' Y 8 WEEKLY HERALD: FLAlTtfMMJTii, NEBRASKA, APHtL It, 1890 j Hihest of n Leavening Tower. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1 889. 1 s u. w Bakings Powder ABSOLUTEltf PURE IMPUMENTHQUSE HEADQUARTERS FOR tar Lister, Millhum Wagonus and Buggies. Molin Ste-1 Harrows Little Joker Cultivator. Piano Ste. 1 Harvest, r and Binders The Dundy Riding Cultivator, and A Hub line of double and single harness. OLD Our Goods are all new with the latest and best improve luents. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT FIRST CLASS GQ0Dl: FARM WAGON SPRINGS "Wo have something new in a spring for alarm wagon, ii will pay vou to see it. FRED BURKE. Sixth Street, near Riley Hotel. Petersen & Larson (SuccMi-ir to WliltIiiK& Wlilclirr IMTOllTKlS AM) OliAl.t-llS IN FANCY GROCERIES EX OUR AND FEED Duuieitic and I niorte Fancy goods of evi ry ch 8;-rip i n Sold at the Lowest Cash Prices Country Produce IJoiiglit and f-old Middle RdOiii, Oji l a IIou. e Blo k. fl.AI TS.MOf II W5-13..1 N LB it ASK A LK(iAL. - 1IIM.Y I. UN I . M. 11 The Fire Boy. The Fire Department is busy at present prepaiing for the coming tournament. The gruuuds selected are the old fair grouuds opposite the power house. The track is being put in txc-lleut shape for the races and the department conttin plates putting three teams iit the fl.dd; the Nevilles, n gnen hose company and a hook and ladder company. Tho practice occurs each evening on I he track and h motor l aves the coi ner of Sixth aud Main at 6:15 every evening for the grounds. All members who take an interest in the coming toiirnameut should be on hind to go out and if they can't run fast enough for the Nevilh-s. try the Green companv; if the gait is too fast for them there, let th m brace the boys op by good kind words. The fart is, the Plattsmouth fire de partment should be as rain and wife, ono family, and each one should back the other up, and the public take care of all. Snow Siorm. Th" f dlowiiig is a special telegram to the Omaha life and to see where th jubilee part would come in on account of snow this time a year would require a vivid imagination. Sidnkv, Neb., April 14. A heavy fall of snow bfgan here last niiht and con tinued all morning. Farmers feel juhi lantand merchan's greatly encouraged. Don't go to Omaha, Fred. Gorder h is better carriages, bug gies, aud spring wagons for less m.'ney than can be purchased of any firm in Omaha. 170d-6tw-lt A box of wind matches free to smokers of 1 1 i)AVU A. t'AMlWKI. . j i.i i.litT I.'K.VN' I.I'M. .Slf KCK I l.KMItU lK.vt. a'nl H MY ronipl'js- ti ! lit' firm tit li ekt-ilmil K V K I'. . u.)MMI I, all'l r m t: i.. i;.vmi.i. hi- 1 oil..- -1 nip n iiii'-tl noil r.'S.deht ilclt iitl .liH you .1 herel y i 01 ififil tii;it K ivi l . :i 1 1 1 1 -bfil pluiutiir. in I i e iil" ve c u-t' tiitl or to- "tit U.iy if A. nl l-90 lilt- in t e Ii"tiict Cuiiri i f C.ih-ct'iiiii y, Neina-k... his et'iin l'i;iyiig fortlie 1 :eeree -f mi'U cmi fiat 'O-i'tOii iiuet dui il rxeeuiea ly T ln stii l.v p-tt I a uli.ll and hiiiitue 1. l.'.Miila I t tiie H,.il I'lics. (.. Key nnl(ls, Siilpey - hi eke! ford. .Ii.lm L. emiey, uDii tt'm. II, Finney. cointriiii.j; the tirm of rheektlford. Keim y & t o., to IH ti. bb-vk 13 in the ei y of 1 latts.mui" h. Nebtaska. fur tb sum of one dollar u. ec re the . aymeiit of a cer ta'ii iroiiii-cory note fr 4J6 08. tato-i .luly f, ISO" bein lll'-U for record Jan. 25. 