, f ' 1 . 7iA7 A Om.iii.'i ):. Al.iym- ('ijftliin, ns unit. iih-i ully known, h pi'i-siiii-iit ot tl.e V. is-t iii -! ii IhikI mi pun v. Yi"'i'i 1 ;t y attt'ii ii 'ii in iiii vc ri-ulii'ii uilii u I'l l- ri;"it'T la-Hiiil: "Tin: l att lililirt IllTlil company will Hj !) t over I;. ill a ini!lii;i doibiis in irn'Iin incl j i -1 v i i 4: it-i proji-ity n' Cm -off hike 1 Iiis hi'ksmii. . I 1 -1 ;i-( Km. ii us Jli' win k i- cniii.li t'(l we In. v i'ii'' li'nalr 1 liiiinn f.irt 1:: ii'.'j. jI.-i;t-i l v ii'naih kiiiai In" ',' nti tli -ii'. W" are to j.:iv: I Iii-iii nil flu- r iiliii.i.1 f nilitii-H tiny l not Htiiit'ni" iIh iii in tin- least 11 ti( Hoim of tli" plants will Ii ivi- their inn rliiin-rV; in mnl 111 11 11 in." Ix fun- 1 1 1 - cIimi of tin- sciinin. Tin- nuiii 11 f :i 1 1 ii ii s fur wliirli h'i' luivi- already ii it;i t t- 1 will pit', about iJa.OOO.OOf' ot capital into thi'ir plants Jilto;. tli- 1. :inil employ l;- twi-i-n two iin:l tlin-i' tlioiisuttil propl. Mini pos-ilily more. " Wc haven't Id-ell (loin;; mufli talk i ; 1 '. added iliu may r, "Init have done n ileal of instlin-;. "Wliat arc the naiin.s of some of tins-! inuiiiiliK tnriii": ci)ti',M n-- , no! Kx cil-e nie: lli.it is our Inisines.u. lull ran't rut peel that we are ioin to pay men to tin vi 1 mound this I'mmlry and lrl these things and then jive every other real m1 ate man ami land owner in )maha anil everywhere els-- tin h-net'it of our work! Xo, sir! We are cxpcndM 11 I'iLjer il.- of money out then: than 11 1 most any man outside of the company ever dri allied of, and by, I he next year we will show Omaha the tre:i;est m.inu f-ietniiiiLC plant she will i-ver h iv-- with in l(i( miles of her liui'ts, an 1 yon can put me on record, too, for anything I have said." Tbe Newcfislle Hxtension. tlmalia I'.ee. hen the liilllinton people Started out to build a branch line of road from its Xewciitle I'Xten.Tloii up through tie' IJl.ick Hills country to lJ--.nl wood, tin-y had in vi'-w two objects. One was the establishment of a market in tin- reduc tion work at I). ad wood for their New castle coal and the other tin all rail outlet for the smeltine; product. This new line '.s now under construction hih. must, nccordiiiL; to contract stipulations, lie completed by the Ii:st of next Xovcm ber. I connects with the Newcastle ex tension at Cheyenne river, cros.-ine; in Fall IJivcr county, the extreme southwest corner county of South Dakota, thence runs almost directly north, through it pass in the IJlack Mills to Custer City, thctieo around Manny's Peak thr.meh the west end of Inn nyton county by way of Silver City and up to IJrownsvi h-, where it strikes the old IJiack Hills & I)-adwood road that rtr s to L-ad City. The entire distune is about one hundred and sixty miles. "This," said nn ollicial of the 1J. & M., "is the only in w work we have mapped out for the year." Equal Partners. I. h. coin Call. CiitoMio, April It is generally understood in railway ciichs in this city today tint the Milwaukee eC St. Paul has been a silent partner in the agreement by which the Kock Tspind mid Union Pacific are to join in trackage west from Omah; to Lincoln and the soutln rn smrt of the state. It is stated nt headipiartcrs that the agreement means the Rock Ishmdand Milwaukee and St. Paul sioin to I) nver and Salt Lake v'ni N"l)r.iska points and that the monopoly tli it the Burlington has had n Nebr:isk:i and Colorado oiisi ness ts to end with the triparte alliance, in which the Union Pacific, Rock Island, Milwukce and St. Paul are equal parties The Milwaukee & St. Paul admits its alliance in so far as Lincoln as a terminal point is cou v-rned, but it is not yet understood w In -tin r the alliance con tinues to Denver or whether it is the plan of the St. Piul people to costruot an air 1'ne from Lincoln to Denver. Card of T liankt.. We, the undersigned, desire to place on record our appreciation of the in my un xpected and spo-taneous kindnessis extended to us iluriu; the si'kecss, death and burial of our ihiuol.ti r, Emma. Words fail us. in our b r ayemi nt, to tell how much we have b.