Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 08, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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    VSEKLY HERALD; i'L.V.'Jrttt'JUi'H, WiiUitASK.v. ;MaV 8. 1890
McCook t.i'.-is to ilomiiv a block of
lrouml itinl 2 V,!,, t l.ii'lil i court
liOUH'f if the (ii-oj .'i? will vh!,' in r'inov:
the county h. m:. iVinu I I a; i t ill r.
Tlli; lurcr .;ti-ia ill'- uiv in t!i l'iv.
of tin HiTtct'i y nivi v.a!! !iniy : . 'it
to ilitTi r.-r.t j i! t m!' 'i -t.r . . ii'iv
havi li.a n poMlcil u; in ri: ir-iitlu-y ;
arc laiMM.
A (l.i'i'.'l lrc-W i s,-iiiii Iiii. i
of !iol.!illr :. Iilii:i..l
lx'in I 1 1 i 1 1. r i" 1 1 ill "' -ii
nshoi' ion t, (i- ii-: ; . 'i i
:, is
Jiosc.q on li! in-.
Cllirf IVisall ui.l X Ci:'" f !' V- i f i
anil I'irkins ui'- in i-i-ii-t .i:t (.th. i ir.- fi.
the rlili'f'ri riicc, 1 1 1 1 oil t'li" l i
tln:y mit ir.ii ' ic- 'it iiif lit t- : v- !
lrii'.viiitr I'i ii toviI.
I f Kiair;i v t tii.' s I Ik; 'i :l; off 1 hi - luish"
litis tin.r, sic 1.111-.; .tin. dov. n 11 ti
touri'.'ii i n or.l.T to iiit. the i 'ial tsiiiinit h
lioyw in lh'- Konp, :ni'l it! tin: k.uik: tlini'
writ", Ki'.ll n.-y, cii inijiioii of l he state
t:i ini; tV (Jo. make lciioii use ol'thrir
liroki'ii uimJuw hy putting." u Imlh'tin
lnDtiil in it . p! ice on . hi. !i is p cluic.l a
oroi'diis ortr.-iit of II. my in tin nt-t of
- n. 1 1 mi ii ' i ii u .--.'iii.- ot thfir rh-.ic- nap -
For 1 he li"in lit ol an iiupiHiti vo puh
lio. fit: would stale Unit tin- strong sm. ll
fif t' that has' pci the allnoH
ph'-ri: on ami ahoiit M.iin st i : i't today
- inn s f ri lii t h. li'' I Y pai lite. 1 i .lit of I i.r
opi-i a Iiouhc.
.1. II. .Mori is, of Ashland, is in the
city to, lay. lie says the liock f-l ind
Biirvcyt-.l three routes ihro!ii;h Ashlatni.
and that tln-y alt: liow sitting j;i:idi
Stakes mi the survi y that inns flose to
the Ii. fc M. liijiit of way from Ashland
to Liticoln liy tli" w.y of nwood aniJ
V':t Vci l v.
A special to the lice s tvs: The U'l'i at
.st event, in the In.-tory of (Jai ITeld county
took place today. liurwt 11 was m holi--
ilay atl rv. and v county were
moved from W'illow Splines this morn
iliii. Th-' moviiiLT was head, d hv a yrand
parade, and nveryhody was n joiciny. A
hall will he o'ivti tonight in honor of
tk occasion . This county will now ex
pcrienci; an era of prosperity n.-v.-r le
forc known. U'-al cs! ate has advanced
50 per cent, in the vicinity of I'urwcll
and property is ihtily chanino; hands.
Anions a few of the i.icknames tin
iViy.s lire known hy is (Mi;is. Miller as
f "I'lkes l'e-ik Juke, tnas. tirassmall as
"IJeckey." Harry (ireen as "Andsoine Ar
rj," S. iM. W'hul. r as "ili-- Doc.' AI IM
wards us "Jolinny jumpup." (Jliff S!u
lierd as '"lilussom" and Ti il Clifford as
"Tehan the Kicker," while Henry Tartsr h
utands hack under the name of "IJuhhle"
because he has a1 ways huhhling over
with enthusiasm for the hoys, hut can't
One hundred and seventy dollars and
eighty two cents is the net gain of postal
receipts at the PI tttsmouth office for the
month of April over April of lat year.
If this rate wen? kept up the year through
it would amount to a cc-iin of over two
thousand dollars and would place us in
the second rank where we mitiht hae
carriers and a free deli very. Thk Hku m
predicts, that one year from today we
vv-ill hive all the first class f icilites af
forded hy the general govenincnt to
tthcr cities.
