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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1890)
. . ".! - HM I hum m Mas Hi P tIMS If .j P 4 it VOL XXVI. NO. f. IM,A'l ISMOUTH, CASS ( OUN'l Y, N ASK A, IIIUKSl'AY. ATHII 17, lh'JO. Si. .00 A YKAK. ? i J Hi LOCAL AND OTIl HliWltii:. Wi'llNKtllW. Tin j- had two inches of snow Monday in iSminer county. Tin; plasterer.- have fini.-ilieii their work on tin l'i cabyti lian church. Fred Uamoe is laiily beside liimhel f to I ay iv r t he uiriyal t ibe Iit K1' " h h family of boys. Tin; lt.- of .Modern W'oodui-Hi will give ut Odd Fellows li ill on the evening ol the asih. Fred liurki; has just opened up tlie largest mill finoi htock ol run ia-t a and buy wi-ijH ever oiK-ied lor sale in thi, county. Tiktc wh ii freight left the track ut Red Oak thi- in. .riling, which li layed No. oVcr two h..urs and No. 1 uliout UO iniDUt a. Mr. Selia t' i r of St. Louis, the lamp c.x-p.-it, Ims I (-- detained (Hi iiei'Uiil ol li e illness of hid child. 11c will le In le the la-t of tliis week. Mrs. Dr. Humphrey pnbliely thanks tile youno ladles ol Un; '"Ka.e lid il Kar niv.d" fur mi kindly rcim in In rinC In r with fragrant oil'ei digs of flow r last V liill. The ottoman spittoon is it i at con venience and can only le puichascd ot J. II. Tina-h. r. Mr. Thrasher is also a gent lor one nt the bc-t lutiiituie mid piano ) lisb.-is . v r .-old iu this city. Jit- wil. all and sic jnii. .1. L Pol! I ips nf 5. en v ooel ami a res idelit ol I'll' I-inul.t il in ihe tall, dajs, died i.t-his holie- at 'Z o'clock ) t st lil.Y. JIi I'hiliips kii- ii caicful Lusiiic.-s man whose word Was as oood as his Imnd, he will lie "".really llii-.-iel by th people ol Oil enwood. Tile ne'.v cl sk f r tlie Hil y hotel Came in yc-.sieid.i : it i- a line oik with inii lor Mill places foi husisn ss c uds, wlml Mr. Avery is h-vin; ex'-cuted in u styh in kt-epiiiij; vith the tinish of tin- desk It is a hiiintsoine pi. ce of furniture inn: will add to tlie iiopear inc.- ol the otli- e Th1 Iv ilend -r K irnival wis a rrcat suc cess la-t c yeiiii.inr . Tin; younr l.idi.s not only nvttnl the sumr sum .f 121.00 but they showed Spl. ndid taste- in ilan rati nis, having th nio-t Iteisitifudy decorntccl hall we hive ever seen in l'lilttSliioutll. The full repent has been crowd d i ut lua Till t-ppiur in tomor row 't lltllAMJ. C S Pilli W' irs i broad inile its th r i Slllt of I: i- sin ((.' in c ill - in 4 I lie I -bis. from jail ot I'll oh s llelnns of (Sreeii WOi-d on n. writ of liabi-as corpll- b- lo. his ho:0'' Ju lice Chapurm. Mr. Ilelines was nrr st-d nt the ins'atice of Win. Lvnch and O W. ("lark of Green won't, Hiid for wi.nt of a $;S00 imnd was s i t to j ill h re 11 the cliarc of selling! mortii ied (iropcrty II- w ut to Green wood y st;-rd;y a free man Ilirrv Tite, tlie l.i'O b nk f ishier bus not returned though his fri'-ndr look tor him on every train. Tin day In went awiil", thete was sollle disonte nlio'"t the kin of lieer li ou'it to o t. One nr-n insisttiiir it oiiiht to In ('inci'-tiati beer. Mr T ite. w h has a! wny8 la en faithful, went nut niter tin Cinc innati and not rl 1 liiivt any in town th 1 -li- f is eiiif ni ill t 'f w.