4 WEEKLY HERALD: PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, APRIL 3, 1890. 4 r A i J UERALD P' G. H HC rubu- even' 0 ! 3, til I a. She !. i VI ."5 h f r ri --ae2a5aa2asa i 43 X t lav- 9- A ryiot m Itil r x -II'MJ. li'ovcil in miliums f ll-ni.S f..r iiioih t It.: tjlirii-r fa ir -'i ur. It t- u- il t.y I) s - iHlf- mv in i. fill, Kriti l' ,hri ' :t w..f Hi'- lirtul I niv-isi 1 1 - I ll ! r iHJ"". lir'-.-t :i i mil -I uit!i lif 1 1 lr. I'lif-'- 'T l kinKlml r dif i"t t in nun i l.i, l.mif j jiHuiii "11 "iili l PUICE KAIvlNO POWDER CO., tj5rtu.rew York, Clnciu. 8t. L-.uis. MONDAY. Tin; M tor line is imw linuhn? ita own coul by Htt icltin; a fl it car ou lt-liial liolilin !il)out ii ton. The county cemiss'oni rs nre in the rity today and will lii-iii their usual month ly session tomorrow. The IIeuau) is sorry to learn that Miles Morgun is not so well today, his condition bting considered critical. The Y. M. C. A. folks were very plesia antly entertained yesterday afternoon, by an address at the hands of Rev. J. M. Woods, ;f South I'aik. Invitations nre out for a Pink Domino masquerade ball ut Fitzgerald's hall, Friday evening April 28tb, under the auspices of the York club. Rev. A. II. Brown, of Al -do, Illinois, treated the c nirreuation at the Methodist church, lust niht, to one of the ablest Bermons ever delivered in riattsmouth. It is understood that Col. Connor was promenading up nd down Farnlmm street Saturday with Mayor Cuhintr im ngininy himself the mayor of Platts niouth the returns at that time were not all in. G. V. Majfi-ld, the veteran news paper man of Louisvill, will start an in dependenr paper in that prosperous vil lage. Whether it will be independently democratic or independently republican we haye not as yet learned. NFJnley Johnson has just received, at tin h Inds of John Leach the painter, one of tht '.nicest li-ht drays or delivery wagons i II tiv citv. It was mad.- bv Mr. Hounds and Mr. CrabM, at Donnelly's old st ind, and painted up by the Veteran Leach . Th-vi .f th.- Ii. & M. boys li ft this cv ning viz. M s-rs J- P B ck. r, Genrsjv Xroiib-r and M ir us B ist E-q , f r the we,t unit south. The boys expi-ct to see the rocky peaks in New M-xicnand Col orado, before r timing. The limit of their time i thirty days. Col Connor, Matthew G bring and otln r prominent deinoer its have been trying to g t .!. M - V v to resign from the tiek t as candidate for councilman from t lie First Ward and substitute Fred Gorder. Fred savs it too l ite, and aint to be caught with any ch ff. Charles Harris has already one of the bef-t new fruit farms in the vicinity of this city. He h s just ordered for this spring's planting, six thousand straw -bery plants, five thousand raspberry and six thous-nd bNckbeiries which will ninke a fruit farm to be proud of. Mrs. Burton Harrison has dramatized Lewis Carroll's "Alice in wonderland" for Harper's Youn.ij People. H--r versi-m will appear in the number to be publish ed April Is'. The same numb r will contain a poem by C. lia Tlnxter. and "That E ister Vacation," a story by Rose Buteb.t The quartette that will assist in the conceit Wednesday evening, is composed f the following wi ll known musicians' Prof Butler, org nist in Trinjjy Cathclr.l Om iha, T. J. Kelly, organist in Sr. Ma thias, R. J. Wherry, the leading tenor in Omaha, and W. Derrick, who is too well and favorably known to need further mention. A man stepped on the railroad track this morning at the mouth of Happy hollow just as No. 3 was coming along at a rapid rate, and although warned by sharp whis'ling he kept the track until the enrdne almost touched him; it was a close call. was a foreigner fairly well dressed, we could not 1 a-n bis name. Th Fact'iryville Roller ."aills Are now in full blast, and turning out a very choice article, of flour, plenty of which is on hand at all times to exchange for good wh-at. Flour for sale at low prices viz.: XX $1 25. Bakers tl.8' and Victor (Strvight) $2 00 per hnn dred. Special prices on lots of 500 and 1.000 pounds. Respectfully, 2tf T. 31. Wabse. BO-VRliVfnADE BANQUET. Celebrating ilia Opfjt.inj of the Hotel Hiley. 