Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 01, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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i -
local am i on i : ir.s A'.
Al N I A V
Some old pcai Ii and pear i 1 1 r
just reeeivnd nt Mike Si hirks.
rno ch'-upest (pu'e-nswiiri; in I city
can bo found at Mike Schirks, e-all ami
see it.
Sirs. Frank Ruder returned to Iter I.iu
Colu home this morning itfte-r u visit with
her niece, Mrs. Je-rry Fait hing.
Mrs. Pcarce;, her sister Mrs. P tts and
ii Mr. Ru-ld, t li'-ir curst lnm N-w Vrk
went to Omaha this morning.
, Happy .lurk Di'Iihoii the; i cstaiirate ur
hail 40 people for dinner yest(;iehiy and
48 for supper last night. Jack id a
Matthew Oehring and his two cousins,
the Messrs. I'fifcr, of Cedar Rapid nd
Bologna, Italy, tin; seeing tlie im treipolis
of Nebraska today.
Frank Se'leiiiire is agent for a ite w
hose pprny called the rival, aft r h trial
we are willing to concede that it is tl.e
best we have ever Been.
Mike Schott bought a fast horse the
other day, and we are notified by some
of the boys to not be surprised if the
trotting record should suddenly le re
duced to 2:0fi.
The gentleman driving the fast trotter
about town yesterday bsely rest mbling
Robert Bonner with Dexter, turns ut to
have been Col- George Slir. y.s
ing some of has fust t-toek.
T. L. Murphy, the contrarto., rune in
last night to see the folks, trom his camp
in Holt county, on the Ogih n short line
Mr. Murphy says he will finish hi.-; ir si nt.
contract in about two weeks.
Marshal Dunn was making his rounds
yesterday over the city to see how th
alleyj appeared. If we are no;, misin
fni.ft some, wf the allevwavs made
known otherwise than
through the sense of sight
No. 1 went into Hastings this morning
eb'ht minutes ahead of time, making the
run of 17;I miles in four hours, including
two stops This shows the Burlington
people can shorten the present fast time
if competition makes it uecessary.
T" i 'lifTurfl tailed to secure tile
coupling for the fire boys the o her tbiy
on his Council BlulTs trip, Mr. Corcoran
of York having been a few days ahead
of him. Mr. Greusel has bceu prevailed
upon to make a new coupling.
We learn from a conversation with
prominent p irties connected therewith
that the new bank in Dr. Black's build
in" lias been decided upon. The pre
liminary steps toward perfecting the or
gauizitiou will be taken tomorrow.
Miss, (irac- Coper, daughter of sect
ion foreman Cooper who resules in the
first ward, celebrated her ninth birthday
jmiversary Saturday evening. Xelln; and
Mary Lennard. Tinnie and Addie Smith,
Myrtle Booth. Ella Huffner, Mamie Bitter,
and othem were among her guests; re
freshments were served and a pleasant
time had by all.
The new time card went into effect
yesterday evening, which sends the tlyer
west 3:20 in the morning, east at .!:). it
the evening. The evening train west
,mi-t at fi:4." instead of 5:i5. The liver
goes west by way of Louisville and east
by way of Omaha, Tho other changes,
which are slight will be printed in full
The streets were crowded Saturday
with teams, yet Isaac Dunn's team took
a lively spin up the street with a load of
eoods.doing no damace except to scatter
- , .- T 1 11 .
some canned goods ior oaca. utiwn
and sow a sack of beans on the street
that cost Mr. Dunn $2, a remarkably
slight damage for a runaway under
such circumstances.
Jesse Hoot wore a Sunday smile today
as he lifted his pedal extremities over
two feet high every step; we noticed his
strange maneuvers and on enquiry
learned that the first and only scion of
the Root family had recently appeared,
that it was a boy with as stout a pair of
lungs as one could wish for. Jesse glee
fully receives the congratulations of
friends, and says its another republican
voter at Council Bluffs.
Unique cards of invitation have been
sent out by the Woodmen to their friends
which read as follows: "You are invited
to attend a log rolling, to bo given under
the auspices of Cass camp. No. 332,
Modern Woo.lmen of America, Platts
niouth, Neb., at their camp. Monday
evening, April 28th, 1S90." The bottom
line of the card addressed to members
aays, "bring a cake and a friend." If the
entertainment is as novel as the inyita
tion would indicate, the boys will have
a great time.
Freel Gorder, accompanied by his two
daughters, elrovc over to Weeping Water
t oday
The ladies of South Park circle will
meet tomorrow afternoem at two o'clock
at.the TaU'rnacle, -
Messrs. Bayd and H'mshaw are buibV
: wi.iteb.n fn the resielence of .
mg up -. . - -
Marshal Duna in the 3rd ward. I
W. II. Pickens lias just begun the
.L ,.f neat cottage in South Park
for Civil Engineer E. E. Hilton.
'i lie K. '. social tomorrow idgbt at
their Castle hall sv 1 1 not innilesi- with
the horse show at the ope-ui house. Until
will furnish a ph-as;int diversion for t lie
public .
Ceo. Perry knoc ked 1 s,i io out of M e
county tre asure r ye -,f. relay with eight
wolf scalps. Asa Camp, near Ashland,
made a raise of $27,00 in the same
Speaking alout last horses reminds rs
that "Kid Smithey" 1ms one that's pret
tier than a speckled pup and a hummer
from way back. Smithey is training him
for the county fair.