1858 atl :2r p in mid recoidetl lu boi k A of deds at jtage 1ft) rec -rds of as- county, b set aside and be de clared null ami v id and that the el- ud ex st ill on ihe ti in to s:id progeny be n-ino i-d on the grounds that the inouey sei-un-d by .tid t.U't i.eed h is lug since been paid aiitlth.it the p'ainUff and his grantors liav.' ben in aetuul open and adverse pusstssl u of said l"t C, tiloek 13. in I'lattMi:0 111 t lty f r a per od of more th -n tetiyean, V u are notified to appear and answer said petition on ..r be fore the 261U day of May l'0 O. A. CaMTURI l, wi at I'laimiff. LECAL NOTICE. I 'I the i itr'C u r, i:a cui.ty. Neb: C'HKIHTI N ICf I'K k, 1 vs. , I'AL.MK.K II !;;! v , Jo in A llni i' .st J aimer ilh'. Us an ' .lilin A. 1 1 i i Iiii.t-f 'tmI -Miitv will l ike ii.iti' : iat !! M nvli 21. . ' 1 . I - I .: i Kupk-. pl.t mt -tf e ii. men ed ;i ;ic ti .!. In .i i i i trict C'-url. ir I'. n ''ou-itv. Ni Iii.it-k.i. Ilie "1J' ft an. I pf;,yer of wiii !i i- to obi tin tlii- r-'e.re ;tiil .i i-'; el i-'i of i . r ;iiii in i.j.:ip' '-ii the .S c .W, I'w p 11. no th l;a ' 1 eatt, in (;:lil county, te c r .i il A Jul 11, In bo. k K p.ine Ul(. :ai:d I'rt'eiiM 1 p l. f. 't I ;ilie;eil that saitl mort ae - as timing 1 -X l lu ly p iiil ;.ml taken up. You will ii al- e answer in sa d cause on or befo e M.i 5, 13J '. oi I lie t I us allepd in snid i-eliilon will be tak n a true a' d judgment entered accord ugly. C'iiuistian Kui kk W. I.. llKOW.VK, Att'v. 2 4t. Administrators Appointment Tiot Ice Statk 'F N ..liltA-KA, Cass ('t".N'f v, ss : I th ('ounty f "lil t. To all peions interested in the estat J o; John Inlielder, deceased . Notice llnrcb. ive;-. that on the 6!h day of May. A 1. lS'jn. at the hour of irt . 'clock a. tn. at the .iiiity .Ju ice's ofllce in I'laits nio'ii h, in faid county, th petition, a- kim; for the aip'titittiient of L aii" Kickolf uh ailmiu-i-tfatttr of t-aitl estate, will be heard a id con sidered ; at which time and pl iee all perst uh interested jna ui pijar and t-hnw Cutis , if -py they have, why he viioul.i not b appointed as sneli ;i 1 1 1 1 i ; 1 1 ;t j ator Dated thi Hih day of April, A. I). W. 3t ii. H. ICasis.- v, ( nuiii y JiiiIko. Some.hing to wear and where lo find it .A.T r3 m Legal T he in '.know n heirs of John Wi'iiains, will take 14 -tice that on the IS, li !ay of I leeemhcr 18s. I ielieal Stclurk and Meh h;ir oe .i ieh. n plan tiffs, herein lilel tlieii p ftp n i . tile ili t i'te.uit 1 i i.ss ci io ty. t l.r.is a. the -U-j-'ct and pr i' er ' f whirli ..iv t. c mcel and M-t aside a : rta-n moi iae p-ve i by Hi;, s . i! la'i s am' wife t .It hu V iili-ims on the l"'.1i U of ; ei t i her uu n li 1 bl- ck f ny -1 u I'latt.Miiout'i. Ncoinska aud t cancel and tlt -cl; re void the recird of aid iroi t: j:e. ou are r. tjui. e,l to an-wcr sa'd petiti jii on o before the J'lh day of May, isitii. Mu.'tiK.VI. Si;;iii(K, 5w 4t II KU II-IK Hi,NH:sUKS l'y 'heir atton.evs, li tmiii Jtoot Bu. klfin'sAtnlca ; alvo Tiik Ukst Sai.vk iii tin- t'.-iul,! for Cuts i? ui.-es. Sores. Uii t r-i. S ilt K!n urn. Fever Si r.-.-5. Tetter, ChajijH il Hands, Cliillilains. (.'urns, and aii Si; in Kriiptio.s, mid posi- tiv.lv curiH I'iiiw, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to irive satisfaction, or lll-.liev refutii! -d. I'iicel'.l Crllts per box For .sal.