Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 03, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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There ar
many white soaps,
represented to be
"just as good as the Ivory.'
They are not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar,
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it.
T' ' ' - -r'
glhittemoiilh QJcchfo crnhl.
G. H HCLTO , tmiOK and Masackk.
Tublislied every Thersilay, and daily every
evening except miilay.
Heristereu at t'a'i l'lattsmotitH. Neb. p-st-oflice
for liansniis. ion through the U. 8. mail
at becoiid clas rates.
Offlee c imer Vine and Fifth streets.
Telephone 3.
TRHMH Kelt ffR'K LY.
Oue c ;.y. one yer, in advance $1 50
One copy, one year, not In advance 2 00
One copy six nionthf. in a I- mien 75
Oue c py. three m nth in ad-ance .... 40
One copy one y ar in adv nee ?6 00
One copy per month, by carrier .V)
One copy per week, by carrier If.
Tiik progressive improvement spirit
is in the city today, it is in the air.
Col. Frank Ikeland and Hon Paul
Schminkeire measuring swords on the
mayoralty Ii Id in N braka City toda.
The hounds of war are turned lo"se
this morninir. Cols Connor Ruff ner and
Sherman are working harmoniously for
the election of the demorra'ic ticket.
Fon memhers of the school board w
haye tw excep ion llv ood Inen to vot'
for today, S A Davi" and Win. B dlanc. ,
they represent n clique, cranks or clan.
Vote for th m.
Rcsh Fellows, of the Au'urn Post,
announces the ln-jfinning f th" thirti-nth
year of that live juormtl. with a bright
.. ontlo-'k for the future. Mr. Frlbiwx i
au indu-tii -us n wspap r m m, and when
he fails th" rest of n will quit
The Hekald's ilea of the ticket yes-
terd-iv uroVel to le correct with the ex-
Cention of citv clerk. Mr Eg'-nb wr
r. fused to I)-a cand'nlate, whereupon C.
W. Holm s, an active young republican
to the nvinor imrn. w is nominated.
BnoNZE castings fro-n P.-.insjlvani
are being import d xfnsive'y bv th
E'Jiflish shipbuilders b.cnuse th- quota
tions on ttii- sid of th- wat.-r are half a
cent per poun l 1 w-r than in fp-e trad"
Britain. And yet '"the tariff is a ttx "
TnE high wa ers h ive "in asunifd
threatening proportions alona the lower
Mississip)i. Ley.e's are being swei t
away and whole cities that a few days
ao were full of prosperous and happy
po-ple are now deserted, to give vay to
the onward march of the mighty river
which in places is described s being
over seven'y miles wide, appearing like
a great inland sea.
The positive declinition of Mr. E. P.
Greusd, published elsewhere i ; the Her
ald, to become a candidate for Mayt-r,
will have to be accepted by the republi
cans toni ht. We have the assuram e
and know that the ticktt named toniijht
vill haye his hearty support. This leav-
" s, as far as we can learn, the field open
to F. M. Richry the present inenmberent.
Mr. Richey has made a most excellent
-cor and should and will receive the
.uarty support of the people regardless
of party.
Iowa is making a fool o' herself sn
fighting for free sugar just now. There
la no doubt that th northern half of
Iowa is well adapted to the culture of the
BUgar beat. But her people are so busy
rtduc'ng ndlroad rates under the im
ysri ssion that thereby the world would
forget .i bout the great corn surplus and
pay a fair pric , that she has given no
attention to the sugar b: et question.
Protbly n farmer in Iowa h is ever
crone so far as lo u'ant a f -w. seeds to see
how they would come ont ia the f al'.
What low need is a farmers' alliance
cw!ni2"d to improve ariciiM un- rather
than to t offices for tb? tiU l-sders
Statv Jouruil.
Ptatb of Nkbkaska. Ex' cchvk De -
I'aiitmknt, Lincoln, M Hi 31, 1890
To tin- people of Nebraska: The day is ;
near at h and (tiie 22nl i f April) which !
Ii is b en s t apart by tlx- statute as Ar
bor day
I therefore respectfully call the atten
tion of the people of thi state of nil con
litin9, laboring men, tradesmen, men of
nil pursuit and professions to this sub
ject, mil most urgently recommend that
eiich and a'l devote the 22nd day of
j April of this year to the planting of
.trees, ornamenting the ground around
your dwellings with them and with
shrubbery; plant them along the high
ways, adorn the borders of your fields
with tln m and plant them in groves. In
no way can you confer a ureat-r blessing
upon the present generation and those
which are to follow.
I entr at the people of this common
wealth not to neglect this pleasant duty,
the faithful performance of which will
add s- much to pl-asures of life, and
will largely enhance the yaluc of your
I especially ii vite the schools both
teachers and pupils, to devote this day
to the purpose named.
Let Arbor day be universally ob
In testimony whereof, I have hereun
to set iii! band and caused to be affixed
the great seal of the state. seal.
Done at Lincoln, this iilst day of
Ma ch, A D. 1890.
