Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 10, 1890, Image 7

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    . ot .
t I
f -
I? I
Highest of all in Leavening Tower. U. S. Gov't.Jlcport, Aug. 17, 1839.
Scattering Returns from Sever
al Municipal Contests.
A Republican Elci-trtl JJuyor of liar t for.!,
E. G. DOVEY & SON ZIl-I arua Iroin town., Kansa.., lii-
... .
1 ii.ti.ti and Noilh IlHUota Lilt 1 Eicltt'-
lueiit a 11J ti I-I t Voto.
... v -
t r t
M " I
Everybody Reads
PJ:ifl.;:noi;!li U'cihin 7 tin I it
LOCAL AN It OTllEllV.'lili:.
I'li-litv of fed. flour, r 1 1 . . J 1 1 .:!!
- '
ll.Oll at Ibis. -I'm mill tf.
J.lV.l 11 1 1 M jcii.i 4...U , i, ili I m.i I a!
150 tf Pull. II' KliAt's".
Alibastic -,' th- lest wall finish, lot
Bale at F. G. Frieke ct Ci. dtf
All V llle lei of I' ll"! always ouh.-.l.d : t
I 150 If mi. Mi.' Kii.u.s'.
The lust and ill: up !t t i i of canned
f;r iis tu be found m the city at
K i. '. 11
For , .- .kbo-i-:, ihst i .in u . )r
J. II. M.-f, a's Wonderful H.'Riini Plus
ler (porou-. ;
Try tin.! Daily IIi:iili (i w i h; onl.N
15 cents 1 livcrcd lv caiik-i t. imy i'in
of the city.
( 1 1 -iv i Vil s..,.u tin- o A Five Mil.-II.! s.
Blanket? If ii"t. why not? If you h iv n
Horse yu m i-d it.
Drepsn-,:ikin.i -nil family F.-v.iii :
rt':isiniliSe lii:-s at Tiliss Kuliin'J"
Viis!iirii;ti.n itvi nuc.
If you want all tin; n-ws i.f tin- lit,
also g. ncrnl and lt.t t. li-m nphic, onii
the Daily IIf.kai.i. 1.". o uls a v.ei K
You enn be chi'fiful ami happy (nl.
wlu n you an- wi ll. If you f- I 'out o
sort,"" take Dr. J. II. Mi:Li-an'd S irsap:.
For rheuni'itio an. I niunlie piin-
h in Dr. J. II. iU-Li'iin's Vulcuni.; 0;
Liniim nt. t-iul take Dr. J. II. Mi Lean'
Sareauaiilla. You will not oniTer ion
but will be tinititijJ with a sput ily air
. effective cure.
If you suftVr prirkmil pains on moyin:
the tyis. or cannot bi-ar liriu'.it liiiht, am
find ytur sight v.i-ak and 1 uiliiiir, vol
should lr mptly use Dr. J. II. McL-un-Strtngtheiiin
Eye Silve, 2o cents a box.
To Mervous Osb litatsd FVJen.
If you will ai-U.l its your ;.ddr. ss. w
wi'l m iil you our iUutr.t.-d p!i n;i,!il'
f-xpl dnin all 'about Dr. Dye's Celebrate."
Electro Vol i aic 11 It and Aptdiinecs am'
tU ir oh annum ff-cts up.-n the mrvi.n
debilitited system, nd how they wili
quickly r -stnn; you to mid in n
hood. Pan p'M' t fro.-. If .m are tin;-niilirt-d,
w will s nd you a Belt am1.
Appliances on a trial.
Voltaic Bklt Co.,
.bi:!i i!!. Mich.
Mr. J. F M .-Ms "(-lii.T o"f Emmi.i
H'Vi -& C.'a Wav. ih, Ohi.
consider Cli nubei ! iin"s Coui li.-ni. ii
the best I h iye V r c.f. d. Alter uin
..ver:d other kinds. without ! Uefir. I
tri-d it and it ipii-kly cur- d me, nil r
' ' vtrurs of fuff- rinir with n ..b-tin-t- c n..:?
a.., thro it troa'il-."' ',( c-nt ootilis for
sle bv F. O. Fiicke & Co.
