.. 7 ' : U A WEEKLY HERALD: PL ATTQMOUTfl. NEBRASKA, APRIL 3, 1890. i . i si 1 i jgliittsufu UERALD F cj. ll nr rub' v even' S a? Shernv T- i; April. Bright. Jor'Mi ' A pi ll cn.en to us today. Laden It hn w er-bell -i. bursts of uougs and SllUWel'H ; A violet fragrance hover o' r the way, while children fro Ic in h r gddiii hour ; Brooks, too. ulaiice hy. all spark li v. In tiie nun. Glad thul ice etteis to the u'dk are flung. The vl'-let love her and th Moodront white W ith ink aiunttiH om will be atilow. Then youth ;mt mai-lem in IntMine delight. ill linger 'ueath the moonlight's wltelilng Clow ; Wliil. Hireas -! Inl: -a way, with ullen Igh, As love y, ilower-cruwnetl A p II passes by. Indies Home Journal. W'.i i' April f.ioled tonight? A farewell surprise party wiib jivin Miss iiirtli link-r, daughter f W . L, 11 iker, List ''Veiling by her many little frn-ii.ls in t f iiA city. Oeuer A Alger, commander-in chi- f f the (. A. It., will speik in Onudia, April !., mixI spcrit rat8 will be made on all roads entering Ouiah. In flic fourth every thing is quiet. Gutsche's friends think they arc to num erous for Peter Ilnnrahm who was nom imil.d to late ti give him a fair show. The trinnyulur fiah' for police tre p-cn Stephen CTfTord, L C. Sti 1 s Net Michsu I Arch, r bills fair ti re.-ult in .ii electii n of Stiles, the regu'ar repub lican nominee. Tiii dependent pension bill vetoed by (-level md two years ago, passed t tie nitiiintl s-iiite 3-esterday. Tie demo cratic b-adi-rs kicked vigorously but they wc."e in the minority. G nernl Maniger S . John, of the It irk Island, 1ms issued a circular inforuiinu em ; doyen that th'-y will be discharged and not re-finployed if found intoxicated either on or off duty. A $-2,000,000 irlass pi at factory is to bestirtd at EI wood Indiana. That community should not kick i gainst pro tective tariff, for without it no ruch plant would ever exist in th- United St hcb. Tli 1 8 con. I ward in charge of c tn-inittei-in in. D. K. Bu r, is making things lively fur th enemy. McMn' n and Archer haw joined hands to elect W. L. Brown, rt'id if th.y don't, do it, lively rustling don't count. Tin First Ward, the democratic strong hold of th city, is as usual one sided; but the friends of Dr. Salisbury are mak ing a va.ient fijzht and at three o'cloc k appeared to be ahead of McVey, the democratic nomiuee. Tiie third ward is the hottest polling place in the city; the restless cohorts of M B. Murphy are making vigoious charges on the active ranks of L. G. Lars- on whose forces .ire nbly commanded by Coion.-l W'm. II. Pickens. The Fifth is a hummer, the democrats nre trying to down their own nominee J. L. Minor, bv voting for Baxter Smith, and Frank Ilmar; as a- result sultry weather has enveloped th- polling place and the indications at 3 o'clock was for high wind followed hy sev ;re storms. "The last of the predicted destructive rtorms is looked for from the 3rd to 6th of April." So says the weather prophet of the Omaha Republican, and we must say that lie has been right on every storm period so far this winter; we therefore hail his List, storm period with unalloyed pleasure. John Wilson, the famous California Colored pugilist, became obstreperous at the Perkins house last night; he made a few passes at the genial proprietor of that hostlery and as a result was knocked down with a poker and as i further re sult was landed in the coler. He was discharged this morning and will try to knock a Plattsmouth man out of the ring tonight iu the most approved style of the art. District Court The Connecticut Mutual Life, etc., vs Marrieita C. Unions et al. Ainu B e eon appointed guardian ad lit. m for Ivan W. Holmes, a minor. State of NVhiska vs II nry W il 1 i in , pii-on. r, br.uy.lt into court ask-d if h had any t.-iniftosay why s- n'cnt '.-shouM it if Iv ;i onounced. utter hearing Ids iU;n ;i!s th court si tit- net ,1 !.; ill re-: y.-.ir- i'l tie p- nit. :.!i ry cf the j-t tt :,t h-i.