Over 300 chattel mortgages have been
released in the county clerks office in tin:
last three; elays. Who said times we re
not getting better and that the assessor
was not abro id in tin; land.
Rev. F. A Campbell of A-ddan.l is
here and will assist, in the revival s. rvice
at fie Me'hodist Church. Much good
has alread y been coniplish d and as
room for work still remains, more; is ex
pected. Mr Weir, representing a big hardware
firm in St. Louis, and by the way nn old
school mate of Harry Ritchie nt Madison
Indiana, sold two e-ai loads of holts and
irons yesterday to Mr. Dumlas for the
Louisville hridge.
Cards uro euit amiomu-i-ig the foitl
coining marriage of Mr. Fred. Roth of
Grand Island to Miss. Anna Hcckbacb,
one of Rlatl smoiith's fairest elaugl ters.
on the; 7th. of May i't the home of her
parents Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Wee kl.aeh
em Oak streert.
Mr, A, A. Andre, special agent and
adjuster of the South British Fire and
Marine Insursnce Co., with hi adqttartt rs
in San Franeisco, ene of the most genial
and best insurance agents on the reiad, is
in the city today, in the interest of his
A hank mee ting was held last niht for
the ptirpese of pushing forward the new
compi.ny, Dr. Blae k, Henry Shafer and
several either prominent ciliz'ns were
present. Dr. Black and Mr. ManCoiirt
are in Oma'ia toelay seeing Mr. Millard
who will probuhly be int re'sted Ml the
new ceunpany.
The Young People's Soe-i-ty of (Christ
ian Emhaveir of the Christian church
will give a "Fine Apple" soci il at the
n siileuce of Mr. Sarah McElwain, on
Oak sir.-et hetween O'.h and 7th, Thins
day ev -ning of this week. J' very body
inv:ted, as a good time is expected by
both eld and young.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gut'im-m gave a
delightful d. lilting party Friday evening
at their lVSIileiiea; on i'oUltll sticct 1 11
honor of their ne-ice', Mi.s Jlinuie (Jiitli
man. Tin; large parlors w re thrown
opi n and about thirty coupl-' tripped
merrily to tin; b.-st music Plat tsmouth
talent couhl afford.
!'! liSDN A i,.
C:'.r- Manker, of L -uisvi
biisine'ss here today.
O. II. Bdlou and C. D. Dun 1 is
Ornahi passengers today.
Win. Weber. John M'linm anel Geo
Xicjiols are in Omaha today.
J. B. Holmes went to Beaver City this
morning te receive some cattle.
Mrs. Frank Ilagar and Mrs. Baxter
Smith are visiting friends in Omaha to
Mat Lauham and James Leary, preis
perous M inly farmers, are in tho city
Gee. Souter is the cenductor ef tin
new special train between here and
Dr. W. O. Henry, the assistant stat
secretary of the Y. M. O. A. re turned te
his home in Pawnee City this nuirning.
D. Hawksworth, superintenilent of
motive power, started t.ut this morning
for a teiur over the road, he will go as
far west as Denver.
City Treasurer's Report.
The report of the city treasurer for the
monthof March showed the following
amounts on hand April 1st:
Mesj ital fund 87 17
Sidewalk m or,
Kearton l)eml fund lal
Cemetery fuail 341 3S
Sewer fiinet 4,Ml set
5,513 73
E. A. Edwards, Chas, Grassman, Chas,
Miller, Doc Wheeler, Harry Reece, Tom
Patterson, L. E. Skinner, Tom Parmele.
Oliver Buzzell, Charles Wheeler anel O.
Kos, dressed in their best Sunday clothes
niaele some fine time On the track yester
day evening in the tournament practice
at the driving park. The toys are in
excellent trim anel plainly hew the ef
fects of good training. The fast team,
to be selected from abeiut 20 eif the flyers
ought to be an easy winner. Lots of
harel work is reeiuircel to get reaely for
running at the tournament in June, but
the boys goat it with a zeal and determin
ation that is truly commend able, and
gives assurance that Plattsmouth will
b h a o
. - - a weak back, ch
JII. McLean's Wonder
f the procession.
chest pains, use Dr.
Wonderful I leal in : Plas-
Gladstone on the Irish Land
Purchase Bill.
Tlif l'on's ICeearit Sjn 'lns Causing 'in
liicnt in IIhIv Stunla-v 1VIN f Mir Sim
'I'r.&.l in .1 ri-:t -'I lie I 'i-i-iii-ii !l i u il i-y
'i cf I ITS
London, April : .).- The land pun-haso
debate wa.i resumed in the house; ef
("I: inons. Mr. ( ilaostoiie speikei in op
pos.l. in to tiie fiivcrilllicnt's bill, be'ing,
as l,i; said. eon iucesl tnat the measuru
.is not eiiily erninplieaieil, but tiiat it
did ;i.i undertake to .soivc the eiiiti tllty.
He !:..! Iiecii eiwotu age I to hope for a
soli lion of l;:e in-stiti bv tho ileclar.t
iio:i of Lord Stlisbory that thegiivern
"e:it's plan I not impost a bur.tea
upon the taxpiyers f ire:.t Britain,
but h. hud been ti is:-j i) in t ed 1 o find Mr.