S1( y.ou are a MifiW. r li"i:i dvs ,, p.':..
niiilTl w-l' l" 1 h:. i.v .y your
.'Ml moi.ev trs !'..r :
A for a i.-.tlie of Ii... :
f ! r- in dy is u-d in th.
l!y-o -p-
I:. . :' 4- !
for the past I'.V- V. a.-. .;:' ' " I ,
1 i' I of tin v on 11 Ceij t of p : -. l.t . ;
l I Send cxm- ss nd P. O v. Idr-ss to
tf The Akakokk Mkihcai, Co.,
!in Boston .Ma-s.
1 ti Tiie firm of II-i 1 i v. ' e . kv
i.Ulfl l, ...naiil eons t.t. A'd ac.-..u:.5s ...i
I R) the linii are'pay...b!e to V. S Wis,.
Jl Jel'A- Arr- - - (5l-:o lil.ISi.L.
f V. S. Wis::
. , , i- i , , i. f,
I'lattStiiOiUii. rco.i. i.i iv. .v...--
......... i r r . -s- r or 1
DiC. .UAUJUALii, l..oioi, .o' -'
:., l.iinfficc on and niter March 12. me- i
f , . ,
nired to do ALL km Is of d nt;d '.v.r..
1 . i .- i , r
liy latest improve.! ni' iiio i-..
A Lady's Perfect Comp inion
Our new book by Dr..Tohn II. Dye, one,
of New Y'oik's most skdltid iihysieim.s.
shoiv-j lii-.t pain is not nect ss.ry in child
birth, bat results noui causfs easily
and ovucnuo. It 1- nily pro
.r.. 1'i it mov" iV'ini iil iiiav becoin-.- a in th
r with )'U suffiiuig any p.ia whatcv.-r.
h ft iilso t. Us how to ov rcomu and prevent
momiai;'iid the lu-mv. other evils
' i ,- . i. :.. i.; .i.i
tllf i Prl l 'I '' J.. I If .o;;i:.. i .. -
, w ' .1 lor.eil I'V imiMcia'ji i-vri
II : :.'. ir.. , on I'.iii'i.'iti'nll. ( ill" this
private comp
''.Hi r J ... it o.-ill ivt vim -"rrriti'iin. and ini
I I J WIIC I'"-' ""." 1
jilt -.iMv vnrlif". . 8 nl y:o c-rtRtamtj lor
I'll I- Tl'.IW.. , .
Hi dearVrotive eirr ul ir. t. s; imni ii-, mid
r nifidenri d letter s-ntbi H-al.-d ' iiv; bpe.
I Ii A-ld-. 's- Fr sfik Thomas &. C ., I'-v l'
'jlfetltimor., M 5- l2t
'lliv -herwin Ymi.rris find iteath &
, I Vsi . . Lan3' raised paiuts; thabcirt ia the
the Weekly UcvvAd
Tho Htiir.e Magizirw
CViidti. t' 1! I'V M-s .lull 1 A. L-ejaii. fp'r
"Aji'i!, V-i nt'lins tli" l.rij-h' M n.l(li of
Aprd i 111 thV. tin; spin; un .ill
hlllilc I'pOII. .
1'i.lurc of til:; wo Id's fair couiinit
tc. i
; L epre.s Au"Us :i- by Mr, l.o;-in.
A l.'io to lie 'vAIr-'. . .
".l.iii'.-l: . -id'v" b .Mr-. Uliphatit.
Kiii'a ii iiiJihi Ly M'.ry Luwo
1 111 I. i l;M 'II.
' Tin ill u-tr it.-d nrrii!.' with fin-s? viev,
: V' r t .km ..! t!,e i'it. I r of vice j.nsi
tel.! MoitolTs ImiIII".
The woman.-. i o!h :.t Dil'-imoie., ;1
i u l . i r : I.
Ii'iI-t bits from bi'olit books.
All .b Mt .M : y I: .-h.vo i xtiact-.
The bill - folks ale ri-.i, nlid a
-t . ol" Al roi.olil I.i :.-. '. M, he while nd hi- b y "T.i !.'' l'icture i i
the ttoiii-.n " ..! o v. . i.t Up to the inouli'
to s, wi i p the i ! i-, ; ! .- i in t o ! !. t :-k V .
Diuiii" rooiii, with a Lias (liable bill of
f ire.
Tiie painting of the old Louu stead by
S :eh ty iiot.s. A-shoit !-tc iy, uiid a bust
of oi !i- r ooo. I I hi ns .
Don't fail t ;et the Apiil number,
fh; zine is m I,; t i..- mon'.hs for
t n ('lits silver or f ti'-inipK. Tiy it-
..Tilt llltOl.IX I'l l! ( 'l,
Wiibhiutuii, D. V.
