Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 03, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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l he
all t
o. 11 HCLT
at Sir
i i
- i -
this mm
tbe elef
- v
.s-o-Vv '-.
Parloran fled Room Ss. ar
trc3Sos, Sofas, Lo ir ves and
OfYlco Furniture.
Call and i limine liis block lch-i u
inj; elsewhere.
Cor Miin & S'xMi Sis, IM itt-i.i.)i:ti.. Is 1.
Never Travel Without :i I5ux of
- ; -x. v; ? -':: W i
y n v
1 CI
i t. a Sj a
OLD ?!.' A3LE.
li. a. mimi k w
'' !);:! -tie and i:t i : I) t-
II L LUlVlUtf!
Shingles, L:ttli, Sash,
Can siij)ly every tlei'ianrl of the
Call and ii't terms. Fourth strv-t
In K arof Opera IIoiisk.
The 5th Zt. Merchant Tail::
Keeps a Kuil Line of
Foreign & Domestic Goo J.-?,
Consult Your lutcrea (Jiving llin: a 'v
"PI n ttrioi tl -
Brostus &: Wheeler
Wc aro now p cpared to
dig vcll.- any depth desired,
lrom li to II feet across. We
use a boring-machine and dig
and wall at the same time.
For the first 50 feet 50 cents
per Toot, each additional 10
feet 10 cents per foot will be
added. We make a specialty
of sinking old wells, with
out removing ihe wall. We
guarantee satisfaction.
Leave your orders with
Robert Sherwood, or, for fur
ther particulars address
The figure 9 in our dates w'H inake a jn; stay.
No man or woman mow livia-r will ever data .
Jocuraent without usm' tti.i litj'.o 9. It stands
in the third pltico in 1-SiO, when- it will roinaiu ten
years and thvn inov? up to t.-:;o:r.I place ia 10CO
where it will re.-t f.ron; huauri'il yc.irs.
Thi rc isiinotlicr which -ilso come to stay.
It is unlike th.- fi-jrurp tf in our d:iU'j in tho respeet
that it has clrcady moved up lo firt placo, wIhto
It will ptraianuutly rtaa:iin. It H called tlm"Xo.
0"High Ar:n YVn-.t-ler A ":!.-oii Eou in Machine.
The "No. J"' was endcr-i-d for fir.-t plao? by i!ie
experts of F.uiop; at tho l.ri-i l'!:.:a of iC'J.
where, after a s-ev:roecr.le.-t v. iih' thu loadia; ma
chines of the world, it was awarded the o 'y
Grand Trize given, to family sswiujt iuachiuc!, .11
others oa exhibit bavin a reciivtd lower awards
Of pold medals, eta. Thy i 'reach G v.ernracnt
al!o recoKiiied itssuprTicrsty liv tlied1)-! iratioa of
Jir. Nathaniel V.'iieeler. l"r'-ii!-iilo." tin- coiaiJany,
with tiie Cros of the Legion of Honor.
The "No. 9" is not as o!J machine improved
upon, but is on entirely new t:-.cuino. and the
Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it us the grand
est advance in wi :!' machine iiiecTi:.Dirn of the
age. Those who I y it c::n nt assured, there
fore, of haviut; the very lato t i.ud bust.
1o0 awl lfe Wa Avo., Chicago.
- Jl
i i mi
The Wyoming Admission Bill
Goes Through the House.
i Atwi.i a l AKi I lull.
