Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 08, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Highest of all in Leavening Tower. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
Everybody Reads ttie Daily Herald.
of an
it on
Oue of the beauties and charms
editor's life is in his deadheading
all occasions. No one who has
feasted on the sweets of that bliss cm
begin to take in the glory of its hap
piness, lie does $100 worth of adver
tising for a railroad, get s a "pass" for a
year, rides $25 woith, and then he is
looked upon as a deadhead or a half
blown deadbeat. He ''puffs" a concert
troupe $10 worth and iets$l in compli
mcntarics, and is thus passed "free." It
the hall is crowded he is begrudged the
room he occupies, fr if his coinplimeu
taries were paying tickets the troupe
would be so much in pocket. He blows
and puffs a church festival free to any
desired extent and does the poster print
ing at half rates, and rarely gets a thank
J m for it. It goes as part of his duty
as an editor. He does more work gra
tuitously for the town and community
than all the rest f the population put
together, and gets cursed for it nil, while
in many instances where a man who
donates a few dollars to a fourth of
Julyjcelebration, base ball club, or church,
is gratefully remembered. Oh, it is a
sweet thing to be an editor! He pusses
"free" you know.
Cincinnati Commercial.
Yesterday Grover Cleveland drove out
from-Washington to Red Top. So the
press dispatches told the country. Well,
the account might h:ive been more com
plete with exhausting all the truth in the
case or interest in the subject He drove
over a road highly improved with pub
lic moneys and solely to benefit a great
crowd of real estate syndicates.
Those who thus used the public funds
were his own district officials selected by
him .ind representing him. What they
did was to extend a costly avenue and
other roads for seyeral miles oyer a rough
and almost uninhabited country from the
city to his own lied Top. He had pre
viously bought this and improved it at
a cost of about $3t,000. The improve
ments made by his officials at public ex
peuse, and uncalled for by any public in
terest, ran the value of his investmentjup
more than $100,000 in three years, and
this is the sum which he cleared in cold
cash as a result of the diyersion of public
funds by his own officials, and with his
sanction to promote real estate specula
tion. The drive must have been an ex
ceedingly interesting one to the ex-president.
Condom nation Not Ice
'1 the Mutual lieiiellt Life Association, non
renMeitt :
You are hereby notified that tti Omaha
Southern Jt.tlway Company has loeald h
railrwa'! line upon and through the following
and situated in Ca county, Nebraska, and
tin same Is needed ior railway uiiom' to
wit: Asiilimf land n- hundred fet wide
upon and through the iiorthwct quarter of
section iiuinbc! loiuhM ii (14) in township iiumi-l-i
i i-i ve 111) in.illi il rann iiiiinl.r tlnrteeu
(Ultras! of the sixth I". M . as located ly the
fi.Kiiifcr t't sat r;t ! :: ci'Mpa'iy-
Hint iiiil'ss you apply t" Mieeiiu:y Jtuluc !
Curs 1 bounty, Seluaska. for eoiiiniisioiwr to
appraise ami iiKsews the d:iuiaut s thedaniau's
j ou sustain by reason of nw;l: appropriation
of said laud as nhove decribed on or before the
8th day of July, lS'jo. the said Omaha Mm hern
itailway CnuijtH y will apply t I He county
judge of said county for the appointment of
com mlHslonrix to appraise such damage on
tlii-ili day of duly, ihi.
Omaha Houtiikkn Haii.wjiI 'o.
Hy A. N SulIivaH.
Condemnation Notice.
Tit 8. H. Clark, hrt name unknown, non
resident :
You aie hereby notified that the Omaha
Southern Itailway Comoauy has located its
it rtu il litn. liiwkn :itnl tlirikilifll till? followif'Lf
i laud situated ill Cass county. Nebraska, and
the same is ueudcdiorroiiway juirpo es ro-wii ;
A strip oi latid oue hundred feet wide upon
and through the west half of section number
two (2) lu township number eleven (11) north
of ratine nmnoer thirteen (13) east of the sixth
IV M , as loeateil by th engineer of K:iid rail
way company on said premise.
That uuIusm you apply to the county Judfie
of Cuss county, Nebraska, for comin issioners
to appraise and assess the damages you nustaiu
by reason of wuch appropriation of said land w
above described, on or before the stli 4ay of
July, 18fK), the said maha Southern ltailwav
Company will apply to the county Judge
of said county for the appointment or com
missioners to appral-.e such damaues on the
uth day of July lsiu.
Omaha Houtiikkn Kaii wav C.
By A . N. Sim i.i v an.
AScrap of Paper saves Her Life.
It was just an ordinary scrap
of wrapping paper, but it saved
her life. She was in the last stage
of cousuption, told by physi
cans that she was incurable and could
live only a short time: she weighed less
than seventy pounds. On a peice of
wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's
New Discovery, and got a Eummple bot
tle; it helped her she bought a large bot
lte, it helped her more, bought another
and grew better fast, continued its use
and is now strong, healthy, rosy,
plump, weighing 140 pounds. For ful
ler particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole,
Druggist, Fort Smith. Triarl bottles of
this wonderful Discovery free at F. G.