-t ;::!.: 'ii:d t ! i .. (.klVii-lar.t to . iV tt:e i .Is. L- .i . t -t a: vs L --it i t al h as !. i ti n tr'n! : I iv and yof uI'V. A liroe liUi.tber of wi'tic-..- s h-ive be-n ixamio- d urifl liMltV ill 'It' ;.!t '; ex -.ini:i T li is an ! t n iiiouht t. s-.-t aside died, m ule in 187S. -n the ground of incapac ity to in ik ' a deed. Wis and FooiV Miiiin-ry iiij.o. iom w-.-ttir.-ng d witn viitors ii-.d purcii 48--TS I nt F.i-l.ty aid S.iturdy at tliiir great Eisd-r o;.;uiug. Tlu ir several departtn tits seem :d l t led with fine goods, we noticed, the mourn ing department, pattern hats, baby bon nets, lac s ostrich tips and the nices'. stock of tine rii!ions t b foun I in th-i citv. Th- firm ilo a l irg- business at their com mo lious parlor in the Union Block; not only in the city, but with thu smaller deal ers in the adjoining towns as well. Yoa will find them attentive and careful to please cv-ry taste; opposite the Hotel KiUy, oa iiiu tfit. The question has been asked frequent ly, who ia thear.cicot of whom we heat o niucn in Thk IleitAi.o in tin. ast few issuet i He in the one who prevented the raven from returning to Noah's Ark as he sailed in a cockle bio 11 over tie inynty deep in the vicinity of Mt. Aria rat. It is he who 'ii vented the building of the tower .f Babel before the b;i -gtmg- of men were multiplied. He was Convenient to Abraham when the Angel ofGD prevented him from offeriiiL Isaac in Sicrifiee. and he wis t!i owner of the run that wis usd as a Siciili on that occasion. A ft.-r that In went t Egypt and built the tht pyramid for H-mi st s the H'-coud li cli can be sc-ii even to the present day. He helped to superintend the building; ,,f the twelve underground pdaccs id' Egypt in which tin re were three thousmd looms, he con structed tip halls and hanging gani n of Bablon The walls of which were 350 feet high, HI feet thick and 00 miles in circumference. He was with the Men of J u da wh'-n they took fie 1-ad of Saul from t' e walls ef Bethsan. He it was that tied Achor before the walls of Jeru sali-iii by the orders of IIoluftrn"s. lb it whs that founded B.lb.-c the ruins of which can be s-en nt the present day. II was with Dioinede", King of Thrace, when h f d his horses wi'h tin flesh of his subjects. He kri"w Cadmus who intro duced the alphabet into Greece 1402 yeais li C. He remi nibei s the rise ami f.ill ol the liur great empires Spoken ot ty Daniel. He was looking at that gen tleiu in mixing the pitch that choked the dragou. 11 - saihd with Cleopatra down the Nile to me-1 Antnony. He was the e vil gi-niu- ot B.utu-. who conqu--red liim at Phillippi. He was Well iu quaint it with At ila, the king ot the Huns, ami with all th.- popes I li uue from Peter to L (. For more information of him in quire of Z -ke.'' The Ajcciest. PtHS 'N.L H. E. Whiting w. ut to O naha this morning. Mrs John L. Minor is seeing friends in ). italia today. Miss Ly.lia Pattesron is a visitor today in the metropolis. Chief Engineer Lewis, of the M P., went to Onmha today. C. D. Clapp. E-q , the Elm wood mer chant, is in the city today. Dr. Emmons is moving to Omaha where he will open up an iilliee. Mrs Dodds. mother of Ed. Dodds went to Iowa this morning for a three wicks visit with relatives. Col. Antill. the veteran sport, is out hunting geese today just as though there w -s no election in progress. Switch engine No. J) 5 came out of the back bIiojis this morning and started for Denver, where it will I e located. Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, mother of Meek Davis came in from h- r Iowa home this morning to see her C:iss county friends. How They Curo Rhaumatlsm In Pennsylvania, Mr. J. F. Meighan, a Pittsburgh, Pa., cigar dealer, woke up one morning wiih an attack of rheumatism in his arm, working around the store during the morning made it worse so that bv noon it was so painful h. could not raise his arm to his head and had to car' V it in a sling. A traveling man on learning his condition went across the stree to Mr. Heck's drugstore and at his own xpense procured a bottle of Chawberlian's Pain BihnforMr. Meighan who says: "Afti r one nights bathing with this excellent m dicine the pain, swelling and soreness had nearly all disappeared and by the second morning I was entirely well, thanks to this valuable remedy. " He is confident that it sf ved him a long seige of the rheumatism and was so much pleased that he rilled the traveling man's pockets with his lest cigar3. For sale by F G Fricke & Co. Make Room for Miss Wyoming. riiic -go Tiibutie. Now m:.ke room for Mis Wyoming, for she's looming thriig!i the lunming. and li.