By the Governor. John M. Thayeb.
Ben. S. CowDfciKY, Secrtary of State.
By O. O Bei.i, D puty.
We give below what democratic as
cendency has cost this country in the
Mnyle office of treasurer; if other offices
of ti ut were added the amount would
be doubled.
Maryland furnishes the latest addition
to the list of 1 faulting democratic state
treasurers. There are eight of them all
told, and the amount of their thefts, to
gether wiih the victimized states, is
shown by the following table:
uiiau- I 79sen
Teini -ee
M i-s"iiri
Vis-ip i
Maryland (estimated)
200 000
400.01 t
J 532.009
The City of Paris, ne of the finest
i;daces that fl iats up n the Atlantic, had
a very unfortunate accident happen dur
ing the lust trip, that might have caused
the total loss of all on board. 1 ne ac
cident to the steamer occur ed when the
vess 1 ws two hundred and fifte- n miles
If F. stmt The passengers pay they
in ard a loud crash, followed by an ex
plosion. The ship quivered and tUe
tluiinpini;- of broken machim ry in the
engine room shook the steamer from stem
to stern Sue began leaking bhdly from
hoi wh eh had been broken in the not
t m. Th pumps w- re quickly manned
m.i the boats weie ordered to becleared.
fiie passenvrs were much excited, but
the officers remained calm ami their pres
ence of mind and enforcement of regular
discipline goon hail the ff ct to restore
'Ii Coufi b nee of a'l on board.
Flack Ii s b -en convicted of the crime
o conspiracy anil is liable to a year's
impri onm nt and a fine of f 500. Yet
Ii- remains the sheriff of New York coun
ty. and in the full xcrcis of all the
powers pertaining thereto This seems a
dreadful anomaly The conspiracy into
which Flack and others entered is, how
ever, a misdemeanor only in the eye of
the I iw. and conviction of suh a crime
does not work a forfeiture of the office.
le Id by the chief offender. Neverthe
less, charg'-s have been preferred asrninst
the sheriff to the governor, and he has
b.-en summoned to show cause why he
should not be removed. It is notorious
that If should not be r ivoved forth
with, but his counsel will doubtless bring
forward a er-at ar--v of reasons to the
contrary N. Y. Tribune.
Prohibition breeds a disposition to
meddle with other peoples business.
Over in I -wa the prohi bition v ingofthe
state are champiouing a measure com
pelling school book publishers to sell
their goods to everybody at their present
wholesale prices, and to giv 20 per
cent off of this for cash. The next thing
that an Iowa legislature tackles will
probably be to fix a price on cattle and
hogs makins a s- vere penalty for the
m:m who would dare to buy at a lower
figure than was intended by the wise
s(7bns. A little more sumptuary legis
lation and t majority of prohibitionists
m:'it b ashamed of the theory, and ra
tuin to their old and safer beliefs.
Suspect No. 4.
Omaha Bee.
Chief S-avfv received the following
telegram last night from Chief Abbey of
Nebraska City, dated st Ibddrege, Neb :
Have Lisk arrested. Will be in with
him o" No. 4. Abbet.
The train referred to is that which
arrives in Omsli'a at 9:35 this morning
nrer th;- B. & M. Li.-k's trrest fastens
nnother link in the chain of evidence
which i rapidly being forged to cni-
! pb tion about th murderers of th whit
haired old couple, and th- story which
this fourth supef t msy have to tell upon
his arrival here this morning will be
i awaited with great ioUnart.
n i ninn
Republican Contestants to B
Seated by the Senate.
It Will Com Cp I th noni thl Week
Durwy't Mlvcr MtMor to II CwnaM-red-Maar
rlll - nildtait pproprl
tloo Villa tbt rll t Appropriate.
WAsniNOTOX, March 31. TTe senate
wilt take up th Montana e.ection con
test tVday. It will bt debated probably
for two days and the Republican con
tstantMr(SautiderH and Powers) will be
wated. roJ-ably by a strict party vot.
Wheu Ihe election caaes are out t f the
war, the dejwadent pensioa bill will be
delated ' sad disposed of. The under
vaiuatibns bill follows thia in the ordr
of butiiheea, but it will hardly be reached
this week. Saturday will likely to be
devoted to the coun id e atiott of bills on
the calendar. Several tet speeches on
politit al and ecouoaiic ques4ions are ex-
f-cted at odd tinaea At- a.uie time
proba 4y early ia toe week, the Flo. i l i
uoiuinaiiond will be taken op agaia in
secret Keaskw and coiilirined. The
world's fair committee baa not teeii
called mgeVher by tSmator iliscock. but
it will meet doub lets during the com -iitfc
week and it may agre upon a re
port wMhin 111 next two week.