The: pine apple social at the n sidencc
of Mrs. Sarah McKlwain List ev.nintr
p issed o!T very pleasantly. Mr. arid
Mrs. llolurt Walker, Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. Somers. Mrs. Schildknrcht, Mrs.
Y. L. Cole, Mrs. Cliti hfi. ld, Mrs A'er
millia and Mr. and Mrs. nigyins were
amoiifitlie prominent memlxrs of the
Christian Church present together with
host of riattsmouth's hest young peo
pie. Iiefr -shm. nts were s rv. tl hy the
gt nial hostess assisted hy her little dau
ghter, which wit!i ith good music and
social con vi r :tion. made the evening
an eiijoy thle one. A n e: t sum of mom y
was raised for the Sunday School, that
being the primary object t.f t c social.
S. W. Kiplcy, of Cheyenne county
caiuc in from that wesiein empire Wed
cstlav. and is looking nfter the settle
menl tf the e.t.-it'.' of Siml. Ilipiey tie
ceased. He sayts crops out ther.1 are
ahead of ours and that plenty of rain
has n.ade the whole country boom. He
says Dan Johnson is doing well and has
thirty head of rhie horses on his spring
ranch near Minitaie. George Fairfield is
holding down a claim while Joe and
Mc. Fairfield handle the pos boards at
Sidney and Alliance. Mc. mirried a
grass widow and lives in Minitare.
Wyau Tabor holds down a claim on the
river bottom from which he cut fifty or
sixty ton of hay lst fall worth from $5
to $S per ton. Hen Gentry is couniy
clerk of Scotts Bluff county, while gen
ial lien. Hoover, from. Louisville, is chair
man of the board of county commis-
ttioners in Iienell county.
John Hall
holds down his second nicu claim hav
ing proved up on one on the river bottom
just below tOAn. The fe-'ass county
contingent is said to be prospe rous and
Vales Welcomes Stanley in
England's Name.
lai:ok ti:oi i?i;::s in i:ri:ori:.
A Wli.i !i!i .tf 1 ltons-:ni I'rnirlniM'n
l":i ;t.i iii'ti (lit; Ktr.4'1 Uir.l .jikimilt in;;
AM .Viinii. r t.f i:xf-'s;-x- in
Sfviiii I Son I ii i.
. May -v
it !. T
An:- n '
'!. S';:J!li'y v.:is 011
; i; hy 1 In Kj:i;u r
!!'!;...: ..I
U. Wert:
the Pri".!--.f ..f V;.. s ;md Iht .-'bghtcr,
)''k:e( !; " ; to; ia: file i)i;rc and Ii;ch'ss
of X " i t : 1 I : l'l ince .'lii i-ii.ll.. I'l iuces
A !:! I. ". !.? j'.mi o-i.-.-;o ' ale.-, th
tSn.'t.i i the ha-.'. i:i;:or ; nd a host
iff '!:.: it!.!;i!.m- jw- e-c-. Th" ''i of
V.': :- ; h i-iii. .i .!:'. S aidi- ' in the
J'.-iifc. y i lie ;ie..ii.' . i''.tnl V.'i.o. he
nii'i, . t - . i - i : I to ;n..i:d t heir ht-nriy
.-.'t '.. ' . ( ii.- ii! - i , i r.i velcr.
M r. M;. : i- e es; . o to sjio but his
Voice v..'.- d:ov. .,.; ''it mtiMites
i;. the l.::;s if the e 'lill '::il . When
ouiet ;: n- lup-i ;-, said hi.- position
'.';.: !'. in: u oue ill ;i! t ;-'.-ssn:g , uo u
I I '.i :.:..! i
hi-, i'lei-t hi i.i i- '!..:i l i v.' ii;: t. Ii." should
iie .id'. '.:; d '.ho rinifc he h;u
fli. i--.-ii afi.l J'.ii.t H;,h tribuie to the
-.. v .1 ! ;i ,:iid t :i . .- :- ol hi.- associates,
;!' v.-l:i:J:i ': e ci.ii'.l hiivc ill: p.-,;, ed with
no :n-. Vv h. i: !"i'i;u w.t:. reiii'Vi-d for the
second tii:iv, ho ids m -e:i lied i-
.;ecis It. el r.--. :;'. -d .-ig.lilist liilll foul'
tire-.- . I ., V, f. ; 'a- '. te, cai:i'.? .i Vi-.-v
.-i : :d i.-.-i -d. 'J he I ' i in-. - f W-.-.i'
p-. :n. .-.i vnii' ui' 1 1 1 : i ; : k .-: ! i Si 1 1, i-.' v',
in. ii v.-...i i jjried by hi.ii o I. ui.
it iot s i :i S.;l III.
i..i: ::i.on.. Ainv '.--Tin strikers wen-
. r i i itoii.-. i I'. i.-.eiiri'ui the day ami
e e.r.i-. 1 1 ui . :: i...'s. Thr- gii.irds
!:;.-.!'; I: ile.I li- o.iil IliC li- otit-r. ,-i
si : . i .i ii
i : t
i ih-t l;t. :!. .Vt !
