Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 03, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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2 c
F .4
W Is
i r III DAY.
j)rlniido Tvfft, the .age of Avocn,
dv n neat ad drees on the "bhIoods of
C. S. Dawson, "to the Utiles," showed
was Ht home with his subject ami
"i onht down the bous-.
ui. II. Wcoley, one of Cass county's
lest lawyers, mudo 11 viry creditable :
.promptu response to "the judiciary.
E. A. (Brian, of the lite, i j.n cf the
t :st all around newspaper nun iu the
, ,de Aid himself iroud in his response
1 "the press.
jj lIonO. M. Hitchcock, the brilliant
.ung Journalist, of Omaha, made hii
msuully fiiti rtaininjj and thoughtful
f lupromptu to "western enterprise."
John A. MucMurphy, the old time pro
prietor of this p:iper, responded in a must
ttting manner with some long to be re
tenibered reminisceuses to the toast
I The old settler."
Mr. Phillioi, assistant freight agent of
ne M. P., in responding to the toast of
-tho corn rate," insisted ho couldn't
ffik? a ftp 'cell but bfore lie yot through
ovtrybody knew that he could.
j II. D. Hathaway, the publisher of the
. Jrst daily newspaper eyer printed in
i 'lattsmouth, yiz. The Daily Herald,
vhich he started the second day of Jati
' htv. IR.'i.l made a nh-asant address Unit
Was especially enjoyed by all the older
i citizens present.
Sat i'KImy.
Tho motor line, is making regular trips
Will IJ
iJr'intner was in tin grout Iv n
I .UtlV)f I j
V oolf nt
rvcK-ne. if vou clon t believe it
ook at liis fuCe.
Andrew Simpsons little babe was buii-
sd yest- rday at Oak hill cemettry, after
I .; tt tedious illn- ss of sevirnl weeks.
h The news cmcs toth Hkru.d author
Jitatively that '"T pin n Clifford Esq. will
'run independent for Police Judge.
I O. II. Ballon sold his PI tte county
tjfann yesteicbiy for $'2a per acre to a Mr.
Vaughn, nsuling neai the poor farm.
The democrats h ivc a shabby wy of
iV .preatinjj new converts, Potteiiger only
( jrjot four votes last night for police
Superintendent Rodders, of the South
Irjjcrn division, was in the city over ni"ht;
'Win company with master mechauic Gn u-
Bel. He went to Omaha this morning.
J. B. Malmshury, th photographer
ft that has been tsking residence views in
thi'3 city for some time, left for Omah 1
fi this morning to purchase some new sup
A hour ty on sugar has done more for
the cane sugar production than twenty
years of tariff. If two year3 can do so
f much, what will be accomplished in a
decade. Trusts cannot absorb and control
bounties and thus block their influence.
It pays to advertise in the Hekald,
the notice we put in the paper as to the
reinoval of the dead horse from the sand
bar, resulted in its disappearance that
same night by ruooDligut. Geo. Smreve
say8 he will k ep his word and yoto for
the one who did it, but, he is not sure
whether it was Connor or McVey.
At a business meeting of the Young
Men's Christian Association held in their
rooms last evening, the following direc
tors or trustees were elected for the term
of three years: Wakhington Smith, C. S.
Polk and Thomas Worth. The board
will meet next Tuesday evening to e'ect
officers of the Association for the ensuing
The local correspondent of the Omaha
Pvepublican in imtes that tommorow's
(Sunday's) Edition of that paper w ill
contun a cut of Hotel Riley together
with a breif description of the improve
meets and enterprises tdready in the cit-
y, and of the outlook for 'be present
year. The psper's generous treatment of
this ci'y. certainly deserves ncogniti 'U.
Suml. Bdlance was the unfortunate
loser of a fine $G0 gold watch yesti rdny
evening about five o'clock. Mr. Ballance
is engaged with two assistants in plaster
ing the new Pnsbyterian church; ho Kft
bis vtt-t continuing Ids watch down
stairs, and S' nt clown by one of the men
an hour aft-rwanl to learn the time of
dav, whcirhf wan pained to learn that
the watch had been taken although the
vest and chain remained untouched.
District Court
The case of Goodwin v?.
was on trial all day yesterday but was
not finished when court adjourned and ;
will be on for Monday morning. This
is a peculiar ca3', wherein O. A. Good- j
win sues for a divorce, and Mrs. Good-!
win conies in and also asks for a di- j
. . .1 t: : ...... .t,... !
vorce, anil jel tney are nviug
as happy ms they have for the last fiye
The grand jury after investigiting the
matter coming bef- re theui reported to
the Judge last evening and were dis
charged. Their proceedings were
secret s also is their report scd
what they have dine will be known only
when some action is taken on the report,
Several motions were culled : up and
disposed of au3dSoujrciiilCcl-talieo UiF
He Thrusts a Knife Into His
, i
Sons IiOGieS, j
a' ri qv vn.'x."'v Tiin'ii'r
Tli Committee Api'oitttt-i ly thi elary
lnil f;lltur ti. Invrnti;;iitti Trea-i-nr-r
Arcli-r' Aeroiuit. Kind Illia it !
f:tu:t;r lu ftil'JT.OOU.