-en cheered aril comforted by all such tokens of sympathy. J. W. Joiin-on, M.VKY J. JOUXSON. Col. Stewart, the '"riyer hoss" of Nebraska City, is out in a proclamation Ri;-jiiist President Watson and the board of trade of o'ir down the riyer li-iehbor and the proposed hidi watron bridge across the Missouri river at that point Tin- colonel thinks hi- discovers a ite scendiin of "Scipio Africiiinis clandes tinely concealed in the corded timber" thereabouts. The colonel is a second Ci rvantcs. Com rnissioners. The county jiulgc today, on the pe tition of A. N, Sullivan attorney for the Missouri Pacific, appoinN-d A, B Taylor, M- B. Murphy. J. G. Richey, W. R. Mur ray, Geo. D. Ainick and W. 15. Nhryock as commissioners to appraise and con demn right of way for th'" M. P. road. ' u 1 i ; 1 , (.aMM' iMinp( ft.. t . h 1 in II miUIlllH HI LIU i ; An All-Around Stir Amor.ri New York Dank Wreckers. who kii.m:i .mix .11. (hvion: A iiaiitf ( oiintr 1 ti ilei s rr. -t ! A M tirl-i ows V'if- I :l '. i or I ;I i. i n ai nt-.l A Si.iilii'.; J Ii i l ' I . mt 1'iuii". 1 alul j AI url t Jv-iii nij r I' liei ( .', in i e . I e u -,. i t - - ' " ! N'kv; Yii:K, Aprii :'ti - I'.v. rhodv in I tere te 1 in the recent bar. k wreck in; j lisilt. is 're.iie.I to be on t he i ; i i i e I last ni..t. an I i noort l it d v.-io.- ineiits ' i ie hinted a! -n (". i r port j lift e-! o e nor ( 1 n. rad . ::! .1; w:-,o Li loaiie .-Mo. Ui- .i ill! t ( loii- - s! at e- liil'llla cee iviiiv, "i too liiyr.o i v which lui hi:!.ei t luaii ip.i !. 1 i l'.ipdtaoie : a y 1 ' -a a . i 1 0:1 ; ii -i 'i 1 ! !- II. V. i ,1 im ;'.lt 1 -h.-d 'o ti, p iliar s of the Si c ! h . iliniii!, i l'iin : iil! b :l) is, c,i,i ,, 1 10:1 a in iLr th sin.d er fry ndair. X; r. ! ;iw l - I i !o w i-i i k :;i .s nil, tli i iaied will; I t:i. I I 'l t!. ti:il st :. t Inn I .r 1 . 1 11 i 1 e v !;..-r.t f all lli'.i i.liiu.al ! ' a i t in in 1 ;i. a full v. as in I at v u ' ; i r M;-.p'- oil. !'... nk i ; 10 i ner .Me I tieiNoiM ;lei (iei:ied . I : i i .it have bi't-ii i'i i : i . I ;i il .lint his ;n-1 1 -a i i eio-i- . tain 1 til. . 1I in;j tii : i :i: ::ud sn. !' ii to : i i. ; mi I'll v;.i pti-.-ia! tin ) .: : I liio i ei : i,-;it.i w. i e i i r. Si , :n ii hi I Me cr s I i t liiit he il Oliiehi.ily to in t hat he w: s -.-. i. I in :i i ; ! c.iii-ni i ; r s' e 1 I r a ! h : i nr .el '. I ! !i 1 he v. : i i i;- I . ei .er . ,; ):.: a., -;i -.it hi re-iiei, e. hi:, r , 1 to ri". eat tin li:;t;iV o: lii" si : ti ne il wlie'll he ai lniiied he was pi ; i : , . ;. i iu -i;i t .in-1;:- LiTTt : !i beve:ily-i'i . e w were i'x.:!niii" i l"il;it in i est i i ';:it inn, --A bmit lier ;e.i, : i ee!:iil Kiieh of :k., April :. sse;, mostly th ( 'lay tin ; ; ii , ui! li e, the r.ero s vi-:e til ( iayion (or :!." ic; i-i i t iiict in r. wo.iru;; e VI" ill r elect; ii. A Veto-; in the Yhi:e I ot. i i for tiic V. hit" Kiv. i tiiity ;li 111 - .'mi rei(n:;;t m (j.; r ii'iinri bo.v sli i .ved n) lor J rei h ;. i n, -li for Ciayloii. I'iie ;!i.ij:i.'i ifd ot)l of th' iii'- VTc : s who if -i!il- 1 w; lii: ii.! - to ie;l i Aii lit ioriy .i :i s. .-i I'i-oju ! i.e i'. ml til'- iiii'.e III' li-.- i ,..'.). .ini M. ('itvioii. . ii: ho e: riihie 1 in-'! in 1 1 '! a'ei next v.eek - s If. "iil I'iuni- a hott 1 vt , i inei viile, where ('Liyton was :is-assi-iiated. v. iii ive lii'. ir evidence An ef fort will th'-ii he made to not only re veal the identity of the parlies who stole thr bal.ot box, but also to find out who killed (.'lay tou. A M il ult -niiis AVi'e. Posion, Aprii .;. Mrs. Mary Ciini stoi k, a midi'.le ii.fd hidy, has been sir-re.