Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 27, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    " i ,,
i j
fTOv)lbillOll Col) Volition
pursuant to call tin- county prohibition
fvt ntion, f Cuss county, was con
ed in Weeping, Wat. r Hit unlay.
;rch 15. ISjUO. The totiv. nti-m w,s
el to order at 2 p. in., ly rum tx
irtiiHii, S. D. Fitcliie. In the "tbseisc
pouuty r. en toy, W O Tin k r w .
sen pro ti in. After :i thorough di
Mdii of the iiit' ttHt, needs fniil de
Jiils of I lie cups hi lli- county i. whs
'..,. ,1 I. . .. . . . IT ... .
iii-ii ii'ti.ui an oroani?; unm in
ry ward and precinct fur th- work i.l
S'-n,inatiiig information nml iitei nunc.
t. prorui ing of flpcukns mid holding
etinos in ihe n in I houses throuoh-
! the county, tu iiivik n, keep a liv
I look after till t lit; in ten st a of tin
sc. )n tnotion the chairman appointed tin
owing a chairmen in tli-ir r. sj. cti v
'd and pn cin tf:
jjAvora Sullivan Hutchins.
Center Jesse Hock wt 11.
Elm wood Kev. W 1C. Williams
Eiiht Milf Qrnvi to fx suplii'd .
fiwnw 1 J M I'rotity.
Liberty II v. Phillies.
Louisville - Tlioniits JShryoek
Mt. Pleiisimt W. O. Tucker.
Pla ts:nouth vv. A. Tiff tny.
First ward to be funulied.
I Second ward - II. M. Gault.
- J Third wanl.-P P. O.ns.
Fourth ward hi. Davis.
Fifth wrl 1 ! 8iipili-d.
Hot k Bluffs N (Mi meiiH.
S.dt Ci . k W. F. T m.ison.
South B ud- -I imp s Piko.
Stove Creek Rev. C. N. Gilniorc.
Tiptirti to be bUpplii d.
WwpJjvr Wat.-r E W
First w .id S. L Dunlmui.
Second ward A. T. Show.
Third Ward TIioiums Bull.
On im-tion the luiir Hi)i"int-d th
ollowini! coiiiiitii 1 1 ( on r. sol in i ms: li.
(,V. Muil .- K v. II M II .dtl.iw.iy
X. L. Dun
On iii 'tion tli- eluiir appointed ti.-
illi-wintr coinniittt-e to orunize
meHkei's hurt nil. ntl lo provide iiidi
or tin k-I-o. 1 liiitis'- c(.ihkp: E W.
, j-Iurhss, S L I) nhiimand W. ". Carter.
, The ciitnii.itrei- on resolutions siiibuii'-
x( t'.u- f.'llo i.ifjwliith was unainiin .ti--
y adopted:
Milvnl, -That We will Xti lid li e
ilif li n f i lhiwshio to idl o . -
X ! i is l n'o !!; ni p ) i : . ! ory 1 1 i -! '
hi n mi 1 li tr w will co-op '.-it v Mi
V f i ii ' . ! i r l.ilii'inii if 1 1 t . r
I'ltn . t':i t;i. xt ;in n i ion tit' th.- rqu. r
n th c "I'lfy cr -t u v w s
!! ii to notify i.!-e v iird snd re
rut eh iirm -n ii"t or s nt t f'i' i'' p-
.riiiTu! it ;ind p: i i'- th '! of iii'-:i
-f woi k biid our by th' e nv - liti'Mi.
Oa ii. it;. iii th.- eoUi.ty cii.iii in-in v. as
mil: riZ: il I" nil -'1V V:e ;liC'. nic'liu t
ij th vera I wnrls or purine's.
Adjourn, d.
E. W. MniLi ss, S D Fitchie.
Si t r. t .ry. ('I inn: .n
' The Turner's Bad
- - Th. Tui nerst hsv.-one of the, hot
.cietie in the ci"V :nd n cord 'tinonir th
jUl -mb.-rK some of our most pr. min
people. Their mn -e-ium h 11
Chicago A Venn- is will at rung' d for i!
pnrposi-B for which it whs built nn.t
jolly tim-is ha I tlnr.- l y th boyswh
lov syniniistic iXficise.
Thursd'iy i v iii ii ir a Isrge crowd
f turners wiih tin ir Ibi'v frit iw's n
vitetl gu-st nss nibl d at th- h ill; ft
fli-teniiiir to fine nmsie fumih d ' '
1 jturner l tnd. th-n c-ss:trv parnuh-i n '
Was broUiihl '-nr nnd for n - rlv n le i
the gym u -is'? of th soi-i ty nten -tithe
crowd in h minn-rth'tt wi-nbl
lon- cretlit tn u modern oi" tt: w- r
i feMve wer srreaily surpr's-d .r '
I f j profit ircy the bv evineed in th i-
fttrnianc of wve'a' very dilni-n't fen- . ttio in.vt i.v.i rt turn rq v
i "'n ticed Ptul Wnrl. first tnmtv-irt, Job
y j Kt-t. n-eotifl tnrnw;irr -md John S'n-v
Dirk S hleirher. Onl lit -n . Jo' n L.rz
Henrv Ziekwtt r, Oi' S-tltl-r oi
Emil. Wrrl After th clot- if ti .
jjvmn-iif ex reis--Mi fl or wnq 1 nr..
and din'-ing followed.
Theuinic by tln-ir own bind wn
Vtr fine, si ml the memb-rs s-m.-d n
A witheieh of lr r in hiving n sr-md time.
' lfTB-A.'nfr?r:in wn!tl pstt-Tn aft -
th'-fe uifinm tUTIrnr o i.-ti s thev
w rilrl Iia 'rretlv .1 -n flrt rl br d-Velo. -
ins tli ir sfri nut'i is w II a h -vin : e
nifi noeial rim". The ITerat.u trns th
b.v nny al'vav-o nj v th -m 1 a
well a tln-v -lid Thn'sd iv nietit.
2Toti e i h rt-by i:ivin th:;t at tl
el ctioii li -I I n PI ,f Tsmouth pi'.cin '
M '-'h l!s. tSf!(. r..r the iv p. -t- t.f v. r
ini lvxi'h tt 10,0(10 to dd in t run
utrnrTinn of th. O n th S inh-rn railro.
thr.uii'i 8iid pr-ciarr. th- r -u!t w is n.
foll i.vs: For bonds ISO: At-itin-t bol d
13 BfttD fKITCIIHI ho.
Conntv CI- rk.
