r A ' ) - WEEKLY HERALD: PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MARCH 27, 1890. j 'hest of all in Leavening Tower. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. i7, 1889. AGAINST TRUSTS. SPRING. SPRING. Sherman's Measure DIsc;isr;r?c! at Length in the Se ats. wder I MH. TELLER MIKES A DISC OVI Ir Y. G. DOVEY & SON The KIJ1 to Declare Unliiwrul i iM t tlns In Katratiit or Trade WuuM . to Farmers' lraniat ion and tlie Knlchtu General Caiilnl N'evvit. ABSOLUTES PURE re 0 I -!; I I : J devyhody Reads ' , i 3 uttemoiith QJcthhr Jjtrnhl. ii I C I A 1 P-HE- of trio COUNTY Our Club List. ie following list of newspapers ami idicals will he dubbed with the jtsIUOUth Weekly IlKUAI.Dat the price fTjjposite each: 1 1 T cr's Magazine 1 .'tr'a Weekly ' erS Bazar ..4 C0 . . . 4 M . . 4 80 . . . :j id . .. -r o; . .. 2 :o . . . 2 40 . . . y 2 ...2 4.- . .. 2 25 . . . 1 it . . . ; Of ...2 -! cr's Ytuii4 People. York Foiuui aoo Inter Ocean . . . . P iorK Worm I adn Cill do Blade 'i're 1 If lift It Am H' publican ie Magazine H, (Sion-st's M mnziue. . Siftinos ther pahers lit proptrirtnately ltv ll on us before ordering. Q Sdiildun who tire troubled with 1 ... -'-m iroiv lie nnieklv relieved bv L'lV- ...... j - A -- j . j r c! tlwm Dr. J. II. Me Lena's Ltouid 'Limifuize. It kills anil t iuda worms Health Better Than wealth. '.'lie above dvico itppeals to all pi 1 J, especially to those who 10 an out d appearances seem hale and heaitv, i on whom the impi cssimi id daih de that their health is not what I tuld be. ffluy ailments that may be relieve J a short period, only t appear ayau 3 as certain 111 time to und-i nline 1 1 . L filth, as a break in the leveeot' the.Wi Jir rippi riyer, which is hardly iti't-u at tiito , Nly enlarges witli the pressure of th , jiieis, ana ui icuoui icis iu u iitin; 4d- rFlt Ku ,ra against or to remove diseiis 'liw 1 me htiiI must. iiiiDiirtunt thill!'' ti liember in health or sieknejs. 'J r'akf,fr-vhyni to aduise with shonh jiRour foremost duty, many do ,lut th ' SIic at birge shouhl demand ami re L'iTvu gootl medical advice for the pre- fimion ot iieann. ' fl'he Arakoff Metlical Co , with it Irldwide reputation in peeking to fol in out thf principles and aims of th fninent Husiu physician. Dr. Arakoff Moscow, ami Ids celebrated Rus-iat l i.oital treatment, has s cured thf fcer . :es of an erlicitnt and experience' l(-dical corps, who will upon nppticKtioi lfcre advicf by letter free of charsc tt Y rr e t f ,t; ? jrsons suireriug 11 0111 uu y mim wi Write and describe your complain' d its 8V 1 Ptonis. also cive your ful ni anl address on a stamped envelope, 'd by return mail receive ndvire foi atinent free of expt nse. Address V fmmunications to The Akakoff Medicat. i n, lto'ton. Mass. f pl jl Ballard's Snow Liniment. 1 1 it ?rv:. :-.i...Kt r-mrA-o U one that oueht t j ery houmehold. It will cure your Rheumatism. Ntu li Urid. Sprains, Cut, Bruise. Burns, Frosted Fee: A' 1 tars. Sore Throat and Sore Chest. If you have ! R.V !r will cure it. It oenetrates lo the seal I . L . . .. -.1 C.:ff f ..J .nntr,d.H r itne aisease. iiwm tu juu j I? Iiscles after all other remedies have ailed Jhole f o have been cripples tor years nave uio.i I t una Liniment and thrown away their crutche and ? I .n .hi. rr. wlk as well as ever. il will cure you. 1 i-icM. a ctntM. , v . Kiiene. Airent. Plattsmouth. Htb j ; Barfirains in (strpet at f.Ji J. V. U KCKBACII CC SOX S ft I For la l Jvor rneuniHHc ani nraniJit F..ii in Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Od ! ' iniment. tn L i lp'i.rs'iiiarilla. iniment. tnd take Dr. J. II. McLean's You will not suffer Ion a H I jit will be gratified with a ?pe ay atin ve cure. Thr Fact'tryville Kidler .Hills f r" Are now in full bla.