Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 17, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Tlicro ar
many white soaps,
represented to be
"just as good as the Ivory."
They are not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask lor
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it.
'Tin -eld !.Vw.-. v.r:.ere.
ghe Qlattsmouth Q'eckfa qruld
O. II. Ib'.I.TO , Ediiok and Mamokh.
Published ever Thursday, and daily every
evening except unilay.
Registered at the I'l ittsinoutli. Neb.- p st
oHlce for lransi'ilsln through the L". S. mails
at second class rates.
;ik-e corner Vino and Fifth streets.
Tcirj'hone 38.
One copy, cr.e year, in advance SI 50
One ropy, one yar. iut in ailvouo .... 2 oo
One copy six inonthf. in a bunce 75
One c py. ilnee im nihu. In adv ance -10
One copy one y ar In adv nee $0 0i
One copy per inontli. by carrier r.0
One copy per w. ek. by carrier If-
Ballakd Smith, one of the editors ol
the New York World, was on the City ol
Paria when the accident occured la.-t
week, hut he wasn't frightened. As
Air. Cleveland's personal friend ano
political advisor, Mr. Smith stood v-r
near the wheel house of the Democrat)!
fchip when it went down two years ago.
Shipwreck had no triors for him. Ex
Oca friend Col. See Win p. er is ei -
deavoring to raises a row between th
council and the mayor hoping thereby t
he benefitted by receivin - the city prirt
ing. The boys are too old to be caugl t
by such chff: If they should do ti e
Colonel h favor, ev n at a great sacrifice,
no one knows at what minute they might
be su'.-jected to a viol, nt personal attack
from the Journal as a recompense f r
tlieii trouble and expense.
The tournament is in the best of hands
and promises to bring together by far
the largest crowd of people that evei
Assembled in Plattsniouth. The busi
ness mm can well afford to provide lib
erally for the payment of premiums and
such ither funds as may be needed I y
the boyj as they will not only get it all
back but a very handsome profit is in
sured to many lines here on account of
the money left by the great crowd that
i3 sure to be with us.
Thk Louisville Courier Journal, vol
ume 1, number 1. printed at Louisville,
Nebraska, by Mayfield & Co., is before
us. The initial number is a good one,
but how so stalwart a republican as Mr
Mayfield can expect to run an ind-p- n
dent pacr is more t an we can utuKr
stand. We are assured by th- manage
ment that the paper will b strictly local.
The IIekaxo trusts it will fill a long fell
waut and arrive nt a good oil aye befon
signs of dissolution m-iy appear.
THE Omaha But says: ''The late 'vig
ilaDt' mayor and dispenser of u b
funds to corporations, is ''fcrtunst an- j
movement which might give a politic-))
rompUxion to the Missouri river con:
mission. To inject a few p -liticiins info
the board might erioutly injure tin
harm iiious regularity with which the
present members draw their salar't swit!
out rend r;ng an t quivahnt in service."
It is not so mu-h the political; xu v
that worries your Mr. Btoatcb, as it is the
new deal thai would have to bo airuued
if more members wre ndded to tie
Missouri river commission. The shar s
for each member would Imj srailler, snd
then there miglit be a chance of getting
en honest man on the laoird that would
not do business that way, which would
be a great misfortune to the present
membership. The good people of Flatts
ftiouth have very little use for Mr. Iiroatch
The arrogaut man er in which he violat
ed the fcpii it of tho law tnt made his
position possible, in preventing any
work being dono here out of the $.30,000
specially pproprUt d - led majority
4f our ritiz- lv to b,,!;eve -there wr.s
something iu i " for the small c iliUred
taui from Omah.
Bherwin Williams, and lle-ith &
Simian' mixed paiuU; the best ia the
i WOf-KS
I Chlcdgo Inter Oeexn :
j The lan. ling of 3, 0o0 tons of machin
ery an I seed for the est.blishm nt of a
j great sugar factory in Nebiaska will, we
i hope, prove to be the beginning of a new
era of agri cultural pr speiity, Grand
Island, in Nebraska is the d- Munition of
the ponderous and cosily machinery
which has been landed ht New Orb ans
from Ihe Oerman Steamship Mynphcea.