The htue begins the week w ith indi
vidual HUH(etir.lou day and memters hav
ing bills in whi h they are in erestetl can
call them up for passage on recognition
by thi spoaker. the Kepu. lican in-m-ben
of tlie oommitiee ou terntiries i i
lend to bring up another statehood Lit
for omAitleration that pr vi ling lor
the admiavina of Ioaho. The Democruta
will oppose the, bill on the groun-ls on
which they ophite d the Wyoming bill
The- army, a'propiacion till wnl be
lurther coasiiLerexJ uziJ , t-3i, an 1 it ii
osible thit the foriiiic .tious appropri-uIi-jd
bill wiil t.4eu ui for consider
ation. Om Tueaday evening beginning
at H o'clock, tlte house will Uear eulogies
n the lata Cox, and on
Saturday, beiruaaiog at 3 o'clock in th
afteruoor. aiai itr t-xerciso in h nor of
the late Representative Newton W. Nut
ting of New York will take place.
Mirer LogUi'tMon.
WasniNdTON. March 31. No definite
agreement has been reached in regard
to toe time when the J n silver bid
in the e;iate and the li -r-tey m -.inure in
the houstl, wiU 1 taken uj lor consid
eration, but it seems likely that the
. use will discus toe subject first. The
id has been given a puice well down on
toe enate "order of business an i it may
not react! for sever Hi wisks. There
s ittile loubt th-it there ill oe some
i . i -latum on the silrei quf lion at this
ision tit t -mxreas. In wbat form the
io wdi final y go to the president, ia
lid a pibiem. But a general e;ief
. Mts that the Jones measure will go
.tough uttantiallr in the form iu
wijk-4i it wus report! from the senate
rii.auce txtxnraittee. Senator Jones, wiio
has lien dLscxasingthe mttter dil. etttly
a Kh the other mu nbars of the sen ite.
i-el .-v that tli re is a large majority in
I., t o' of the niaasur as it stands; but he
-idmii that debate may re ult ou tli-
adoption of '-ouie ' moUin atton not, a.s
yet sugge.el. Mr. Doisey is qu ted :ta
aving - id that he would he wild ig to
icce-pt the Jones b 11 as a compromise
tK?iWeen . the Wiodom bill and the
uieaat re reported from liin commiitiie.
t cxJiiiteru. result the itasage of any
n:-of thi"w Iwws. will be tiie o:o ing of
ii mint at Cnraon CitT Nevada, i bu
nt is utxa-i chiefly for coining silver
nr-, S i the decrea in the loinage
it Ii wili foilow the i-oiue of c rtiticates
- d oa ion. will deprive the Car
o ! City f ne-irly all of its work.
i ,..iUvw jicti" will fill its oii nix iu
ho uspon:iion o the mint.
rabtte RalMinc Ullls.
Wakhinotov, March 41. The hou-te
o?' repr sentalivee recently has pissed
many senate bili appropriating mouey
for buii Jinvp, but in se veral case
" appropriation clau e has been
ickeii out of the bill. - t'u action re-
the n-ui.rk made by a reprrnta-
we1 l.'t when an nut ry was raised
aint '"enravaga ce"of the house ani
;,;te lA-t-aub- a great many public
:!. i nsz itb uj.s;4ed eitim U.-dv. He
.. diat 'wh-e more bill or pub. to
Vilit:3 WOUl-l OMSS ttle- hoU OT til
fnae uring hts conresa than ever
:.ore, the appr te.m. lor puoiic
ouiding-t woul 1 -.Uan ii I lie cou-
greRs liore. tn -rxp anaii u of this
preuH-Uoti. he iai ; -. t . tin ex;-.vt l t ie
houe to pass ver i'rj v s.-iini; bibs .vi 1
die senate t o.'s- v-rv few h use bid-
if the two houxe- fol.ow lht io!icy .ml
us a fur; her pncaution strike out the ap-
DiOLriiiUon clause from many o toe
Li. is, the prediction it hkely to be veri-
ueU. -
The fovrn t.Ki-lMture.
. Des Moines. Ia.. M irch 3b In the
house a bill was passo-i for
f fraud in the sale- ' nursery stock. A
lad for the protect .oi o: stock breeders
was amended snd o l'-re i es'rosted.
In the senate 'i re-otiiiioB was passed
f.-r the appointmeut oi" a c-uiruitti-e to
Irep;re a reception Tor tue grand Army
o: the Republic sttte encampmiit on
April H. A bill ad--l to atliorize the
boiidmg-of iwiy indebtedness, and lo
authorize certain cfies b levy t xce
to pay for changing natural water courss
into sewers. lie joim rates t-ii. pasea
under auspenaw of t'oe rub-s ia the
same form as it cum" rrorn m n use.
Tu tjplttrr -ilkt, Fb-bl.
NEW Yokk. Marc 31 W7. J. Art. ell
and Russell Harrison have sent out an
axpedition te Alask 1 in the interest of
their Frank Leiiu'.-i lilustrale i Ne'-vs.
aper. One or the rincipai gent emeu
connected with the exp-di ion is Mr E.
J Glavo. Mr- Glare went t Africa in
181 At tlit' age of nineteen h had
command of one of the station far iu
the int-rior o-i the Cosgi. fomJ;d by
his chief. Mr. Stanley. He and Mr.
