Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 15, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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.John J. O'Bi-ir-.N. 1 1 - great n-publ ican
cad r i:. N W V.) !; ;t M, at 'isc I to
tiik. nor tli'' :. art .f T ' y
The report r of the New York World
win, resigned after thnt pwper had ac
knowleded that his i' purl of th- C.leve
la;id : 1 1 1 rvi'-w as ineor" ct, is out in Mi
. i :.! oat cod ii.- I'er p-oei, eireuin-
.vlll I
i led
' i it
.,: ... i it- i'r-.- s,
v - - ! . Ir.
I ji ,
.-.Ml,:., It I. .VII.;' !! 1 1 1 1 I v e ' . ;:.mi
v. i : in ' ! ( ill'. ' 1. 1 (J - over say -.11
h le.M. n t. i. .i i.idt villi:, but !
.., . ho xp!i itly
"I don't want a flour sieve, but
a carriage lap duster that won't
let the dust through. Show me
a Duster."
5A Lap Dusters ioou&.uXtwr
5A Ironsides Sheet ?f,?.'rS
la Btabl.
5& Clipper Fly Hctsro;;."d
Eqial to Leather at Half the Cort.
10O other styles of 5a Horse Sheets and
Fly Nets, at prices to suit everybody. 1-or
sale by all dealers. If you can't get theua,
writo us.
Mfcmufrt by Wm. Atkks Sons. Phllarta., who
wake Um famous Horse Hrand Baker B)unkuta
Wmi tliiuc i .iili niul I'lntisinoull'
would diHtmici; all itoinpetiturs for th.
place ofthird city in the nt-itr.
Cai-ikoknia's ji'-noli oro i;1 reritlv
datnapd ly excissiv moisture. W't
will take chniu os on the Ni hraskH jx acli
crop if we can only j;'t tlx mointure.
At tliu rcat lalor parado in Londo;
on Sunday, ovt 170,000 pj-ojilp were in
the line&of march while the parks win
aid to have contained a full lialf a
million of sympathizers.
The Glohe Democrat snys the Missis
sippi river is too old to he f'tli" out of
iU hed at un.-ieemly hours and makino
trouhle with its neighbors. It is to
lively for a river of its njje.
Heavy falls of snow all over the
northwest coupled with local hail Btonns,
came very near giving us a Siberian wave
last night cold enough for frost. Tlier.
prubalily was frost "ii the low lands
"The Democrats don't like the proposi
tion to give the Republicans actual us
well as theoretical control in the. Senate,
but they will have to bow to the inevita
ble there as they did in the House."
Si'Kakkk Kkkp is so busy convincing
democrats who are present in the body
th.Lt. th.-v isare also present in the spirit
that he has no time to d-ny the report
that he is in the race for the pnsideney.
Notwithstanding there lias been n-
rain worthy of mention f'r more than si.
mouths, yet corn and small grain art
looking fairlv well which is good proof
of the excellent quality of Nebraska'-
wonderful subsoil. A country that can
grow anything after a six month- droiitl
is bound to be a leader.
PoLrncANS who claim to know some
.i.;.... .i,,,f th,. turtttpr sv that the new
ballot-reform law in New York will re
duce the Democratic vote 40,000 in thnt
State. Half of this cut would make the
State reliably Republican in four out of
every live elections. Globe Democrat
Tammany Hai.i. the New York hot bed
..f thi.vfi-v is aiain in i;
turmoil. Damaging disclosures ha
r-cently been made showing the mayor
of the city Mr. Grant and some f hi:
friends in the attitude of Boss Tweed
at.nlin.r from thecitv bv the hundred
vi - -
Mayor .Grant has exaggerated ideas
of the duties of a God father and sinei
he has admitted that he gave little Flossii
Cr oker $10,000 simply because he has
axeptedthe relationship of giut-father
to her, all th- Indies of New York will
be willing to call upon the loindsonu
bachelor mayor to stand sponsor for
their children. Ex.