How They Cars Rh ;umr, In
Mr. J. V. Mfii-iuiii, a I .ttsi .ur:-h, .iVi.,
cig ir ih ahr, woke up one; with
an atliek of I'lit-unialisui ill hi-, alill,
woikiu around tiie t-tore i u 1 1 uf X the
nioiiiino inado it worse so Unit by noon
it Was : p.-dll I III lie CoUul liOt 1 aise ids
iMM t ) Ill's head and had to cany it in :
slii!;'. A tiiivclini; liiuii I'll learning his
(oiiiiition went across I he s'-ieet .to .Mr.
I b- k's drtie; st ore ami at his o v. n "" xpense
p-o( nred a bottle of C'h imbi rllaii's Ii!n
IJab.i for Mr. M' iuhan who siys: "Attir
ne i.iyl tfintiii i . with this cx'lli-nr
ni'dicine the pain, swelling and soreness
hud ne il ly all disappeared and by th
s eon.! moiriinir I was intirtly well,
th.udis to this valuable rummy. '' lie is
cm. full-lit that it saved him a long srige
of. the rheirntiti-m .and was m much
nlei-ed th ir If filled th" traveling man's
oo. !;e! "iiti hi, tiist ciijur?. For, sale
by V. ( Fi ickc & Co.
Drs". TaiTS & BE TS,
4D3 Farnam Street, Omah;, Pitta.
.' .'.' ;; ; : r't --":5 1
;' V-';''f'-evi--5'fA-
i. y'i ;:'fr0' , 1 . l:;vi
l . .
I :- -:.
"S ii n 11 at .-...I or 10 pi ,i-i.i-
-e . s e.l ;.i . 'ie ; s.-.-it;,-:v : i.e. si tl.
; -el V ! i'ii . 1; 1. ; I. e- I i u-1
i!.-l ;;;.tl i-ei.-i lil'.v ,
-.i ! ; 1 o 1. f'TJ r , i V
f'-U '' if'-i'i i.- Li i J i) ' I 1 . Inst-.
:ii:e e:.:-.s:oi;., s:t-ai .-i-eriv .-.1101' ir in
." 1-.. :.-!! 1:. e-v..-s nr i . ..!'. ii: i . e. il'.hieh
s . i e -sin s-. n. r... .::, i-y. tei s ..n i!n
I ! . . Ve: -. i; i - .-.,.-e t, . :is ;y i! i .em. raei!.
:.'." 'I e.. illi:'. lur - ! ilj ill' !m-i-
.-: i; -I- ' : laii'tefi, Siitif--,. li. loi.i
!e,' lv ...II . 1 l at l e lei! .
y, t e , i rfi i piM t-i. :i it.s
ii siliil Li ii .J . - "mst If.r-
sr iniit:-. a il"s-
I I ' ' i ' ' 'I I s :'e - 1 . 1 s ('. I ' J I I-1 v . I ! .1 CI I'.l 11 It ll
, (i ,.. ;iH. , ,..rv. ir.He', i-osiiM-U"
! j ., s, i.i. i. i :.. u 1,1.1. 1 1,.. a
' I '' '" s s i ii-. l-l IC .i : e liii..;i!. lis Hill!
I (' II il.eti.
!:.-! i.uv. LOU.!.
. I'lM ni.ii. ei.tly tureii uh-.i
I fV IT :T ,. y. a:-. t.i !.r C.iii
j flt..: Ij j , n I . ;..;.t- .-.i!ul...if
J i- i i ti ie! i' ! . I'ii ii iii ; or 1'1-e.ev tithi-
a:.d ei ii ir Cuie.-
li 'i :; c .ei I . r u li li iriMky ei:isniit u;
li i.-i K. 1 "1 ii-.;-, -l.i -Iit. s
o I t y : ii s: !!. i-in ! ci I ' -s !e.:s i ilbli-
0 J i i . i ' lo:.;iiiii '-ei! pe. iii.o.i lit l- il .i :
j 0 : lb J
i.e-V.ii i- IHi.-et-.' Wll il li: CM-
1 1:. .'. en : - , :-.o:i. iliu-. fl. tieil a
ii.i!.' ii rut. .Vi. .. i:..tu u la.i!.t"s Jiain : ..
To YounTanJ MiddloAscci Men
, f lie :.v. (i:' --:" l : s ..1 ;.! IV vil-l.
