WEEKLY HERALD: PLATTSMOUTH, flBURASKA, APRIL 17, ltf)u The Herald. Tli- If" a M i. will it!. in a u.ak l.;tv- '"'". M "l s"'1 ' vvi,1, J""" l) "M,n n m.-w ..v.-,-r jr.- a liii h will 1m; urn y "i "r.-d W.dt.-iV f..!k. -mi t li tric motor. I J. (' l"ik' nli iry, 'tic South Oimdit A C. M IV. s Wcllt ' lit to til' W. sti.TII pot ut tin- f.iiuny to lf V..1H- siiry-.v 111 ! Tli.- Ix .iuliti.l ( ut fit ii'- ti iimi.il loi ; tlh- V. tti IK :i!Hi l.lul k V.iM 1 1 I l.; V 1 .'' Sutiiiil.iy. All ioy.-rs ..f l.ii::li v. . i 1 1 1 ai i.-d 1 i 1 1 ! folk- should ! ut tli - . i.i llnil. 'I'll fAiy iiiulit. Tln ii; it h .i'l to l- it fni'i in-1 lire .t rn .l ill Hie 1-itln r Ii i'le siiii-c J 'I. a Ih ll'-uli jut ii ;:iirif t-ii'ica ni ide. Iir.t i it-t Cni;t uilj .iniMil to April 2i'-tli f r tin- i n-1 1 1 ii m of dares. No oth'-r iMlsill' r-t Will l" 1 l all.K tfd . Nom tl.ino 1' tli .ii ii iinl'"!'l of rami merci'il t i i s iinn- in tiiis morning from Oni i!i i to 'do the town." .1. M S. km 'll:i ki r u-ttiiir nt i IkiikUuiiii- new 'i'liv ty wnumi tor 1 .1. Hani ii, tin- Sixth street urori-r. C a M :(-' irt'iv. tli.f s -r li.ni f.. rein .11. inove.l into tin- rdd rocit op posite tlw IIi tM.i) oIIk-c y-sti nl.iy. Fn-d ,i iiiile 11'. in hiving Prof. Jolui Le.-u Ii cc S- n j ii-.it up lii-i nice ri si'lei.i r n roiiit iioiise Mpi.ue in h stsli.-h m ill ner. Til'- IIoli. 3i-oOi- Vahinitoi I'oisull lll'l'le ul ol (In- . ;uts of Mnin stre t 1" ll i strimw to dity !' bt.iitin the t-tm-t ink l.-r . All'C-skilf ll '.lte.1 down the rivi Stin-liiy, 1 imliiii.' uliove tin- lni.l' ; .oiii of the li.ivs- w. nt down and o:,in. i! po.s. s.slcll of th'- Clillt. V II I'i. k -i;s an Ih lire hoys m lilovil.o t lie h .S h.ill file today, il p:ir;itorv to the T'Clioii of H lil'ililinol ll Htii;iliithe.ilt r f r the loin n-isiu lit. We et- li.l ll in "H.t'on to tli:- mii it -IS of Platt-moutll to a'iV "3 j, refill. of Siniilir.H s- rinons f r our M i-h y p;loer. m'nI ivs'ino- to !. limited from to 'J. words i ileh. (VI. .1 inn s ' Woodson the Cottnj.'" lloiH pl Ojil ietor h:is tilti' 1 no his p' m i recently i'i si etidit'. style, tli- ptihii. will reri-iv th h st th- 1 ind i.fTouls i y c-al'ini: ut the Cttae house. 'I'hilip tile the i-nij.e shoot- r" wi delink Sttnr.liy i iht. and t"dn lat)Liuis!ii in the t-oUi'.ty j il. Look tie' on the h.-i-r k' u v. lien tin-y appear to la cm j i y Philip, tor veiily they are not. Mrs C. Howl uid. whose hushatid w s sudd -i.ly kili.-d a few wi-. ks m in . lailioad at i ill- iii, is now railed Uj on to 111 oini til-' de it'l of h'-r l;i!e. Th'n i CSpei iallv S id, as no ll-.ll are left 'll h"Hit hr okeii wenia.n to oomloti herin h- i donh'.e h r-. aVL".;ielits. Th..- fr.U' r.d to. k pi !( today The IIi.il ki v. ii! .' h utiy t'ave h in w pjtssau.i oth I i iii pi o vi men' s e ul cm r icailt is to h ;i! vitli tis for a f. w (lays and we sin. 11 Lrive tin in a Will print'-d .iini p.- sy papi r. In the iikmp time c Mm- in mii I su'ds.