-ted lor conspii iec t kill iiei- luis bai'.d, Michael, by poison. Sii" told her lh si;e :o he l'i'l of her hils! and to a phy si. i :i ho was ill i i : i 1 1 ; ; him Ufjl tin :.-. l l ::i ave Jmrni less c- iiieoetio.'is w l:i h -he believed were t;ois eis. and v. lih h sh-- ii.liiiieish-reii. Tic ph -.sici m h;id several interviews with her ;,t his oh', e, and each time .i ie i a:ii: :- ne asked for i:o:i'-:ci- potieus, Viit'icse-, vere in i or.ee.:! ii -nt a:.d such damaLjin evi detice pnctiicl that the v.oni;ui was liiiidiy i.iken into ciisiody. lie ill lil 1. r's ( 'iur:i v;e. n:ruN, N. V., April "Jli. Keiiiinh.-r, the iiiuu who is condemned to die bv c!e -t i-.-ii v next v ce s:'.'.e.vs t:o si.'iis o! vca':e:d.-iL;: in truth he s?e ns to ni-'e all pioe . ;:: - a.al Iin il .irraneinents with an ..ir of :ih-i-.d. i: tli.it allows him to hi a ii.iiu of aimosi. iro.i nerve. lie? dee-: not al ow himself to conti nialate hi fate, hut bus es himself wlu-itliii sin- lllL writ m his iii'oiri-1 ti a' -iU'll- h-z to ids keepi'i- road I loin the 1'iihle or some ropuuir pel io ii; :d. IL lakes part in religious wrvicea daily an 1 in.iiii; ests a i' rvor that is surjit i-ing to others who p:-.rticipat . I ;l it or i-:iik: : V:t rued. Nkw Vii;!C, April '!. !?ome cor.utieiit was caused by the appearance in the Evening Pos. of a letter from R. "W. (iilder, editor of The Century, to tiie ef fect that he had In -come a a are of threats hi i:i. made to kill somebody on account of 'llu Post's public tioii of charges i; inst political leaders. Mr. (iilder was s: en and admitted that lie knew of 6uch threats, but lie w, ul.l not say who made tie in. lie had w.itlen the letter : s a warning and from a sense c f duty as a citizen. II was not in p liti- s and had no personal interest in the mat:er. A tiaisjjof Ciiiiiiti'ifcitris ."nifsti-il. 1'iTTsr.L" it(J, Pa., April L5. Deputy Marshal (iarl.er. Marshal llara and Offi cer McSweeny of this city arrested at Sto esti. wn, Somerset county, Jeremiah Wilt. Edward Jir sbane, John llrishaue ii:e.i Jehn Siep, all i harjt'd with coun te li'hi:";. At the hou ;e of John Hris I a e w s found a mould for half dollars and s 'me counterfeit money, and a little vas .! tained from one of Hie others. Wiit and Siep are -o:il miners and the Brisbane brothers are contractors. A I-'kIiiI i:lohition. '. '"'"-. Ji sTfX, April ".t. i)ur nj ." pugilistic exhibition, given here h.st Thursday niht under the auspices of the Bay ; 'late Athletic club, James Fallon, whil -i pai ring with Joan Murray for a gold medal, was knocked insensiaie by a ter rii le i low on the head, just above the ieftiar. All efforts to restore him to consciousness faiied. and he died last :ii.;'t:t. .Murray and William Norton were arrested. At:e:ajt to As.iissi :i:it e a .Ftt'ty;'-. Tt r.K.'-. Kan.. April i6. News was received here of theattempted assassina ti n of Ju .".e Botkin at Ulysses. (Jrant county, hist S:itun!ay. It is rcj-orted that an atb nipt was made t force him to th ide a joint in the pn timinary hciirin or" tiia county eommiisioiiers im jiliciu: i! in the w It l.ounty trauds in v petition to his judtrme d. His r .liisal lisuhetl in the attempted assassination. (iiiinbting inil l ast Company. PitlhAPKLPHlA, A il '6. John C. Graham, C3 years oid, a clerk at the in come desk of the Pennsylvania company for insurance on live, and granting an nuities, waive a hea ing, and wad com mit tetl t answer th. charge of embez zling idxait sij,(HH I. nging to h s em ployers. 