- by F. O. Fiicke A: Co. TIu I;ittt styles and perfect fit at S. & C. Mayers'. Goods tli ri t are durable, f'erinanent and Lastin'', S. C. Mayers'. Prices that tire lair, Just and Honest, ht 8. A; C. Ma v. i's. Clotliing tor Cliildn ii, Pcvand Men Pat, Lean and extra Large, at IS. & C. Mayer's. Public Saie. I will Sell at my residence 3 milis south of Murray and 4 tnilis north of Union, on Tu stlay Apr. ''2tul Hi head of hoiHcs and colts farm iniph mints ot all kinds and 00 h ad of hogs. It.T. G o. K. Murray. On Wednesday, April 23, Ezra Ken dall will again delight our theatre goers with his amusing character of "Jilea Button," the old "hay see. i," and a good company and new musical specialties are promised. Alabastino, tlio best wall finish, for sale at F. G. Fiicke & Co. dtf Oar system of doing bu in s meets the pub "i-apprf vl everything marked in pla n fi?uie.s, no hieioglyphics. We tre:it all alike. When ou ir ed ;inythi;ig jh our iine be ure and call on u, you will go home satisfied. a & Mwmj W Mil 4;i 3 K7 f '-3 T a.. 1 , . , . , . i -l i wt,r,,.:(V .Wl.11Kn tIf,v ! 12ic: Fine casliuiero Wtirih :J for 25.: Fine Casliin-ie, a!i colors, worth 50 This mammoth stoch was bold by t.iJ Met ill because tue AJ ,;o.,, wolth 05 f:,r a5. Aitu,,i ct.mer.-s, Mik w,,,,. w.,rti ..11 . . . ...... ,lnf e i.n 1 1 1 1 1 i ft I f i ii 1 ;1 II ( I I .ii ... i ....i........ .iii- i .j. i . . r.'.r , 1 l ii i.i. i. i.i ; t . .. . . f()ljlll IIUL ltl V Vllll rillII . .VlliOl CUMIIU' n , Olliv l , vi ti Jl. " COHEN &c CO. II iv bought the enti-e stock at 40 cents on the dollar, and will offer good choper than th.-ir"Vom .etetor can l-uy tiiem. All tie sj ooN were houtfht by O. V. Smith & Co., at New York and will be sold at 5 J cents ou the dollar. Sale lasts u itil everything is sold. Domaslc deparimant- Go-id prints, fast colors, worth ' 12jc- for 8c; Iuportcd Dress n: .... ,...., f....o i.i .i.Ij t.i.- l.l IJ.jh 1 it. rcaies w.trin iv nr oe. Qinyhams, woith 10 for 5-: ood dress ginu;ham. fast colors, for 5?c; Scotch ' n bauis, the verv best, tor 15-; y; oil Mhirtin worth 10. for 5c, worth 12$, for Ti worth 15. for lOo; Hatines, worth 10. for 0, worth 12. for 8'. wortti 15. for 10; im ported satinen in all colors, wortn 20 and 25. for 13c, the best import. a I saline worth 40, for 25c. Good uitili(, 3G inches wide, wotth S for 5, worth 15, for 7c. Lonsdale, the le st that is nude, worth V21. for Sc; Ticking, worth 12. for worth 15. for 10; worth 20 for 15c; worth il'l for 2D; Blue D -minis woith 15 b-10c- wrth 17 br 12; worth 20 for 15; Table cloth worth 40 for 20, worth j0 to: 25 worth 75 for 40. worth 1 DO for 50. B ird- reil table cloth worth 70 for :;5 worth 1.00 for 50. worth $1 25 for 75 ; I.:n-n towels for 8. 15, 20, 25. 30 and 3 i a piece; Nipktns at 25, 45 55. 05. 75. $1.00. l 25 and $1 50 a d-.z n; Chulhs. h! colors and shades, worth 10 for 5c, worth 124 for 7: worth 15 for 10c wortti V for 15. While Dress Goods loiKirtinnt lot1-:"!; 20 for 15c. worth 25 for 20. worth 30 and 35 for 25; Linen Lawn worth 0 for V. worth 40 for 30, worth 50 for 2"; Dotted Siss, cream colored and white, wo th 50 for 20. Jlwss fionds i?epariiiiciii Fine smnmcr rriss pnods worth 10 and 15c for 7; single width cahm're vorth 20 ftr 10; double width henrietta, half wool worth 25 for worth 50 foi 35. ; v.irtn 85 lot 5ic; G5c; Silk ii.iisii Ii nri.tia woith $1 0( fontj'i; Silk warp henrietta woith $1.25 tor 75; r?ilk warp henrietta worth $1 50 for SI. 00; hilk h nri tta Worth $2.50 for $1.50; Ottoman cb th, siik warp, wortti .$2.00 for $1 00; Biilli.oitiiie, the best there is, wortli $1.25 tor 75. Imported Dress Goods in all th:; l it st diyie and shades, worth from i5 o 75 a yard for 50; Silk Velvet worth 75 an I $1.00 for 40. worth $2.00 for $1.00; Silk Plush worth 75 lor o5; Silk Velvet, in black, worth $3.00 for $1.25. Spring Wrap I)wrtlnmt-a,ri.trtrJT, 4, and 5; J- rs.