Th Chariton Bakery.
Mr. J. Nix n has op r.' 1 up a li -r
ci-t-s 'ik ry in tii P rkins Jlon bi n
.t i.. il! I-. ;d .,1 to fill all old
Wv ' iei ' ii c ikes hnn, rolls, lunch
.nf ction-rv and ci''H.s. II..-
UCli Oli iUoft, ttoUcC. Iwv UUt
The House Passes the Pension
Appropriation Bill.
I ill.
iTff Tti? nv TnrcTi:
Tho C outpoint:! Lard Hill Favorably Ite
porled Th I'uti- i.i.tI Mil C'uiiveutlun
( oni.iiilhvn I nvnr Sililtlzlnx Milps
u:l all !!. for I lie l'acillc.
As:;iv(i-nv, 5 larch 22 After peti-ii-:i.j
h..d I. -en presented, Senator Sher
ni;ii ..! i'i up the bill to declare unlaw-
ui tru and coml inations in restraint
I lr .!- i'.ii l production. said the
i k.': i.i.ot interfere with any lawful
i ; s, t.ut l-a!t o.dy with such cora
win .i ( ;: ui v.eie unauthorize-1 by law,
ii'. i. id or 1'ioderii. and who -e Hole ob
t i to t o itrol pricei and etubl th
in ne p i! ivs which were injurious to the
,.';t ami W. ni l l re.str.nueJ by the
o.ji io. lie re. erred to ileci.-iou.s of btate
;. ;i.t oi iMiclii :in, Illinois and
.. -. rk. in t he ca-.e.i of tne Standard
)ii eoinp iny, t!ie Diamond Match com
p;i;.y and the trust, declaring such
in; .Is null and void and Hainat public
pol.ey. 'i he puvjiose of the pending bill
v. n- to empower th.- courts oi the United
t.'slos to i:e;d with those com oi nation J,
Ulvtui, not only several stated, but the
ei;i-!; world. All those great trusts
wi-.e m-idoled ou the same pi in and in
v... w 1 the hiime principle. Tney were
J; c mi filiations of corporatijiu and in
.ivid i.di tf many suites, forming a
I? ;uu an 1 covenant under control of
. In-n ustet s. lie thought ft only de-
t-. t of t ie hill was its m idera ion.
Senator liiaHs gve notice of an
im -n .meiiL aiuiel a inst de ding in j pound lard from manufacturers with
iiK'jroi" or pti m;," wnioh was real i out license, and making a reduction iu
n I ordered rvmied.
On motion cf Senator Sherman it was
cuilcred tiiat ihe substitute reporte-.
. i i : t i 1 le l,t iii:. c committee should bo
t ;'ed as the original text of the bill
:id ihe :i!i'.crdiite:ni offered trea ed as
:i: i ndn.eiiiri in the first and second de
;,ree. enator Vest spoke on tho legal ques
li. i s involved, and saiil that while he
wi.-. m entire sympathy with Mr. Jshr
ni. .11 as o the euorn:iiy of the abuses
ihat li.:d grow n t tit ;f the trusts ami
i. :ni i! aliens, he cou'tl not, even in the
li . e 1 lie j cj tii: r indignation
ni gie.t t-vii, vti.-l.tte hi. oath to sun
j oi ! tne L' 'lihtit u: i-m. ;ind v; date all the
rai.. dug td, ;i ha i come to him as a
la .'. yt-r. ed icaie I and trained in the pro
i n. For c nress to pas a law
a would . e t.irown out of thesu
pr - i! court wtiuid e to su ject it self
or in-. It? and i in- ci niession that it was
it w r e -s t enact I i'j tli tt wo il.l give
t; e p. o;.l r. hef. 1I- decl.tP-d .hat i
t hi teiiei' teat th sujire ne .aurt
.v -A i i;n nediuely throw it oat of the
. he- ob ite drif ;e 1 into a disc is don of
the ::. ct oi h gh tardf iu ies upon t!ie
:t eoi trusts.- Sen ?tor Vet m.ii'.i
i ;: 'g he cio e c nuection between
;r ,i ; 1 hig:i 'ties.
n :' r ii.s.: n k w hile g nipathizing
wi ihe oi e -i tii iht bil.. ih-'Uht it
a .s . ;iu-iy t'c-c: uai t remedy the evil,
i .-!.- stale"; n-i I j i. i dietio i tf the sub
jicl, and to t!u.n it should I Hi left.
beiiator Ishtir renewed bis in lion to'ier thv vole iv whijii the eduea-
t-oiial bid was rep rt3 1. and on tlm Sen
ator Ing.uls . nter d a motion t lay that
ui.-iii'i; en the tnole
ti n oi l eag n then spoke in support
of l. s : -I'--.' i on ei t to the iinti-ttust bill,
I vi- ihe gencr i j-ovemmeut control
witii tiicin ci mn.crce was alTiced.
ui to '.he siaU-s j m.siiict ion in cases
) :. re i. v.:l tiae and manuf .cture ra
tot It !,
cc'ij.ior iiiison replied to Senator
Vtv.i's nrgameti s a to the cmneotiun
Let .. ee:i tiuties ami tru-.ts, taking the
grotuid that all tin great t.-. n i tidou
were practically outside of ta-j tariff an I
m l Prudent of it. Congres.4. he m iiu
t;:i:i: 1. coital not correct the evi s of
tuft -i by iKtt.iify.iig tat ill rates.
Sii-.a;i.r L'oue odVied a suastitute for
ihe : it! and Senator George olfered an
tint i dua nt o it
'ii.e bid then went over until Monday.
Immediately after the reading of tho
'oum 1 t house went into com mitee
of th w . C on ihe pennon appropria
tion. 11. Inch was e ated duimg tne
gre.i .rpir o tueihiy,
i.J. C i. t le of iml an m:d along
spc h n i vor oi a e vtc; nsou. li
tU; vu iiii.i. t. e tit. expense of s-rv-ice
peiisicn blil wi.u d oe aot.ut ij'.i-,-iA.U,DJ.,
and the additional exj.eue.