1 he defaictwon is at.ributed tc gambling and fast company. Mrrivlni; I liM-r l i-r t lie (i v- f t hi mi fi-i!-i ;t I I eail. Atlanta, April i To-d.iy will be ceh br te.j I I; r-illj-Jiolil ( i'-oreia in Mein or;it! ! iiy. aiid tie ;;i a vis ot the ' n I e. 1 cr. '.!e iir nl iii' oral d. i !er,- in Atl.iiit t tiio oe n-mil v, iil 1 e' ( ! I;: :.U"l withilal-i.-'te e, rcii-. ln itati -ns to pariiri- Me ii nl !(; 1 li ;:r; x-1 'old'eder- :-t.- p-li.'i-al i, a-el the in ce'-tiiliccs h.ive Ii (!. .J 'i t.ll. it Ii. .iosi-pl: I'. .Jol.ll'ioil, (.in i '. i- ii I :-:nii !i ::ii James li'ii. si l ( -t. i li..' liy' i h' l s :n e lien. Th eel-;... . : : : i-oli.-i -t !' I.. - i. ll:i' :or .!;.:. .m i t ho t )): aii- i ter ! !:!..-, : 1: i'i;:!in:i liv Col. ,1. ( '. I ' 1 ll.tek f : j 1 1 -1 i i i.i!il n i: iit pr i - - ji ii to -.il ! c in ir:y, an 1 ;ipp:-.-.pri.it e e- . i . i . ii: :. . i-.. i.e.- ,i.e y : a of t he ; o;-! tlcr.'n- i. ,.: 1 ; : :-. 'i': -,i i t y is i u 1 1 nt t ti c.i.-t ;: I : pa !i - o: t in .rria iin 1 ) ;!Ji .tn-.ii :. e. . 1 : ii-Uiiill Is 1 1 ion- .-liei ;d . :i:li-..'e! r!..:o ,i ii ex i ? I ii th t '. I. en t ... :t. ,o l! i l.i vis ',-.s here four I . e,.r. ; '-u. I j ,n:: i'.i N-.v i. ;.i, . . : o.m- i-.ki:n k. I : in- i.i-l -...it. i'n.i.i : I i'i N:ivv '.In' Work - - ii" i if.f! 1 j-iiil. N i:i-", .'ii' -JCi Seiior Jose' AHo:. - i, ili li ie ii in iii i to tlie ic-ci-ot i '.-'i.-A.in. rii-iio ci lit i en : r:, re.rnts t.-i.'. ti.l- I.,' I. ': 1 . ;. '. raft h .v liess I he :i l.i.ii ..- of a t 'ii li.;.ii ili.eii ojolirn ; h. ei ',.;.: I h:. ve In I) pi 1 1 i is ! ed i : . :. ..ill . : . . n :n .: i !i -r ., e li i tin coa f. li .re 'i .e i :ei .e;;; lis.iUi'S 1! ill lIO- ': ia'e. rov. '. e or :: Alfonso him- :.;:., v.-h ieh ho does : a. : 1 1 In mere boh linir i .- a l! i in ci : :i I J nat hiir th-: iv may he no , i !i wo k d- ie- will -e!.. r e; are.. !, . I .:!.. v.. . ! , i 1 I e . : a ,' r i :ir li r ir- ii-- :!'. loo . t h: e i . s:i s i ' . V I ear d ! .il' ii: tie- end. It I i i! -.she i: e t. .!(! of this eoi:ntlV. We f'.-e ie.ii looi-t a iiaei a isly reeeied a:a! tri at -i iiy the i.ee ee iiere. and I ile.-ire to i !ei in nee as fi.ise ::iid unwar l: nteii. tie- entile stait-metil mule by :Ju ( it izen rel'erred to."' A la-iM: i ;ii .--iusiles llu- ?Jails. '. : ; s: ;i: , . p;,.., April r.'1'k The ie.-aee: t witialrew the ai i j oi ii t ment of Ciij i. V . II. i iioiii j pi'in to be postni isiar hi Me i 1 ei spoi I . 'i iie appointment w as made thiee mos'lhs iigoon recommenda tion of Coni-casm-wi Kay. lmmedi iite'y Thompson's enemies filed com plaint with the po 1 Piaster general that Ci'.pt. Thoni'isou jih'yel poker, drink whisky, and used profane language. Mr. Wnnam.iker jwomptly had the iK.minalioii 'iiting uj)" in the senate. Thompsoa, who is an t:x-meiiil:er of th" leaislat ure and an oliieer of the National (iuard, bo'utiiird'- I t he lepai tnii'iit with all the recommendations he co'tld se cure, but to no purpose. Mr. Ray was asked to name another man and refused. 'I ho president withdrew tho nomination, and a Democrat continues to handle the mails. Serious 'onsei; m-iiei's ll;iy l-'ollo.-. Oi.oi i KsTP.u, Miiss., April 25. C-ipt. Josef Smith, agent and jiart owner of (lie schooner Kaid Transit, which is reported to have piet witii out r age -us trefitineiit :.t the hands of Newfound lacd C'fiiciiils. sa s he has not received from Cap!. While any pa t tieulars of the affair. Jlo says the vessel was not lish ing. but was under register ntige.l in the foreign tr ale, subject to all customs regulations and entitled to :-.!! privileges accorded to any n:i reliant vessel. The niKiiilmous opinion here is tic;t if tha facts r.re reported tlie oliieials liavo f. mmilted a viohifion of law which is likely to have s rious const onences. Inualls atnl tin- l'arim-i's. Id TCHINS')-;, lC-n., April 2lj. in an interview B. 11. Clover, president o tho Farmers" Alliance .' 