The pluut is manufactured by a German
firm whose machinery is used in most of
the great beet root factories of the em
pire, and when inclosed in suitable build
ings the first cost to the projectors of the
new enterprise will have been not 1. -ss
than 500,000 dollars. Capital does not
invest thus freely in schemes that are vis
ionary The rucoss of Mr. Sprocket
in California has inspired the ambition
of practical men in Nt braska, the soil of
which state is said to be even b tter suit
ed to the growth of sugar beets than that
of California. It is to be hoped that the
the fullest measure of success may attend
the i.ew venture. There is no reason ap
parent why it fh- uld not.
Germany h is o-.ased to be depend- nt
on tropical ountri s for its supply of
ugar; it grows its own beets, makes
them into sugar, supplies its own people
cheaply, and has a large surplus for ex
portation. The soils and climates of
most of our noi thw. st. rn states are l. t
ter adapted to tie growth of sugar beets
than are those of Germany. The skill of
our workmen is not infnior to 'hat of
the German people. A larger anil lielnr
home market is open to the American
p.-ople than to the German manufacturer.
The making of beet sugar on a b.rge and
profitable scale is an accomplished fact in
Eur.ip", and should be au accomplished
fart in the United States. It is only by
de.veri-ifying his indnstiies th it the
American fanner can hope to a' tain tint
hitih degree of prosperity which he
should enjoy. The cheap liborof In.! i
coinp' tt's with him and breaks down the
pi ices of his surplus wheat; but for the
reat home market which Anx-ricau con.
mercial and manufacturing centers opi n
to htm the farmer would find the price of
wheat too low for remuneration. Tin
satii" i tru of corn. Bu' there is no
' ason why wheat and corn t-liouhl be
irxown to the rXi lu io-i of other product
F x. hemp, be ts. fruits nd dairy pro
Iuct9 are capable of indefiniteaiid profit
dile extension England will continue
'oext'-nd the heat ana of India, ami
he Argent in.- Republic to extend its corn
ir.-a; tlie American farmer mu-it gro
ii ic of the products with which India
mil South Aim rica cannot compete, and
: mut look to his hom m-rket for hi
st customers. He will find a home
n o ki t for all the sugar ho can raise dur-
ng the next ten year.
New Y rk Tlnifs I
Chief Justice P iXton, at the dinner W . -1 i : :
li'lVell by the Cover Club of Phil ol. Iphia ., ('..;.
on Thursday eveiisn. Much 'JO, t . Mr. I js ; , ,
Charles Emory biuilli the new Lmt'il
States Minist' r to Rusia, n.-iv t'l. up m
bers a g.-nuine a '.rprii- in his i-j ! ,
win n. after withiir the n.-w minis! :-r
Godspeed, he unfokl d a pig- of civil
war history by relating some t iU
ab ut the s de of Al iska bv the Iiu- i n
government to the United Stit s " i In
United States p:-i. I $7,000.0;);) in e,,!-l
for this hi-n r tranieit woittd -ss mi l
barren country," said Jii ij.- P.x'o.i. j ( .;
'but We did not know what was inV"! Veil , , ( , ,
in the sale of wh it has sn e jn-ov-d a j , i( ,;.
treasure. We were stiugling in tn- ' t l( (
throes of civil war, and the governne nts , u i )t..