Baifour r.i.ii.'iine the lnu.-e thut the
nn a.-.ui e (!; ! i.'d i he country to the ex-te-ctt't'
I.eee.ooit. wiihout ncn; ioning
the j;o-s hi i ! t of Jurtii r aujouets beirijj
ad i' i While coin j, i e i-'iii iii.- th" or u-e-i;
leof .Mr. Prm-il's :fa-i ;i, was not
e-leir ill lietii! i (; s;. : 4 i ,-.e I t ll til
object of ti i-. se!iei v.. . 0..1 ii 11 t . il i t I'd t'.V
p :inaii ! lr. Haiti or bib was r iuv
vi.!i .ii b- .is poin l. toil i'i:; the c.'ij rttctfi"
e! Ii.e i ,,!!. f Oi'.e til 1,'rf I ' 1 : II os;i is
wen; : ... l.-octionahY . s to jiistiiy their
reje.i.o !. A bnl of this Ki'id. he said,
ouiii to be ccii.iie-u to hu:d:ords al
rea iy in osses.-.i. u, and shoidd not en
e ourave l.'iii '.unils to beeanoe Oil', its in
eiol! r to t i!,e :nlv iitajro i' t'i e;n;r
lttciis ! i ! s 1 'iTeTed. '1 he ; rovii' -u 1 v
spe ting t . ye.irs of arrears also u
(jtl red. j;:S'.-;;c (ion. which lie t'lo'.l.i'it
wi uld be i j : -lit. !o lii:! He coniin
lie.i Jii.s '. b: it: a:s a I c il!.-;ider;d lie length
ami reje, i ; ; v, h;i; h'-sigua v 1 a;
( llstitu: ion :: i o'. ;;! io is. he sai l tiiat
.i" y oi'U of tl.e-in shc.uld pr; cbi le i iie
t:oe.d r-i nii.-ie of tin; biil. Ii was ob
vious, he-r.Lru.'d. that Ireland was op
!., I Id th m eis'ire. s.eiii'4 tht t fivt;
MXibs of tin' Irish mem'o.'r.s weie strong
i 1 opnosi: ion to ii, As the govern m ni
.. as L'oin to ia '.!e Irei irnl a de tor, it
..1.-1 i th 11 they should e-i'i--hier
vvuat was trie ttto So of the jer
s.mis ihev were ;d iUt. to Silliject to tlent,
If tiiey le: lined to re -otiz ii ol il .';:
lion, i; was a wrong iuilieled. TJte gov
erunieiit would no. ini;o.-.e :i siliillar
t.ureleii upon Scotland in ill fiance' of ! iie
oij. elio m ot' t ie Sco nbers. lie
also ob'e.-fd to (ii use of i: i: ci ( . ;:t.
'I :li' bii;. iiv- s id. t :l" .' it ei..-:i COIUM
lioi.s widen woiiM siioek ii'i'iiaoi ty,
T- 1 te ii -oi it .1:1.1 :iia:ve vvors- the re
:lleIIS o. : o the ! vv cou itries.
."" 1. 1 1 do!- ii ; ii i iip'.ie-i usi'ig tr o;i
a.g.-tuist !eai ;iits: f 1 1 use of every stat
'.;!. o.i in the i-'if 01 icnieTit of an im
j opiilar ia v. T:i" bii: undiT discussion
wasth- most 1 )!!:; ii a OUt j,c ever
-aw. It (.-;: t in -d ever." form of m
l.i;:;ni:y i.i e-oie-!usion he' said: ' I feel it to be
t.iv ab.oiiiii' dtity .to ).rotest ;iaii'..t
I e 1 11 :-i ole , of so ii gra m i a h ir.ift.'r, se
lTeatiy :el-ifil.g to cm'" vk the country
into ;o n e j'e'i i:iii;.rv risks, w biie
II ;-I ii! !..: ;i ,'i r. h. :i. l ::ii aim in the
:- 1 : lie; "..;:
out a 'iH-ir:.. to
e st poiin. ai (::
ie 1 ai 1 is 1 1 prooicm.
e us i-ito th.? d( ei-
. it t ;-Si'i; i t ie .
V;.i:-v.w. Apr i -I )
mo'o iiunii ei iag i.' O
vidin:-; til toW.l of !
'..t of ii..,.,
s a.:d l i''!iiijs 1
ie;) T. ) wci
e;. on pi i s.ias wer.;
a asi- of i tl
!. t rs KiMfd.
A:i tiiiti-somitio
p 'is o;:s. after i;i
; 1. iti th-" g-1 " 1
l!iie;:t, rsft-'ked 1 ha
'.' tie' Jewish IV 1-
' '.-died out aid
kid-el and i:i.ii.y
.;(.; .1
, pri!
. '1 iie c:i 11 e ef the;
i a. is ii!' a mystery.
ot ;:t
i. e' l ioie-is i'1'M-.t:
o t he c; pr in di
toe li;
1 1 a 1 ! i . 1
;try am! up
1 it t!i ; mo
vii-oer.-.' !mm revolve!- li ts were tire i at
1 1 'tis. 'l'le troe-jo thou ch.irged upon
in- cro.vd and '- e:- m -t with a
f missiie. Faiiii:g to frighten tho inu
:: tre-ps we're (-i-iereel to fire two
'tuid.s of bail latridges. whieii they
:i !. Tho mob then scaitenel. The
" overy of ten ef the weainiied
:o!i'.s is rpgarele I as dembtfiii. Fresh
.id; -s have ii'.-cuiT-l at 'v saiiz, Inu
. rtf. ', (.Jrr.fz, Zi-'aim and
t. i-y. v.
st:l-lli"V 0:1 lite .-.! I. rrii'Il".
