Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 10, 1890, Image 1

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    ti AIM L
al fVr l- ,i
y ,-n rf n k'
81.50 A VISA U.
LlXJ.XL LAfjiiICii
Don't fug t llii twins tonight.
All wkuti ies fresh and now itt Krau'.
Don't forget the Kdnelur Kirniv.d
Tuesday evening the loth.
Prayer meeting Friday evening a' the
M. E. church this we k.
K gul ir mo. ting of W, C. T. U . Thm a
day. nt "i p. in. lit Y. M C. A. ia i. .uts.
Tin- hrat Hour can only be l "1 of
Philip Kr.ius. " 1"U tf
O urge Shiev ' l dy is v r.v si. k
day, Dr T. Li insti u i , in iha:'," oi'
the case,
Tli.. irponc bonds from the O.imhtl
... .. V ...
t. j liepublican i. y i.caily printed and ran l"
"!.. . ' archas 1 at par.
j Thi- Ht Lnk v ?i w in- s.-(.i ii ty v til n.' i
' ' ' fit thi; li.nn.' id .Mrs. Vn. I i a. 1.1 t..;n -r
ro al U'l ll :'in at t vi v t !c.
Tin- M 1' i ii'ii :i" i i ti li idir.ii' d in 1'; n.
Un'mn inis m rnn. l"i a ( i i. v- i ( to
Id inii tii 'in in Pi it t -moi.i . Ii.
Wd.-oii, tin (.-'.lor. d jni-,ili-t is x-r
Cii"'.; l'i; l!ill- ' todiV v.!i!iii:i' -ion-
tuid i'or tli'.- ' tti.-i'i.' 'ii'o l'l"i l;
'i" i 1 1 - 1 1 r . - i . 1 1 i- i 1 M l.'it t.'i tin- r s'
t M.n . T'l ' - i i i t ; i - ' ' ' u
l!o V.'-li lo '.iil .it til li '!.!!' i' v' l' i S l"
CI1 '--
J 1 1 1 !.)!.( ! i r. , f !1 .1 .v. :i 1'..- s.i i;
V.IV at Korkn oo 1 II til , to I ! I
torn. In u : I'liji-i 'i Uj s on a li it !m:I
did not s- in to i." :-i i i. ti -1 v I m I.
lion .1. It !i i v. il.-r, d I',,; U a, !: .
will 1' I I n n- i a, i vi. a i.i. : ! i; i li' . ' n II i i
wind hall, 'i :..i-f.! i v. ; io j, Ai.i! r A'tn.i-.-i.iii In-'. All ii;vi' d.
li? k .1. .i.t.s.'ii :,n.l 1; i- a; i ! 1 1 ' ' ' i '-. i 1 1
tin- Ci.ii-ii an i i.iiu Ii m' P. !- Cr. k 1 .
iSun-.iiv. Mr. Johnson h id. nniji la . -roiy,
b.'i ii consi.'ti i id ui iiiiidt 1, lut w.-i-. iiii'ii ii
from his coiusc thiouiih ll.: l.iii.i.siiy ni
EU'o r St vt t.s.
Tin m 'in''iis of the I.iadi i K- - :7. i n
j,iy (1 tin ins. lv - Monday titohi at it 1. .1
in their h.-dl on low -r Mam t 'I k
Bohs mi.iii I ui.u I'm n:. hi d tl. ii.ti.-ir io.d
a very pleasant s-oiial tinu- w .b h ,d.
I J. P. Ar.iiil, ih. cuiidy nvdo r, is
J''iiialiTir"fi''n:ii' "Tin.- of ea;. si..i II
isyki-s' rtiek, t-.('y. paanut. carain-U.
ehor-olati'S and all kinds oi lin - cn- inis.
fit Wlldino'd old Stand, oooo.dti- o:i la
honsi'. I4. lf
Jim B.l'-i-tr v. ri'i's in to 1 iv f o:n M iv
Wood to D -. Mith-ivs lor m 1 i oi .1 for
one of his hi j: iays th it is aliout to I i
with iiiMitic t v a- P: itts n mtU's v t r
nnarv suri-oiis ;uc in di-ni i:;d :.ll nvi-r
th- i-tat!-.