-r iiei ks mp- btightly blooming in a mot b'Coiiiing limner. Wen-, .! h rloiolv i oninin g. soft ly hnni i:m :g ii" i- ni :r ' Ii' r wty to ni-'ki. :i ' Si'Mn"ne" 'neaih t'i; .s:ar- (ill St At W c'-l' -It's Mi'ii.urvd ; a, r : 1 1 1 T . hi oi;;iii i V i'i i 1 iCsil:i V M.if. :ini i-oii'iiMl-'v tit-. leilancr- !' tii tV, v.iv- t' t' Ivi-tcT. W'l luive wirlnmt exrepiiuti tin; 1 trgest a-id musr comi;1oc line ol 31 ILLINEKV eve - h vn in lite (iiy. it c.oni-pri-on ail th. ;at'-r .-h:u!es iiiicl tht. 1 n -li Noviliit-t. 1 H.-t rti IJiHitiets. F'owfi-;. Uiiiixms. or nn y thin in the Millinery line that the New York und Parisian market c;in sujply vold sit oir sdrea-'y jiopular jirices. Everyone invited. J. V. Wkckdacii & Sox. J. P. Antill, tin enndy msker, is now making a tine lin of candies He mik-s stick, tiffy. peanut, carstnels, chocolates nnd all kinds of tin' crenis. it Whiting's old stand, opposite opera , IT WAS A BIG BAT. The Dependent Pension Bill Passes the Senate. THE HOUSE FINISH LS MUCH WORK. The R-tutll-ttn Tariff 11111 Agreed L'n Urn Uutler'a A tuteouUt (ioes lo Jail -The l ull Text of the l)i-lH-u.lent I ill an l'uitpl. WMMMiioN. April 1. The principal business traiinucted by the senate was the passage of the dependent ension bill. The house amendment to toe sen aU bill lor a .'U.lic i.uildpig at Atchi M)ti. Kan . was Uiaag. eed to and aeon fereiice oi d. r d. Sen.. tor Keagan made a set sjieech on the I ill for the issue of treasury notea on the dt-osit of silver. He regarded the bill as a hopeful sign that the existence of a great wrong, the suspension of sil ver coinage, had at labt been admitted, and thai a remedy might lo hoped for. lie t . ought the Lill might give temo liiiy relief, but he regretted that a bill h.ol n. t teen rejiotted for tin? unlimited t oitiaue ol tiiiver as well as gold. The demon ti.atioii o silver had added o nation I, t-t ite, rai.road. and all other iioiebieuiiess, and lui.l reulu ed all values ii per cent. It had been the cause ot the s.ieritii e of thou ands of homes, by making money hcaree and dear, and hums, lactones, an i all olher kinds ot proi ei ty cheap, lb suggested as rem edies the a ment of the bonded indebt edness of the government in silver as well as go.d; ihe is ue of coin certilieates receivable for all uolie dues and taxes, iiii'i legal tender for all debts, public and pnvaie: and the retirement Irom . iii illation o all leeal tender and na tional t auk notes of denomination under -iu and the substitution of coin certiti- iite therefor. 'liu ilepenUent pension bill was taken up. 'Ihe hrsi ameiulnieiit (that of iMr. 1'iunio, r. moving the arrears uf liniita lKo; was defeated 40 to 9. Senator Call offered an amendment to include those who served ill ludiau wars prior lo lbTO. liejected yeas, U; nays, y. senator Vest offered an amendment providing tt.at the money necessary to meet the appropriation under the bill shad be raised by an iti'-onie tax of 5 er cent on incomes between $'.',0K) and i.oOil. 7.J per cent, between $.,000 and 10,iO0, and 10 per cent over !il00,o00. La U on the table by a party vote. Senator Piunib ottered an amendment to p y a pension of $M a month to all w ho seved ninety days in the late war, who are Gi years of age, or as they at tain that age. Itejected ye.is. 19; nays, ;W. The bit! was then passed yeas, 4-i; niya, 12. House. The house passed the following bills: Hou.-.e bill directing the sale ot United states property n the city of Pittsburg; Louse bill granting iermiasion to the City of lloston to improve ajid beautify CVstle Island in Boston harbor; for the .