The SlM-rn.a.. A..U-Tru,t Hill Sent to the
.Fii.llcl.try i. mini tier I'.laiiil'it Silver with south A mei !.:,
WASi'ivriTON', March l. The senate
passed the I ouso bill to amend the cen
sus act of March :t, l&S'J, the effect of it
I eni to allow s-pecial agents $-1 a ay
for Mil M-.tciice hi e traveling; hoi'.EC
hill appropriating fc-J'i, (),) for the pur-
c! a;e of t. nts tor the ue of the flood
sufiViers of Arkansas, Missis ippi and
The ani'-ndmenta to the anti-trust bill
a- r-' ii'tetl from liie omniittee of the
wh' lewi re then considered. The lirst
aini ii iiiit iit di.-cuss4l was the one ex-
ei.jj'iio, from the prohibitions of the
Jaw the combination-, oi woikmeu a id
Mr. j-.iiinund.-i ai l tnat lie was m
iav r of doing everytidng that ihe con
Maiai' a )(. iiaiieti ( niivivKs to io in
s 1 1 i ir in.-C and breaking tru-ts and
imiii'i. .j.'a, taa human t-.peiience lov't n ih'-m to i e (iestrucli e of the
.i in- we Lire IVoole C'iuI 1 not shut
Hi i eyes to Ihe tin t that if capital
loin'.jiurd lo regu.ate wages, the work
iiu-n wtrre t.lso c. .mpeileu lo comoine to
ili l'i ihl i hvm.-e. ves. An 1 no the country
ha.;, lor the la-a lorty year-i, been turned
iiilo uieat cauijKS of i-ne nie.s, wiiile there
iiugni to i nut one camp ot co-oper-
ative IrtenJs. ho lar as the coiistuu iiuisiion wtiii, he believed that
the s.ilu.y oi the nation deoenae.1 more
laigelv on tin; pivaervaii jO of wii
wt-ie c.i leil the riglils of the states than
on auv o. her one thing. lio therefore
sh Jiitii tie slow aoout voting for any act
of confess wl.Kli he' lliought went
over the ixaii il, which the constitution
i.i set i!es. lie w as not willing to vote
lor a i.ill that woul to de ep.ive and
iiliinioii.iry. mere umi an 1 a-.hes, and
woulii ii" it Le coerceJ into doing so by
ne.vspaper otitiTv, by larmer's alliances.
or . n i hiiig es.-e.
Mr. fi.,u vigorous! v attacked the bill
deciar ng that it wa.i a hi.l that aimed
at every (aiMne.-s in the United States
Unrestricted com ') -tuion, he asserted.
w as warfare and injurious to the
whoie country. The n real corporations
and iiionoixii ics of the country were
built on the graves of weak competitors.
forced 10 tiu ir death ov reniorsele.scom-
pclition. lie would not like to vote
again.-;" the bill, because h-j believed that
theie were criminal combinations i.i the
country, lint he believed that every
man in business has a moral right to ob
tain a lair profit, and it his bus uess was
down to an inireinunerali ve point it was
his riht to com nine with other men for
the purpose of r.iis ng prices to a
remunerative point. lie was willing to
suoport a well considered and honest
i id. but the co.iduet of the senate of the
past ilnee days lia-s m.t .een in tiie line
of an honest bil. to prohibit and punish
trusiS. It li. s i: en in the line ol getting
so. ne bill with that title to go to the
country with.
Mr. w'aithall moved to refer the bill
and amendment to t e judiciary ejm
m tiee with to report back
viihin twenty days. Tue motion was
tgreed to yeas, ;Ji; nays, 2.
'Ihe iieptiuliean se.iators who voted in
'.he aliii mall ve w ere C ameron, Iliggins.
fiat t. ' lanfoi d. Slot kbi idge. Teller and
Wolc.-ti. The Leino-jra s who vote I in
,he i if g, live were Herry, Cockrell.
t ugh, Ti.rpie, Vance and Vo ihees.
the order lixing the ilailv hour of
iieei. n j; at 1 1 a. m. from Monday nex.
v,s agreed to and the senate adjourned.
'I he house met at 1 1 o'clock and con
linued iii.scu-.sion of the Wyomiug ad-iiiis-i..n
I'iil, Jin diy passing it.
Mr. Onto aiie opp .-ed the bill, bas
ing hi, up .n the insuiticiency
i p..p.ilati n" in tue proposed state.
Mr. Llackalevv of Pennsylvania also
i!it:i0'ii zed the measure, declaring it
was a i-nlie held out to congress by the
ioc :l "ilice seeking element in the ler
rtoiy. It was intended to pack the
v,'ni e; i States a senate airead
i. eighi new ltepubiicaii seats, six
.airly held and two slo en.
Mr. McAdoo said the constitution of
iVyomin&. if not liie worst constitution
ve." a .o,iie 1. was abreast of the worst,
-ue e v. as in that constitution almost
. erylhing that wvs had in politics.
n r.tis and ecoa :ne-i. The only good
iiin.-r in it was the clause which uilowed
l 10 he a lii- ii led.
Mr. p. in vi rorously opposed the
passage oi the lie criticised the
rovKsion-i of the Wvouiing constitution
nd i barged iiioss irregularities in the
.doption of that con -titutio i. He did
iot desire to lelay the a i mission of Wy-
min in'othe Unio i at tho earliest time
pi iciicai.Ie. but he in i.ted that ics a I
.uission sh. til I be alter the m st careful
oil.- i lei alio i by toe -wop e of the terri
.erv an ! after mature deliberation by
he co egress of the United .taaies.