Old hunters claim that wild d'.'.eks
have th" ejiizo.i i.- and ;nv dyinu in
soon S alon t he s and. hais of tlia I'lilte
river Tids aci ounts for the 1 are num
ber recently raptur d by amat ur hunt
ers. -Idiicohs D lily St'.ck r.
W. L Or iv, li vd il X niiv tnih'S ?outi'
of Plattsniotith in tin.- ity
Mr. Gray hid with ldai tivelvu .c e.l
iiiijlv l :i;ii('ul ami i it-r Mi i . j; i ci us
of (),v in in i- ' a;i 1 Yvh us v 1 1 Ii-'j ti
ll d jil-t rev- ived I' nun his bi.-t-.r in law.
Mrs. L w .Moore.
J iro'i II i s in from (Jr nw. d
tod av ) t---: u an x ad a itio i b; i '.'
board .f a n-i.-n .x.mia.'S fa .u in
crease ,,r jv, nsi m . Mr Uc'is i- .: ol
the o.i.i l fitly, us i f our sUi r town ami
if Ids di-.ibiiti s v irranr w 1 1 ur hi--,e!.i
n w ill !. tner. .-i": d.
A deieril io.l i ;e!l feo.Vii ideij
the pTopew ,1 Ib. k Idil.-I r-'lite fr -.i.
) a ah i to fi' a i i- 0 a!' rr ; -riri tli.
ol!i -i ds ot' ti.'t r o ol in tie- 1 . ; i - -1 e .-o. .'.
citv today. til (!.M -d is r o. s :' .!
lV li.-r t -t vv-7. -ns and w- tin-' thy
witl s"e.i, e t!i roi ! f..r th ir tow U.
(Jriilii '" i v r nr. oa-oft'i' pirn
CII s 1 1 it ! ' i I! V. I a ll. i U r i-'Sti r i 1 I i ei
S dt f; . k. is in tie- fo rt.'s ipi'al U
day look'uiLT -It r tie- psa.s;,. e's ol :oi in
Ve-t!ll I't ill rail I -J '' apro;-,,s I. I t!-i
ml V' nt of th M P. II is a lian
li -v. r in the li . K I-la . i b. m.; i.ui.t
thioii'i Gi i: woo i t!d sum''.' r.
II ni v .1 Stc-ioht. our o e ;nm d it'n
postmaster, I. s jn-i no. ivid a I n in
VOiO'- of the :e W s amp-, i'i y aio no!; ll
handson;. r in 1 r iei t: !-'i 1 1 1 : ii t:..
old cms. In order to o, ! ii 1 ..! til 11
mits. Mr. Stn i''if wdi f.r t ho f '"'
UaVS S. 11 tin.- st ;ei S f i live e, it's
is tbs,.!ut" fii! .in.l flight to h ::,..!. i
ated by i. nr j .a-o!
",) i ft i i ;l .o ill ;l I' !.'." IilV.sti
Pilte ( aioi n'dy Il i a .' lali '.'Vi-iii.'. II r
victim; in.;hin ry f-honid ! ilurn!i
and lil-t di.a ft, and tie :a for r u.o-t l e
properly h s'"j.n- ! and co.,s:i nod d of
first ol t'S in iti ri d. St- 1 sm.l r.rdl ab f
iron produce tli- te-t nmiN in this
lirertio:i. Til- superiority ef Ch impi ui
binders ami e.iow rs r suits fnun th" f -et
tlmt m r. mall 'abb- iron an I -t--il is usail
n tlmir cuu&truciifu thu iu cthuis.
1 at HiiLbull, Neb.