-iit t'- Cincinnati after it rathe; than (lis ippnint h:s fri- lids If Was I U--to return heie this m ' tiiiiLr. and wi shall kb': a loo!t 011 for lion -I'l'l a'.ri;' m inv fri -n is ironiptly of his univa' when he n -rives VF. SONAI-. II. II. Vt'urnainan went to O.nalia this morniniT. Mr Blo .l"l and wife are spending tin day at Omaha. Alex Clifton Pttun-d to his labors with Uncle Sun this 111 rninir. Mr?. Fr -d Mnrphv was an Om dia pas Bender on No. 1 this mornim-. M!rs. If. E. P dm'-r nee. -mo inied ti e Captain to O naha this mointeg. Miss C 11 rie Ilollowa v was called 1 :sf this mo' iiiiii: to uttc nd tlu funeral of h r grandm- tin r. Ilarrv Ku'inev nrrived in town yeti r-d-iv fr m hi- brief trip through the mount -lins of Colorado. Bertha Wise is at the ncr-d deliveiy win do v tola v wiiib- Will S-r.-ight takes a v i'-iti"ii "kin; for u me. C. I). N"ble rani" ie thi- mornirg from a two weeks yi.-it at Holyok. He repot ts a 1 ir'r rtcip of wheat sown which is lookiniT fin'. Mi's Cbir-i Il-ov-y, one if B v-r City's most poiaibir yoiin'r ladi.-s. rme in bit ni-ht and will visit h few iliiys with th family if Mr. Frank DivU. B ' Miller whil working in thehopo today had his thumb pinched no badly that it had to b taken off at th- rtr-t jnint. B l cill now take 11 fw days lay off tiocl rtst up. 1 II UllhliA V The Wctteneanip luildin in being pushed alon at 11 rapid rate. Tin- river has lieen f'dlini rapidly and will soon lie back in the old channels. The find, rof a .pair of cold rimmed spectacle0, will confer a favor on tin owner by leaving them at the IIkiiai.d A freight train U tween Crestou and lte.1 Oik wn broken in two this morninu' a-i l then collided causing No 1 to reach h-re at 12 M. The chattel inorttraire trade has been rathe r dull for a while, and the boys nay th it th- county clerk is out in the coiiuty rus'lino up business'. T it' tin "H inker" lifts be n det -lined in Cincinnati on account of ill h-alth. In will orol ml .y not retuin to I'l itt-ni'iiilh this week T'i-"e surveys have b-C'n made to find out the exact line of tin St ntl b-inan lot on Main tr-t; luit 11s t'n purvey are all a li'tl different no on s-i ins siiti-ti -d Sh riff Ti-jli' starts out in the inornin f ir (Yd ir Cre k. Sn;ti Ii nd, WicieiiL' Wat'-r and N- h ikatc -serve import 'tit pao.-rs for tin- count v ntnl district court At t'o piactiee Ik's-- race 11 tin fair oroU' they siv. Sun. A rein r bioii;ht until' i-a r in sol. ndiil styb. The story that Sun had the thilnijis is not credited E o;in. X,i 40uhich was lninif used as a switch einiini last niuht went olT the trac k at tin thr- e switch, and r quired several hours hard work to get her riuht -d. The Omaha Bee sent down to W. II. Pickens fur some d da he ps-i-sed in regard to Q nl Crm .ks campaign in lHTd to bells d in an article on tie, life and ser vice ; id t he lie id hero. Tin Lire.t 1 iiiiihino conn-dy "A Pair d Kid-," is to la- tin- a'tiacibin ut theoper-i iiouse on Wi-dn sday, April 2'J. No on should lad to see the funniest show of tin- season Th.