B-iou.d t!ie I id become a law. for th lineal year would not exceed $ 11,-
Mr. Ciemvnts of (leorgii -ondon-d.
afn i" i earing the r-peeeiies of Jlepabii-i!i?i.-,
why Con misaioncr Tarmer h.t
Ii'i'ii forced to resign, tie a-ked
v. iict!;er tn. amount named in ih bid
'v5i'. I o; wi uid i e ki Ihcient.
i r. .s. onow repiifd hat it would, if
n ftirtiter (.-i 5to;i laws were assJ.
lir. C n ei- ihr-aid Jie v. ouit not oppose
the pel.iling t ill. I Ut Id- lot j- t'ltOll to it
wtn," iltii it jij i : l ."i lutetl h money
liain il e adiniuit.a.i u Kn ' woul i i.-te
ntc .t tt io pay peaaioua for tiw next lis-
C 3ii Vt lil'.
Mr. Byc.U'n of Indiana charged tho
Ri--iy; ci i party wita 4 im to its
proii.istv. i til coi'atry m . . m ic;,er of
p iis.ons. lue Ur nior iU leprese-.ita-tives
t f c-tirii li.-;'" a irte.i J. of
th .- il-iat - an 1 .vtrj re.tJy !j Vuto on
tl.O rc! V k e J, 11MOI1
Idr. i ut liana. i of New .let-e- sug
tiiat this was the ii tie Hie
Dei'. ts had been iva-ly in -nv ye r.
Mr. 'it.-jieon of Mi- nigaii ake i
wlie'her t i .!.:? -cra:s ha p.ised a
S- IV IC ill. .- i"U i U.
Mr. Ii):iu t he I i.h it iw; Il tl n it,
but l. t ' llLKl :: ' ,e h-ene ana :-a.d
lor uu u r i.i: . r. tea e.
.-. r. ii inola o! I' w York said tht?
Dtuatiiii: j;''-? i ad forced the pen
bit n ro.i- lu m o-w.-'.'! t',''i; j i'p to cbJO.
0") hi. i'0 ;:li uaoy, and j tiepeoiicanj
ve; t t-n tiie s.ump and sai I it. weie
tia-t- jtpus of the men who aved Ln
Uf .on.
Mr Enloe or Tvrjiessee urged the ne
cu ii' in horouidy ii.;'i?-it!,ritin;r the
wi i . of th- i cioi-u tiw,
" . .d; ii f Mi-is.-ippi thought 'iAj
coniiti v tou'd .''.ave to I t the Uraud
Ariuv ut tin li pu....ip takv. tiio govera-
iii ii i
Af.i.c jutihir d-vhitte the tAuiir-;te
i . j i
Ll-' in- i
UJj ijm JflJfjL
ft-afcnldte Iterommi ndi-.l (or fariflc ont
Ktnnmri aod 'Irl'-inph I lnr.
"Washington March 2-i. The com-
j tnittee on oceau tmnHpoi lation on the
laeiuo coiut submitted their report to
the Pun-America a congress. T'.ie com
mittee, represented ry Estco for the
Cnited ht.te-), and Delegates ( amrino.
Varas. Mexia and Caatellanos, rci-ort in
f of the Iiatkn3 OQ t!ie western
coaht subsidizing one or more first-class
Steamer lines, to ply between San Fran
cisco nnd Valparaiso and intermediate
points. The subsidy recommended is fi0
cents a ton per 1,000 miles, wh;-h is to
lie litributed among the subscribing na
tion, Kcvording to population.
1 he ct-mmittee t n telegraphic com
munication on the I'acitie coast pre
sented a re ort re. on.meiidmg govern
ment aid on a bai.;to;i eonipiny
to connec t the ixjrts ..f n tt.o.ia
n the Pacific coast by means of a sul
inai tne cib e extending from S in I r;iu-i-is-o
to Valp.irrio and touching at the
.lincipft! i:,tei vening ports.
Thti 'oiiipii:nl I.i .1 Kill.
WiSHiJiUTOS, March 21. Iepresent i
tive Bro.siu3 reportd favora; ly to lh
'ioush the Corger bill ieliiii-ig an.l tax
ing compound lard, with some amend
m: tits The rep-Tt says:
'the objects of the propo-ed ie.isl r, ion,
in addition to revuue. are:
1. To compel t..e br.i:iuinc of mi xtur-- eo.a
(Kiun'.led of iriKft-di-nt.s tii:r tii .n la-d. but
male in the heaib a:n e of an 1 soul a-t, ko
tliMi eorisinae-rs m.iy bo iiivis -d of nataio
of tbe arti.-lo.
Jf. To relieve the manufacturers of pure
lard cf the unfair competition of an Imitation
article ma.le of cheaper iinjre'ik'iits and sold
at a lower price.
i. To ro.ieve, to som f xtctit, the existing
depns"ion ou the farutiui; in.ltn ry, caused,
in prt, by the displacement of a ia and iu-crea-iiss
amount of pure fal of hos by a
spurious sub-ttit.itu, put on tho m irkot ua.ler
the iia:ii j an 1 nr.ind f t.i Koaaitu artic-l-.
The amendments to the bill an tinaliv
agreed upon reduce to $'Vjo tiie
penalty for knowingly buving co.n-
penalti- from S1,00 to ."00 in the case
of manufacturers wilfully violating the
requirements1 of tho act. Another
amendment defines a wholesale dealer
as one who aeds iu packages of not less
than fifty pound; another reduc.-.s tho
retail upccial tax from ; to 2; another
reduces the imprisonment pri-scririeJ for
selling the compound lard in any except
the proper packages or under false
brxnds; another a.nen dment accepts "a
substitute for lard" as falling within its
Oppwie Wyoming's AtlmUston.
"VN awhxutcn, March i.'2. The ma
jority member:; of the house committee
on territories liave prepared a report in
opposition to the bill for the admission
of Wyoming to Btatehjod. The main
objections ot the muiority are that there
was no warra t of law for the constitu
tional convention, and sebsetpueiitly a
-eiy inadetpiate lepregentation of vot
ers were present. The minority protest-
that another constitutional convoo
tioa be hel-i that tne people be allowed
t vote on woman sulfrage and the ad
mission of Wynmiug to state ood by
presidential proclamation.