..t f ...-.i L-i....n.. 1...;....
moved by every influence to r cognize th- j l((
r .1 ti. . I . I. .. !
uuiii ui'rnrj. i u: at Lj'iinuii'ii ji jii i-n i
meant much to the government. Win n j ,;; ,, t ,
that sale was completed and tho storms ' jril1 c
i .hi' i-
t . i- -
m i
: i r -i:
it u
a 1 1 i ( i . '. v -
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:, i- i'.i II .:: ) 'A'. Pot
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.1 . :! - s . .!; ti W hiell
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. . A --,-:ii.:i bi:i!t
' ' I a . wit'l j
-'e I.; ...Ml
, , . - , .-v.-bi .v !.." -.aid
I i : 1 t . ! vi i ' 1 ii. it
t j :f .p',i d CUt
i ; it i-t, 1 in the j
; 'i '. - e.i i-1. As ;
' ' - y- in I j i . f i ; i ' 1
. , : : . i Ii- V I. rt ! lift e i
: ; i . i i a I -1 1 -1 1" 1 1 1 1 1 d :ii i n 1 1 d :
: . . !, VVl.I.-ll It IS sent
i . i - i . t n i n oyer l hi re :
.! i l V III i v be iible ,
: i ( : a ! i, New ). 1 :o.S j
. ! i . '. I ' 1 !e eoiin'ry !s j
The Greet Democratic: Leader
t H
A i 2 1.
i :. i: v
.it i iiaini r ei' n;-
r I i-i( 1 1 i s 1 i.i er
: I. ilc an.t S. 1 vii l-s -
;!.-- c
i i : . I
I'll ii"; :
": r"iiia:i
(r ifi-
ttn ir low
of indignation that followed S-- n-tary
Seward when he paid $7,000,000 in gol.l ; l(V t(l(. (
for that frigid country, all through IK.Vir j v,
Europe was heard the c niiin'iis yrowl of j r -pj,
ti... T!nuu,.i. )... .. i.w.i, ,.! .. it :
.... . . -.1. fsl, n .i.i ii d-iiii . ii' i ill ... .?il-i
words to Fianc and England "Hand-) ,i
off, or we will itit rfere and in ike thir a j . ,
world-wide struggle " How many kn -w j '(),,. -what
deep import was vested in the ap ,..
peartmce of an entire squadron of Rn- ' , i
i.ln gunboats in ourhaib. i ? Un' S v, ar.l : . ,
did. It me int. thir: Tin- Admi .d M
that qlJadron was in p-iss. .v-hm wf seal
ord is. His orders from th Kus-ian
goy-i innent were to reundn where in- u ,;,
uutil this great question that was a-!i o ;
ing France and England was s ti! ,1
Upon l!ie instant the C"i.f d iV.i v :
recognized by thos Euiopcin pi.w n ;
seals Well to lie lroK ii. mi l I - k i.
et i' n- in . ; - .
That v. a:. :i. .
aim. !'.! . i i : . :
t; the U i t , '
. 1 1 i i! ; ir. The .-out in i tl
in ike ,-tei I rails jet with j
ii if
Tin-y may in time
i .v t ;i orocess. tut. ttp-v will !
, i
lie- unit ii.-i n tninti fact - 1
v" i i
I" I
i j
I i
re is .r y J at in f m is .-. -r s-v-i-.l
I "I'll .:l . 1 I ... i i. , J' ! i ;' ,.,, d . i I;' .-In m. for ,'lr i'i d ;'.. .!,. ;(..
I'lon. fa of ;, p.,i,ti i J ee.v t--
1 to ' p "oioiiri I :e --iet for t!.' I , , J'
flili " ".! .,t:i. '.ill in. J).-. 'i ,i'.i i . f
ci;y, w'i. w.h ?!.". I, nid ill".- . Ji j,
ll. in i!it- l ;i.'i:.itig f .,. f i.'lr.e -x,
sa;.s thit Mr. i.":Ma! ill M-. . have
L. I'.vn aiic I i t fall that hi; :i..o w ;n
I o; : i -.h. thoii . h ti 'M-i on u i aiin
lo.'tlter iJii'4'. t!y. JIo v.;.., i.ever intorn.ed
u in ii a few- tii, niiis iigo il; it In., had'-
'1 he iloi-tor eiie,u!te. In, iehtives
;nid fri- n ls. :,inl tii.-y r. i.i .e, nst
Mi h a d cluriitioii. ilr i;,nni.ill may
.---"' " h vo htioun the truth, how-
l ' e! ill ill l ili( r M l!l- l'i.