9 Platti-ni'iuth has had occasion to con .ratulatt heiself, many times in recent years iver the cniiii5etioii ot soino great ent rprie of la-tii!g bem -fit to the cit But it r. iinin d f.r the H..t 1 Ril-y tn iik an ad v met ni- nt in th- growig im p irtanec f our fair city serond to m nt h r. L st evening in a manner b ti ling the occasion, lh-beautiful In tel v.t i u rued into a bow- r if Tragriut fl w,-r, which with tin- c irved o.ken furnittir and rich 'ippoittt ni.-nta of tin- -fli aio with the tabl s in th h oi.ls.. ne st diniu. room in th st ite.garnihed with the lie m ll .ral design-, which Mr. Moore, tin pi inc.- of decorator could arrange, Con pe d with th fun; silver, snowy linen am' Fm m h china made a most encliantin fC lie, one Hot Soon to be forgotti 1'. Th- biibi.nily lilite.l iipirtin nts an ill r-olt silvery inuic. of the bind idde m eh to th- I'veiiings epj .yniciit. Til.- following ni uu of thirteen Colli es was S' rv. il in a faultier maim, r, ami partaken of by as e,i iiid a crowd as evi I sat around the festal board. Mknu IJ u ft ini s on tin-halt shell. Cc'n.M.imne Itoy I Sherry IVery Cliv s lC'lne W tup Blue II Ii A. eluivy Sauce slic d ' uciini ers ll oil mil. Use Potatoes Ch l aux Mareaux Tender Din oi beef. Larded with Mushrooms 8!ic a Tuiu itnes B ked - we-1 PotaU eu Muiiiins, ex ra dry Roast Ma lar.l duek. reach peas Salmi of wild 1 i k with olives luesed LeUuc? Chicken alad Shil up Salid Pu ch A'la Itutiuiine Ass rted Oae Currant lelly ()rii.te, Layer KaiHius aud Uaaaua-i assoi ted Nuts Edam Chee. Anieil an Cheese Snow fla. . e Cracke s "o(Tee lea Chocolate After the thorough discussion of the good things so sumptuously prepared for the iiim r man, Hon. Frank E. Whiti as toastmaster, arose frjm his seat and announced an address of welcome b Judge Samuel M. Chapmnn. TheJudg was in good form and received roundsof applause, as he spoke of some of Platts mouth's eccentricities and in a few chos en words extended a hearty welcome to the guests of the evening. Following is the spetch in full : Gentlemen: The pleasant aud early duly has been assigned to nie of saying a few words in behalf of the Board of Trade of Plattsmouth as a welcome to you who have come from abroad to attend this warming of Hotel Riley. Of couise, gen tlenn n, it is merely a perfunctory duty I perform because jou all know you are welcome guest3 and that you have been specially invited here in order that we may welcome and entertain you; in other words, gentlemen, you are called hereto asist the Board of Trade f Plattsmouth in breaking bread and tasting salt at the form d opening of our new hotel. To learn som. thing from actual observation of the enterprise and thrift of Platts mouth and her capitalists among whom we are proud to number and claim that public Fpirited gentleman who projected and built this splendid hotel. Y"ou know, gentlemen, although somt of you may not be willing to admit it this early in the evening, that Platts mouth has h-retolore been conidered by certain envious neighbors as "'down at the mouth"--the P atle River and that we haye to Bonn extent b-cn overshadowed by our ambitious neighbors Omaha and Linoln, and that it has even been hinted t times, that we were a little conserva tive or old foggish, in ur relations with the outer wor'd and with ours- Ives, aud it is true to some extent that geograph ically and .itherwise, we have not been able to catch and monopolize every rail roid and every boom, which has blssed our more fortunate m ighbors. It is true we have had a good deal to contend with in the past taking the rcactionicts at home and the acts of God and pubic nemy abroad, the loss of the B. & M. shops on s-veral occasions and of gome halfdoz-n rail roads, which have expire' about the time we imagined we had them, besides a largi number of m -nu far ing plants which dallied with our Board f Trade but to deceive and dissapoint however, notwithstanding all these drawbacks, cpntlemen. we are stid with yu the third city in the Stat