- hook and ladder romp my cane fly;nj clown Main strict, at li.ditnint rate bout U o'cloc k last night. On cnqnir hi'f the ciuse of the coinnmtion. we leon.-d they liH'l j'l-t heard of the fire in tlie opera house of the laV before and v"c t'i":r to on the nrmiml in tim -. Iv ! Tiireb i kd.l, as dropped n iln way and came limping ill at an early ho'ir t!iis uiorniug. In fiiiswcr to teleszr.ini, the body of Mrs. Bit ki- wi.s t -k' 11 to ('hadi nn today. M J. L Minor, who hud be n very at' ut iv- to ; h,. ii cased d 111 in h rlrief VI :t :illoll; US, Mill b-HVe Oil the Same tr i 1 for Cn idr in. Th deceits -d h id en d a '-cl h is If by In r k:n lly nature m n 1 o-.r.- il ih of fli lids, II1I.-1V of wh'illl w- re at tin- d- pot to p iy a parting ac t of of respect. Th- cann'mir comoany are in a fair way for a u od str.niii lawsuit M ssrs. Guth man, G uder and otln-r linctois some time Hio advanced money to thcr conpaiiy t ik'Hir a niortii'igi? to tin tns. lvc s security. Fo 1 closure procei dinys wc ie instituted, and now comes II. E Pdincr. Wm. Fred Il-riiiim. Andy Txvlor and lliirte-n nth -r stock holders rs iiitei'v- n"rs opposini; the foreclosure Be 0:1 and Root are the attorneys for t!i inter V. 1101 s. !- l:s 'V.U, 'Am O-boin his inov d into Join Simpson's South i'ark resilience. 15 1 1 . k r Mari hv and wife of Cedar C 1- k wc-ie i.i tli.: city ye-trrdav. Mi. I- ia..' .Vil s w is a p'e-is-int call r at lh.- llEK'.l.D news I cto.y today. W. II Edward and Mrs. L. S'atl-r were inairii d by Judge Ii ons- y today. M.-s Oi'i C.i-s was ai.l - to risnme h'-r duties in th - si !i."il rooiii thi- in nnii g MissCia-a Me Cirdel. of GrnllHlOll, is in t ! 1 . i v to las th" sTiii-st of her friend Mis G 1. II. Holt. hi. Aii'tl ii.sjs tie- li.ijipy pos. s-or of a ten pound ojil, that .urivid at tlie Bur ris ma' -sioii 1 i- night. T. L Moit 'ii, passenger brakem.ui for John Boron, i- uioviiii; i' to tile Mitvhel house frcuii Lmcoln today. S iciic -r Billings, mi - if PI ittsin nit '-'s ol h st ci Zen-, is 1 i i el ino.-roiisly ill ut hi- home in the south p i t of th city. I. N. Prat! bu.-iness ni oinger for Ez a K n-ali i-in th.- city today. Mr K n ebdi's Knls will be hei e W; dte sday next. Th' mi is. I ff rs. a "tor visiting his old friends, left this morning f r Washinton wIith Iv ' x-i'T's t spend his r.clining lays with his Bon. Mr a. Tli'znin. whi rettirnsd from i-rontn a few days ago with her fis t' r Mn. Gnt.tim in. started for her home at Lander, Nebraska, this morning. iBAlLJLS G-ZrVZEZLNT JTJY- The only Leading ONE Priced Moi 0 Styles to select Opera House Corner, Ii'ios Berln-r one of C .ss rounty's few inhabitants that moved he-re in l5!5 has just r -turned from S in J is Cdifornia, wli- re he w 11 In-reaf . r iiside. We are sorry to los.- so '.rood h citizen. The Kalcii'liir Km nival. Ei'irybody in attend nice at the Iv 11 nival" Tu sday iii'lit hid but words of praise lor th-.' in 111 igein.