( ' i i! r try t ! e; f iv ie;:tly pn:i!i h.- lw
!.l.-iteii:.-ntH, li- ii' was never an jn ia-'
t:i n i l "f. il mill nj-on tl:o patient. An
i.;iT-iiion woiii'l li.ave if no no jiml.
?'.r. I' Hi l:ill'. p ill ii.: i.. -I v all c oi-,e 1
!; l'h. -i.iiiata' g, ml. I i e .,n .; . ii-, but j tie
I '' the c ui.-er. He w:i re!i-'Vei
I y it -1 11" never I t hit Joi"lii..i.iii
or t i, -. iniliii-,-1.
(.Hi ll ; AKIIIE,
'.l.l."l . I' l n;i.iii ; .i I i 1 i. Cr.lllil C aiiyo.'l
4lf i lltlM .1 i .
;;:v; : Ami! , !. -Vol. .St-iuton.eoni.-til,
ii. del" ii lie ii i i nl plorj.ig expe-i-
1 1 nil tii,- .;..;
: : t.
elllsej '. S II si-r -t
il .1 tii.-v can
! i i ! ; ii j .! y
i ii y do it
I ( is It lilt ll :
1 1 .
; v oil of t lit (J lora-
i'i i.' so ii i in t 'le a; in '
c n-i: in iie.-.i! i;i -, n .. ii-. which h.H
: '. ." in l i i;. lii i. t' n -l ii 1 c I-
.i -i
ha I
" ' r-
i :
.in .
' I" V- it. ll- V
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I'l ; l I : ' .
V. II lilt: I .' v .
'ill . ill. ..I .
. a i i h
i ,
1 1
'a l"
er :
I :
. i .
ti t .-ji"ci-
e.i lillOrt'U
io J. mar-
' ) imies of the
; the iii'eejou.4
- i '.' i 1 of i i- rally hi
1 a 1 I I 1 I ; ill ill .-. il Vii
'' . imc I on t he trip
I- iim iMr.ll-' lliiiL til v. I
. ' ; I i. '.i e i a mat j'li
..l I il.l V. I ll .-llllf it !l ii
i. hi. i..!. vejii niaUi-r
' .1 le to I i" n.ll.C I i'V".
loiiii I e irlv the entiiii
river. I-', very p' lnt p.inn.-l
r and in i i ; a Ii l ir-
in co us" ''old i;
were t- report for iii.tru
to President Lincoln
depth of the in.poi t . I
icqnisitiim vf Alaska
I " .. i r I d I
J n 1 !i .-; t ;
; i". i hi I ia,;.
W' I I f lilt I I, 1
M. i ; a i -ii: 1 1 l
on 1 1 -f 1 .i '.
I. !;.( ev di'.'i! y I een lci-. ipcl in
ii i ;:: way by the I ;i. ' ii in, p -ihi H bv
o. ; ' i.
TI v
a. I:i oiia
veins Wen'
p i;c n
. . . e.-.-t. ;.i i'.
id i I. I'lt.l.
I i
P. R. Lock- better, known as Pet
rob tini . Nasby, made a great news
,)apt r of the Toledo Blade and at the
-i tiiii; ti. ne a gn at reputation f r himself
A"h:le w riting lii-s sarcustic U tters during
the war. The invective which "Nashy"
ilways used against the democratic party
vss clothed in such a manner that no
democratic editor in the country could
.et back at him, they smarted under his
stinging sarcasm but were unible. to
ward off his well directed blows. The
vsy he came to be a democrat and got
ick of water isl fair sample of his style,
ile. by his own conbst-ion, says,
m one of his lette rs, that he had been born
of republican parents and might have
lived to do long service in tht n publican
o ty had it not been for a youthful ex
icrience. In his xnberance of spirits In
thought it would be a good joke to break
o en a grocery store at the Corners, and
le hired a "nigger" as a day laborer to
I'lp him carry tiff the cont r.ts. Winn
ley hud made way with the whisky and
v'niious other difcirabl - articles he brok
p-n I lie nmuey rlrawi r just for fun to
-arprise t he ow ner. He took i ut th- nion-
y ami offered to pay his as-istant as he
.1 id agreed, by day labor. But the "nig
ii-r'1 insisted that he was now a partner
' n the cutcrpi ise and should share qu dU
"ll She plunder N i.-by could never con
d s- end to go into p'irt nership with a
'nigg- r" and positively refu-ed to divide.