! Piers ; ei li-e to a
i J. ,ie gr.iir.ts
i. .': i.ol
t ; :.. :;..! : ;.:. V,. , :!i:d
( tiien
:...:".. woundbi': .'. ral. Allot l:er 1:10b
;d i .--t-.f. d. i lie priidiiig ..r'iee where the
i.r.h-1 tii:.-'!i..u di'-i i:.,ir Jit.- :.-t;' was
: .1 :'.- :v.ii);i.s weive-alletl
i.u; ; .
i- d
:' ief
he i'iii-.'in-.
lie:!-: i-e ...'(i-'i'l f-,-ojil
!.;.';'. Aiic;:i.M-. The
: i :' :;. -:'i on the j.lilit-
i ilhee uil: .-.
pi 1 i i. i f ;ii i.' t -. ;
v. il .It 1 1; i.i ..ji.
Ti.. ;-..;:-!.!
l-.K .-, 'l l it' t'lK-
'. -.lieuee ;is to cuin
;'. e I'or s:d'ery. taking
.'r' '.he h.jnrtiit 'ii.
i.i ati ;!-.; printing
i(.-l!!llti! their woik
Ulid. i 1 M- J
tf. ipS.
teeli -ii . .f a sir. mg body of
'.Vitit ..lelis i.i I'l-afK'f.
T'.i:is, 3 lay A di-p.-iith j'rori Tif ?:'. al S::kj ", i..-k. s.iys that '.
tit'O i-i;ei s are '; ,u:'di.!g flit st ;v: rs and
com i i .!; every ; pi cies of excess. Tin
c;.v.d:y i:,:vf viirngt'tl upon and tl'is
;m r. e.i ;i -;iii:!ilv .i' groups aod
IV.r.l!'. !! -IS.
:;. U-ivdvi-lx is
oxtc"!itii:ig tt
iil " -: i i i 1 1
i i! ' :; n':
tri'cers t-
: 'orv at Croi:-:, in
il. 'Thev .slsartei-cil
'I'.'i'iVS tnul had nearly eil'ei ied l..'i: '.he tiooi,:' rived
. e them nil.'. Tin: mob then
.1 to the telegraph office and
pro; a
gUHe.l 1C.
J-Vclcrut ion ia Australia.
LiOndox. May . Iii spite ef the cava-iii-r
treatment which the Australian
IcleXiircs to London received at the
lei uls of the lints-.'.. of commons the tpaes
lin.i vf f-'deia :i' m is l.Hijiii;g in Anstra
.i:. I i Mich e.:eui; as to coii-pe the
.. -giii-.i. r.i th" principle by ih home
-: :: :i!. -.ii :t je very distant il.:te. In
l u; ; i.-.s .: 'ice i.i' the obieet a natinnal
.. r.. f r.ll : si.-Ul ta:i: el't inll l;;l.- b ell t ailed
t-.i i-f.; .vi iiirs ;i : .w- weekstn fonnrdatfe
i ; .ii t i . i ii i : i. ri stud eift-ct plans
in; i. .-;.:! -j! ..:i! !;. th:' various seeiiolis.
!':n l ..;;:il's !'i..:i(e witli lai-! (iiiut.
Li- i. , May Uniied Sfjii.-s Miiiis
tor Ijiiriag has. reeeive.l from fh;gov-
i in, lent at Washington a reply to his
con.iiniiiie.i!:.:.i . nit erning tht Delagoa
lidlro.jd b.-pi::e. acta p.iiig the print iiile i!nv:i !y p. i. i ngal. but providing
thai s :inf lini
i! n -.tioii hrsr decide
whether flic c.a-.- e, a proper o-ie for
If t hi . ocestion is decided af
iirniiiii cely the s.tiiie nation is to lie
asked decide the terms of settlement.
IVtml.l See I.alrr ami Art Cin')ine.
LtiXf-c;. M;iy Mr. Gladstone has
written ii letter t Lloyd's Xew.-for pub
lication on Sunday, exhorting the work
big chas es to consider e-losely their re
ei'l n)sition. There may come a time,
he says, when hilxir will lie too strong
for t i-,iital. and may iise its strength 1111-ii-.-tiv.
but capiiiil will snrelv iioht its
11! ('i)'li
; the l.U
:. i n. he wid'.es to see'
allied to aih'vi.ite and
ui man.