I He' : i!i..i.i., Xi b., Api i 8 Soct ial tclo
! ..piiin t tin- I . There is reut excite
j liieut n re iivt lit- tiiidi.-ii; of co d iup iy-
iiiix i intities at a depth of about two
; hundred and fifteen bat today. Pros
; p etiu bji iii iiboiit h W"ik iiifo, but
! thi re v. ; s lunch di lay owiui? to bnd
; u ent ii r i. m l I ! a ak i n of t ools. Snbserip-
lions il iv.- b"i ii t ili u to sink il hole to
from .eveit liliiidii d to iir.i.' I housan 1 feet.
I The eimtr.'.i t was .i v n lo M ssis.iMc M.l-
le.n iids inoii.ii: 'I'll- vein was run
! t ! i : . i . ! i ii m I will mil I'mni tlifo i.lul elic'
i h d I ! i four and one half f.a t. The Coal
j. ill kit ( 1 .ss (pj.ibiy mid burns y :wb!y
'. .e:th l." "i I..-..1. A ! 1 1 1 1 1 credit is due to
j ). '., II iij'oii oi for his li;v!.ss i
! itu in -eeinii'o funds and in pushing
! it tie- wot k of tb iliiii'. I ll" pi os'), cts
! f r t.'l future of lliibb 1! :iie chnious.
1'iopi l!V own. I - look j i'e.t.-id of
s ! , li eo ill the p The .-h-ill will
: .1 i-iini. iis soon ;c ill ii. a i'ss.ii y al i.lio;e.
no ni.- i an i-e n . -V c. lelati, :i in. if
-1.1 ti i. a w .s ! i!i. -d of, l ut the hi'-li
a. in - a . i hoi .. e.i : ii r tonight prevented,
ih in !oiiiid iii-uie-: ha us f ho state
...ft . oi a ! .' :! a - : i -n a ; he si-,, : t. is
i.iiu. i . . o . .1 : - ;, -i v ... i .. 1 w at r
' : i ' 1 -'
; 'i o V- ; ' W.i si i or.
i i' ! : i. i ; ! . : j i i 1 1 1 1 h i 'i j u .-1
' tiiii 1 1 i 1. 1 i : v n nt j l o i c 1 1 e . i i ii
' i I ! I -. I :.' I 11 ',, i A ii i tile 111 I i i S 1)1 lie
i io i v. e n ,ne il :slii .. m. i liine, which
i . i i in- i j i : 1 1 1 iif i : i a v. 1. 1 or. ii wcl I
! k-iow ! r -: i 1 . til i I lj : -a 11 W oi d. The
! i . i i h . i ! 3 a . 1 . ' i iii i ' s k 1 1
; an i . ...i-n ueiioii. A did i cm opoiato
ii . iy. Mi Wo', ! , the nventor, is a
oi..; oi i.s 1 ' i " i . . i tee I u t : I !i- ;l li 1
I " , , , ...
:i: .ilit! ni;!- oi -.v.-isi.eiS iin.t K ll o A s I II . I
il !: ! -. it.-eted ;i iood labor and cloiin.s
! -. i-.ii!:; iii.iokiua II- h is -isriuciiiti al wi ll
! i irt o,vii.-r of t'n pati-nr, Mr. W.
I P. T. ai;d- i;i. v.-li i- a -.'(iiius in his way
and : yood s al' Siloiil of wiishors. This
I u et!" !, in is no w in K'-arr."y where ho
j . i . ! - ii to i .. a.' ii i neiit j ii ti. s ;i ti 1 1 i tot in!
: i :hr to aiid m il their ixcelh-nt
! ... - .
I W .1- : i. i
I Th.- 1 1 ; i: Ai.i i ; wi il aeipi.i;nt. il w ill-
! !, .. . o !;t, in i, I i, ,s no hesitancy in
' reiom.ueiid iio; hotlt tin iti and tin ir iiitt-
i . 'da. to its j (h t u n .-if hint- iii;. 1
j try it t ho, ol! ;liiy I'I I it Hot Satisfied
j w it di it t ilL n ) uu w :
not i xocCaU tl to
oyal Arc uiiitil Hay d Are inuai will -ive a high
live s.-.iti.d.le al ii. A. It hdl tomorrow,
i t'nur.s I c v i t. i All im mil' is are
iuvit d to li - pros nc and Inini; ill ir
I oh s .iti 1 .-my i'i i.-. ids they may '.house
i o iii . i e.