' i I U UT II i.-li
i.r i... :u i" Hi ! i i"
I- i'.i: iioili niiit I :i-.l t. .nil li-
-iv' ::-: ---?iaf
. ,.-i;? i ;.KVv,V:W - V-
lilViule.i 1'is, ni r:n.oi.e ilj cui'i.:!
DOC r 'iMv A.'. I .- ttiie e i. : ) t.-.vo ha
il 0t U 1 1 U i'!ir.-.r tht-iii-. i -i - i '. hnei-'Oi-r
iu tu'iu k'S aiT.l s"li :ny !n:e's. r i,
lll.l II HOll'l II' .1 l.-ll V . Il!i fi' ill.R Till! .-,); Ilsi
Hess. -!-Kly nr marnne.- -.
il:.f rirrl iii-m., . r i lio r i'ii tfija. o':! J ! ie:-j
lll- :i le of pl)Viem ilebif.ty, i,-;:.-',. '. f"
etnl. . "' " .
rs!i!iil wit-ii- i;i.ts. iisi ir-.o'V V: cii-
i t Se ei.l vf v.i V Cane ii 'M1 C. :'iy -lit.i-itil.
i"!i us u-t: l: ark:lii, I hi i l Mf-li'::i.i"
r liVj..iri-.l' 'n'oT.r l:f.nTit ir pxactl . t.) se.ll
each C i-O . t tl il I'liei'liaa eil'-es uh 11 at I'-Jary
A li it-mlly I- tier ! euil may mvh ymi t'.iture
suS'cr i.K KiJ sbaiii?. aiiU add goldbu years tu
tiiv. Adslrvos or call ou
DvVTO', April H. Ueturno aro late in
Ciniiin.'c in owiu;j to the city having bi'Oii
reit 3' riste.l. i.i conseipu-neo of wbieh
tiif-re wui-j o ily jiolliu plaee iu each
'.ii il. 'I' e I ieoio-. r .ts have elee'ed
(heir oi t i i c cilv tiek -i I carried
i-!evi n out ol titlofii ls. J.K. I !. 1 i lipiu. ), lor ;n, b h
l. f 0 i.i. i; -li y o er Cl.aihs I', (.o.nis
;lii;i.) J Ir- 1) -r.Uo wid li iVv. an
on-i w.'ielmiii iii i joMty- in the city coun-
. i! ;i'i(J f.-e.l 'i ul i-iill.'alio.-l. I) il h of
wl'i. fi h.ive h'i'dicrt t been J j . ! ; 1 1 1 . r u.
Two w ai uj aie stul iut. l'ha vo.e ua-.
. .
!..). I...
Ti !.r i '.. Aj.iii . 1 he n;u -ilciprd ii"C
tioi; I.e-ie '.'ies t!ee ;i. 1 't iii. 'i-;";; ie
rr n' ::r i! :o:il a lo--!.J.ii. n . :u-1
(.T f. .:;"!:. with a io ! i:-ti-ji
i i. t.i 1 on a ,oii :'!;: dot . 1 : i li i y
i ! II pMl.In :-n ,-.i:.-.i,.!.,tv r ;. .Ii--.
( . '.--ttt ' !'! W a .) : e i , t .1 - : -s J
'. ( : i c.i. 'i:e--i con. in i.- s:o :. r. T'cioi
e. it ,u.-..-.s. .' oj ; .-r;:i , a:s ii o -ii i . was
Ci V ili'llt.
..... i
i-H'V A".-:I lie Poi. o. r.iLs
' i V ;..;"!; er.tire ii y, on.d.s;
'. I). Dii-k-.i'ii, poli- e com mis
... , ilvOl V i..l".l ;t' 1 ' i k . ti Mateo.
: 1 'i C'i i.h. li. v. Ii. joiaii--' "i' He pf-;u:e. i.-,'
M :.'.( Ili ". of frottl 1.':' ;' to l..':u. 'ill
Di iio rat -aiia.'.l I.m'i,"-1 in the rooii.-ii,
hut im - iag to I ie hoi.l .oi' lm-iii'.i rs, tiie
i.e.- i o;:o i! will -aiaisd: lUpuLltcaii,
Ni; 1 ..-.MiiOvirat, 14.
C oieii:i:--.l i.