"ilo- Cii..ri'h " Srotinnd.
N. M.i.v In the of
i !) -. (Jiiail -.-i Cainerou moved
;'. li.-h ;i!id l:se';.low the clmreh
. i L. Td:-. (Ti-nIsiOiie sjHike in
tli.. ino:i,.:. L-rl Jiariiag
c.U'd the -.uv jH!sirit.:i wideh
m dir-e
- :e.l
v ... .ia' i
. ! l'.-.-Jl f!l."! f V! .i'.w.. ui
i.iin i ll .:. r.ii.r.'ie .i agive with the
L-.l.f;-.-'.! leader. had spoken
niiiitistak.-dily nti tl.i-s i;ut-stion. The
m 'lion w;i.s rejected bv- a vote of 23U to
llamtiurj; InfiMt .! t)y 1'
Li 'Mi' .N. May :. The streets of Haia
l iiig art; iiife.-tetl 'y night with gangs
i.i iohl...-1-s who e tlepresiaiioiis hiive
i.ide p.s;"tr;ani-ni a.t late hours e::
i iMiiely na-afe. The lice svn to lie to ivia.-Iy i.he evil and the
ciiizeii.- .ttmiVt. io l;i'.:e the mai ier in
their owt: :i i;m . to vhe -yte:it of dealing
suntina iiy with every footpad caught.
licTil iiip;. r's r riemls I'ttreHfe?i Him.
LtiNlK'X. Jlay :-. The ct.rrespondent
f The Standard, in Paris, asserts that
the fti. itdstif (let.. Bnulaner have in-
i - "l he imim to tii.nee, and
t uiViitenti to aoai.tlon mux it he does
not do so.
Death u'u l'ii't.miat.
Brussels, May ii. Sonor Ortego,
Mexican miuLter at the Belgian court, j
The Customs Bill Goes Through
the Senate.
thk vui-w.u ;it nriTATru
ll n ui-! i-.w t t : ;:.. 1 1 ou-"---'. a-
lor V.-f.t'H VI.. 'i '.I t' She 1. It I
ntit- 'it; Slot, llr,i-.i!' i'.k Ali--. '.ie . .'.io:iiij'f-s.
': -.: ; A.
. ... ': .. -ii : e
-... r-j, ; in-
.. i ,.i h; witll
( a . . . ... ; li.i
" . .. -noig ,:. .ty
, x .... ti the l-Il-
.. '..: the d
: . f? -j.-i ".o ;-.
. j.i i ..iii;' ;
i: -.e-. r..:;.'
1 jii e 'i . ' . - i . J . . '.
, .-i . j '! i i. . . ' 1 -'. i .
; il ,' i.l t 111 .ii1,-,: i . !
S. .-..: Uit.i l.tio ii :.J. ;.!.; ; ad to.
A ia: .- iv.'e i ' lit .1-e With tllf
:. . .n.i :di ... ,i !! : t :.;iie tieptlitl
i -i'. ; e-is o : :.;d. .'.i h'.iil before the .-en-ie.
'i i ojli and a i'i n-inieiit were re
ft !':.-.! to iiii' o : . : I i : co no p-n: ioi-s.
Tin-cusi njus a.'u.iid. tration bill was
t.ik.-n iiji, the cnmiiiii tit- amendments
i..e.'ii to. :;;id tht l;.li i;is-eil 'C;is, '.',:
.:.- . I . i';..a l.-.-ing the oldy
i . :e;...; '. in ' a 'in a:;. it ! v'e).
'J l:e Iiii i:. i l -nt . ;ol . : n iiilligfd frnm
'.hat upoio'i: i; tlie li.i.-i'ict; committee
on i .n 1 .". ii i .V: a; cli.
?: -. i'hd i gave ni-ti-e that he would.
:u .i i.iv . ;t: k i iie seii.uei to take ill
ii i'lii f... . iie ;idii'!.i.u of the state ol
im i.i ..i. ti of i'.lr. .f. :::es of Xev;ida tht
i .il . :i..l;' . - ."a (j.e :, .-U" m treasury
i.oic ' ;:;!: . :t : .; ; i i -i' ;: . r hstiJi m .va.-i
ia.teo m... Le i:ic U.V ii iiished bllsi
I". : .. lie e.i i -si ; a ;a-AL uiitii
1 !.' '
io.vii .:!.'