-nt and beau tifnl appearance of tin- op. ra house. The re were twe lve booths nicely de corated, represi ut ing ach nioulh of the year. January was repr s.-nt. cl by Mifs Ila tie Fuliner, her booth wus 11 cosily tur i-heil Norwegian cottaiii-; chocolate and cake were the refreshments to be ob rained here. F brnrary in charge of Miss Dora 11 rold in costunn : The b'-olh indicated the frigid regions of the 1101th. Mips llerolil's assistants serve-d cups of fra grant tea nt the above booth. Much booth contained a Dutch wind mill with nth r decorations. Miss Ella Whit.- in a quaint Du ch costume, was in charge; confectionery was dispensed In re April booth in chrg of Miss Kate Stiidjeman, rssisted by be vy of r tty iirls in fancy costumes, the colors r pre s nting flower petals. Fancy work was sold it this booth. May: M-iagie Oliver in company with I Mairuie Valh-ry. Barbara G bring, Dora j Fiie ke. Ella Clark, Edn.i Admns, Will, Tom Paiui.-l. , Will Cle ments, E l Stie iyht and Ch-rl. y Murphy had the May pede niiice in c harge nd riyht wdl did they pi 1 loi in th ir part of the pro ur.-mi. June, was the-flower booth, nil octa ironal can-'py in the center of the ball. Ir w as in charg-i of Miss E la O bring; t his was ihe most Ixautiful of all the handsome booths, b ing a pel f ct bower of rl iveis; tin- assistants wtr - little girhs in el dior.-iti- pajic-r cos'uuics, wh button hole bouquets. July represented Be-becca nt the well; the will was there and he eld oaken Inicket was tilled with coo inv 1. monnde. Ilebi cat wah nicely r pre cut. d by Miss llattie 1111 who prisielud in a In com nig costume at the Will. Vu:Ust, was n-pri seiited by a boat dnssed up with sail- as a yacht, Miss Flora Donovan gracefully presided serv ing ice cre am on the edge of the beat that made n 1 xci llent table S pteinber, was a corn palace b coni intily decorated. Miss Cora Way man pr sided ani di-p. r.6ed popeftrn. Oeto! r, w is a fruit booth containing i-v rything iu fancy fruits from a pine apple to a pumpkin, Miss Nettb Billance was in charge; -die tin I her assistants wit Italian ro-t uiues bein; a pretty couibi nation of oranoe ani' black. November, was a Dutch kitchen sug gestive of good t Ii i 11 us tei cit and was prisidiel over by Mi-s Myrtle Lithmp. I) c ni'ier w is a haliy booth and a tis'y pi ice it was with bias and baby "Sixens" till yiu couldii't .Miss Ann Living-ton iis-isfed by Miss Julia Herr nian w re in ch-irixe. Oil'- of tin- most ple asant features of tin tv limb's ent-'tainmeiit was th t iiv n by Miss Majors' kinelcrgart n class. Nothing is nicer than bright well trained little folks, and to hear thi petit M;ss Dov.-y sino the Pretty 5Ioon, or the full class of twenty thddren aged from three to s- ven sinsi Jack Fr.-st or th cobblers song was to have exp.-rienced a rare treat that would have deliah'ed anv on. Th- ent- rtainnvnt owm? t tho erood nirn iseinent of the yonnu ladi.-s and m-sistan.- f M! ssrs. G-hrinn. TT-rold. Sh-; hrd. Lin. Ion. Stad'l'nan. Moore. Ltvinggton was a financial and social success Thorouahbred Poland China Broo 1 sow- for sale by Wti. Merton at hi? farm five miles west of town. w2t, Wni. Merton. WITH BOYS from and for LESS MONEY Pr-- 'J -i;t Clv'aad's I'nzc for tb: tlir.