C-N(-r:VATT. April TI.e city -J-c-
ti.:i w . vary pii.-l. A:i ij.-.u ;;nl!
v. t vv e; 1: ,-t, t v. theio a dee. I of oi ii; i-. ei 111,
l..e.ev..: i n t 'et? Ii ' p-ei'.i , 1. .-Ii::;.
i '.e i.'eiit..'-i-l.ii .- ti kct .:s i !rt ted wuh
:hi . Xiu; i'.sin of 'i'nuotliy 'it.v'...-l!. i.-an-d
! !; i i lei'l: oT the 1 i..-li.-- -oiirt.
E.;iii P he-', the pti sctif iaeuiaU.-ut, was
ie-iiecto i.
Z no-. v : I ;.
Z.V -JLZViLLE, Ar-iii t A li-ht vote
wiis cast here. The principal eint.;-i
v..s '. i-r the waterwoi ks I ca'-d and j
ei ,i;.':eil, b til of Viiis h l'eiililiu Deiilo- ;
ir.'i-''. lo-pobih-a i.s uaia one cmtnieii- j
1.1. ;i aaii Ue:ii !(.-:ats :.!ie city i-krk and j
i ,!ot couiinission.-rs. 'iiio U;i toii.iea j
r.i.';. f.-o:u 1 J t.i i ) 1. " j
C ei:tul. J
C' tA'.t.Ar.'D, April H Tiie municipal j
iTo : ; pis- ;"! ;-:'r q ii-t y. A very !i jut 1
v u w.: poln-.i. 'ihe Deinocr.ific city,'
I ie's s 1 '..a t- eet'ed bynbout 1,U) I plurality, I
I -;: ii. ;i;JiUbiic.-i!ls e eetod twellt.. -two
1 ie.i is I !.:eu to- dil t liitei il elect: I by
th c;;i i .1'0;. Tho board of education
ib b-Loi De.11 jCi alio.
i"H "oi:irs.
D: s Moixks, la., Aj ril H. The ci y
eiti lion for the r.ew and enlargtil 1 '.
was la-id 1-eie. tiivnt inu-rest wus
ss ir: t-d u-?. the ei'titi si. Lein 1 between the
:str iluiiii u be;L.. and Citizens' ticket.
1 !. i.iitr headed Ly Vv'ibiam Iroster, a
ie uL'iican, i r ii.aynr. Tlu-r are
tv. t iily-ono vi.t i:'..- pieiincts, Kooie oi
t'.u in .s-viia! mil. b t, so that the ie
t;u ;:s :.te very jsi-j v ia coming i.i. Jdu
it i- j'iol nliie. in iniuiiioi, tluit tiie Ke
p..; ii: ans have ikcieU their fctraijihl
1: u :u; ie,
l'Li.'a'i:, April t. At the city eleo
tioti tii Democratic tiel ct, heade.l b
M.iy.-r jc. V. Sli. wai t. was elected, tln-l.'.';-ab.
i-an having 1 l.vk ideJ it. Tin
in- 01 neil Mi'.::,:s situ L'ciuoeiaL
ami three i.eput.ik :111s.
i ;-s U -.!,.
Kjx-r.CK, Apiil n". 'ihe election wa
for M.e:ssor ami c!.b 1 man. Hie Deiuo
c 1 --e;:r:e.l four wri'ilo :::1 I lie Ii' put
iu n., i-. .... ih- i ei.i 1 ial:e cui-uiiiali
!o.' :..-l-.;-ji;i' V: : i lltltll.
i . ".is.
S :i ;e:.: i :s!
1 17 ; '.-.y; i'r, . .'.;.. Aord Munk
!. . . . : v."- .'; ., , vt
I .i.t'l . ;! Ill tU-! Ill S -I lot
-. : ..- .. 1 .. v 1 i Miu. eucrair
.-.).:. " !i- (il Ivll.l l ol' t.lo I .illis'j i.
ti .;.:(-.- r, la:; iiai no caudiuatea o"
.1. ,r o tl.
.u.-- vn Iv-. i A.
T.: avT:.', A; .:.
iel thV' i its- (I
D. : iccrais car
i.v ie.i-e lil.l-
jotit i-s; t-.:ac i.' Btik-.T. t e lirt Demo
cntiic ii:5ij oi', elei t;.! t.y a majority
ot 'AiMnciio t -.i r Ci.-.r Wi.l, rt-pubii-c;n.
who tiie anti h i"o--ry iorciu placed
ii lioiiiiii'.ili oil". t't tw.-lve successful
cuiidi- ie.t-js, t;eM-n are Dctuu-vrats.
c.i;.n i K t'T: -
IlAl-:Trr2D, Cop.-i. , April . Ih-nry C.
