Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 24, 1890, Image 1

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4 V
ill ; v
' v j
$1.50 AYE A K
Mn' AY.
Hon. J M. l'.iti. ih .n. W. S. Uis. nnil
A. It T.mI.I win! to Union this morning
on right of wny Iuimim s.
Win. O.!lo; tic It. ic M. I'm" r.-puin r
is lusy to.l iy "U tin: simps wiring anil
lu-iiir electric bell in No U'J, the spi-c-car
of Smt. ('u'.veit.
Elder K' nl is iiwaLriimg ununuil Z kI
in tin- Cliri-iii'in rlinn-li in tlii.icity. they
have better .-nidii-nri s mid more interest
is shown tli in ever before.
Engines No X I :i mid 1H0 c-inie in t
morning for repuir. Tiny wi re hudly
battered up in the hcml end collision
nciir IJrownville h week or two nno.
A prominent iniichmt of Brown villi
by the name of Nse, in the result of
Ligiipp, after being able t be up Mid
around, died v ry siidd-nly Saturday.
Pepperhurg is nln-ady receiving orders
from abroad for l is in w t i iiar tin- It ss.
Tiio !. i V i i "1 if s i y 111'- n w i-
tiir is h.i i':!i-!. 1 . i.; ir i.i to.- :v. m Se
tt Mr. St il li-'l, l! 1 ttlt :r;it. urn! !-11-p
r :i'- u i' t 1. 1 In- ii' w I :m:( l .ci' iy
is nt v i 'k t. -. 111 il.i'i-j- i:ifii; it-'y
f,,r tin- 111 i .mi i' if! in f i- eiiH!-!-( lit
1 l!ll
ii -1 r Kin : I'm r
i.-i I I II i I ! : i' I
is 1 1 1 : i k i 1 1 -,t tin- i i I '
k:l City ti;i.i w:-i-k.
Vilt-o:l HI I F nii
wi 1 1 f oiii t ii i '! 1 1 -Could
d ! ii V; "-Ii
.-l.M M K pH-t .: II-
t 1 T' .;i e-i'lu-..
:i - . :. 1 1 ! in N ' I "
j f !i- r.iii-i i t- .!! II
I ;.! tu.l. w- hfi- lie
. I : i i i I . 111 T I ' : I t
I ii i i ; 1 1 1 r .n v
Will V.
Tin- II ...-Clip d el. on ll w-i-i fid. d ti
OVei flowing 1-ift niilt t I r Ui--liip
W orf lii ngtou Til-' lii-lii'i" p. ' "i ii d '.i".i
ll - MI :l mi t si r tin in i:d 1 1) (1 : III' ' I font ell
per-inlH. Mr. i i I : A r- V t il "Tid otln-r
pro nil! n! tiz ni 1) - no-: I the
nu nli r.
Tli - w.ll 'iTi ulty Ii.tuien Stidilunin
Iin 1 (1 ilm.' whs P' t I' ll Sntiinliy by
St id liil in p ivin j Mr- ( I 1 f f. IX $o?." fur
hrdf of his v. -ii! Ciiii'r-ii''nr P kens
b'-i'iiiiii'.' wniic "ii tli" I'llildiiiLT this mori -intr.
with G " I' li--ill's uh is i:i einir-je
of tlie i-xc-iVittinii.
ri" fONAI..
Irs R:irh Amir-k is vi-itin s h r sister
Mis Spratlm. li" ir Union, this week.
Eil Thn ldkeld w nt to O ivdia this
morninir from tin re h z s t V do lr dso.
JU'liM Ch lpin in r 't- rm d to Ni brin-KH
City this morninu wh. re he is hold nr
cmi it.
Mr. I. Snurl'if k went t York this
niorninsr w i'li lot of things f r the or
phans home.
Mi's Mi'.'L'i' Ito-ivs w-i the triest of
her sist r, M s D A. C impbi ll. iin r
Sun lay.
J. N Wise is stii-n lirifj n short vnc-i
ton wit'l his fiimily, ri-stin from Ids
Oin di i l ibors.