Fricke & Co drugstore. 4
The New Discovery-
You have hard your friends and neigh
bors talking about it. You may yourself
be one of the many who kuuw from per
sonal experience just how good a thing
it is. If you have ever tried it, you are
one of its staunch friends, because the
wonderful thing about it is, that when
once given a trial, Dr King's New Dis
covery ever after holds a place in the
house. If you have never used it and
should bo aMictcd with a cough, cold or
any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, se
cure a bottle at ouce and give it a fair
trial. It is guaranteed every time, or
money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at
F. G. Fricke and CVs, Drugstore. 6
Tho Verdict Unanimous.
W. D. Suit, Druggist, Liippus, Ind.,
testifies: " I can recommend Electric
Bitters as the very last remedy. Every
bottle sold has given relief in every case.
One man took six bottles, and was cured
of Rheumatism of 10 years standing."
Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio,
affirms: "The best selling medicine 1
have ever handled in my 20 years, ex
perience, is Electric Bitters." Thousand
of others have added their testimony, so
that the verdict is unanimous that Elec
tric Bitters do cure all diseases of the
Liver, Kidncvs r Blood. Only a half
dollar a bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s. 2
Prominent liipnicians smoke anil reccommond
C. H. Polk, attorney at. law. Rock wood
block tf. 1
Star Listers. Millburn Wagonns find Buggies. Moline Steel Harrow
Little Joker Cultivator. I'lano Steel Harvester and Binde-g
The Dandy Riding Cultivators, and
A. lino lino of double and single ImrncKs.
Our Goods are nil new with the latest anil best improve
in en Ik.
O La O
We have something-new in a spring-for alarm wagon, it
will pay you to see it.
Sixth Street, near Ililey Hotel.
f omeihing lo wear and where to find it
Tin lutt'Ht Hfylen and perfect tita at
8. &. C. Mayers'.
(iuu'Is that are durable, Permanent and Lasting,
S. & C. Mayers'.
Priced that are fair, Just and Honest, at
8. & C. Mayer's.
Clothing for (Miildren, Hoy a and Men -Fat, Lean and extra Large, at
S. & C. Mayer's.
Our system of doing business meets the public approval
everything marked in plain figures, no hieroglyphics. We
treat all alike. When vou need anything in our Jine bo
sure and call on us, you will go home satisfied.
C5 swlYE
& CO., of New York City,
was made because they could not pay the duty on imported goods, and the entire slock was bought for 40 cents on the dollar by
"T e St js
who will sell the entire stock, and much more, regardless ot all Competition, for
the -
i A
Hi Tl
This mammoth stoch was sohl by tho sheriff because they
could not pay duty on inported goods, and
A , COHB1T &c CO.
Have bought the entire stock at 40 cents on the dollar, and will offer good cheaper
than their competetors can buy them. All these goods were bought by G. P.
Bmith & Co., at New York and will be sold at 50 cents on the dollar.
Sale lasts until everything is sold.
Domestic department finVf"i43 d2H
Qinghams, fancy plaids, for 10c; Good percales worth 10 for 6c:
Ginghams, worth 10 for 5c; good dress ginghams, fast colors, for 8c; Scotch ging
hams, the very best, for 15c; good shirting worth 10, for 5c, worth 12, for 7c
worth 15. for 10c; satines, worth 10, for 6, worth 12. for 8 worth 15, for 10; im
ported satines, in all colors, worth 20 and 25, or 15c, the best imported satine
worth 40, for 25c.
Oood muslin, 36 inches wide, worth 8 for 5, worth 15, for 7c.
Lonsdale, the best that is made, worth 12 J, for 8c; Ticking, worth 12i, for 7;
worth 15, for 10; worth 20 for 15c; worth 30 for 20; Blue Denims worth 15 for
10c- worth 17 for 12; worth 20 for 15; Table cloth worth 40 for 20, worth 50 for
25 worth 75 for 40, worth $1.00 for 50,. Bordered table cloth worth 70 for 35,
worth $1.00 for 50. worth $1.25 for 75,; Linen towels for 8, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35c
a piece; Napkins at 25, 45. 55, 65. 75, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. a dozn; Chalks, all
colors and shades, worth 10 for 5c, worth 12 for 7: worth 15 for 10c worth 20
for 15.
Whio ress Goods Wepar mnt w,
21 for 15c, worth 25 for 20, worth 30 and 35 for 25; Linen Lawn worth 20 for 10,
worth 40 for 30, worth 50 for 25; Dotted Swiss, cream colored and white, worth
30 for 20.