-aie of Fort Eilis mil tary reservation in Montana; a resolution calling on the secretary of htat for information as to duties iniposeu by foreign countries on brtadsiulfs, and what laws have been enacted or regulations made in such coun ries since lb79; senate bill (with amendments) providing that oaths may be administered by the justices, judges, clerks or commissioners of the United Slates courts; a bill depriving United States judges of the authority to give an opinion on a piestion of fact; a bill granting the rigiit of way through the Indian Territory to the Pitiaburg, Columbus and tort Smith railr ad; a bill providing that the regular terms of the circuit and district court for the sou t Ik rn district of Alabama shall be held at Mobile and shall legiti on the fourth Monday in Novenilier and tiie first M nday in May. A bill was passed providing that when, in a ease pending befoie a circuit court involving less than $3, 000, it shall appear to ti e satisfaction of the court that the decision of the court w ill set a precedent in a similar class of cases, an appeal may le allow ed to the supreme court on behalf of the plain ti If, without regard to the amount involved; also a bill requiring circuit and district judges to instruct the jury in writing when requested by either party lo a cause. The house then went into committee of the whole, Mr. Allen of Michigan in the chair, on the army appropriation bill. Alter discussion the senate rose and reported the bill to the house. The action of the committee adopting an amendment providing that no intox icating lkpuors shall be sold to enlisted men at any canteen, was reversed by the house and the amendment was de feated -yeaa, 52; nays, 136. The bill was passed. Mr. Sp inger of Illinois introduced a joint resolut.on authorizing the presi dent to retire N. P. Banks, with the rank of major general, lief erred. Samuel Strong Goes to Jail. Washinoton, April 1. The grand jury of the District brought in two in dictments against Samuel Strong, who for a number of years has been in litiga tio i with Gen. B. 1. Butler, who brought suit against btrcng to enforce the payment of counsel fees. One of the in lictments charges Strong with of fering m evidence a false and forged paper, and the oiher with rnlavvfully taking from Judge Montgomery a paper fi.ed in the case. Mr. Strong is Ho years old and verv feeble, but when arrested he declined to lurnish bail and was taken to jail. Senate In Secret Session. V."AMiAiiT(, Apri l.-Th senate confirmed the nomination of Jjhn F. S ltjy. attorney for th- district of North i Dakota. The enate was in secret ses- i sion for nearly two hours, almost all of ; the time being devoted to the consider- j aiioii of the Florida nom nations. ; Shortly lief ore G o'clock an adjournment wns moved, and as there was evidently rot a voting quorum present.no objec tion was laired, and the cases went over. Nolle'n Iriv:te Secretary. Washinoton. April 1 Horton Pope, ' private secrr tary to the secretary of the interior, who lias handed in his resigna tion to take effect May l.Ieft Washington for his home in St. L uis. Before he depaitej ho ' as entertained at a dinner given in his honor at the Ai iiutrju try e I I IU H i V i I GLADSTONE'S VOICE. A I'oD'irani from the Orand Old Man Head in New York. New York, April 1. The phonogram sent by Mr. Gladstone to the American Co-operative Building and Ian asso ciations, which avi iv - ! ti. !.. ti'. heard at the recent convention of those associations in the Cooper union, was heard by a distinguished company who had assembled for that purpose at the law library in the Equitable building. Gen. W. T. Sherman presided. The message is as follows: 1) EAit Slits: The purpose of the meeting on the lltli, may, I conceive.be summed up in two words self-help and thrift and 1 can not. although much occupied, refuse to send to it a few words of congratulation and good will. H is self-help that makes the man, and man-makiug is the aim the