and our hope and prayer is that you arc with us, we are with you wi h all the modern im provements, we have still left us th". shops, our gas plant, our electric light system, with its manufactory of electric I -mps. he only one hi the state, our un- surpassed system of water works, our sewerage, our street improvements, ou electric railway, the s'-cond in the 8tat, our old depot, and h. tt. r thin any of these, our Riley Hotel second to none other in N braska, and ur; ly, ;entlemen you will not say I am boating when I claim, despite all the drawbacks of th past, that we have nothing to be ashamed of here in' Plattsmouth. It is true, gentlemen, that while we have not been able to establish any great Metropolitan Journal to advertise our ad vantages and sinu our praise, we have libually supported. tUv yftat Qcwsyapers THE HO ersx. ni ii ij V.tjohn7. Logo rj. UBS. (GENU JOHN A. LOGAN, The Editor, w 11 contribute In addition to editor ial mailer, Icetcht. remlniacencei., per-outd ro-colli-dions of public men aud women, etc. WILL CABLET ON Will contribute Dooms, vhlch will be handsomely Illustrated (Sets L eeiubcr uuiaber.;. MARGARET SIDNEY Will contribute sho-t Ftorica and sketchem. JOSIAH ALLEN'S WIFE Will contribute Btr.rle. (A bright, freah Btrry from her pen '-Lillle Tow Mooi.ey" m iieceiaber number.) EMILY HUNTINGTON MILLER Will conauct a Larpartnu-nt on Home Topics. JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY Will entertain the reader wilh charming dialect poems. MARY LOWE DICKINSON. Secretary of Kiug's Daughters, will talk of that 8cciety. Besides many other well known writers. f Only Klfly Cent a Year. Tne Home gazine will pay all of our !it;ilhorin!5 cities, receivinji in return oftentiui-p lut nunger mention, still we Imvc not complnined. It is true we hiive Imd no repr-iBentiitive tt lie National CHpitxI to wave the old rl tgaml 6ecure for us a few hundred dol lars for a ?ov-rntuent postoffice or court house; yet. we have mauag d to yet alonr alter a modest fashion and are most liaiipy here to-i.iht, to have you with us upon this occasion and be Rble to convince you that we are now able to receive and tak- care of the great public in a manner becoming a city of the first cIhss. Now then, gentleman. I am warned tii-.t I am simply to welcome you on tins occason and not take up any of the time allotted to our distinguished guests who are expi eti-d in return to entertain us upon this occasion. I se miny distin guished gentlemen of Nebraska present, some who went" out from Plattsmouth with her certificate of good character in the early days of our statehood, who have prospered well. Others who are truej representatives of the great north west and some from our 6ister states, all well known and respected by our people here and it is from you we expect words of encouragement and congratulations, no matter what the sentiment may be you are called upon to respond to, and in closing, Iexp.esa the regret of our board of tiade and people that the storm of this evening should have prevented the presence of many distinguished gentle men from abroad. I understand the governor of thi3 state and other gentle -men from our prosperous and energetic apital are stru ggling this evening with the "short haul," their train being laid off preventing th ir attendance, but gen tlemen, we here have the "long haul' on this banqu t and we expect you all to enjoy yourselves to the full measure. The supper at the Hotel Riley, last niht, was a grand affair for those who live in these days; but the managers lacked true courtesy in not inviting the three most proui'nent citizens of Plattsmouth, viz: Pot, Fred and the Ancient. Never mind boys after the battle of the election is over I will prepare a dinner for you and all the tagrag that can be collected, 'hat will far outshine anything known to the pres ent generation. I was chief cook with Solomon, when Sheba the Queen of the South, cam - to hear hia great wisdom. The dinner, I pr pared then, consisted of all the delicacies of by gone days, in cluding the fl -sh of