Stmle live t together -nix v ars in the
wilds of. Africa. He wan , decorate 1 by
the King of Dtslgvj.n with the Star of
-jerVice, wbi. h i a ool guarantee of
hi bavir.g fallUJed hi duty in Africa.
llauuii Cejop -ra Quf.
- M;n-f.a:u-. March 31. The
2oqpera hav declared a fsirtni atfiJS.
tntlr MUaUalppI l1t. from
V-ek-Iurg t't New Ortean.
ST. 1 oi is, March 31 Mr. J. J.
Ilogan, of h Memphis Com niercia', ar
rivtd beie direct from the floo led dis
trict a ong the Missi sippi river. He
says the situation is alarming, and in
bis opo ion the uo kI ha- not ro.ich d the
high st no't h. At Luconci-i Circle,
whuh is ntu.detl in uerha c-unty.
ArKaiihas. and comprises aUut "'O.btlJ
aeies. the FC-ne is a bcarlit tiding one.
'I bis strip oi country is now inundated
to a tleiah of live to twenty feet und the
:nhalit nts. iiumlaring tietween 2t0
nd ;,l( 0 ja-ople whites and negro -s,
women and children are perched on
bi u e torn and I ayt-taf ks and in ti e
iievs. Live litot k rot ulready drown, d.
ire maintaining a prcarious txistence
i;h their v retched owners, in sm.
:is;ar.ces ou the roofs uf residences and
c-.-e where n improvised platforms or
j.seckages Stnrv dio is telling on tin
..tile, wiiile the hut;. an victims sire i .
v.if elv los deplor .bie conditi u as to
,ad. From Helena, the entire Mhs
.Vsij.pi oelta country, reaching fioui
v icii-burg to Shreveport and down to
.'ew Orleans, seems d- oined to ilestiuc
ion Mr. 11 gnn icport-t that : 11 I he
.-ople iu tii-? wi le district threatened
vho re iii the true situation, are fleeing
r meir lives.
1..1VHS .iiist i Ulld.M-.
Vi'-ksi;i;iiu. y.a.'-r :I1 Latent returns
-om tiie Msisdppi love .'S repot
e waters steadily adv.-.ncin sotiili
rd from .v-kip i'di cr'.-v.iss...
, . the icwns
A til...
Ai;ty l sv t IC.
we. fi lers a ii iia.
'tin le i
l must : .i:i-'-- fi a :-!toit
iine l .e hle.-un-r
nen a . '.-nd tri. : --le. i"-. b.
....i- f r the ti.f' w.-ii!d
iTi is in
iVi-ll. i'O-;,i-'iit
v : rir;. toe :el.) - i t
k ii'.-. Jler i it '. i-; :
, oid no s':!fe. c; s: ' -v '.
i.W;t llOllfi in
. t ti.nt t e y
.t'tii .ill i i.tbe:
lock b id l' en
. ople nfe m.i-'.
: ;ist. i he h:u; U
!e;i! .i-:l ami lh:i. 1 Ik
!)- : VOIl i n 1 i:-ilg
i., cav:::g r:;rtdiv in
i'el fd e'
cow Ik-o -i!
the it'V-v
; ;!r ll!- I t- fo
nvi-r. i ;
e ,n Let:
t i; rt.'-'. i v: . !v'
c'. tiU tiiti .
exc-p: It'
! t s ;
cs ' '
:' lh.
. l!- I
r- v.-1 ; ' -
. ! . t ,rs
i-! ! :
: :n
i i r .'..
ills; ? -
.'l.ltl'.l tt'll. ?l lllllL'.S. ail'
I .'IV.
h. ii :. aii': Uenoii, tj ! tin.' .8
;;ive I.e.;
nvilie wi; ;s-
ai -lidi'iO '!. I lsis ie:t
s t ;
i llt ',h;h Ullv-atJ'i!l w
WIM ij -Ci-pt i'V I T CI.
ilie M..- l.-ip;i Vni.ey 1 ! t en a.' o l ; v
: !) tic oill uie
'i ii - .- li u.ti i .n on
l .il: a I-, lnao.
r a:l Ksiize-.!-.!
Six ii:c i s ii-.
is vi rv i-.tnous inde. d.
of aier w il! send lln Vickst-urg. Stir v.
pt.r' a d l acific rai ia i urnier oeta et n
la) uhdi a-d Lake On . Hie water i
ri in slowiy. "out it is very uniikelv to;,
the road tan run tn ins mo e than .
week I in .re, an I a I litioiial crtiv'isjf
may stop o: c-.rutions at any tiui . T.i:
wi.ter io.-o live l-et in Dry o.-you. iv.
miles fiom Kayville, in 2- hours, and i
mi.f withi'i h'.lf a mile of the towi
G:c -.u.!e is now on an isl -n l. i le
t. i i- iu th- t datg -r of
ov,-rHiv, although the ievee.- ate si.