Abe W-'lrmlt. n promiti nt fmnvr re
el linir n-ir (?! ir Oreek. m ide tit" llEU
At.D 'i e;ill this mi. riling.
A. J II it' -m l wi f' r-mv in t'os nvvn
io r lookii.-j a- 1 h -nty sift rspi-ml-inir
tli.- winfi r in C- d fo; ni:i.
Governor Tli ivr imd wife ennv in
Stnr.biy liih. Tin y w. n- the n Kts
ovi r Siindny of Mr atid Mis. IT. V.
Dr. I.- rioro P.-rk v, f Chir-io is visit
inir at Dr Ilinnphiev's. Ir. P.ikywns
formerly a s'nd rt of Dr Humphrey "t
l ibert J M tr r -tf"t -i t'i's m . .r'-.i e is
On H i ni e.t'i- f nr in t'i" '.:' nt met1!
Wi-st. h" will v'-'t V"i !" i '-on." p-irl: nnd
linnv pi ic s i f bit'!- -t in O ....ii mi.)
W-'-iiin .ti n II viil l'!"in' iiis tnv Is
commn lie it" n'tli los mmv 1m.iiI
tin i.n.jb t'.i" e.-biinns ..f tlie Ill-RAID
Mr. M tte-r "id vif vr.p.- of" w. eks
Ht Nio'ir ir i b mh- 1-tvnN bi -iska
TCK-ll A V.
No. 21 thf old liirM i-ie;iii- which has
reie-red ns a hrati n-w six wh-'cler
was out vesterd iy for her first trip.
Fn-iirht trdn N i 'M th S'at.- Fih
Conimi car off the track at
8 mtll i' I V st -rd IV C nisi'l i d-1 iv of
over fmir hull's
P. G lii ynard. J 'hti Tl 'lihi; 9 jr..('has.
Brown nnd L-nry 'Virt li wi re d h-uafes
to V '. dis'rict conf rence of the Y. M. C.
A. at N lr isk i City.
E l Kmncdv cam- in l ist iii;ht from a
btief visit with his In-other F- lix at Mc
Cook He say Jim E-Z'tn found his stolen
clothes in a himiur pile.
Tn n-!'.v tinn c ud oftli" Barlinatin
will fhoiten the tinn. Iv twi-i n Chicago
nod D 'iiviT s-.'V n hours. Th - cor
porations w.ll l i"iitance.i if they don't
gt a Lamp ou tUeiusjlrt.
Geo. Poisall. th" chief of the fite de
p irtment. is .sporting Hin-leunt i ngrnved
t?ol.l b i le. preHi-nted by the firu boy
mi 1 e eiit -.l by Mr. W ickornliiuu uiul
his nbl" nsistniit Mr. Itnell.
C. E. wesott. th- "Itoss" clothier, is
in Chic'iLto, omp inied by his wife nl
f o i Mr. Weseott is finihinx his
spii.iir purchases of clothing, furnishiupj
e;o(ls etc.. for his store here.
Henry J Stnioht h is purchnsed the
Wlii-tler propei ty t tin-corner nt Eighth
nnd Elm streets, in nr J. W. JohnsonV
lb- will immi'diati 1 v add nnolher atory,
I uf on n bay window and nice vrmida
which will in ike a handsome hs well rs
Com fort a hi u residence.
I). O. Dwyer will open up a law office
i i the Martin block tomorrow. Mr.
Dwyer was admitted to the bar nearly a
year s he has heen tendinis; school a
ifn-at deal of the time since, but has con
cluded to devote himself to the law cn-tH-.'lv.
Asa student under Judge Sulli
v hi Mr. Dwyir has shown frond metal
and e b".-p ak for him a Huccessful
mi. i r i;s an a'. ! in )' .