. !
o ,v -,, , , , i
l- At r.KTux. S. 1), M.u-,1. 0.-15. l'.c-
c-it, ; resident of thn county, livni-
te-n n.ili a in.rtJh.w-nt of b(;i. stal.bvd '
histwobons nnl cut hh wifea throit !
.... . . ! in the mormn- Ho w;n 1.1 the ;
custoly of tin? slu-nff at llii-i !aw, bav- !
in been Imuivl over by Jusii'o lioolh to i
I. , ... . . ...
...... ... .fe....,. j- : ,'
faiaily testified against I vm at the pre-i
liminarv exs-ndnalion. cmxih.'xJ '
.lr m Ilia
from the sheiiil and wcit rlire-t!y hom ;
with tbo intention of kil; 5?' if tie entire
f niily. After com:aiuiri4 the died he
(lo 1. and fchc;ifl Cbamburiaia is in
Murylanil'n I-i':iuti Trnmirer.
hot 1
Anxap.-ii.i-!, .Ml., Slire'i -a. Th
jo;nt commit: 03 appointrnl bv t!io ieris- '
latare to oxamiac ttn nccoinn of Trea
u er An hr, visit" i Bil. in t.' -old
opened the oox kf.-t by .jr. Archer in
tho fc'a! Deposit onip'inv. con tail i :itr
tbo wear ties. 'J'iie co,amti:te" me bi
their re,rt 'o loin Louses. '1 h;,;r vx- !
am;a ti n or f in k. cm: :i 1 ts t- ii iwea a
defalcation of .:.?.a 0. f t. iieiti ifn
coapon-i on so ni! of ro.i ls, not ac-
cou.i.'i'd f-r. Hi ie -. iir mii-ii.t iVai
ilii- irciMiivrS b e. o',')'' ) or Weil Vir-
giii. a Cent:' d hoii-. vi 7.s:J) of !,- t-
and Ohio cur tnit boa :;. ..,. "Pied- 1
inont and t'uaib ia id rai-roa-l ivoad-.. i
and i'ol.OO;) cd treo;r r 1: a' 1
.A It'irrlnl- ii'ur.irr. !
Iswr-Nv.r:cTJj, Kaa., M u ch 19. The I
Lo-,-i ib'y ln-a'iiovel ..y- of a won nn w.ia ' 011 . river bank a;rut a mile!
above the city. Otm ler a-i s verea !
trota tjni ira-:'c a 'd has yei j
liee'i f -and. T.n trunk if -'fcf was
in t'o scctioiis. tbj Lead. busi ;
and arms Ivin; several 10 !. from!
ih-.i l!a- s iinl one bir, w' ii 11 wvi- tie.l !
in a i-sitk nd wt.:Lltid with ftxiif. !
Tae lo.y was iiiiicht to the ciQ. It I
has Leon i b-ntiae I as Mrs Mrtiman.
wifn of a (ierinaa miner oi' tlus"cify. A
builei hole near the left ear wtas dis
co ored. Her hu.bau i Las lietH ar
r s;ed ami t-ensational JoveUmeats arc--
exp-e. ted.
A i'all for Ai in.xl om.
PirTSBViia, Marc h '.'X Hie senior or
, , , . , . , -lit
tier of American Mi eli -uucs hitve cad-d;
for 1.000 armed men to assist them to
day iu placing the Amrri-an fl-'g on tha
public school houso at Mucklerate. a
binail mining town ia S6t?rret townshirx
this county, 'the irn chanies aitempie-i
to rube uh ; flag lut tanur- la w ant were
lilt I ttlt llic riiiinnvc l-v. iiitt jii.'. j
lv a nioh of foreigners, who refus"d to !
..-... f 1.a i.nliu-irvi t-i t ..,.V..a ror.1
allow the flag to bo pi .ced an the build-J
UinnpprHrnnfe of n. I!;mk-Veller.
PiTTsnuRU, Pa., March 'V. W. J.
McXlregor, teller at tha Fourtli NationaJ
bank, t-iivate Focretary of S. D. Herron
Jr., cashier of the tame institution,
nd treasurer of a number of secret
orders ia this city, i mi-using, lie has
not been fet't'ii bv his friends -ince last 1
fSaiurday. There ii a discrepancy in
his accounts. His wife is almost
cru2y over her husband's disappearance.
A Proliibi 1 ionist In Trauble.
tilt an i Rapids, Mich.,' March 29. - j
Lyman T. White, a Prohibition leader i
of Eaton Rapi Is. was convicted in the j
United Stati District court of retailing!
liquor with ut a government license, j
He wiis seuten :ed to pay a liui of 10') I
and costs and given fiiteea days in j
which to move for A new ti iaL !