Tho Cyclone at ;.d'uiil5i, Ida
Golc .ma, Ills.. M arch Tiie cy
clone of the Slth struck this place fro i
the southwest. I eiug accompanied by
rain and hail in ii. ods and va.leys Tin
two story h.iase of Jon ithu j
Iioi incite was driven to pieces and iis
initiates tossed at ut like playinings
All were more or less seriously mjureJ,
Mrs. iCo. itiette fatally. Miss Lucy Robi
nette was si ruck by a flying timber and
kilt d outright. Oeorge Taylor's resi
dence was t.-rn to pi cos. His wife was
iiiied and other menu ers of tho family
w. re seriously injured. All the
biiiidins wtiewiei ked. A German boy
name unknown, was drowned. Rumors
a. e constantly coming in from residences
des-troyi d.i arns wrecked. fencing washed
awa. ."orcii iids niin-d. and me. , women
and children kided or washed away b
the l ushing wateis.
I- Iffy Lives I. st at lay, Ky.
Nawiville, Tenn., March 31. The
Chesapeake and Nashville raiiroad suf
fered ueb .oss of property by '1 burs
day's cycione. A bout oo feet of high
tiesile-wora were destroyed and MH)
feet of iron Lri.iges wen- blown from their
r:dars. Tney w.t.- broke and twisted
into thousands of pi-ces and shapes, ami
are a total l s. The company hopes to
I able to ru-. train. over the road i
t ice weeks. A mi e of trak was torn
up by the cyclone
A ftpeciaf fro n C av, Ky.. says 'h it
the nu.nt;.-r of live lo-t will cot fa i
fdior. of li t. -.vhi, - the damage to prop
erty i islin i.e. . it Tl.WJ.
!-.. l!i. tle-lt- !:! Vail -V.
Eva 7-. v !.!.-, . hid.. Mrch 31. Time
pi:i of tii - N-"V..nit News an.l Mis:-
i'V r i ! .'os. i
r:vr. ..e:
.' i" 1 'So f ! t- i l
i'he ;k- -t
bii;le.? at!',.:.. in.
t r s- w. is v. ;i. K . .
it t:y Ti!ur-,u .: .
i li ji- I IV i 1 tiie
: oi..:w
v. .' e . !;
e u'lie
vh i . i i t v
. .vi..- 00.
r'i ta'a is el i'
Ive p r-'.'HS are rep. e-ied (, be n l.ii e l. ;n:d aUutit ihtrty teii
ousiy injur .1. At dy vilie, Ky.. nine
perscps were ki.i.-.i.
In th. A'iti i-.i.iar as.
March '!
01 s:io
is m;.":' :
D. .-;M. s- --0 i-KS, N. Y.,
. - Siric- fYid-ir !it.e'
1 -a fiil'.-n -n-i f an i
I. l'!i is i-t t-'-e h.-.i vi'
:n iuche-i
.-,t fait of
t- ks in
snow tnr.eigh-'Ut tii- urn"
(', !:.-.: s
Ji IINT' . N . t'lM.
pet "pie of tin rv y
Jle Louis'. ii:0
ent the pi --:.e .t we-
e '; l.
r i.;y -c
:(. Th
t .-? -0 t.)
More will be
lfi I i-.- at
t. I.o n i .
m. an elect i i-!
five-story el -. .i
man Moiit'g
street rf-:id i"" '",
Toe flaiil s w- r-
21 At G o"c ock a.
'i ire s-t ft: e to the
f the J iia W. Ihmif
: , . , ai Tv -niy-lirst
i S n i l.: r.:i road.
..., . 0:1 i CoililO!
and sinea I to C-.e tn.di 1 t in ' I uerc
Iwere liO.'HK) bush h of w.n ru in the ele
vator, sll of wbi h vas des oy.-d. L)s
1 on elevator and n.iiis .'if'.O id, and toe
I machinery and srock on ha 1 I was w.-r I.
isu.uaJO. i e w oii i;a total l ss cov
ered by inruraace
Oiiir i H ..(- Hut
NEWC.'.sn , Pa.. Much Jl. Thr.
ojie a hovi-. and thr e nth?r b lildin-i
were iestr .v '. ' v lir. . Loss '5,000: par
tiabv iiei I if ior-u -liii.r-. A hi,
vunil i I v 1 e; at ii e im.' f t .1- hi
and 1 r a ,. tme-itone-l t-ie ti -strn -tion
ot it. .-ay. It is belifVd Uw fir-
The Flayra I.rirn schedule tVeatern
Alliletra Ilciiipsey' llcp )lssiot:
Pinsruto, Maith 31. The arrange
ment of another schedule with i.o con
flicting dates with the National Le.tguo,
w id come up for consideration at the
special meeting of the Pla ers league,
to be held in New York next Wednes
day. To eirect this it will necessitate
1be making of an entire new schedule.