-t, and turning out v, ry choice article of flour, plenty of i'Yhieh is on hand at all linn s to exchange t'F.- nnnrl ii-henf FhlUr fliT Sale at ItlW ices yiz.: XX O 1 23. Bakers $1.8" id Victor (Sireight) 2 00 per hon reil; Gptcial pri s on lots of 500 aid 000 pounds. Hepectfully, tf l . M ARSE flHEuP MONEY TO LOAN OX FARM SECURITY. all on or address, J. M. Ley da. PI at 1 3- t J,outh, Neb. Office with V. X. Sullivan 1 f ttorney . nnmonia and Bronchitis carry off I ) One-Third of the Human Race. l B.n.allv Vnnwn that Pcenmonia and oncbitis carry off ont-tkird of the human race, but : jch are the facts. And what is mere surprising, both . -L- - l . i: ... bac... (mm Timtrmminir m con. I i ! 100 ordinary Cold. A Cough should aever be atg- 1 . ted. If it is. every time you catch cold you cough I I arder, and it sucks by you longer Ballard's Hore- ', ound Syrup is the best remedy in the world for 1 I ! nenmonia, Bronchitis and all Throat and l ung rron- le. If you have any Throat trouble. ca:l .ur BJ- - j s t ird' Hotehound Syrup aod lake no other. ;' 1 (j.. r ritK-. Plrtitunouth. Xeb. f f 1 That 60ur ttmpt ieil. cro.-s dy-pi ;tic 5 1 j, idividual. should take Dr. J. II. Mc ' nefin' Siirstparilla. It will make hi.u iC t 11 t..mtv na the 11 HlthltSt ; r..as vi ei i j i ( Vila uecds braciog up, vitalizing tUc Weekly Herald Drs. BtTTS S BEITS, 403 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. p. eiahstt 111 CliK.Miie, .vruii, Skia anrl lot-fl 1 lfilSi s. Consul t"li 11 al ulli -e or ly in:iil free. Medi-i-lie-s 'u ' y or exire-s securely packed, iieeffnin el-seivat !en. li 11:11 villi e to cure nick y, safely and peraia eiitly, W liS b'BB LTY, otl -liiiln euiiKioU', i:-icul neea ;iiimm fr in '.Iseietloli. exe.-fs or utiltilenee. if. 1 m-i i tr ileeplt-ssii' s, d tH'i.tleiiey . iu h . en t lie i ti e, i'vtMsi' ii it Mi'-iety. eas-iy tllsrouianed. :teU t e.ii fliitufl tlull.'uii!!: for sfily or liul esi. itini liiiils life ;i buriieii. salely, perina ien ly and irivae!v e .rtil. 3:0i;i riiii m Di e :se. v.ysns: ilile ili its renal s. eompielely era lea ed witii iii 1 lie ;ini of iin ifiiry. erofuia. f i-.siirla fever Bere-, Idetelie , ulcers. i;un in i lie lie: rt in i bo es. MVjil.i etie suit' throat. 10 n'l ami 1'irue. cat irh.etc. ierniaiieiitly cured htre o'.lier-i have 'failed. ilDNELORI A-Y r'JuKaOT: icuU. too ir- iii lit. Inn i.tiijs or liloody m ine, niie l-lj;li co. oied or with milky M-diineut " lauding we .k baek. u n iie .ul-et. ey-tites, ro pt y ami .salely em-d eloe K' 'S reas l alde. 1 . in, It u' liuaranteetl pei m;iiiel!t cma ; 0 ( ill i U i removal mineie witli'Uit cut- iu. eausi ie or dil.dai iii, i u:vs ell. cieu a' uoiiieti. i iiteut, wiihtmi a moment's paia or Aiuioyauee To Young and Middle Aged Men 0 VC ' IIPj The awfu! etleets id eiirly vU'f. 1) lu 111 w'tiidi lirns;; ivganic weakness les r. i"i; botli mind