.'.rem v.-;. .rt on the (iclaiioJ!i;i
i'dl v.'a.- . " d ai;d agree
T'-" I'M'i-c dt b.-ite.l ;il gi-eat it't'gth and
io: :i v ; t-ji :-; ed : i;; : ;: ! -ii.-d e-npy-:,;.;
biH -.? m 1 j... . ;;r, t k.-uvieige
l ii ;i i. ii.i iii aiiii'in.t-
iive, . h:.:. ;ed ii.s .;., to il.e i'v'gltlve
l. ii:e ia. i i.-ose oi'ig :i recoasidera-
i l.-.'Ver. -ev jre..eiive(i tne
;(!;, i; -i 1. ill-c; ! .1 ' lie . - W j. :i k legis
iats.ra in i'.ia..- m'.Mi in .i.-. t- oi" pay to
lefo-r ci: i;. i--. I;.-. .; : .
Secret a I y l":it- an lOilitor lii'lt
ill! till' .li?."..' SiTOJI'l't.
WAS'ii.x.rrc.N, At-ty Secretary Win-il.-'j.t
au-.lrt :etl js. : ." Ie. to the editor of
'I ii.' .:;(. ::il K.-oadi-st of Wasfiiiigton
in reply in ;t ne. 'it editorial iii that
paper cti.-iiueiiiicg -..:i the Volume ef
the (.'ur re.-cy." xiio secretary, after re
pr; li.eir.g staristn a shnwitig iii;it the
ci I'culai i-u ;er c-aitti of the leading
.-t 'ti.ii rie.s of E'.U'iii i.', with the-exception
of France, is less that of the Unit
ed States, say.- .
-ril et o:.cb:diii;; p.:;: ;.g:aph t.f tlie arti
cle ea;na: ii.ies w.j. 1-iutls of currency
.-.aid tope in use .li:ue :o. pV!i. The
ioial is sta.Ted to he i ..Vi'S.-l,,.U!l(). which
divided among :':?. i I ;.i,.sl inhiibitants
wonid give x.Vi.oi i'i- cap.ita. Unfor
l iniately no less than six out of the ten
items enumerated were interest-bearing
obligations of the government which
were not at that time and have
in t since been in general use as money.
The aggregate amount of these obliga
tions, which shouiii be detlncted from
tin- total f so-cdled currency above
given, is :f ! .l:5i!,l ;-l,477. leaving only
i:i:i,."j4. as the amount of circula
tion, and i veil this inch ides cash held in
i he treasury, the .ini-atnt being tjl.SNl,
exclusive of gold Ceiin. If this,
amount be ttedi'.cte'i, is- it should be, the
act nal ciivuiaii'...i could be shown by The
io .iaatnsi's own iiguie'r', to hine l.-een nil
Jiuie:id. ISiiii, little more than :?t5.t.(M)0.
tt . This amount divided among ;.",-st.i.-.'!
inli.-ii.'it.-uiis would give only tjlS
;i-r capita in.'teiid of if.J as staled. I
.lave already recouniiended in injr
aiiiimd report an increase of currency
am. iiiiti:ig to about .aO.O(!0,0!JO per
aniium. it should be evident, therefore,
that tiii:- lciier i.s not intended to express
in opinion a. tt the roiiiieieuey of our
: -nrrt ;i.-y, but only to correct certain
tni e-nents in s;iid article as to its quan
tity." Interstate Coimiteree Law Aiiiendnient.
W.'iSt i IN; iTt in. May 2. Senator Vest
introduced a bill to fv-nher amend the
i'lu-v- i ;ite ctnnnserte l.;v,' l.-y providing
ihat all express compiiuies, wliether in-
cori.t.aareii tr nor, t e taaeesl under
the provisions of that law. and that all express companies shall make an
aunual .-tiiteinenT to the commission tf
;h. tiiuouai t-t its capital stock nd
solids i.-aneu. the sui dus fund, the divi
1. -lid-- aiid i.itcie:.t paid, the amount of
:1 -.; iag .1. bt. .-.: 1 . full ;nd p.- rti-; ular
te- I'! of ir pTi.'per y ;i:M eq'.iip
iici'. . i he bill ii.rdvr pvv'tde.- tnut
i:e ii:. i i ; id t" t ;.csi milf-...: 1 bv anv
v-atiipauy i.n i'-araj '.-rratinii. ii s schedule
t rates tor lrec-'.t- ar. 1 ra i- a-e:pt.- from
di sources must be reported to the com-
uossioii a.ini.aiiy.