3Ir.."dcKiaic.v's Tariff liiil,
WAiiiNGToy, March 22 .Tho Bepuh
lican memberj of tlie vf,ys anu means
committee of the house discussed the
ugar st hedii einthe p opos.-d tariif bid
Tiie proposition to sub.'titute sjiecho
for ad valorem dut .' was under discus
sion, and s-eemed to meet with favor
with most of the members. The raw
silk schedule was also due.issed.
lioml iUIclllKAS.
Washington, March 22 Ti-e treas
ury depart ni ur purchased -",J-J0 4 . t
cent, bonds at 1. '.3 and $11, Out) pta
cent, bonds at Sl.udj.
New hik; Hanlf.
Wasiiinjto;. Mai-eh '2 The Na
tion d iank of Corning. la., was author
ised to commence biisi. es-..
A GI1KA r F1U.I r.
'rroll Knorkctl Out bv A til iffe Aftei
1'orl y-Sfve art 1-ook,: Uo-to ls.
San Francisco, JI rch '.'2. 'i he ligh
between Jack McAubile and Jia::iiy
Carroll at the C oiioruia A hicti-; c u
aroused great interest m sporting circles.
Tiie purse Bud stakes .. -1 Jl i.-Vi! to
the winner. The . ie t-oth in da -condition,
(aniod a t'-vi: ' . i" ' '. i, i
Mi'rphy and 1 n.-i ne ,rn-ri. M. -.l-.ii-ilfe's
sec: aids were ' Ii. i i.-: n
Jack lterc.: y. iitrar ; : --; u j-? .-ef-eree.
h''-.- . -,o mm j-: :. .;.- p r-
tCn V"' -. '.l V ! ! I Wt tie lift
1.; gt'i ii :-, i .-.,: :-i t r u- a L-o. Ii ;
contestant - i'Hy. c-aji fcigas ot j
louiing "he ligif i siioj.'peil and
the men throw ii out o: th;' liiig 'Ih!
co.1- j; o i it ji ii in i ..... . ., i..v.ui
2. ). peiso't, L-ain ng ni:iii . ion. The
lHt : y w n I r.sii : he Cano 1 men de
tiiun ;"ng 2 to 1. a.d ma ii iu uey wis
plac-( Ul tlietse t-.ids.
I r. .u to ;h-. co.oe t an effor, was
made to ;;- . a ( p.i.-.t;-uc'irj th
troard o. diri;-ct.ors i" arrange a ma ch
Itetweeti joy .icAu-)if and ietpr JaoK
v'n. out the cl tin 0e-nled to h&v.-tho
natter iu the ii .ii.ii of the directors.
. lie men entered the ring at i p. m.
A :Mle Wfisji.cJ 134; sintl Carroll
o i- tie wa l at H:05. The
L;Ik ivtys a s(ii?b r-.i co.ite.t from start
' I iiiiisti and was n. i!a3s battle until
he fori , -eventh ri b'd, v ii q. alter
tfi U .;j g. IIcA- lllte m l-. d )t by
-.' id lac-iy on Car i Ai'n mouth.
. ixin ,", him out
i, )', .1.1:, Kv M,.-t h 2.' -Presi-
.:J. JI. !..-i.J:.i. il Atiaulic asso
,o,'i, i:ft i jl--.l Pi e;i it. .-i . Piieips. of the
: rt.t rkau i-.;e t tti" o. h it the Y'ash
i ;l ou Ncttotiai i-.-u-- e.tih j i-l i .cea
iitcd to the Ail otic ns-sooialiyn.
leave:; ih- eiiii'.ii-ii L-a.ntie with
. - pine iut p. ?rrj nn e.-s another cluit
. ii'dr j cd il is t.-e.-u.nt that Detroit
oii i.-j d ei'-d as th : intli cluo.
A !St s:u-i-ut. iv i;e Itrot lirrhoo.h
New i ukk , March v;iV jL fecial
fro-u Charle.rton, S. C. says that Dei
hanty has receive advance min-y from
Jh ve a id PI i-er Le i ;ue cla and
left i lie. i-t,llzy .Iphia National League
c.'u to join h -' Ctfci;,an i. Manager
V.i4i1t fears th" t Clement-i uJ 'Jici
will join the liiotht rhood.
JJ.-'ihtp tiie Skating Record.
MoxTK5-".Ai.. t-ic.4v!i ?: C. frordt-n, the
1 five-mile 1 liampion ska,ter of ISo'C. "Oi
, , . , .f;;; I
the len-nii". amattur siititiog chan pion-I
Dcath Comes Suddenly to Gen.
George A. Crook.
STnicKtx avium: at ixrncisr:. !
II I iiols trc iictli to I nil IIU
AVif:-, nml Kxpiirii Slicrllv A 1 1 ri tv a nU
1 l.i" I all- Wii -i l:i s nicer- I lie lit iniwe
of (.en. Smith A ltike' Ileal It.
Ci:'r,;o. :!r.h C5. (Jen. Ca-orge
fit, 1: d -ctl s Iitlta lily in his ;:i'i.r;i! the
(1 ,-r l i a. :iij l.o'el l.oitly id': r 7
uVck a. in., i ut th f liic!.' s wi-re ,
p;:ra ye 1 I)1 tl- nri- I" i en: ti .
I If I!' I
. 1
r- !i on
! -I I b
l:i. I .ir. 1 i I I ' i'. i lo ih
hotel irlioitly ,.!il- ! ! n :i a ii i l tired,
iipp-T ill ly in t!' i !;.-. oi'.'i an I
spuir-.. His suit.) coopriied a parlor
Mid IWII hlct-piug li oilli OU tile tillld
lloor, tin third it.ooi l. in; t'ciipi;-il by
Mr lleed of O .Llaiel, Md..s-!r to Mrs.
Cr ok. a d who bus been i-ili.ig thiin
this winter. (Jen c'rooiv aiose aboi:t
ir.'.'A) o'cioci;. and altei''y
!d:n.-.eir, e I ere 1 t'te pai'lor. whesv,
as was 1 is v i.t ! ron-i! net il ex
crcirt' "- w ii ii iio:-!. I s i!s I ifit:eii mi'intcs
later !ii 1 v. i
!m '.ma atiiii.ig her.-el I'
in an lid join. i ir ro-. m. ic i 1 him c di in
a iaint voice, M;,r-1" "Man !" I'pon
ropoiittmg. Mi b iind tne ge:i-r 1 1 i (:--lining
upon tin- sofa, ami evi enllv iu
pitin. His hiiiids were pressed over his
heart, and he v::s barely ab.e to arti-u-late.