'iCaiisas. said tliat had the iioervl; -w v. id) Senator Jn iralls laii.lishe,- ia : e.v "i'oi-; pa? .-er ap peared h fore th - iee Mag of the county ; re-i le;it i hoii ia '' peh.i in March last the so-eal ed an t i-1 ng- I Is resolutions w aaiild net h.i ' e 1 : en aalopteil by that body. The .-i "v .s then in expressed, if .sincere . met the aj p'oval of alliance men and f..rineis geiieradlv. t i e any. ". --In the triad of Nkw Yt liiK. A. pril 2 ("i'onovr.n Res-;, for libeling P. S. Ca.ssiday the hitter te-tibcl that the first trouble he had with Ihisaa was i.i lss;',. wheii a bill wa; rendered lor the piiyment of sda hi a man named James Brown for attc-mpti ig to assassinate iled"' Jiai Mci Vrmott. Befon this sensational teslimouy had been ex plained the court a 'journed. li:ilesi- Iliiii tin- liaimtlet. San Diku", Cal., April 21 Gen. Coone and a posse of ten constable have been patro ling the frontier to 'prevent Chinamen from crossing tho line from Lower California. l-everal a tempts we.e frustiiitt-d. but at dawn the Mon golians made a rush, forded the San Juan riv r and scattered for the hills. Six of them were captured, but a num ber of others escaped. Tilt" Long Ili.st i nee i5ie cle 'li;t:iiioiis?iip. Omaha, April Jack I'rince, champion 1 ng iist nee bicycle rider of the world, a d Ed. Reading, the soldier, who has done same wonderful riding the past year, hare signed articles of agreement t- ride eight hours per day for six days, eoinmencins May lv, fcr t'1,000 a si'ie and the championship. t apt- litiss;v Disi harsri'tt. BiM-EFoitn, -Me., April . The in vestigation by government officials of the charges against Capt. Ym. Hussey, of the Biddefonl pool life saving serv ice, has resulted in Hussar's discharge. Capt. Leads Thomas has been promoted to have, charge of th service. 1 tori. I.i A ppo'ii- incuts. Jack-'ivv!;.!.", 'la. , April 20. The governor has appointed Gen. W. D Barnes, the pivse s. ate comptroller, ns jiide f th'- fiiat ireuit. to sneceed th-1 late .1 udge yie i am. l ie lias appointed 1 . i.loxham as com- ex-tiovcruor W troflcr. Nul i;ni: St'i:iNta ifa r meeting of o l ': ilitf.s" LtHiit'-. M.uss.. April vi;. A ar-; of th.e Natioial Farmers League Inn lieen licld hi-re this weak Ep.i o'p ae i-;g reports were rt-ad from branches ot tin league i:i various parts of the country. ( imvit l l of Sti;c lloltitry. Sax Fkanciscii. April 2 5 - Frank Williams was convicted of robbing the Plaverville stage some months ago. The jienalty fixed by law is imprisonment for ifn. ijentonce'was deferred. iiiiiililll I.I. AMI C I. A I I. IN. liny Iti-lern lo An-tlrii In Style, hot l.pifle tin- llcporli-rs. Nl w iin. April :i. E-tdy Cook and Mr. ai.d Mrs. Bid 'ulph Martin arrived lu re hy tie Yravo from England. Sir l-'ranei , ( 'oak is det . i nio J in Lnh.hu by bn-ines.s, but isexpe t d si.n. Mr. Mar tin tiM the re orter-i that there was n intent ;.. n of hri.'ieiag libel :aii agdnst III-; t - , I'.vrpes am! ( e; l.'liil lleWsj a-p"!-.e. hiii! I eeti riiliancd. heeaa-eof l':a..iH i pi.nie iilou; Lady ( 'ook and Mis M a :t n:. who were loiPieiiy I. noun in .' eieri a as T, -nnie l '. ( i.o'iu and ie t'l hi W. ., limll. '1 he s..e ,,!,;, el of ;ho i-.it. : 1 i i f.'OlU 1 eai ea ion . W.I.. to es t.il'.'i sl. in New 'ei I-; and ( hieago, hi .i ie !e s ef i lit- 1 ,oii' Ion h,mking home w it!i m h.eh . :r I ra: i-. ook and .Mr. Martin ate iih-ntthed. The ladies de clined to se t he I ei e: s. A MUii i i ! t :.!IHiM. I l.i i :ie .v i I ! e, 'lex,, t ln;-l anil I'wly t : w e ! i ii:.