Silver Ieisint io-
WASi'.ix.rriiN, M;;y : - The Iiepuh-
. ; i .. :.-..... c i-!.:...
uc.iii e uiiiiiii. ice ei iniicceii
will Tiieet agniti to-d.ay and endeavor to
unite up-on the form ef a. silver bill to be
reioried to caucus. 1 ne Jeines suver
nti Wiis next to tne customs bill in tne
ctaicr ot laisiness, iir m view or tlie
tact that so far the Iba-d lictm:? of the
sena.te have been unabit to agree upon
the piovi-iona t f a bill for the coinage
: t sii .er. tne bill- lor tue i'.aiutssion of
' Vvoining and I.hiho viil be taken up
or consideration Jlcnday. and disposed
:.f in iidvance or I lie ctnsideratiouof the
ilver tiaestion.
A tv ltank.
"Washington, May 3. The Seymour
National bank, at Seymour, Tex., by S.
P. SuIIenberger of Seymour, Tex., has
ile-l an appiiciitiou with the comjitroller
.if the currency feir authority to organ
ize national bank.
Itoud Purchases.
"Washinqton, May 3. The treasury i
department purchased $112,750 4 per j
cent, bonds at $1.22, and $79,500 4i per !
cent, bonds at $1.03.
A Baleful Effect on the Coun
try's Business.
i:.(;i; i'I'iihi.mic in c;:!.jo.
Many In.I tint rieit I'raly.'1 lv tlie
I)-miiiil-t of Woi kiiiKiiirii II. IiiihIh
of KiiiIiyai'H- A ;-iierul Slrlhf
A III oil iototi Huil.lei'4 I : v ;l e; .
CiitCAfio, May !5. The iron mohters
and their helpers in most of the largo
manufacturing establishments ,f the
city went out on a strike for an ci-pt-hour
day and a uniform rate of wages.
The strikers have posted ph k-'ts a;e;t
the dilferent works and s;iy a. . -:pt
to jnit l-on-union men to work will be
met by determined resistance. The
Illinois Steel comj.iiiiy granted its 20(1
molders the eight-hour ibiy i averied
a strike. Fairlianlts" Canning cmp -iiv
has rt fused tht dema:id- of its ."()) em
ployes for an eight-hour day and a sfiik-H
will lie inaugurated .Holiday. laghtv
coopers in the est abli-iiment have sti uck.
I'lauini; Mill Hamls Out
All the cmjiloves in f hejilaning mills of
the South and West Side have also struck
for an eight-eight-hour day and eight
hours' pay. lief ore night the strikers
claim every planing mill employe in the
city, numbering i.o,oii() or .JO.OOO men
will strike. Three hundred strikers
started for Bcahel's planing mill, where
some iitai-miiwii men wen- ar work, with
the intention of '-cleaning nut" the es
tablishment, as they termed it, but a
patrol wagon full of police prevented
the prospet live trouble.
I-iv ry tiling Wan Oi'.i.'t
in the afteri'oon and evening in the
'Black road." The striking molders
hti i e made- no eiTort to procure" a meet
ing with the employers, the latter
:u e i". ab.-olute igrior:;T'.--e of what is de
mardeit. The bulk of the meii ;ilso do
not seem to know their riv.n mind, and
s.ay tliiit they struck Ijccause oidered by
their leaders to (.. ,-,o. The whole affair
litis the ip.;-..r;;nca of being a simple
ease of strike fever. The authorities ap
prehend no further disturbam ; , but the
lie; -. Lil orhood is well patrolled by office.-
. and any incipient outbreak will be
:- t-e lily reprt s.-t-.i. So far, the strike h;is
not caused a ce ..-..dion of work in the
other departments or McCormick's
reaper wnrks. The meai einphi'ed at
the Good Viliie beix factory
Strnck for i-tiiii if ours.
Their demands were acceded to and
they returned to work. The men at the
Cooper Lumber company's yards were
also victorious. The hrm agreed to grant
the eight-hour day and the men went to
work at noon. Four hundred men em
ployed by Deiuma ifc Durkas furniture
factory struck bar eight hours. Seven
hundred men employed b- the Chicitgo
Cottage Organ company aiual.-o affected
by the strike fever and refuse to work
until granted the eight-hour da3
Trouble Is ISrewins
in the lumber yards and the prospect is
that unless granted eight hours and
more pay, the lumber-shovers several
thousand men will quit work. If
these men strike it will shut down work
in most ef the yards said tie up all the
southwestern lumber trade.
The union waiters are also threaten
ing strike unless certain demauels are
complied with.
The Carpenter Strike Is Still On
and the situation remains exactly the
same as when the arbitration committees
were appointed. At the meeting in the
afternoon the bosses coiieeded cigiit
hours, but when it came to granting 40
cer ts an hour there was a hitch, as there
wa also on the apprentice question.