Mr. " triioie of Iowa denied ihat the
eople of Wyoming had acted iii viola
.tei! f any i.i'-v in the adoptiou of the
n tiiiuion.
Mr tiri svinor of Ohio. said the Demo
. r it: p ii ;;. .s.nce the lab oi slavery and
s: a e i: ha I et a e l to admit states in or
der to keep up the practice of slavery,
had alw. vs te n : cd the admission of
slates. Ih-.enity
i:!arcd, as i o ". i
a., in the I i! tier !.
Iieen the poii- y
At I ! m. ii:e
either open and de
r i.vcit r insinuated.
".'!i.':!'-f. had always
. the i 'ecio-.-ralie party
p-evioid question was
ordttred. 't ."-pring. i
iniiioritj- of ihe co r.
amendmcrd r vid: ig
vent ion c-iihd lip.der t!
act of congress. J.:.-:t
. o:i I e :i If of the
; !":, offered an
f-;- another con
:e authority of an
- yea--, Ml ; nays.
Mr. Sptinger then oiJVre.l p.ii amend
ment providing that ti-.ere !:? an election
in Wyoming in iu-.t Xoveruler for a
rei rescnta.ive to the Fifty-lirst and
Fifty-second coagrt ss sm I for state and
iud.cial cfiiecs. The coniituti: n shall
be voted upon, and i" the vote L against
female su.t'rage that feature shall be
eliminated from the constitution. Lost
yeas. b-5: nays. I'i-:
Mr. Sj linger then offered his last
amendment, which strikes out the clause
of the Wyoming constitution providing
for female suit; age. Lost yeas, bJ'J;
nays. l.M. Toe bill was then passed
yeas. nays, 121. Tmi wiw a strict
party wte.
ftMITMnni? QTiTP
U11L lllUill U 1ft II
Uueof Itt rruvMona to Bo T? ateil b- the
Dia Moines. Ia March The Iowa
railway commission filed a decision that
will form tho basis for a cae to test the
constitutionality of one teetion of thj
Iowa railroad laws. The decision was
fili-,1 in i lio of a. era in fcltintx-r at Ia., against the Milwaukee road
for reS u.siiij; to apply the commissioner's
schedule U.n BhipiuenU from Ikdoit to
Siouv ( ilv nvfr llie nlilwailke ro.'itl.
...i,;,.!, ,. .l Pllu rr
a coini'lerab!e distance in Dakota le-
t ween the I wo ix int. 1 he alilwaukee
ollicials c!nim that tho provision of the
Iowa law that the o minissioners sched
ule shall a ply on such shipment is un
constitutional, and nve given notice
that a dec i-i u in accordance with the
law will be ignored. The decision made
is in ac(rd with the law. The Milwau
kee load is ordered to apply the Iowa
i-.'it' s n all -hipmonts ovt-r it8 line from
Sioux t ity to no them Iowa points, aid will lo brought to compel compli
ance with t e order.
1 h- Itciinrtt Ijiw,
Madison, Wis., March II. Taylor,
Uniied States railroad commissioner,
iiid for many years chairman of the Re
I t;i .': ii itri state committee, said:
"1 think fie agg.essive action of the
C t hoi ic ries;s in attempting to coerce
their peojiie into opposition to the Ben
nett law is going to react and over
wlie niingiy defeat their purpose.
Ihe asure was originally dragge I
into polilh-s through 8 me of the
Luth.-r ns and Catholics, and ha 1
they worked quietly they might have
done Mime harm, but the idea that the
church shall concerning th
education of the children of the state
w as too pronounced, and the result will
oe just the opposite of what they in-
lemie I. J he question ought never to
have iKK'.i brought into politics at all
i nt tince it has the Republicans will
gam two votes w.iere thev will lose one.
1 think the next legislature may amend
the Law somewhat, but as to its vital
P'incipes ah will aeree. Governor
Hoard certainly de-erves condemnation
for adh ring so lirrnly to his convictions
ia the matter.
A Neutly Worked Chance Itarkrt.
Pa itt.-, Tex., March 24. A neat game
was worked on a number of passengers
rm the Iron v ountain. between Little Rock
and i exarknna. A neatly dressed, oily
I on trued t el low asked a young man if he
could exchange some $21) bills for fives.
'Ihe voting mau had three twenties, and
a hurried exchange was made just as
the tiain slowed up at a small station.
ihe smooth artist hurriedly left the
train. l?efore the train had gone far
the young man found that inste d of $5
mils he had one hve and eleven ?1 bills.