Manager llaulon sai l: "A change of
this character could be ina.le with busi
ness propriety. So far as Pittsburg is con
cerned, conflicting dates in- pile ns with
no ilread. but 1 mo no reason, bow
ever, for a warfare such as tho National
League has mapie 1 o it. and tin oi-t-turbanee
is of in creation, as our sched
ule was the lirst to appear. As the
schedules are now arranged. New York.
Unaaklyii. l'hila.l elphia. and Bo.-ton are
without base ball attractions on July 4.
A change sh. uld Ik- made iti the m bed
uto redardless of any charges of t. nudi
ty, etc., the National league mav make.
Hie Players league will not leave the
patronatio ofTerod by these cities go un
iiarvested. lUisiness interests make con
flicting dates at any time unnecessary
and impracticable. " Neil tier ih puiilic
nor our dversaries can find fanll. if in
entergeinies such as exi.-t. we rie t(
the prac tical sense of guarding our own
"Western Alliietle T'a rii.aiueii t .
ST. I. CIS, M.iich The ii-i-.l ia-uts
of the W'edern A soei.i: ion .f A-i:aieiir
Athhtes were li. i ! ;.t 1'ii'et I i:m nc-it,
)i;:!l, Civii'ii- r I'i:i".i is ! en;; -i ; ii.f
di.'.t iiiuiii.die i gu.-'-ts pr. nt. CliKT.g'
c:i. lured TljO-.t of the i.v) (l.i. .o.lili
inn of St. L 1.;.-'. vul the fer'.ther-
ui'j"M bnxif.'-- tt Sieve ' ot SI
Lotlis. t ! .e li" ! .1 NVfl-'
: : S. W. Mc.ii ti.ur.
of Ilif l:i;i,:i: l .l
mid ! vi;. . i I: ,:vy'. i'iii. hi ill
wre'ii.-g 1. ' t - ;!:.' t 1 - 1 ; v.-;;-.-:
.iM I'.I inr by. L'i:; :i i i ic lui..
( hi.-ago, ie;,l!.ei v.-i i -id: l'.n:;ev -Me
l .el leu, .Mis-.or,ii A i.'. ti.; club, St
I u ii-., ligbiw. i;;ht: .fooo i i- (., O yinpic.
Si. L'.uis. in I. i . lie i-'n ; ,l..!i:i 'iocei.-v,
( l.n a . heavy v ciht. i'; m iy. otn
oi' the cojiti -.tar.ts in th" !.e:.y wei'-ii
wrt-sili'iLr. had hi ;..!fid'lcr 'ii.-io.-alcd.
A IToiil : -.Oi -. V'el 0.7 e r.
l'iTr-r.crt'i. P.i., M.ts-i.h -h. I'iiti-biifj,-
v. ill h.'.ve tiie )-.. ner, wiihout
dotii-t, !' n. e.ii nalin l'i- 11 -t Ii f o who
v:'! i-niiijieie for the .h-i),si i) .st.iUes oT.-r-e,i
l.v tie C l.arb'i- 0:tk driving .-ir,;; :
ci ition for a r;.c 10 ! tio'.ted by foals
of Ssf-"!, in J 1 .1 1 1 itid. i'.iin.. in 1-'.
'i'he n 1 1 1 u i t ' . v . ; :iii' Coii Mu.iriv oe (.'..
l the Mca-lowla id si", k :irn, n-n '
Wa ..iiiogt' :i . !'.!.. a'ld I tie n.ii.i'iee, M j
h. V., a b..y c .it. K.iUvi 11 I .'.I. I..
W. is by l i'o- ii Wiik.-s. iii' ! d ;:i i I 1 r
i. v, bv 1' in .'.i:t. an . !. id ii ; 1 K!f
ii.irol I. i.y ii'ir I 1,-1:1;', M. L. bi-i.iee.ii:.'-'
and njijieiirancc, gives proiiiis'
of ma':ing a gic:;t bid for the covcl-ed
I'inhey ! ii; u t c.l.
San FkaN'JIS .). Marc.i :II. Jack
iK-mpsey left for Portland, Ore., with
out giving warnii.g to the C'aiiforuia
Athletic club, of which ist tution he
the lwxing instructor. Ihs friends sav
he is so disgusted, bet anse he could get
no match with LaBium-he. that be wi 1
not 11 turn to Fan Francisco, but will go
est with the Joe McAuliife combina
tion. Young Mitchell promised Demp
sey to fi-ilit 1 ji I'lancbe.atiii it is probable
a match will soon be arranged bi-twee
them. M iny be.Mov' here fiat Mitchell
can whip the "-liariiie "
A HiiNsiaii f ount.
Boston, March 31. The G!ob de
votes t onsi icrable sp ue to an inlerview
with Roman Ivanovitch de Lippman,
who, as Count ZubolF, has been charged
with swindling numerous society peo
ple in this city and to have been saiiin.,
under false colors. The Count -rescnle-.
iniiuinei ib e postal canis and lett-rs it
supjxirt of his statements. Among hi
correspondence are letters from Alfred
Webb. Duo in correspondent of tht
New York Nation; John Cooke, of Dub
in universiiy, and Ward & Dowoey, tin
Lonbn piililishers. These lelteis tene
to show that he is not a i imposlor an 1
that he used the name Zuboif before In
came to this country, as well a-s to prove
that he is a count.