While discussing the latter question
the ability of the New Bosses" association
to employ enough men tt justify the
ca vpeiii t rs in completing the negotia
tions, was brought up. The t :ta1H-;i..ers
imistcd that the bosses furnish guar
antee to employ every man within thir
ty days.
Th Itosscs Objected.
The umpires decided in favor of lim
iting the number, il is uitler.sioot, to
4.MH men. The car; tenters protested
and finally demanded it statem -iit from
the-bosses .- bowing exactly what each
ct.-rld do. They were not prepared for
tins and hnaliy. after it heated discussion.
the confei ance adjourned, to meet in the
morning at 10 eclock. The bosses held
i meeting and, it i.s understood, coiu-
pletetl ariangements fear the conference.
The Garden Citv spring works com-
promiseel with their men by granting
them jin eight-hour day with nine hours
pay. and the Morgan bash. Door and
Blind company settled with their em
ployes on a similar basis. The strike at
Maxwell Bros, oox factory was settled
hv the emplovors agreeing tc consider
tli grievaui e-s of th ir employes at an
eariy uate. liiev are now workiisr em lit
nor.vs. i p i
,: iviuignv no ' e; or , i t
Black road" di-trict had
ir. -el'Ie in ; iie
bce:i i cceiv .. ;1.
A .:'Hl-il! .i."i..' ..;(.--
B.-V'-t May o.--:: :- ..
the, , will 1 tl ge:.-.:t I .- .. Iniib'.s. or at lea:
. eiv .seli'.ns
-t;.zba:ue in work. e .:go
the Baiidj.ig' La1. ia-; s" ui:;-.-:i as.;..-.1 the
ZVia.-oti B'-iiUh is" tissoe-iatioii ier ti confer-
aiee with it-gardto fixing wages, no
ale liavi ig beeu tb.ed for four ;. t .it s.
"hey ask. .i for 4o cent an hor.1. but
aid nothing a'oout th. iiunf'.-r of l-.ours
vr day. 'ibis com nicatioii was laitt
n the table by the mason builders. Ihe
vor'Min-n met to take action on the
n itter.
An Kaiaeci- ant: T-.a Tramps Kilivtl.
Lima. (., Jls.y 3. A tr .iu ou the
Pittsburg, Aitro'i and Western road was
run in o by faie on the Cinc-in:i;
and D.tyion heie. An e-iinecr
and two tiuiirps were kille-d.
Tlie Itluidc Island L'sis!.tsire.
PitoviDKNCE, R. I., :.-ay ;J. Tlie gen
eral assembly adjourned sine die. Sev
eral imioitant matters, including the
application of the, ballot reform law to
municipal elections, were continued to
the May session.
Woo If n Manufacturers Kail.
SritiNeiiiKLD, Mass., May 3. P. F.
Wall & Co. of Hampton, woolen manu
facturers, have filed a petition of insolvency.
Si.v' '?r y-
Our Furnacon are nnidM ckim-cIhIIv for Wobtcrn CuaL
StuU tor llluntratcU C'ataJuKUU.
X Wttri nr-mrnro
Direct From Manufacturers.
C. i-;,vi 9tMT;Z?m til
Sention this Papei.
inn TYI to "elect from. Cheapen!
iuu o i i Lt-a an)l lj(st K0(ls , Jtlie
wtrld. 13 to ilO eave.l oil every Cur
rlaice; the only Factory In the world that
Bells at 11ALF ltKTAIL. FKICK.
1525 Main St., KANSAS CITY, MO.
J f- " .
1. X 1
- " . ."JrV ff -i ,, v.
It 'cor':: ca rsagh, uneven ground; in tall, heavy grain;
in light, short grain; in badly lodged grain. Some ethers do not.
S? ron rot. t Frar!- 5-'rjr'c"t Construction, Lightest Draft, Greatest. Durability. Most Easily
Man:?-rcl. i!:.AT i;.llitOVJi.MiiSXS for 1S30 place it farther than ever in the lead of
preteiHii ' rivais.
IH'ilWfEacli tiie Leader in its Class.
The MZi'Aiisn TifNDKi: TWIXE madeby ourselves is the betstia th world.
Apply tno-jratarest agentfor III astratedCitaloKu-a nn.l Full Information or write direct
tous. W.Vl, DEEfilHC & CO.. Chicago, III.
Best. Easiest to use. Cheapest. Relief Is immediate.