D.i iulit. i!i-;:ib i. :;tj. va-el.ctid mayor
oftiisiity oy iui pluraiity. The ci.y
govern: i. ni is I-o;j ii -a a n joint bal
lot t-y a m.tjori of two. Tnis was the lily clt-eli-jii u. . de ' the .secret i mi
ll it law. Tie. j oils closed at " o'clock
and the rioUit va k-nnva before tf.
Lor.ANr'.'.iT. April Little intereot
was shown i,i t'no towadiip eloetioa herd.
The entire Dtituocra'io ticket, with the
eiciitiou ui" iiiie was elected by
resiucei Liiij oiitie. IJeporid from the
country show a RepuUicsa g.iu of
three trnri out of twelve.
, 'Iadlaiiap tlm.
lsi)s:::.TClZ3, Ap U & Ia the town- tt ttIpear aU(l vetitioa oacrle
tshii. c-icsliou hold here the Democrats f jre iue day oi May 130.
elected their entire ticket. The voto woa j D, A. Cami-hill,
lUt. I
We announce an t-xrci.tioiwilly line
of Dit f-s Clouds in Jilaok and the in.
I.tidios and -MLses imp irtetl LAST LL vCK lIo,i-.-0 .
z&'rjr'n a "O "O1-"'3 Wc '.ave aclJofl moro
mailt and chewing a larger ani Iianchomer line than ever
ox mine before baying.
Card of Thanks
We hereby wish to express our sinceie
thei.ks to our many kind friends who so
wdlingly came to our in the hour of
our trials and adversity by the death
and burial of our only sonFraik, and
the hand of sympathy every where cx
t. nib-d o us by the entire community
svill ever be held in kind rcmeinbrmice
by us. Jin. and Mrs. P D. Uatks.
Advice of a Prominent Land Broker
lilttuinatic Sttup Co., Jw.kson, inch: i
Gents: In r-VIru.iry, lfS.S'.t, 1 com j
iueiiced using Ilibbard's Utieumatie Hy i up !
md .5tr. iigtliening i'iiipiers tor lnh.nii- i
in itoiy rheumatism, having been trouhh d i
iluve yiiits with this teriible ilisnise. My j
joints were swoh-n so tliat I cuui'i hati'tly
vnlk and I ittciiiie.i to my bu.sin .s with j
tilhi-uitv. I iise.l tlm e iioiilcs and a:..-
Iii I ti. pi isi'. is to nry limbs nnd buck.
nd I c.iii say that I am now cured. I
ve not In . ii troubled with rh. um itisiii
i iii-.f i I'seont i nui ii o its use. My latin r in j
i w. Mr. J f). Skinm-r, of .Maiison, has al i
. is- is b m iitte.i by this medicine. V. I
oi; si!-.- r. rommeii I it to mr f-i. re'-. j
I my a;! vice, ::'v. it " t ; i I. 1
C. It. Xtcri'-LsoN. I
Mi in n, Iov..,.
Ask roar di :i-r ji--t for it. j
1"-r isau'ly one that cujht iib; ia j
vcr' houe'i-jlJ. lt will cura your Kbcunialis:a. -.-: '
'.r-.i, Spraini, Can, Lruires, Lurr.s, (-'rosted Kci: I
ad ICjis, bori Thrnr.t Mia S-r.? Cr.cit. It you have '
'nm? Hack it will curs ii. It nenetrtitcs to tae sent i
:i ths disca1-,. It viil cure Stiff Joints an.l contracted ; 'rs nfter all other r-raeies have Iail-d Those '
.-ho h-v; been cripple; for ye.c.s usen La '!ard & ,
S.-ti I.imrrc.t and thriwri a'.vay lh.":r cr.;ch-. are! ;
isecii able to wall: r.i wsil as ever. It V-iil cure ycu.