harts, roebucks, and fullowdeer, these I will provide for our dinner. I will also introduce a dish very much looked after in the days of Nero, the eighth emperor of Rome viz: a dih with dissolved pearls these with the 8 icred birds nests of Java will be the first course. I will htve imported from Cey lon some of all the spices in that far off country including cinnamon, clove3, nut meg, ginger and pepper these will bmce us up for hot toddy and lger, which must be given to our Irist and German companions on this grand oc-c-ison. Oil of olives, pomegrana'es, cu cumbers and onions we must have in abundance, as they sharpen the appetite and are good for digestion. I will pro vide garlic from Utah, for any Mormon visitors we may have, and plenty of rice f r Chinamen I will provide "possum" j soup for the darkies and sperm oil for j the D-mes nd Norwegians; the Scotch will have plenty of porridge and John Ball lots of beef. I will provide oxtail soup for real Yinkees and plenty of Saratoga water for the prohibitionis' And in case of a fight at the close I will have black thorns, bowie knives and revol yers, so that all may have weapons for defense. There will be no police at hand, as everyone will be at liberty to act as ho pleases. This is a free country and we will haye it so I will describe the rest of the programme Monday, so that everyone may be well posted. . M AO ME OP WAHIIINGTON, D. C. WASIITVOTON KOOI LTY KEWS. All the importnt SOCTiTY EVENTS of Wiuhinjrton : White no use Receptions, Slate Dinners, eto , will be pre sented in this department HANDSOMELY ILLU3TRATCD with PORTRAITS OF PROMINENT MEN AND WOMEN. also HOMES OP CABINET OFFICERS, SENATORS, REP RESENTATIVES, AND FOREIGN LEGATIONS. Only Fifty Cents a Year. be sei?t one year FUFK to arrearages to date ana one Farmer Hay on Farmer Votes. I find th-rr ar ,en farmer votes o ev-Mi of th r-st. An' yt the seven rule the tm Noith.s-'ii h. and et-sr and went. It eeins the tadpole in llm pond Is liiuder 'ban ihe frg ; Or. an the folks in the town would say, 'The tail doth waii.the oog " An' so we jrroan ahout hard tunes, An'uc der whatV thecuse; Orel e w s!i"w nit-n- better sense And la, it on ihe laws As we're the ones who have the pow'r, I' turn" on' J'ist tlie earne ; Tl a in the ratio ten to nev'n, W e are t e ones to blame. hen hird men flight work or get t liijr they wnt to b' ss We turn 'em off Ktt he ter ones, cave self p-siiei-t an' los An when law-maki- hxnds we hire Do Just a- b id. an worse. Ef we don't turn ' m off, begosh They ought to beggar us. Lu B. Cake. The little babe of Mrs. Sawyer (who is a sister of J. M. Craig of this city) died Friday last and was buried Saturday. That sour tempered, cross, dy-peptic individual, should take Dr. J. n. Mc Lean's Sarsaparilla. It will make him feel as well and hearty as the h althiest of us. He needs bracing up, vitalizing that is all E. J Jackson, one of the best freight boys in this city, has just been promoted to a passenger conductor on the Schuyler run. Lew Irwin, the former conductor, will hereafter run a passenger train from Lincoln to Ravenna. The Farmers Alliance is getting to be a very strong organizaiion in the east end of this county as well as the west. A new alliance was instituted at the Cot tonwood school house near Coon Valler y'a Friday night. Great interest was manifested and a goodly crowd was in attendance. Pi. We have two extra typo's todny; yet owing to a pied form we must apologize for the appearance of the Herald to night. Half of our matter could not be printed The Ancient wants to know if the Hon. J. A. Connor, when he returns vic torious after the battle, will divide the spoils with those of his forces who got weary before they reached the fi-ld of battle. lie has a precedent in Ancient history that he should so divide. When David followed the rovers who burned Siceley in his absence. Two hundred of hia six hundred men. got tired and lay down by brook till David returned victorious. Those that went to battle wanted David not to divide with those who remained at the brook, and took no active