-. ':oa a eil A u a . hi : -o !.!., Tex., Apiil '..'a. A t"r lilie stoi'ui of i .aia ami h.ul s I in k this city, deluged tie- streets (o the depth of tine- fee I an 1 destroy d over :ii .") worth of pr perl . 'She cloud burst was preceded Py four hours' rain. ;i eoiii panied hv t-iuad- r ;t : i 1 hurhlning. A t i e k V, 1 : i. h liow s t h I ( il ; !i t he cell I er of the tow ai n .-! up and s-.v.-ji. away forty d w cl 1 ii i ;s hp t the v.heie city came to the rescue and indv one life was lost. This morning washouts wen- reported on ail the railroads a-id all Iral'lie has heel s'tspeiided on the .S-pita 1 e. Crops ha e sn P re 1, many farm.- l.t-mg under water. alls. Ge-.tn tan died of fright wdiile being carried from h r home A V. i .-eke ! ... v. ! a. ! . i'i:i!.p :M i;i ., .'.pri! Afp r s-aib- Birtling lor ,-.e-. ( ..ti ,n days o!i hai ia i:a -: and t oeea n a '. s i a ! h- h la ! ;' 1 ho Seco. p.-i it of tl ell- v. ef the ..(iloii British -t hooller i ho illlieil. aiiltil iit this port from Sa ; 1 1 :ago ile (noa on ihe spaiihia hilhatn 'llu- Bloomlield sailed firm ! aisiha, Cuba, v.iili a car go (!" sngar for the la i iv. an- hieai. wa.t; r. ..li went well until Mareh Va. when the v el sudd i.lv sprapg a leak ai a! .is i i-i' ashore near ( ape May, ( 'tiiiii, to pievt id idid.ing. lai lsai l i a 'i es --ii 'ei I . Pi ris! i : -, April ';. -ie.h'rt S. M ir siiah. aaed I"., of 1 aena 'is'a street. AheghcPi V, i oppnitt i i llieide by blow ing out his h:;;i;v;. Mr. Marshall was a huhly e. ee,.ied ma 1. and ids hoii-o is Idled with i-hetrieid . ppii ia! us.oll which he had been i xp a iai -at mg, his father always having io-p! imn well supplied with in. noy. His th-mht overstu.lv and copge-tioii of the bfain was the eau-e !' suieale. Ile leaves a widow, whom ho married in Dublin, and four children. .illi'Ui' Cili'Ir 'i m il li. Ll !.:.', Nob., April Vfi. The college cin l s are iiil torn up in this city over a t hrce-co! u inn article clia dug ieorge O. I'l'ii'llson with pl.'giiO'ii'i'lg the oi;i.ti i;l n !ni!i he. as the representative of Ne i ra -kii. w :is to (h li i er before th inter - tii'e i a ;iio! i. r-1 eo p'-.( in thiseii v next :i 'op sday. Darlev U t ! lings of Neligii lias ber!i teh ai'aphe to eo.iie a.:id repre-M-iit the state in ihc- intersiate contest. ''ia:v . '.: I i P -.v.l -. LiiAPViu Col ., A.prii -While a laborer employe-! on tip- kin h ande l ail way construction gang was thawing out s mie st ie'..;.-, of giant po-.vder, an evjilo-. siou oceurrt d w ich threw several men some di-tanre liiaa the works. One man was hilled, another eanpat live an 1 several others were slightly in jured. Ov. !'. '.'-it" :t:i '!!. P. 's A llVelPeis. N : w Y ''.'., April ,'). ('apt. -iJ ii;e" N'aii'k rbilt's '-a lighter - in - law, Mary YanJerbiU. di- aaPin e ihersui again t tlii- tT.ptniu for saP.' o I dam-iges for al leged id a" a-.tioll of t;,e ;i il ei', iea is of yoip g Jake." The matter h;- been se t h d out of t on rt. it Tin- lPe1;! I i '.! . P;i! .l A pi i .'. --The KiUlSils City B ill -!ui. tiiio-.p-e'i il eoi'.n.sei, hrocghl a bili in eipihy ;i : i o. John Pick it :;i!ii t..e 1'iiaadt Ipiia I 'layers League Bas" P-all eittb i'iie prayer of the Kansas City ohm's i-ill is i'uat S'iekel lie re-trained fro::i piayi?ig wiih the I'i othei ie d'i club, an ! ill it i lie Brother hood chlbh. re, trail ed iioin employ ing Pickett. Tl.e b.a. -is of tin- ci U o' -: claim is that I iekeit had signed a cotilract wish the Kansas (' i v e nh a-el Piid re- ived .-.ever: l, do: at -s a i- vanee money, and at i.TiVitr -s. signed another copiraet a d played bali with the rival org.ini'.atioii. Vi e Are -li- I'.-..ri.