A contract was Lt Monday for the
t. rad in of one hundred miles of to id hy
tin- ihn iin;toii p o,j1 from the crossing
ill tilr Cll'.'jl-lill liVel on ill. XeW Cisile
hit" to I) mi wood, Dilin a. At til" s one
time a contract was h t for the extension
of the line in a north west, in direction
j from New Cisdo tor one liumtr-ai mil s
j tl.r. Uiih the B. -.rk Mills This line wiil
tup a country full ...f on il an I valuable
! -.ttti ral-. hitherto u d-. velotn .1 for want
I of r. l.v.v t iciliti'S. Tie- lhit lit.toii is
i tier l-.i-.s! j!.-o.;ress; ve ' all its Ci.nteinpo-
I ' ill'-. 1:. i.L'N'e! -.V.iiS ioftll" (I'llllll v to
u v I
I.. ..o. ai. . 1 opens Up
: tie- w st ;u'd I!) k- -i
' i i ! I- tit j ."J - s'i hh .
. . : ; I y . e ris: d
Y iitde ;s i.i' U.iii n.
tile le '.'r t i-. .t
! -u I - i'.
ll .th A..n 'i'.
I o r t ot ia
o.i ! ;;e eh ir ; .
i' r:i i i. Toe .-. h. -I'd in
.1 -it . '. t 1 h. '...-i ; in : v. i.ieh r suited
i . i M . V i : '. 1 - i i tuMtiii! nvi r fo
! h ! i ; . : c u , in tli s' io of -Vi on.
j I! is i . : ,j .;" ! .1 .-ll. .iti 1 'okiil"; I.ii
: !..!!.
T.I- V s .V a -:. '.e.l i O ' a ! a , p'-'lS.-i Ui
, in e . :i'l d . - -; -i t , . i y s ! . : - it : ) . r o !
! I ..' 1, 1 i-li.: ti7. 'n i !'l iV:.:'. si i'.;l- !l
! tli .u:.i:-. a i i r t:i io ii s "ill
i 1 1 :n tit', ho .it ! ti .: ij.-l 1 .rk until ,d .on t
j - j e V r : i o o -v tile lie- 1 1 .iV .
t lini: t w i ... s -fin!.. I lor v. is il.
i Idv. I, a Ul. io' '; I'ttlilV. Ilio.1 Mist"
' "1 . : i ' o. . !. a . i i 1 -;. . i ! i - Count I V.
' .1. i. M. Ve u t5 " l. -i. i o .v iii i "in d
! ..t I...- -a:-.
A VV tt-. ry.
i Ano h i . . , -1 . : . 1 ; !; e. . cry ! as
i ii -eii .i nt a ... i s I, . t : - : ;; I .. iy in lids
e -utiiy . i'; ; J . ; : d ;:- t Int. die
u,. io r i li" s v. is . t-'.u- with
I to n! its .... v r s- i, -I I. iii io r vital
t or;, - lis 'A.l" llteh ;' : t : i i d a.ii-1 d".ai h set lil-
eii iiioi.i.: nt. For thiee monihs she
; 'lie,.ll 1 i iiei - s lilt i V t.'et'i iiot -hep.
i Sli - ! 'iiirht of o.s i, i. itt!" of Dr. Kino'.-
I NeW I) si . V IV i'. ; ( ' a d ) ::;h -;s
' . I 1 IT . 1
mueii i o v t ni laKiii;? irq oo-e
; t tl It sll
ni' iii .h iiii'1 iith one
l..ttl ii i- !e i toii.e !.': l ly cured. IKt
n mii-i- M k. Irit'iri' I,i'.t7. " Tom vrrne
V. V. H-imtj. k 6. Co.. of Su. liv, N. C.
0 t a free t.ial Imttie at F. O. Fricke
The only ONE PRICE
JOE will show you
l'oti onlit to sco JOES' lino, more styled to select from than till his
Fi:umel and bilk iShirts made.