part in the battle. David would not hearken to them but divided fairly with those who remained at the brook. The Ancient was one that remained and got his full part, he has also failed before the battle now raging between the forces of the Hon. J. A. Connor and the repub lican boss of Plattsmouth. Will the Hon. J. A. Connor giv the Ancient his full quota of the 6poils when he the Hon. returns vie orious? The above is a grave question and one that concerns the Ancient very much, as he is always in for prog. As the Hon. J. A. Connor has no ephod to consult, as Divid had of old; I hope he will consult his pocket, and divide fairly with his tired forces Hansen. Clifford, McEntee, Gehring and the Akciest. Ballard's Horebonnd Syrmp fr Whooping Coagn. Thar U no remedy in the world which will arira inch prompt relief in Whooping Coneh as Bal.ard'i HTthund Synf. It w'il fosUitnly cure it. I will try it, your children will not keep yon awa Bight coughing. Ballard's Horehound Syrup : thund Sjm. It w'il pontitny cure it. If voa k all most cooling and soothing remedy for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Asthma, in the world. It is free from opium. It builds op new tissue, strengthens the Lungs, and is an incomparable rem edy, made of the best and purest materials. If your Lungs arc weak and you hare a tickling in your Tbroat. yon need it. LINCOLN axi iNTrrrE rr rrsMixaHiv. suokt haktx Typewriting Htid Telegraphy Larjros Crlteiwln Hie Weso. (aK uii leu is lasi yeur Full Faculty. No vacation 5tu'.i.'n cn enter any week day. B'Uileii!' rTvpur-il u-r tniMr.es In fr in 3 to 9 tacu hs.' Pe:i.s ftr free ll:u.tr.uel catalogue and : 7 AZE W E Irs. igeH) SI logad 3U (Contains COMPLETE AND SERIAL STORIES, IU.USTNATCP AMTICLCS ON TRAVCU SOCIETY NOTES, PORTRAITS Or PROMINENT PEOPLE, Biographical Sketches, rtcsldps a lante number of interesting 1epsrtmt.'Uis carefully pretand, m Health Hints, The Dining Room, Fashion Fancies, The Mother's Page, Recipe (tried and tested) Latest Modes. Semes op Articles on HOME PRKiMAKtNO FLOWFIH AM) IT-ANTS, FANCY WO.K. KNITTINQ AND CROCIIETING, CHILDREN" PAOB, uAiiKs, fuzz ra. 1MMK RECREATIOV3. ETC., with many OTMCS) kinohio topics. Making it the bent Map izln in the world for the money. Only 11 ft y Cents a Year, nil subscribers to the Weekly or l)iily Herald wh' year, in advance, lor enner fiaper. Implement WHOLESALE The Oldest Implement All the Standard KEPT 1 1ST Such as John f.eere & Oo's. David Hradley & CoV CiryV St. Jon's and G orge I). I'rowns, of Cialesburg The New Departure cultivator, the hest that' made. Peru THE BEST Always in stock Received in car load lots such as Sf huttler, Molino and Ketchum. Buckeye Binders and Mowers. THE FINEST 1,12733 Of Buggies, Carriages and Road Carts Headquarters for the beet barb wire, "'HIE GLIDDEN" and in lact everything in any of the above lines of goods. Will consult their own interests by I mouth, or Fred II. Gorder, at WWping Water, when in want of any thing in the Implement line. Fifteen years experience hts taught me how to buy goods right, and my trade shows for itself that 1 kcII right. MM MM MOM MM Branch S 311s at Wo op ing Water THE BONNER STABLES. W. D. JONES. Proprietor. HAS THE FINKST THE Carriages for Pleasure and Short Drives Always Kept Kendy. Cor. 4th and Vine. P, (r. FRICKE & CO. (Successor to J. M. Roberts.) "Will keep constantly on hands a full and complete line of pure DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS. & OILS. DRUGGISTS SU.VDKIES. PURE LIQUORS. SwascRimoM Pnicc, SO Ct. a Ye. Pulimk Montmi For Tits Home Magazine. i irri.t; ro.n mooket. BY JOSIAH ALXKN'S WII'K. CsyjrlKtil bj Mwlatis Hliy. M J have been on a visit to Al.ina Ann Mooney ' ..f she tliit wus Alinn Ann Sniith, and rel'r"' live on my own siile. The above slnrv i-nniiilcte in riwmhor number othe Iiik IIhwk Micuzivn, im. Iiu - Only IMfly Cents n Year. t. Depot and RETAIL House in Cass County. Goods are STOCK WAGONS rroinf? to Fred Gordor at TM-ttts. RIGS IN CITT I'lattsmouth, Nebraska - " 1! fl 1. ru- A Kit ry T. el. o A A 1'J T. I i I r 1 4f