Almighty ha-s ev erywhere impressed upon creation. It U thrift by which self-help for t he masses i epetident up. in labor, is principally made effective. For them thrift is tne symliol. an. I the instrument of independence and of liberty, indispensable conditions of all permanent koikI. Hut thrift Is als i the niotherof wealth, and here con. e? a danger into view, for w alth is the mother of temptation, and leads many of its posses sors into a new form of slavery more stibt.e and not. less debasing than the ol 1. From this slavery may all lands, and especially all lands of the Eng.ish tongue, hold themselves forever free. 1 remain, diiar sirs, your very faithful and obedient servant, w. E. Gladstone. After th message had befn heard, resolutions were adopted exprej-sing ad miration for Mr. Gladstone and pleasure in having leen perm tted to hear his voice and his encouragiug words. THE IOWA LKGISLATUKK. The Anti-Trust Kill Passed by the llousi The Senate's Work. Dis Moines. Ia., April 1. The hous. passed the anti-trust bill, after consider able discussion. The senate bill length ening the present term of pres nt e ountv amiitors, in order to make auditors am treasure! s alternate in election, wa passed: also the senate bill allowing cilie to levy 6iecial taxes lor toe put pose i changing naturl water couroe. into sc-'.vcrs. Tin house passed the senate bill ap preprinting o,000 for the care of his tori:al records; also a joint res luiioi providing for the printing of the mes sages of Governors Larrabee and Boie. in foreign languages. Attcr some uiscussion i the senate oi the l.-ili lo compel private banks to conn under the provisions of tie banking law, it was referred to the banksaud bank ing committee without action. The bi for ti relief of certain unregistered pharmacists was passed. Tiie senate passed the house bill a propriating 4, W00 to pay the expenses tne university investigation. A bill wa passtni grjintin railroa Is two years e. tension of time for puttintr up fences. hill listina: the capital stocks f bank: for taxation was amen led aud referre tj the judicial coininittee. Cluis. Kmory Smitli's end-Off. I'niLADEl.l'HiA, April I. C'has. Emory Smith, editor of the Press, and ministe to liu sia was banqueted by a Lout eight) newspaper men of this city at thj Hotei Bellevue in honor of his entrance tnu diplomacy. Wm. V. McKean of th. ledger presiiled and (Jeorge V. C'hilds Col. Cockrell, of U e New lork Woi Id, nnd many other lights of journalism were present. Letters of regret wen received from Secretary Blaine, White law Ueid. Ceo. Wm. Curtis. Hon. A. C. Cur tin, and others. Sho mill l.eatlier .Men Protest. Boston, April 1. The executive com mittee ol the New Enghind Shoe ate Leather associatii voted that they wert opjxised to any increase in the duty or flax or linen thread, and th it a Btrou: petition should lie prepare J and circu lated for s;-.rn tures, to le forward-d l ihe wiivs siiui means comm. ttee in Wash lngtoti tit oi.ee. Pi i:.tc- ' D.ivh - li rt ened. Hvi.iVAX". N'. S , Ajuil 1. The reja : of th.-- !'; iii iarioti for n n i-ir L";r th. preaent drfy's ia' r. v.-;-'. once-.ie;! by every Ixis-t printer..; tili- 'U." '' ill CI-a-.' tlltf i lilie! ; v. ii! tv..i k .-.-Mie iii-:e t i of ! Im;,.- r. v .: i-.i'i re, ei ve tiie sa.uv v a,. a u i li.r i-: -iiour ?y teni. W.t: '.''..! k N'iiit- H'.tir B. ki:-. . A ril I. The tigita- tiou coi.-if :!;.. . hus reported to the t ;.r peniers' d tiat councd that the ui ion carpenters in MarbieheatL Uaveriil.! Ljnn, Whitman, Kevere. ilarlixiro" ani Loweil vvid ,uit work at 5 p. in. a ; i will not woik tii reafter mure than mm hours pc r Uay. 