-i ihe, m t the h i-i paper in tie- roitnty -.n.l dieti.niai' throwdin. l m liiher that with in ut In r ei-niii v j..ipercai yon in-t a tlic tioiiny for mi Iiiile iii.m- y Tneie i a rumor that Pi l tsawi ith i to have a ity dir. etory Ttn I ! Krt.vi i lias oin- word of :id viee s'oll no CoI'ti iK l fur hook or ud wrtisii! until you kim-' Wil is doino; 1 1. work -111 tint Sli' party has tiie a i!iiy and r. S h iF i I d I i f V . and th o know whit "ii o, t hefoiv (). pay for It. A :!i-eetorv i one 'himr hpi "win-t" is an. itht r. Phittmouth w-mt ii Coo.l. reli ihlo and complete clirtcton or non--. Dr. G. W. Clutter removed his nt d rooms 1 ist iv ek to the Gilaior.- Imiidine over L'md-. s s'ore Toe doctor ii -h i:i so in !y f inished p.irim n!s, lm' wh- ili-r it will i 1 1 to tin; pleasure d t ie tooth in 1 1 i a r ii-m ' i as for t!ie un foitunat s to t. stifv. Au'ourn Post O. plain Donevmi was in L-iu-oln over Sunday. Mi-s M tri.-ta Caoney wint to Lincoln this nun iiiiiLT. Y. G. K-eferis in Wuhoo with l is fiinily toil ay. Al f Whit is hnildiiii; an audition to his r sidence . Mrs. 'd. I). P.l and -on Sunday, d with -. 1 div'-s in G:- enwoo 1. E I M r:i i-iiii in til's morning fr m Chicago, to l up h'.s lions-. C. S. !! -ss: i-. h m ri:i t'te count v's Capital 'V t'i Ids presence today. Win Oss. 1 k ; h d Lute Baedikcr, of Loiiisvi le, :i'" in lie city lo.laV. D-ptv Si lift" lieii' want G: nd Island tl.is u Mining after his family. Mrs. Wir.siow. n.othor of Mr. S. A Davi-, went t 1 lx.11 saw this m iru 1 11. j C S. Cowles. ci il .1,' nt of the Iv avid ; insurance otnp'iiy, is in tin- city todav. A. W. White. J .hn Ku!.n-y. Fn-d! BuC-e and F.ank Carrut'n ae in Omaha ! today Mis, Hattie Cropp ..nd Miss M-rv N-j-ally "t'rh Ouiah passengers th's Uiorninir. . . , John Phi'Iin" and ' I imi Johnson. ' U. P. m chiui-ts spent Sunday with relatives hue. Mr?. CIi-ih. Miillii a. of I'urilic J"nc- c, .in ni i -r-i mi m in, c.ime in this iiioiiiiii.' c i his ii i v to S ii' 1 1 On ilia. !i-s ( I ua S 1 mire, of Omaha, was ; in th c-dv over Sunday vUitin her i ! - t Ik r I'i ink, of the Western Union. S P ' ll'l .tt.i w. nt to Council I'duff- t'n nioi iiiile; Ii-- ' X e ts to see ('()ll In ilidt r Alot r ol the G A. It hefore hi fi t urn. .John M. (J H thy, the South Omah;. 0 ii-i'itor who pmch'H'-d a hicycle of Toio I'n t rsun, took it home w ith him y s t iday. Mr. -ind Mrs. Fniiik M.TL'an and Mis Swift wait to II iv S..riiiv,s yesti-rdav f a fe-.v d is' visit with Mrs. Swift" d-iUellter. IJohert (Ji noer, h" uentl' manly .IL'et't of the n iV M. at Soii'll Omah i. Wie cdh il to Plattsmouth 1 it. niht on ur l nt htii in ss . Col. Cail J T. S . ly. the -xood lookine diiorof the Madison Chronicle, w-as ill the city Sit unlay niht for a biicf visit with r-lativp. Harry .1. Drav. hum of th" I IllH.A I.d's l-Xei 1 1 1 ll t (oip-iof t poorapllicill altis's. vi'ted his mother ami h st. irl in Mound City. Mo., Sunday. Fr -d Ivroehler was in L nisvill" Sir i : It 1 :. v s I vino pajieis in I" lation to the M isinri-r in itfi r which comes up for a en i i ms i n county coiut In-re toinorrow t lie Claia I.nuis.! K"lg Conceit and Op-'i-.t Compiny Which i;iv s on -of its pei rless nt. r t i'i. lie nts at Wall rm iii's ei-r;i house on Pi.Uis lny eVellill'l, April 17, needs HO w.i 1 of eommi-nf or ciitci m from the 1 ic.al pr ss, so un i v; sal I v i-i this aiipelh I'.