-. Citit'AoO, April "Jh. Tiie a't pid inee at the Players and National loague games was as follows: At the National, Cleveland, L-Vii): Pittsburg. ! h: Play ers", at Pittsburg. v 1 : at BmTaio. -.")',i. Total. N tiop.al l.'.Mh: Player ' ;;-ir..i. i.-'! i.a N" ass- I i : '". At Mduaaka-- -: ae ,v ;ahe a. .: He- X - I i . - .7. . : ' . 1 ' K . ; ( "as. ; -o. M. i-. s. . i.'Veiaa.l. 0. la: -.er . i: ('!,.. iaaa!:. h. ;", . I1': ':ac ;e.,, At baila 'e- ir At IV is a- ; . s J I At i'i.i-i. !!' Ia At t ie . el : .d ( aliix:-!! nail ) iirkum. Nkw Ytiits", April ',-'. - Iha. ftring to prrp-i!;; r.f thr C'io rnia Ath letic club for a coldest between John L. Sullivan an 1 Peter Jack -on, John W. PiirniLt. Sullivan's mamiger, said, "Sul livan, will acicpl the oii'er on two ondi-tii-us: First, the- ir'Ji.nnn purse mu-t not he divided: the w inner must take all tiie iip-pey. .'-eco: d. S!.'!iau mu-t have a Jde be! of at 1 ::s' : d.ono and not tuore t han h'i 1 1. Sapiv tii .vil! f .Ti.'.i.r. 1 his answer to the California At Ii t tic t-lub next week." lair, !:; fi ts His l):ir. Ni.w Yo .k. Apri! -ti. Jimmy Lynch, the hith"ito un.lefeitel 122-pouu 1 pugi list of tins city, was dere- itd by Pa t iy Br i !e of Philadelphia in two rounds, at Houokeii. Lyn. h was not in good, condition, while Mctiride ha 1 been care fully trained, aid weighed several founds more th;m Lynch. IVe l.iiic a iliz-ii. Uaijfax, April 2G. Jules tiimel,' the largest rftail general merchant of St. Peirre, M qucston, has been arrested here at the instance of Murdick's Nephews, dry goods mei chant?, who have a arge claim against Lira, and who allege that he was about to abscond to the United States. THE tfAlnJ;.'oSf --?rV ' ::. .': af c " " " : -1- ": ' ;( if d r:- . . ai vmV-( -i, l':V. : :" . . ii t;'.- '! ,u ' . ' ' t; ' ' , M-jji --".'Jl I . ... " , WROUGHT IRON AND STEEL ifARLI AIR FOHtiAGES Our FlirllJtres nt'.- iiimi!'- li.-.i.illv f.'l- '.'. .t in t - s. ii. i i . ii 1 1 1 u. .i i ,i 1 1 1 1 i uia.vu.'. -iiii: i.. I uuri I IniV yjl i!ll ui uum ' f i t : t- r, I I I- If Ai 111 I-I. I 111 LAVLKIr.'C-KTHt KANSAS. CARRI AGCIS VELOCIPEDES and GIRLS' TRICYCLES Direct from Manufacturers. Htm Mention this Papua SEND 2 STAMP FOR 32-PAGE CATALOGUE. infi HTVI F, fcl' from. 1n-:ti'-t iOU o I 1 Lro .tiii, h-sf K(J(MlM j ,,, world. .l l JIO on rvrry f'ar- riiiq:'; tli; only I;ilrv in IIk virlil tltnt st i-s at jiai.f ' j:1':taix. i:h i;. KANSAS CITY BABY CARRIAGE CO. 1525 Main St., KANSAS CITY, MO. -:D FOR OU CATAlOQUEtits PRICES ATLAS El'&UiE WORKS. INDiANAi-OI-IS, EFD. n XL A 5 mm v r y in V lJ. "i ' 1 - v rr j THE LATEST WSHT PHAQTSCAL OSKDER EV3 MADE - - JT. V. - -" J 1 X m. - - - - j- .1 I , . r I IT, ' , , 9 Of ..-' - sr.""'".-' s . . - ,'( -c. .. . :f: V-. A '.. "v. e It works psr'eci'; ci rciij!!, unsven ground; in short grnfn; Si ronprf'et Frnmf, Pi'Tiil"t f'on -fru tioii, lAirUtd't I r;tf t, flrrutf-t Durability, Mont Ka Mnnaj.t'd. (iitiiAT l Ui KOVOKMShirlsiH) jiuci; it farllicr tlnin ever la llielftv prc-teii'leil rivals. Bii8!?i8fe,iSTgfoAJ5i8:Eac& the Leader in its Class. NEW DEERiNC MOWER. ) uaj" 1,IW ,-Jt-",-l 1,1 Tho i)Ki:!:ixi I'.fXiu::; tv.'I.nk iu.iloh- our-y.-lvf.-.? is tl.e Ixfst in tlie world. A pply t f)ar ).(. arc:-t iiL'eiit ffir I !i ;i Jtratcf! piycs ri:mi:dv . . r i tXi i A cure is certain. For Cold J-,vJ-l'---J""'J', 1 -- '.' J'i ',".H " " ' .' ' .' ' " "I l.-.-Tj r3F& Arrs F?- A :i ' i;1 ' I t 1 It is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied J i the nostrils. J 'rice, 50e. Sold hy Diujrists or sent by J ! .ail. Address, K. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa. j in. UTELY ' ' ' 7" " T - a- -- - --y.