Fine summer dress goods
"worth 10 and 15c for 7; single
width cashmere worth 20 for 10; double width henrietta, half wool worth 25 for
12jc; Fine cashmere worth 35 for 25c; Fine Cashmeie, all colors, worth 50 for 35c;
ress Goods Department
All wool serges worth 65 for 35; All wool cashmeres, silk warp, worth 85 for 50c;
All wool cashmere, silk warp, worth $1.25 for 75c; Silk finish henrietta worth $1.00
for 65; Silk warp henrietta worth $1,25 for 65; eilk warp henrietta worth $1 50 for
$1.00;' silk henrietta worth $2.50 for $1.50; Ottoman cloth, silk warp, worth $2.00
for $1.00; Brilliantine, the best there is. worth $1.25 for 75. Imported Dress Goods
in all the latest styles and shades, worth from 65 to 75 a yard for 50; Silk Velvet
worth 75 and $1.00 for 40, worth $2.00 for $1.00; Silk Plush worth 75 for 35; Silk
Velvet, in black, worth $8.00 for $1.25; Surah silk worth 65 for 35, worth 75 for 50
-wj- -t ,.4., Spring Jackets, all colors, worth
Spring Wrap Department-, 5, 7, 8, and 10 for $2, 3,
4 and 5; Jerseys in all colors and latest styles; Beaded wraps worth $1 for $2, worth
$5 for $2.50. worth $6 for $3, worth $7 fur $3 50 worth $8 for 4, worth $12 tor 5,
worth $l6for 7. Finest line of summer shawls yood shawls worth $2 for 1, worth
2.50 for 1.25, worth $3.09 for 1.50, worth $4.00 for 2.00, worth $5.00 for S.W
worth $6.00 for 3.00, worth 7.00 for 3.50, worth $8 for 4, worth $10 for 5. worth
$12 for 6, worth $14 for 7.
We also have a fine line of table and floor oil-cloth and window shades.
Our stock of Silk Sun Umbrellas and parasols is large and complete.
Bed Spreads worth $1.00 for C5c, worth $1.25 for 1.00, worth $2 for 1.25, worth
$2.25 for 2.00, worh $4 for 2.50.
Laces, embroideries and lare
and swiss flouncing in all the
latest styles. Good linen lace for le a yard; Oriental lace worth 10 tor lc: worth
15 for 5c, worth 25 for 10c. Pillow case lace worth 10 for 3c, worth 15 for 5; Em
broideries worth 5 for lc, worth 10 for 5c, worth 15 for 8c, worth 20 for 10c. worth
30 for 15c, worth 40 for 20c, worth 50 for 25c, worth 75 for 40c, woith 1,00 for 50,
1.25 for 75, worth $1.50 for $1.00, worth $2.00 for $1.50; Lace flouncing worth
$1.50 to $2.00 for 25, 50 and 75c a yard.
Itnno 500 gross of buttons worth 25, 30 and 40c will all go at 10c a
U llOnS dozen; 100 gross of buttons worth 40 and 50c all go at 10, 15 and
20c a dozen.
M:p n;np worth 5 for lc, 5c pins for lc, 5c needles for lc, dress braid
flair liilb worth 10 for 3c, Coat's and Clarks spool cotton, three spools
fr 10c
50 for 35.
worth 10 for 2e, worth 15 for He, worth 50 for lOe, worth 25 for
" 15c; Silk Ruching worth 25 for 15c, with 3'i for 25, worth
All nmkes and styles. Good eorset?, warranted 6 months woith
LiUI OGlO $ 00 for 50c. The B .bs Bee Corset worth $1.50 for 75C; imported
corsets woith $2.50 for $1.25.
No. 9 and 12 worth 30 tor 5c
Id worth 5, 5e worth 10, worth 15 for 10, worth 20
for 15, woith 25 for 20.
ace and Not on Department-
Hosiery Department
Lile thread hose worth 50 for 25. woi
Balbngands worth 15 for 8, worth 25 1
Ladies Underwear
Lace Curtains
worth 2.50 f..r 1 50, Worth
5.00 f.r 2.50, worth
Good hose worth 10 tor 5, impoitcd
hose, fust black woith 25 for 12
Lile thread hose worth 50 for 25. worth 60 for 35, Silk lisle worth SI. 00 for f.0
uaiungnims worm u ior o, worm . ior isf, woitn OO lor U5, worth 65 lor 40.
Lodies ribbed vests worth 25 for ft;
"warth 50 for 25, worth $1.25 tm 75)
The Utest fctylea worth $2.00 a pair fur 1.00
6.00 for 3.00, worth 7.00 for 3.50, worth 8 00 lor 4.00.
Above us stauds no competing stock, below us lead no competing price. We
will commence the season, we will coutinne the season with BARGAINS we will
i nd the season with BARGAINS.
We have goods and plenty of them. Every depHrtiiient full of new novcltien
rich in quality and style. You are pure to rind whut you want, We aim to keep
the best and deal fair with all.Our ambition is tu please our trade and ONE PR ME
the lowest to all. '
Ladies and Gentleman, we call your attention to the fact that all the good we -
bought of G. P. Smith & Co. will be sold for 50 cents on the dollar.
dPuv Swammet st&cis is complete in eweinj respect
Everybody Cordially Invited to Attend our Opening which, will Commence
April siste Sale daily until further notice.
Come Early and hectare JBargrainsi; 3Hiey will not JLa all umnicr
JJ W VU .LUfrf? W li Ut Jd. J-L JHLS ) u. 9
COHEN & Co., Boston Store-
IPiattsniontlij KJeforaod
White Front I&niMIn
4L1S Main Street,