The re-ult was that he "rtiggi'i"" told and
bo h were nrrestt-d. The Judge In-ard
t '" evidence all'l S'-lltem-.'d Na-by, as
proiC'p d. t thirty days in jdl on bread
an I rt-atrr, nd the ''Nigger," as acces
sory, to fen days imprisonment, Nash'
b-j.'g-d the Judge to consider the hum
iliation of having to be punibhed m;re
thin a '"nigger," and to rever-e the scnt
en't, bat the judge was obstinate. When
Nas'iy hail served his tidrty days and
wis again a tree man registered three
Vws:first, to git that curs d water out
et his systetu as soon as poiblc, and
n -ver again let a drop of the damnable
-tuff pass his lips; second, to d,J all in
his power to put the rugger win re he
belonged, that h might never njjin pre
sume upon partnership w'th a wlut.- mat.;
and ttiiid, to join a jiarty which would
pot cons! lT it a rr'in tai te il.
Tin home m irk t i.- tic- i-, ,,t in r i-1 i
.i i .
i lie Clllel mari.el woil'i ri.i.sitl rnii al
the part', which under ,-.i;y j.r. :.-;.-!. iu,
to iui'iair its assuming power, h-. t.
denounced its the em iny ol agiie I'M!'.:
proerity and the enemy of all Amet i. ..n
industries, Thect nsus of 18:0 .'.til ; liu.-.
that the American p-.-opl.. u;e now pin
diicing useful prod-Tts of tin- yai,.- (
not less than 14,000,000,000 iuji.ii.ii'.
Our total . Xj oris amount to ."JT'o.Ofl. .((
..I. ... .. r- . i .i.
a oui, or io say o p r c in. only. 1 1.
en-US will alsosli w t il it we .ire t ili ti
out mining and ni inn far:! in i ng produ 'i-
worth about 7,0o0,000,00 ) anii'idiv
Of tiiese weeXj.o.'t jnobably Vl-1O.0!'0,0i)0
ir about 2 per cent. The home murk.
rakes 93 p r cent, of our total proi!n
lions, hnd i)8 jier c nt of our in inidii i i .
ing and mining products.
The value f bur honie ni;-ik;-i, :
In-nee its power to consume our pn '.
tions, depends who ly m.d abt luf ly
the earning power of our people. V
Can command forei.-.n inn. k- is in .1 i
r- ducing wages on- half I'll r ' .
can have a L:rger eXiiort trad.-. i ;.
men engaged in foriign ci tiini'M ., u
unproductive industry, in our gf - ;i s-
ports Can renp harvests of wea'th. I!::
the earning power of the people iti '
branches ot proluetiV'- industry will la
cut down in proportion.
I-i it possible that any faction or poll,
icid party can live when the p- pi-
comprehend that this is th ir purpose,
the iiH-vitablecons-quence of their po'n
Madison (low- ) Pndn D-ah r.
t- i. :
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i. et ! i,
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v i-'"".! lie 'c i ; ii. i lack of
'-: i Hi-.' ( ' e it. i ii . f t!ej
' i al he I; ; I -' ! J i - liiit',
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The winkings: f the compulsory s.-h.-o
law iu Illinois and vVisconMii is civ.itiiu
i great ileal of adverse criticism in cet-
t;i:u qu itters in those states. A d-n.o
i-raiic newspap r b. fore us, in.-isis !h
disaffection on account of the law wd
make the stat- s duiiocratic ut the n x
hciiou. We have too much iaph i;
the int. lligein:e of those slat s to b I.
in such nonsense; e.l .ciiti n b. it -
pulsoiy ir oth-rwise, nvi r h inn.-1 ; .
pubii. au pai ly, w hich is th - lat!ier .