-----T- r-A r-' iii ' ' " ' I III f FOR SKEATHIfiG HOUSES. We call sttenMen to the novelty of its construction, it being competed of two theeU of paper with an interposed layer of water-proof bitumen or asphalt, the whole united under p.cisure, making a sanitary mildew-proof sheathing for the sides and floors of houses, 'hat will last as long as the building upon which it is applied. Experience has shown that the cheap papers commonly used for sheathing houses do not j.rotect a building for acy length of time, but soon mildew and fall to pieces, making the house drafty and damp; these defectj can then oniy be remedied at great expense. A Good Sheathing like the O. K. Euildinj Paper, can be obtained st a trifling cost, and it is a waste ot money to use an inferior article. I'ut un in roll 3G inclif-s tviilr, LC. CIRCULAR 110 P " I r. Z 3 IlIica jO rut FURHSrttO Crt .--LlCATIOM. nYU WIHD ENG ty'J . . l:i i- n:.'i i-v.-r T-r-'m .rn.tr: tnrt i- Up vi.Pi "i; i :i I"c-It '.I I p'. fi " :.!.. pi'i . . gr'aid-er ;r ;r V'.i rl. 1. ac digalc the i.lAtll Vx ti ll! :i:.'.'ii mnpiris'in 'tin! .) h iv.-. il.o ivoit powerful aim ft-c'.ly governed, easily opi ratetl ;ii. I ; in ili- couJitry. )! .pirnl shaptd Kails, ylvt pi;.ia.er mpic jmv. cr than itlici milis. Send I'r.r fall information and pi .'2J i. oa.l ruLTor., os?:o. L3 & W.KInlh St., KANSAS CITY, D.n f ly Gpcrlali.st in tho City who lb 1 Itt Gradual'; i.i Mi iliiann, Over 23 years' VraMt I'i yturs in Chicago T!;E f;LPST Hi ACE, AK3 LCIiCCST LOC f ; jjp. li rfi N'Tmiim nM'l ' KiwIh , 'V a-t-h." ''iii'it.l iiotM if- .5 T"l,sri-ul, H sititl lfn ii ; -'.'". '.'"Ml t I'liwnd, Knrvoun I mI ; 'C 1 i'v- -i '. l'i.lMi'1 Hlof t I , I T led I M tl Ii' I Swi'l , - V i f tjivi-r v k il , i I !i i tmry IhM ll' .V yr i1"'''1' iiiiii'iiiiiuiiil or iiiihii'V rt! u '..'laW'X ('lilll j '-K v,. J ilOII-llMl4 of i urt'l. J-.ji irfrifir'M in i mp'Ji ttift , All im-dirlii' l-tiai tttil "'-.I f) ik nri ami i Iti iv.tw itiH, i n i .iu n 'i ) in m y i ltcf ty iiMi ili lulot Hlors urn t ti i nil rt'Ji'ly for u. No riiMijiitii lo tun).-, to Imv.i ii mi I ii i li T4iTiil i'D Dllfi'l wi ury or injtii ioim t-luru in In ii-. !. No lift i. 'ii mis i'jii int -i nt. ii di -tliinro trnnU t r ut! I xti ' H, ui' i ici m m mm t tvrywhT t in k - "r t rkrii:. S'ntn nnr -.ihm iuh! f r ( -tiiih. 'on -nl I liUou f loo uud couli'IoiiLlul f ..'iiiKy cr by iMti-.r. 11 s( ? f..:. rrrtHf Tor Both ScKe f r ('-. i.i MM'ini. 1 v.'iy tiialo fxoui tlw tk, j j o -i5 1-! iO'i li rtiii'I 1 li in IxMik. liIIIEOlMIS! Ti.E GREAT TURKISH RHEUMATIC CU h POSETIVE CURE I'-i- V V 7. U i: A TI 3 M. 5 O i ' t U u y jf . t i.i.. ( ..( , .i.-tit fi.il-. tn Tiir f.r ! H:'l ici it;. Inn ii-M i vfl r! ; Sj tT t; 4 ti tiuH rinov'H fi'Vi r ii ti'l j.i.i n t'JryrsJS, i ' j'-ui' H. Can i mi l.'i"l i.i f 1 1 7 .sri'l f-tatniti-iit of ciuo vitU vUiuiy ior Cn.McKDERSON, l03W.9rHST.,KAN3AsCin A PERFECT CURE FOR MALARIA ftj"tliii' li:wl-rii'' f.f TH.'lTFr'n Tlnv I i-i-l- .... .. . it i r .i .. ......I Itille.s known, winch will t I l!l. InliKh(i( I 'iiiiis in t he Mom. ifli, I'ViiT nn. Anne, "tn iiin Dm Ki.lii.-y iiinl Klittlil.-r; the 'J 'in:c knnwn. I 'un In- tiwii wi'h r withou' jpiri .- far tin- riii :i;hi n iiicdv krimvu. J-'ull liir In in- m :,ci i mi . iii 'c. Jvilil liv DniL'i-ii-tK or writ ni.-iil. t.'ifc; m:i. I'riii! :; vt. fur ui utile, t.vi. .;uki'is fur Till via. U.S. Mumps taken p;e. ment. AdilrcKH. CEO. G. STEKETEE, Crand Rapids, Mic ti 4?"VUv. u b ii n -nl nn I 'iik j''i;nr. - ?- N - jo?;: - vi i'.-'.-".' Se-.V v, kx ',. 'w ,'.:.' i -,.V . w. I?'.' . a 'i ,: in Isll, tcavy grain; in badly lagged grain. Sens others da i C:itrtioyn - nri.1 I'uH I nforiiiM I ion or writpflir wr.i, QbtKiKC i. unicago. in for catarrh. . 11 1!.. i in the Head it has no equal. iiifi:MfiERSO i -X ---Jf wr.,iv , miw.-iiwi . -t-- r iM - - t. aa Water-Proof containing I.OOO square feet. noormo Go., 7SN?w ane, YORK.