Comm. -reial Axen-ie I)it 111 lel.
Yankton, D. T., March :51. Tie
Uradstreet and Dun commercial agencies
a e disturbe.l lest they be forced, undei
a new law, to c.?ase doing business in
South Dakota. The law in question pro
viiics that every commercial : genc
d-.i'iig business iii t"u state must have
.:jid up c 11. it:. I of .-'-7).l id. and mu-t a!.
deposit .-0. '!'' I in tiie state tr-'.-is.iry. stio
iect to judgment and g;i r.'ii-.nment j
persons iii jm ed i:n anciaiiy l-y the agency
making th-. deposit.
Str-it-n Oil.
Li O., M :!! iii.K i'. Rave,
-truck o:; 0:1 ;li-' ;'a far;n. li'-e mile
e st oi this ciiy. wc-il i 5 ;) r. ;:
rah- ol" !-a r.'- s d.', ii", i 1
itua:. I ot-.M !!.! : ea-t of iie hull u-Tu-ig.if.
-.v-i:. vviii.-h was driH'-l i:i - : t
sprin.c ot V- -i' aii-l i- s iii goinir. bavin..'
pro !uC' d 7'0.00-J b;rreis of oil iuce ti.a.
time, 'ih s 1' -rker w.-!t i a g;-...t fciir
p!'i.-c, as it i-.'Ve!f) -! ti'-'.v te-i'it-ry.
S( It.'iM.' t' l'i..''- tee i
I'Cl-T.vtJ, N. Y.. M-.i:-h Piun
iiave have b-n p- ; '"act " I for rf !!;.:in
the force of hi: Fails hy me 1
a titrnel. b:ving ir )v 1
fdiovo the falls lh--!'i I ' e-i i-.-.d i:-- t-ii.
just br-loxv the.1 a "1 .a- cri;-i'U! .-.; k o
tho Ni;;g:;r:i h:r "i :
i '-. or and S ver c ,. p h. l--..-u in
crease, iro-r. ':-''.'--. 1 -!.
la -! r :ri Is I) - l.
PHrLADF.L?-ir., M .r ii oi. Fred Dar,
well known 0.1 th.i mlnstr.. 1 st.i ;a at -i
fern..le iniuc-rs mat ir, 'ii-; 1 here of con
liUinpiion. The w-.s a'. out '.li
ye;ir:j of -. an I a 11 tiv.? of Liv.-i-p.Tol.
England. For sevoi -. i ye n s p.-.t he in-,
been a me a .ei of tit-' Cira--r-ss M..i
btrei company.
SEATTLE. VVaih., March :J1 - Captain
J. C. n. o-viif-r of tiu s a ii-14
b-1i la.K...- O-Ibi I. A!,'.-r. when tr.ter
viesve.1 said ids scb -):icr aJ uiany
others would gj into B'-ii.r.. r st-a tni-s
vear to catch svals in deaance cf the
Iiipiitlieria tpiilemic.
Becvidere, N. J.. March 31. An
alarming epidemic of diph hrrta pr?vaili
at East ' Str udsbiir. Pa. L'euhs are
occuriu daily. The disvWJ Viiifl-iUid
Tb u i M 'h New Sdnmn Tor Itccli
iovl Korl Omlix.
.Min.lia (,
No conclusions were reached by (h 11. lal
danaers Clark and Ibildrege in tl,e.r
conl. t. nc. H lr a joint right of way,
through New Fort Omaha and Mr. Clark
vt in net! to St. Lnis Sunday mornm.
Negotiations were Mt in .u( , M,ape,
however, that 1.11 agrei-ment will probly
lie entered into within the n.'M ten days.
A proposition from Mr. Hohlreg.-, Con
t. mplatiug the Use by both companies! f
one track between Nebraska City mnl
South Onialm, is now under consider
atiou. Mr. Clark took it u-.miv wiUdum,
promising to return his aiihwer otitc tm.n
1 his week. If its terms are accepted the
B ic M. s. cuits a line from Ni bnc-k
City to PUttsmouth, l.y simply build -i
'.1 a short l'ne between Union iitnl
Plattsmouth the Missouri Pacific g ts win t
it wants.
The rt scrvation right-of way bus vr
lually been nbandoncd for naother cipial -ly
as disirable outside find along iho
west ol that tract though it makes Iho
cat off line a iittle longer. If Mr. Hoi
d ge'e proposition is accepted his con "
p-ny will tn exchange for the Missouri
P-. ilie track privileges between Nebras
ka City and Plat ismoutli ( Xt.tid like
si ric t the 1 dter over the I. M.
ro id from Plattsmouth to South Oinnha.
A Hefty View of t.e FVdlin Places
ot ;..,o.