1 his created commotion among the pas
s tigers, and it was discovered that sev
eral had Wen successfully worked on
the same trick, and others had their
pockets picked. One man lost $2iK)
It was just before daylight, and most of
the passengers sleepy.
Attempted Train Robbery.
Kl Pams-, Tex.. Mnrch 34. - A bold at
tempt at train robbery was made at a
place named Gomez, ten miles this side
f Toyah. by a band of armed men. It
ppenrs that the gang, which numbered
about six. lirst attempted to rob the
loyah station, tut failed, and then stole
ome horses and rode to Gomez, arriv
ing between 8 and 9 o'clock. They cap-
ured the section boss ami kept him and
ii:s men prisoners until the Arrival of the
ast-liound Texas and Pacific passenger
train. They tried to signal the train,
but could not make the lantern work.
They threw the switvh, with the inten
tion of wrecking the train, but the train
passed safely over.
Mr. Corbi i's Lout Wine.
Washim jton, Marcli 38 Special
Agent Whitehead has mi.l! a report to
die Treasury department in regard to
:h complaint of Mr. Austin C'oroin rf
the ioss of a portion of w ne imported
y him while it was in the public stoie
house under government control. He
jontroverts Mr. Corbi o's statement in
several important particulars and s;eaks
f the impossibility of customs officers
naking a personal inspection of each
;ackage imported to see that it meets
he terms of the invoice, and in con
lusion, lie resents the imputation that
uiilic store-house officials are given to
Five Yearn for Kinbeazlement.
Rochester, N. Y., March 28 In the
ver and terminer, Judge Adams pre, John A, Davis, late city treas-
rer of Rochester, pleaded guilty to the
liarge of emoezzlem-'nt aa 1 was sen-
nced to the Auburn state prison for
ive ye irs. Davis made a meech saying
e had supposed, until the exposure
ame. that his property would make
;o I the deficiency. He wai aware he
vas punished, not because of his failure
. sqti ir. his accoun s, but because of
lis offense. The am aint of his embez
zlement is (1,')0 .
In tlit Interest, of lied Men.
Boston", Maroh 28. Hon. John D.
Lf ng presided ore a meeting in old
South Church in he interests of the In
lians, which was addressed by Indian
.Vimmissioner Gen. T. J. Morgan. Geti.
f organ praised the Dawes bill passed
n 13S7. and said there shou d be added
o it a provision for the universal educa
iom of the Indian youth in American
chooU. so that they may be prepared
or the duties f citizenship. The In
ians should be encouraged to hold
property individually instead of tribally.
A Troniineiit Attorney Found Dead.
IjOS Angeles, Cal., March Z8. Gen.
Jordon Adams, a prominent attorney of
diis itv, formerly United States district
attorney it Vicburg, Miss., was found
lead in his oihee with a bullet wound in
his temple-. A pistol was found on the
table and near it some oil and feathers.
It is si pposed that the weapon was ao
: identadr discharged while being
Sitlooiikeepe s Fined.
Keokck, Ia., March 28. Seventeen
saloonkeepers, indicted at the last term
of the district court for violating the
prohibitory law, were assessed a fine of
id0 each for violating tho condition un
der which the court had granted a con
tinuance -that is. to refrain from vio
latiug the law.
Died For Love.
Chicago, March. CS. Florence Crow-
lev, formeilv of Wi odstock, Ills., shot
himself at his Uaruing house here. Uu-
requited love the Vy use .r .
The Most Destructive Storms
of Recent Years.
Six Hundred People I'erUli Rt Jeffernon.
ville, I nd. A Tennenaee Town Swept
Out of Existence A Fearful Kxploalon
at Chicago.
Chicago, March 28. Nearly a score
of men were fearfully burned and
bruised, and probably four killed out
right, by the explosion of starch dust in
the annex of the big sug r refinery at
the foot of Taylor street. The building
was literally blown to pieces. A large
section of it landed in the river, and the
rest is lying in confused heaps for a dis
tance of two blocks. Owing to the reti
cence of the officers of the
sugar refinery and ignorance of the
mo-t of their employes, it is nearly im
possible to get anything like a complete
hst of the men who were at work in the
starch bcilding. or a correct estimate of
the number probably killed. Long after
the flames in the had I '-.-i: ia
guished a body was dug lrom beneath a
huge pile of brick and mortar and sent
over to Yeager's morgue on Twelfth
street. It was so
llurribly Humeri and Brutsed
as to be unrecognizable. The a attered
remains of another body supposed to le
those of a boy were found by a tire com
pany and turned over to tiie police, and
later a third body was found. The driv
ing storm of sleet and now that set in
shortly after the explosion made it
nearly im)K;siblo for the firemen to con
tinue their search for bodies. They will
resume the work under the personal di
rection of Chief Sweney. The dead,
four in number, all unknown. The
names of the wounded, so far as they
Mould be ascertained, ara as fo lows:
Dr. Arnold Ilelir, general superintend
ent of the reftmry, fearfully ourned.