'sirlirov v. L'.iiicenetUer. NE'.vfuUT. II. I., April I. Argument was hear 1 in the supreme court on a de murrer in the suit of Roliei t Cari,rey against Executive Officer Longenecker, of the naval training siation. lor 1,000 damages for imprisonment after plain tiff had been uncharged. lJexi-.ion waa reserved. Lawyer Collier's Insanity. Chicago. April 1. Frank Collier, the well known lawyer, who was seat to the Kankakee insane asylum lst December .and discharged a short time ago as cured, has been adjudged insane in the eountv court and recommitted to the .hospital tor the insane at. Kan -okce, llli i mil ii ii i 'hp nil ii m in... an. in. d l i n I LrUlUd BUStfU'S tMPtEMEWTHOUSB IIEAIXiUAKTEU.S VUll Star Listers. Mi lhum Wngonns and Uuiruies. Molim S'tei 1 Ilnirows Little Jokir Cultivator. Pimm Stc. I Harvester and Bindc-H The Dimly Hiding Cultivators, mid X fiii iisie uS' u;::I;Io iaui sinl Iiarnoss. NO Our Goods are all new with tlic latest and Ix'st improve- incuts. .VE HAND! E KOTHIKG BU i FIRST CLASS 000DS FARM WAGON SPRINGS vVe have .something new in a -p' iiiLrfn .il' i iii w ."n. it will pay y.di t: see ii. FEED BUBII xth Stre.r, ear i ,: 1 l.'i;. y $500 00 S5) (liven to hiihsei iliers of the Wi.kki.y 1 'lai i mhh i n 11ikau and the Omaha World-1 It raid The Pi.attsmoitii IIjkai.I) idler.- oO lo the f'anm r u lio litit-et- tiie nost corn on an acre ot ground. i his. is in addition to the Worlil llirald'.s jirize ot $o0, thus ji v i tier the hiicco.-.-tnl Ca.-s co'inty tanner a prize of 55n for an acre of corn. Let every farmer try. J, cad the lolloviiir rejrulatiuns and Governing the Plattsmotii IIki:am and the World-Ilerahrs corn con tent tor ls'JO. Fiust Each contestant lnnt he or hecome a j.aid tip fiihf-crihcr to the Weekly World-Herald and IYattsmoutii Ui:kau lor one year. Skcoxu All such Fiihscriners whose land i in Nthrat-kn, South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansti.s, Colorado or Wyotnin tuny compete tor the World-Jlerald nze, hut those w!io.-e land is in Ca c only nly can compete tor the I'i. ttsmoi tii 11 j:i:ai.i jirize and lliey mutt he paid one yvar in advance from May 1, lb'JU. Third A new euhscriler when lie remits should notify the World-Herald in ca.se he desires to enter the contest, and a conti t-tant's ticket will he sent hini hy the World-IIerald which will he evidence that his name has een entered as a competitor. Or if the new Hih scriher to the World-Herald, instead ot .-ending the money direct to the World-Herald pays it to the editor of the jiaj.er in which this is printed, the said new enhscriher will within ten days he furnished with a contestants ticket hy the Vorld-Ireiald as this paper is author ized to act as agent lor the World Herald in taking subscriptions. Fourth Tiie ground devoted to this content mut be one con tiguous acre of 43 500 square feet. Fifth The acre of ground must be measured and staked by a surveyor or other compet nc and lisint'-rested person, within thirty days prior to the date ot harvesting, and di.-connected at this time from all other corn crop by a space ot at least dx leet. Sixth The harvestinf must be d ne in the presence ot three i witnesses, who will test the mea-ur-ment ot the ground and satisfy themselves that it is the original acre These wi'tte-s-js will abo su pervise the measuri! g of the ctoo and under oath -itt'. &t t he correctness of the report then made by the eonU'r-tant on our blank. Tiie witness es selected must !- a- proved by the World-i ! raid, uid in ' 'h coun ty by the Platts.mol'th Hkrald. ShVKNTH ( ' te-Tar I - v .-ti; p. ! rt harvest tun-, '.-l' nrik:; ' ;.; ' i m'i 1 .: p. Iv-ry jif'-cau; l. .! " i ' : -'J-tV. The aboe g-'ven.- t-dn p !.-, 'i-- for l"th p ip1 rs at r.-is oiu a. id t;cl GAZE o : "V Sheep fir J Andtli en c-:ue t niir o!:i.-e nnd examine the book. It if- H.perb nnd worth much more th m it will c sr you in time and money. We rive that reno.vned and wonderful old bo rC Webster's Un it bridged Dictionary for a Club ot Ten yearly, p tid in advance, sub scribers to the Weekly Herald, or ald thrown in; or f r S7.50 ard the ' , ca?es the casn must aucomyany tne order, or oe iuuy puu upon ueiiv ery ot the dictionary. Walk right up at oace a our dictionaries are limited. I I W B H 1 a V IJ ,- TOCIC S550.00 .1: j 7S I r I t a ri ,' i 3UUHU. for $1.00 with the Weekly Hef. 1 Daily Herald one year. In al , i ii i j..i: 1 i t I it o. I i: h 9"1 J