"Mury, I can hardly bua he."
Greatly alarmed, Mrs. Crook taag for
a (ds-ar-ce, and tu.-H.scngers we;-? ii-I'a'citt-il
for Dr 1 1 nri :.u 1, w'm-e ofli-. e
is a I out l.'ta'k away The pays t ian
'pd k y repi mied, but on his arrival ex
; ss d the opinion thai the patient was
...yi.tnl relief. livu iniiiulis laiei
t:en. (.'ro-.k passed away as p.betly as a
sic ping i a! e.
(cu. Crooif had not been in liia bn-it
of health for sunio ti.ite. ulthougii
ha did not consider it nuces-ary to co -hill
t. a ph- oifiuu. A !tv wet-ks ago he went
on a trip tliro.iga tiie Indian teriitory,
Rccompanit -d by Gen. Siroag ami other
oliicers, and o:i his return h fre.pftitiy
co ..piained io inenib-..-rs of his st:iif toal
his licai l iron led him. 'Ihe news cre
ate;! a j!ofound S"!is:it:i)ii iti tlif citv.
and the rotund. i of the hotel is crowded
with friends and iiuimates of the di
ceaej yend'al.
Hn funeral vvi'l t ke place Sunday at
1 o'ciock at the (iraud Pacific .ot-l.
ft"r which the body wi'l be escorlt'd
by midtarv to the i.epot. were it will be
placed on the 2:';o train for Oakland.
flon. Ciiift1; was I. era S-; t. 2, InZ, near
Dnvt:n, O. II ; ln t'cd ; t Went Foiuf. i ;
li'i.'., :i:rl o l .1 i:y 1 !.'J, h-cr.iiie lieutciiaiii
col ji' tii- Twlvi! y-t It i r l la-'itntry. H
served oil friviti -i- d ii . l';-o:n l.i'rJ OI. (:!:;
mtiialia'.; th ;l'i!t river i -xp -.lit ..on hi I."7 a..o
cnu I'o I i.i a nuniJir of liiiiun l'.iits. ia o i
of v.-iiieh ii was wnu :i l-tl h.." aa ar--.v. !i
the t ivii w.-tr lit) was tint eatonts. oi" lit- i'wen-ty-sixtu
Ohio vi;u:.tti-r-, anil pi-o-u.ii.. :
tlot. '.'!, 01, to he niiiji.r eneral of tin; Unit
j t"d States vo' u:i!e -is, ser inj; in We.-t Virtti i
i t liio.i :h ti.'; w;ts ia this enn.-e-temi-at a
L.L! wis burs, where ho was woo. : -thvl; in nt.rt
Vlrtiioiii Ciinpuin, ls-i:i; .n Maryamd, entsatf-.-at
.v ath Mo'.intitlii u id Aniiet-mi : ::, n.) in West Virion ., is ' .' t
in the Toaaessoe inipti' i i. -nx j. t at T.. i
horn i. Hoovi-r's fiiji, Ciii-naiaaa, a.. i
the ptirsa t of V)i.'i-ij'- w.lh c -..slant k
mi-i.ies (b:-ev;-t coioa.''): ir no.ili V.ig ii ;
jsri, miki.-t; cms p. :t r i: i -rn 1 ia nvaiero:
ataions ih ? i.ri-.a !I -r ir "iit-ral Ui.ite
St.iti s a ::i .', a ' hrev.-r ill -j r X in r.-.l I ni
ed lta vo tin : i; i i S'.ri hib's H i ;a
doah c tmn l; t. Hi'i. -. ' i : ' 1 it lie:- ;.
Fish r"s il l i v t m--, ire nl
Stat s at-.n
' -e .-!:;
1 1
i 1- ..
Le. ::: - - ' '. ,
w licit t .. :. 1 ';-. i - i o i
for "a-' ; : i i
yoa i-i ;.o ' ' : J
I, . - t:ii : . ii
L Xi I Va . -h: .r: :
H, !.-n.i:'i, slit er . n !ri. i-.-n
giiia Tiiidt.iry in. .tiin'e.
pfil :di i-i-,. H Ji 1 ft -'-"I
e e
grauuale ot W e-t i c-i-.t i . i - -i.
1 tie Vf r " o h sler.
Lonpo"", JI. n li l2. Wm Mida'pu
seventh o'uk- of M inch. sLer, died, in th
Gii'i vcar of his age.
:;i;ss! I :. e 1 L v JJ-"j.
'.at ioil.
CarL-Mf.-. l.t., -I t ".-:. 22. -i"i3 Cea-
II f.-I. 22.
tts! ti tsy! va ti'A T-I -t iioii -I tIpi.sco;-;d
i."f .':h-r,.'.i,i- t ler-'d the :uetini of
1:1 r.- ! the .a re;:. .vseutation at th
ge con-erem e. r. .latter a lengthy
idsf u-s-o.n of the-u.j.ct vi ted a-aitist
the p uposeil ha ".ere. Tiie vote st .od 41
for tiie ha.ige at d 114 ag .inst.
I' fiip-ot's Lark.
Bi:vJr s Point, Md , March -ii. IVeoi
dt nt liar: isoti's aim was truer and the
dm ks more plentiful. Six p drs of can
vas hac-ts fed be 'ore iii- s.iotgun. Tiie
president and ex-S.nator Sa-wll return
to Washiiigtoa to day.
1 lit liftCy .--. e i 'a i
SrniNOFizLo, Mi., March V2. The i
Ames wor -is at Chicopee are to cast the
bionze figure of tha S-jO.dJ'J statue to
j,arecte lo Henty W. Gra-ay at Atlan-
1 hi Trap Shooters.
Cleveland, O.. March 22. The
c ampion tr:tp shooters of the east and j
. . V-., t .. n,.,rn t r.- 11 i ark
v-esj, mi' t a n.atcn at pe..-..u.o pant.
! 2? m
No other Liniment made to resemble
fit. Jacoih On. is
Chronic Cases Cured as Read
ily asGlicrit Attacks.