A .Hint. I
B1.1STOX, March S'rf The annual meet- j
iag of stockholders of tho American j
Lk!l Telephone coaipuay was held. The i
report shaws th following: Earnings, j
.s-;.i)l4.7i)4, Jti.S ia.ilS in 1SHS; ex I
peas. -s, $ ,a;ia.9. Hi. against SI .450,ttJ -i in j
IS'.tS; net eart i igs. S .I'.'is.TSS. an ia-
cease of i-4t.53:J: dividends. SI, 23 ,50., i
aa increise of Sbbb-lJ: sarius, J-.loi,-!
0) I. an increase 01 ; Uifr;. ; at Uic-.-o.
rn ta Ciiiainoiis ! CiiiC.vao, March -.'.!. flie storm wa
b.vT-is, Maii h iil. I:i tho h-.u e of j -tii- raging here at n on with alma t mi
.' oami-.ns tbo under foreign secretary! abated fury. A big wind and blinding
silthit France had I: .Tea a p proa hed sa'w maxe pities: riiais n al a;t i.n oi
; , m..r- a.i,r:. -;or-.- wt. I-ak. Miehi xn -vas in a fary. aa I
ni r
r era"1!!! f tiie
d in I lishc-rv
.n..-i.i Tti.i uvi.l'i! r ti.-i.t.l i-v-oiil: I
p-icd only to tho presVat sca-oa. The
tiU. bill was a -e-ind li ne.
Mililo s
St'AITLK. Wash
Secre -
tary Nobles iV-."isi n U Valentine '
s rip ca"i not t e Si 'jd oti .ti !e laud wat ;
revive I hre witis mingled joy and aor- ;
n. .v A out ;a.aj.i)i:) worth if prop- ;
trty is involved in ib.ii city aio-ie. and ;
tnaV.'a :u:e in tho o-.ii a- cit::i oa Puet :
-.ouiid. i
Vll I'l-a-i-i .'.-i-r s.i , ii ph-I j
i:---.-n v.Ti-.t. N. Y. M-.r.-'i D. -John :
A Davi. ex-city a.-ur r of Ii Chester, I
was se a to need to serve llvo ytors in t!e J
ubm-n tad .01 bv -ba-tioe Adatus. of the i
m-j court. D.vis' criai ; eo-i .ist-d
1 in 1
ag titiati! i;h
.'!' of tae
ins ioi ti an to
tiioa y.
( ri t!.i II1-111H iim.
D WTO :. '. M irah 2). it is under- !
-to i l u. 01 j.-: -od 1 aihority that tlie buri
al of (J 11 ti
Oakland. M i.,
hi: ia th ta I
to the N l.i 1:1 d
r.v Cro-ai's remains at (
ii h x f -aj,or ,r , a. id j
t'iv va- a- r a .' 1 to j
0 ii ar u.
, tl : A-tj,:ia -
P SM. M r-a .'.). P..-:.': i ait Soden,
of tiie Na.ional league club ot this city,
. 1 . .1 . , ..1.
announces im si"canog w. v -tu ui 1
GlU -in, one of th pitchers oi' a-t ye ir's
Indi.tnaioiLs learn; to play iu tVs city
tae earning season. . j
i.prt. icHl
AmiXY. v.. March 50. 0: no
Hill pa anted Maj. Can. H n.ti .mcLIoj,
.siieiiJ of th.;. if a::d ccuii.y cu
V4ff VKOdillCS IWjJDfl.
Two Hundred IVruiu.:- liuiietl lle'iraUi
I til Kiiliii.
Loulsviixe, March 2'.) Two bunded
or ",ore I,ien women an.i children lio
buried ia the ruin of the Ful.sCity hall.
just above Two th street, on ihe south
fide. Hie structure was tl tec stories in
beight, unl when struck by trie lor
adosereral meeting w,-e b. iag It- id I
...... ., . " , , . .1 . 1
wiiiini 11. iiif ioh 01 1110 in uii.-t pia;o
far exceeds that al any other one local
ity, and of the reat nuinl i-r known to
le under tlie dunrn, it iscoitiin thit
none will be recxiveie 1 alive. Tnirty-o l 1
di-ad and iioous t wen; v-live I 'i l.v ia-
j u red and dying havo mvn ta 1.0:1 oat,
but at tnidnilit ti.ere had n t u-ca u
foua,, sMf, 4 ().cU.k
'liu ground llooi- oi taj FalU City ball
whi fiveii over to aiar.iOt mon, thvre
U l - t,lirt butjuciV .1:1 i fvo ity-avd
canieiicrs htall. lh-ro wa.i no one m
llUS pait )f ,il; bl1 so far HS w
known. On the jtnl l'lo- r lio..t there
wore three smad 100:11.. twooi th in ior
-t 11.. II LUfcl. I'UM II. -..14a, INCH II 1.3
;( this wa:; a iaii
......... e ti A
liltC.:ell i'll ! then .1 riri : II I1...I UdiCi'O ..ILiS
App tacitt uanoin cl;u :s. On t. y
ib'.Kl iio.r were llo b. 1 rooms
.MH A(ljl WiW HM'-ill ill I tl 111 '1:1' ei.m !
oJ you i chiidio'i a i l t ie;o 'vo.e i i liui
lo-illl inwiiiei's, l'..l;e l:i. i.nd olh.T at- I
teietaiiiu o: the j onnjit'o is. ajitireg.dia
'y -r uioie pee-plc. t'roi aoiy ii dozen
01 t.t'eie ebcap-d, and ad tiio tiiers are
in the nuns, with the exception oi'tsev-
r;ii taken out dead.