-iic stir us 1 ll ; -H ) ) rt I - i 4 CI u.) HIV iii.i.vn and ii.lmii-. d. Tin' folliivvinu a 04: amine will iu-ip-e a crowded Imu-e. i-.i:r 1. Duet! ."I! Us ri " Do' i.ctti Messrs. is r. 'i: a-ul I. c -0: I u la'av sjullivan Ml- cirri-. M r- -:,.!- -My : .1 .-.Ki S .iN" .. .Mo-sett v 1 . i !i !) i I ! ct. tewt'l : i-e -Knis " C u i-ul Mi-.s c :i'a l.i u se i;eilee Til 1 ... ' I a 'i ' Kaii''it,e:T Mi "ai-t M M s-r-i Sti ;.-ir.ih a nl heo. :: ...lisli (.:-. 'e ... (in g! y. i - ( i 11 1.. ui-e ;(i; I! ii!i;ii!Z '. "i i.ooii".. .. -!ii. i: "ha as u r. S-ii ;;f .i O.ie't " s i.:'n in Wi.i. e" Ar Hi Mis l arri-' I .r-i a 1 M . C a-1 Sjili; irilo. r.v t n. S co:i l aef of 1) ei'Z -i ti's "T Uld op:-ra, "Li F avo'it iu full costiiui'-s an. I -t iu:e s tt in 4s. n-e Ivia" Mr i"'i:vn II I.ee i-er .- in! t M;. ' ail S$. ar.ia L, -i .ri Miss I'anie i crse To -o, !! ! with the fa nous qu;iit tt t' -it of V-rdi's f ut 1 -I'i "ll-ol tto." I-i -j: 1 liena iiss i'anie .Morse e ia " -I 1 ::n '.'Iv. all -p jjar i -ee.1 .1 . i.Ul.i . . .. Mr w i ii i"i I ee !a;-1 i.imii . Keliu 'a Mi l7roi Burke O 1 of he pup'il if i.iipto'ne'.it ilet'e; -11 fiiis t i v, h as ju-t i.f i ive.l 11 new lm t tin- mo-r slii a c.-.- ful I V sa'.al.le jooiis r hi ou ;lit til this iiy. lie handl . i n S: r an i tin- Fuller and Johnson Coin- I ic-il lis! is, ii-muy rtilini; cultivator- II t are iieiiilin d unties Moliii", Walk o:. ;t:i i t!- ll.ill ll 11 tell til 1 11, ridiuu -Mirii.-4 p ows. the pi an h 11 V -sters, litth j Ui r an I Pel kins ti nU'-l, ss cu!tivatoi. Ion -IX disc ll UToW, the hi i; four h-'oeii . i.d s.'fin.; wagons. T!:e h.-st con- 1 int. rs made. Al-o a line line of har n .-sand anew spiini; for a wajjon Im.x tit at every farm-i in th" county oiijjht to h ive, it sets on the hol-.t:-r nht undia tli" hox; it will 1'ia iv a ! x last twice 11. lan and H more c-'ilf ! t ahie tiiun lla 'Id way. Mr. IJurke h is i n; w sto l; foo'J lliHt a- iid : lie a n.-it improveineat on uit!iino; t ; r h fi ic otli-ii-d. No riouhle to show ei-ods at the Pith s tree store opposite the Hotel Ktli-y. If you nr.- a u!Ter;-r fioui d yspep-i-md do no wish to throw aw-.y you mom y tri':i; woitiih s medicine?, scm tor a l)oiii.'.f Or. Ar-iknll's Dyspepsi : ni'dv used in tie- l!usi in Hosiiit ai for the p-ist five y, urs. S'-i-t to any i-i" of ihe eiHHitry on r.ceipt of price, iW.O pel- hottl" Send X)'- cs i:ud P. O addr- s.a to Tut; A ha 1C1KF Mi-:irc.T. Co . Boston Mass T. W. P.iulit. r. si lino in South Pais lo-t asilvir v. itvh on Chicaoo avi-n e ! the oth- r niehf ami uav up t'ndinr i' ! -oconipl ly th ;: he com ludi ii it would ; n.it invtii a lviiiis-. On looking oy 1 t, Hkki.d M mitiv. ',ii-ii lv the wnv prints nil th ii -v- h w is sur.rised t-si-i. a watch ad vert .-'', he Calied at lie 11 Kit vi. D t;i t:d; i.iorctnu'. d'scrihed the watch an i ha ", tie- pleasure of re CelviiiJ it 000 1 as iieiv tio 11 th" hull 's of the editor of t!..j I!i-.ka;.d who hd foun l it Notice to al! Persons. Notice is here'iy :iveu tiiat all parties j must comply witii onin:!ce Xo 17 in . reirird to ch-aid t i aih vs. taldep. Yrd ff,f,.r,w,; A puhl-c in Sj ct ., w;;) 1, . ,,Ih-:'." bv th- board n' h-abh on M iv 1 . and ill violations of sd l or lin iif- will h. punish-d accord . , , . . . , wtrt 'liW. Cv order of h" hoiird o' ,Ptti,. F. E. nHiTE. J tl 1 vr. 1 w til M Chiiirman. The Fire. Tllt'lAV. Tiiis aft rnoon ahout '.i o'clock, smoku was . en i3 dii in volumes Irom ttm windows of the opera house, which create , for a few ininut s, the wildest excitement. No lire alarm was Hounded, yet before people in t li: street were scarce ly a ware of a fire, the White hose cart in mil' d by E. Kilduw, Conant, Chas. Mill.