Look out for cliAU";e of Ail.
Tilrs. K sh r wa nt to Omahti today.
L w M .01U-, the floial luU.r, i
Otliah.i tod.1V.
1U I
Mi lla. ti. Lithain was an Omaha pas
ijei.o. i tids moi niiio;.
K Km utson, the insurance man from
Lincoin, whs in the city over niht.
.lohn VV I! ii nes stopped ovel niht in
the (ity with I). A. ('.iniili ll's folks.
F. II. St. iu kvr
Ht.d Ed. Hltstow
friun th-. ir ti lp to
I r tin iieii thi.s nnun
Mr . Piiiilips, of
Did nth, the hand
some si.-.t. r of Mrs. p.. Sici;in, went to
Columhus. this mjinim to visit relatives
Mrs Perry Walker arrived home this
mornin"; front a visit of several clays wi h
iv I ttive.s in Chicago.
Mis llnley Whiting ted this P'orn
iiiii to j )iu her husband at Laramie w here
he is luuniiie; an engine for the U. P.
people Tlnir inanv friends here will be
s i t y to lui-e so t irtiiuablea couple; the
IIkuai.d tiUst3 prosperity Un'y attend
ihcm in their nee," home.
Oyer 300 tickets were sold yestirdnx
for the Rjckwoud hall Lnteitainment to
The trinaition from Ion a, lin-jerinv?
and painful sickness to robust health,
m.n ks an epoch in the life of an indi
vidual. Such a remarkable event is
treasured iu the memory an ' the agency
w hereby the gooU health has beeu at
tained is gratefully bless d. Hence it is
that so mil' h is heard in praise of Elec
tric Hitters. So m my feel th-.y owe
their restoration to health, to tht: use ol
the Great Alterative and Tunic. If you
are troubled with any disen3e of the kid
my.-!, liver or stomach, of lon or short
standim, you will surely find relief by
use of Ehctric Hitters. Sold at 50c and
$1 per bottle at F. G. Fricke k Co. s. a
KOIt Til K Itf."AT i.
Oil ! tlin k not of lin H'td Its s urw,
( li ! think not i f i! lb aeil its p ,i;l
Hat : eineiiiber the iiiiilit l iliL's i !te inoiTi.w
ALU ; li .1111:11 lii ivs liuig xraia-
T iii)ii','h tl.y frail harcme be fivlt,- ted with
sail- e s
.vii-l it star throws a g'eair on tin wave :
!i ! Uiiiik tit -a llie morn will b iui; tthutness.
iLeitieiuiier our F. titer w 11 save.
Ikou-li le take from tliine r.rtr.s thy la.t
tr. as lire
A'i-i tin .soul l.c o'"r whi-lmed with t'.e-pair
Mi ! i1 en ihiuk of e j yb y .ud in -asure,
Wiit u ye meet him over there.
W: eii triai un ii'inhpie l beset ihee,
ml not liin f s e- s true bat t tie sr. in e.
Tin le is one Uu wi'.l 1 ever fortret lliee,
i:.-:ueiii erttisl ve atul be br ve.
'Mi. "i 1 ltink ti 't of life ar.d i's surrnw
(Hi ! (Iii k 1.0 ef .ieittil and i s )ala
Ian 1 hi 11 - ,,f ,i,e !, uieur. tii rri)w
I 1 11 . 1 nil -1 r ti iir..' 1 1 f- -1 v p 1 1 11 --lin
J.R. J
Th c-Qiity l ommisdi.-iers met yestr-r-
dty an I without attending to any bu:-iT
itess .X(lj iurnei.1 uniil loniorrow.
The twins h;;ve entert tlin d crowded
lioii-i s in t h best, cities iu this country
an l Europe.
Tt;e Cith lie f iir will open in Fitzger
alds hall tonight.