The Sidney Journal wants somebody
fetch Bro. Smytlie, of the Kearney-
enterprise a vigorous swipe across tin
mouth." Bro Smythe thereupon offers
Col. Robertson, of the Journal an op
tion on the job. Col. Rob rtson declines
because bricks big enough for the pur
pose can't be grown in Cheyenne county.
7Pt rosace its wings, auu uiu
heard from the west but a low
swishing sound that seems to come from
the tank in which Broker binytne Keeps
his irrav matter. Whehe gets his re-
his gray matter, i.e.
W thought out it will hVe fur on it.
' . t.i. ' ,u.' s v. HtV
- , , I ! !!. . n
. c . , -'I' ll as 'ai -
; , , . i;.:' , M:i s, .'b 'it-n y.
II : . : is. i '. . ! !! 11 :,:
It I :l
l-i ..
..:.:,. . ' .!. ' ' ! ' '' "1'U. r.
ill tie i :!::: O lie- I iii may tin
bord il. Iiv.-! 'I- I; ''in ' ''"I- lids.
A 151 b j'i-l ! .-- i ' ii 'Vi i '.'' i:-tin.-
Vatican i i i ; nry winch .sin ii brew,
it is -i s. i iii In- tin- isi.'uM in the
world, and is,l at iflho.O O. It is
. wcigt-t . it t ijuir. s two nan to
lit; i:, tin- I 1 1 -1 1 1 1 mm i! u in li' iivy im tal.
In tin- '.' Ml- tin Jews "t VViii--i- of
fered Pop; Julht- 11. Us w.i -lit in gold
tor it. I'Ut 1 1 1 ' n i 1 1 In' was iiu nn ia! iy ' 1
up jiit th;n lie refused tin- offer
It is said, since Dan L in nt has
is-(I to .-t.:ii'l -ii t'-t oy. r Orov r
Cleveland, his par in- ui:t ability doesn't
serin to -1 1 1 out us 't ! nr-? slliic
Ii.- cn.ti't ilTii'. ti. Iur- ti luiulit until to
iln I'liiiMn:: mm iniii, in- !!! """
... . i i . i. .. i i .......
s-iUiil' - :i;m?i Hi .ii -tuff .mi'. Ilolli-
intf of tm-" .t :.,-.'. that 'V ?i ' !' '
il'ii'ii'ls :i" tuvi il . : ! ' ',i i;! ii l i!
wloit 'Ii' oil.'- 'nil tinir iMtli ii!
de-tin .
OtH W:t-. t : ill t"il eurie p indent tel) tin- tui.e.ral o
Senator Beck yest rd:iy. A number o
congress who Mttempted to boaid the
funeral train. w:;s found to be so hope
lessly drunk tint he s unlit for travel
In n case of this kind wt think the pub
lie have a right to know who the man
itruu u-lwi tlills ll isirriil l;d hllllSelt. It WHS
John Griffin Carbide, meinbi r of congress
from the Sixth Kentucky district, hik
candidate for tin-seat made vacant by
the d ath of Mr. B-ck. Globe Democrat
Tiik total ciiculatiou of the Youth
fViiiniunioii is nliiced at 441. 'J07. The
v i i
division among the states is as follows
New England states 77,;(0; mictdle
states. OO.Otst; southern states, 43,704
western states l!':i,305; Pacific states and
territories, 44,71:1; news companies and
foreign countries, 10,388. The circula
tion in Nebraska is 12,057. The best
feature of this business is the fact that
the paper deserves its popularity. It is
the. cleainst and brightest public ation of
the kind produced on the globe. Ex.
The telegraph yesterdav says: "An
important deal was made at Lima today,
involving nearly $22,000,000 capital.
V. J. Marks, the representative of
wealthy English syndicate, Maj. Geo.