Prii:, SJ ants. :
JU 1-s S
: s v . : A . ( Aii i i.e. 1
1 I.i ; ti-f ,
vs. j
: i . - i' !'; v ii.-, ;
. li. l- V .-s I.i K l.l-' liO (
ii. v '. it-.- i '. i-.'.ii ;
..i . 11 i- i - ' Y i ' I-:-- r
- -: -. I
V a. it y i Co.. au.i
V . . .s i. .ill I
MK L. i.A.MlAl.i. lis!
v.-,r.. . j
I ii . !n oi 'Vi ii on -.1 1'iiii r-s ieet ti, -ft mi r t -
n :o i lierhy I .c.r :fit1 t':;.t D-vil .'amp-o.-ll.
l ialiitiir. in the :tbi vt c U-i' iii'! oh tri 7th
iiyof Ail il l 'j 'li: hi I e l. I- let C Hi t .f
-em ii y, Ne .i.-i k . lo . irnii 'Z j
lill'.Hiee si.'.l eiei fir.. :: e It ililii-t,
dev.. t'M'CUte.i l.y tit i ! Kv--r tt 1 a :i;iil io.i; 1
. ..lin.e L i:;' totlie s.i-1 lie s. C. lay- j
-l..s, tzUlie. y li e.i.'.l.e 1. .l.-ii'i L. ciii:e , j
iini! v ui. 11. i-Viiuey; n-ini'i n-h y the firm j
Iieckt If.'oi. i . . ii ! .'.In., t. 'I'i, ll t k 1U li. t
tlin el v of 1 l.ilts'ii'irli. N'bi;.sk;i. ;"..i the fuia ',; .late. .;:
if ei.e i- Is; -ee re li e iiVmi nt i f a r
Ill u'..d reciiiile. j:u I-, i: A f iK-i il? al T
Tec i's I Ui c.iui.-.n ii- - is . 8. I- MuO lie U
J ,r ii mi.! a.i I v id and that tii. el a l ex st
ill en ilie li t.j s 'id ia i er. y i.e i-.-m i n i n
lie (,r u.uit t .i in. n ... . v Ht-cur--d l?y f-.iil
'iu-t . eeii h l"i g e!nco been ai I atidtbi.l
t p' -In iff ai il liis Kiau o hav- b-'n iu
DCtu..l open ai:t Hdvcr--e possessl n nt s.hl
l f fi I I. i-k I.T in PiaMsii ii ill nil- f,.r :.
..prlml nt n-euv th .n foi vi--r. V n h-h nut fieri
line .d Sprii.-(ioods in all iI.-m.h t na
)3t de-ir.ibie sliades. AL.. .1 niu,t
ir.W !SS II
Ill JillO.N'S.
li II n
amis, uiis,
We wish to call your at'ention to our
does. ( n't-r Pieces. IJoiders, Etc., Etc.
W'hy is it we cap give such bargains in
lit cause our paper is not third b in. led
We buy direct from the manafactun t
irive you
j Any one w'-oiing to paint tii ir Ii-jus,-;
j before th-y boy. V.V try to carry th- b.
I P..h.ts lead til in ::!!, 'Ve sol . agent -
,.. ,.
b n.l:n nil
VTS ? f. s f! ?,
. hi5.. IBS?.
5(M Aliiin
-rfs -r- A- -A r-i i i-& j ti '
Star Lister. MilU-U'ii W:.. i.n m. -
Little J..k r .r. l
The D.iidy lUdin:;
A. fin : line ..i';Ic
s? H ri
r Goods are ali new with ;he I.ite-t an i best impiove-
Hlfats." mum ?- HHTHLNG RUT F;RT V fifiDDS
v iv ... i. v ? . ?u w
Wo have sumtli'mir new in a
will pay you
Sixth Street, near Hotel Riley.
rit including a choitv belection
conij.i 'l(. ;tiid utlrri.ictive line of
iTClil'S, Lt-, Lie.
room to ou ' Catpst depart
bitibro, v; ioh it will p.-iy to
m -
New S'.o :k of "-i!l I'o
(.'orin is, Da-
wall p.iper '(
- , and it look.i I ; :.-.-i: dd': that we can
- AINS.ffis
sho-.l ! rail and ex ujiice our stock of
-t. JilLLINCJ. TAYLOI & CO'S Mix-.-d
8 S
s.? r"s it-j.-? k, a
I l.tig ;-.. Molin St-- 1 lI..rrow9
i .s o St-. 1 11 -t v -i. : iici! liimL-a
C..:ti vain,-. :.d :-nv:)(: Isars.css.
li. S V-.-V cs.5 ti
i b i Ii x A G b
spring for a farm wa;:n, it
to sec it.
r Ulconso
ili-ik of
- H 11-
K .win
I nriil- i HM
t-ii in
- -4-