S. Boston. Nov. 11th, 1933.
Gi ntk-meii: Euclose l find $2 for two
bottles of Dr. ArakofTs dyspspsia remedy 4
vhich you will please send to Mrs.lL
';h.tmb. rs. St. Marc Hot. I, 5th Ave.
New York City. I send this knowing
ihe wond- rlul 1 fleets of the remedy, as 't
has l.v ir.king two butties entirely curtd
me of dyspepsia from which I was a
great siiit'-rer tor over three years.
th .ok Gad to be frc of thu ailment
wish j'ou success. Yours r'-spectfully,
S. L. Coffk,
3-22 eod d-w
7th Stn S. Boetoo.
At least you will
CLOTHIER in Plattsmoutn,
Furnishing Goods, Hats, etc.
moi - e and iHttsr madu Clothing lor loss money than you
The latest Styles
The following urtiolcs arc, by the row
tariff hill, added to the free
Af ids, used for medicines, chemical or
! in.iiuifucturini( purposes not sp ciallv
- j provided for; a;ati9, unmanufactured ;
; uitihi r, unuoiiiufuct urtd, or crude tfuin;
, an iliue snlt.; any huuiihI imported speci-
ally for breeding purposes, provided that
no such animal shill be admitted free
except it be pure bred, of a recog- ized
brwd, and has been duly registered in the
book of ivr-enl established lor that br d.
The seca etary of the treasury may pre
scribe tegulations for the atiict enforce
ment of this provision . Animals brought
into the United States temporarily for a
period uot exceeding six months for the
purpose of exhibition or competition for
prizes offered by any agricultural or
lacing association; but a bond shall be
given in accordance with regulations pre
scribed by the secretary of the treasury;
also total of animals including their liar
nesa and tackle, and the wtigons and ye
hicies actuahy owned by persons inii
grating from foreign countries to the U.
S with their familiis, and iu actual use
for the purpose of such emigration, under
such regulations ait the secretary of the
tri a-ury may presciibc
Articles in ii ci ude state in dying and
tanning are not specially enumerated for
this net.
Photographs which have been printed
and bound or manufactured more 'ban
twi nty years at the date of importation.
Book and pamphlets printed exclusive
ly in languages other than English; also
nouks and music in raised prints, used
exclusively by the blind.
Engravings, photographs, etchings,
hound or unbound, imported by author
ity or for the use of the U. S or for the
use of the library of congress.
Braids, plaits, flats, faces and similar
manufacture!! suitable for making or
ornauieiuing hats, bonnets, and hoods
composed of straw, chip, yrass, palm,
willow, osier, r rattan.
E.igs of birds, fish or insects the old
provision reading Vggs.''
Fisli, tin: produce of American fisheries
and lisii caught by American vessels in
the open waters of the likes which form
the bouiidry between the U. ti. anil Do
minion of Canada.
Floor matting, manufactured from
sound or split straw, including what is
commonly known as Chinese matting.
Currents, z mte or others. D ates.
Fruits, green, ripe or dried, not spec
ially i numerated or provided for in this
Glnss plates or disks, rough, cut or
un wrought, for use in the nianuf cnue of
optical instruments, spectacles and eye
glasses, and suitable only for such use.
Grasses ami filres, thistle or tampico
fiber, jute, jute butts, mani a, sisal griss,
sunn, and nil other textile grasses or fib
I rous Vegetable su'istances, unm inufact-
, urt (l r uo,in.cti nut specially provided
for in this act.
Grease, (lepras, and oils, such as are
commonly used in soap making, cr in
wire drawing, or for stuffing or dressing
leather, and as are fit only for such ustfl
not sp; ci.illy proided for in this act.
Human hair, raw, uncleaned and nnt
Old scrap or refuse india. rubber which
h:is been worn out by use, and i9 fit only
for remanufacture.