II. Sisson. of New York; Gen G. Huss.
of Chicago, and B. C. Faurat, of this
city are the parties interested. It is tin
contract for building of 1:350 miles oi
the Mexican International Railroad from
De.ming, N. M., to Tombolabamqua Bay ,
on the Pacific Coast. The exact amount
inyolved is $21,050,000.
siorx city to oodkn.
Nicw Yoiik, Mav 0.- A contract I
been entered into today in this city, by
the Wyoming and Pacific Improvement
Company, by which $15,000,000 are to I e
spent in building a railroad from Sioux
Citv to Oirden. Utah, a distance of 800
miles and Mr. Sfeacv has been awarded
the contract for the work
Tnii Laborer lectures the Herald
about its remarks on the eight hour day
It doesn't matter. The boys will grow
older and learn more, the editor "t the
Herald has been a laborer some thirty
five years and he has found that whenever
he worked twelve hours a day and got
good pay lor it, his wages still would
not buy piite all he wanted. When
everybody will cut down his wants or
needs to the eight hour basis, he can then
cut his work down in proportion.
The advocates of the eight hour system
seem to think that there is in nature a
vast and inexhau-tible reservoir of what
men want and that all they have to do is
to draw on it. Such is not the case.
A law is presented to these people, a
lw of mi turn that is absolute and ir
revocable. If a man or set of men draw
more to consume or waste than they res
tore in production the source of supply
.;il Iw.pome exhausted and fail. No
man from emperor to tranp no class.
from palace to poorhouse can get more
out out of the general fund than they put
in without ruining their source of supply
and afterwards suffering the penalty.
As to the laboring men rushing to the
support of the Herald, as the laborer
ironically requests them to do, it is only
necessary to say that this paper is not the
organ of any man or class of men. It
never asks a man to subscribe for it on
the pretense that it will work to his
advantage at the expense of others. Not
even a candidate for sheriff. Lincoln
Wall paper 5 cents to $1.45 per bolt at
Wild man & Fuller. -187 6t
I.l. 1 10 !l! OUoiil- I il ol ll::it lilt
; , t- .' : : ::i ii.-;. t I li j ; .i i Mr.
. Vi lali'i -.Vl"te !l ll i 1 1 ss :: ii.oi '.
; V.-ri-i i )-.s.b- iV iiin.r ih.t
I V I Old in llo.e -ep inli;iillll'.K-:i
ii:-a;.-l iliti I lev. s. Hi.- .'o ne
I I. I ill i Lief il Colt ; ip l", e it. 'Mi. ie:.i
y . ' 1. 1 . - t i; . t 1 o- I '. ! i '. .ill mm : " '
Ml- I- p ut. I l!l nl'liri..'; t th S: iit int.-
inil !i ai.i! iiiins it. o- i -: . 1 -e.l l!mt
i i
witii : I.e . ei,ori..r n. os .;r.ii ii o :.-i.y
b-Mi .-. Ii s - .). ..ii i--, i. v.i. it the si'id
poltt r nil: led lti'llelf in tie- course of
tlie (:oi:Ve sall'. li. le nee It Was coinp Ileil
to r. -pudiate the rep iter's work. It is a
pretty (piarr-l t'i ha-- final ly .wine down
o a (pi stion of y riieity State Joui n:d.
The examination oi witmrses in tlie
sh iineless political murder of Ci.l. ('I 'V-
ton in Arkansas, still t ohtinm-s. The.
rl:an-aw traveler, while trying to iini
tate the d. inoeratic m'-thotls of South
Carolina. Alabama und Mississippi, is not
so unart as his neijlibors and lie eb'V n
hoof is easily uncovered; il;'- t stmion .
so far introdu. ed ii s noi yet shown who
the inn;.!- :i I W i:-, l"it It h-.s shown Ihe
most oti.ra;( on.- ! i.-regard ol the i-i",
,.; the . "!"-t and clumsies m tnii r of
i t p. at ing aisd fii Im- cwitming ever bi ought
to light before. That n man would have
the hardihood to stand up and claim n
seat in m the national ure ob
tained bv such open and i-otoiioiis frauds
is but an index of the most dangei-oii:
lack of patriotism and hv f"r law '"'"
justice, if allowed to continued un
heeded, might thr.a'en eventually th
very life of the republic.