In one o! tne rooms on the seco d
d "-r tho executive 1 ody of ibt; lioniau
v: ilils was ia riesa -a, tilelB beai.e
;.ew-a in attendance. All of tbe.-e but
..'.i'- i cic.ipo i ib-atii, ti:e unfortunate man
otiii.; 'tiicbd re ingeinicii-. an uphol-
-hi tii thir l fl-vir Jewel IyJje No. ?.
ivi i.iiin aad I.auie.s ol Honor, was iio.a-'
ia.- a mo i : ir. This wa-s oua of ihe
i.ire.a io-it;es or tne Oiler aad b re
wc:e :r 1..0 n.cini cis pr;.-eiit win 11
: lie baiKlaij t cil. A au-i e handful of
tii.'n.- e ap-.-it. On the t.ame ll-or Hum loi-i- N'u. 1 if, i. O t). '.. h id
ai!ier.t, there bein eiicli leeu iiij.aucas
.i the room, tiut a lew of th are
aiive aad the few who escaped ard
i ;.aiy
A. J. liccd, pa-it grand m ister, I. O.
).'., of the staie, was aviator at lha
i i uaii.fitat iod; 1 1. eel in and was oae j
to ,el oui alive. IL t Kaa to liu; j
:.oiae of Jolm Buses:, on T.el.lh bu-j
aiKMi 3i;:in and M.irkei. where lie was I
s en. " 1 be meet 111 ; was jui adjourn-
i!-. and was ea;oriax the h dlway,' sai I I
e;.. "vkiien the t struck t'ae build-
a iU.-..uihesist o- r-a-r. '
oi;vs!ies aad the structure began to roe.v, t
'iir'ivuji hi the m.-'ii and women Irom
too Iviiihts of Honor meeting beg in
pouting out of ihe-r l.-dgc ro..-ai adjoin- I
lag, shriiuig ia terror. It w is only for '
.1 paomeut thougii. for the bui.dni: j
el lapsed and I foua i myself oa top o. !
tee nreat pile. I was stunned and j
oii.eied ay be dust, bat recovere I my- i
lA'lf and crawled out. Tne aganizi
t 1
5 I
siineks or otiiers were terns le. 1 wm
linnlly taken away by a rescuing
j j . 0
A Gi'iniiiio C'.y:niir.
eaii. Euike, signal
-ays the slorrn posse
Mi re. a iD.-Sr-servt.-e
e I t .ii ha lac -.(."-
.-.tip. 01 a
genaine cyclone, iliare w.-re
three distinct motions
an oatward mo-1
t ton, at a rate of sj e nl varyin
froiii 1
iwentv-five to sixty-five in 1 -s per hour;
second, a spiral moveaieat around the
.erticil axis, with an estimate 1 velocity
of from vHi to 1 . "H niiie.s an hour, an '
a third, a bounding motion, ivitii c-a-
tact.; with the earia at
irregular niur-
'i iie saloon of Jolin Thir nan, at Six
eeaiiiauJ Magazine, was cratnaied bv
neath thfl stmm The woolwoik
nit-'d fro. 11 tae stoves, a nl Nick ttul.i
v.01, Wiiliam Die ner and H m Chait.
wero burne I to data 'Ihe corpses
wi. ro charred beyond u a.ib litv of iden
tity. Tho residence J. U-'. llernheim. a
Seem 1 strait, was slru k by ligiit
ning ia tlie mi Isr. of the crash and waa
utteriv demolshed.
AM Ali.ufif tin L,i:n.
Cincinnati, March i9. - Conuctor R.
B. JIollorr, of tii" Louisville an I Nah
vi le train that arrived at 11:3a, iaid to
a reviorter: "All along the line c ming
out of I .ouisviiie. teiegranh rxiles, wires
and timber are scattereti in all direc
tions. We wer" c.e ay d for that reason.
At La Grange, tweatyeven nulos out
from Louisville, there is much damage
d fe. At Eminence, forty miles soatli
Mist of Louis vii'e. several persons were
".i. The whole country coming sit
i f 1 .oai.-vilie is one mass of mingled
poles, timuers. tre-s and other debris."
tne tanmns in rtli :-nore oriv. up .n
which the pjlatial r aaera-es of P- tiei
'aaner. Ar. hbbdiop and other
j-romiinL residents are loca.ed n
j yeiag raoialy swept It
j is reported that the water
1 rki tumid, wlr'ch i in process of
coil -tructi : f rom :i ixiiet 011 tu- l ikr:
front Oi-pi.;t! tiie amlitoriuai, and ex- 1
tem'ing under t'le hike, !.as filled j
wi'li water. Over hio a mil io 1 doa trs 1
has been exri.-n le.; on this enterprise.
The telegraph wirw ar? (:o-."n Tr-tin ,
are all delayed and etreet trave is
alaioit 'adale. - j
At Ciiaiti-i. Tnt.