!'.:m's.s;:i.-s, April ','". Mr. Sianley ele
ivered an addi-es-i i; ore t lie an ti-sla v cry
'? 1 erence in wliie-ii he described tin?
le-rreir-i of the tradio in the re-;i.)ns he
k! traversed. iie att ribuicd the trade
ebi.fiy to a eji-ortihof ivory hu::t
i;g. which must b v eii'iate l t get at
die root of !;: evil. Ir:o.-,t everv
slave party was
;-i ably a party of
ivory hunters ejr deaie:s
rl lie i'lifi.''. i";--h"S.
LoNiHi.v, April i't. The spte hes of
the jiope; have Ian ly been increasing in
violence and hav.; exeiled much com
ment in oiricial cireles in Rome. The
1'ribuua a i.overuaienr organ, calls ut
tcnlion to these lit crane es arid eiee lari'S
tlsat the ponti;f is the only person who
regards him eif ;n at Hia-rty te insult
1 he laws eif Italy with perfect impunity.
Five Nlliziisl s;:i rs Suii-i-li-.
JIoscow, April Co. Five sisters
named Homovierotf cenumitied suicide
here. The youngest of the Hie was only
1!) ye -rs eif a'go. Tiie can e of the deed
was i heir fear of liug arrett." l as Ni
hi i-.t. A short tinie hefori' tak-ng tiicir
iive; they burn -d all of their papeus,
presumably with the object of shielding
T!i Fuke iiT Orli'Aiis.
' P.vuis, April i ". -It is reported that
the Duke eif Orleans has re-fu-;e'd to ac
cept his liberty on th ter us impouyl by
tho gover inieut. It "i als i e-xp-utn l
the yeiung .bik' will.wiiile yet ia p ison,
m;ir y his cousin, l'riuc.-e s Margueri.e
de Charlies.
Si-llli-il ly fiivitt'H .lilviee.
C'oitiv, April ).' Owing to the pel
vice of Mr. Davitt, the strikes in Coik
and other in the south of Irelaed
have ceaseel, tiie men yielding to the
1 lie Kn-lii-ll "-: iiiiilrv ."May '. 1 i .1 ise.
Pakis. April 23. It U runored that
disput s have arisen m the ca'niietiuri
it is feared that a collapse oi ine ux nia-
Jrj u not far oil.
i wiunmu
I ii l it I le I k a -
) i
The Senate Passes the Land
Forfeiture Measure
A IM-iirHiM-"i I ml ic-ii I ' l're Silvr 'iiiiiiK inn Tim Hi 'm ini; S-ii IHspule
1'ln- ,i'!isiuii Syslini to l!- I iivisl i-;iili-il
--I !:i- 'In ;i,i:iy ! ai I iiiiiil. .
W'as.'iinoioN, April :0. After truns
aet ion of s- line mat ine in- it niug business
1 1" I i ; t i public iuipoi l ,,i no-, liio consid
eration of tire laud fo-i'eiture bill was
resiim i. rdr. Piriiub. wii: has e-harge
ot 1 ii" bill. i;.--ciis.sci ..i i". Call's aim rid
lnc.i!, as to Hie la"id- in I'loi iiia. and said
t l;a: t iie; e iio eviileine in-fore the
sella! (liUiSide ! tilll : ei i t's st a 1 1
liu-iii i) tli. u tin-re was an eon idciable
liaaii.el' of jieopig oil the laud.- in ipn
tion. If the aiiiendiin iir was adopti-d
it would cast a cloud on the t itles of all
persons to railroad lauds m Florida: and
tin- bii w tl'.d be l.oi a bill ol le-aee ttild
qui''!, but j. biii ol d"st rticli'ii. lie
close -d Ills r"!itU"ivs v.'itii all ailiisioii to
t he De:-l K-ra! i :.iil" of the
iK-i.'i.g' il;iiii.-liee in it.: ;
eaoaiea; and seciioi'.ai ilufi
; b g
i -i -
Ihat .
i i he-
Seii;:tor Jjerry replied te;
and J i in v. i ii! on to a. c:-.s
ii est" )ti
ii ii it la
. lie
mneU'iim at ;-.i.d I he
believed in .-'.e.iubiig
S-'-iator I'diifiK'U
ln.ld i h.'.1 win-re a
lall vctierad
by the e oalracl.
- i. e.s t he M ii;it U"
lwiiruad has been
e ."c:j'i -ie :, out not Wiiniii toe tuia- ii:-a-
iied lilt iie grant, ami where' ai. act of
forfeit i i!i- has a t b--eii rais"d. tiie e-oiu-l-iinv
is ii-.ii ouiiidod io the laml.
lil;". ii 'l : " I il IV,.
s st it "t ii an 1 I re
i-iale it.
ic weiii
'li io sav
i a
oi leiice
l llille-
i--.l -lui-
! ".-;iiocratt-: m i ;v..g'v.,s,
ii:.s oi' the lii'pulaie-j'.ii.s iia;
loiii.iy r.gainsi. t:-e lo.-leillii'e' er ia:ireaii
1-oids earn. .1 on!, o' ii;:it'. ami that the
ie-:m K-ratic hoi:se ami a inajorify of
j l.-nieeratic seualois had voted tiie other
Senator Piatt o.Teivd ;i conciirreut
l i s. ii ::iioij. which was agr 1 to, n-ejuest-
i.ig ! he pre-side'i! lovcturu the l.'klaho
na bill. He explained' that owing to an
error of his own tin word "west" had
been Vised in pl.'lee of the word "east" in
tin ui.-vriplioii of boundaries. Arjpt
ii!e"!t ot; li;e htiid forfeiture bill was then
re.siiui. -d, a id Heiiafeir Call's tiineudmeiit
was iai'I Oil the lai ic.