Ex-President Clevel nd will make
lis first argument before tiie supreme
court in ' A Snw. r Case," but it concerns
New Orleans and lias no reference to
"The World and Sun case," or to the re
cent bad smelling disclosures in Tarn
many Hall.
"Kansas is recovering from her finan
cial bilousness. The bank deposits hav
increased $2,500,000 within a year, tin
total now being $1S,$:J7,S00."
The Reporter.
Who wi rks for eighteen liotns per day
While oMiers sleep ami while oilier play.
Reporting eouventions witlnint a llaw
Julavorof the eight-hour law?
The reporter,
Who wrk and ;.we :tt on Sunday nigat
And swears 'till ni collar trets too tUh.
'hixinii" ii sermon he has heen tal. ng
Upon " Ihe Evils if Sabbat Ii Hreav. tnj,'.'"
The reporter.
Who vis in an a e hoiie near Hie Ii:' 1
And tor a Vehooncr" d )Mi loudiy haw'
Willie lie touches no wiih e million,
A very bad leeti're on prohibition?
'1 lie reporter.
Who says tlie ai- e sesare ;ill sloinis
And ill'- aclois j'-e a lot of h:oun,
A .id lam the pen'oraia ice to tlie skies.
At a ft'a .ce from the pretty oubretteV eyes?
The repii. ler.
ho wi ;te up the fashions n hat-1 and boots
And the very latest, st.vles in suits,
Tn nleasi; tlie dude, his COU- ilis io.d aunis
Wiii e ue t;oes aioiuxl with a hole iu his pauts'.'
Tlie rep ner.
And, who at lant, when Ins is run,
Will htarthe welcome words, "Well done ;
On eauu you had neither scrip nor land ;
I as oa to tlie roporiers' stand?"
1 iie repoiier.
1 kan k CtARKK iu Kansas City H lobe
A Burglar foiled.
Yesterday being pay day some of the
light fingered gentry th ught to make a
goodly haul by calling on section fore
man McCarthy at h's home opposite th
Herald office. Mr. McCarthy ha-i all
.-if his men hoaxilintr witn lntn. ana each
man is provided with a key so that he
can come in when he chooses; all were
in last night at a seasonable hour except
Tim McCarthy, who walked up to the
front ck or opened the screen, and befon
he could get his key in the door it was
opened for him, and a burly looking
tough shoved a reyolver in his face with
the remark hands up. Tim giabbed the
obtrusive fire arm in one hand aud
poited it away from him while with
the other lie grabbed the burglar
by the coat collar and yelled lustily for
help. Mr. Con McCarthy came to his as
sistance as soon as possible but not until
Tim had received a staggeiing blow un
der the right ye that dazed him so tha
the intruder got loose and rnn for his
life, his partner having preceded him at
a lively pace on the fi-st show of fight.
Parties up stairs Baw the villain fly but
were unable to render assistance prompt
enough to be of service. Nothing was
missed about the house aud no harm
done except the ugly cut which Tim
McCarthy canies on his face.
For Rent.
A good -six room cottage on Granite
street near Chicago avenue; apply to
d tf Mks. C, 8, Twi83
Ebnwood and Platt-mouth will be j
tmied .t s o'el... U this vi-nuio. j
C. W. Sherman has moved into the i
Fitzgerald bouse m high school hill.
A ,,1.U .irt..d of Keainev in I
building a live story o. ra house in that
Indieatioin for Nebraska: Warmer
ionthtah' winds, fair, followed by
on Thursday nii'ht.