Gallatin. Tenn.. Muva 2). Two i
ira'es from Gill. ilia, houses wre 1 nva :
down. The brick re.-i I. nee of John
Ilibln-tt. wa-s compiflely btown away. :
Tiis walls fell in and -d io I an eighteen
njrmihs old baby oi J hii. Iliabelt. alo
a b-oy 12 ycnr.1 old. son of Pa o Lang- '
ford. H:i!'4'tt i d ing and his wife is
iior ibly mangK 1. Across the pike
froai tliiibic? Vn. P tters':i':? resi-lence
-as t-lown do" a. injuring five. Resi-!
de ces were completely wrecked and J
large trees wer ripioorvl and carried '
some oi tance. li.o town is nearly
wjl-J. Jim P ttersi.n's hous;; a un-
tooted and .-lr. and three
I la.'ies were ii- on? r s v. ban ihe roof
fed in. Pat iii re-je'.v.- 1 p lint'ul in-
and la, wi e was i hurt. Th
storm was
inly of short duration and
passed over about 10 o cbck.
TUa Worst Ffittir.-
of the cyt lane have not leen reported.
Aflor sw-.tein up Rogana the st rm
king Ik. a its dreadful march. It too ;
a northe.. - (MU-.-t nn-i for twenty-'iv
miles ca"" 1 evrrvtliing ia front oi i .
A'! 1'.t.i:5-.'.i b-vond 14 . t ; .!3 uiJ t En ia
Mice. 1 m-r.Wi- have i-eeii blwn.
CripT!d i'i thot unction an-i nr under
th' care of i.octor.4. -iifn, men and ii n are 11 a ten i 11- con li: iori in
lliHt wvii in. Coi.i'iiu 'icaii 1 bv tele
phone i.i cut olf J W. V tiitt siile of
i'.t d.-;i:e arrive I her" and savs pvery
thinv i I ai ten wa.-t". S v(i :ii p o.lj
iilf I. iiieij. '11. 0 UaTv ii of liie cvi ll-f
wan a-.'out five iiiil.'H 111 itli -.ift of 1'ilfd
lOv'. M my people w.--. horribly ni-in-j'led
at l;i;iin 1 and ti e tow 1 s entirely
" ' , ,' . V V 1
Jo. is. liirmluie. Irons and farm mi !-
melius were taken up and hai'si
into the 1 led-soe rc( k ( ai-
I it 11 is a-i quiet as ibaii,
?i (1 tie Mr 1 m is n l 1 1 i t is talki d : I nt
I I undrod; of people c ut ;;;t to ti.e
ruins in tho 1 .bi ett and P: tterKon
neighborhood, wii. re : !i rcnf sst fc.sof
lit - oc nru'd. Po: t ii a ter W o I, bo
h tie dnu: :le;- nii.fd
II j i' 1 a.
is ai o Ua ljjerous v nvirl. it lur :e s
ie-i.!f-i.ce is a oir.p;ete wn ':. Mi s
Ali -e '1 111 in r and Ia:.i'ine Turner ate
I.otli ibinjeri,u.dy crudied and neither
will burvive.
At 1 v ihnlllf,
-2v.vsviLl.n, In!., March '4') The
pal' brijan in this icuiity about f:"t) p
ia , and continue 1 a 1 ni.lit with s'.ii.t
id. neai nt Tin-d. 1111. t-'e alo ig the river
front was not 11s evcro as might have
leea r-xpe -ted.
A report from Olaey, Iils., says t'at
buil dngs there were greatly damaged,
but no lives f .st.
Carmi and Nashville, Ills., are report
ed as badly damaged also. It is repot t
ed that trains on th Loui-ville and
Nashvide at S"hree. Ky., were blown
from the track and two persons killed.
I-arge numbers of saw leys were cir
riod away along the river front in this
city, and the loss will t -onsiderable.
Th'. ice houso and a porti n of the
Btore room of tie I 'uhoii avenue brewery
caved in at 2 :. 10 o'clock, burying two
men in the ruins. The storm, it is sup-po-ed.
unsett ed the building to tmch an
xtent it was unable to bear the
weight of the m.dr. and i'-e stoied in it.
i'h-' n nees of the men killed are: Claude
Tibey and J-'-e!. Ii Vinegar. A man
named Kelly is also sup owl ti h-vo
been buried in the ik'hris.niit; this hai not
lieen verified. The. tlaiu.igo will pro
ba ly reach ti i.O Ji).
One llioxtrt'tl and Fifty Unities Ke::ovi'i fid
Loris villi:, Ky., M irch 9. A large
force of men are at work on tho ruins,
an 1 abo'it one haadre.l an I iifty bo !i s
h:i v- been re -overed. Tho buildings o
.Main tar-et : ro n LCildh to Fourteen h
streets are ia ruins. Not on? of
the handsome wholesale bouses
left. and all the tobacco
warenousi-8 were sweat awav. Liverv
1 nildtag. tree and telegraph pole is lev-
pled wi.inn the distii-.-t struck. 8ueh
desolation 110 city ia tats country, save
J. htifttown, his known in this cen
tury. 1 hu district lai i waste comprises
an area v the city three mees long and
lip .rly half a mile wide. Iland.fcds of
. oan led l ave iH'eti taken to their homes
I'n" hosi i ials. A roug 1 esliaiato places
I .ij kidod ut 4 K).