Ti)'C "i rv p'lvsiei-m. Dr. fi. W. C'ook,
l-a- Ine tin." r in aii-nhol thst was bitl n
oir .! C f ie-i ! :i"i, at to.- po-T farm
-t .- 1 iv. A n l.-i -io i h is for i hi e" '!'
ii n :n .- 'S in I v s "ikhir at all for
,itiiiiir i tv :". h tdks liiiht abmir
n. im- ,:i : sa ll will ki I W""ar l ll"
V r e i :l s t i ":i i ! i " I 1 1- 11 i r i i i Tn
.1 ; -e mi - t i li i e
-i :i s sh i ii I ' i i ' I t al.d
in i.t . ! !y v I mui li.
Mr. I'",-.' il- I- -iiov.
l i, i li. t i;,m " in i
iki n--d up hi
ii. invi il him
i.- t o br nds
'"La T'Ffillo'
.V t i i ii"-. speei.illy made for L E Mrs
tliiC'edir Oreek i I ii;"A-t . In fineness
of (pi di' V we reidl v c n-ider thes l.rands
snpe-ior to :miv eastern made lOet ciyars.
My is. like our Mr IVpperbi rg prides
hini!-ll in his r. illation for hitih
ifr.ide cii".rs. Our ( iar Cre- k people
oiioht to i-ive tln ir full Miimort in pat
icn fS" to Mi- My". s Mr Myers :s sure
ly s lliniT u belter i-t ei"rar. than other
houses do, who buy of eastern jobbers.
Vr US' 1 V A I
Atl-jn-t IJach is in Oiii ilw.
.1. (. IMerson went to D atiice this
(! I). D .ndas. the hiidye man went
home 'his mnininLr.
O: o. W. C iv -ll. -f Oinah i, was in the
city yesterday on leiial hiisiiii-ss.
Elder Erp-tt. the state Sunday srlmol
. vanreit fur the Clni.ti m church isin
th citv today.
Wantku: A 1, Mrs. R. IJ. Wiiidham.
170 4t
Nici- ffh str i lici i i. s ni iy 1; foun 1
at llenn tt .V Tutt's today.
Tli - wali i:n r li-innir i 1 1 waves at
WiUmin & Fuller's. 175 tf
Wis.- & ".I t's li.autiful ihii-y wreaths
hive liecll received. d 6tiv-l
Antill, t'ii caterer, keeps on I and tiie
Ii st ice cream to he fuiiiiM in th city.
R. u; 1 ir W. C. T. U meet ini; at Y. M.
O. A. hall Thursday at :$ u'cluck p. m
Just re.-'-iV'-d a fi-n ie-w tu. k "f Ji'llr
and smoking toirii-cus at ll. i s. 177 2t
Waniiid: A i-.-i i i ' L- nurso yirl.
Mrs S .M C'li ipni in, 7 2 Chicago - A v.-.
S S hil ikni c lu's i:..-v h"e i mpurium
ndv rtisc uci't on tin- tiiiid of to
days IJkuai.d
l'bil Youni; ha 1 r c ived alua-ti-ful
sc n il of h ni.isuiiie paltvra tor Mrs.
M .ore of t'ic h.iz ;i r.
Mani.-iur lic liM- wis issued t.'day to
Wm K.k-s and Miss Muiida Midkiff,
1) !!i -il Lii. 'ty prif ii.rt
Y 'ii v ii a:-.-curl eni . -li'iii p tinting
or pip linj your iio:t--, 1 1 . 1 1 -1 not fad
1. 1 .-.-di .-ii Wil.S.o ni Full. r. 17"j-tf
For sal- ni' tr ule, .i cjood orlan. A
hii-iio in ir. Ei fi iir-oi F. .l Burke at
111- ii::pielll- lit t.'IV. 178 Ot. w It
Diivij'ts lave li. en prt scut i i,n for some
time tin hamUom i-t .vn.dow in th- city,
draped :th l-.i.iiMiul d it s s patrons in
f nicy sjirin s-tyli s.
Th- un-it Siien inlo di company which
a -pears i.t th- i-.pra h'uw in Omaha to
nii:iif, passed thr-aiifh tiiis rnorninir or
c.i.'vi.i tw'isp'csal cars on nunili-r 5.
Ta- stor- li..iis- rci- i Vrd a new Cal-iirr-iph
typewriter this morning1, said to
have li 'in purches d fur the use of Col.