-r, II irry Itecse and S am Archer wh on tin- ground, 'the boys m kin the run i i splendid time, and closely followed by Expressnun Whecb-r, who, with 1 la t am brought down the Kichey catt, the flint winders being on the ground ready to turn the Are ni my on in short order. Pin- alarm w nt to -how that no fire nu Main street can w t away fr 'in our yiK lant boys in the daytime. On investiga tion A'e learned that the tire waa cnused by ih" iynition of some cotton bxtting a d drapery in th'? opera house with wide li the young ladies were preparing tin ir booths fo, the ntertainni' nt to be i v 11 thtM eviiiing. The rnoin was filled with b n-e smoke thoui;h no dam-.ge was don.- to ttie building. The muslin and stuff that was burning was canied out doors so that no water was ri quired. John Ossi-nkop the defendant was dis charged in the assault Case on trial today 111 county court. Van! engi ne No. 91 came out of tip shops this morning good as new, and was taken to Wj more. is a good price for a acre of nirti, wle 11 you liHVe a cl'ance to sell the same at ni n ket price besi'bs The l:r- hi.yt. have got the track all en losed with the ip w t' nee and nr. h i-y 11 w every evening practicing for t I ' I ll' iS. Th county commissioner. this m..rn in, att'-r sinning up the M. P. light ol way bonds, started out i.n a bridge in s,e ccin tour to be g' ne seycral days. J. U. M-ilnishury, the pliotograpln r, who has made some fine vi' ws "Of our best iisiiienci s, is in Wei ping Water and Kl nw ind this week performing a like service. The Missouri r:ver is fast ciceping up to its usual proportions this tune of year a-d before many days will have covered all the sand bar and appear like a yast inland sea. When the cattle market declines the b. .tellers ri.ise Mie price on meat. hen wheat goes up Philip Ktaus sells flour eip ap. Try a sack of Crown Patent jit $1.40 a sack. L W. Bingman, shipped a fine car load of hors.s from tlds citv this niorninir Mr. !. i- shipping to Philadelphia when Cuss county's thorough breds will do s ivice on the drays and express wngor s j of that city. ! A lire at 3:30 this a. ui. destroy ! tin clothing store of Browning, King & Co at Omaha n I damaged th" stocks of N 15. F;dcorner,dry goods, and Mrs. J. B 11 son, milliiii ry. Loss, $115,000; iusur ance &l),(i0b. A pink domino Mi qneradt: Bill given bytheYoik club at Fitzg-rald Hall, piomi.x s to be a great scciid v nt. Tin boys are making great pti j hi ations to oiitirt iin tle-ir company in prop -r stvle. The date is Friday ev nintr. April listf. Miss C ara L 'iiis-i Kellogg went to Euro)e this suinnier to order half a d 7. ep new soiree dresses f Woith's which undoubtedly will be seen at her forth coming visit here. Our fair s-x will rims have an opport 1 ity of seeing the bit. st Parisian fashions. The Hekai.d learns from ofiicial -ourci s that the time card that was t. have been issu- d last Sunday, has been I i I i l iite.l v pot;.med. The warriny r -ili-oids came to time in advance of the card so th 1 the necessity for tls chang d es not for the present exist. Miss (Mara Louisa I-llngg alwjys .generously responds to appeals for t n ori s, and itelihts In r audi-nces by singing some of our old fashioned bu' alvv iys popular songs like "The Suwane. rtivr,'' ''Hivim Sweet Home,," or "Com ngthiough the Kye." Secretary of the Stat" Volunteer Fire m ns Association. G-orge Cochran E-q t York, was i 1 the city yesterdav and e!r--si-d himst-lf as highly pb-a.-ed with the track aud other facilitiis for hoi ling a iieat touin-menr Her. marked inci lentally that he bi-leivt-d we would hav he largest touru iment ever held in th Stat". Tiie board of trade at the met tint; last light appointed F M. Richcy, Wm ; -vill , J. M. Patterson. M B Murphcy, II E Palmer, and A. B Todd as a coin eittee to wait upon GenT Mauagcr Hol Ir.dge, and lei.rn what the company v-oited i 1 regard, t shops an 1 see if we could off r inducem.-nts th-.t would cause the building of their Dew plant h.-re. If the boys who are losers on th faro hmk de-d will call at the IlER'LD office and register, 60 that the exact loss may ba nrrived at, amingpments will le made to take u; popular fabscription and "V;y f -llow will thereby get his jus de s -rts. Tht? town is oyetflowing with sym pi hy for the losere. and will doabtlesB respon 1 proajptiy acd wi;U commeuda- flofnts (fileaa Aw any! Ueing over slocked witli heavy Harness mid in order to make room 1 Milliliter Goods. 1 v 1 i from FROM HOW XTOTiEX, MAY 1st Make prices never before ever before equaled in It will pay farmers to come THIS IS 1 ADV Lamp Famory At a nie ting of the stock holders of the l'lattsinouth Electric Lamp Factory, the follow ing parties were elected of ficers: Pr sident, Timothy Clark; vice vns., () II. Bdlou; secntary, S. A Davis; treasurer, S. Waugh; dirctors, W. II Sh-ifer, Timothy Clark, S. A. Davis, S. Waugh. O. II. B illou. Meeting then ad journed to iue t tonight The sociable given by the South Park circle last night at the tabernacle was a very we 1 attended and pleasant affair. Music and social chat was the order of the evening till about 9 o'clock when the ladies served all present with coffee anrt cake, after which the basket waa passed for voluntary contributions; some $15 was thus recieved which goes to the ladiis circle. This South Park circle was organized April 2, 1800 by the ladies of the Baptist church and congregation, the object being to promote the spiritual, social and financial interests of the church. Th" officers elected were: President. Mrs. D -akin. vice president, Mrs. Gibson; secretary, Mrs M L. Vescott; treasurer. Mis Meisner. The ladies promise the people some very pleasant gatherings i-i the future; so it would b- well to keep your eyes on the tabernacle. I'F RSONAL Daye O' Brian was an Omaha visitor today. G. V. Morris, of Greenwood, is in the Citv todav. O. B. Polk, of Greenwood, is stopping j in t'ne city for a few days Geo. II. Ilolton, Henry McMaken and A. B. Ivnotts are in Omaha today. Miss Hilda Monshey went to D nver this morning where she