-ys i.i all colors aud lat. sr. styles; Bfeaded wi-ips worth $4 for $2, worth $5 for $2 50. worth $6 for $:. worth $7 for 50 wortli $S for 4. worth $12 t r 5. vorth $ 0 or 7. Finest lme of ummer shawU oood shawis worth $3 for 1, w ortli $2-50 for 1.25, worth $3 0 for 1.50, worth $4.00 for 2.l0, worth $5 00 for 2.50 ivortli $0 00 for 3 00. wr h 7.00 for 3.50, worth $y for 4, worth $10 for 5. worth ;U2 for 0. worth $14 for 7. We also have a tine line of table and floor oil-cloth and w indow shades. 'Hir s-tock of Silk Sun Umbrellas and par.:so!. is larocand compl-.-te. h-d Spread worth ?1.00 for 15c, worth $1.25 for 1.00, woith $2 for 1.25, wortli $2.25 for 2.00, wor h $1 tor 2.50. aco and Hot on Depar!ment--r:;i::t;:; ' itest styles. G'lod Un ii Ii'Ce tor le a y tin; (bi nt tl bin: worth 10 for lc; worlh 5 for 5 , worth 25 tor 10c Pillow c.i-- hu e woith 10 fur 3c. worth 15 for 5; Em- j tiid ii s worth 5 f r lc. wnh 10 for 5?, w.-itii 15 for S. wortli 20 for 10 -. wort h 5 for 1 .". worth 4 for 20c. w..r;h 50 for 25-. worth 75 for 40c, Wotth 1.00 f.-r 50, j 21 f.-r 75 worfl, n ro i,.- $1H0, worth 82.i!0 f.-r $1.50; Lace ii..uneing wort I; i -1 50 to $2 00 for 25. 50 :.nd 7".c a yard. j 'l"tn,e 5'0 ros -.f-huttt ns wo. t'n 25. GO snd 40c wdl all go at 10c a ?' t ' " o doz n; 100 gross of buttons wortli 40 and 50c all go at 10, 13 and 20c a dot m. Uij- PiflC woith ." fur lc. 5c pins for lc. 5c needles for lc, dress braid FlCiil llli worth 10 for 3c, Colt's and Clarks f-pool cott n, three spool for 10c. ;.- i in 50 for 35 worth 10 for 2 worth 15 for S , worth 5 ) for 10.-, worth 2"t for 15c; Si;k ituchiug wortli 25 for 15c, worth 3i for 25, worth HfirC9iC All makes and etyb-s. Good corsetr, wmritite l (J nmn'hs worth uUIOCiO $1 CO for 5 .c. Ttic B B.-e Com t worth $1.50 lor 75c: imported corsets wotth $2 50 lor $i 25. 1 J worth 5. 5c wortli 10, worth 15 for 10, worth 20 lor 15, woith 25 for 20. Handkerchieves Hosiery Oepartmenl Good hose wortli 10 tor 5 imported "hose, fast ltb;ck woith 25 tor 12J Li.-le thread hose worth 50 for 25. worth ;0 foj 35, S!ik lisio woith 31 00 for Balbrigands wortli 15 for 8. Wotth 25 for 12j, worth 50 lor 25, worth C5 tor 40. t bodies ribbed vests worth U5 for 84; . . . . I . rf c . i r . 1 j. , n r ill l.l .JJ lilt .J, WIM 111 IUf tit. Ladies Underwear Lnnck Ci ?Sf l-C The late-t styles worth $2.00 & pair for 1.00 ILC LU1 l " woith 2.50 for 1.50, worlh 5.tXJ for 2.50, worth C 00 for 3.00, wo:th 7.00 loi 3 50, worlh 00 for 4.00. Abov : us st inds n ro:.)jj -ting sr .el:, b' biw lead nn competing price. We will cotnm- n : the s 'ao,. w w"ll coutiuued the season with BARGAINS, we will en I the setison with BABGAlNr?. Ve havp good and pi'-nty of them. Ev-ry department full of new novelties nch in quabtv anl style. Yon are -ur-to liroj what yoc want. Wo aim fo Vfip th.- I. . st ;?.d d d fair to ail Our ambition is to please our trade and ONE TRICE, the lowest to all. Ladies and O ntlemoi. w cull your :.tb n'ir.n to the fart that all ti e goods we bought of G. P. Smith & Co. will he sold for 50 cents on the dollar. All Oil' air i Coi i Evesy Respect 1 1 Everybody Cordially Invited to Attend our Oponing which will Oommonee r w aw ii m,m i-aVjdLta m 1800 esse Come Early and Secure ISnrgaius; TTIaey will not JLast all Summer. TT01IJHI VJEIEir OTISTIJILIZ, A. COHEN & Co., Boston Store- JPlatismouih, ISGhvs.uls.cs. 4L Jl Jlaiwi Street