THE olo e m e r.i Y.
Tt U known en a
'.' iiaimiil inthiiiuna-
V..v. (""f tioti a:k-:o g the
rpfyi srf oi ic humuii it-tiy.
J-'& 'S'' i3'i ll,C '! Of"
U!II-1..-. llll'l Jt.lllU
pains ftiul nrhos. Pt. .Tiri I )i I - - s f.riuj.iiy
Hiitl jHi iii:uii:iLl j lit is 4-tit tii v ti U i-i :
.'iilid Ville. ihio, Jane i. 1SVS.
Wus t:i' i'ii w iHi rht'tu!iii!i''-!-i in ! i
fered nt .1 i -r mmco ni;. :. -. il .-Mil.-luffi
tt. Ja.tto Oil Itiii viil i.!.i. :-' -i yrsn)
uo- '" ho h. m;-:o..
At Iji ioi.i ts jm) J). hi. p.h.
TH5 CHAHhES A. VOfilLEi: CO.. !?u!'.;..:o;
l i ..
Orciinc ncc o 123
i i-hmNjim i t-.ilhi.u ii .e.i .1 -h
Hi'- :-n I s mail i.-i he .ii
-l; -hlil'i- th-- . ji.i! o.. . i s,.e: .:;
-. . ; I
II... h ;:. pi. ; i I.l l. I., i - 1 1 - a ..; : l - 11..
l.i. . .s . i s;. in . t II. li i.. . a II ,i i .
I :!iv.. coin:, t 1 I : I i.l il t i i ill
1 ia lis,. : :i ... ii.. I s ; . I - . . i . . . . , t.i
- .... .- .a ,.. ) '.- r . .... an. i i ,...r ,i
i - i j: it i . l . ! .a,.-. 1 . i i . i . . . ; a I a .- ';,--! 1 ! i ' " . i - - .' I . i i
l.ii.fil) I - e. ... I ; i . in . la. - II a
VI . I I I i ... !! Il t ' he : I .! , I -I I V ' r.
.". i! () ..."('.. i .- I n!:i. .ii ly iruu'l ('ntt,n! ' Ih
l 'tu o. ; Itjtt.' imm. n :
-iu 11 o.N 1. 111. t. a pi -id Ifftttyll he stiai ,s
le 1 1 o . l-allt'il l . Ii i I i.l III ii.e l Ji i i.l . la Is
... Uili, ili .Ih' iv ii l el C ss, i.l ilit; Mill. ..,
oi.ohit. .ii Ii.e iii'st oiiy i 1 apiil. .v.l. Imih
il .lit- I 1 IC I I S --1 !1 O III ;!.
W lilo s.-.i 1 lit lor lilt- :Ui(iw-e t.f t:l! Ill i J.
n: M fat i" I' .s .1 e.tat e.: io Vet u t.'i li..
.oii.'.ii. tl i r. p t-.iiui., i: a I ael :
" hi-.d ii.e v.t ta hit I-ne. ii. li ni t i:e cmiiil v
f . -s iio Mi.te ehr sk:. I ts iii.i o. ai-i.
lii.eil l-MIe l!., n lies I.. I- e iilu. tliil o. 1 iti
I iii.llsiili.l imii,, s Willi 1 1 . t-.-l i l.lil,.. , pit.. -
,i..e to i-i i '-i lv.e..iy y .i. .- ;.l:t-r tiale ;a:a u
uiei-iiiii hie al ihe .lt i.-.ti e 1 s ,i t-uj litoe-
i-iii s i.H.-i u.i . . .ti 55 .onl; i I n-s
n t-t exee- tl six p-r et ui n-r i uinii. pa;, abi
.lili:i;:l . in.elt-.s alei ji nn.-ipa. I. o l,.iaij
t i hi-Inst ..I ant i:.-y ot i In si.a e ut .M-h: .is a li.
In; c ty ol Acw V..iU hi in s,ai,. ,,f vj.v Yarn
il l sliit i ihe t-iiy t.i i In i sin.. tn li in I i,e e. i nit
I t its t l liit- siiile ol t tiia.-ka li-v i n.
. lno'.fJl its i opei- i;iecl's t in.M; io he t-le
,.ui,ii..liy up ... t e.a .!! pl'i p i ty t I tin s i
i lly it'll itiiit.inh. a Milih i. ..";i t...ioiiy h
.,lij.t -t iio. I riiit-ipai as Ii.e i-aiue .
lie ill Mlliltloll lo itil t lifl lilies, .lll
.el-OS li- ij-.' i-si:eit to tin O.iiiiila .Soiiiheii
.iiih'.viiy t-.i: paiij . I r. i i ti si.m t,n,,-.l.,-i
.-.ote le i ii i.ail '.i i.y eoii.i'i, ii sliiiil on or 1m. or
i.l SI oa.V I litcelnot i A. t . Istlj luiini.i .
1 1 uei. t-ipup aa.i "a..v e in opei.iu ai us line t.i
li.iltl to lie ol Hit Si..lll.iHl f.lL.f.e ll.mi ;. p I
ii tin; line -..-I Hie Ail-.s .i'ii 1'i.t; lb; I anwi.)
oi, i.iiLj la I i it t-iiiei in t ii-.- c nut..
.m I i.s., ii. in .i:l: via 1, mil llii,,i.:i rai.
ell iy iii ti. e hi ie river .iml rha!l periiia
i.t i t y locale its pa s- ia;t-r a. n P. itlii tu-poi
.no la-ccst-ary ii.i.,n iis main 1 lie i.
hill laoulu I-.. si i f .i.aaie, i a..e a judui
ii.t,i, t c : eel at-il ana ii Ihoi:.eil i la t oi , ii.
ly. I ii Vi,:. il II. iilu I -a.d hon..s sbin
. ; be lssi.en In it iilnoiaii . (jiial lo lie
iiiia.lets o. Hit- usiiil i i v.i.y i r ni:i, s i
... ti 1 el I ;im? it t in- e:ini."i - thti ti f ai t
hi.ii be oiiivt .til lo lb p;iii linali.v S,,iiih
i i: t uliwaj t-t in. iilij oi to siil-li pels-oli or , e
ei in y t.t Mti iiii r '
I !', ?. .- ;iia ho. its hall he hsiii-tl in tlenon. -ti..
ions ol cl.niji) wan coupon llii-rt-to at-aclr
I I iili .ii.ciesi, ,.t ) la. thai ii.uj b, con.
title tiirieoii.