-t t.--t )- : -"::: h tln-ic iriou-U. Moitlu, I'll, x s-I Kay. -ji . rit-.- : Au-rii.t -lie nttic rn-Oj :i:i vou. a.rte w! Iheni, I conntisfclK-ol tli.- i: " I- ' 1 1 tii.'v- .! ymi'i a" Will ;i eve r. i I'.'i .11 nt iv.r. i 11; !jey arc nuw so we'l." I.aetc.te I I-'o-l I. .1.; w. !i. aad Is '..elier !hun iii'-.Ii. :ie- v. h'.-i At il: Cttuiaet J'!imV. f these tnj'iu-ta u-.'. v.'FLLS. RICHARDSON & CO.. tiurlin-tcn. High School Notes. Miss Olli Ga ia quite sick and th interests of room No. 11 are looked nfi by Miss Safford, much to the annoyum of the urchin whose mind on niischiei is bent. Some parties who are well known without fear ef the law, respect for th- m selves and with malicious intent, entere1 tttvs chool building and stole the bell clapper. Boys if you had taken the trouble to look in one of the cloak rooms you would know how and why you are known. PI-as- cull and Bettle the bill nnd save trouble. Tin building has been scrubbed nnd we teachers ib sire to r turn thanks to the board for so doing. The halls have bee-n nicely dusted and rooms are clean and comfortable. The. graduating class were all present this morning. Ladies obey the rules of school and your teacher and avoid tr. uble as teachers and pupil-i can't both assume authority; r'-ni-mber the old adage that t'o many cooks tpoil the broth, (not oristinal ) Room N. 7 is c;nduct-d by Miss Sloanak r; hr ntt ndinc last month whs 30 and h r enrollment 46 Room N. 6 is in charge of Miss EJith IlMnna; enrollment 40. avraie att nd ance 30. When we have a visitor from abroad, whom we d sire tog 'home with a favorable impression of our schcnls they ar conducted to room 6. It is con ducted bv a system that can't be exceled Room 5 is occupied by Miss Bessie SI m ikr. S'i has an aeragi att n lance of 33 and43 impiU are enroled, and is on of our most pleasant teachers. In selectins? a fl -et footed pedestian for th coming tournm nt why not encac our principle of room 13 The teachers will b triad to vouch for his ability in that direction. He pays no attention to fences nor ditches but goes pell mell hatleps ami with determination On-- of our Tli ill school scholars, in one of her m uiv i'11 moments, spied 'he pot torn of som luckless chap's shoe lving on the floor, eentlv picked it un and pin ed it to thi w ill an i wrot h -low the t -xt "What doth it profit, a mm if he train he whole world and lose his own soul?" Some mischievous urchin caught a mouse and tied a string mit its tail, enme to school and brought the moue with him, turned him at large in school rooms and oh! but it was amusing to see the teachers hunt for the hiuh-st chair in the house and climb them. Who says Platt 8TVutri te ich-Ts are not among the brave? Some one, yesterday, came to school with mind on mischief twnt, with his pockets stored with shoemakers wax placed a portion of it on the principal's chair. He, of course, whtn weary soneht repos thereon, he tat down q-de easily but. ah I what a change, when he trld to (ra tip. He got np. so did the chair, we are awaiting final resalta. MAT JTJD CHZTH.TDIIIIISrS SUITS -A.T CLOTHIER than any other House can 3lattsmouth ib'e at lbi Aurora f' Fair, la 'f-i7, win i. - Uilliva "I Mrs. A II. Ut.:l, l.:ea!.i'r.;i. N. . ue very eit-K. uiio us ul'l i; t t o ' l-ii i I'j ct l.