ami iiod.v, wall nil its Ire.tded ills, perm;iin;i.l ly curi d fl n (1 T) !nfCJ Aiitl c tlio e who have im UllUi D llu paired tlieni-elv es by iaJlri'P (r i!ni'.iliiK-iei a!id .toln;i.i y lubus, whicli r iu !o!ii mind and b"dy. iiiiliiia.,; tlieiii lor husi iu". vtadv or marriage. Married men, . r i lio e enterin on that happy ;ife awaieof physical debility, tpiieklj d if ted. CUR SUCCESS fs bacd up n laets. ' lrt I'raei eal experl enre. Second- f very ease is especially -tud-led. thus siartiiiK arinht. I hiid Medieines are pre; ::red v eer laboi at"iy exact b to suit each e ne. tliu-eltVeiiiiK cures wii ii nt Injury. A fi ieiitll v 1 tier i i call may save y.'U lumte suiter vtt uol .shame, and auU g.ddeu years to hie. Address oi call "ii DRS. BETTS fic BETTS. HENRY BOECK K fs..t; , t'.t Vi.t i v$. & - ' - I ' W rV .1 IS THE L.VCli TO Bl'Y YOCH PTOUITURE 3 Parloran Ped Room ett - tresses. Sofas, Lo r oe anrl Orllco Furniture. Cll and examine his stuck bcfoi; 1.0 ine; elsewhere. vlor Main tt S-xth Sts. Plattsmt.uti-.. lcb. W. A. Iluiiipliroy. 31. i., HOP?CiOPTHI Z Physician and Surgeon. ri.ATT5MOCTiin. X EBItASKA. C-.iW- In I'itv or Country Promptly Arsw-red. LECAL NOTICE. In the dUtno c urr. t a-stt c maty. Xeb: Christian Kltkk, "! vs. ! Palmer Hiooiv f ,IOHA IlICO'.NS J !:,i!mcr Hitf jhis an-t John . IIu In. defend, ant w II tkf n ti-e I ull I n,;;i 2l. Is00. ilni--ia i Kuj k . plaint It c nimeu ed an ae tnniiu sii-.t i-tri'-t ei.urr. nf :.s oimty. Nebr.-fk i. th ubj-et an 1 pr yer of will U istoob:tij til r eae and sa Istnc'poi of a crr'aiu in r:j.;;C mi the w M. S-c Tu p 12. no t!i Ka 10 east in -l iil county, ie cor fd Aprd 11. 1sl i:i bo; !v K p iK-2lO. and rgener 1 T' 1 I I i- :.!iejed that said Ort piipe : !ii;uim 1? : "u !y i:ild j-lul taVen up. Vi n will i at r ii"-.' : in sa d cause on or befo e M " lfK), ot t.-t .i esalled In -aid letiiio:i w ill !r ti.kr-n s t:,. ;i-d judu nent entered - fco'd nuly l'i;i:i-!!.iS tl'' KK W. L Ukow k. a I'y. wa At Administrators A ppolr.tmer.t otlco Statu f X uka-ka. i ass '.'i-r. i v, s : In t he ''oimty l 'our'. T V nei -m:s i n-rested in the estat ' o Jo'iu Inhehier. ik-tc ivl Xot'iM ;s h r b ti e that on t!ie - U l iy of A pi'il. A 1 lecio. Jit the hour t f in Vhick a. in at the i'"iiniv .lube's t ffice hi I l.ni--uio -h. In f'lM couiity. tii ptit!iii' a'k;ii: f.'i Tj) aiiooititinert of L 111 t' Klein I ! Hi :: -istrMlt r of said esmte.wlll he t ard and sl lered ; at which lime H' d ih"e ell ptr lis nter'-eii n-:v t p-:ir und show p;ms . if uy thev lrve, v hv lie ehoul l !.! b -appointed a.s Such -d nlid'tiator Jatt-a iWsS-il davof March. A. D. 130. 'A Washinoton, March 5. In the sen ate several petitions from Mii-fincim-fUn and Misitouri were pret-etited, pi-otei in araiust the rutiaration of the t xtr.t ;i- I tion treaty wi h Russia. Senator lJuii; 6aid he would ouce more raise the ii .-.-tion of their consideration in open mv uion. Several senators expressed a le eire to have a full senate when tiie (iti- s tion was discussed, whereupon Senior lioar withdrew the po.nt of order i'oj tiie time being. The report on the Montana senatorial caso was presented. Senator IJoar java notiow that ho would ass the b"n.ne to consider i hem on lhur.sday next. House bill appropiiatiao; liO.OUO for a public building at Fiem:ir.t. Neii. , was passed wiirt a biusiilut, and a confer ence was ordereu witu Jie hnu.iO so a In maLd this uud all puoih: buiidia l.iIIj cu.resjion I in form. 