Henry Hubeldt, foreman.
Oscar Schaetz. laborer, face, neck and i,
arms burned almost raw.
Peter Gerhardt, laborer, fearfully cut
by flvinic bricks and timbers, and
About twenty other employes were
burned and bruised more or less seri
ously. A fireman, name unknown, was
blown to the edge of the river, where he
was picked up by a tubman, lie was
badly bruised about the head.
At and Abaut Nashville.
NAsnviLLE, Teon., March 28. Mess
enjrrs from Little Irairie, a sett rein en t
five miles soutlt of this place reached
town about 6 o'clock with the intelli
gence that the village had been visite
by a cyclone and every house in the
place demolished. A number of peopl
have been badly injured and so ne, it is
thought, could not recover. The mess
engers had left Little Prairie to obtain
aid for the sufferers before the full ex
tent of the disaster was known, and
particular have not yet been received
Ia response to the summons every phy
sician in Nashville left at once for Little
At Nashville.
A cloudburst and terrific hail storm at
4:10 in the evening did about $15,000
damage in this city. The tabernacle,
the largest public building in the city,
and the two-story brick cooper shop
owned by Sawyer & McCracken were
demolished. No ona was hurt. Hail
stones thd size of hens' eggs fell by the
bushel and caused teams on the streets
to run away. Countless fences were
blown down and all the window glass
on the west and north sided of the
buildings was broken.
AVhoIenale oVst rurtloiu
Cincinnati, Mirch 28. It is reported
that many hundreds of lives been
lost at Louisville, Ky., Jefferaonville,
Ind. , and neighboring cities, a tornado
having devastated the region. No ac
curate reports are obtainable. Rumor
says the loss of life in Louisville is 1,500
and Jeffersonville 500.
l.OOO Deaths at LouUvirie.
Louisville, Ky., March '.8, I a. m.
A tornado struck this vicinity last even
ing, causing fearful havoc and destruc
tion of life. It is estimated the deaths
will reach 1,000.
COO at Jeffersonrille.
Jeffersonville is reported to have been
swept by the storm, causing & loss of GOO
A Light Spring- lln.
Laredo. Tex., M,.rch 28. Sheepmen
in this section are feeling blue, although
they have not and will not suffer near
to much as cattlemen. On account of
the drouth, scarcity of grass, tc.. they
estimate that they will lose at least half
of their spring clip.
New Iowa Rate Schedule.
Des Moines, Ia., March 28. The com
missioners made n ruling to the effect
that their schedule of rate must apply
to shipment between any two Iowa
points, even if a part of the rout e of
shipment be outsiJe the state.
Forest Fires.
Ego Harbor, N. J., March 2& An
extensive forest fire is raging near this
place, and it is estimated that fully
1,000 acres are in flames. The Country
is covered with dent i clouds of smoke,
completely hiding the sun.
The es-Confederate soldiers of New ;
York City propewes to inaugurate a k
caxup cf ex-xaeiubers of tJjerLtoaerat
nBJras Bl'fi
CZJ IHorthe IIkkalii.
I re treat castles ot golden clou.i at clone of
ne 1 have chosen for tttee and me to be our
own aiway.
There we wt'l live and I 've forever,
feymnl earth's lare and ni Hth'Mdark river
ud never yatn nor we betid
t ltd every wlfh be giat fled
For thee ami me.
But if a is the way of inan.thou shouldn't wan-
der away i;n me
Anil winds au.i elouos tin;elhcr rme and aln.uld
bewilder thee. ... ,.
I'll I.hiik star on the castle liixh. to utuae
tln-e to thy Iimii- .
Mid H ere beseech thee from my arm oh t
never more to renin. .- -:
ut If thou contest not back to me
in answer to mv full. -J
'11kiv up my love ..nd mvl fe and 11 n
t-uelf fri.ln t lie e:iHtl4 walls.
Farmer Howe
If anyone ki.. v. the farm woes.
It's ubuniV famous Church"
He figures corn from f ve to morn,
Vn ' wrdes an lnii-eent as Mureh.
He scane the skies forji"w and lies,
es our pood farmer Church,
He sincl's the war from way afar,
Hut never tries to smirch.