-iei-.ce.l I'u.'i. it li. !': ilie.:.. i. ii; - ii 1 I f.ii.M. r it v. r. 'n.-.- y e:- " V. the I. I o.-l I r '.: i' -: ! I .1 !t e'-. U.ey ure s;ek. 'l!.r.-.- -i.:'. - . , .. --i ' :re U tle .I i.i.y i..:i.-i ' -ra : Some one of the boys can-b-ssly set lire I the baives on the ironnls and the j ins. quinces are two rose bushes nnd a j iCe maple tree were kill cl. The tree j is planted by a loyinvr littler girl. One vho now ships bem alii the beaut'ful nod . And li tb did tin on ho started the fire think that it would be the means f de-stroyinsr the only obj ct we had I ft to r mind u of one who has tfoti" to rest. B.ivs before you do a wroiiinct think w 11 as to what the conse qaence might be. Cl.AKA WILSON-. Buainees Men. j The business nu n's meeting for the ! le;ction cif ofiiei rs for the- coining ynr and the iippointinent of cb b iates to the j State conventiati to be held in Omaha ' May 20 21 & 22d. was he Id last evenins; ; at Hote l Riley, and the le llowinr persoi s were elected as otlic rs. Tiinoihy ("1 tK PreS'dent. J. C. Peterson Vice President. II N Dovey S'Cetary, John Wateiman tre'iKurc-r.Exeeutivi-board Tim. thy Clrk J C P t. raon. II N Dovey. I. D II nn.-tt. MB Mntphy. Trad- committee: B.-nj Elson, Jj I) Bennett, and (.'has. Ounimins Legislative committee: M B .Mu-hv, El Oliver and John Vat--nii m Dele gates t i th" State convention: J O P ter son. M B Murphy. Benj Elsnn. II N Dovey. C I) Cuoiniins. Alt -mates; D B.nnett, John W.t-rman.F Herman, C E W. scot, and L C Fuller. WMS'DAT. Died. Mrs. Je-ssie Burk", if Ch i Iron, died at the residence of John Mino- this morn ing shortly alter three o'clork. Mrs. Burke came to Plattsmouth Hliout tho lut'i of March for treatm tit under Dm T. P. and R. R. Livingston, for a coin plication of diseases. Death was caused by heart failure but tl.e attending hy sici ins were unable to det rinine w hat produced it as she had not be. n wfflictcd with anything like h'-art trouble. About ii o'clock Mrs. Minor went into her room and found her sleeping nicely but when they went to waken her at 5 o'clock, sh -. was dead, h iving di'-d soon after Mr-. Minor had Called. D C-!-ed was abenr 20 years old and it eb.ti'rlit-r of Mr. Mmm receiver of the land otlic at Chad run. The husband and fr". r.ds have been til grMh'd lor and will prob-.hly arriv t'Miiorrow. when it will b; d'-t.-rrnin-d what disposition will be m id- of tli remains. Notice of Application for L cen.. TO ' HOM If MAY t o- CKkv : Notice Is hereby eiven that tin underilned has filed hie aiiplicat on with the city clcrl; et th" c'ty of riattsmoiith. eliraska. fo- a l:e:i-r to sell spirituous ma t an voie-us '- r f.o th term ol one yar ending A-rii . ;t l--.i' a hisp'acof b isjness 0:1 th- wt h i:r f !: 6. ll.