUonam. ot this citv, nas a
wife and five children. On Saturday
evening last the family had canned sal
mon for supper, and sown after Mr. Mc
Donald, his wife, and three of the child
ren, were taken violently ill. Dr. Hall
Bailey, is quite ill at her home in Hast I was called and pronounced it a case of
mjis. Airs, ureuspl ana daughter. (Jarrie I poisoning, iwo ot trie chilrtren nan not
took th-ir departure for that city this partaken of the salmon and wore not ill
The Mioses Kate and Tressi Hi mple,
Carrie Hoi low ay and Cora Wood row,
go to Malvern this evening to attend the
commencement exercises of the high
school, where two of Miss Wood row's
sisters will graduate. Chas. Sherman,
Harry Green, Fret! Overlander and Har
vey Hjlloway, of the York club, have
been invited to take part in the enter
tainment, which they will do by singing
som-i of their best pieces.
Wall Paper at Wildman & Fuller's
hisprnved that the sickness vis caused
from eating the canned fish. For twelve
hours they were all in a critical conditon.
Mr. McDonald was able to be out on
Monday, but the children are not fully
recovered, and Mrs. M. is confined to her
bed yet, and the Dr., we learu, says it
will be several days before she is able to
be out. This was a narrow escape and
one tiiat the family will not desire to
pass through again. Weeping Water
Quite an important suit is soon to be
commenced in district court. Mr. W.
P. J. Hansen the popular Sixth street C. Showalter will appeal from the order
grocer has just had finished at the hands of the county commissioners disallowing
of Mike Schnel'bacher .ind Joh. Leach, the costs in the cases of State vs Daley
one of the best and nicest delivery and Couvery, State vs Lang and State vs
wagons in the city. Martin L. Mag-
nussen, the delivery boy, is prouder than
a peacock as he pulls the lines over the
little bays and flies over the town.
The B. & M. folks will soon have
worked out their road tax in this city,
and we are glad to be able to say that
under the supervision of the council and
Haldemau and Webster. These were all
felony cases wherein the defendants,
after a preliminary hearing, were all
bound over to the district court. This
wiU be made a test case to determine
whether the commissioners' discretion
will extend this far. Tt is an important
question that will be of general interest
D. M. Jones, in particular, double .the to magistrates throughout the county.
work has been done than ever before.
The fourth ward is being worked today;
the fore pnrt of the week the teams will
go to Sonth Park where the city work
will end about Wednesday.
A special telegram from Sioux City to
the World Herald says '"The town of
If it is held that the commissioners have
the right to disallow such bills, many
magistrates will refuse to issue warrants
for the apprehension of persons accused
for the magistrate before hearing the
testimony is unable to tell whether the
pros cution is malicious or for the pun
ishment of criminals. If seems a little
city, will b pained to hear of his arrest church was well attended, and a most
in Ccuncil Bluffs on charge of having enjoyable time was had by all present,
i. sed over G.G00 of tlx- m. n.v in his The rec ipts of the evening amounted
Covington, across thp river from here, is I strange that after the county judge or a
now burning and will probably be a justice of the peace has examined the ac
total loss. A few months ago all the
buildings on the west sidf of the street
posdssion belonging to the railroad com
pany. We trust later developments will
show some alleviating circumstances.
to $-31.20. the expends being very light,
it b-aves a snug sum to be turned over
to charitable matters.
were burned and have not he'jn rebuilt.
The remainder of the town, with the
exception of spveral houses of ill fame,
is on the east side of the street and is
now burnmg. There is no means of
saying anything."
cused. heard the sworn testimony of
witness and bound the prisoner over to
the district court. the commissioner, j
without any evidence but hearsay elvould j
decide that the prosecution was mali j
cious and consequently refnse to allow j
costs which thus accrued. The various j
parties interpt"d have as-ignd their
, claim to Mr. Sdownlfor, who prosecutes
1 the suit in their behalf. i
First Each contestant must be or become a paid up subscriber
to the Weekly "World-Herald and Plattsmouth IIkrald for one year.
Second All such subscribers whose land is in Nebraska, South
Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado or "Wyoming may eompete
for the AVorld-Herald prize, but those whose land is in Cass cuny
oniy can compete for the Plattsmouth IIkrald prize and they must
be paid one year m advance from JVlay 1, lblM.
'Iiiird v new subscriber when he remits should notify the
World-Herald in case he desires to enter the contest, and a cont( stant'a
ticket will be sent him by the World-Herald which will be evidence
that his name has een entered as a competitor. Or if the new sub
scriber to the World Herald, instead ot sending the money direct to
the World-Herald pays it to the editor of the paper in which this is
printed, the said new subscriber will within ten days be lurniidud
with a contestants ticket by the World-Herald as this paper is author
ized to act as agent tor the World Herdd in taknig -ubi-cript ion.-.
Fourth The ground devoted to this contest must le o, e eon
inguous acre of 48.500 square feet
Fifth The acre of ground mut be mea-uied and i-takrd . ;
surveyor or other compet- nt and Jisinb rested p ion witlii ibi,;
days prior to the date of harvesting, and disconnected at this tin.t
from all other corn crop b a space of at least ix teet.
Sixth The harvesting must be done in the presence ol thut
witnesses, who will test the measurement of ti e ground and satisfy
themselves that it is the original acre. These witnesses will also su
pervise the measuring of the cior and under oath attest the correctness
of the report then made by the contestant on our blank. The witness
es selected must be approved by the World-Herald, and in Cas coun
ty by the Plattsmouth IIkrald.
Skvknth Contestants will be sui nlied with blanks thirty davs be-
fore harvest time, for making proof of harvest, measurement of grounu
and crop. Every precaution will be taken to secure accuracy and
The above governs both prizes, and subscriptions will be received
for both papers at this office and tickets furnished.
Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians.
Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeuble to the
taste. Children take it without obiection. Bv drap-en'sts.
J r-r
And then come to our office and examine the book. It is superb,
and worth much more than it will eost you in time and money.
We give that renowned and wonderful old book "Webster's Un
abridged Dictionary for a Club of Ten yearly, paid in advance, sub
scriber to the "Weekly Herald, or for $-1.00 with the "Weekly Her
ald thrown in; or for S7.50 ard the Daily Herald one year. In all
cases the easn must accompany the.order, or be fully paid upon deliv
ery of the dictionary.
Walk right up at once as our dictionaries are limited.
No. 71
Price, $18.00 at Factory,
Casti wita Order,
Ftrictly First-Class, Warranted
All Seconti Growth Hickory
Steel Axles and Tires.
Low Bent Scat A rms. I'en'-.cli'.' Eii!i!ice0
LonjT. Fny Eidin?. Oil T.-tfli-ere Sr-ring.
lJest Wlietla ted Iiet Ali OVlT.