In tin lii.-l ward 110 votes hav-' been
e.i-l. whiih i.-i a poo- for this
Senna l' il la.ii'l at it.- u 1 d 'lb 'In, HI light
i . on c mm i I ma n, which h veiy (lose,
t...- lis mis ; S.di.-bury stonily ii.-serting
ii:d b is ale a. 1. 'file vtft p.ali-t Vote
1:1 i Iii- s.iiii in hi t, all ov r the
ii v iii ik.s ,1 sale p'i'i di'. tion oil lb'- 11, ay-
lily almost i uipos.-i I il e. The pll
a , 1 Iii i s at t his : a: .1 think I'iche, Up to
hi - 1 1 me, is .1 It. a. 1 o! his I ii ki t .
In tiie second w ild the li,lit is ki j.f uji
.IV all alone; (lie liii' ; total Vote polled
.1 -i.iiO, 1 U' on the ecu. ticiv. t, i;:2 on
b. Mnl ink t, vsi'.li 1.0 votis agaitist
. ion. Morgan:) fi i iidsclaiin
1 in- was running tdicad tf his ticket, a
til- .vhii h rejiublic.aiis conceded. Con
or w is th aught to be bcliillil here at this
nne. Ihown and Osborn are tunning together though ail par'i.s coiiced
I Brown was .hcnd, ('rboiii's frit nds
o; ing tt list t tht.' gain by voters who
.ad not yt at rived fiom the cusl nit of
he ward.
In the third ward 14" votes have been
ast. Murphy i.'- aheud, with Larson's
friends making a hard fight. Richey
running ahead, while Mtr;:iD is notiS -hung
niuch though it is his h )ine ward.
In the fourth ward the vote isrcinaik
ibly light only ItO votes having been
ast. Connor's fri. nds claimed lit; v. as
ihead but th.s was denied by the other
ide. Peter Hanrahan was thought I.y
some of po;l woikiis to be ahead of
Guisclic and if the scabs did not turn
would be elected. The republicans liKVC
-he advantage in this ward with good
".II workers and wc shall expect a good
report when the yotes are counted.
Hut utile could le: learned from tho
i Ith; they used no sep.rate ballot box
for the school board, which will prevent
he counting of that vote iu thai ward.
It is giner.dly thought the npi-blicRu
Mjhool board will beelecttd
There will not be ten votes Hgiit'fct the
b nds in the entire city.
Fiom appearances 11 -w the lightest
vote for years will be tine of the rt-nul's
if today's wot k
CVl. Ci nnor is seen all over the town
vhispi-t ing orders to his faithful captains
while Mayor Kichey with Judge Sullivan
itivt-s to th different wards, feeling the
t 1 . : --1 i 0 pulse and putting in a good lick
vie re most in eded.
nu'aclen's Arnica - alvo
Th k hiT Sa tvr. :ii tl e w.i I I r r Cuts
r, .;(.-. Uia is. Sal' Hh tun. F ver
i .l'c.i. T. til I, ('iia-jp i liaiiih, ( '.'.ii i ail;S,
'. il..-, and all Skin Ihu;. So .-, t.n.i Jio-i-:
vi ly cur.-s Pil. s. or r.o pay r. ouir-.-.!. It
- ..'iinrant-'d to t'v- fatisfi.etlon. or
.e,e M-fud' d. P. iee 2t l.l- per i'X.
;"... - ii. F i. I i i' kc o-. (Jo.
Ti;; Ladies.
Th-c- -houi'l ' esei.t tnir. lr. .1 p.;i:;,-e
.' C.e Cj'T i :.(". -i' t.-.n-;i row t.i e.,f:. fj;
..'. '.- .;i:.'..:t V. "di ti or:' of t !e- b.-.-t I V
'a S,.;., y. y n I '.V til a'.IIj'lv ri jiy Jill V
Cl.le to
a jd-e;-.,;t ;;n.l el,j iy
- iv'. Lvery raist.d by
tlii- :: ; 1 .iie.n -id. w iiir ii is gotten up
i --V i!e- !-a j s of tile Pr.sbyt liall l iiUlch.
v. t i I be i:-ed in tV1 purch is- of a tn ignill-
.-' nt -.' '-rgan for lit lew churl h. The
o i o. ople ,,f pSttsi.ioiith can hvlp id
g : '.1 r t Worthy .'f ie ID" by bejng in
1 r : . i ; : : - f -. at tl !.- 1 :-tertainui. nt; no in-
i ! '. i'"u-d Would f' 1 the l'l-s i.f tin- 11)1111-
- . while in h aggregate, gre-it good
Would be accomplished.
If you s-uffer prif k:ni; pabi-4 on moving
t'ie . v- s. or cannot b. iir bright light, aod
timl your r.lght weak and failing, vou
-hould ir- inptly uie Dr. J. H McL- an's
S'.rengtheninsr Eve Silve, cents a box.
in his ofiice on and after March 12, pre
pared to do ALL kinds of d. ntal work
by Uu-st improved method. tf.
4 -rTTn;
..... Hindi-'