David Dihl'inuton ol that di-psrtoicnt.
V- understand our fri nfl of th- Jour
n il t dks of ktartini; a Cliinese diti'm f
his valu dil- paper. Tlie Chinese sensa
tions are taking too much room in the
regular ed lion.
Tli Wheeler ho ir. Iin ? house, on Main
Ftrei t, will le occuphd by Mr. L. C.
Stih tnmiiirniv, whir- those wanting;
com fortable quarters and a good meal
MA b CC4UlIUOvllitod .
o-xvEinsr jtwjy: with bots
The only Leading ONE Priced CLOTHIER
More Styles to select from and for LESS MONEY than any other House can
floefa House Corner,
C. I). Clapp, one of the most cnter
priiiir f itiz- n- of the wi st end, and the
principal nnrchaiit of El in wood, was in
he ritv yc-.t rdav making final settle
men- as adu.ini-trator of the August
G' MM ly est at..
The M V en:i'K-er corps an- encamp
ed today out near Tom Wiles' place near
th Cm- f town. The yrade stakes are
s.t fio n Union totheCook fnrni, about
foil-- miles out. It look- as houli the
Work iniitht be Ci tn; llt - d this Week.
() .joiiii: to pn-s today, we b arn d
tht Pearlmaii's team had not run away,
i Pearlnian's competitors are complaining
that his nuun rous runaways, is simply a
shrewd advertiinr dodje. Israel says
if they had to foot the bills they would
think different.
A' a meeting of th new Limp comany
a contract for the manufacture of three
. hundred Ninps per diiy was made with
: Mr. Schaefer.
Work to begin as soon
he can i t the factory straightened out
and th neccfisiry new machinery in;
which may require about a months time.
Turn Urwin of Louisville, brought in
ten wolf ncalpB yesterday, which lie
turm d oyr to the county lerk and re
cti ved the iu-ut .-uni of $30 therefor. The
day b. fore, Amos Case brought in ten
scalp9Hnd rceiivefl a like amount as a
boun-y for ridding the county of ten of
tin; lupine pest8.
E II. Wooley and J. II. Ilald man
cnliv. ned the usu d dull proceedings of
a justice trial by indulging in a lively
titic encounter, one day last week at
Wi ping VVat. r. No fines, no arrc-ts.
but they say somebody drapes an eye in
in niriiiiig as i nsult of the violent
method of M-ttliug a disputed point.
A steamboat went up the river yester
day aft- moon and another the day he
fore. The bo it was so far out the name
could not he discerned, but it is presumed
they were government boats on tl.eir
way to Omaha where Hie river commis
sion have recently begun work, riprap
ping the banks m tbe Iowa pi le opi osite
A pair of young bloods by the name
of Fred Warn n and Tom Hart had sonic
trouhl- in the chops y-sterday a; d
ar- ed to $ tile it l ist night according to
Qtu eiisbnry rules. Tli'-y rcpaind o the
sand bar w ith tin ir si cor.ds and fought
to a finish, arr-n laing d-elan d the
winner. Today Hart has a pair of bdly
bunged up eyes and Warreu a sprained
8am Barker, Lee -Allison. Mr.
McLarahlin ami nth-rs shipped thirtem
c.i 4 ond of cattle to South Omaha yestcr
day moining. Mr. McLaughlin, who
livi 9 just west of thi city, had a car
lo id that aycrayod 1R50 pounds, they
wi re raised by himself, and were the hi st
tw. uiy hi ad of ca'.lle shipped from
Plattsmouth for years. They also
brou-ht the top pr ce on the Omaha
m irk. t
S. D. Mtyer, one of PUttsmouth's begt
business men, beej m moving his house
hold floods to Lincoln today where he
will hereaftir rmidr. Mr. Mayer w!ll
have chare 0f the bo- ks and whol-sale
department of the large and growing
t mil t. .1 f Mater llnithru at faneoln
... -nt r ii i.