Ivory and vegetable ivory, not sawed
cut or otherwise manufactured. (The
presi nt provisions reading ivory ruanu-
faeturcd )
. Natural mineral waters und allmitiernl
. not , ff .tv-s.-cil t or urtirktai. ud
natural mineral salts, accompanied by the
1 sworu ceititicate of the propir ouicers
operating the springs showing them to be
tib.uiued by evaporation, aud shall act
nuu i
think so il' you go lo
I M.
and look through his large
Sf 5 rf F TP
Competitor dare show you, utul from the cheapest (Jetton to the best
oi' Hats ami Caps
V 150 Meals
Stved ray Child's life.
V lr .ii iny cbil'i was horn,
li s t, r ord.-ix-U cue of the
r i avli4. Phc tin tii-it i;a
tcu Iy diej. I liai thr-
a - . Jto ti-iU t be tr jr.ijje
1 on.l orO. r.-;l
f i .i lii ie'ci tj I.aetat. 1
.i. It oawl iuy .iii!-.V lit' -,
J C"'.c yer.i u.ani' t'roiLa
.!. I ir-.f.r.l ji-uv nl r.r
4f I p iJj
'xjr'af-ti rtinio' I.rp'.ile.t A-tviiiiLu.fl
-V. .1.
contain any admix dip of any substnnre
foreign to the natural wat.r of
suf h
Molasses, testing not above fifty six
degrees by the polariscope; provided,
that if an export duty shall hereafter be
j laid upon molu-sts by any counlrv from
'whence the same may be impoited it
i shall bo subject to duty as provided by
1 w at the date of 1I1" passnge of this act j disc,' of pel -ons ai"i i i 11 g in tin; United
Moss, seaweed and veg tablu sub- j Stat-s not i-xcec.Jing 0500 in value, but
staiiCiS, ciude or unmanufactured, m-t j I Ids 1 xeinpi ion shall not be held toin-oih.-rw
ise specially provided for in this; . iude artiihsnot actually in use nnd
act. j nt:ce-S' ry and uppi 1 for tin; um.- of
Neeuh s, hand s. w ing nml darnino. I such p, i s ,i.s 1 the pnrpos- of their
NcUL-papeis and "periodicals" as here- j journey and oresent comloit nnd conyi n
in used shall be understood to end rai e j ience, or which me intend .1 for any oth
only unbound or p . per cover, d publicii ; er person or peisotis, or for sale; pro
tions, coutaininii cm tent literature of tin- Vided, however, that all such wearing
day i.nd i.ssueil rcmtlarly at stated pel iods j p,mu 1 and other jarsoiutl i fl .ct as limy
as wi-i kly, monthly or quarterly. ! h ive In ni once iuijioi ti d to the United
Oils, nut oil or oil of nuts, not other- J States mid a l.j rf.i .1 to the payment of
wise sp. ci dly provided for in this act; j fluty, ami u hich may have b 11 .ictui.lly
olive oil for manufacturing or m chani- ! used and taken or cxpmtd tofoni"tt
cal purposes, unlit for eating and not
otherwise provided for in this act; otter
of res' s. spermaceti, whale and other fidi
ils of American fi-herits, and ail other
artichs the produce of such fi-heiies.
Opium, crude or unmanufactured, and
iiil ... t .1 1 f ......... 1 i...iil..i:i1iiir fl 11. .r r'
iiuiih in.l 'I. ' "I- nii'.'r, ' vun
and over of morphia. !
Orrs of nickel.
Paper stock, pulp of grasses, and pop
lar or other woo ls ftt oti'v to ! c.n
vert d into paper. Pearl, tun her of, i
uotstwed, cut, polished or otherwise J
manuf acturtd.
Potash, ct udrs or 'black: s d'--, ' cl io j
rate of potash, nitrate of potash, or salt- i
peter, crude sulphate of potash, crude. i
Itags, all not nth .rwise specially pro-!
viueU for in tins act.
The provision in the last art admiiting
regalia free of duty is ma. iir!. d by the
following definition: 'liegaiiti shall be
held to embrace only such insignia of
rnk or ofEce, or emblems as may be
worn upon the person or borne in the
hand during public exercise of the socie
ty or institution an.t slnli not include ar
ticles of furniture or fixture, or of regu
lar wearing apparel, ner peisoual proprr
ty of individuals.