-ck 2. in s-ild c'ty in aoeer Ian? .. :iii lie law and cirdliiauc s In f'.rce in ' A ! c'ty. dlot V-.. : i iiKK. Notice ot AppliCTtion for License T whom it M Y c nc:: - : : Xotice Is herhy 've-. Ui r t'..: ur.dersUne1 h file 1 his appoc i.'ioti v.I: ii :!k city clerK f thecity if i.itt-r.i ;ui;. etraska. f..r all cet se to sell spic! u k. !ealttind vlnou liquor tor the term i.f uie v ar end!nj April SOrh 1891 at hi plar e i I liet-e s on lot 14. Mock 32 In said cl-y !a a ' irc with the saw sad ordi nance In lores i.i said city. dies SrxcK Lxv. in Cass County show in the Country 010 ece ot Application far Llconse TO WHOM IT UaY ONCKItN : Notice I- In-n-liv iv.- 1 Hi it Hi uiMlcrvlncil 11 is llle.l hi-a'il e-aiiiiti v.ltli lli.e-iy cli ikof the e-lty .f I'l tt t - i.niitli. Nehr ska, fur a II feii' l-'srll sell itun's mall ami lii"iis I i (4 1 - for th" term o' .me ar c-n.laitr April 301 Ii. IM'jl at hi plat .if Im-incs on tin east lial' of lot 0. lil n k :ii '11 s 1 ia It v, in ,-ie-t-iii ihmrr w It It tlm la A .oi. 11 - f si In ell . el li" 1 1 K li V Ml INS. Notice of Application f jr License 1.1 v, MOM M V iM l ltN : Notice Is lier.-liy uive ii t at I In iiiiI.''sImic1 lias li eel Ills apj.hc-itt inn wl Ii tie c-itv clerk nf the city nf I'Ui't-m -mill. Nelir.t-ka. fur a II c iise to sell -p'l it 11 iis 111 U :i:nl voiinis 1 le" irw r t In t 1111 nf m e- year einlimi A pi il .'ii li . 18J ut liU 1 111.' nf IjiiMin cm lot 2 lilnc . '.'7 111 said city. 11 iie'-einl.iliee w tli the law ami or diioo'ees in Xoree la i-:ii 1 eily. diet M. S. Kvan. Notice of Application far License TO 1 OM II ,vi a Y M M"lt : No Ice Is li -reliy k ven lliat t' e in der irneil ha- flic el liU A pplicat I m wit I lie cit y del k ol tlie city ef Platt-i it , Nedra-ka, fur a II- e. -iisf t'i s II sjiii It 11 11-in ilt :i i l i'lnii- liU 'ri fnv I lie te HI nf ..'if yen r ei'il ' ii ' A fill. T! til 1831 at llH pi ice ..f lili-il'ie-ss 'ill h; I lie wi st lialfnf l"t K'. liliiek L's in s I'd eit o. ;ii-cnrilai ce " Ittl the 1 v ali.l onilll..lii'e- In f 'ic - in a 'lel'v. cJiiiT. J.i.-n-ii .1 McV'kv. Notlco of Applica'i -n for Llcenao. TO W II M I I vi a v com i-;it Not 'C l III-' eliy giell t I t I In llllileflnue'l li s Died ! Is appl cation wltli the eit c ei k ot the city of I'l t tsiii. ut h Nc-hra-ka. fur a li eense t' sell sp.i It u ns mall inni vinmiH I Kjii'T f. .r t e term nl i.rc J ear ei.dii'i,' A pn! 0')' II, IKl at hU pi ice nf hn-lness K ' nf hit li.M ckcoln saiilelfv inc I'.lalie-e Willi tin law anil nnll ini' :- "I s id e; I y , illt.i N I Koi. I'H li M Notice of App'ication for Icenso. TO -A : At I I At . Y ID KKN : Ni t;cv is I'd cliy 1 1 ven ' hat tin uii.leisiiiiecj lias filial lilsilpl'lieati. 'II wl:ii tiie city clerk of tlieciivnf l -111 mill. N.ll for H II- i-eii-e In spirit iina in i!t and viihiiih Ijiju rs fur liie t rm ' f year ei 'II M Apr 1 :;0 h ljyl at his p aee e-f lmri 1.---em n' 2. Iil"i-k '.V. In sa d oity in a -i: rd inc. witli the law a id nidi nan.