Frank Morgan will have full charge
the firms business in this city. We are
sorry to lose Mr. Mayer and his estimable
family from our midst, and can as6ure
the Lincoln p'-ople they are gaining a
most excellei t ritiz -n.
Juat Received.
At Wise & Roots an elegant line of
flower wreathR,cluHterblosson8,ladies and
children's hats, the largest and best stock
ever brought to tbe city. 178-6t wit.
. The city pchools tDjojed a half holi
day yesterday afternoon planting trees
oil tbt aebool grouab.
Ordinance No. 130.
An ordinance auprovh g of bond election rild
April 1st. A. I). 199'. io Issue 0 bonds to
al'I In tin- iiKtiuctl n Itlie Omaha South
ern railway aud authorize the 1 suaiice and
dehv ry . f a d bonds.
hkk-as, 'lu re wao h.-l I in city of I'latt--ni'iiith.
ass cnuin, N'ebr is a. mi Hie 1st day
of April . I), isao an e'eetion tn Tot- upon a
pr-ipiittvii t" i-sue boa 's of said city in the
su'ii iWo. tunld in th- c instruction of the
uinalia s.iuih rn railway aud which tl ciion
was ii.-l.l ur-uaiit t an ordiiiaiir. f sa d coy
pa s d a el a i rive t i eliraary 17tU A. 1 ls50.
a ud,
WiiFKKAS.i I'm hfii'ii Hceitiin-d that 'a'd
propositi-i. was publish d i urs i ntto aw four
wceK. and a copy thereof p i ted at ean di
bit; During said day of el'l.
vi ukiik s, nnthe Uihdayof -prlll8!M s;itd
vot" upon s d proposition w.i canvassed aud
,h re wits found t be mure ill in two-thirds of
all tli" votes cast a fai l election In favor of
said pr p..sit ou na u ly -. K'even I unured.
tw-ntv-nl e la favor, and tea vots
aid propo-iilon.
Theretore , Be it urdalurd by the mayor and
council oi tte city of f'iatUincuth .
Skction 1. That the -a!d election and th-
returns and result-thereof be, a d the aame
asift - ' liere-y ad-upien.
FC. 2. Hint ine ntayoraan cier oi me ia j
of "1 ittsmi.uih b aud they are hereby author
ized and en pi w-red to is ue the bonds o ;aid
city payable to bear r of the d-nonifu t'"a f
? ea b not exceeiTng forty in number and
not to exceed fie actual cat of the r glit of !
way of. sa d railway fr a ooiu' oa the Mis
souri Pacific railwav in . I erty precir.ctin Ca-s
county, Nebrai-ka through at cu ty norih
to the lMatie river becoiiinu due w thin 'weuty
year - ml redeemable at the option of U - ci y
at any t'liin afier ''ve ye irs from 'heir date and
thai Uavr cup ns thereto atta bed to evi
dence thel teiestofea h yea t six per cent
pe- annum payable anu uly, aud t cause the
sea of the cl y to b- tueieto affixed and which
bon is. prlueP ! a d intTeat. shall be payable
at tte Fiscal Ajfeney of the state of Nebraska,
in the i-tate nf New York aul shall be dated
ou the day they are isaued.
Ss.c. 3. Said b.-n.i- to be del vered to tbe
duly a credited agei t of the Omaha southern
railway coiniia y under t ie Instructions of the
mayi-r and c m ell by r-s lu'i n.
sice. 4 This ordinance shah be published
two weeks.
Si-o 5 This orlluance sha-lbe in force ai-d
take ed ct from and after its pasa;e, approval
and ubUcatloii.
Pased a .d approved the 15 day of April,
1). 1830. F. M. Hichet.
ttest. w. K. Ffx. Mayor.
'Hy Clerk.
" I. O. O. F.
LOD'iE. o. IW I O. O. F. meets -v--ry
ru-eday nilit at their hall i-i KitZKeral-
block. All Odd fellows are cordial. y invited
(o attend when visitluir in th - c:ty.
J C FK' -kson. N. fi.