expects to reside. Thaddcus Adams of Aurora is in the city today paying taxes on his Cass county real estate. G. Peste one of Mr. St- i inkers men at tiie shops has gone t New Castle to work for the company. Mrs. Tom. Mirshall, of Greenwood, was in the city ov r Sunday visiting lur cousin Mrs. L. E Karus. J. L. Farthing went to Lincoln this morning to close the rock contruct on the new Mayer bros. building. Dr. Joseph Hall and Mrs. J. M. Roberta returned from Chicago this morning wh. re Mrs. Roberta had be n consulting a specialist. ' resident Cable, of the Rock Island, was in Beatrice yesterday. He went over the Union Pacific in his special car to Lincoln where he will look oyer the route of the new extension. The Plattsmouth ladies visiting in Omaha today are Mis. R. B. Wit-dbam, Mrs. Henry Cooper and daughter, Mrs" Owens. Mrs. G. II. Ilolton, Miss Ogle, Mrs. McMatken, Mrs. Longenhagen, Mrs Asher Clark, and Mrs E l. Fitzgerald. How They Cure Rheumatism In Pennsylvania, Mr.J. F. Meighan, a Pittshurgh, Pa., cigar dealer, woke up one morning with ait attack of rheumatism in his arui, working around the store during the morning made it worse so that by noon it was so painful he could not raise his arm to his head and had to carry it iu a sling. A traveling man on learning his condition went across the street to Mr. Heck's drutr store and at hia own expense procured a bottle of Ch.amberlian's Pain BibnforMr. Meighan who says: "Aftr ne nitjhtsbithinsj with this excellent medicine the pain, swelling and soreness had nearly all disappeared and by th second morning I was entirely wll. thanks to this valuable remedy." His confident that it saved him a long Beige of th rheumatism and was so much pleased thit he filled thn traveling man's porkefs with his Iwst cigars. For" Bale by F. G Fricke & Co. Don't go to Omaha, Fred. Gorder his better carriage, bog srie and s.jring w.-i2on9 for lea m-ney than can bo purchased of any firm in rijVlXJlUtllll iYjMI lulled J5 or 30 miles to see prices These l'riccs I offer only Inst to THE i&l - r. - ,v'' y ;.-,: i;' DAYLIGHT STORE WEG2IiBAGH & SOi llav without exceptiuti the hrg-t ml niut e inpUte Hue ' Ever shown within tlii-s City. Ir. tMiuprisea all ihu latent hh:ipe3 an bt li.-.-. FRENCH NOVELTIES. Flowers, Ribbons and everything in the millinery line that NEW YORIv AND PARISIAN Market can eupjdy, smd sold at our J'opul ir low PiilCliS. Ever one invited to insjitei oil gOu. J V. WECKBACK & SON. CHICAGO AVENUE STORE O IS O I O E CLEAIT NEW GEOCEBIBS Queensware, Glassware-, Fbnr, Feed and Piov-pion, in fuct o-. -thicg usual kej.l iu a tl i t chits btore. MIIIB BO HI 'HIE. Especially desires that his And in6)ect his nice stock thing1 from a hue Cor. of Chicago Avt-no , I'.- r; iz i 1 s. i SO FOli.v.AL OPKMXG AT TIIEBaZAAH. But a fine Dijday of HATS .A. UT JD BOITITEITS In tbo Latent a' l M.irt App'ov.i Plyl-s. Ar rtl 3. 4 and 6. We can give pric and gocnl tf eiiiul. '"ill a . txajuiue oar work and get f'KlCES on EA-ii ttt GOuLj, PATTEIiNS AT BEASOXADLK PkICES . r UUilx ami get goods at actual cc 31 A V 1st. V'-? - 5.1 'v - : tf-S'P-A t,.- it i .ti 3 IViend well as stranger of Tea-- CulTees. iivery cirar to : toii ol coal. .'th Streets. i iu A A l DUBGt 1