Many Liven in I;wiser.
CliiCAOO, Marc 1 2J. Mjws his been
f'ceivod that the superstructure over
.be new crib about two an 1 a half miles
ut. in ihe lake was destroyed
o .' th- storm and taat t le em;)lo3'e tlure been lor hours clinging to the
ruins with tinar live in imminarit
danger. Tlie life saving; crew h-u gon3
V t 'a resc ie. The ehif engineer re-
j bi ts no dan ;er of damage to the tun-
j nel sh if t or c: i .
j The tugs had a liar I time in reaching
I the crib, the waves running high and
j b big very strong. Ta?y fia.illy, with
1 tbe aid ot the Ii.e-saviag crew, t ok oil
the imprison 1 m n and lanl jd thom
-aftly on the north pier.
At Fayi'ttevitle, Tnn.
NASimLi.K, Tenn., March 2J. The
storm stiu -k this city alwut 9 o'clock
at night, bat o -yon l unroolini a few
houses and blowing down a numaer of
signs, did no damage The town of
layetteville. Lincoln county, fared
badly. A negro woman was killed out
right by falling .vails ami a number of
p- rsons were injured. The p incipal
saeets in the town were wrecked and
the stocks of g mkL either blown away
01 runied bv the rain that followed.
Many residences were also demolished
'ihe damage, is estimate 1 at 3ia.U)J)
rmd m my of the poor.--r classes, esoj the negroes, are dd.tiute.
At Cuin, Illi.
Ca-ro, Ills.. Marc'i 29. The gal- here
on the riv-r t-ar k several shanties nd
fish boats on the Ohio liver and ien.lere.1
r. avi ratio 1 a most impassible. In thi
city it blew ou" frame ho i-a
fro a its foiin atio 1 mta the w ter. No
on wa ; hurt. 'Ihe gale blew at th-
r ite of sixty mites m hour. Vt I-iill
Oeei t:ve hoa-ses and several haras
ver.i i:ct .vn mill a Mrs. llaitiina an i
ch.l i save e'.v h u t. At Metro roiis tii
to m I i anr if- I aa 1 ot lerwis damag -d
aeout t vo h,m Ir d h uses, aaioag t .1 e . 1 1
eingth court nous a al Sii k aad
Judge Mi! key's r.'-si be iee. One person
vas killed au-.l .several htirc.
At M-.-.Vii)i -NUarii, ill.
Sprivofii.ld. UK , March 2t). At
Moihtiaicdi jrg, Ills.. Charles Black,
aged 12 vea-s, was killed bv lightning
iuring t ..o Ftorm. Tiie horse be was!
riding w is nlsa ki le 1. A little sister j
wnh liuu wat Kli'htiv 1
1 e :.i .
arable wm I .v gl .ss was broke, at
Koche-t-r a id othej pnmts ia was coun-
iV. but
not inacn other damage was
March 20. Re-
At Grivii'iil
Chattanoooa, Tenn .
ports reached here that a ..ornada sfuck,, .e . ...... ..: 1,.
Grays ville,"ija.. a town eiLtetiii miles
south of this placr. snortly after mid
night. Tiie people were sleeping and
were terribly frightened. T ie roof was
blown oi th lirge fla irin mills. Tv
houses beionin; to John Wools and
one to T. Wilson, were biowa d jvvn.
At iio-innati.
Cincinnati, March 2 A violent wind
storm pas-ed over tliis city and cau -eJ i
considerable damage among the h;l. top
suburbs. Tlie hurri ane struck here
about 9 a. m , lowing trees and sway-
ins houses in its pat 1. Dwel ia 4 s wvr3
unroofed land fences were s, ii tered and
New Aibany'N Ksrajip.
LOulsville. March 20. Ne.vv Albany,
from her situ it oa under tiio nhe;tor of
i the hil's, wi'ish n-ato.-r iici- ai t 13 ivast
nd north, escapj.1 It diaaj-i imoad
. tae I'lo .viii i iiv-r or a
Lreukiag tae in o:iags
1C V .'I ''IIS Hil l
of several coal .
Tin; CASE.
Milroy, Mifflin
County, Ta.
E-litor cf Tiie W orld,
Nt-. York. Y. Dear
Sir: The taiic of Mrs.
GeniniiU presentx a striking cxnni.le of i-uflui
lr.g nd inarvtlf.ui cure. Khc lius lived in uml
near Milrny fur 30 yiant.und is CO. In lHot she
wa-i tlirown fnaa iw;oiilfU''tiiliiiii? maimm
injury to lier kjiirn. I'mm Unit time Hit Lsiitl
bUc was bcli.Kiw crlj.le, unable to v.nJk.
THE t't'RK.