An a; i.-n iiiient by Mr. Moody wti-s
agreed io ileclaring that tiie' act shall
:io; be con.-,; rued to e-onier any
vigil" on aiiv state;, e-orp iration or pe-rsoii
io Is that were exi e-pte-.I m tiie
;,ra ;
Tiie iiili was then passed without di
viiio i. sereab- tiir-n look u) the
e v- io.-us .".i.iii'u: isi rain n I 'ill kiiown as t lie
"M.-A!.ll-V biii."
The ei i:.i . nil !: ;
foi aiiieinlai -ti.
agri ed io. ). in-:
oii'i'j'ed and wee-r o
mra bneuts ;md two
of Kvarrs were
aiueiidnieiits w.a'e
Sena ie resoip.t
Colie. i 1 iiitlg ; be
ill ! he ';i". le v. , .f
t he roii.-'t i'iir; ion
ri is- a ! or ii--as
tot", was i-oiicut i ; i m
ii rigali iti of arid bunis
tae liio (iiande. and
oi' a uaiii across that
i'.l i ';l. i i .-r i iie; st 1 11 a ge
li ?
I'llilT LolO
at of ;
I ue jin-s1.' i.'iit is
iieg. iti;. i 1: i:IS with
..a-o i; h a view
ia- V.-'liey. An
d in ri-tpiostiiig
ie- in t ; negotia-
: if iii' ere-t whie-h
:-t the prc'seut en
the; IVV.) goveril-
( '.a- :r. iata.Ji .-1
si- one iu was ;.yi:
i -..'-.-iiieiit In i:;i
r 'A o'ia-r subj.-e: ;
; b-.- '1 e"'ii"d to
-i. v, ; ,"e. reiai it iis t f
ii.r.i' ."joint resolution was passe 'd. a.u
izr.i:; l-ii"at. liemy R. Leude-y. U.
.. to ,-if-eep; ;i po.-ition llin ier 1 he
r.naesit of the Uepublio of ('oioiubia.
;' iiou .i- then p.;.-....l '.he bill lei;:oV
oe c aim- oi :;-.-e-:tion from tlie re-c-ar
:!;:aiii D.-.v.-.-'..;,. Tin';: soldh"
.;. ivis.:it-i" ii:ii'i."-g iae vv;! -. and. in
S. A.
gi ivc:
i i;
in.-; ,
or : :;
Wils .
; n't li -j'
o cse avo nn' iia.r.isiuiM ;it laisoii
life, cnii
and .r:
-i in ine Coiiietierat e army
U"ii;lv relurin'il to the Union
A bill was .passed ine-ieasiug t .Sblt) a
iiioii.ii the pension of tiie widow" of Hear
Admiral Nicholson.
Se.tate bill was passed for the elisposal
is' un Fori Sedg-.'.-. i -k military rc-serva-li-.ii
ia CoUirado and N:bra--.l:a.
Tii b i-is" p i-.-.ed a resolution calling
oil tile ;-; i-:'i-;irv of the iilK'i'ior for a list
of old en igiual 1 a:'. 1 pa'e-nt.-t for lands in
Arka.i- a- .oi l M;,pi, wliich have
no: b - n iie-iivcre 1 i- the grantees.
Tin" house v.":-.o into e-oiuinii ree of the
win it Burrows of Michigan in the
chair on the bill providing for the
rlu: ine ation of worsted cloths as wind-on-;.
l!l ii .-i !-.-. Sl'll
WASiUSe'iTe.x. April :). There is ap
jiarently good avehority for the state
ment that the governments of the United
State-and Groat Bri : im are now far-fia-r
apart in '-heir negotiations in regard
to the ;pi'-Liou as to wdiether or not
Beariiig sea is a closed sea, than they
have been at any time since the nego
tiations began The" United States
mai:-)tains that it 2 acJo-i-d sea. and w;w
made so by the treaiy or le'J.l. while- tlnj
Briti.-h gove-rumeiK e-.-iitemls that thiit
treaty elex.'s nejt iit rM e-ove-r the ca-e.
"WAniNeiToX, April UU. 1 he Mt Comas
bill to prevent the ".gerrymandering" ef
e-oiigre'.-sioiiai ele'ctiou eli.itricts ami the
Moiriil service H'ii.-in bill were the
subjects episcussed by the caucus e.f Re
publican members of the heuse. The
gerrymandering bill went over until ;ui
eilher caucus. Tiie Morrill pension bill
was tiiue'iidl l:y ;i pre position to fix the
age f limitation at 00 yeai"s, and was
arta on.
The Treasury Iiiiartii-iit.
Wasiunuton. April :;).- The tivasury
de'partmeiit p.irehased sTi.Utt) . jit-r
ce-nt. IkjiuLs at $1.2-2 and srf'O.iM.) 4; per
cent. bonds at l.o:5i.
The Exchange X a tie ii.-tl ank of Canal
Dover. O., capita"! s:"ju.UU0. was author
ized te 1e-gin busiue'ss.
II. B. Smith and his associates have
niiide application for authority to estal
lish the Peoiiles" National BanL of Mon
Uiouth, Ills.