JnHN I'AilV. aieC
J. G. Kirhey, W. D Jump, F. K
White. W. 15. and B;.nn Clark
ni tile up a jolly hunting party this morn
iiifl for Dui v 11 Jii biaska. It was th.
first prohibition cruwd we have seen atart
out on a hunt for a lou; time, no com
inissariea were in Kizht, even the logc(?)
were wrapped up in gunny sacks and
can-fully btowed away on ic-. The
snakes are said to le very bad in Wheeler
county and we greatly fear the out come
of tin trip with out antidotes may n-t-ult
fatHly to sunif ff th more cart-lesa mem
ber! of thn party. Their return will I e
awaited with nnr than uual anxi-tv.
Is Consumption Incurab'e?
Read the following: Mr. C. H. Mor-
1 ris. Newark. Ark., says: "Was down
- ! . I. A l . . . t T ........ .1 fP;..nla .. i . t
im auh." "v.. -
j..U.ti . a-io iifi.HiiMnfiofl ma un mliruhlA
Cfinsuniptive. B-?an taktnjr Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, am
now on my third bottle, and able to
oversee the work on my farm. It is tbe
finest medirine ever made."
Jesse Middlwart, Decatur, Ohio, says.
"Had it not been for Dr. King's Nw
Discovery for Consnmotion I would
have died of Lung Troubles. Wan giv-
en op bv doctors. Am now in ht of
of. ... Mm n1, K,.ttli fr at
F. G. Fricke & Co'a.
Charley Edgerton, while at "work in
the machine shop this afternoon, re
ceived a blow on the head by the falling
of the smake bead from the drill, that
felli-d him to the ground aenseless. He
wm soon able to come np town and have
his head dressed which showed a painful
scalp wound.
Thoroughbred Poland China
Brood sows for nale by Wm. Merton at
bis farm five miles west of town,
wju Wc. Jfcrtpq.
.tstid gsitlidiexts suits ast
r 160 Meals far $1.00 J
It Savod my Child Ufa.
" V, lien my child wu born,
!.? Uoctor ordered one of the
-: ln-r Foods, filie utn that un
ci tt.- tif-rly li.(L I liiid three
.:. ; t t-j, who paid the trouble
v-e l!iiiKe; t;on, and orlc-ivl
tho f.xxl changed to LatUkte-l
J'uO. It save! my child's lifi',
.-.:J I owe you nicoy thiiiiks
jr If. I rcjrsrJ your FockI en
invaluable, aul nuiierior t" a'J
-tbr artiftol. l t.-s-O for b:.Llts.
Mi..;. A. J. Lt-inrm,
Pcpsr:en many Important Advnntaifea
ovor all other i.recurfcd 1'ooum.
Perffectly Nourishes a Baby with
or v. Iihout the cdJition of m lk.
"J hrjo &:zes. 75c. SOc. 81.00.
A Vt:
! ?i. hi.
.'IllN UllM
UW8 $2lMmi gl.ELi
It works perfectly ca rough, uneven ground;
in light, short grain; in badly lodged grain. Soma others do not.
Strongest Frame, Simplest Construction, L-ahtcst Draft, Gr- atest Durability, Most Easily
Managed. GREAT I.VI'KOV.EMKXXS for 1SUO pluco it Iu;-th.T than ever in thelea4of
pretended rivals.
Tbo DEEKLNG BINDER TWINE made by ourselves is tho beat in tho world.
Apply to ournearestoetitfor Illustrated Cr.talocue and Full Information orwrltdu-eot
to us. WM. DEERINC & CO.. ChicegO, III.
laaaiiii a i i ai nan i nn i
nsoLUTELv Water-Proof
We call Btter'irn to the novelty of its construction, it beicg compoaea of two tbutt
of paper with r.a interposed layer of water-procf b tumrn or aspha'.t, th whole unuoa
under p..iure, makir a sanitary mildew-proof BheathiEi' ftr the side a and Coon of
houses, 'hat will last as long as t'ne building upon which it is ap-plied.