A grander too, lie wore the blue.
Did our trrand ma-ter CIiuk'Ii
lie fiinx. ail kinds of; mlntls
nd d ver' in tue 1 e . T. T.
The Hotel .s r iu o k l by Mr. G. M
Hitchcock la&t night, is the glassts
through wliich the traveiing public look
.1 lw. iivn r ' -i h-mrt-joni" " t fi'" r
StruclUie tit.i s uot gtiico a city lu luo elate
than the Hotel Rile v.
High School Notes
Lust Friday was pay tiny for our
teMcheiP. They took their orders to the
bank to have them cashed with faces
beaming, as usual, with cheerfulness; but
vhen told that a disc unt would have
to be made on each order, the look of
onsternation on th- ir f irm was pitiful
The report was made through a mistake
iiiwever, and they finally reeiival full
Mrp. Thomas, who teaches the Mercer
ille school, is having a long st igo of
ilnc-fw; Mrs. ill. Hoeck is aning as
ubstitule during her absence.
Miss Cora Woodrow, of the east fourth
vard spent Saturday and Sunday very
leiisantly at her home in Malvern Iowa
Miss Grace Wiles, who has charge of
he South Park school, Sundayed with
-'lends in Glenwood and vicinity.
Prof. Storkes, of HelleVlie College
i-itcd several of our schools this week.
He has more than a passing interest in
'lattsiiiouth schools just now. for h- has
made application for the position of stip-
rin'endent. There have six or seven
Implications been received a1 ready and
undoubtedly more to follow. Theapplic
ants ask a great many questions and send
i very few stamps, the result is, that
most of the questions find their way to
he waste basket.
Prof. Drumuionil will talk to the teach
rs on the subject of examinstions, at the
i" xt teacher's meeting and will out line
the worktobed' n pn piratory to thecx
iiniuations in June.
The Herald is doing some line work
on "Horse Bills " Those needing any
thing in that line should call at once.
O. II. Ballou is in Omaha today.
Hrnry Bocck boarded the wtst bound
train this morning.
M. D. Polk, the Herald's lively local,
.s in Greenwood today.
Mrs. II. C. Ritchie went to York this
morning for a few days yisit.
Mayor Gibson of Weeping Water made
the speech of the eyeuing at the Hotel
Riley banquet.
Orlando Tefft, of Avoca, returned
home this morning after communing a
short season with Plattsmuuth friends.
Attorney B. A. Gibson, of Weeping
Water, attended the banquet last night
and returned home this morning to rest.
J. O. Phillippi returned home this
morning after uoting the wonderful im
provements PI ittsinouth has made since
he was a resident here.
Rev. Glassrueuck, of Humboldt, who
has been assisting in the revival services
at the German M E. church, departed
for home this morning.
Clel. Morgan, the operator in Mr.
Hawksworth's office, is laying off on ac
count of the serious iilnc8s of his father;
L. E. Karnes takes his place.
H D. Hathaway, of the Lincoln Jour
nal, returned home this morning. Mr.
Hathaway had many words of sncour-
agement for Plattsmouth people.
A tafo Investment.
Is one which is guaranteed t i bring
vou satisfactory results, cr;n cs.: of Uil-
ure a return of purchase pi i. e. On this
safe plan you can buy ft - m our sdver
tised Druggist a bottle of Or Kind's New
Discovery for Consumption. It is guar
anteed t'" bring relief in r ery case, when
used for any affect ion of Throat, Lungs
or Chest, such ns Consumption, lnnam-
mation of I.-i! gs. Bronchitis. Asthma.
Whooping Cough. Croup etc., etc. It is
pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly
safe, and c:in always be depended upon.
Trial bottle free at F. G. Fricke tt Co. 8.1
That sour tempered, crosn, ly-peptic
individual, should take Dr. J. II. Mc
JVan's S tr-;iparil!a. It will make him
f.fl as well and her.rty as the h'-allhh-st
of v. He needs bracing up, vitalizing
l";l1' 1S ail
l yrocerit-s fnU noU uvW at Kraua'. f
Love's Castle.