IiurltiR thesa Ions 19 yours of BiifTerini?, Fha
found no rila-f frum th i uumt-rous rcinetlic-a
bho bud liii ll. Ill 1SH3 bvr drtU'lltlT read dio
flvfrlis"iut;iit of St. Jucoba Oil, an-J plio
b.jii;;hl two Ixittles. The oil km rapplicil , uml
befire tlio Reioiiil bntilj vaa exhausted by
Mrs. Geiuud'.l nhe wan able to walk about,
and liui beuu ceini-V'teiy cured.
M. TIIUMI'SON', Postnin.tcr.
.v,'f t,,i rtruqiift and fa!'rs Evrrini fi'Te.
Tiie CHARLES A. VOCELER CO.. Biltlmor., Hi.
An lmpurtaiit Invention
Le.- C tSharp uml J. A. (Jutsehe of le
Ii. fc M sh ips, reci idly l.ceive i LetterV
paten lor an iniprovi nuait on e.-.r trucks
in which are present- d some novel fea
tures, Hii.l nliouM tln ir ebiini h-a.r a prac
tical test we may see a revolution in the
running g- ar of cars in the iii.'-.r future.
The object Mif the i n v eid i- I', are to pro
vide a car truck of ppccial or ordinary
form with an improved means ot cli-t ri
buliiiu of load tc rains up n the jxle,
whereby frictioiiHl resistania to move
ment ot tiie journals is greatly reduced,
h iding of the hearings obviated, the
hi 1. 1 siir-t lining capacity of the tinck
axt Is iiicreaseil and the wear on th- 111 re-du.-ed
to a inininiutn. The chi f ini
provtmcut is that the truck is so con
strutted as to carry the "Tofs weight or
the car on tin anti friction wheels,
which are placed between the runnirU'
w bei Is mal Hot oil the cur. sale an nil
otin roller journals are placed, thus nl
lowing tin b.-uiiug wheels to ! of a
much larger size ubuut four tiiu. s the
damn ter of the axles.
The. inventors claim that by throwing
the weight on to the anti friction wh-i Is.
the frictional resis'iince will be reduceo
sixty p r c nt, and cons -qiieiitl j the sav
ing in motive now-r will be coiimJ- rshb
Another claim, which, if correct, will
be sulrici- nt recommendation to obtain
universal adoption, is that the truck as
.on:rnc?efl, is strong-r. will l ist lonier,
carry n-or.-wi-iht. and can he put on the
rnaiki-t for h-ss money than any tinrk
with nnti friction roll r jaumals made
today, of which tin re are scy ral brought
out bv th uiasti r car b il l rs to obviate
the ev r im reusing rsistnnce of heavy
cars and bng tra ns.
The Rock Island.
Tne Hekald man was an eye witness to
the fact yesterday that a large Corps of
n-.inci-rs were ngagt d in surveying
line from ()mha to Lincoln for the or at
Rock Isbmd route. The line from Ash
IhihI to Lincoln is marly parallel with
th- B. & M. passing through tho
of Gic-cnwood an 1 Waverly a few rods j
west of the B. & M. track. The engi j
tiei rs talked freely about he matter, and !
aid tlie line thpy wi re runn ng n w tie y
In-lit vi d would be the on- t ik- 11 by th.- !
company as it was three mil s shorter '
than theB. & M. and had ash r grabs, I
and wns a much better rmi e in every re
spict than any yet siiivr-yeri. The iiwi- ;
in r in l inage Mad he b it sur- from ;
what he krew about he mtt r, that ;
woik would be b gun and push. ad all .
ilouu the new line inside of sixty days. ;
While Cass county will not gi t over ten ;
inih-s of the new line, yet w- must con j
gratulate 0111 si.-t r city of Greenwood in
the outlook for increased yaluis and a!
larger town. !
Mrs Geo. D.yey and Mrs. Pearce are
at th-- metropolis today.
Mrs F. A. Murphy was an Omaha this morning.
Ib. 11. Fiank E. White is looking after
business m tt-rs in Omaha today.
Mis. E. W. Cook and her mother Mrs.
p , ., . . . .
i u UrtW Ksworin, are in umana laoay.
j ip nrv Meaner, on of South Bends
prominent farmers, is in the city today.
j Walter Cutforth, E-q , one of Louis-
: villo's best citiz. ns, made the Herald a '
I pleasant call today
I .
P. O'Donn. l the ifficient roatlma-ter
of this division Lf thi. B. & M., is iu the
city today.
J. B. Strode and T B. Wilson are in
the (.ity today on the Loder estate trad
which is iD progress this afternoon.
Hon. J. B. Simpson, member of the
Wyoinin.g baiisliture, ncci in:auiied by
j his wife, is in tin; city today visiting his
; niece, Mrs. Harh-y Whiting,
i Miss June Taj lor, an old friend of
j Wm Hayes' family, paid tin in a viit
ovt r Sundav, b-aving for h.-r school at
j Macedonia, la., this morning.