.si t-. 3 . he f. no i f lilt tickets v.b t li s ;il
: - td upon s ni ii.:--tioa .a elecii i.
llal: be i.S lol ow .- :
"1-oi i be istit-ol bomls to piir;-hii-e rilu i
vii iii.n ui in l ji on .tls itnti lo aid iii I lie t; ii
l u tio.. oi Uu- oniaba "Maunem ruilwa.
.1 11 1 i .ihlc, nal . i.X."' iilal
'Asaiio-l the iss.i- t f b ims to p .rehase tigl
"f w . al.u otji t gl't in. ils to i in in ti i
.-a. i-iilit-i li.ii -I 1 1.,-i luaii .soillntlii lallvia. a-anisl iiauil lax.''
M.r. I. .-sli i hi I vi o-thirds o' leore of tl
ions cast .t s.,ia h-eil n liitVt; wrille.. i
pi li t t il.t-re. ii. o p wriiii-.. or ,ii... .
ii mn . "l-.r h in.s in imri-hiisL' n i.
i w a and ai., h. Lie -. iii rin-u..ii td i ii - (.,..
na .sun ht-i n r, iiw.i . i-.inl im- ..talil I'-ei.
ii.'- lion 1 1' . pn'ii .""ti- !i -Pal b iuiopo
an : he in i 1 a. i co: il: 1 1 oi Si, d fit ..'
... II". .Zetl It, ISM.t- ril!.. 1 1 o 1 1 -' - leit I ;,!i., I
lie ll.ilil ot 't'lii ! il .. Ulii. ia I l.W
a litis ' ii III! s i: . li . iii. 1', it ;. i ,5 f '
i!-I S,
a. i
.1- p. uu: p i .
-a it, t i. e. -
1: . ii, i.' I..e St.e
V. .11 I,- .1 i'- .
, . '; - 1 I t
I .,1. II
-la 1.: I-i,
t : I
. -ii.-
i-f a
. ia ,
i-i . a e a .
'al -1 a, :,-
; . 1 , e,:
t:. t--u-u
a ' es - r -a
1 1 as 1, 1,
e i
ll: a
a li.'
I - 1 II
II' T .Netlff 1 1 hi It C: loll -h-t.: 1.' .:- i "'
i:v , in i s 1. I i i, . ; , 1 1., 1,; :. : ,a ! ,11
I KI 1 t.l-l; i.ll.i d..- . ii t-Il. ! a.
S a- li. 1 .is ... i-i e:. 1 I I 1 I r
i- s' ' iii if .ii.;. j.. i i - i :. -i 1 1 . . y ol : e is !-i
i. I la- t ii J f . 1 -ail,! f.iii e t- i"r- pa-lei I
. i e -II ell. .lis p ,.f T .'!i t fai- p ell v
if s. i-e iiii ti i-'py .t ihi- fa! and p. p si
'1 1 ji : i : pin salt) i. t'. -.;;ii ht ep.-a.
M.C ii 1 i.. 1 a ..ia, 1 t -il it tie ii. I. -let- ai
e lifl t lit 111 ;: (1 allt 1 i s pa-siij:e . pjif V
: aa ! lib Ifa I. Il
' ii-seti ;i;,il .i JJ.J tjVt (1 this 17th li V f Ft h I
.1 . A 1 lsaa.
Attest: F. NT. t:icnF.Y May. r
V, . K. Ft.x. l ity ielk.
L: Al H i ICE
- o a v. n! ( i e la l i- .- i ha ' "a .P.n.r.
im i Im; aaaaM: ; li; I e.
'. . t ,
n:e. i t . in i "a ii h-zaa a ; tl -i I . " la- is. r;
ass c'-ilai -. -!)' . .-.. t .
. Mil
J,', t ana jt
i r of '.i !:!t-li is i i qui.-: I ii
t le is i 1 una P
i lie i-.i . w s it:a et n.
.secii .ii 1 1 mw eslii 1
ie. teat uu eg- a ia e
ii ! li-a i tiuai ; r
ia -r; li i ii "' I'i e
,oisw r ! -ai l l l...n on - r i. - re prh l , 1
.I'M. be .1 fi-li'l. u t ere, cer r.ll t-.l v. I. !' :
':keii as uu itiii. jad-iiniit leinit ie... a-e -a i
tn-iv i
i ini-. I'l-v i "Ismolth i, m Sc Imp uvi :jkm ;
I o i
hah n & I
11 i
tf r pv.
Probate Notice.
Final ""! a. in mailer of the es-
lath, ceiuiu c.uiV'f" Co. Nebraska. on the sidewalk Mr. Dority ie laying off
.-.lei-i-In n hy it -.! ii hr.-.;ia a II -m. ! on account of it. George Souter is tctn
ir.ratl in tr.iti,,.,! il;--f-tv -" f the si-.itt ". i n
,!"! :;r ."TT-t.'' tZ 1
he:,j-i. ; I vie thee :-t t'la liniuit!i en t lie
3 st da. of Maich . I -t lu o'ciotk a. in.,
t a salt! il y ; at v.hf.ii t: e nnd place, .-ul
st ns i t-.ested in be prert-bt mid f.mnii.e
Said accouut. Kmi-H".
oui.ty J nai:e.
riai:-ia -'itb. Marrli p fh.-l.-t-o. - -i2 irit-
You can bechetifid and happy oi ly
II ' il -r- li K it" l't. - -1 i.wi -i- wii
wh - n you ve well. If you tet 1 out of
,;,..., n . t i? vdi.i-'i sirs.a
I It is Best to be on tho Safo Side
I For w.i nt f a i nil. n. i ,.e WHK ,,,,,, .
j for Waul of a hoe. Hie h' rn v. h h ' ;
J-or w. nt ot a horse, the ma.i vt;;M IokI
I '" th- Wiil.1 ef a helv. -,1 i,;,,,-
j It tin re is imy huun. hH v. here the i m
ptiitiico of lmle ihinc.i. in itlnn.vt ,.ny
U.V I'oict-tlou the ult. uiit.n.that l.tidnt s
is laroiig. Mm.y l,i;i,r Known lit in
: Biai i-XpelieliCe it u lu lone koiii-, if
not ullt;f histr p. not bom bud w tat lit r,
, but Jitnn a m il hint- Hint looked ell in
w in house, but luih il lo iuk in the fn-ld.