"Jo,,"' ' ''' '''
Si iiwim tx- -i.i -- m m i nr. , -, r ,
Wo will (".'lei Oi Mi!ir l:ht of TutMity Vii'uaMs
B.iolis uimmurHte.l ttu! ilt.Hrni.e.1 l.i...w, t evi y ru'
nrril."T tn till pafr lur tin. nmuiuif )nir, who imiiiiK
IWfittj ciiti itt K'ttlitloii to IIih regular nut-.-r! i inn
prh'M. Ttiertt book, r.u-li oli of w tilrti lmiiImiiih it rem
i.l.ttH Llrit elai novel or oilier work l.y m known
met ..i.ul.'tr itiiOeir. aro .ullir")if. tu unit iiiitlilt
form, i.riiitf'l from uuml ly on mnl .n.r,
met many ol Omul li.iillKfiiii.-ly III unt ml i.. I. I'ltey colli.
I.I'lhH HOlOtf Oi ttlO tlllHit WOI k rt fV4M W Til O-ll l.y HOIIIrt l.f
tun iri o:iluit ami ue.Ht .o.iilitr wrilein, I.1..I1 of AUiirl
cn au.l Kuropn. LaHi on In l onn.lti'n in II nail f :
No. n't Mrs. CuttdleN nrlnln l.eetnres. Ttf
P"M' jKKKoi.n. Very ol.l ami vrry tunny. Tlis
younfr s wt.ll its ol.ler ui-m rmimi lniilil reail ttiHiu.
No 214 Aal ventures af i I tiaa-laeli.r. tivthesu
tlior of " Bnali's A.lvi.iiiure In Nw York."
A trrent tiiimoroiM l.-ook l.y a popular author.
No 2 Iii How lo Miikfiiml iave ll.iiey on
the Ksrm. A -..iu .i Oil 0.11 ( 11 -el ul facta,
liinlH aiel loitftf.'Ml'.iis lor Ihiiohi hii)
No 217 IVimii Ihe 1 -it till to liie Moon. A
Novttl. By lei.i s VmsK. .......
No The l.illle Oltl I'I 11 n nf ise Ilullg
D tl lea. A Nov-I. By Fun K 1. oi.ililif.
.No Ji',7. A D iiivrruiii oiainn. A evl. IS
M i v f Si i.i-'trss.
m, if '!" I.'!idru Farm Itritiv. A NtiTfL
Ji , . . .. ..i s r.
No it? I. Simon lei l l it's D.llllihler. A Nr.ol.
Ey M. T t'ai imrt.
No 21-' The Huron's Will. A Novel. Ity KVL.
Vasi'S ' tun, Jr.
No in '1 lit- I'erll of Itiilini'd Iai-i!oii. A
N.'.vnl Ky I. TaHIKov
No ZM lllitekhiid Hill. A Novel. By I..ST1IKH
H. Itl.K K K N 1 III
N.i L'lt. Tli" tiuni-tllun's l'lot. A Novel. I!
D,- J II. ItolllS-llti.
N 2U. The tlriiy F.ileon. A Nor jL I! M. T.
C -I IH.
v 2M. Tiie Narrotv of Hecret. . Novel.
BV .AHI I'HeM. llAV.
No 1 . I'rrry aaiial llae lrhet. A Novo)
By Vt r ' in '"i i i '".
No 2.17 Tin- Niaary "f n 'eilillita llinn. A
Novel. Ity tie 1111 lior o liora Tlci nti "
,'0 2t". M.ailyii Witra-'s Teuilu t lo ii . A
Novel P - Mr- II v V Wool.
N.. 21'. A W'lilrni 1 iixlea-ell.t. A Novel. Ity
tie ft It. or ol " Jloi 11 I home "
No 2.11 'I he Itluml llonir. A Novel. By M. T.
C i.e. k
No 2:11. The Fa.i'l Olovc. A Novel. By Clarj
e .f.iTA.
133 &IIIV. Ninth St., KANSAS CITY, MO.
The only Epcciilist in the City who is ft Reo-nlar
Craduate ia lie-J cino, Over 3 years' Practice,
12 ytiTS in C'hica.-;o.
VTTTx Aiithorlze.1 ly the Sluts to tro-.fc
LCJ o (:iiionic. .'er.oii i.n'l "r.M:l.l 1I.
yXy7 A -V eiiHs," b'iinii.t vVe..koas (KllillT
JyJ rii,..-(.F.s), H.-xniil Jj...i!iy (r.'K Olr
f')4&yYiirxvhi. I'miHi). la-rvoin O.tliillty.
fr4 I'Vj,- 1'niM.nHil lllooi. Oleersiiiel Kwtttlii.s
Jtll -i i f evei y kiiel, itrel Urinary !imrf.