Pi-. -;,t and '-u.-JW at !v'-a'.iev, h killing
frost at Ashhoi
( ielie v
i. netisgs and
t !:e state- have !
S.-V. :::!
ber !1 n
.... t...U-l.,.l 1111 tlieir
w-'ik at Louisville, located the 'ridg', v.ili be just ?,'..',! bat long, ju.-t
bi buv Hie M P. bridg;'illl S Mil II .' III.III1III..I.I1 .. I .
UK,!"1 .
Tom's (-ibin pom-ianv "i two special
' ' , .
cars were taken off of N". 5 and
cars v
-.vitelied on to an extra freight for Asl -
.... ! ..II ,,,.1 i. it...i
James Carr, aged forty foi' ami Helen
H-sUins, aged twenty tin ce, liotli oi
Dougl is count, took out ihe n- ces-iar .
permit and w re wedded by his honor
Judge Itamsey this afternoon.
A party in Illinois has written to M.
Kargrs Ki.pii 'ing about ll-'iir facilith.
saying they have a mill of 150 barn!
capacity which they expect to move
west; th- y want to know about Platb
mouth .
A bunch of nice fat cattle brought
$1.80 at South Omaha yesterday, it being
the top price for the year; Vet Draper'
face lit up with the news as he was feed
ing 1)2 head and such news was very
There is strong talk of Francis Murphy
coming to Plattsmouth; honest tern
peraucc workers will welcome him, but
the thcorelical fanatic v ill spurn any
service lie may tender to humanity, be
cause he is not in favor of a prohibitary
The county comn.issioiiei s were in ses
sion all day yesterday on routine business
They went to Louisville this morining to
measure the contemplated location for
the new bridge to be hurt across -th-Platte.
They will probably finish up
their work tomorrow and get ready to
adjourn for the June equalization
A telegram to the State Journal from
Falls City, Neb., says: "Yesterday after
noon a severe snow and hail storm pre
vailed throughout Nemaha and the north
part of Richardson county, and lasr
night a heavy frost occurred in this
county, doing but slight damage on th
uplands. No rain has fallen here since
March, Rnd farmers arc becoming
O. M. Streight, the de-awake Main
street liveryman, purchased and shipped
seven head of extra fine draft horses to
Omaha this morning. They are to b
used by the firm up there who sprinki
the streets. Mr. SHeight has orders for
thirty-tjvo head mere of the best hrse
to be found in the county. If you hay
good heavy horses,, bring them in, no
light-weights wanted.
A wedding oi two of our most pron -incnt
young people willoccur tonight at
8 o'clock. The groom, Mr. Frank Dick
son, is th preset d-.puty county clerk,
a most exemplary young man, of fine ad
dress and good business ability. The
bride, Miss Lou Richey, is the daughte r
of Mayor F. M. Richey, aud is absolutely
one of the nie st of Plattsmouth's many
nice girls. Mr. Dickson is to be con
gratulated on his sensible choice of a
life partner. The residence is being fir
ted out on Marble street, near 0th, where
Mr. and Mrs. Dickson wi" reside
The three parlo-s connected by double
doors at the Weckdach in tusio.i, on Oak
stret t. last evuing were thrown into one
room and a select party of fi ,ends called
in, to while away the hours, which they
did in keeping time to the beautiful
numbers nr.prov'sed by Prof Tschouder
Qf Grand Man.1. The professor is a
fine musician and a most delightful time
was had by hP present. Many ot tne
wedding guests from abroad remained
over durincr the evening and formed the
was had by hP present. Many of th.