A I'ennion for Tllr.s. ;cc. 15. MoClollaii. j
Vashin(1tix, April ;0. Mr. 2fcPher-
lon iutroeluceel in the senate a bill gi ant-
ing a pension ef $v,.ju a year to the 1 by Indians, who have since been ar
widow of Gen. O 13. MeCleilan. ' rtastixl.
SII.VKK i.i:;isi.,TifN.
1 h.
1 Her I ii i.iiia4i' Kill Likely tn
I'iiah tlieSi ii it I
WashiXijton, April :. It looks as
though the se-nate' would pass the Teller
fre-e coinage bill, or isoim-thing very
like it. The; customs utliiiinistratiem
bill will like ly le disjiosed eif tei-day, anel
the iie'.xt business on th' e-iilendar to lx
considi re-d under the- orib-r ariiinged by
the" ste'e-rillg commit tee- is tin' .balers sil
ver bill. Tin- atlciMit yi-s'ii'i'day to ge-t
the eau; us e omiiiit i ; .- together to pass
upon tiiesilvi'i- epi' si ion was a failure,
and ii doi-s not M-e-m lively that tin;
rommitie-e will be al b' to do anytjiiiig
before (he- matter coliie-s llji for e-e !iside'r
!ii ion in the senate'. As was slated in
the Unite d I'liss elispate lies nearly
a mouth ago, the iVmoi-rabs in t he sen
ate; will vote for free' coinage
that is. e-iiougli of them will vote- for five
eoiuage b pat upon the' He publican
membes's f: ( ,m i he v.e'st tiie onus of re--Jee
lilig f re e (.inage. if il is ivjee'tttd. The
si i vcr mi ll, with ti.e e.e-epiion of Mr.
Te; ior. are w ibLig to ace-' pi a ceuilpro-
lllbe- for ! bo sii le of ge-t t i i!g some legis
lation oil the subject through congress
aad past t in ( Xce r.ihe, lull one of 4 hem
said to a Fiiib-d Press reporter: 'The-re
is ne Use pulling ibreingh il free coinage
measure lo be Vetoed by tile president,
ft r then we' we-nld have lio le gi.-iation at
i ill. We-are willing b accept seimi'-
tiling which we an
t i . -is will ii)ivoVi'.
i r.-ase t h- vi 'im tie i
lie.f lloW it eccin
lliattei" will .-e-Mici".
forin lb.;; i
t lie western St.-, !es
sure the administr;i
.md whieh wiU in
f e-urrenry."
inevitable that the
I cfi ire lb" senate in
ii. " Republicans from
v. ill base to vote' for
in a false light before
; free coinage proposi-
oinagc or aj j)c,
1 1 a 'i ! poop! e. jfa
t i' a is luatle iii t li
mitc it will com
mand the votes from the senators from
Ore goii. Montana, ihe Dakotas, Nebras
ka. Kaii -as. Mai ;,i li t one from Min-
lte -ota, M -. ;-i;a:;!e;M or ijiilitorma, 3ir.
V. arts of .New Veirk ami possibly
i ;i Ir. Qua' and Mr. Cam
iron of Pennsylvania. With a
few Oeiuorrats. tin-senators will p;iss a
free coinage bill. The we ste rn senators
c-aaieiVmly iook for this result in the
seii.'.ti'. They e:;,ee-t th: house to iass
Uh- e aiiens liieavure, and when both
houses i;a '-. c acted iln.'y will fe-e-l free to
vote fo; a compromise proposition with
o,i. i i jaring ih.-ir political standing at
h : no. riii iiim:sk.
Tin- !5:i-:1i'i Is Luiiij, I Iii llii-rs 1-'W, anel
Hu i : i :".l to1 iss Sniaik Th i-iitnli.
W'ASiiix.'Teix. Ajiril 30. Datus F.
Coons. C'linese ifispe.-'tor at San Diego,
Cell.. rep'U CS to Chief lllsJM'cteil" Tingle",
of tin-; treasury d.-parime:it. that h:; has
now in jail awmiin.g trial, twenty-six
(J!;in;i',iii'!i. oric- : ! ugu;.se, and the; e-ai-tain
e-f th;' si top Jieue'cia li y," for vio
Laiions of tin Chinese e.'el tision act. Tho
iat is
ram i
i- ---
liie "is l;"-cia iioV ce iiite-sse-d
.-; e-mpioyed by ai tiis in San
ii us! ih -if. regular contracts
1 info in China bv which, for
ti:.- safe- delivery iti the United Slate's,
the coni rac! ing parties re'ceivc st!-!; er
he' id for Cuiuamcn. InsjH ctor Coon
sa '. s In has now Un.ler arrest one; of tin;
principal parties ami is on the track eif
: hers.
V net her Chiia'.Tue'ii land in Me.vica eir
iiri: is'i ( .!umbia. he says, tln-ir ultimate
de,; -nation is the Cniteel States, anel it
i .-. almost iia;.os.-i"oie- to pve'veut them
t'ro',,1 coming o ci' tl:e 1 -order at night.
The- only way he- sees to prevent it is by
t reaty ii b Mexico and (treat Uritain
by wiiieh ( 'i i'iameti will be prevented
from lauding m tiio.-e countries, as they
.are iii the United Slates.
Is-. lector Coo-: repels rlie charges made
tha: l.'iiit-.-l State.-: otiirials are elen-lirt
i:: ' diiti-..s in carrying out the- law.
lie sir -a the law iisedf is tie -fee-live, anel
the-boi dcr :.o long and i he number of
me-n to guard it so iuadeepiate, that
Cliiiiamen who are smuggled in readily
return a iter being but out of the Uniied
iriiili'il Slali-s ri-uiiirs.