Dave Mi Ente is the democratic cha
I man of tlie d motratic city central emu- ;
' mittee. If the. boys out tisture D ive they
. ;1l !.,... ., nurlr !n tlm mum.
nil 1 J .i U ILI I nil 1 ? 11 mi. ui u
Jiiitle.; ( liirord h ismud ' ono of tin;
be-r i'. bri- Jt:,lj.n, J'J ntMieaitb cv. r I-h1,
he "i 1; b,. 1 in-1 id. if i tor !, b et .. .11,
li .vi:'. . 1.1 , d to run ia b p, nd. inly
for th ,! otbee
l ell - V It ... U V f.f
t- fll'l.ln. l.l lie, u.:i.
H 't. lai i:t. i. ti. rr,',i.,l .in,; t;,r
. . . 1 ... 1
tae i I
t.ix, 1 r
" ' I Ii! 1 I'I' I 1 ' n II II 111 V. ! -
pi-r(-u tt-
a uppml u'J.ich b.i
''''- - v.rd i, 0.1 1
1 - 1
l e. II
it '..
1 1 . in.- .in:i. n,
pr' U.l -. k.
rKi'HO.N A I.,
k. f W'.li! in. t., lh, HI- tlopolir,
.f da, II
Mm 1 1! Clii'k wrt an ()'.'l v :. t -r
U-ri Fi-rM'i. in ! Jan h'i'7.,- i d 1
Omaha visitors today.
.'on J I' L n-lsiji of A11 pile 1 i
ill- i ify i...'y o h d '-u-iie ms.
K J. Sl iiig'.t-r lei' thi- neaiiirg for
I) tv.i;h' . x;." rts to return to Pbitt
inouth n xt wet k.
iu. L. Ib . nniid K F Msit.n vill
!; 1 v- a f. i. nd'y tilt f.-r th. Aid- 1 nicnie
n iiiiin.-iiion in liu s-rord wnid.
ius. eidni in. one of Cass rounty'tf
heavi' st fNinii is from ouihnf tJnen-
wn.iil, made the IIekai.d a pleasant eull
Rev. A. R Ilrown ot Abdo, 111., is
visiting in the city with his m ice and
nephew Mrs C. H. Johnson and F. B.
Rev. J. K Ib id will presch as usual a
the Christian church tomorrow at 11
'clock a. m. and 7 p. tn. He is having
1 good attendance and a jjreat in'erest
s-1 ms to be m&uifcstcd. Everjbody in
vited. The many friends 'd Perry Walker will
ho sorry to ltnrn of his serious illness.
He bad a severe attack of la grippe some
mouths ago from which he had not fully
1 ecovered wbeD he was taken down with
an affection of the kidneys, from which
he is now ljing very low.
' Under si Bum h light" is the pictures--piH-
title of tin- four page supplement in
I'.n p r's Weekly to be published April 2d.
1 xh- artieale is by Minnie Buchanan Good-
aian, and describes what is to be eern be
fore and b hiud the curtain an hour or so
b-t'ore tin; production of mi operas, a
tragedy, a comedy, or a pantomine.
Arthur J. Goodman will furnish the ac
companying illustrations.
It is s aid that a literary form almost
. holly new to English literature will be
introduced in a voluiu" which Messrs.
Tai per .rc BrothiiH have in press for early
iillbliention. The book is a cole ction of
i-xarnpb s of a sti iki g species of com
position, ca-i-f ully sel -eti-d and translated
from the French. This literal y foriiytfaa
of late years been carii'-d to a h'cly de
gree of devvl 'ptui nt in France, but it
has not as yet been naturalized in otln r
eoutitiies. xcept to a certain extent in
Riisfcia. The voluin- will be illustrated
from one hundr. d mid fifty drawings, by
II. W. Me Vickar, after the Frnch man
ic r or rather, aft- r bis own ininiitublo
Attormym Lnw. ' i'l gi vw nr.nint atient ii.n
o all ifiinHi eian.r-ie-i ti lii.n Otttei; in
L 11 01 block, I at -i i'lit ' h:miii1i, Neb.
it. it. " i i t 't. joii.N a. DAvrr.?.
Niihiiy 1'i.blic -it.i - I'ubl c
Otlii'e ovr tttiiik o'Om 1 uuty
riattsiii-ait'i .... Nebraslia
: S t'OLK. O. H n! K
TP t s im h. (jieecwood
t'raciii e i i all tlie rourt. Votary. Collwctiug
nd Insurance
riattaioufi au-1 lireeuwood
Peron-l attuniou to ail business entrusted
to my care
noroiVH of v, .
Thlei exninine'l, Absiracte lupiled, Inur
ance written, rpal es-a r mild.
iJeiterlaci'i'ies i-r making Farm Loans than
Offff r.n'l nispnsary in Pot Offlcf bnl'dlnff,
'an. r Main at-ii 4tb xir. et. fflri .llour 10 to
11 -a in. ; 2 "lalll 34ud 7 until 8 p. m.
tlaiis. spf-civcatiens and a'1iti tes. Municipal
work, Ma( etc.
Plattsmouth - - Nebraska.
W. A. iluinpliiey, 31. I).,
Physician and Surgeon,
Culls la Citj uf Cvsatry Piomtly AW 'etd
I' U S -