acquaintance of some of our b st people,
acquaintance oi sou. c oi uut ji-"t
-which mide it very pleasant for v'sitors
as well aa host
. i l. l... I
V 1 1 1 le ' in as lieu i or sn " i on "
i. t rson i . i v. I .s? no;!it. tie I't I itm li boy
tiiitv, paid a ilolloi and was dis
charged. i'lie Oinn buy wa- trnd and
found guilty, ad ii.ics and pi.e.l
1,1. ill 1. ion. lo il.e .'Oio-IOll of tW- lv
tll.illls. While lite I I1 Mil! oli'll els . c
.1 I,..,., iwii... ..mi.- I ;vt I :i. I I 111 ! .11-i I :oi. oi
' i Imvv the liov made a . It .-i icra t im a
lilert and sueeieiLH nt el ii. i i a;
;i- i
lit r
fill rs so til it il.e I'oliee court is she
p-o-ptctivt tw. ive dollars and a twelvi
y. ar old b.-y sh wi'h one ye open
i lelei.OI' I'oili I'll!.. oil' Sl "elg
'1 Ihing 'loin m uy burning- intiii
i eil v. i:.d i'li looni 1. .s pot oil otiile a hoi
iday air Mi honor ol the iael that i'r -I
. den! 1 1 arris- -n y :t rd.y sig-.-.l i ., I
1 1 . .. i nii...j Ii'i-.-ito ii 1 1 :t -- . V"i'M 1 1 e-r ii io-
! oilic-e 'm Idiie . A bo-iii.. ioillli. ro
I ... ,
of Mav Bros. cannon .ojiv-'i L'-g'
. - .,,,.
! meeting on tin; streets- loniui. .vtpie
j sent I'lvt; Doi -ev g!-;s cr-dit b.r th- vig
orous manner in who h l-e has pushed
this bill, it being the fii-t one in t he
United States to be approval by the pr.-s
ident at this session of eongrefs." Tni:
Herald ha -dw.iys accord d Mr. D-r-.-y
great credit for being -i ru- f,er and he k
ing car fully ! r h-'in- i:it--r-sts.
lie- presl-ylerian people wiii i.-ii-l Sib
b.itii st hool next Suml .y if. their eh oi.10
quartets in the new 'htirch. The room
has all modern conveniences, is well
lighted and beautifully firi-hed. The
auditorium or room for holding reoulai
services will be completed soon when
the Prcsbyteri ms will have one of tin
nicest places f T public worship in tlu
state. The outside iis well as the inter
lor of the building has bt en admirably
arranged and handsomely executed.
Now if the Methodists would breath,
the air of modern improvements and
wake up some of their wealthy members
we might have another fine church to
point to with pride as show ing the high
character and liberality of our people.
rK.nsi in a i.
I)r Eiiiiuons, of Omaha, was in tin-city
last cviiing.
Geo. II. Holton is iu Omaha and
Lincoln today.
Engineer Coffnian went to Nebraska
City this morning. Clapp, tin- Elinwood m reliant,
is iu the city today.
Geo. Edgertoli, jr., has gone on a visif
to Perry ville, Ark-msas.
Col Tom Prieo hied himself aw.y to
Lincoln this morning.
John Loung, Col Connor, and con
ductor Cantor and wire are in Omaha
O. B. Polk E-q., tin; Oremwood at
torney, is in the city today on legal
E. E. Fox, brother of Mrs. Fran
Seeh-nilre returned to his home at San
dusky, Ohio, this morning.
Nellie J. Jones, of Union, askt d today
to be appointed administratrix of the
estate of -Maria Jones, deceased.
T 1 T- rr f.l
C. D. Jones and L. Hoyey, of the gass
company, ariv. d in the city this morning
from the east to look after t lit ir interests.
, , r .
Grandma Ilobbs. alter a vi-dt of two .
months with friends ami relative started
for home, at Luk. Wyoming, this
W. H. Edgerton started this mornino
for P-lTyv:,le, Arkansas; to take charge
of the saw mill ;n which he and his
futlu r are interested.
Il-trry R.-ese started this ni'-rnir,;' for
North Platte where ho go. - into the i ie.
ploy of tin- Union Pic-i!ie. H-ory will
be missed h- re especially ' y lie- til- boys.