TvASiiixi; re ix. Arn il :J.(. Tiie navy de
partment, is informed that the fish rom
mis io'i sie :ni " Alb iti'oss, Iriviiig d-eeii
I'loioughlv re ;ii-.' ! at Man Island na vv
vard. Calif
Will 2.
v." prorr-e-d te the
Ranger was put
Aleaiian islan
o I t'w. ,'o.--l
itoi-ii at 3iare P-iaml and tin
work ;i
lifting ln-r will be continue I
ii g!ir a id day. The navy de partment
wn . i ,t or-a- ! of 1 iie arrival iit Barbad. .e-s
of tiie i ii! s-d Stiite-s steame-r 1'e-u-ae-ola.
;i;e will proceed direct to New York.
The Uniled Slates steamer li d imor.;
has resumed from her inspection trip at
sea and lias arrived al Fortress Monroe.
Tlit" .1 i t i--,i:tn Systi'iii.
W.:i:iiX'.;'i . x. April :5b. Col. Richard
iiintoii has b-eii ajip linted superintend
ent of the arte-, iaii irrigation sysre-m, ele
partineiil if argi'sd; ure. audi hasjm
propriafioii of ijOi'S I ro exp.-ad before
-1'u I-. 1. in a-rertiiifiiug w.ierln!- theag
rirutinie of the- D ;-)tas and adjacent
.-.iate-s rail be beiietio- i by tiie iirte.-ian
A Sil t-ilk ( lose. I.
Baton RofeiK. La.. April .50. The
break ;it the M:rriinz crevasse is vir
tuallv close-'i. Tin iab-irers en the lvlie-r'
lat D;ie-ot;ih. tog'
tlier with the other
hands. 1egan
at ::5' in tin
morning. Xe.uly
lvopp.-el in front of
now the civva-vs- is
1 )..,( KM) sacks Weie
tin' ciib work, and
l:."i:"elv l.-ekillg.
The i 'a-ootah ii -s come up M Baton
Roug" for luiotli'. load of sa -k -. The
river is steadily doc lining, and all fears
further breaks are gone.
Timvii Iio;ii-rs.
Pikkrk, S. D.. Ajiril :ii. A company
e'onsis'.ing of fourte en wagon loads of
emigrants with families and ;i gt-od
(piaatity of e-aelie .' t-nt over on the late
Sioux ii-serviiiion to establish a e-oioiiv.
Tiii-y are from iieadle county, this stale,
and will found a colony iiffaeu miles up
Bad river, which will be; named New
i:.-l'reiilt-iit IIa,v".
Becmcd.v. April iio. Rutherforel B.
Hayes, wdio was a passenge-r on the
sitjiiniship Trii'i'Iad., wiiich reai-he.l here
the 2-'th inst. fi'oia New York, wiii lie
the guest ejf (ien. Hastings of iey
eluring his stay in Bermuda, Mrs. ""tastings-being
related ttv him. Mr. iiayes
in no way suffered from the voyage.
Ineliuii.4 Start Prairie Fires.
Pxeure, S. D. , April iio. Destnv.-tive
prairie lires have bren raging ( :i the
Sioux reservation. A man named Siioun
lost thirty heael of cattle and narrowly
escaied with his life. The tires were strt
Only Surrender by Bosses Will
Settle Chicago's Strike.
Viti iiu Itriiiii ln-d nf Trmle lit Nu fTVr Tim
ltuili iuiiIiTii' Tniulili'H Tin ItiiKlmi I'm-leer
Will M:ik War on Snnlit-n' I'ni-k
Ollu r Strlk Mutti-rtt.
Ciiicaoo, April 30. The; irrimgeinent
Itetweeii the striking e-ariH-nleis ami the;
Ne'W lieisse-s' associa4ien. Monday night,
wun apparently only a triu-e and is liable
te Ije' broken at any iiienneiit. The
Bosmvs' iissociiitiein in slriving hard 4o
bnng alout ie-rm;ini'iit jM-.-iee. but until
thew estal'liii the faet that they comprise
& majority eif thee ;ontrae-;ors it is ex
tremely eloublful if 4 hey will accoiiijilisli
anything. The- etntral rounril of the
cnrpeiite-rs held a meeting at which it
was de'cided to ceinli'iuo the figiit in-de'iiiiite-ly
on the' same; lines 4 hat have
already be en traversed.
Preside nt i'tJomiell affej' Ihe ineeling
said that these i.- no prospect of an ini
ineeliaie sel I i.'Jiiciii . "riie fact is,'" In;
said, "the men will consent 4o nothin;;
but iibsiaii'ii- surrender."
The- fa. t thai the
4hi" ma-
sons and other braiaaies of the building
trades have tn-.'li so seriously ail'i-cled by
the- c.-irpeiit e .s" strike-, iia s a i oiise-el a sen
timent .in f ;'.'oi- of ii.' lap.ei, anel noth
ing short of ;i e-ompleie surrender on the;
Ii.'ll t of till" i o wiii cut S( llle (he tli f-
ie-re iices ;:i :t '.c. 'J'ifse trj'des are ;
lunch iiitere
own strike a
to make i:
The -1 ii'.. -
the ( id i e - -be-lie
e- 1 he;
gh- c, l.-e
tlit i ill , 1 a
as thoiifhi we-relhf'ir
ill use liii'ir iiifbiiiiee;
. fill.
ve (eased 4o deal with
:-,-1 (-;ai ioii. l,i-cause they
a ( sa.'.re- 1o win a sin
b ijig as 4 In ire :e -i it e-on-;
is main: aiaed. Tim
,i -( tiy vol tleiuellt now
t tiie New IJosse-s' asso
s i irate- the ir ability to
,ii strikers.
pe e lie
the :
st -. :
de :
ei ..