ur im. qu .1-d fr i s. ho..! sy-i m. o
are Coliipci h d to Ciilicise i ur I". ii b'n
lli' IH18 111 those Stat s, hoiv e.-. bn il .
ng uuiairiy wun Hi t .n t o-
i iiavi rictus tii:- arni a-
nd the injustice of ino.
ciats to go t i srhnoi Io;, .;!;
ti iUCil to ). Ill 1,1,; a, p !' -.
lelligenc has be.-u tit in
bom bo'lisill loryt-'I-, :i!-.l in ".
measure nto a hop 1 ss tniuoriiv
in its very nature il i-liuc: v.-
part'? esisti-nce, is a .-, ii.. :
which th- HrBAi.u uiil i:,)t d. f m
iOJ" 1
!?. ! i
Tf .1:
I I s.
.: 'Vi' fhidil con
i uPg as w e nnta;-
I i e
.i .si i int. r. sts of tin
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i.vr economic
di-ti.irb- d to
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!i - e.i I..
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. .. . . : ii -. dom -ml ; ,;- ' 1 ;t " ;" " a -"-" " : ' ";
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' C'I T
Professor Palmer, of he high school,
tu &uuly witb frivodtf t iviivYW.
Ex-f'ONOIlKSs-i AN IJn.r.
five tracii iu vi iv tiling In.
own- col mil es in P !v uda 10.0
large coal fiel.i in I. limns w iiei ii w o ts
his miners to ivurk for liJf brie.-. iui
Mr. Scott is uu m')i ii c ll6itt ut than
other free traders. They ate all favor
ing protection io their own -.iKt
book. Infir Oceaa. ;
! h
i '
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ht t
f 1
..',. ii .1 ' . It'i ll "
; r w-.
.; vt - Io ti:.: hoi.-.-'
. - 1":. teaching.-, is
. .- ; :.s sii.-ei -s, tn i on
: on U-:td llo l oose
;f i!s niOntldv presence.
t 1 t is ." II fdl d a-d abh
lij of lii.- b: bt WritflS li'
Now is the time tor farmers to a range
to secure for an acre o" coi n. C-as-
county c.n secure this priz nd sonie
good f .1 m r oiwht to do it. Read th-.
offr ia ttdwrilciu vituuun.
t h i!
1 f- IS Wit
Ev.13 rhp-r!i-Clia-ed
th- roun'ry.
T.-o!-; I'iI' is pnbUhed at $1.00 r yfr
by Tab' Ti;! ii '!'i:'!it.'i!'i.r Co., 1CU2
Chvstti'it Sr-- t. PhiuH-!..!.!,.. P..
; ti'i-, Liu. !. . i
' L'il v. - ." .:
i b ," a : w . :-, :
! coiaa..: 0 . o: i..; . :
I fe M am r-t t a. -
1 u- e a I o: s ' . . - .
tuc rei-.j ". .i-i ... ;.
Li lie i'crfy-.l" li to.,
in 1 60. iy n.a-.a n: 1
tt i.tlou ta i ii i"..i ;.
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li.ii; 1 Ii
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f. i.
R. F. r..i:-l...a. one 1. 1 i . e-n a o. .
bv.v viut-iie, in iu v;iy bturuay.
the niort csn- rt j .-..
pimoctath tiu. o. t:. .
a : l. til i ru,' - Hii-i : r:: i c-, : ;.... t ... .-
til".,- 1-v-", i,..-, ; ci. i.D-, ,Ci-S r. .;
ilk--r r.i., asxA a-' lar".- .-ir. ..-"..".. .
the K e.'.t'e,;.te-t O..;. t)M.- I Vac 5; , t
I ini-' at tin" 1 o-e o:" l. i o:- -t:..: . e i. -..c ,
Zv. Ht-!! v.;;5, jy ieranioii m ; a-.;,. : ...
i'Silii LUC Iciw.-ii.p of iLc LCi . Lai
'liiia.icl i ll ia a! 01 11 4.
( Pmu.a!VwXa, I'm., lii U, i't-
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