'iho Lid to declare unlawful truots and i-i'iai(!ii;i.tioari it: re -train t of trade nuti j-'.M .iu tion, was taken up and fceiiaiwrs t ui p;e en i Pujli tpoKe urielly iu aup- ; -l i ui' the l.lil. i in aii'it-iitiiiieut olfeied by Mr. Kea f ; : 1 1 liis anti trust oili ws toe first 'j.-'iioit to lie roted on. .-.eaat-jr Ueiire re.irdeJ the a'liend incnl as he di- the bid, as utterly witn- at warrant iu tha Conslituiio'i, but thought tlie ameudment more etlicieut than the bill tnd would vote for ic. Senator Teller said he was iutull sym pathy wi h the objects of the bill. " He was inclined to voto for the bill, al though he was not sanguine of us nc coinpiisuiag the iuriodt; fur which it w;is intended, and lie doubted ery much whether any benefit would be de rived froin it. Unless the states tooU lu.id of Xjlestoa and 6upprestei th.se truf'Timitin the am uut of capital thaf'can be uijgregated iu any ooi-poiation the trouble vould cout.inuc. 'i ho bill,- he s;iid, would apply to t lie Farmers' alliance- and tlie National Farmers' league, which were -organiztd wiih the avowed purpose of lucreasi.'iir the prices of farm produce a thing which he regaided as most desirable and i s absolutely essential to the pros ierity of the country, for everyooiiy kiiew that unless the price of iaiia pioducUs in this country couid be i:i crecised a great many of the farmers would soon be in bankruptcy and turned out of their homes. Senator George said that he thought thfit th t was a good point, not oa!y against Senator Reagan's arnen.itue . r, butagiin-st the original oill. Sei.a.r George referred to the Knights of Laoor ai another organization lluit would come wi;hin the scoje oi the Lid. tecause lae object of that uider was to increase ilu-ir wages", and consequently to increase Hie cost of production. .Mr. Keagan thought the firnt access U was to strike down trusts and co:ni-: i i tio::s which gave life to Knig.'tsol" j t au'i traue unions. Ihedis ussion drifted from Sen'; -or Reagan's ameuJmeni to that oil'ere ; .. Mr. Inalls (aimed at dealings iu futures and optious). Senator Sherman opposed it as not in harmony with the bill, as referring to an ei.lirely dilferent matter, as proposing a tax 'which could nt-t origin. Ut,- in tiie senate) and as not having leen consid ered by a committee. lie aiso oji u?e .i Senator ReaganV amendment (wim l; had ot been considered bv anv coamiit- t ) and plentleii for the par-sage of toe bill as reported from the nuance com n.iioo. S naior Stcvi :trt fa.d that t!e whole 3ii i jeet was surrounded with diiiicu:ties f the gravest kind. (Jomhiua i.;ns v.ete lit the found .tiuii of ail civilised .-oci 't . They seemetl to l-e like ti;e necessary evd tit' cii ili.ation itself, 'the Engiia i;ei:; le Jiad tried to check toeni 1 r :,u i d n ds of years, and had finally come to the conclusion that ie;i laiton on all subjects' simply retarded trade. Senator Hoar citiciM-d the bill in soire of it legal asjiccts and c. aimed that it failed to afford any adequate remedy. Senator Sherman, rep.ying to Senut' r 11. .ai , said that if the umy tn cotton ciot -iis o woolens w-as a little tno low to pr lect