Wm Walslow, a lesideiit ol t'.ff
county twenty live years ago, m ole the
Hkkai.d a pl'-a-nt call this morning.
Mr. Walslow lives in Rock Bluffs
For Sale.
Lots 2, :h 4. 5, 0 and 7 in block' 4 with
a four room cottage and outhouses on
same in South Park.
Lots 1! and '10 in Block 0, Valh-ry
Lots t, 10 and 1 1, in block l.I,
yjillery PlHCPf am horse and buggy. I
,. f .. ...,, in
want to dispose of this property in the
n,-xt thirty aays. n
property now is your chance.
1A7.1mral.&TV J. D.
icxt thirty tays. H you want cneap
J. D. Simpson.
Poll.:c. :-)urt...
James A 1 it il and 'ie. . M .son
with taking .?'.) and pro 1 it v
10. 1. mill .,i I i .an K i'. Ilnli
Lai : d
lo Ihe
a :i v -
in" machine agent lioin Kreinoi.t. M.'w
f0 v
Hon was s. nt lo j iil lot ! 11 day, the I.I--J
liv- on bread an. I watir. No I. si inn. ny
being loiii.d again!-! All. 11, l-e was dia
chnri'eii. A man that iil . t in v, illi it
ei o .1 "f Inine., ii - Ii II. nly did, docs
not dei-erve any pity for n hat In lo-t .
W i 1 1 ie Old 11, ;t boy itrrested elwiri-ed
with an assnult a-' lin-t A. V'ci: oii; cm-e
w'll be heard X ton:;!.!.
Mm It si
The alioye
U :e,
!.. ,r .r
j sons, especially tot !.u:..
war, I appea, , no, . s e,,
!e lo eli out
Co- iiol Ii : i 'y,
' e: ion is 1 1. 1 1 i y
is no! uha! it
"" 1 i
mail.- I L it I lieit he. i: i
should be.
Many ailments that may
for a short p' riod. only t
I i ley n
. a: liiiiu
are as certain in t im
lo lilldel IlliiW- (he
health, us il break in the levee ot tin; .Mis
sissippi riyt a, which is loudly si a u at first,
daily enlarges u Hh the pressure of the
waters, and at lengtli h-M in n. rajing
11. o.l.
To guard aga.nst or lo reinoye diti-iiMtj
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remember in health ; siekn-
To know whom to atluise with should
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ceive good medical advice for the pi en
ervation of health.
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medical corps, who will upon application
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ease. Write and describe your complaint
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"Iir lion ey ), ,,t j( , ,. , , j, Jf ,.,, , a
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A siiii-tly lirst eliiH in.K-biiie. fully warrant-
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AK.a.ts wanted I'uiUh .:. V.
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oil! eniupiele account of til i:ri ;il. aial l ist
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111.- imu IhriHiiiK ri-poriN. All ntlu r ,i.-te,Ml.-,l
stanle, books ;ire impen'-rt :.lnl i ten;: piett.
Semi P r proof- :.s.d s:it i-.f tuise f. ii's treat
work .ilsa .-oiilaius pie l,i .. i,i v ef , !r ca and
it" ! f(,r iaoi Mia oik; t Iiou.ii..I joais
iilus'iap-! i!li h'H'i r,ii ei.i;ivui s, em i.-tf
platen a.-el iiim -i iuis map-, . , in,. im p Hie
O!. l' r-iilnelef iael to esiun. nit.,-,. ..f a I , 1.
ublislieii. 1 1 i tvomiei&iil. .hiiliii if. ma'Mli-
i-nt. Ii, nt : il eeiv, , .y a ivhi nl.i-
i ions, bill ne, ul f r profs a i-ifai-r.. ( '..., ,.f
the il. ilk ( initi-neiit" it is iiiibiisli.-ii in ,,,
Hpleiiilnl tjuai f,. Vi.liili f ftTii paes, ei(ual lo
Stato Journal,
n r