Tin best pit cniitioii I'g iiii. t tlihiistt rin
. Intivr.xt tmi-v! is a D-viing liiutb-r or
A Sound Li yii I Opinion
E. 1 do! ! i. ; gi- Aiiio'iiiy Kmj , i'ot.utv
, (li) t I'., 'hX. M.Jfl ' ' J t tl V .M-t
I'd i ' . i' liii : r hiUi iio -i Inij ).y i -1-1 1 .
I.....H i i.iMi w:.. . i low i .il. Mn
t " t . I ii t n- . i 1 1 il
I i il I I . '. 1 1 -
". . . i'.n
i 1 , . . , s .
ii lid v I i t
. i: . i I . ; .".:
F. (J. i l! h &. Co.'
s til Ug -tol"C
New t.ity Oirt-ctory.
Mr M. VV. Ateiy. at pres. nt n hilling
ni Gnenwootl, is an old directory iium
an-i is in tii- city with u view of getting
it,. ;i mi. i ii in i tb l wink in that luiu.
U .' A vt ry ' t lie s u Us hild u ct inineiit 1 -i
ii antiit In- e( tip. i ncoui'iioeint i.t from
oar btisints.s linn thnt lit; thsiiyi s Platts
in. uth will have n tliri t tory slu; woultl
be proiul of; Mr. Avery is now al work
to s o wh.i can Im tlone in the pieniisi s.
The 11k tA i.l) hopes and bdi, yes he will
a; suct-t ssf ul.
Ij. G. Todd says the Missouri P.cific
nii-t not b - built, us the court house
would t lu ii In; hopcli ssly am lioretl ut
Plattsinorith. The ".aivcrnoi" we be
leve is right for once, und we trust our
; iet pi is will see to it that the "ahchor
ict"' is perfect'y dntie on the first day of
A H il. one week from next Tuesday.
Tho New Discovery
You have heard your fiit-nds and neigh
bors bilking about it. You may yourself
ie one of the many who know from per--aiinil
experience ju"t how good a thing
it is. If you have ever tried it, you are
one of its staunch friends, because the
wonderful thing about it is, that when
nice gi vi n a tt i ll, Dr King's New Dis
covery ever after holds a place in t Iio
'inii-i. If you have never used it and
should be nfilictcd v.ilh a cough, cold or
my Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, se-
nre a bottle at mice and oive it a f.-dr
'rial. It is iruarant -ttl every time, or
money refunded. Trial IJottli s Free at
'. G. Frk-ke and Co'.-, Drufjfctorft.
That s,)i;r tt nipt red, cr,)KP, dy-pepiic
tn livitlual, should take Dr. J. II. Mc
Lean's Sarsipurii!n. It will inakc him
f el as well Hiul hearty as the It- ttlt hit rt
of u.-i. He i.icds bracing up, vitalizing
tiiat is all
A veiy touching le tt r was rerci vctl by
the post master, lust v ring, from Mis.
X.tdi. Kidoley, of Last St. Louis, 111 ,
enquiring as to the hen abouta of a stiu,
Fiaiik Silvtniail. She .snys he lots In-in
ivinir with Dr. Jliller id Eio;t Mile
G-ovi', iiiitl that to use In r own lHfU'ice,
"I vvould not haye ht L: tu wt nt out tin ie
bit they made -nut h pi init-t s Unit he
w uhl h.f-'esiH-h a gotrd place to live uf,
j n -i if ii did not. w itit to i-!;iy they was
' him h un , and now G id knows
I e K .My h i.i r is almost biokc
- 111: u'- a in- iilu ut ii in as
. ' - i. ; i 1.1, ; v M:. Fi.i t hi e 1 t'tl
i-. V "r at ,i (i:. ! m:!
I. 1: 1 If : 1 - : I- I
i.-' m.: ai: t.i i t- i
, 1 1:
. t
It :.!: 1 h i i h,: V, .. 1 ;.,.- ; , t)
t an t'ill'i I oa Ol l.i t, jf ya Will,
:- .-"i'i n. lie may 01 '.-n..iiif o . y,ur
" -. :.. I c,n tio s 1, i. thin' my li', or
ii 'e re i- a gT.:i-: ailny r t,!;. 1 . 1 . !er
: t- :-, :,(! i.u his 11. line and th, ; 1 i- fur
1 I (i()' iii'.th t 's b l t v. hicii is almost
or t:- u;u the ble-fiiii-i of the Al till lty
h d "... ill fall on you ' rite as , mi as
yon cap." If :.ny on- k:;. ws ale ut the
o .y ;hc I f kk ai.i In j s t he t will inrorm
ir. ti-'l ight or write t!.. poor woii.nii at
On a let", i t visit To Iowa. Mr. K. D d-
t ti, of Luray, Co.. K :r.S" s. call, rl at the
i.'.bt'r .toi y of Ch I lain & Co . D' s
Ioin to fchow tie in his t-ix year old
boy, wf,ti. :- life h-if' bet n f tVtil by Chain
bei lain Cotiyli Iletiied ; it haying cur' d
him of a very severe attack r.f en .up.
Mr. Da'P n i- e. it dn that it guvol his
h.t-.'s lip and is n' hus a-t'c in bin ptai e
of the R.-medy. He ays it has n xrt 1
lent : eput.-ition in his vr inity; that farni-
,' era C'ini fifteen milt-t to his s'on for it
nj tl) t lunx f th.-ni, like htliis: If, are
never without if in their home. For
sale In r. t riu ke tx Co.
The liitl- girl of J. N. D ority, fun
tluctor on the Omaha and Plattsuiou'li
freiizht, broke her ar.n Thursday by a fall
f,raruJ in Cl"ir''
The t-hoe thief incarcerated in the
county jail a few days ago, waa out to
day sauntering around as though ex
ilietace in Plattsmouth was a sort of holi
day for him.
Bennett &Tutthave all kinds of gar-
4v-U 6a4? io Wil aul puc4a.u isq ;s