the uianufaclurers f Massacuu se:ts. not a month or a day woul i Ot- al lowed to a9 i ef re he(.Mr. l!oar)-;ui i demand a remedy in the way of r dsmg the uty. Here was a remedy tor a greater wrong than any that resuUed from a low tariff State courts had been endeavoring to vfrettle with combina tions. He instanced the sugar trust. co:i:03eil of feVenteen -tiip'ra-tioas. o nd asked whtt remedy thejnple of New York ItAd tigs ins t that coim-ina-tion. None at all., he said, except ng inst one of the coio ratio us incimlel in it. A remedy wr4t never come, he said from the class ofVmea cutcaged i:i such monopolies. lie bt l seen the gra 1 ua! growth of cotai.iarior.s. and knew tii?t thei. power was 'growing greater and greater, and stronger .and stronger. And if congress was Impotent to deal with that evil, if it ct ulJ net prescribe anything but qu ;ck medicare, it would prove itself utterly unfitted to perform iu duties. Sen tr Ve?t aimed some sarcastic re mark at Senator Sherman, deiying that there was anything iu that senator's career that gave him the right to a& 81 me that lie had discovered the only remedy and the i.r,y road to succes's ag 'inst combin .UGljg Mr. Vest oh jecied to the bii! because, in his judg ment, it 'would r.lTect nothing; i-ecau.se. as a lawyer, he believed that the tu nreme court viruid not rntertiii if for n moment, and 1 eeau-e ic was '"sound and a Mmy ; Ma- ; t .1. Pi- -' v.. L C fury." signifv! :g uothing. ! 1 1 o l-y. Chai 1 -II Lii-i rs .-. 1 1 i N !'! I'be blli weLt OJtf. ! i; Kell-.y-j. m-J.!v tie p-ie?i-i ; Marl-i-t ZZ. ijj. S-.r,r.....'l ';Tie I.r-h.H" .ilx-u- Tlie urgent deficiency bill was reported hr' 'i,!V ' t.-r-: ih. (.. 1 I ... -sul. luck pritb. certain senate anieiidments t:-lks with ,i K and... t.nn.i.-ed and ;-m-" which on iscommemlat ion were non- : '-' r ih'i :js eat'-tittir t- v-ry i. c:l.. concurred in and a conference ordcre I. Matters iv.-rtaininjj to the Ii'atnet of fljiiumbia were thu consider The eer-.-.t - bill appmpriating Sl.--"Jt).i ;iJ b esiabli h ih? K"ck Pu lie paib w.si Ie'aled ia committee of the wtiote tin tii 5 p. m.. and then, pending actiu oa Uflf L4i XtfiS ty&iS& djurttwi cxrL'idi.)n:illy fine .' v an uiiiice .i!i of Drtts (Joo.U in r.iuck ami the CAMIUUC, LACKS, SILK VLIILINC5S, BUTTONS, STOClvINEi' JACKETS, PJIiBONS, Ladies and Misses -GABPETS, ment and showing a larger and handsomer Une than ever before, which it will pay to examine before buying. E. G. DOVEY & SON. The To u nut men t. :--i-.-d mi"! I'l j'-ne iU eo:;i;)iit!0i b Hi Fire !).-paitim til 'a'" ii t' w II h:ie lull control and pov.-i r to i'(t in th - .Tun. State Tnurnnuient onsets of 1 f il iwinu naiii.-l eeiith .r.- n. f'i''j co.;;ini.t( ,- nut -.lid elected tlioir flh-.-r: ; F. .1. Moroisp. li ni ni '.ii: ('has. Miii.r. ' T;-t t.furei; i!. ('. Riu hie, oip . nding : secret. -.ry. Finance 'ind A nditing: F. J. Mmtian, T Clifford. II. V IMchie and W. II. ' lJiekels. IVmtiniran.l no-U'-r-: II. C. Kvrehie C;ii-,s. Md:-r 1 Ii riv Ke l-o. Ground?- Geo. Poisdl. W II. Pi. k-. hs, Win. N. viil.- ami i:i;.t Kddow. Conv. !. ('. W. ll..5ni s, 0 "rg" Pois.-dl .in.! V. II. Pi k i:s. P.ivihu s II 0. Ritchie, Iboiy liee-e tu.d C. V; . II. lit.. S. 'i'raTi.