A cure is certain. For Cold in the Head it has no equaL
It is an Ointment, of which a small particle ia applied
to the nostrils. Price, 50c. Sold by Druggists or sent by
mail. Address, E. T. Hazeltej e. Warren, Pa.
absolutely W AT E R P R O O F
We call attertc3 to the novelty of its construction, it being composed of two sheets
of paper with r.J interposed layer of water-proof bitumen or asphalt, the whole anitea
under - jurc, making a sanitary mildew-proof sheathing for the sides and floors of
houses, '.hat will la&t as long as the building upon which it ia applied.
E.:;--riencc has ahown that the cheap papers commonly used for sheathing houses do
not j.i'otect a building for any length of time, but soon mildew and fall to pieces, making
the house drafty and damp; these defects can then only b remedied at great expense.
A Good Shcclhirg like the O. K. Building Paper, can be obtained at a trifling coat, and
it is a waste of n-.oaey to use an inferior article.
Put nti in roll 36 inches -wide, containing 1,000 square feet.
QtMPLC, ClPUUil .o ICrS T.Tyfl;-
O ruRKISHID iti A-?.ICATIO.l. iiX-.wX
BEST, jjf
!ff yoti want a reliable power for
,4 pumping, grinding or general
'.hi; V investigate the L,CAI1R."
V: c . ha'.h ngo comparison and claim
to have the most powerful and per-t.-cily
govcmctl, ciullj operated mill
:i.a-e iii tills country.
Tins Rplral Bhaped sails, plves one
,-.!;. I'tor more power than other wind
Sea l for Inll information and prices.
Porter Bros.,
Tlie only Specialist in the City who li a P.trular
Graduate in Medicine. Over 23 years' Practice,
12 years in Chicago.
Authorized hy th Htnto in troiit
'hronio, NwrvoiiH infi 'itt:iHl li-
IV anxMU ' Htn i mil V. hiiIi (MMU P
M'KKKH). S!iftl IjMhility (JA'H Osf
iif" JHKXIIAI rWKIt) NrvoilR lHfttilftr.
roiMonoo ithMxi, 1 1 it "rsutn: iiiibO
DTrisiiii,nii i Ollliiii J 9 I
(MrMi Kuaruntetxl or tJiony iv'Vu uUid
V.H.rum low. I'houHaiKlH of ohh
enrnd. Kxtmrienc4 in iniporlunt. Ail med trlnw ifn
(;iiHrHntoMr to tm purf and titliiom'iouH, Imi iik c6tib
poundMtl fa my jmrfwi ly iiroiiitfl Itilioriilory, Mt
are tuntlshftd rnndy fur uw. No riumii, to U
tortw to Imve uncwrtuin ircriiifcuH flllod. No
umiciiry tjr In juritt)H clinruictiln ih !. No dtnt Ion
from buMiiiMi. l ittietitn ut a dmUtno trMiUKl by
Uttr and ezprfw, niMtlicineH went tjvrywht'j fnx
from tuzo or I rftiikaik'i. Hmta your nine and wnitl
for ttriut. Xroo uad coaUdouti ul icr
feoimlly or by lttr.
A 64 pk' tT If For BPth 6exffl, nt
il.utntttjd mJ 1. waled in vu:n uuvniopo
for fr. iti ft am pft. t vsry ruala txuux tho ajo of
la to45l.ouid read this hook.
u k$z kM adii i -a u abiu
( rKlIi:i jIATISttT. 850for any
t it 'O ti.i-4 trni,mfi(t fiiilH to euro or LT"
im f. flrw.tot dirwnvTy i a annnln
n f'j r l(mH f oriiCivH f(v(r and (min Sf-lrj
i : j'iiul . lJi:r.f .nitlft'Al i a o t : t tP&t. '?- .Cf r?f
: f'H. bend i.tJittjniHtit o cano witll tuut; for LAr
i j.u.-n. C'-J.ii, or i.ddroKH r;
Ca. KEU3ERS0N, 1 09 W.9TH St., KansasCity, m.
i - " ' ts.r ir.i, n i ; j
I '.I'lTUlU llrill .....U. II M . x .
. 11 Knon i me rnwi
1 ElltWS km .nin n.U w.k, ... . 1 1 M m If . ....
J'SAltlH in th. Vtss.uft. . V f
A'tH nnnn thn KiHumvu n., im.i.i . . , . .
r- v. 7" , ' mi tnut7r. tne oeiic
XmTU h fur the rh a)rt remedy known. Full direo
tionri on each puf kae. SoW hy rru(wifit or Bent by
two jsickctH for r! cts. U. a BUunps taken in
payment. Address, "
GEO. G. STEKETEE. Grand RaDids. Mich.
"Alwuy uiouiion tins luiier.
ROOFING 00.,'?$'
Erf . i'-
f fate ll
'fB I
t frz r."