Seeds Vnise, canary, caraway, o
mon, coriander, cot'on, fit
fenugreek, ht-mp, ho tihoi
rape, John's bread. ,
beit, bulbs anl l.-ulh i !
flower and gruss m i !. '
0 ' lilK 1,
;ti, sugar
. and all
1 wise
ially provid.ed for i t; ; act.
Shot-gun barr. or btitrels, forged,
rough, b jn d.
Skins of
au 1 of i't ,.
iuat, kid and kangaroo,
ii i aniuoils nw or un
Soda, ch' of; spejg. s, sulphur cr
brimstone, ttele ia bjlk; .-uiphuf ore, n
pjritks, or tt-'pliurtt of iron in its natir
al vtatecoDtuiiiiag 10 exstw of i per
and boautilul Stock ol
will find in Plattsmouth.
d 14; ,i l it
It Han No Tqui'.l,
"We so! un";f in our ritir.
B.ay ifiailninit.-ir forty iuttoitH) I..' il ruit iiisl
end INVALIDS , f"" ' " l l" :" ":,"-r
vliitii ha h"a t-i d umihH
I SMALMS HE LIS !! iT.,ih ... . Vr...-
r;..e-r:r:t. ; r E .-..' y Wth v. I : : ,
. r..
r.-5 t'i-as
c. a o. i.
i .
t s
centum of sulphur (except on the copper
I rnntnihcd tin r in. tijica, russ-ivn, orcas-
! fetdy ) pro vided tiiesame is not ti' for use
! as starch be'ng a ided a:t a uiodilicutiou
of th" piovisi.-m in thepris-iit 1 uv); tar
and pilch of wood, fin-il wire, hone or
j bilir; to
acco hirin-; t' rpi m me. sjilnts
! of; unai ium, sdfs of; Wearing apparel
j and other person, d li. i ts (not m- rohan-
coiiiitiiis by the peinons returning there
with t the United St tt. s iImII, if not ad
viiiicnl in viilu'o,r improved in condi
tion by any no his since the.r i xporta
tions from the United Sta. s, le; entitlrt.l
to 1 x:-; ption from duty upon th.'ir idcti-
. t .. 1. t.... ... 1 : I 1 l . .
ii; neiilg CM ;t i)i Sk;h Uljll.r StlCIJ fUlifj
timt leoulalions ..s inav bo nr S"i i bed by
j til-s en tarv of t he t r.-emnv. Biiarro-t
or briar wood, nnd similar w. ;d, ;:.tuu
f.ti ttttid or n t ftnth-r t ; ;.uf..ctureit -
than cut into form or si
thi; article i:fo which th
v.df jble for
me intended
to ho converted.
The AT
ill Twins.
Ti, music
mouth will ',
i g; ,jf I'PittS-
...t. -d to a music;..! fent
i tonight
i t ins ti-
kwoo.l hall. The Morrill
us highly F;..ok. n of as fin
d entertaining t-Joctioiti-ts.
M.'ludisti orgtniztl a San. lay
t th.- L-.twitton chutcti at Three
uid v. J. M Ch dl int issuoer-
intcn h:.t ar. I V. L. Gray secretary.
; t the Kikndar lCtrnival at
- j house April the loth.
For Sale.
On the account of h- ing tr.insfered to
another dep irttnent. I h ive my house,
pi no and fur.ii tirj for sale. House
corner G & Day street, will bo s-dd cheap,
thtough Building & Ljit, as,,,ciatton.
d ot H. A. Taite.
The quality of the blood depends
much upon good ur bud irg stion an J
..ssimiiLition. To make the .blood n'oh
in life ami strength giving constituents
us.5 Dr. J. II. MrL'.-ati's S.w ij).a: ilia. It
will nourish tin- properrirs vL, the b.'ojd,
flutft W hicir th "tktUtUU oi Vltalitr JJ
drmyu.- - ' ; -