-pi rta'i ;ii Win N vi'.lf, II. t R'; hie iin.l M. D. Polk. The i niaiittee will on this evening decide on the selection of the g ounils and proceed o get them in readiness All eoniinuui. ations should be nd-dris-td to the corresponding secretsrv and proinjjt answer will be made and all tiitoin at in furnished. The grounds in consideration for the T uiniiniei:t me the nt w fair grounds Miuth of town or the old diiving park near the power houe- both are good. The Ladies' Home Journal. There is a pleasing atmosphere of hap py domestic lite about the Ladies Home Journal which m.kk8 ittch number as welcome as sunshine. The briht.-st tto nes ie witu the bist of bum-.-, poitiy while its articles always bristle with help luintss for women. And uuver was a snouger nuiulK-r is.-ued than that for April. "How to act oetore the camera," 13 told by A Iiogar .ua, the piou. er oi IieW York photographers; Mih E. Aline Osgood gives a Ulobt plactlCnl inside view of ' Lite in a church chior"; Iltury U ard Bt:eciit r's love tor games and rare btuues is tolil by himsilf in st-verl uu puhlishcd ktters; Lha Wheehr Wilcox takes up "an evil ot Am iicu dauuhteis"; Mrs. Mosts P. Hiti'ly has a timely a: tick in 'hov to in ve ea;ly uid w :1"; Dr. Tltnage t-dks i iindi .ily to worn n; Ai 1 in Enc uiv-s "A niaa's i-la of .i.iiooti wif. "; M oid 11 -we, Mrs Whitney ami Caroline L- -ii Field h ha v.- a noyt I i-te. mid .11 I ..- t i H bv sneh m-mis W n ilh iliii-tfr;iti-m II unit ii Oi'-sop. W J hn II-T-r. :in l n'la-n. nn'ir- z:ne of its kind is hi-tr, r wn-thits mn.le-t priee of on doll ir i r vear. MiKii.h.-d ,t 483 433 Aich MJ, Paila- 1 1 ii ol Siriii (ioml-s in all lit'p.n tinents including a choice selection mosU desirable shades. Al.-o a most SPRING NOVELTIES imported FAST RLaCK Hosiery. We have added more I I -DEALERS IS n 2 s r ibUo, i diiiio, Uilo, v Wt- wish rail y iu' -n.-: t; .n t ojr New Sto -k of Wall I'apt-r, Corm.-rs, Di does. Ct nt. r l'i-e. . B u l l -.. Em-., E" i i it we can i'iv s-.n h b-irirains in wall teiper f FJ canfie oiir papor is niit third h oi-'cd stock. We buy diri et from th : m tnur-u ture:s, Hive VoU Any one wishing to paint their house FAIIT before they buy. We try to carry th best. Points lead them all, We are sole agent, Wildman 159 dl n w 505 Mai E:iUniouth, - BAZAAR MILLINERY. Miss Flsle Moore Ui.si es to s;y o te I.aiiirof TUtt mouth and vicinlry that she liu- now i.ii band a fine Hue ot HATS. FLOWERS, RIBBONS. GAUZES, AND VEILINGS A L OF THE Newest and Latest Hyles and Designs. HAVINO S2 UK ED MISS FLOSEHCB BUBACH AS i l M.!ER. I aw run- pr p.-tii .1 to i t up fi r. i:: t':iet- -r m-e.f s.ri;r.-vet ttyle. w'e fel uro w s't ah t.e a'-h-to i-'t-a-- ;i" i. - i '"A ''-. it-' -V ' I F.-'lI'ir at lo woik ant prices T'.: iiU-ie; rl..-1. . iu - f ':-.r r -.-r. !.;:-.-1 ;!i :-:;-t y. :.r. w -ak f-r ithir - f the ime the e'.isniinr s":-.sii!i ;n l -.. )! e i ro !i:i e you ' I ami -Xna--.e ot'.r stoek Htl-'l JJ et priCl-e. Ok 5 5 gar' a $g&$i&Mm$$3. . wo events 9 a I ff O sg &&Q(2 complete unci attrractivc line of SWISS HEMSTITCHED EMBllOIDEUIES DKEoS TRIMMINGS, CASHMERE SHAWLS, FICHUS, Etc, Etc. room to our Carpet depart m 9 j t 11 jp Wall an I it look- re-isoti.iblt: that we can should call and examine our 6tock of BILLING, TAYLOR & CO'S. Mixed $c Fuller, n Street, - - Nebraska. C -7 it Paper. vm w-13t vial of to the ; will be ft ' T sme oi I he 1 L r '7