- s 01 fuice itii-al.l Cliy. elir.l .Iohv M cm m. Notice of Aophos'ion for Llconse. TO Wll 'M I M Y i:n('KKS : ct iet- is he eliy iven t iat 1 lie 1111 l.-isiineil ha- filed liis apilie:a! wll III lie ci V ele-lK ni the it .if I latt-inniit Ii. Nel.'' a. fr ali-cen-e 'o sell -mi itiumf - a;t ami vliums iicjmir ' h" term if .11.1 r iiiUr.i: priI3)ih lSiil at his pi ce ef Ii ii-iness on the w si lia'fof oit f hi cl; :'l in sa'.i city in acijordaiici tin law and ordinances in fuice in .s ti I c'ty. II. J. Kl.IETSCH. Notice of Application for License Ci '.VII M I f i.Y K ; : .Vol ice is hereby irivt-ii that the ini'tersli'ieil h is filial his pplii-a'l'.n with tin city clerk of the city of I'lattKiiioiitli. N teas a, f'.ra li-cen-e to fcell sj ii it lines 11 alt ami vie.. us liquor fur the tei ii. of one year emlin April 20, 1501 at iiii pi :ce..f husi es on t east a'f of lot 8 a. lObl-'Ck 31 In saul oity. I:i ae-orel.ince witll tin-1-' w 11 u ordinance- of said eii y . dm: . . i'u sM.N.niAM. Corporation Notice. stuckh.'ld. rs nf 'he I'lattsiilnniii fi:n and K'ect 1 ic liht e-'in iaiiv. of ila't mouth Ne hr ka. 'at-e (e lee that a special ic'f'i if all the st h ders of tin Pi. itr-i .1 Gt ami '. clric Liiilit Omiuaiiy. o" i'. iina nith v hrask ..liaf b.'f-i. duly ::': .. : .: the 8th day of May. A. 1). 19 J a' tea :n a. in. nf sa 4 d iy ai tiii ..111 e ot the IVes i -lit of -u.i l O'ltu p.iny, cuner "of fearl :.: 1 "Vi i.ti; s reefs Jn the citv of I l;it;siimu'!i. 1 w- o-'iu 11 y. Nehra-ka t a neiid the artk-l. . f i'.i.s.-rii ii!cn ofeiM C unpar.y. :.t '.v!ll :'.i t.m aad idace A of S 'ii -t V holders ;oe r ., i'.sl toa'teiil, the pro D '-eil amin -il l: a a.: - re 0:1 file in lh ofilw of he tires! I,;.: i -.. I ' 1.1 -a.iy It is proposed o dierea-e ei, 1 stock all ft ill k t 'er Olll'll III-:.i Iirl-wlt-cH; '. I. ,! ; '; c. J. (1. ntCHKv. 1'ies. !:,-':;.o.iIb for Paving, S :-. '. : ..i r i I lie le -i;. hy th ua-iler-i-' i ii 2 p. m., ay :th. V r nav II -. p '.i.-.i-tril 'o. 2. Ch fric-'-, itvof plat -:i.oi: :i ith -1. nx Fal'i lauite en fatid on""!..: u e. lii'-a i n s. the e l -i 'ij rth -ut 3. too y :o .'.- ii.. ; .'- r ' s", j'-!i hi I to speify a m ii-e pei : i;a y-idf rthepavii. c unplete, w .rk t'- i e '. e--i i if-cor-'am?. w it i 1 1: licj si'C.-i!' -,.!;.; - . : i.:e in the oITiee i f ihe b ard. f !:' i V i'.:r. i n" lime and place sealed pro-vieais .v o he reee ved fo. rurhiuy: i i I pxiii-n dis'net number 2. th street. with sandstone or llmestniie V- r.- b- la;; aii- u' l ci i line 1 feet m 're or le, ea h Id i t epe-ify a rl-e i er l ne l fuel f ir -i rM i c-.inplet, w"rk t he toi e In nee rd- ii' e with plans a' d se 10 atl"iis on fl'e In tiia iffi'e ' f ihe mini of putVl..- w ii,s. .11 Id. Is t be in nie up- prlu'el bla-ki ur d-hef hy the b -aid -'tid to be accimpa'de 1 b a properly cert fle I check for th -ura of .0 a a uir r.te- th it the W'der l!l gba 'ood a d suncle-it bnudstbit aiiib b'dder .-.I'l perform aald wo k o rorilm; t contract. Th b a-d re-ii-rves the il.'br t rJa tany or 11 bl33 and t" wave defeat. .). W. T HXI1. r b ilrm-ci. B-v rd Fublio ' oi k. Nebraska s-v