. !,-.-. t
ran de
i i t e
-.ii' Li-
i iii-ii- iie-iiiiiiiii.
A; ;il ".').-The managers eif
. ;;;id ji.-n king houses at tho
;t-;eive-d a le-tter from l'resi
. of ''.' i;ie-king house; lalsr
ejn Riding a redue-tion of the
i or t- ia;-;iit hours nr elay
. a i
in wage's et 21, e-ents ier
hour. 'J in union is romiiose-il of four coopers and lalsua-rs.
The packers, say they will
at once fdl the- places ef the strike-rs
with new hands and e"all em 4he Hilie-e;
and militia for protect ien shoulel that Ik
found ne-ri'ssary. The butediers elo not
belong to the union named, and will not
strike-. Chief of Police Marsh saiel he
should have- a large; force eif jiedie-e at thes
yanls Thursday morning; in"lhe event of
Jlany Others In It.
CniCAe, April iiO. It wan reorte'd
that the 1,000 e-mployes of the Me-Cor-mie
k Ibirvi-sting Machine company were
re-udy t(j strike on May 1, tor higher
wages ami eight lmurs a day. Mr. But
ler, the gemerul inanager of the cennjiany,
state-d te a United l'ress rejiorter that
the re was no foundation to the rumor;
that the men had made no complaint,
and as tar as he; knew were perfe'ctly
satisfied. Seve ral eif the; werkmen, how
ever, expressed their lelit-f that there
would be trouble on May 1.
It is alsei repeirted that the 1.H00 me'n
employed by the; malleable iron works
will strike May 1 for the .'ight hour day.
'tliiiK iu tlie Militia Htory.
Chicauo, April HO. If there has Tx-en
an order issued calling upon the militia
to hold the-niselves in re-adine-ss in antici
piition of tremble on May 1, the oflice-ra
know nothing of it. Ceil. Ziegfe-M ef
the- Second regime-nt stiiel lie eliel not 1k;
lie ve any such order hal leeii issneel.
"The re is nothing to apprehenel," he con
tinued, "from the parade of the work-ingine-n.
Ti; eiiilj- disturbane e at all
likely to occur is from the Soe-ialist and
Anarchist factions." Col. Ziegfeld said
unele r the present cemelition ef things,
two hours would Kufhce; to have the
whole regiment ready for duty.
Hohliin Hat-kerH.
B'istox, April iiO. A secre t me-eting
of the; striking emiiloyes ef J I Sepiires
& Co. was held. Master Workman Mel
len said to a reinirte-r that the we.rkmen
finel that the roiie iliatorj- spirit goi'.s for
naught with Mr. Sepiires, se light must
lx; the word. "The me-n." said Mr Mel
len, "hae prepared a list ef all jgrex ers
and provision dealers who have dealt
with J. P. Sepiires & Co., and erganized
lalx.r will lie asked u rei-eijM rate with
them in impressing these; dealers with
the justness of le-tting alone Squires.'
I niiilie-r Inti-ri-nts A IT--tl.
Cmr.soe,, April 80. The eanr-nters'
strike- has seriously affected the luinlier
interests at this jie.rt. Lnmlxr vesM-1
hiive been lying at the lumlx-r market
from four to five days, there being no
sab" at ar:y priee. At iirese-nt the-re; are
10.(;oo.( -so fe et ,,f lumlx-r on the market.
The slex-ks on hand in the j'ards show an
increase of ! '.OOU.OOO feet e-f hard wenxl
liirniM r ove r that of a vear agj, and u
deea-eiuse- of :50,0(i,ooo feet eif pine.
i.o.Kii- Inlauil Oiiurryiiifu.
ri:ov:i.-;;xe K. li. I.. April 80. On Mem
day night :; men of the granite ipmr
ries and yards at Westerly de-rided to
adbeie to in,. bjl railing for nine hours'
v. oik.-ici itii hours' pay. The mauu
lac. -..'-: are willing to grant nine hours
.vor io;-i, me hours pay. wi'h a small
ere e-ntage of ine re-a.-e in the hour!)'
go.- v.-aich. when e-e-mpHi eel wdh 4 he
pi -e-nt w; ge-e,, wouhl make little diffcr-eue-e.
I iiilt-jii-iiilc nt n!T if Mat-Iiinist.
Lv:.x. Mas., April iiO. An organiza
tion to 1 e la.i. wu as, the Iiide-in-iideut Or-eh-r
of M;s hiidsts of the IJuiteil State-s,
was i'istitiitesl lit this city Monday even
ing With a ( barter list eif 10 ine'.n: -rive.
A full 1 ..1. rd of oflirvrs were; che en. It
is the intriii ioii to have the supreme
lexlge in Lynn, and to e'rga!:;ce erne or
more leslges in ewry city in the. counttvy
Poroi-Ki.Ki-siE. N. Y., April 30. The
cr.i-j e-nierse-f this city will demand nine
lion;-- as a -lay's work em and after
Tiiio -nay ne-xt. Some ef the losses are
willing to giant the dem;inels, while
others are' not, and a strike is inaiuucut,.
v, i