E.T-xrience has i hows that the cheap pap n commonly uied for theathinw houses do
not j.rotect a building for any lcn;th of time, but soon mildew and fa'.i to f-itcc, making
the house drafty and damp; these cefecti can then be remedied st c-cit expense.
A Good Sheathing like the O. K. Iiuildir.g Paper, can be otiair.ed t; .i t.- "u. c&it, ocd
it is a wa&ts of money to use cn inferior article.
T"ut an ia rol.s CG inr-uf -uiilc, cootalnin I.OOo ;u-.r.-; f .z.
FunniSHiO on ai-plictic n. 2.'. L-'-'
Dr. Hcmj-hkkys' apKdF-K-3 are BclenttflccJIy arjl
carefully prepaxwl preocrlpUon t Uiei lor clmj
years in private practice with success,and fcrovu
thirty years used by tlie people, tvery stnfiJo Bpo
clflc la a special cure for the disease named.
These Specilicn cure without dmcglixg. rrr.--
. T SL-almm n . . I c PA In f ' " ' . ' . I
....1 Ihn J rm Ml.ll IAA AftllPlh liri. .
r Pirrs. wlhwu.ii, uu..uu.4 .....
Worms, Worm Fever, Vvorm d.i.c.
Crying Colic, orleililDgof'-J'Lid
Piarrbea, of Clillilren or Aduii
Dyentery Griping. bilious i-uuc
Cholera. .Morbus, Vou.lm,0'
Cooajba, Cold, farouclui-u
Nenraliriav, Toothache. I ec-cei...
Headaches. BickliefC'aCl.e. e:Ui-J
w d . . . A l,.nn.,.M.l nn
6 JTyapepai a, bilious hu n'.i.. .......
1 ba ppreaaed nr Paintkil I'tiwi
J Whites, too I'mf uso WrKxls
alt Uhemu, ti-j-us.
roan. Couta, l-inican trc-r:ii.uir
f UICIHIBI1VI-II . t .. . . . . .
H FeTorand Asfue. CIUl-(,aia!aria..
T Pllet Blind or Mced'ag
9 ('lrrh, IPF DPDFI, Ol 1 l!l:j-; lr:JU
I. f , - vi. Iiiii . 1 1 ; a.
1 . - 1 li-hll,.. I IitkI.. 1 . . .
7 Kidney I!Ba-e
jierroos j:-oiiisy -
t rinary V e a 1 fs n, .'tMi-r f .!.
Uiaaea of tiieHoart,i' 1
gold by Pruvgtm. or sant potpal 1 03 receipt
t price. Da. Hviu-hbeto' IUvtau OH pmre-)
ScbXr hound in clotli and -foi-1. inaile-1 free.
amphreyV JIejicineCo.l'eFoltoa6t-h Y.
in Cass County
bhow in the Country
Plattsmouth. Nebraska
It Haa No KquM,
"We re ntln In our ntixu
Bfry (cotitainliiK forty infanta
your I.actalcd Food, end find
It far uix rior to ell other food
which lata txeri .n dilrlny
the ji t ten yi am that I have
been viailniK physician. The
Kihti-rs of Charity. ho have
chars-f of the luititutloa, ea
it hu.5 uti equal.
W. H Dt ("OLTCT, SL D..
Kt. ) i li'iil cuniiJiii Ajiylmi
Ciu .-iriiirtll, Oliia.'
Tlie Nut.-:tk.:i
li.U.v,r. e.
in tall, heavy grain;
the Leader in iis Glass.
"i " :dn I.ano,
:: .'. W YORK..
JUUi.ii -. j -.
W. F. CrsL'i i 5 son.
r - -I
; Wcoon and
j v'ag.D, Tiuaeiea, MaoU nes Qu'ck'y Uepalrrfd ;
j i'iowt Hharpe ied anu Oeuetal
I Jobbing Dune.
Horseshoeing A Specially
Bowsuoe. wnlcr sbarneni lttr lr war
awv. no there U never any dancar ol yfar
H.irs- sllppin-; and hurtiriK i'lf. 'a.l
. atid exaniin- this Mioe and you will .
Have no other. Best Shoe made.