Yu''-',-4r ''"'e ! S""' ""too'l or money refuiKltxl
'- eti (liaru-i low. 'i liOosniidM or ciihi.
cnr"d. Kp"rience i- imi
rl.'irt. Alt iiiH'!irtnoMiir9
I!uarnritt.t-1 to
tin nuro mid ff!i irrtaioiiH. boinitcom-
lourirl 11 in my HrfiMt Jy ifoi yxl 1 u( ora to ry, an
lire I ii m-noci nainy nr ufmi. j rumuriK w un'i
Moron to Imvo unrtirtiiin .roM:ritniiH fitl!. No
in-r ury iir lnjurioiiH v.ii-ruirul u d. No'lHlentl'iri
Jrtun but iiHfB. litimitu ut a distune triutol by i
l-;tr txj.r ms, hi Jicji net t evetywiinro frvn I
from or I r-H'iUiii!. S ute onr riH nnl eaud
for ifnuH. ('on-Mihutiou free and coaliUontiul. ier-
A 64 pff; Q " fl For Both Gexea. nt J
il.untntiud s V fc Hilcii i it i-iuj n juvetuj
for fk in B'nmf.R. I very mule ttQiu tiu of
lo to4o H.oulti reud thin book. r
A P O S S T V E C U R E ZT t
rit-Hti-it tr ii(,.-n iit fniN to euro or f C t:
l.f) n. truLo&t 'Jij-rov ry i n jin nuiH i
cf t'iodirino. One io-.HKiv-H relief ;
11 If dfa'jt roniovoH iv-r nn. jiuin
t-iv-i. bon'l btut L-r:i;iit of CU-j-O WitU tttuiup lur Ci-T-cu.itrt
Cull, or ti.JiiryrM
DR.KZUDERSOM, I0U W.9ni St., Kansas CiTY.MO.
f E A D E K W I N DE N G I H V
IP you vaut a reliahle power for
I" pmnpiii', zrlixVmz or K"r.era!
work invesli-f.te tho lUBASiXCU.'
'Ye challenge toHsy.i'.rlsnn nwl r!.i'.T
to liave tlio most ptiTVi-rful anl .cr
fectly govenictl, easily operated nil
made in this country.
Has spiral slmprd sails, gives or,:
quarter taoie power tliaa otl:crTiii
Send for fall iDformiiioa and ijris. I
?? r-
Is x'-o e ir st r il nio.r pripnlitr sr1nttf1r r0
n.''.-:.i.n e.-ti paeer pnLlishetl an. I hu I h larfe.t
e r.-i:.M o." ef anr pup r of p cia in f h wf.rld.
Kni iilnntritttrrt. Hett elai r.l VkxJ Krit-rsv.
Irir". Pui ltied neekly. for frx-cinieo
eoi.v. l'nee 3 a year, r our months' trial, fl.
llt.'.N i t o., I'L tiLisntHs, 3ul Broadway, N.T.
4 Edition of Scientific American. V
A rrrn Micer. K.irh l.tie entsins er.loreJ
I!' ie.f-;.; pl.ite.of country and niTreMrlen
: . pul.lic builrtlnv.. Numert.n. enirravin.' -a
- .1 full elan snJ eeclfleatiori lor ti o ue o.
:.. u" coriiern plate l.niidinp. i'ri'-e f 2 .VI a ' -ar
iC eta. s copy. AlL'.N'N 4 CO.. i'LHl-lbUkli.i.
mnybe rorur
rid by Mpi-
tu to Jl n:
y co.. ii
J' Iibt hradore
l ai.iaai apt'lieul o.ria for Amenenn an't t-.r
mlmi uniei.i.. Send for Handbook. Corres
10 Tc.ira n iwriffiifi. and tiave ma.e oTe
pondbuce .: rictly c-ocadei.tlal.
In rn innr ninrtc l- not reeif -red In the Pn
ent i!Ti'-e. apfoy 10 Ml NX a and pnK.ur piolection. fceud lor IjudLoui. t
Cftl'VHH"TS for h"ek. charts, dipt
ttcquic.iy rutucc. AudiKts
HH:NN aSt CO., Talenc Solicitors.
Ci-M-iuti. On itt: SOI Eolw.r. K. 1
Bars, Prompt, TotttP
Curt for Impotenct, Lot
of Manhood, btmin
Emltaions, Spermatorrhe
Ntroousnea: SelfDittrus
Lost of Utmoru. Ac. W
make you a STRONG. Vmo
i 1 out Man frict f.tvu,
l Boxes. $5 CO. . '
1 S"ltl Qirefon
wi;h eaci b't. Aaartit
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S . ii- .- - J 3
ra 1 1 i ii -"I Tin m ri "
i !